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Based on the N-terminal sequence of a sunflower antifungal protein, a full length cDNA (Ha-LTP5) encoding a putative lipid transfer protein from sunflower seeds was cloned using a RT-PCR based strategy. However, the sequence of the deduced protein is not identical to that of the antifungal protein previously isolated. The nucleotide sequence presents an ORF of 116 amino acids with a putative signal peptide, thus encoding a mature protein of 90 amino acids that is basic and hydrophobic. In contrast to the pattern of expression described for most LTP-like genes from dicots, Northern blot analyses detected constitutive expression of Ha-LTP5 in seeds, but not in aerial parts of sunflower plants.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (ns-LTPs) in germinating castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seeds were investigated. Lipid transfer activities of ns-LTPs in the cotyledons, axis, and endosperm increased with growth after germination. The activity increases were accompanied by increased amounts of ns-LTPs in each tissue, as measured by immunoblot using anti-ns-LTP serum. These results suggest that the ns-LTPs are synthesized de novo in each tissue after germination and not activated from inactive proteins synthesized before germination. Comparison of the immunoblot products in each tissue from 4-day-old seedlings indicate the occurrence of tissue-specific isoforms of ns-LTPs; 9 kilodaltons (major) and 7 kilodaltons (minor) in the cotyledons, and 7 kilodaltons (major) and 9 kilodaltons (minor) in the axis, whereas only the 8-kilodalton ns-LTP is present in the endosperm. In vitro translation from poly(A)+ RNAs from three tissues of castor bean seedlings and the detection of immunoprecipitated products indicate that translatable mRNAs for ns-LTPs exist in the three tissues a day before the synthesis of ns-LTPs; the translation products, which are 3.5 to 4.0 kilodaltons larger than ns-LTPs, were processed to the mature ns-LTPs. The production of mature ns-LTPs from translatable mRNAs without any delay suggests that gene expression of ns-LTPs in castor bean seedlings is controlled at a step before the formation of translatable mRNAs.  相似文献   

Biochemical events involved in the acquisition of germinability and storability during orthodox seed development are well documented; however, the roles played by the physical organization of lipids and water are poorly characterized. The aim of this work was to determine, using a thermodynamic approach, whether changes in thermal properties of lipid reserves, and intracellular glasses might play a role in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed development. Triacyglycerols (TAGs) accumulated in cotyledons until the end of seed filling, which occurred 42 days after anthesis (DAA). Further seed development, leading to mature seed at 58 DAA, was mainly associated with an enlargement of lipid bodies without significant changes either in the lipid content or in their composition. When cooled to -100 degrees C, lipid reserves from cotyledons of mature seeds displayed alpha and beta' polymorphic crystalline structures; however, the ability to form alpha crystals, which was an indicator of lipid purity, progressively appeared during seed development. Characteristics of lipid melting confirmed that seed maturation drying was associated with changes in TAG physical organization. Cotyledon development was associated with an increase in the temperature of glass to rubber transition (Tg), thus suggesting a decrease in molecular mobility during maturation drying. This phenomenon was concomitant with an increase in raffinose content. Our results demonstrate that physical characteristics of lipid reserves and glasses of sunflower cotyledons are developmentally regulated and might play a role in acquisition of seed germinability and storability.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins (LTP) facilitate transfer of lipids between membranes in vitro. Up to now, they have been found to be localized basically in the plant cell wall and in compartments linked to lipid metabolism, such as glyoxysomes. Accordingly, LTP are considered to be involved in the plant defence against pathogen microbes and lipid metabolism. We herein show, by immunoelectron microscopy, that besides the cell wall, LTP are localized in the lumen of organelles which we suggest to be the protein storage vacuoles, as well as in vesicles similar to the lipid-containing ones and in the extracellular space of Vigna unguiculata seeds. To further characterize these organelles, we performed subcellular fractionation of membranes isolated from imbibed seeds on a sucrose-density gradient. The analysis of these fractions revealed that the lightest membrane vesicles, derived probably from PSV, contain LTP, α-TIP and K+ independent PPiase, but not γ-TIP and K+ stimulated PPiase. The presence of LTP and vicilins (typical storage protein) in the lumen of these vesicles was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Taken together, the data suggest that the intracellular LTP in the V. unguiculata seeds are localized in protein storage vacuoles and in lipid-containing vesicles.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial protein of about 10 kD, called Ace-AMP1, was isolated from onion (Allium cepa L.) seeds. Based on the near-complete amino acid sequence of this protein, oligonucleotides were designed for polymerase chain reaction-based cloning of the corresponding cDNA. The mature protein is homologous to plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs), but it shares only 76% of the residues that are conserved among all known plant nsLTPs and is unusually rich in arginine. Ace-AMP1 inhibits all 12 tested plant pathogenic fungi at concentrations below 10 micrograms mL-1. Its antifungal activity is either not at all or is weakly affected by the presence of different cations at concentrations approximating physiological ionic strength conditions. Ace-AMP1 is also active on two Gram-positive bacteria but is apparently not toxic for Gram-negative bacteria and cultured human cells. In contrast to nsLTPs such as those isolated from radish or maize seeds, Ace-AMP1 was unable to transfer phospholipids from liposomes to mitochondria. On the other hand, lipid transfer proteins from wheat and maize seeds showed little or no antimicrobial activity, whereas the radish lipid transfer protein displayed antifungal activity only in media with low cation concentrations. The relevance of these findings with regard to the function of nsLTPs is discussed.  相似文献   

Dark germination of sea buckthorn (Hippophal rhamnoides L.) seeds was characterized by an initial 3-day-long lag-period, when the contents of triacylglycerols (TAGs) and polar lipids (PLs) remained nearly the same due to a retardation in lipid metabolization. Subsequently, TAG content declined rapidly, and by the 10th day of germination, it did not exceed 5% of total lipids. In this case, total saturated (S) and total unsaturated (U) fatty acids (FAs), as well as various TAG types such as S2U, SU2, and U3, were consumed at nearly similar relative rates. At the same time, separate TAG groups, which included one of the individual FAs, such as palmitic (P), stearic (St), oleic (O), linoleic (L), or linolenic (Le), differed from each other in the intensity of degradation. For L- and Le-TAGs, initial and final concentrations were similar, while initial concentrations of St- and O-TAGs by the 10th day of germination increased 2.3- and 1.5-fold, respectively, and as regards P-TAGs, this value decreased 3.5-fold. Thus, P-TAGs considerably exceeded other TAG groups in their consumption rate in seedlings, while St- and O-TAGs ranked below them in this respect. By the 10th day, the absolute level of PLs increased 16-fold due to a de novo formation of lipid membranes of the cells in the course of growth and differentiation of seedling tissues; this increase was accompanied by an increase in the S-FA concentration in PLs and a decrease in the amount of U-FAs.  相似文献   

Protein bodies isolated from lentil (Lens culinaris, Medik) cotyledons exhibit autolytic activity which increases during seed germination. Such autolytic capacity is active across a broad pH range and shows a maximum at pH 6.5. Excision of the embryonic axis reduces autolytic capacity and application during incubation of the seeds without axis of both 6-benzylaminopurine and kinetin is able to replace it. On the other hand, the proteolytic activity in the protein body membrane, is located towards the proteinaceous matrix and is obviously partially responsible for this autolytic activity.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of a nonspecific lipid transfer protein extracted from maize seeds determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy is described. This cationic protein consists of 93 amino acid residues. Its structure was determined from 1,091 NOE-derived distance restraints, including 929 interresidue connectivities and 197 dihedral restraints (phi, psi, chi 1) derived from NOEs and 3J coupling constants. The global fold involving four helical fragments connected by three loops and a C-terminal tail without regular secondary structures is stabilized by four disulfide bridges. The most striking feature of this structure is the existence of an internal hydrophobic cavity running through the whole molecule. The global fold of this protein, very similar to that of a previously described lipid transfer protein extracted from wheat seeds (Gincel E et al., 1994, Eur J Biochem 226:413-422) constitutes a new architecture for alpha-class proteins. 1H NMR and fluorescence studies show that this protein forms well-defined complexes in aqueous solution with lysophosphatidylcholine. Dissociation constants, Kd, of 1.9 +/- 0.6 x 10(-6) M and > 10(-3) M were obtained with lyso-C16 and -C12, respectively. A structure model for a lipid-protein complex is proposed in which the aliphatic chain of the phospholipid is inserted in the internal cavity and the polar head interacts with the charged side chains located at one end of this cavity. Our model for the lipid-protein complex is qualitatively very similar to the recently published crystal structure (Shin DH et al., 1995, Structure 3:189-199).  相似文献   

Yang X  Li J  Li X  She R  Pei Y 《Peptides》2006,27(12):3122-3128
In screening for potent antimicrobial proteins from plant seeds, a novel heat-stable antimicrobial protein, designated LJAMP2, was purified from seeds of the motherwort (Leonurus japonicus Houtt), a medicine herb, with a procedure involving cation exchange chromatography on a CM FF column, and reverse phase HPLCs on C8 column and C18 column. LJAMP2 exhibited a molecular mass of 6.2 kDa determined. Automated Edman degradation determined the partial N-terminal sequence of LJAMP2 to be NH2-AIGCNTVASKMAPCLPYVTGKGPLGGCCGGVKGLIDAARTTPDRQAVCNCLKTLAKSYSG, which displays homology with plant non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs). In vitro bioassays showed that LJAMP2 inhibits the growth of a variety of microbes, including filamentous fungi, bacteria and yeast. The growth of three phytopathogenic fungi, Alternaria brassicae, Botrytis maydis, and Rhizoctonia cerealis, are inhibited at 7.5 μM of LJAMP2, whereas Bacillus subtilis is about 15 μM. The IC50 of LJAMP2 for Aspergillus niger, B. maydis, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium digitatum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are 5.5, 6.1, 9.3, 40.0, and 76.0 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

Substitution of unextracted sunflower seeds for either 0, 25, 50 or 100% of the soya bean meal in pig diets produced no significant differences in digestible energy or apparent nitrogen retention. However, all diets containing unextracted sunflower seeds had significantly higher digestible nitrogen than the diets containing soya bean meal as the protein source. Replacement of 25% of the soya bean meal with unextracted sunflower seeds produced the greatest increase in digestibility. Rate and efficiency of gain in rats were used to evaluate the effects of autoclaving unextracted sunflower seeds at 115°C with 1.05 kg/cm2 pressure for 0, 5 or 10 minutes. Rats fed on the basal maize-soya bean meal diet gained significantly faster and more efficiently than the rats fed on the diets containing the sunflower seeds. An increase in heating time of the sunflower seeds produced a significant reduction in rate and efficiency of rat gain.  相似文献   

Walters C  Landré P  Hill L  Corbineau F  Bailly C 《Planta》2005,222(3):397-407
Imbibing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., cv. Briosol) seeds at water potentials between –2 MPa and –5 MPa leads to faster (priming) or slower (accelerated ageing) germination depending on the temperature and duration of treatment. Mobilization of food reserves may be associated with the changes in seed vigor. To study this, morphological, biochemical and phase properties of lipid, the major food reserve in sunflower, were compared in freshly harvested (i.e., control), primed and aged sunflower cotyledons using electron microscopy, biochemical analyses and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. Lipid bodies became smaller and more dispersed throughout the cytoplasm during priming and ageing. Despite ultrastructural changes, there were few measured changes in biochemistry of the neutral lipid component; lipid content, proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and level of free fatty acids were unchanged in primed and slightly aged seeds, with only severely aged seeds showing a net decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids and an increase in free fatty acids. Subtle changes in the calorimetric behavior of lipids within sunflower cotyledons were observed. Sunflower lipids exhibited polymorphic crystalline and amorphous solid phases when cooled to <–100°C, but priming decreased the rate of crystallization in vivo and ageing increased the rate of crystallization, but decreased percentage crystallinity. The observed changes in thermal behavior in vivo are consistent with losses and gains, respectively, of interacting non-lipid moieties in the triacylglycerol matrix.  相似文献   

An antifungal protein from Helianthus annuus L. seeds (Ha-AP10) has been purified to homogeneity and characterized. Ha-AP10 purification was performed by gel filtration, cation exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. Its molecular mass was estimated to be 10 kDa and western blot analyses suggest that it has an extracellular location. The N-terminal sequence of Ha-AP10 showed strong homology to some plant lipid-transfer proteins (LTPs). Antifungal tests have demonstrated that Ha-AP10 exerts a fungistatic effect. It completely inhibits the germination of spores of the fungal pathogen Fusarium solani f. sp. eumartii at a concentration of 40 μg ml−1 and produces a 50% growth inhibition at 6.5 μg ml−1 (0.65 μ M ). These data place Ha-AP10 among the most potent antifungal LTPs described so far.  相似文献   

Endosperm extracts were prepared at various times during germination from intact castor-bean seeds and from seeds from which the embryos had been removed. The sterilized seeds were incubated either on solid water agar or on agar containing 0.3 mM-gibberellic acid. 2. Isocitrate lyase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase had very low activities in the mature seeds, but increased 44-fold and 27-fold respectively during germination. In contrast, the extracts of mature seeds had considerable acid and alkaline lipase activity and this only increased two- to three-fold during the incubation period. 3. Incubation of the seeds with gibberellic acid accelerated the rate of appearance of isocitrate lyase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. It also increased the total activity attained. However, the application of hormone had, in comparison, little effect on the development of lipase activity. 4. The removal of the embryo had little influence on the development of enzyme activity in the endosperm tissue; only with isocitrate lyase was a decrease in activity observed in the absence of the embryo.  相似文献   

对转trxS基因大麦籽粒发芽过程中蛋白酶活性、不同蛋白组分含量和贮藏蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱的变化进行了研究。结果表明:与对照相比,转基因籽粒中的蛋白酶活性提高;清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白含量低于对照。SDS-PAGE图谱也表明,转基因籽粒中贮藏蛋白降解快于对照。  相似文献   

The present study reports, for the first time in literature, the purification and biochemical characterization of a small basic protein from maize seeds similar to plant lipid transfer proteins-2, named mLTP2. The mLTP2 consists of 70 amino acid residues and has an M(r) of 7303.83, determined by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The primary structure of mLTP2 was determined by automated Edman degradation of the intact protein and peptides obtained from digestions with trypsin and by C-terminal sequencing using carboxypeptidase Y. The mLTP2 exhibits high sequence similarity (51-44% identical positions) with other plant LTP2s previously described.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase purified from maize scutellum showed a kinetic transition from negative cooperativity at pH 5.4, to Michaelian behavior at pH 6.7. The  相似文献   

The regulatory function of sucrose in the activity of lipid-degrading enzymes was investigated in germinating seeds of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet). The study was conducted on isolated embryo axes, excised cotyledons and seedlings cultured in vitro for 96 h on medium with 60 mM sucrose or without the sugar. The activity of lipase (lipolysis), acyl-CoA oxidase and catalase (fatty acid β-oxidation) was enhanced in all studied organs cultured on medium without sucrose. The activity of cytosolic aconitase (glyoxylate cycle) was stimulated by sucrose in seedling axes and isolated embryo axes, whereas in seedling cotyledons and excised cotyledons, it was inhibited. The regulatory function of sucrose in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (gluconeogenesis) was observed only in isolated embryo axes and the activity was lower in carbohydrate deficiency conditions. The peculiar features of storage lipid breakdown in germinating lupin seeds and its regulation by sucrose are discussed.  相似文献   

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