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《Médecine Nucléaire》2007,31(9):521-525
Thanks to breakthroughs in drug design, new kinds of treatment in oncology have been developed. These new molecules target usually a precise molecular pathway proved to be involved in the development of a malignant disease. This led to the concept of targeted therapy. Therefore, the accurate selection of patients who may experience a clinical benefit of such treatments and the way to assess the response are still challenging issues. Molecular imaging with radiolabeled compounds seemed to be a very promising tool, as for example PET with 18F FluoroDeoxyGlucose (FDG), which allows to assess and to predict the response to a tyrosine kinase inhibitors more efficiently than conventional imaging tools. FDG is only a surrogate marker of cell proliferation. The common tools (clinical and radiological assessment) are no longer sufficient to predict the clinical efficacy of these new drugs. Molecular imaging should be added in the design of clinical trials in order to detect earlier pharmacodynamic effects, to select responding patients and to provide proofs of efficacy of these non-cytotoxic compounds. Molecular imaging databases have to be created and cross-matched to tumor sample collections, providing consequently new “dynamic” pathological resources.  相似文献   

Résumé 1. Les travaux deSarà (1953) et deBurton (1963) ont remis en question la valeur systématique des caractères morphologiques dans la classification des Eponges Calcaires, et ont proposé de considérer de nombreuses formes connues comme des variétés individuelles et régionales d'espèces très plastiques et variables. Nous avons essayé de préciser, par l'observation directe en plongée libre, la distribution et les préférences écologiques des Calcaires, de définir ainsi les limites naturelles de leurs populations, et d'étudier ensuite la variabilité des caractères morphologiques à l'intérieur de ces populations.2. Nous exposons ici l'exemple des espèces des genresClathrina etAscandra, étudiées en Adriatique, dans les régions de Marseille et de Roscoff. Leur distribution est en rapport direct et très précis avec l'exposition aux vagues et à la lumière, à tel point que sur une surface réduite plusieurs espèces se succèdent et se remplacent en fonction de l'exposition de l'endroit. Dans la règion de Roscoff cette distribution est plus large ce qui est dû aux effets des marées, mais les zones écologique préférentielles pour les espèces deClathrina ont pu être établies en fonction de l'importance de l'apport des sédiments par les eaux côtières.3. La possibilité de définir des populations dont la distribution est très précisemment délimitée malgré une coexistence dans un espace réduit, et qui ne sont pas réliées par les formes transitoires, permet d'éliminer l'hypothèse de la cospécificité de ces populations. Elle permet également d'établir les variations morphologiques possibles au sein d'une espèce, de retenir les caractères significatifs pour la classification, et finalement de distinguer les espèces qui se ressemblent morphologiquement. Dans le cas d'animaux qui, commeClathrina, possèdent très peu de caractères utilisables en systématique, c'est la seule façon de résoudre les problèmes de leur taxonomie.
The importance of research on the ecological distribution for the taxonomy of calcareous sponges
The particular difficulties of the taxonomy of calcareous sponges are due to their great plasticity and their capacity for adaptation which obscure the natural limits of species. An attempt was made to define the natural populations of the Mediterranean species of the generaClathrina andAscandra through a study of their ecological distributions. The populations not connected by the transitory forms were defined by their ecological preferences, and, as they are found in a close cohabitation, were treated as having the specific values. The variability of different morphological features is discussed, the features significant for taxonomy are pointed out and the morphologically close species are defined.

BackgroundWe evaluated the performance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positon emission tomography (PET) in the diagnosis of underlying malignancy in cases of suspected paraneoplastic syndrome (PS).Methods18FDG-PET was performed in 31 patients, clinically suspected to have PS. The PS were 34, among which 12 neurological diseases, eight endocrine, seven rheumatological, one dermatological and six vascular. We compared computed tomography (CT), iodine-enhanced most of the time, and 18FDG-PET reports to clinicians definitive conclusion at the end of the work-up and a follow-up period of, at least, two months.ResultsWe obtained a histological diagnosis of cancer for ten patients, but could only identify the primary site of malignancy for nine of them. 18FDG-PET showed six primary sites among which three were not seen on CT. CT disclosed four primary sites, among which one was not seen on 18FDG-PET. In one case, 18FDG-PET disclosed regional lymph node metastases whereas these were not identified by CT. Eleven non-neoplasic causes were evidenced, among which 18FDG-PET played a major role in three cases. Ten causes were still undetermined at the end of the study.ConclusionWhole-body 18FDG-PET study plays an important role in the identification of underlying malignancy in clinically suspected paraneoplastic syndromes; either by identifying the primary tumor or by directing biopsy of metastases. Furthermore, it can identify non-neoplasic causes.  相似文献   

Bernard Crochet 《Geobios》1977,10(5):723-739
Limestone beds included in the «Poudingue dePalassou around Sabarat (Ariège) contain a Gasteropod fauna known since J.-B. Noulet's works (1857). The systematic inventory of the different localities and the paleontological study of the material collected prove that two successive and clearly different Mollusc faunas existed. The bartonian fauna with Ischurostoma formosum minutum (Noulet) and Biomphalaria vasseuri (Roman) is preceded by a lower lutetian fauna with Biomphalaria pseudoammonius (Scholtheim): in the latter, two paleoecological groups are opposed according to the sheltered channels of two kinds in which limestones beds have been built. Besides, the chronostratigraphic consequences imply that the middle part of the «Poudingue de Palassou has been formed from Lower Lutetian to Bartonian.  相似文献   

Sexual dysfunction can cause sterility, but the failure of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or Sperm Donor Insemination (SDI) sterility treatments can also be responsible for sexual dysfunction. Emotional reactins to the failure of sterility treatments can be compared to a bereavement process, with the loss of a possible life plan and often the bereavement of sexuality. About 70% to 80% of both men and women facing a definitive diagnosis of sterility, present depressive reactions, sexual dysfunction and relational difficulties following failure of IVF and SDI. To avoid these poor outcomes, the couple's sex life, sexual violence, and well-being must be systematically discussed. Better counselling and prevention of sexual disorders related to failure of sterility treatment must be provided by a multidisciplinary approach (gynaecologist-obstetrician, andrologist, sexologist, psychiatrist, sophrologist, nurses).  相似文献   

Resume 1. Le présent travail est consacré à l'étude écologique des plages abritées de la baie d'Arcachon (France). L'auteur tout d'abord, reconnaît et localise dans la région étudiée les quatres zones classiques qui partagent les estrans meubles abrités: slikke, haute slikke, schorre et zone parhalienne. Chacune d'entre elles est ensuite étudiée de manière plus détaillée, quant aux peuplements qui les occupent et aux structures édaphiques qui leur correspondent.2. Dans la slikke, l'auteur, reconnaît et décrit quatre faciès fondamentaux: les herbiers deZostera nana, les sables nus, type sables à arénicoles, les vases àNereis diversicolor et les vases à scrobiculaires. Chacun de ces faciès est analysé quant à sa teneur en eau, porosité, salinité, pH et oxygène dissous, répartition hypsométrique. En ce qui concerne la faune de ces slikkes sablo-vaseuses, l'auteur souligne l'importance de la macrofaune endogée, son caractère infralittoral, la faible mobilité de ses représentants.3. Dans la haute slikke, l'auteur reconnaît et décrit cinq faciès: les sables argileux àBledius spectabilis, les sables vaseux àCorophium volutator, les sables poreux àBledius arenarius, les aires àSpartina maritima et les microfalaises. De nouveau, sont étudiés successivement les caractéristiques abiotiques, puis les peuplements de chaque faciès; l'auteur souligne l'action réciproque des structures édaphiques sur la répartition des peuplements, mais aussi des peuplements sur les structures édaphiques. Par exempleCorophium volutator etBledius spectabilis édifient des galeries à parois stables, permanentes, qui ne peuvent être aménagées que dans certains types de sédiments; mais tandis que les galeries deB. spectabilis sont denses et étanches à la marée, celles deC. volutator sont plus dispersées et inondables; aussi la présence de l'insecte permet l'installation d'une faune d'accompagnement supralittorale, qui s'enterre au moment de la haute mer, celle de l'amphipode s'accompagne au contraire, d'une faune médiolittorale inondable.4. Enfin, dans le schorre et la zone parhalienne, l'auteur souligne l'absence de macrofaune endogée, la mobilité des peuplements vagiles épigés, leur balancement saisonnier lié au régime des marées. Il montre notamment qu'en été, le schorre abrite à la fois des espèces supralittorales marines ou halobies, et des espèces adlittorales haloxènes qui, venant de la zone parhalienne, sont attirées par la richesse trophique du Puccinellietum. En hiver, au contraire, la fréquence des immersions dans le schorre oblige la faune à refluer dans la zone parhalienne, où elle trouve son abri.5. Une classification des faciès étudiés en fonction de leur teneur en eau écologiquement utilisable par la macrofaune, un tableau de correspondance entre slikke, haute slikke, schorre et zone parhalienne d'une part, et étages intertidaux d'autre part, enfin une comparaison entre les peuplements des plages abritées et plages semi-abritées, complètent l'ensemble du travail.
Ecological research on the faunas of the sheltered beaches of the region of Arcachon
In these ecological studies of the sheltered beaches of the bay of Arcachon (France), the author distinguishes and locates four traditional zones: slikke, upper slikke, schorre and parhalian zone. Animal communities and edaphic structures of each zone are treated in detail. In the slikke, four fundamental facies are distinguished:Zostera nana zones, bare sands (such asArenicola sands),Nereis diversicolor slime andScrobicularia slime. Each facies is analyzed with regard to its amount of water, porosity, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen content, as well as its hypsometric distribution. With respect to the fauna of sand and slime slikkes, the importance of the endogeous macrofauna, its infralittoral characteristics and the low degree of mobility of its species are emphasized. In the upper slikke five facies are described:Bledius spectabilis clay sands,Corophium volutator slimy sands,Bledius arenarius porous sands,Spartina maritima areas and micro cliffs. Again, abiotic characteristics and animal communities of each facies are studied successively. The importance of edaphic structures for the distribution of animal communities, and vice versa, is stressed. For instance, the amphipodCorophium volutator and the coleopteranBledius spectabilis build tubes with firm and permanent inner surfaces only in certain types of sediment: yet, while theBledius spectabilis tubes are dense and watertight, those ofCorophium volutator are less tight and often flooded. Thus, the presence of the insect allows a supralittoral fauna to establish itself, whereas that of the amphipod is, in contrast, accompanied by a mediolittoral fauna resistant to flooding. In the schorre and parhalian zone, endogeous macrofauna elements are entirely absent; the vagrant epigeous species exhibit considerable degrees of mobility, migrating according to tidal rhythms. In summer, the schorre zone shelters both marine supralittoral or halobiotic species as well as adlittoral haloxene species which, coming from the parhalian zone, are attracted by the trophically rich Puccinellietum. In winter, however, frequent floodings of the schorre force the fauna to retreat to the parhalian zone for shelter. A classification is presented of the facies studied, based on the amount of water ecologically usable by their respective macrofaunas. The relationships between slikke, upper slikke, schorre and parhalian zone on the one hand, and the intertidal zones on the other are illustrated in the form of a synopsis. Finally, a comparison is made between animal communities of sheltered and of partly sheltered beaches.

Ce travail constitue la 2ème partie d'une thèse de Doctorat ès Sciences naturelles soutenue à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Bordeaux (no d'ordre 197) et intitulée «Recherches écologiques sur les faunes des plages arbitées et des étangs saumatres de la region d'Arcachon». L'exemplaire dactylographié de la thèse in extenso a été déposé au C.N.R.S. et enregistré sous le no A.O. 1612.  相似文献   

The goal of our work is to provide an automatic analysis and decision tool for sleep stages classification based on an artificial neural networks (ANN). The first difficulty lies in choosing the physiological signals representation and in particular the electroencephalogram (EEG). Once the representation adopted, the next step is to design the optimal neural network determined by a learning and validation process of data from a set of sleep records. We studied several configurations of conventional ANN giving results varying from 62 to 71 %, then we proposed a new hierarchical configuration, which gives a rate of 74 % correct classification for six stages. These results lead us to further explore this issue at the representation and design of ANNs to improve the performance of our tool.  相似文献   

Male gametes formed in the testis, the site of spermatogenesis, continue their maturation outside of the gonad in the genital tract. The epididymis is at the centre of this process of post-testicular maturation of spermatozoa, responsible for acquisition of their mobility and their ability to recognize and penetrate an oocyte, essential events for fertilization. During their transit in the epididymal ducts, gametes evolve in a perpetually changing luminal environment due to complex interactions of secretion and reabsorption activities of the epididymal epithelium. These numerous secretion and reabsorption activities are closely regulated in space and time, which makes this epididymal epithelium a very complex tissue subject to an elaborate network of cross-regulations. Apart from classical endocrine and paracrine regulations, the proximal part of the epididymis is also subject to lumicrine regulation by testicular factors which increase the complexity of the regulation networks involved. The present study tries to present an exhaustive review of the factors demonstrated in the literature to exert a modulation of epididymal activity.  相似文献   

A computational model based on finite element method is derived to examine how the simulated time-dependent signals are related to the presence of residual fluorescence in biological media surrounding a fluorescent object. We apply a subtraction technique on recorded data when imperfect uptake of fluorescing agent into the tumor is considered. We show the limits of the subtracting method for low target: background fluorescent absorption contrast by extracting the time to reach the half maximum and analyzing the maximum of the time-resolved signals versus target depth.  相似文献   

Résumé Des substances muqueuses ont été examinées par des méthodes histochimiques au niveau des organes récepteurs cutanés de type ampullaire (organe de type A, Szabo, 1965) faisant partie du système de la ligne latérale des poissons électriques à faible décharge Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridés), Gymnotus carapo (Gymnotidés) et Gymnarchus niloticus (Gymnarchidés).Les réactions à l'acide périodique Schiff (P.A.S.) et au bleu de toluidine en solution tampon montrent que les polysaccharides de tous ces organes possèdent des groupements vic-glycols responsables de la positivité au P.A.S.On trouve des mucopolysaccharides neutres au niveau de chaque organe ampullaire. Le cytoplasme des cellules sensorielles de l'organe ampullaire du Gymnotus carapo et lui seul contient du Glycogène. En dehors des mucopolysaccharides neutres, on observe des mucopolysaccharides acides notamment dans le canal épidermique de l'organe de type A de Gymnarchus niloticus et au contact de la région apicale des cellules sensorielles de l'organe de Gnathonemus petersii. Ces derniers sont métachromatiques, leur métachromasie étant dûe à un radical acide carboxylé.
Comparative histochemical study of mucopolysaccharids in the ampullary sense organs of weakly electric fish: Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridae), Gymnotus carapo (Gymnotidae) and Gymnarchus niloticus (Gymnarchidae)
Summary The mucoides substances of lateral line receptors of ampullary type have been examined in the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridae), Gymnotus carapo (Gymnotidae), Gymnarchus niloticus (Gymnarchidae), by different histochemical methods. Periodic acid Schiff reaction (P.A.S.) and puffered Toluidine Blue tain show, that the polysaccharid of all these three organs contain a vic-glycol groupe, responsible for the positive P.A.S. reaction.Neutral polysaccharids were found at the level of all ampullary type of organ. Only the cytoplasm of the sensory cells in Gymnotus carapo contains glycogen.Acid mucopolysaccharids were observed in the epidermal canal (extracellularly) of Gymnarchus niloticus and also in the close neighbourghood of the sensory cells in Gnathonemus. These acid mucopolysaccharids are metachromatic because of their acid carboxylic radicle.

Ce travail a été réalisé grâce au Contrat n 659-594, accordé au Dr. T. Szabo par la Direction de Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (D.R.M.E.).  相似文献   

AimsTo evaluate the value of PET/CT comparatively to CT in staging and restaging after chemotherapy of testicular seminoma, to assess quantitative methods and prognostic value of PET in post-chemotherapy residual masses.MethodsThirty-two patients and a maximum of 65 targeted lesions visualized on PET-CT and CT performed for staging and therapeutic response assessment were analysed and compared. Each lesion was quantified according to miscellaneous SUV normalized methods. Optimal threshold of SUV for prediction of residual disease was obtained (ROC method). The prognostic value of PET/CT at the completion of treatment was determined with progression free survival study (Kaplan-Meier method).ResultsPET/CT exhibited higher accuracy than CT in the initial staging and assessment of therapeutic response, respectively 98% versus 83.3% and 95.1% versus 75.6%. Quantification, whichever method, was not more efficient than visual reading for prediction of residual disease. Progression-free survival was higher with negative than with positive PET/CT (P = 0.0033).ConclusionOur work demonstrates that PET/CT exhibits better accuracy than CT in both staging and restaging at the end of treatment. Quantification methods do not improve accuracy of PET/CT for prediction of viable residual disease. The prognostic value of PET/CT appears very promising and needs to be confirmed by large prospective studies. PET/CT appears to be a relevant method of prognostic stratification of the risk of relapse in seminoma.  相似文献   

Résumé L'évolution en l'absence d'hormone cérébrale provoque, dans les ovocytes de N. diversicolor, la formation de lamelles annelées cytoplasmiques (L.A.). Le processus débute par l'apparition de lames de réticulum à proximité du noyau (15 jours d'évolution à 15° C). Les lames se rapprochent ensuite du noyau et des pores apparaissent, situés le plus souvent face à ceux de l'enveloppe nucléaire (20ème jour). La différenciation des lames du réticulum en L.A. progresse ensuite depuis les éléments les plus proches du noyau vers les plus externes.Dans le cytoplasme des ovocytes ayant évolué à la température de 20° C, on assiste en outre à la formation d'empilements de citernes ergastoplasmiques. Ces citernes, non situées à proximité du noyau, subissent également une transformation progressive en L.A.L'étude cytochimique effectuée par digestion enzymatique a montré que la pepsine dégrade fortement le matériel dense des lamelles annelées. Ce matériel semble donc renfermer une teneur élevée en protéines auxquelles pourrait se trouver associé du RNA.
Mode of formation of the annulate lamellae of oocytes of Nereis diversicolor developing in the absence of brain hormone
Summary Experimental elimination of brain activity leads to the formation of cytoplasmic annulate lamellae (L.A.) in oocytes of N. diversicolor. This process begins with the appearance of cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum in the vicinity of the nucleus (15 days of development at 15° C). Then, the cisternae move closer to the nucleus and pores appear, often facing the pores of the nuclear envelope (20th day). The differentiation of endoplasmic reticulum into L.A. progresses from the elements closest to the nucleus to the more peripheral ones.In the cytoplasm of oocytes which developed at 20° C, stacks of cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum have been observed. These cisternae, which are not localized near the nucleus, also undergo a progressive transformation into annulate lamellae.A cytochemical study, based on enzymatic digestion, shows that pepsin strongly digests the dense material of L.A. This material, therefore, seems to contain a high amount of proteins, perhaps associated with RNA.

The paleoflora described and pictured in this paper has been collected in two deposits of the area of Demnate: the OT6 bis drilling in the oriental Haouz and an exposure in the Rhojdamas (High-Atlas). Two completely different associations have been characterized: one hygrophilous and autochtonous of the «Stephanian type and the other mesoxerophilous and allochtonous (vegetation of the upland?) of the «Autunian type. In the OT6 bis drilling, the two floras alternate so that it is impossible to draw a precise boundary between the Stephanian and Autunian. In the Rhojdamas, only the Autunian flora has been identified. Such a combination of the two floras has similarly been recorded in several stephanian basins of the French Massif Central.  相似文献   

[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) is a noninvasive metabolic imaging modality that is well suited to the assessment of activity and extent of large vessel vasculitis, such as giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis. PET could be more effective than magnetic resonance imaging in detecting the earliest stages of vascular wall inflammation. The visual grading of vascular [18F]FDG uptake makes it possible to discriminate arteritis from atherosclerosis, providing therefore high specificity. High sensitivity can be achieved provided scanning is performed during active inflammatory phase, preferably before starting corticosteroid treatment. Large scale prospective studies are needed to determine the exact value of PET imaging in assessing the large vessel vasculitis outcome and response to immunosuppressive treatment.  相似文献   

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