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Although BRAFV600E is well known to play an important role in the tumorigenesis of melanoma, its molecular mechanism, particularly the epigenetic aspect, has been incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the role of BRAFV600E signaling in altering gene methylation in the genome of melanoma cells using a methylated CpG island amplification/CpG island microarray system and searched for genes coupled to the BRAFV600Esignaling through methylation aberrations. The results indicated that a wide range of genes with broad functions were linked to BRAFV600E signaling through their hyper- or hypomethylation. Expression of 59 genes hypermethylated upon BRAF knockdown was selectively tested and found to be largely correspondingly underexpressed, suggesting that these genes were naturally hypomethylated, and overexpressed with BRAFV600E in melanoma. This BRAFV600E-promoted hypomethylation was confirmed on genes selectively examined in primary melanoma tumors. Some of these genes were functionally tested and demonstrated to play a role in melanoma cell proliferation and invasion. As a mechanism of aberrant gene methylation driven by BRAFV600E, expression of the DNA methyltransferase 1 and histone methyltransferase EZH2 was profoundly affected by BRAFV600E. We have thus uncovered a previously unrecognized prominent epigenetic mechanism in the tumorigenesis of melanoma driven by BRAFV600E. Many of the functionally important genes controlled by the BRAFV600E signaling through aberrant methylation may prove to be novel therapeutic targets for melanoma.  相似文献   

Vertical growth phase (VGP) melanoma is frequently metastatic, a process mediated by changes in gene expression, which are directed by signal transduction pathways in the tumor cells. A prominent signaling pathway is the Ras-Raf-Mek-Erk MAPK pathway, which increases expression of genes that promote melanoma progression. Many melanomas harbor a mutation in this pathway, BRAFV600E, which constitutively activates MAPK signaling and expression of downstream target genes that facilitate tumor progression. In BRAFV600E melanoma, the small molecule inhibitor, vemurafenib (PLX4032), has revolutionized therapy for melanoma by inducing rapid tumor regression. This compound down-regulates the expression of many genes. However, in this study, we document that blocking the Ras-Raf-Mek-Erk MAPK pathway, either with an ERK (PLX4032) or a MEK (U1026) signaling inhibitor, in BRAFV600E human and murine melanoma cell lines increases collagen synthesis in vitro and collagen deposition in vivo. Since TGFß signaling is a major mediator of collagen synthesis, we examined whether blocking TGFß signaling with a small molecule inhibitor would block this increase in collagen. However, there was minimal reduction in collagen synthesis in response to blocking TGFß signaling, suggesting additional mechanism(s), which may include activation of the p38 MAPK pathway. Presently, it is unclear whether this increased collagen synthesis and deposition in melanomas represent a therapeutic benefit or an unwanted “off target” effect of inhibiting the Ras-Raf-Erk-Mek pathway.  相似文献   

Melanoma is a malignant tumor derived from melanocytes. Once disseminated, it is usually highly resistant to chemotherapy and is associated with poor prognosis. We have recently reported that T‐type calcium channels (TTCCs) are overexpressed in melanoma cells and play an important role in melanoma progression. Importantly, TTCC pharmacological blockers reduce proliferation and deregulate autophagy leading to apoptosis. Here, we analyze the role of autophagy during migration/invasion of melanoma cells. TTCC Cav3.1 and LC3‐II proteins are highly expressed in BRAFV600E compared with NRAS mutant melanomas, both in cell lines and biopsies. Chloroquine, pharmacological blockade, or gene silencing of TTCCs inhibit the autophagic flux and impair the migration and invasion capabilities, specifically in BRAFV600E melanoma cells. Snail1 plays an important role in motility and invasion of melanoma cells. We show that Snail1 is strongly expressed in BRAFV600E melanoma cells and patient biopsies, and its expression decreases when autophagy is blocked. These results demonstrate a role of Snail1 during BRAFV600E melanoma progression and strongly suggest that targeting macroautophagy and, particularly TTCCs, might be a good therapeutic strategy to inhibit metastasis of the most common melanoma type (BRAFV600E).  相似文献   

The deubiquitinating enzyme BAP1 is mutated in a hereditary cancer syndrome with a high risk of mesothelioma and melanocytic tumors. Here, we show that Bap1 deletion in melanocytes cooperates with the constitutively active, oncogenic form of BRAF (BRAFV600E) and UV to cause melanoma in mice, albeit at very low frequency. In addition, Bap1‐null melanoma cells derived from mouse tumors are more aggressive and colonize and grow at distant sites more than their wild‐type counterparts. Molecularly, Bap1‐null melanoma cell lines have increased DNA damage measured by γH2aX and hyperubiquitination of histone H2a. Therapeutically, these Bap1‐null tumors are completely responsive to BRAF‐ and MEK‐targeted therapies. Therefore, BAP1 functions as a tumor suppressor and limits tumor progression in melanoma.  相似文献   

BRAFV600E mutations are involved in the development of melanoma, colon cancer, and papillary thyroid carcinoma. These mutations are also found in primary brain tumors at low to moderate frequencies. In this study, we investigated a series of brain tumors to determine the prevalence and associated clinicopathologic features of BRAFV600E mutations. By direct sequencing, we analyzed 223 brain tumors, including 51 gangliogliomas (GGs), 45 pilocytic astrocytomas (PAs), 12 pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas (PXAs), 35 glioblastomas (GBs), 28 anaplastic astrocytomas (AAs), 44 oligodendroglial tumors (ODGs), 3 anaplastic oligoastrocytomas, and 5 diffuse astrocytomas. Thirty-six cases (16.1%) exhibited the BRAFV600E mutation, including 66.7% of PXAs, 23.5% of GGs, 15.6% of PAs, and 9.7% of the malignant gliomas; the latter included 14.3% of AAs, 8.6% of GBs, and 4.5% of ODGs. Copy number aberration at the 7q34 (BRAF) locus was found in 73.1% of PAs and 50% of PXAs. 9p Homozygous deletion was found in 66.7% of PXAs, but it was not correlated with the BRAFV600E mutation. Patients' age, sex, histologic grade, and progression-free survival were also not correlated with the BRAFV600E mutation. The BRAFV600E mutation in brain tumors did not have prognostic value but is certainly a diagnostic marker and therapeutic target, not only for pediatric low-grade gliomas but also for malignant gliomas, even though the rate of mutation was not high. These results should be verified in a larger study with more cases and a longer follow-up period to overcome the limitation of small sample size.  相似文献   

Cross-feedback activation of MAPK and AKT pathways is implicated as a resistance mechanism for cancer therapeutic agents targeting either RAF/MEK or PI3K/AKT/mTOR. It is thus important to have a better understanding of the molecular resistance mechanisms to improve patient survival benefit from these agents. Here we show that BRAFV600E is a negative regulator of the AKT pathway. Expression of BRAFV600E in NIH3T3 cells significantly suppresses MEK inhibitor (RG7167) or mTORC1 inhibitor (rapamycin) induced AKT phosphorylation (pAKT) and downstream signal activation. Treatment-induced pAKT elevation is found in BRAF wild type melanoma cells but not in a subset of melanoma cell lines harboring BRAFV600E. Knock-down of BRAFV600E in these melanoma cells elevates basal pAKT and downstream signals, whereas knock-down of CRAF, MEK1/2 or ERK1/2 or treatment with a BRAF inhibitor have no impact on pAKT. Mechanistically, we show that BRAFV600E interacts with rictor complex (mTORC2) and regulates pAKT through mTORC2. BRAFV600E is identified in mTORC2 after immunoprecipitation of rictor. Knock-down of rictor abrogates BRAFV600E depletion induced pAKT. Knock-down of BRAFV600E enhances cellular enzyme activity of mTORC2. Aberrant activation of AKT pathway by PTEN loss appears to override the negative impact of BRAFV600E on pAKT. Taken together, our findings suggest that in a subset of BRAFV600E melanoma cells, BRAFV600E negatively regulates AKT pathway in a rictor-dependent, MEK/ERK and BRAF kinase-independent manner. Our study reveals a novel molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of feedback loops between the MAPK and AKT pathways.  相似文献   

BRAFV600E/K is a frequent mutationally active tumor-specific kinase in melanomas that is currently targeted for therapy by the specific inhibitor PLX4032. Our studies with melanoma tumor cells that are BRAFV600E/K and BRAFWT showed that, paradoxically, while PLX4032 inhibited ERK1/2 in the highly sensitive BRAFV600E/K, it activated the pathway in the resistant BRAFWT cells, via RAF1 activation, regardless of the status of mutations in NRAS or PTEN. The persistently active ERK1/2 triggered downstream effectors in BRAFWT melanoma cells and induced changes in the expression of a wide-spectrum of genes associated with cell cycle control. Furthermore, PLX4032 increased the rate of proliferation of growth factor-dependent NRAS Q61L mutant primary melanoma cells, reduced cell adherence and increased mobility of cells from advanced lesions. The results suggest that the drug can confer an advantage to BRAFWT primary and metastatic tumor cells in vivo and provide markers for monitoring clinical responses.  相似文献   

Identifying low-abundance mutations is important for the therapy and diagnose of cancer. Since the potential for tumor heterogeneity, the efficient detection of cancer-relevant mutations largely depends on the sensitivity of the methods employed. To confirm whether the mutation detection platforms affect the perceived prevalence of the BRAF(V600E) and its correlation with clinicopathologic features in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), we compared Sanger Sequencing (SS), Pyrosequencing (PS), and a newly built allele-specific real-time PCR (AS-qPCR) apparatus for the detection of BRAF(V600E) in a Chinese cohort of conventional variant PTC. Accurate plasmid standards were built to assess the limit of detection of the three platforms. In this research, AS-qPCR has been found both the most sensitive and reliable at detecting mutation. The mutations detected by AS-qPCR which were not detected by SS or PS due to low abundance were confirmed by mutation enrichment platform COLD-PCR followed by SS. When analyzed by AS-qPCR, BRAF(V600E) was associated with a more aggressive phenotype. Our results indicate that the reported prevalence of the BRAF(V600E) mutations in PTC has been underestimated and more sensitive methods such as AS-qPCR should be applied in clinical settings.  相似文献   

The BRAF gene is frequently mutated in cancer. The most common genetic mutation is a single nucleotide transition which gives rise to a constitutively active BRAF kinase (BRAFV600E) which in turn sustains continuous cell proliferation. The study of BRAFV600E murine models has been mainly focused on the role of BRAFV600E in tumor development but little is known on the early molecular impact of BRAFV600E expression in vivo. Here, we study the immediate effects of acute ubiquitous BRAFV600E activation in vivo. We find that BRAFV600E elicits a rapid DNA damage response in the liver, spleen, lungs but not in thyroids. This DNA damage response does not occur at telomeres and is accompanied by activation of the senescence marker p21CIP1 only in lungs but not in liver or spleen. Moreover, in lungs, BRAFV600E provokes an acute inflammatory state with a tissue-specific recruitment of neutrophils in the alveolar parenchyma and macrophages in bronchi/bronchioles, as well as bronchial/bronchiolar epithelium transdifferentiation and development of adenomas. Furthermore, whereas in non-tumor alveolar type II (ATIIs) pneumocytes, acute BRAFV600E induction elicits rapid p53-independent p21CIP1 activation, adenoma ATIIs express p53 without resulting in p21CIP1 gene activation. Conversely, albeit in Club cells BRAFV600E-mediated proliferative cue is more exacerbated compared to that occurring in ATIIs, such oncogenic stimulus culminates with p21CIP1-mediated cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Our findings indicate that acute BRAFV600E expression drives an immediate induction of DNA damage response in vivo. More importantly, it also results in rapid differential responses of cell cycle and senescence-associated proteins in lung epithelia, thus revealing the early molecular changes emerging in BRAFV600E-challenged cells during tumorigenesis in vivo.Subject terms: Lung cancer, Senescence  相似文献   

Resistance to the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib poses a significant problem for the treatment of BRAFV600E‐positive melanomas. It is therefore critical to prospectively identify all vemurafenib resistance mechanisms prior to their emergence in the clinic. The vemurafenib resistance mechanisms described to date do not result from secondary mutations within BRAFV600E. To search for possible mutations within BRAFV600E that can confer drug resistance, we developed a systematic experimental approach involving targeted saturation mutagenesis, selection of drug‐resistant variants, and deep sequencing. We identified a single nucleotide substitution (T1514A, encoding L505H) that greatly increased drug resistance in cultured cells and mouse xenografts. The kinase activity of BRAFV600E/L505H was higher than that of BRAFV600E, resulting in cross‐resistance to a MEK inhibitor. However, BRAFV600E/L505H was less resistant to several other BRAF inhibitors whose binding sites were further from L505 than that of PLX4720. Our results identify a novel vemurafenib‐resistant mutant and provide insights into the treatment for melanomas bearing this mutation.  相似文献   

Autophagy inhibition is a potential therapeutic strategy in central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The BRAFV600E mutation is known to affect autophagy. Our studies indicate CNS tumor cells with BRAFV600E mutant cells (but not wild type) display high rates of induced autophagy, are sensitive to autophagy inhibition, and display synergy when chloroquine is combined with the RAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib or standard chemotherapeutics. Our studies also indicate chloroquine can improve vemurafenib sensitivity in intrinsically resistant cells and in a patient with induced-vemurafenib resistance. These findings suggest CNS tumors with BRAFV600E are autophagy-dependent and that identification of BRAFV600E may be a marker to identify pediatric patients with the best potential response to autophagy inhibition.  相似文献   

Autophagy inhibition is a potential therapeutic strategy in central nervous system (CNS) tumors. The BRAFV600E mutation is known to affect autophagy. Our studies indicate CNS tumor cells with BRAFV600E mutant cells (but not wild type) display high rates of induced autophagy, are sensitive to autophagy inhibition, and display synergy when chloroquine is combined with the RAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib or standard chemotherapeutics. Our studies also indicate chloroquine can improve vemurafenib sensitivity in intrinsically resistant cells and in a patient with induced-vemurafenib resistance. These findings suggest CNS tumors with BRAFV600E are autophagy-dependent and that identification of BRAFV600E may be a marker to identify pediatric patients with the best potential response to autophagy inhibition.  相似文献   

Aberrant signaling of the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK (MAP kinase) pathway driven by the mutant kinase BRAF(V600E), as a result of the BRAF(T1799A) mutation, plays a fundamental role in thyroid tumorigenesis. This study investigated the therapeutic potential of a BRAF(V600E)-selective inhibitor, PLX4032 (RG7204), for thyroid cancer by examining its effects on the MAP kinase signaling and proliferation of 10 thyroid cancer cell lines with wild-type BRAF or BRAF(T1799A) mutation. We found that PLX4032 could effectively inhibit the MAP kinase signaling, as reflected by the suppression of ERK phosphorylation, in cells harboring the BRAF(T1799A) mutation. PLX4032 also showed a potent and BRAF mutation-selective inhibition of cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. PLX4032 displayed low IC(50) values (0.115-1.156μM) in BRAF(V600E) mutant cells, in contrast with wild-type BRAF cells that showed resistance to the inhibitor with high IC(50) values (56.674-1349.788μM). Interestingly, cells with Ras mutations were also sensitive to PLX4032, albeit moderately. Thus, this study has confirmed that the BRAF(T1799A) mutation confers cancer cells sensitivity to PLX4032 and demonstrated its specific potential as an effective and BRAF(T1799A) mutation-selective therapeutic agent for thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

A CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is displayed by a distinct subset of colorectal cancers with a high frequency of DNA hypermethylation in a specific group of CpG islands. Recent studies have shown that an activating mutation of BRAF (BRAFV600E) is tightly associated with CIMP, raising the question of whether BRAFV600E plays a causal role in the development of CIMP or whether CIMP provides a favorable environment for the acquisition of BRAFV600E. We employed Illumina GoldenGate DNA methylation technology, which interrogates 1,505 CpG sites in 807 different genes, to further study this association. We first examined whether expression of BRAFV600E causes DNA hypermethylation by stably expressing BRAFV600E in the CIMP-negative, BRAF wild-type COLO 320DM colorectal cancer cell line. We determined 100 CIMP-associated CpG sites and examined changes in DNA methylation in eight stably transfected clones over multiple passages. We found that BRAFV600E is not sufficient to induce CIMP in our system. Secondly, considering the alternative possibility, we identified genes whose DNA hypermethylation was closely linked to BRAFV600E and CIMP in 235 primary colorectal tumors. Interestingly, genes that showed the most significant link include those that mediate various signaling pathways implicated in colorectal tumorigenesis, such as BMP3 and BMP6 (BMP signaling), EPHA3, KIT, and FLT1 (receptor tyrosine kinases) and SMO (Hedgehog signaling). Furthermore, we identified CIMP-dependent DNA hypermethylation of IGFBP7, which has been shown to mediate BRAFV600E-induced cellular senescence and apoptosis. Promoter DNA hypermethylation of IGFBP7 was associated with silencing of the gene. CIMP-specific inactivation of BRAFV600E-induced senescence and apoptosis pathways by IGFBP7 DNA hypermethylation might create a favorable context for the acquisition of BRAFV600E in CIMP+ colorectal cancer. Our data will be useful for future investigations toward understanding CIMP in colorectal cancer and gaining insights into the role of aberrant DNA hypermethylation in colorectal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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