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Aflatoxin B1 production by Aspergillus flavus was studied in yeast extract sucrose broth in the presence of cinnamon, clove, almond and cardamom oils. Growth and aflatoxin B1 production was inhibited by 0.5 μl cinnamon oil ml-1 medium and by 1 μl clove oil ml-1. Almond and cardamom oils only affected growth when their concentration exceeded 1.25 μl ml-1 medium. Aflatoxin B1 production was stimulated by 0.75 and 1 μl almond oil ml-1 medium or by 0.25 and 0.5 μl cardamom oil ml-1.  相似文献   

S. MARIN, V. SANCHIS, I. VINAS, R. CANELA AND N. MAGAN. 1995. The effect of different water activities ( a w, 0.968, 0.956, 0.944, 0.925) and temperature (25°C and 30°C) on colonization and production of fumonisin B1 (FB1) and B2 (FB2) on sterile layers of maize by Fusarium proliferatum and F. moniliforme isolates was determined over periods of 6 weeks. Generally, both F. moniliforme and F. proliferatum grew faster with increasing a w and best at 30°C. All three isolates produced more FB 1 than FB2 regardless of a w or temperature. Very little FB1 and FB2 were produced at 0.925 a w, with maximum produced at 0.956 and 0.968 a w at both temperatures tested. Most FB1 and FB2 were produced by F. moniliforme (25N), followed by F. proliferatum isolates (73N and 131N). At all a w levels and both temperatures there was an increase in FB1 and FB2 concentration with time. Statistical analyses of a w, temperature, time, two- and three-way interactions showed some significant differences between isolates and FB1 and FB2 production.  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on the immunity-impairing activity of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was studied. Phagocytosis by rat peritoneal macrophages, which was found to be suppressed in the presence of AFB1, remained unimpaired when the applied AFB1 was pretreated with ozone (1.2 mg 1-1) for 6 min at a flow rate of 40 ml min-1. Hence, application of ozone on AFB1-contaminated foodcrops seems to be a promising preventive measure against any adverse immunological disorder in consumers.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess the ability of five probiotic bacteria to bind aflatoxin B1 and to determine the key role of teichoic acids in the binding mechanism.
Methods and Results:  The strains were incubated in aqueous solutions containing aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). The amount of free toxin was quantified by HPLC. Stability of the bacteria–aflatoxin complex was evaluated by repeated washes with buffer. In order to understand the binding process, protoplasts, spheroplasts and cell wall components of two strains were analysed to assess their capacity to bind AFB1. Additionally, the role of teichoic acids in the AFB1 binding process was assessed. Lactobacillus reuteri strain NRRL14171 and Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota were the most efficient strains for binding AFB1. The stability of the AFB1–bacteria complex appears to be related to the binding ability of a particular strain; AFB1 binding was also pH-dependent. Our results suggest that teichoic acids could be responsible for this ability.
Conclusions:  Our results provide information concerning AFB1 binding by previously untested strains, leading to enhanced understanding of the mechanism by which probiotic bacteria bind AFB1.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Our results support the suggestion that some probiotic bacteria could prevent absorption of aflatoxin from the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extracts of olive callus tissues, added at 0.5 or 1.0% to media on which Aspergillus flavus was grown, inhibited aflatoxin production by 90% without inhibiting the fungal growth. The extract was found to contain mainly caffeic acid and, to a lesser extent, catechin and coumarins. The fungicidal and bactericidal activity of caffeic acid, catechin, coumarin and p-, o- or m-coumaric acid were tested and only caffeic acid and o-coumaric acid inhibited aflatoxin production. The inhibitory effect had no correlation with the growth of the fungus. Only coumarin at 10 mmol/1 totally inhibited fungal growth. Of the phenolic constituents of callus tissues tested, catechin and caffeic acid (10 mmol/1) showed bactericidal activity towards Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Abstract Contamination of food with mycotoxins is a major health problem. Impairment of several immune functions has been repeatedly reported in animals fed with contaminated fodder. Since the liver is a major target of toxicity by aflatoxins, the effects of aflatoxins B1, and its hepatic metabolites Q1 and M1 on Kupffer cell function was investigated in vitro. Aflatoxin B1 induced significant ( P < 0.05) inhibition of phagocytosis, intracellular killing of Candida albicans , and intrinsic anti-Herpes virus activity at concentrations as low as 0.01 pg ml−1. Aflatoxin Q1 and M1 had similar effects on phagocytosis and microbicidal activity, but were two- to ten-fold less potent than aflatoxin B1.  相似文献   

Aims:  To test the fumonisin B1 - producing ability of Fusarium proliferatum strains isolated from Welsh onion ( Allium fistulosum ) plants and seeds of commercial cultivars in Japan and to examine the applicability of PCR-based assays to discriminate between fumonisin B1-producing and nonproducing isolates.
Methods and Results:  Fumonisin B1 levels in 20 Fusarium isolates obtained from Welsh onion plants and seeds of seven commercial cultivars were determined by HPLC. Thirteen of the 20 isolates produced fumonisin B1. PCR assay with FUM1 gene-specific primers amplified a DNA fragment (700 bp) only from fumonisin-producing isolates.
Conclusions:  Fusarium proliferatum isolates that can produce fumonisin B1 were often associated with wilted Welsh onion plants and seeds of some commercial cultivars. The PCR assay with FUM1 gene-specific primers has the potential to discriminate between fumonisin B1-producing and nonproducing isolates.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study revealed that F. proliferatum producing fumonisin B1 is associated with Welsh onion plants and that commercial cultivar seeds may be contaminated with the fungus. PCR amplification of FUM1 gene can be a useful tool for the rapid identification of fumonisin B1-producing F. proliferatum isolates.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (McAb) was produced after fusion of mouse (X63.Ag8.6.5.3) myeloma cells with spleen cells isolated from female Balb-c/NZB F1 hybrid mice immunized with aflatoxin B1 (oxine)-keyhole limpet haemocyanin conjugate. The hybridoma cell line producing antibody specific for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was grown in tissue culture and as an ascites tumour. The ascitic fluid gave suitably high dilution titres (1:800 000) by enzyme immunoassay and was conjugated to horseradish peroxidase by a two-step procedure with glutaraldehyde. The conjugate was used to develop a direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) assay for AFB1. The sensitivity of the ELISA was 0–2 ng/ml with a working range up to 10 ng/ml for AFB1. The specificity of the McAb was determined and it was shown not to cross-react significantly with any of the metabolites tested. This McAb and the direct competitive ELISA described may prove of use in the detection of AFB1 in foods and feeds.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of fumonisin B1 (FB1) in Indian maize and its impact on the viability and phagocytosis of chicken peritoneal macrophages in vitro were investigated. FB1 was found to be present at the levels of 300–366 ppm in Fusarium moniliforme -infected maize grains. The infected kernels in a population of 100 ears showed normal (Gaussian) frequency distribution. FB1, extracted from the contaminated kernels, reduced the viability and phagocytic activity of macrophages. These findings imply that FB1 exposure may become a potential problem in India and may lead to decreased immune responses with consequent susceptibility of a host to infection.  相似文献   

The growth of a toxigenic strain (Saktiman 3Nst) of Aspergillus flavus decreased progressively with increasing concentration of essential oils from leaves of Cinnamomum camphora and rhizome of Alpinia galanga incorporated into SMKY liquid medium. The oils significantly arrested aflatoxin B1 elaboration by A. flavus. The oil of C. camphora completely checked aflatoxin B1 elaboration at 750 ppm (mg/L) while that of A. galanga showed complete inhibition at 500 ppm only. The oil combination of C. camphora and A. galanga showed more efficacy than the individual oils showing complete inhibition of AFB1 production even at 250 ppm.  相似文献   

Exposure of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri , to the carcinogenic mycotoxin, aflatoxin B1, resulted in a loss of B cell memory, but produced no change in the primary B cell antibody response. This effect was demonstrated both in vivo , in the generation of serum antibodies, and in vitro , in the generation of antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

Feed samples collected from different poultry farms and feed mills situated in Andaman and Nicobar islands in India were assessed for microflora and aflatoxin B1 contamination. The bacterial counts ranged from 1.0 times 107 to 8.8 times 107 cfu/g of the feeds, while counts of fungi ranged from 1.0 times 103 to 8.7 times 103 cfu/g. The mycoflora comprised mainly of Aspergillus spp., A. flavus being most dominant. Aflatoxin B1 was detected by monoclonal antibody-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique and the content in different feed samples ranged from 5.5 to 90 ng/g.  相似文献   

Effects of exogenous glycinebetaine (GB, 2–50 mM) on growth, photosynthetic gas exchange, PSII photochemistry, and the activities of key enzymes involved in CO2 fixation in maize plants were investigated. Growth, CO2 assimilation rate, and stomatal conductance increased at low GB concentrations (2–20 mM) but decreased significantly at high GB concentrations (30–50 mM). Leaf relative water content and water potential remained unchanged at low GB concentrations but decreased at high GB concentrations. The maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry was unchanged either at low or high GB concentrations. The actual PSII efficiency ( Φ PSII) and photochemical quenching (qP) increased at low GB concentrations but decreased at high GB concentrations. At low GB concentrations, there were no significant changes in the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres (Fv′/Fm′) and non‐photochemical quenching (qN). At high GB concentrations, Fv′/Fm′ decreased while qN increased significantly. There were no changes in the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate phosphate dikinase, and ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase in control and GB‐fed plants. However, there was a linear correlation between CO2 assimilation rate and stomatal conductance in control and GB‐fed plants. Moreover, there were no significant differences in O2 evolution rate between control and GB fed‐plants under saturated CO2 conditions. The results suggest that exogenous GB application at certain concentrations can enhance CO2 assimilation rate, which can be explained by an increased stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

The results of hybridisation experiments involving 24 strains of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid Vulpia , representing nine species in three sections, and 22 strains of hexaploid and octoploid Festuca rubra agg., are presented, and the taxonomic implications discussed. 7848 pollinations produced 741 hybrid caryopses, from which 137 mature hybrid plants were raised (1.75% success rate) by embryo culture. Festuca x Festuca crosses were relatively easily achieved, and Festuca x Vulpia crosses were as successful as Vulpia x Vulpia crosses, indicating a close relationship between these two genera. Hybrids with F. rubra agg. were raised from females of species from all three sections of Vulpia. Within Vulpia , the most successful crosses involved V. geniculata, V. ligustica, V. fasciculata and V. pyramidata , whereas V. alopecuros was the least successful parent of all, producing only one mature hybrid from 2595 pollinations.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of mild hyperthermia (42°C) on the cytotoxic activity of a 1 h melphalan exposure in human melanoma cell lines. Hyperthermia did not affect cell growth of any culture, but it increased, to a different extent, melphalan cytotoxicity in all cell lines, with a reduction in the IC50 of 1.7 to 2.6-fold. Flow cytometric analysis showed that in normal temperature conditions melphalan caused S phase cell accumulation, which was evident only at 24 h in JR8, M14 and 2/21 cell lines and was still persistent at 72 h in 2/60 cells. Moreover, in all cell lines, the delay in S phase was paralleled, or followed, by an accumulation of cells in G2+ M, which was transient in JR8 and M14 cells and persisted until 72 h in 2/21 and 2/60 melanoma clones. Hyperthermia caused a stabilization and prolongation of melphalan induced G2+ M accumulation in JR8 and M14 cells. Conversely, in 2/21 and 2/60 clones, cell cycle perturbations induced by the drug were similar under normothermic or hyperthermic conditions. Specifically, in JR8, for which the maximum enhancement by hyperthermia on melphalan cytotoxicity was observed, cell accumulation in G2+ M was still present 120 h after treatment. The accumulation was accompanied by an inhibition in the G2 - M transition, as demonstrated by the significant reduction in the mitotic index of cells exposed to combined treatment compared to controls. Moreover, a bivariate distribution of cells stained for DNA and cyclin B1 showed that, following melphalan and hyperthermia treatment, the fraction of cyclin B1-expressing cells paralleled the fraction of G2+ M phase cells, thus indicating that the inability of cells to enter mitosis was not ascribable to a reduction of cyclin B1 expression. On the whole, our results indicate that hyperthermia can stabilize the G2 accumulation induced by melphalan in human melanoma cells. Such a stabilization could contribute to the enhancement of melphalan cytotoxicity by heat, even though a strict correlation was not observed between the magnitude and persistence of the cell cycle perturbations and the extent of melphalan activity.  相似文献   

Synchronously dividing cultures of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obtusiusculus were cultivated for 24 or 70 h in medium high (1000 μM) or low (60 μM) in phosphorus. Aliquots of AlCl3 (0, 37, 74, 111, 148, 185, or 222 μmol) were added daily to 1 l cell suspension at the end of the cell division phase. Algae were also grown in media with different pH, adjusted with HCl, in the absence of AlCl3.
Effects of Al on cell metabolism vary with the intracellular Al concentration and with the concentration of Al available per cell. When the concentration of phosphorus is low, internal concentrations of Al are high and the chlorophyll content and the net dry matter production per cell increase, whereas the photosynthesis and the cell division are increased. Presence of Al in a low P medium decreases the pH of the medium down to 4.5. There are only small effects of Al in the presence of P, due to precipitation of most of the Al with P in the medium.
Despite the Al-induced decrease of the pH of the culture medium, effects caused by Al cannot be explained as a pH effect. Instead, the Al effect may, at least to some extent, be related to a decrease in availability of P in the metabolism, due to formation of aluminium phosphate inside the cell.  相似文献   

The essential oil of German chamomile showed specific inhibition toward aflatoxin G1 (AFG1) production, and ( E )- and ( Z )-spiroethers were isolated as the active compounds from the oil. The ( E )- and ( Z )-spiroethers inhibited AFG1 production of Aspergillus parasiticus with inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) values of 2.8 and 20.8 μM, respectively, without inhibiting fungal growth. Results of an O- methylsterigmatocystin (OMST) conversion study indicated that the spiroethers specifically inhibited the OMST to AFG1 pathway. A cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, CYPA, is known as an essential enzyme for this pathway. Because CYPA has homology with TRI4, a key enzyme catalyzing early steps in the biosynthesis of trichothecenes, the inhibitory actions of the two spiroethers against TRI4 reactions and 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-ADON) production were tested. ( E ) - and ( Z ) - spiroethers inhibited the enzymatic activity of TRI4 dose-dependently and interfered with 3-ADON production by Fusarium graminearum , with IC50 values of 27.1 and 103 μM, respectively. Our results suggest that the spiroethers inhibited AFG1 and 3-ADON production by inhibiting CYPA and TRI4, respectively.  相似文献   

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