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In previous works it has been shown that the striated fibers of the cremaster muscle undergo a calcium-dependent healing-over reaction after transection and that the fibers of the diaphragm under the same conditions do not recover. In the present work striated fibers of the cremaster and diaphragm are studied, using electrophysiological techniques, light and electron microscopy, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after transection in an attempt to clarify the process leading to the recovery of the fibers of the cremaster muscle. The recording of membrane potentials at different times after the lesion in the immediate vicinity of the cut end demonstrates that the new diffusion barrier is formed at the damaged surface. Light microscopy of fibers of cremaster transected in vitro indicates the existence of a rapid process preventing the outflow of particulate constituents of the cytoplasm 1 min after the lesion. Electron microscopy shows that this hindrance is due to a compact disposition of filaments derived from altered myofibrils near the cut end. This filamentary plug does not exist in the diaphragm. Cell membrane closing is a slow phenomenon which is completed between 30 and 60 min after the lesion in different fibers. No reconstitution of the cell membrane was found in the fibers of the diaphragm. Rapid and slow responses are interpreted as particular cases of the surface precipitation reaction known in several cell types for more than 40 years.  相似文献   

Fine structure of fast-twitch and slow-twitch guinea pig muscle fibers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The guinea pig soleus muscle is a convenient model for the study of slow-twitch intermediate (STI) fiber ultrastructure because it is composed entirely of fibers of this class. Such fibers were compared with fast-twitch red (FTR) and fast-twitch white (FTW) fibers from the vastus lateralis muscle. FTW fibers are characterized by small, sparse mitochondria, a narrow Z line and, an extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum arranged primarily in longitudinal profiles at the A band and with numerous expansions at the I band. Abundant mitochondria with a dense matrix and subsarcolemmal and perinuclear aggregations are typical of FTR fibers. These fibers contain a plexus of sarcoplasmic reticulum at the A band and a less extensive network at the I band. The Z lines are wider (890 ± 74 Å) than those of FTW fibers (582 ± 62 Å). STI intermediate fibers are distinguished from other types by wide Z lines (1205 ± 58 Å), a faint M band, and a less extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum. Compared to FTR fibers, STI fiber mitochondria are usually smaller with less notable subsarcolemmal accumulations. FTW fibers have a more limited capillary supply, rarely contain lipid inclusions, and thus may be restricted to phasic activity. Extensive capillarity, mitochondrial and lipid context, and fast contraction times indicate possible phasic and tonic roles for FTR fibers. STI fibers, characterized by numerous lipid inclusions, extensive capillarity, relatively numerous mitochondria, but slow contraction-relaxation cycles, are morphologically suited for tonic muscle activity.  相似文献   

A confocal laser microscope was used to analyze the localization pattern of dystrophin along the sarcolemma in guinea pig skeletal muscle fibers. Hind leg muscles of the normal animals were freshly dissected and frozen for cryostat sections, which were then stained with a monoclonal antidystrophin antibody. In confocal laser microscopy, immunofluorescence staining in relatively thick sections could be sharply imaged in thin optical sections. When longitudinal and transverse sections of muscle fibers were examined, the immunostaining of dystrophin was seen as linearly aligned fluorescent dots or intermittent lines along the sarcolemma. In longitudinally cut muscle fibers, many fluorescent dots, but not all, corresponded to the sarcomere pattern, especially the I band. Sections cut tangential to the sarcolemma also showed a lattice-like pattern of longitudinal and transverse striations of fluorescent dots. Double staining for dystrophin and vinculin showed that the two proteins were not exactly colocalized. The end portions of muscle fibers were much more intensely stained with antidystrophin antibody than the central portions, following the contour of elaborate surface specializations at the myo-tendon junction. The staining pattern at the myo-tendon junction was also discontinuous. These confocal microscopic observations suggest that dystrophin may be localized in a nonuniform, discontinuous pattern along the sarcolemma and in some relationship with the underlying myofibrils.  相似文献   

As demonstrates estimation of myosin ATPase and SDG activity, the guinea pig is already born with differentiated muscle fibers (MF), and the first histochemical differences between them take place in the uterine 10 days before birth. Tonic oxidative fibers of the first type, arranging hexagonally, develop especially quickly at early stages of postnatal ontogenesis. Their relative contents up to the end of the observations (185 days) do not change, and area of their transversal section increases but slightly in comparison to the phasic fibers. The main age changes of the muscle tissue are connected with formation and rearrangement of the phasic fibers. The most intensive reconstructions of the phasic fibers coincide with the period of game activity and sex maturation. In mixed muscles the part of the glycolytic fibers increase during the postnatal ontogenesis. In the process of ontogenesis the soleus muscle fully consists of oxidative fibers. The definitive level of the MF development is established after the guinea pigs have reached their sex maturation. Comparing the results of the given investigation with the previous data on development of MF in rats, it is possible to conclude that term and premature animals have various rates in development of the muscle system, however, main stages of myogenesis coincide, though they are connected with various phases of ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Four types of striated muscle fibers with distinctive ultrastructure were defined in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.): white, intermediate, and red fibers of m. parietalis, and red fibers of m. craniovelaris.White fibers are thick, contain very few mitochondria and fat vacuoles, and possess distinct and separate myofibrils with thin Z-disks and distinct M-lines. Intermediate fibers are thinner, possess largely similar myofibrils that often are even better separated due to a higher content of fat vacuoles and especially mitochondria and glycogen granules. Red fibers of m. parietalis contain large amounts of mitochondria, fat vacuoles, and glycogen granules. Their myofibrils possess M-lines, and although branching more, the myofibrils of red fibers conform with a Fibrillenstruktur pattern like those of white and intermediate fibers. Red fibers of m. craniovelaris are very thin, possess many smaller fat vacuoles, and large amounts of mitochondria and glycogen granules. The myofibrils are significantly thinner than in m. parietalis fibers, run as quite independent well separated units, possess thicker Z-disks, and lack M-lines. Large amounts of myosatellite cells are associated with these red fibers.Triads are located near A/I-junctions in all four fiber types and occur irregularly, the density of triads being different in the various fiber types.We are indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes, and we also wish to thank Dr. Jan K. S. Jansen, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo, for valuable suggestions during this study.  相似文献   

In both longitudinal and cross sections of the M. iliofibularis of Rana esculenta three types of muscle fibres are identified by means of light and electron microscopy. These fibretypes called A-, B- and C-fibres are according to the fibres of m. rectus abdominis of the frog. They can be compared with the fibres of the m. rectus abdominis of rat and mouse. But there is another distribution of the fibretypes A, B and C in the m. iliofibularis and in the m. rectus abdominis. The m. iliofibularis is divided into two parts called "Tonusbündel" and "nichttonischer Teil" by means of their reaction to acetylcholine. The surface of the "Tonusbündel" consists of A-, B- and C-fibres while its inside is onlyformed by A- and B-fibres. They continue the "Tonusbündel" in the "nichttonischer Teil". This part chiefly consists of A-fibres. In cross sections their myofibrils are larger in their extent than the A-fibres known before. Therefore the A-fibretype has to be distinguished into two A-fibres: A1 and A2. The new one is called A2-fibre. A1-fibre is described in the "Tonusbündel" and in further investigations. The difference between the two fibres can be understood as a greater manifestation of power of the A1-fibre. The surface of the "nichttonischer Teil" of the m. iliofibularis consists of A2-fibres which easily could be found opposite the "Tonusbündel". At this point in contrary to the "Tonusbündel" could be found a defined morphological substrate for physiological investigations. The different reactions of "Tonusbündel" and "nichttonischer Teil" to acetylcholine could only be explained by the sum of reactions of all fibretypes in each bundle in correspondence with the reaction of the fibres in the neighbour bundle. But their different behaviour by summer- and winterfrogs is unknown. Therefore it is to discuss whether it is allowed to refer generally the results to "muscle" or "musclefibre" got from frogs living in cooled rooms. It is known in literature that not all results of physiological investigations can be interpreted with the two fibre- theorie ("twitch" and "slow") of muscle. Those not interpretable physiological results could be associated to the B-fibre can not be explained by morphological methods but must be proofed by physiological investigations. In tables are summerised morphological criteria of the three types and it is tried to associate the physiological qualities known from literature. Besides there is summerised the usual nomenclature with the first citations.  相似文献   

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