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Summary Immune reactivity was measured in control subjects and in 86 patients with malignant melanoma using four tests of cellular immunity. In addition, cellular immune reactivity to melanoma extract was studied in 13 household contacts of patients with melanoma. Thirty percent (4/13) of the household contacts showed reactivity to melanoma extract as determined by lymphocyte stimulation as compared to 20% of patients and 5% of controls. Seventy-two percent (8/11) household contacts showed reactivity as measured by the indirect MIF test, compared to 38% of patients and 23% of normal controls. As determined by the leukocyte migration inhibition test, 71% (5/7) of household contacts showed reactivity to melanoma extract versus 20% of patients and 22% of controls. The number of household contacts studied was low; however, it was observed that these subjects showed responses to melanoma extract with considerably greater frequency than did normal control subjects, and the frequency of positive responses in patients with melanoma was intermediate between that of the household contacts and the normal controls.This work was supported in part by grants AI-10495, AI CA-10686, and CA 13671 from the U.S. Public Health Service. Dr. Spitler is supported by a National Institutes of Health Career Development Award (AI-43012).  相似文献   

Summary Early monolayer outgrowths of cells from human cutaneous malignant melanomas mostly derived from metastatic lesions were examined microscopically. Cells resembling the two dendritic types of melanoma previously described in the established lines could readily be recognized. Of 22 specimens, 14 consisted of cells with a triangular dendritic morphology, four had both triangular and elongated dendritic morphology, and one had a cuboidal morphology. The remaining three specimens showed only fibroblastic outgrowths. It is concluded that cells with a triangular dendritic morphology are either the most common type of the secondary cutaneous melanomas, or alternately the most adaptable to the present culture conditions. An association of a more favorable prognosis with the homogeneous triangular dendritic cell type is noted. This study was supported in part by grants from The Medical Research Council of Canada and The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary T lymphocyte subset profiles were determined by monoclonal antibodies on cryopreserved peripheral blood lymphocytes from 57 patients with malignant melanoma and 19 healthy controls. Quantitation of percentages of total T cells (OKT3.PAN), helper (OKT4.IND) or suppressor (OKT8.SUP) cells, and the ratio of helper/suppressor subsets revealed no correlation of these markers with stage of disease or clinical outcome. A sequential study of these markers on peripheral blood lymphocytes from three stage I melanoma patients with subsequent recurrent disease showed no fluctuations that could be correlated to tumor progression. This study indicates that there is no systemic imbalance in T cell subsets in malignant melanoma and that quantitation of these subsets cannot predict the clinical course of this disease.  相似文献   

Multiple primary malignant tumors have been documented with increased frequency over the last two decades. Continuously increasing success of modern oncotherapy has led to long-term remissions in many cases, but this success rate poses a growing risk for the development of second primary malignancies. The incidence of those involving an intraocular tumor is relatively rare. In the present study we report five ocular melanoma patients with second primary malignant tumors diagnosed during a fourteen-year period in our department. We wish to emphasize that an intraocular mass lesion in a patient with a history of a previous malignancy should not be dismissed as a metastatic lesion. The diagnosis of an intraocular lesion as a separate primary tumor drastically changes the prognosis and the therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Melanoma patients are subject to different degrees of psychosocial distress. The emotional impact of malignant melanoma can be long lasting and profound, with the most common reactions to melanoma being depression, anxiety and deterioration in quality of life. Coping styles have been shown to have a significant influence on patients' quality of life and their emotional reaction to the illness. The aim of this paper was to investigate the quality of life, emotional status and coping styles in patients with melanoma. 31 patients suffering from malignant melanoma were included in the study. Results of this study show that melanoma has a medium influence on patients' psychological status and quality of life. The most "constructive" coping style--problem focused coping is the mostly used style by the patients, which might be one of the reasons why the illness didn't have a more severe influence on patients' psychological status.  相似文献   

Although there is no routine procedure for determination of serum markers in patients with malignant melanoma (MM), some markers are being studied as potentially useful prognostic tools. Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), protein S-100B, melanoma-inhibiting activity (MIA) and tyrosinase may correlate with melanoma progression. In this study, the results of determination of S100 protein, LDH, MIA and tyrosinase in the serum of 50 patients with MM (stages I-IV) were determined. The increased values of MIA were found in 26% patients in stage I, while in 50% patients in stage IV Increased S-100 protein was found in 13% patients in stage I while in 50% patients in stage IV. The increased values of LDH were found in 26% patients in stage I, while in 25% patients in stage IV. The positive serum tyrosinase was noticed in 17.3% patients in stage II, while in 25% patients in stage IV. The obtained results have revealed no significant differences between the groups in higher and lower stages of the disease, indicating that blood markers are not reliable prognostic factors for MM progression.  相似文献   

We reviewed the charts of 393 consecutive patients referred to the Toronto-Bayview Regional Cancer Centre and the Ontario Cancer Institute between January 1, 1978, and December 31, 1982, with clinical stage I malignant melanoma to determine the predictive value of routine staging investigations. The investigations reviewed included physical examination, liver function tests, radionuclide liver-spleen and bone scans, chest x-ray, whole-lung tomograms, CT chest scans, CT brain scans, and bipedal lymphangiograms. The clinical stage of nine patients was changed, eight as a result of physical examination and one as a result of lymphangiogram. No other investigations detected metastatic melanoma at referral. We recommend that staging investigations for patients referred with clinical stage I malignant melanoma be restricted to a complete physical examination and a baseline chest x-ray for all patients.  相似文献   

Therapeutic targeting of melanoma antigens frequently focuses on the melanocyte differentiation or cancer-testis families. Antigen-loss variants can often result, as these antigens are not critical for tumor cell survival. Exploration of functionally relevant targets has been limited. The melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein (ML-IAP; livin) is overexpressed in melanoma, contributing to disease progression and treatment resistance. Improved understanding of the significance of ML-IAP immune responses in patients has possible therapeutic applications. We found ML-IAP frequently expressed in melanoma metastases by immunohistochemistry. To assess spontaneous immunity to ML-IAP, an overlapping peptide library representing full-length protein was utilized to screen cellular responses in stage I–IV patients and healthy controls by ELISPOT. A broad array of CD4+ and CD8+ cellular responses against ML-IAP was observed with novel class I and class II epitopes identified. Specific HLA-A*0201 epitopes were analyzed further for frequency of reactivity. The generation of specific CD4+ and cytotoxic T cells revealed potent functional capability including cytokine responsiveness to melanoma cell lines and tumor cell killing. In addition, recombinant ML-IAP protein used in an ELISA demonstrated high titer antibody responses in a subset of patients. Several melanoma patients who received CTLA-4 blockade with ipilimumab developed augmented humoral immune responses to ML-IAP as a function of treatment which was associated with beneficial clinical outcomes. High frequency immune responses in melanoma patients, associations with favorable treatment outcomes, and its essential role in melanoma pathogenesis support the development of ML-IAP as a disease marker and therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Summary Seven well-characterized human malignant melanoma cell lines have been evaluated in terms of their reactivity in membrane immunofluorescence tests with sera from 48 patients with melanoma, 23 patients with other forms of cancer and 28 normal controls. There was a significantly greater degree of reactivity of melanoma sera (33.7%) than of sera of normal controls (22.2%) or of sera from patients with other forms of cancer (24.2%). The incidence of strong reactors among the melanoma patients was found to be inversely proportional to the extent of disease in the melanoma patients: Stage I, 54.5%, Stage III, 36.8% and Stage IV, 29.4%. Reactivity against non-melanoma cell lines was similar in the three subject groups and was unaffected by stage of disease in the melanoma patients. No single cell line showed preferential reactivity with melanoma sera. There was an increased overall incidence of reactivity of all three subject groups against non-pigmented cell lines.A-B-0 antigens and heterophile antigens were excluded as a cause of seropositivity. The antigen(s) was trypsin-sensitive and neuraminidase-resistant.These data suggest that long term cultures of human melanoma may contain melanoma-associated antigens which may be useful in the further study and search for melanoma-specific antigens.  相似文献   

 Anti-tyrosinase antibodies were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sera of patients with malignant melanoma with either metastatic disease or no evidence of disease, in patients with melanoma and associated hypopigmentation (MAH), in patients with vitiligo and in healthy volunteers. The mean relative absorbance (A rel) was calculated by dividing the absorbance of each sample by the mean value for the control group. Using this method, the A rel of the control group was 1.000(SE 0.083). A rel of patients with metastatic disease (1.516; SE 0.225) was significantly higher (P = 0.03) than the value for the controls, but insignificantly higher than that for patients with no evidence of disease (1.216; SE 0.148). Patients with no evidence of disease, in whom the primary lesion originated in the lower limb, had a significantly higher (P = 0.01) A rel than the healthy volunteers. Patients with metastatic disease showed higher A rel if their primary lesions were confined to the area of the head and neck or to the lower limb. Patients with vitiligo had higher A rel values for their anti-tyrosinase antibody than any of the other groups. However, those with melanoma and MAH (vitiligo-like) had the same A rel of anti-tyrosinase antibodies as the controls or the patients with metastatic melanoma. This observation reflected the possible absorption of anti-tyrosinase antibodies to melanoma antigens, and pointed to the participation of anti-tyrosinase antibodies in the destruction of normal melanocytes in patients with melanoma, as part of the immune reaction towards this disease. Received: 4 January 1996 / Accepted: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

Irreversible changes in the DNA sequence, including chromosomal deletions or amplification, activating or inactivating mutations in genes, have been implicated in the development and progression of melanoma. However, increasing attention is being turned towards the participation of 'epigenetic' events in melanoma progression that do not affect DNA sequence, but which nevertheless may lead to stable inherited changes in gene expression. Epigenetic events including histone modifications and DNA methylation play a key role in normal development and are crucial to establishing the correct program of gene expression. In contrast, mistargeting of such epigenetic modifications can lead to aberrant patterns of gene expression and loss of anti-cancer checkpoints. Thus, to date at least 50 genes have been reported to be dysregulated in melanoma by aberrant DNA methylation and accumulating evidence also suggests that mistargetting of histone modifications and altered chromatin remodeling activities will play a key role in melanoma. This review gives an overview of the many different types of epigenetic modifications and their involvement in cancer and especially in melanoma development and progression.  相似文献   

Treatment of metastatic melanoma is a challenge for clinicians as most agents have failed to demonstrate improved survival in phase III trials. Despite the immunogenicity of this tumor entity, different immunological interventions including cytokine therapy, vaccination, biochemotherapy or allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation did not lead to a satisfactory response. However, continuous investigation on the immune mediated rejection of melanoma cells has led to the development of effective antibodies blocking cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), a critical negative regulator of the antitumor T-cell response. Based on data from rodent models, the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab was developed into clinical studies where it had encouraging activity in advanced melanoma with unusual response patterns. As in most immunostimulatory therapies, acute toxicities were severe and clearly mechanism-related. Although some patients developed signs of autoimmunity, the toxicities were overall manageable and mostly reversible. This review summarizes different immunotherapeutical approaches against melanoma that have been applied in the past and focuses on CTLA-4 blockade with respect to its mechanism, clinical effectiveness and immunological side effects.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of malignant melanoma must be followed by treatment shown to be effective. Therefore a correct diagnosis, including staging, that will permit a meaningful prognosis and treatment, is essential. The usefulness and great specificity of immunological methods is based on the detection of antigens characteristic of neoplastic and reactive cells. In cases of malignant melanoma, immunohistochemistry has limited practical value in the routine diagnosis of melanocytic lesions. The method may be important, however, in the differential diagnosis of, for example, malignant melanoma vs. non-melanocytic anaplastic neoplasia, malignant vs. benign melanocytic lesions, etc. Recent advances in relating the immunostaining of antigens to the development of tumor cells, such as proliferation and apoptosis, metastatic potential, etc. have given considerable importance to the immunomorphological evaluation of malignant melanomas. Likewise, immunotherapy requires the immunophenotyping of the reactive cells of the immune system.  相似文献   


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