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《L' Année biologique》1998,37(1):11-31
Analysis and synthesis have been widely used in systematics since, at least, the XIXth Century. Even now, the four major authors (Cronquist, Dahlgren, Takhtajan, Thorne) of angiosperm systems use “synthetic” to qualify their classifications. This word — synthetic or synthesis — has many different meanings that can create ambiguity. Among these meanings, is there one that can be justifiably used to define biological classifications? Although much more than the following applications can be found in the botanical literature, this paper will mainly deal with six meanings which are still in use in contemporary systematics. A synthetic classification has been understood as a classification built upward, from the lower to the higher categories. If we define synthesis as the operation that starts with elements and proceeds to a whole, then upward classification could be viewed as a synthesis in which the concept of hierarchy plays a primordial role, a role that is not initially a part of synthesis. Moreover, synthesis cannot replace all classificatory processes, and other criteria of taxa must be used in addition to synthesis Historically, synthesis has replaced analysis; the latter being employed by Linnaeus in his sexual system. Indeed, Linnaeus used a divisive method in producing his classification; and since division was seen as synonymous to analysis and recognized as a method that led to artificial taxa, leading French taxonomists Adanson, Lamarck and A.-L. de Jussieu among others, rejected analysis and viewed their classifications as synthetic, i.e., based on the natural method. Therefore, a system of value took place: natural was better than artificial, synthesis better than analysis. Reinforcing the importance of synthesis was the belief in a concept widely accepted at the end of the XVIIIth Century: that of continuity. Linking groups and forming a continuum was a procedure eminently synthetic. Such a procedure, known as “chaining”, produced series or sequences of taxa. Analysis was used solely to express the idea of dichotomous or analytical keys, a Lamarckian innovation that enabled taxonomists to identify plants. But whether classifications are built from lower to higher categories (a synthesis of taxa) or from higher to lower categories (an analysis of taxa), another simultaneous, concomitant movement is implied: with the latter, a synthesis of characters, with the former, an analysis of characters. Therefore, a synthetic classification is nevertheless an analytical classification.Basing groups on resemblance instead of difference, results in yet another application of synthesis. This application is probably due to the analogy with “composition”. Already, a separation between resemblance and difference among characters is an analysis. More important, still, is that at a certain rank some characters are used to join whereas, at another rank, they separate. Thus, depending on ranks and taxa, characters are applied in a synthetic or analytical procedure. Here also, other criteria are needed to support group delimitation.In connection with the upward (synthetic) movement in classifying taxa, the use of a great number of characters was also considered to be synthesis. This has been a recurring theme in taxonomy over the last two centuries and was sometimes seen as the Gilmourian approach to classification. When would we be justified to talk about synthesis? After how many characters? In fact, it is not the number of characters that matters but how characters are handled. The use of many characters has been closely linked to the idea of natural groups and its joining with synthesis seems to derive from the association of “natural” and “synthetic”.Synthetic classifications equally imply the common idea that they must represent a résumé of information stemming from all biological fields or disciplines. If classifications portray evolution, as many systematists suggest, then it cannot be just a résumé. And one must first decide what classifications are about: a controversial subject among different schools of thought in taxonomy. This explains another meaning attached to synthesis. Biological classifications have been said to be a synthesis or résumé of two types of information: that of similarity and that of phylogeny. Anagenesis is sometimes viewed as incremental to classification and makes up for a third type of information. Even though taxonomists would (for once!) agree that a classification should be based on phenetic, cladogenetic and anagenetic data, such a classification cannot qualify as a synthesis since it is not a composition and does not meet the definition given above (an operation that starts with elements and goes on to a whole). It is impossible to represent these three types of data together in one classification scheme; they express three, sometimes irreducible, points of view. For such a classification, the word “eclectic” is preferable and closer to reality.The use of synthesis as one term of the dialectical movement has made hesitant steps in taxonomy. Indeed, the two opposed theses that evolve into the synthesis are hardly met in classification and the “dialectical” synthesis promulgated by a few taxonomists can be referred back to synthesis as a résumé.Is classification synthetic because it appears to be based on inductive procedures, as it is sometimes implied by different authors who link deduction and analysis (stemming from downward classification)? In logic, synthesis is sometimes (and questionably so) associated with deduction. Moreover, synthesis cannot follow from induction which deals, for example, with the universality of characters. In that sense, there is no composition and so no synthesis. Thus, although induction has been part of classification, it is not a synthetic method.Apart from the ambiguity originating from the multiple meanings of the word “synthesis” in the context of taxonomy, synthetic classifications do not fully express all the complexity and procedures that lead to it. Actually, a classification is as much a synthesis as an analysis. Both methods are complementary, and should not be opposed as is sometimes the case. This opposition was implicit in the debate between Linneans and Jussieans, surrounding the development of the natural method. If one wants to use “synthetic”, then one should be explicit about its meaning. Taxonomists should also be aware of the incompleteness of synthesis in constructing a classification and should be careful not to create a system of value based upon philosophical ground. They should always prefer a complementary mode of thinking when feasible, instead of an “either-or” approach.  相似文献   

La réussite d’une délocalisation des analyses de biologie médicale est la résultante d’une volonté de coopération entre les trois partenaires que sont le clinicien, le biologiste et les services administratifs. Elle s’appuie sur la répartition clairement définie des responsabilités en termes d’utilisation de résultats et de management, la mise en place de procédures de fonctionnement et un suivi continu de la totalité du processus. Elle ne peut se passer d’une liaison informatique en temps réel avec le laboratoire qui permet de respecter les règles de l’assurance qualité et du GBEA. Bien ma?trisée, et appliquée à bon escient, elle peut représenter une solution pour améliorer la prise en charge du patient.  相似文献   

Application of sodium chloride to crop plants in the culture medium leads to an increase in their endogenous content of free proline. There is a certain concentration of sodium chloride above which the proline content of the plants strongly rises (critical point). A relationship between endogenous sodium and proline contents could be found. In salt-sensitive plants (wheat) the critical point lies below that of salt-tolerant plants (barley). The critical concentration is not changed by certain alterations of the culture medium. The determination of the critical point by means of measurement of the proline concentration served as a basis for the analysis of the salt tolerance of crop plants.   相似文献   

Résumé Les cellules cartilagineuses des membres postérieurs deTriturus cristatus en régénération après amputation, ont été étudiées en microscopie électronique et par cytophotométrie à balayage. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la structure et à la distribution de la chromatine mais aussi à différents organites cytoplasmiques. Dans l'étude de cytophotométrie à balayage, la chromatine a été considérée à travers son constituant majeur, l'ADN, coloré par la réaction de Feulgen. Au cours de la régénération du membre, l'hétérochromatine initialement condensée, essentiellement accolée à la membrane nucléaire se décondense. Les vacuoles du cytoplasme, caractéristiques des animaux âgés par rapport aux animaux jeunes, disparaissent, les mitochondries et le reticulum endoplasmique rugueux deviennent plus abondants. Les caractéristiques nucléaires de l'activation cellulaire apparaissent précocement, précédent les modifications cytoplasmiques et conduisent à des cellules en tous points identiques aux cellules d'animaux jeunes en dehors de tout processus régénératif. Cette phase d'euchromatisation et de restructuration cytoplasmique est peut-être nécessaire à l'accroissement d'activité métabolique et à la division cellulaire qui suivent. Son déroulement peut expliquer tout au moins le ralentissement de la régénération observé chez les animaux âgés par rapport aux animaux jeunes.
Electron microscopic and scanning cytophotometric study of chromatin structure and distribution in nuclei of cartilaginous cells of agedTriturus cristatus during regeneration
Summary Cartilaginous cells of aged newts (Triturus cristatus) were studied during hind limb regeneration. The electron microscope was used to study the structure and distribution of chromatin in the cell nuclei, while the DNA content of the chromatin was measured by means of a scanning cytophotometer.Changes in the ultrastructure of the cytoplasm during regeneration were also studied.It was observed that the structure and distribution of chromatin in the activated cell is greatly modified. In the non-activated cell of the aged newt, the chromatin is found highly condensed and distributed peripherally close to the nuclear membrane. In contrast, in the activated cells, the chromatin is much less condensed and is distributed throughout the nucleus. Moreover, cytoplasmic vacuoles, found only in the non-activated aged cells, disappear and an increase in the mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum is also observed.Changes in the nuclear structure are observed prior to the cytoplasmic modifications.It is interesting to note that the process of activation induces structural changes in the aged cells which make these cells appear to be structurally identical to the young cells. This process of rejuvenation takes 3–5 days in the newt.We suggest that these structural changes of the chromatin and cytoplasm in the aged cells are necessary to increase the metabolic activity which precedes cell division. It may also explain why regeneration takes a longer time in the aged animals than in the young ones.

Adsorption, absorption and translocation of sodium were compared in three species showing an ascending degree in tolerance to salinity: red cabbage (tolerant) shows higher Root Cationic Exchange Capacity than tomato (sensitive) or radish (intermediate). At low NaCl concentrations, tomato accumulates the greatest quantities of sodium; but Na+ translocation remains proportional to the quantity absorbed in the three plants. At high salt concentrations, diffusive phenomena explain similar accumulation in every plant, but red cabbage quickly localises 50% of Na+ amount in cotyledons, while this element stays stored in tomato roots. The consequence of these three nutrition phases was discussed in relation to the behaviour observed at the germination time of these same plants.   相似文献   

Résumé Les chalones 1 et 2, extraites de l'intestin de pleurodèle adulte, inhibent en phase G1 et G2 respectivement les cycles mitotiques de l'épithélium intestinal embryonnaire. Les effets de ces chalones sur la prolifération et la différenciation cellulaires dans ce tissu ont été étudiés en fonction de la dose injectée, du stade de développement et de la durée du traitement. L'inhibition provoquée par la chalone 2 est proportionnelle à la dose injectée entre deux seuils de concentration. Le quart environ des cellules intestinales en activité mitotique est insensible à la chalone 2 même à la suite d'injections répétées de l'inhibiteur. Seules les cellules intestinales des embryons âgés (stade 34) sont sensibles à cette chalone et répondent par un allongement de la phase G2 qui, malgré des injections répétées de l'inhibiteur, n'excède pas une vingtaine d'heures. La sensibilité des cellules de l'épithélium intestinal à la chalone 1 se manifeste à la fin du développement (stade 33), comme dans le cas de la chalone 2. A l'égard de la chalone 1, la population cellulaire en activité mitotique dans l'intestin embryonnaire apparaît hétérogène et comprend: 50% de cellules aptes à être inhibées par des doses faibles de chalone 1; 25% de celludes aptes à n'être inhibées que par des doses de chalone 1 cent fois plus élevées et 25% environ de cellules insensibles à cet inhibiteur. Les injections répétées de chalone 1 bloquent définitivement en phase G1 la moitié environ des cellules en activité mitotique dans l'épithélium intestinal indifférencié au stade 34; en outre, elles accélèrent la consommation du vitellus, favorisent la différenciation des cellules à mucus et diminuent le nombre des cellules constituant les nids sous-épithéliaux qui apparaissent au stade 36 et représentent le compartiment générateur de l'épithélium intestinal. Les réultats obtenus permettent de proposer un modèle de cinétique de la prolifération cellulaire au cours de la différenciation de l'épithélium intestinal du pleurodèle; de plus, ils conduisent à l'hypothèse que le nombre de divisions subies par une cellule embryonnaire et le taux de chalone dans le tissu auquel elle appartient, sont les deux signaux complémentaires qui déclenchent le blocage du cycle mitotique et l'achèvement de la différenciation dans cette cellule.
Relationships between the cell proliferation and the differentiation in the embryonic and larval intestine ofpleurodeles waltlii michah. II. Effects of intestinal chalones extracted from the intestine of the adult newt
Summary The intestinal chalones 1 and 2, extracted from the intestine of the adult newt, are known to inhibit the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle in the embryonic intestine. The effects of these intestinal chalones on the proliferation and differentiation of intestinal cells of newt embryos were studied with special attention to the dose-response relationship, the embryonic stage and the duration of treatment. The chalone 2 triggered a linear, dose-dependent inhibition between two concentration thresholds; nevertheless about 25% of the cycling cells were not inhibited either by the highest doses injected or by repeated injections. Sensitivity to chalone 2 appeared in the intestinal epithelium at the end of embryonic development (stage 34) but the cells were not delayed in the G2 phase for more than about 20 h in spite of repeated injections. It was inferred from the doseresponse curve of the mitotic inhibition by chalone 1, that the intestinal cell population was heterogeneous: about 50% of the cycling cells were inhibited by low concentrations of chalone 1; an additional proportion of about 25% of cycling cells was inhibited by 100 x more concentrated chalone 1 and the remaining 25% was insensitive to the inhibitor. Repeated injections of chalone 1 blocked about 50% of the cycling cells definitively in the G1 phase, speeded up digestion of yolk platelets, promoted the differentiation of goblet cells and depressed the number of stem cells in the proliferative compartment located beneath the epithelium. A kinetics model of cell proliferation and cell differentiation in the intestinal cell lineages was elaborated and it was suggested that the arrest of mitotic activity and the completion of differentiation in an embryonic cell depends on two incoming signals: one is intracellular and appears when the required number of cell cycles has occured in the cell lineage, leading to a committed stem cell sufficiently differentiated to synthesise chalone and to respond to chalone; the other signal is extracellular and appears when the chalone concentration is high enough: i.e. when the required number of cells is obtained in this tissue.
Ce travail a bénéficié de l'aide du CNRS (ATP No A655 1799) et de l'INSERM (AT No 74142036)  相似文献   

Le risque pour une personne de développer des manifestations allergiques est plus grand si elle a des antécédents familiaux d’allergie: on parle de terrain atopique.  相似文献   

Au Mali la leishmaniose cutanée (LC) est bien décrite en milieu rural, mais sa transmission n’est pas encore établie en milieu urbain. L’objectif de l’étude était de décrire la faune phlébotomienne à Bamako et dans ses environs. Les pièges CDC et adhésifs servaient à collecter les phlébotomes en 2011 et 2012 à Bamako. Les pièges étaient placés dans le district de Bamako répartis en 30 zones (200 m × 200 m) à l’aide des images de satellite SPOT-5. La délimitation des zones était basée sur les facteurs écologiques (relief, hydrographie, couverture végétale) et anthropologiques (nature des maisons, dépôts d’ordure). Les pièges étaient placés en 2011 à Sotuba, zone périurbaine, puis à Donéguébougou et Banambani, deux villages environnants de Bamako. Au total 122 phlébotomes étaient collectés 27 (22,13 %) à Banambani, 12 (9,83 %) à Donéguébougou, 2 (1,63 %) à Sotuba et 81 (66,39 %) à Bamako. La densité des phlébotomes en novembre était plus élevée, avec 48 spécimens capturés (39,3 %), que celle d’avril, mai et décembre (p ≥ 0,001). A Bamako, les zones 6 et 28 étaient associées aux densités les plus élevées de phlébotomes respectivement 32 (26,22 %) et 23 (18,85 %) (p ≤ 0,005). Les résultats suggèrent que le genre Phlebotomus n’était pas présent à Bamako, et que la densité des vecteurs variait en fonction des zones et des mois.  相似文献   

Résumé La diatomée Detonula sp. lorsqu'elle est cultivée en lumière rouge (650 nm), est enrichie en holochrome chlorophyllien Ca 705 (pour la nomenclature des holochromes voir French et al., 1971). La composition pigmentaire est alors modifiée par rapport à celle de l'algue cultivée en lumière blanche. Si les mêmes composants, Chlorophylle a, Chlorophylle c, Carotène, Diadinoxanthine, Diatoxanthine, Fucoxanthine, Violaxanthine, sont tous présents, on note un abaissement du taux de Chlorophylle c (le rapport Chl c/Chl a passe de 30% à 5%) et un abaissement du taux de Fucoxanthine (le rapport Fucoxanthine/Chlorophylle a passe de 85% à 60%). Cette modification pigmentaire s'accompagne d'une modification ultrastructurale des plastes. Au lieu d'une vingtaine de thylakoïdes disposés par groupe de 4 au milieu d'un stroma abondant, on observe une disparition du stroma accompagnée d'une augmentation très importante du nombre de thylakoïdes, tous juxtaposés en un seul ensemble.La diminution importante du taux de Chlorophylle c et de la Fucoxanthine, pigments du photosystème II, liée à l'enrichissement en Chlorophylle a 705, indique une modification de l'équilibre entre les deux photosystèmes au profit du photosystème I. Cet enrichissement en photosystème I s'accompagne d'une modification ultrastructurale qui est rapprochée des modifications observées dans d'autres organismes lorsque l'équilibre des deux photosystèmes est perturbé.
Pigments and ultrastructure modifications in diatom Detonula sp. cultivated in red light
Summary Cultivation of the diatom Detonula sp. with red light, which causes an enrichment of the chlorophyll holochrome Ca 705 (for nomenclature of chlorophyll holochromes see French et al., 1971), also modifies the gross pigment composition of the cells. Relative to chlorophyll a, the cellular contents of chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin are considerably lower than in cells grown with white light; and this is accompanied by a change in plastid ultrastructure. The plastids of cells grown in white light contain about 20 thylakoids disposed in groups of 4, within an abundant stroma; those of cells grown in red light contain a much greater number of thylakoids (about 40), evenly distributed throughout the plastid.The diminution of chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin, pigments associated with photosystem II, coupled with the enrichment in chlorophyll a 705, points to a shift in the ratio between photosystems I and II in favor of the former. The accompanying ultrastructural modification of the plastid resembles that observed in other organisms as a result of changes in the relative amounts of the two photosystems.

Cet article recouvre en partie le travail d'une thèse de Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Naturelles qui sera soutenue à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris. VI.  相似文献   

G. Gingras 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):756-757
Particularly since World War II physical medicine and rehabilitation have assumed a growing importance. The efforts of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, following a survey of Canadian universities, to increase the theoretical and practical teaching of physiatrics are emphasized. It is considered important that the teaching of physical medicine and rehabilitation should be carried out concurrently with other medical and surgical teaching programs. Paramedical and auxiliary rehabilitation personnel should participate in the teaching program. The number of hours devoted to physiatrics should be increased, and the medical student should be permitted to choose physical medicine and rehabilitation as a part of his internship program.  相似文献   

B. Falissard 《PSN》2007,5(3):144-148
Modern psychiatric practice must ground itself in evidence-based medicine, but what is evidence in medicine? For certain philosophers, to have evidence, you must have beliefs: What are the consequences for medicine, and, in particular, psychiatric research? Why randomize the administration of treatments in clinical trials? Is it to make it possible to compare groups? But, if you’re unlucky, the lack of balance can be significant. This article addresses several concepts often used by methodologists: causality, evidence, belief, risk, randomness, models, observation, experimentation and measurement. The objective is to challenge the dominant discourse, often a little forced, in order to shed light on methodological omissions.  相似文献   

H. Audemard 《BioControl》1987,32(1):59-71
Résumé La lutte biologique contre les organismes nuisibles aux vergers évolue par étape vers une Protection intégrée. Dans cette optique, les recherches se développent en France sur les points suivants: effets indésirables des pesticides sur l'entomofaune auxiliaire, r?le d'abri-refuge pour l'entomofaune autochtone joué par l'environnement végétal des vergers, diversification des procédés de lutte, mise au point de méthodes plus sélectives, sélection de variétés résistantes ou moins sensibles aux attaques de plusieurs organismes nuisibles, amélioration des méthodes de surveillance des vergers pour la prévision des risques de dégats, lutte raisonnée contre les maladies cryptogamiques. La mise au point de programmes de lutte intégrée dépend essentiellement des possibilités de lutte disponibles contre les ennemis-clés. Dans les vergers de pommiers et de poiriers fran?ais, les ennemis-clés appartiennent à groupes d'arthropodes: Carpocapse (Cydia pomonella L.), Tordeuses de la pelure, Aphides, Psylle du poirier (Psylla pyri L.) Acariens phytophages et aussi à trois maladies fongiques: Tavelure du pommier (Venturia inaequalis Cke.) Wint., O?dium du pommier (Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev.), Tavelure du poirier (Venturia pirina (Bref.) Aderh. Les méthodes de lutte sélective sont passées en revue: régulateurs de croissance des insectes, lutte biologique par lachers de parasites et de prédateurs insecticide microbiologique, lutte par confusion avec les phéromones sexuelles. L'application de certaines d'entre elles dépend des possibilités de production industrielles d'agents biologique ou biotechnique. Les principaux éléments ayant contribué à une application pratique des programmes de lutte raisonnée et de lutte intégrée ont été: l'amélioration des connaissances biologiques et de la nuisibilité des organismes phytophages, ainsi que des méthodes de surveillance et de prévision permettant l'utilisation des seuils de tolérance économique l'aménagement de la lutte chimique contre le Carpocapse en vergers de pommiers, la démonstration de la bonne efficacité des prédateurs du Psylle du poirier, spécialement desAnthocoris. La lutte raisonnée, appliquée sur plusieurs milliers d'hectares de vergers de pommiers et de poiriers en France, a permis de réduire de plus de 50% le nombre de traitements avec un bon niveau économique de protection. Dans les vergers d'abricotiers, les maladies parasitaires, principalement l'Enroulement chlorotique causé par un mycoplasme, représentent les problèmes les plus importants. Des essais sont en cours pour parvenir à une lutte raisonnée contre la Petite mineuse (Anarsia lineatella Zell.) et le puceronHyalopterus pruni Geoffr. qui est l'agent de dissémination de la Sharka (maladie due à un virus de type I.L.A.R.).   相似文献   



In obstructive azoospermia (OA), even if spermatozoa recovery rate are high, pregnancy rates could be lower as expected. When almost surgeons stop if they could find motile spermatozoa in the epididymis after microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA), in our center, we add systematically a testicular biopsy with testicular sperm extraction (TESE). What are our sperm extraction rates in MESA or TESE? Are pregnancy and miscarriage rates different regarding the sperm origin?

Material and methods

A retrospective study including 48 infertile couples with ICSI because of OA. Between 2003 and 2011, each patient had a complete aetiological exploration and a surgery with the association of MESA and TESE. ICSI were asynchronous. Each time it was possible, ICSI was realized first with epididymal spermatozoa.


For 48 couples, 99 ICSI were realized. Fifteen couples had 24 ICSI-TESE because no spermatozoon was found in MESA. Eleven couples had 20 ICSI-TESE because of bad quality of sperm recovered with MESA. Twenty-two couples had 22 ICSI-MESA in first intention. If failed, 11 couples had continued with 12 ICSI-MESA and 10 with 20 ICSI-TESE. Although the number of injected oocytes (7,1±4,1 vs 6,9 ±3,6 P: 0,8) and embryos (4,5±3,0 vs 4,7±2,7; P: 0,7) were not significantly different in the two ICSI groups, the number of top quality embryos (2,4±1,9 vs 3,6±2,0 P: 0,005) and frozen embryos (0,9±1,8 vs 1,7±1,9 P: 0,04) were higher in the ICSI-TESE group. Pregnancy rate per punction (58,5% vs 26,5%, P: 0,002) was higher when testicular spermatozoa were used.


Our approach is original with the systematic association of MESA and TESE for each OA man, when others stop surgery when they can find spermatozoa with MESA. We found that more than the half of epididymal explorations were not useful because negative or of bad quality. Embryo quality and per punction pregnancy rate were better with testicular spermatozoa. Association of MESA and TESE could improve the management of these infertile men without exposing them to an over surgical risk.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs présentent une analyse de la dynamique des populations de pucerons réalisée dans un verger expérimental de Pêchers dont les conditions de milieu sont précisées (climat, sol, pratiques culturales). La méthode d'estimation des effectifs a permis de suivre l'évolution des populations deMyzus persicae et des autres Aphides en rapport avec l'aetivité de leurs principaux ennemis naturels. Les conditions dans lesquelles se développe le phénomène de résistance deMyzus persicae aux esters phosphoriques ont été abordées. Des seuils de tolérance provisoires sont proposés pour les deux espèces les plus dangereuses:Myzus persicae etHyalopterus pruni.
Summary The sampling method adopted for the survey of populations of the Peach tree Aphids, consists in estimating, for each Aphid species, the total number of aphids per tree and in classifying the degree of infestation according to the power of five (degree 0=no aphids; degree 1∶1 to 5 aphids; degree 2∶6 to 25 aphids etc.). Each sample has been taken from 50 trees. By this method it was possible to estimate the highest degrees of infestation tolerated by the trees without apparent damage. The following economic thresholds are provisionally considered: degree 5 in May forMyzus persicae, degree 4 at the beginning of June forHyalopterus pruni. Experiments on artificial contamination of peach trees byMyzus persicae indicate that resistance of this species to organophosphates appears and is maintained on peach trees without any immigration of winged individuals of anholocyclic clones from secondary host plants. The biology and trends in populations on Peach trees of the following species:Hyalopterus pruni Geoff.,Brachycandus prunicola Kltb.,B. amygdalinus Schout.,B. persicae Pass.,Myzus varians Davids are discussed. The current research on Aphids is reconsidered within the larger framework of integrated control in Peach orchards.

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