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Substantial progress has been made in recent years to augment the current understanding of structures and interactions that promote viral membrane fusion. This progress is reviewed with a particular emphasis on recently determined structures of viral fusion domains and their interactions with lipid membranes. The results from the different structural and thermodynamic experimental approaches are synthesized into a new proposed mechanism, termed the “spring-loaded boomerang” mechanism of membrane fusion, which is presented here as a hypothesis.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in recent years to augment the current understanding of structures and interactions that promote viral membrane fusion. This progress is reviewed with a particular emphasis on recently determined structures of viral fusion domains and their interactions with lipid membranes. The results from the different structural and thermodynamic experimental approaches are synthesized into a new proposed mechanism, termed the "spring-loaded boomerang" mechanism of membrane fusion, which is presented here as a hypothesis.  相似文献   

Reliable techniques are required to evaluate the plausibility of proposed membrane fusion mechanisms. Here we have studied the kinetics of establishing the lipidic connection between hemagglutinin-expressing cells (HA-cells) and red blood cells (RBC) labeled with octadecylrhodamine, R18, using three different experimental approaches: (1) the most common approach of monitoring the rate of the R18 dequenching in a cuvette with a suspension of RBC/HA-cell complexes; (2) video fluorescence microscopy (VFM) to detect the waiting times before the onset of R18 redistribution, not dequenching, for each RBC attached to an adherent HA-cell; and (3) a new approach based on blockage of RBC fusion to an adherent HA-cell at different time points by lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), so that only the cell pairs which, at the time of LPC application, had fused or were irreversibly committed to fusion contributed to the final extent of lipid mixing. The LPC blockage and VFM gave very similar estimates for the fusion kinetics, with LPC monitoring also those sites committed to the lipid mixing process. In contrast, R18 dequenching in the cuvette was much slower, i.e., it monitors a much later stage of dye redistribution.  相似文献   

The data of Melikyan et al. (J. Gen. Physiol. 106:783, 1995) for the time required for the first measurable step of fusion, the formation of the first flickering conductivity pore between influenza hemagglutinin (HA) expressing cells and planar bilayers, has been analyzed using a new mass action kinetic model. The analysis incorporates a rigorous distinction between the minimum number of HA trimers aggregated at the nascent fusion site (which is denoted the minimal aggregate size) and the number of those trimers that must to undergo a slow essential conformational change before the first fusion pore could form (which is denoted the minimal fusion unit). At least eight (and likely more) HA trimers aggregated at the nascent fusion site. Remarkably, of these eight (or more) HAs, only two or three must undergo the essential conformational change slowly before the first fusion pore can form. Whether the conformational change of these first two or three HAs are sufficient for the first fusion pore to form or whether the remaining HAs within the aggregate must rapidly transform in a cooperative manner cannot be determined kinetically. Remarkably, the fitted halftime for the essential HA conformational change is roughly 10(4) s, which is two orders of magnitude slower than the observed halftime for fusion. This is because the HAs refold with distributed kinetics and because the conductance assay monitored the very first aggregate to succeed in forming a first fusion pore from an ensemble of hundreds or thousands (depending upon the cell line) of fusogenic HA aggregates within the area of apposition between the cell and the planar bilayer. Furthermore, the average rate constant for this essential conformational change was at least 10(7) times slower than expected for a simple coiled coil conformational change, suggesting that there is either a high free energy barrier to fusion and/or very many nonfusogenic conformations in the refolding landscape. Current models for HA-mediated fusion are examined in light of these new constraints on the early structure and evolution of the nascent fusion site. None completely comply with the data.  相似文献   

Low pH-induced fusion mediated by the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus involves conformational changes in the protein that lead to the insertion of a "fusion peptide" domain of this protein into the target membrane and is thought to perturb the membrane, triggering fusion. By using whole virus, purified HA, or HA ectodomains, we found that shortly after insertion, pores of less than 26 A in diameter were formed in liposomal membranes. As measured by a novel assay, these pores stay open, or continue to close and open, for minutes to hours and persist after pH neutralization. With virus and purified HA, larger pores, allowing the leakage of dextrans, were seen at times well after insertion. For virus, dextran leakage was simultaneous with lipid mixing and the formation of "fusion pores," allowing the transfer of dextrans from the liposomal to the viral interior or vice versa. Pores did not form in the viral membrane in the absence of a target membrane. Based on these data, we propose a new model for fusion, in which HA initially forms a proteinaceous pore in the target, but not in the viral membrane, before a lipidic hemifusion intermediate is formed.  相似文献   

Cells expressing wild-type influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) or HA with a point mutation within the transmembrane domain (G520L) were bound to red blood cells and exposed to low pH for short times at suboptimal temperatures followed by reneutralization. This produced intermediate states of fusion. The ability of intermediate states to proceed on to fusion when temperature was raised was compared kinetically. In general, for wild-type HA, fusion occurred more quickly by directly lowering pH at 37 degrees C in the bound state than by raising temperature at the intermediate stage. When pH was lowered for 1-2 min, kinetics of fusion upon raising temperature of an intermediate slowed the longer the intermediate was maintained at neutral pH. But for a more sustained (10 min) acidification, kinetics was independent of the time the intermediate was held at neutral pH before triggering fusion by raising temperature. In contrast, generating intermediates in the same way with G520L yielded kinetics of fusion that did not depend on the time intermediates were maintained after reneutralization. For both HA and G520L, the extents of fusion did not depend on the temperature at which pH was lowered, but fusion from the intermediate was extremely sensitive to the temperature to which the cells were raised. The measured kinetics and temperature dependencies suggest that the rate-limiting step of fusion occurs subsequent to formation of any of the intermediates; the conformational change of HA into its final configuration may be the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

While biological membrane fusion is classically defined as the leak-free merger of membranes and contents, leakage is a finding in both experimental and theoretical studies. The fusion stages, if any, that allow membrane permeation are uncharted. In this study we monitored membrane ionic permeability at early stages of fusion mediated by the fusogenic protein influenza hemagglutinin (HA). HAb2 cells, expressing HA on their plasma membrane, fused with human red blood cells, cultured liver cells PLC/PRF/5, or planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. With a probability that depended upon the target membrane, an increase of the electrical conductance of the fusing membranes (leakage) by up to several nS was generally detected. This leakage was recorded at the initial stages of fusion, when fusion pores formed. This leakage usually accompanied the "flickering" stage of the early fusion pore development. As the pore widened, the leakage reduced; concomitantly, the lipid exchange between the fusing membranes accelerated. We conclude that during fusion pore formation, HA locally and temporarily increases the permeability of fusing membranes. Subsequent rearrangement in the fusion complex leads to the resealing of the leaky membranes and enlargement of the pore.  相似文献   

Fusion mediated by influenza hemagglutinin (HA), a prototype fusion protein, is commonly detected as lipid and content mixing between fusing cells. Decreasing the surface density of fusion-competent HA inhibited these advanced fusion phenotypes and allowed us to identify an early stage of fusion at physiological temperature. Although lipid flow between membranes was restricted, the contacting membrane monolayers were apparently transiently connected, as detected by the transformation of this fusion intermediate into complete fusion after treatments known to destabilize hemifusion diaphragms. These reversible connections disappeared within 10-20 min after application of low pH, indicating that after the energy released by HA refolding dissipated, the final low pH conformation of HA did not support membrane merger. Although the dynamic character and the lack of lipid mixing at 37 degrees C distinguish the newly identified fusion intermediate from the intermediate arrested at 4 degrees C described previously, both intermediates apparently belong to the same family of restricted hemifusion (RH) structures. Because the formation of transient RH structures at physiological temperatures was as fast as fusion pore opening and required less HA, we hypothesize that fusion starts with the formation of multiple RH sites, only a few of which then evolve to become expanding fusion pores.  相似文献   

We have studied the kinetics of low pH-induced fusion between influenza virus A/PR 8/34 and human erythrocyte membranes in suspension by using an assay based on fluorescence dequenching (FDQ) of the lipophilic dye octadecylrhodamine B chloride (R 18). As shown previously (Clague et al. 1991) the onset of FDQ is preceded by a characteristic lag time (t lag) following pH reduction. Whereas t lag represents only a subpopulation of fusing viruses with the shortest delay time we suggest here that a representative mean lag time µ1ag of virus-cell fusion can be deduced from the R 18-assay. Kinetics of FDQ reflects the cumulative distribution function of lag times lag of single fusion events with the mean value µlag. We show that t lag obtained from the onset of FDQ does not always reflect the fusion behaviour of the whole population of fusing viruses. While both lag times, t lag and µlag exhibit a similar temperature dependence we found a significantly different dependence of both delay times on virus inactivation by low pH-pretreatment. We conclude that the mean lag time µlag appears to be a more appropriate parameter describing the kinetics of virus-cell fusion. The analysis of delay times offers a new approach to test the validity of different kinetic models of HA-mediated fusion and to gain valuable information about HA-mediated fusion. The analysis confirms that the inactivation process proceeds via steps of the formation of the fusion pore. Although the increase of lag times can be explained by a depletion of fusion competent HA's, our data suggest that intermediate structures of HA along the inactivation pathway can still transform into a fusion site.Abbreviations FDQ fluorescence dequenching - HA hemagglutinin - PBS phosphate buffered saline - R18 octadecylrhodamine B chloride - t lag lag time - µlag mean lag time - lag individual delay time Correspondence to: A. Herrmann  相似文献   

A kinetic and quantitative analysis of the binding and fusion of Sendai virus with erythrocyte membranes was performed by using a membrane fusion assay based on the relief of fluorescence self-quenching. At 37 degrees C, the process of virus association displayed a half time of 2.5 min; at 4 degrees C, the half time was 3.0 min. The fraction of the viral dose which became cell associated was independent of the incubation temperature and increased with increasing target membrane concentration. On the average, one erythrocyte ghost can accommodate ca. 1,200 Sendai virus particles. The stability of viral attachment was sensitive to a shift in temperature: a fraction of the virions (ca. 30%), attached at 4 degrees C, rapidly (half time, ca. 2.5 min) eluted from the cell surface at 37 degrees C, irrespective of the presence of free virus in the medium. The elution can be attributed to a spontaneous, temperature-induced release, rather than to viral neuraminidase activity. Competition experiments with nonlabeled virus revealed that viruses destined to fuse do not exchange with free particles in the medium but rather bind in a rapid and irreversible manner. The fusion rate of Sendai virus was affected by the density of the virus particles on the cell surface and became restrained when more than 170 virus particles were attached per ghost. In principle, all virus particles added displayed fusion activity. However, at high virus-to-ghost ratios, only a fraction actually fused, indicating that a limited number of fusion sites exist on the erythrocyte membrane. We estimate that ca. 180 virus particles maximally can fuse with one erythrocyte ghost.  相似文献   

SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) assembly may promote intracellular membrane fusion, an essential process for vesicular transport in cells. Core complex formation between vesicle-associated SNARE and target membrane SNARE perhaps drives the merging of two membranes into a single bilayer. Using spin-labeling EPR, trans-SNARE complex formation was monitored "locally" at four different core locations of recombinant yeast SNAREs, which are individually reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The results indicate that the time scales of core formation are virtually the same at all four locations throughout the core region, indicating the possibility of a single step core assembly, which appears to be somewhat different from what has been postulated by the "zipper" model. The EPR data were then compared with the kinetics of the lipid mixing measured with the fluorescence assay. The analysis suggests that SNARE core assembly occurs on a much faster time scale than the lipid mixing, providing a new insight into the timing of individual events in SNARE-induced membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Intermediates in influenza induced membrane fusion.   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
T Stegmann  J M White    A Helenius 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(13):4231-4241
Our results show that the mechanism by which influenza virus fuses with target membranes involves sequential complex changes in the hemagglutinin (HA, the viral fusion protein) and in the contact site between virus and target membrane. To render individual steps amenable to study, we worked at 0 degree C which decreased the rate of fusion and increased the efficiency. The mechanism of fusion at 0 degree C and 37 degrees C was similar. The process began with a conformational change in HA which exposed the fusion peptides but did not lead to dissociation of the tops of the ectodomain of the trimer. The change in the protein led to immediate hydrophobic attachment of the virus to the target liposomes. Attachment was followed by a lag period (4-8 min at 0 degree C, 0.6-2 s at 37 degrees C) during which rearrangements occurred in the site of membrane contact between the virus and liposome. After a further series of changes the final bilayer merger took place. This final fusion event was not pH dependent. At 0 degree C efficient fusion occurred without dissociation of the top domains of the HA trimer, suggesting that a transient conformation of HA is responsible for fusion at physiological temperatures. The observations lead to a revised model for HA mediated fusion.  相似文献   

Influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is a determinant of virus infectivity. Therefore, it is important to determine whether HA of a new influenza virus, which can potentially cause pandemics, is functional against human cells. The novel imaging technique reported here allows rapid analysis of HA function by visualizing viral fusion inside cells. This imaging was designed to detect fusion changing the spectrum of the fluorescence-labeled virus. Using this imaging, we detected the fusion between a virus and a very small endosome that could not be detected previously, indicating that the imaging allows highly sensitive detection of viral fusion.  相似文献   

Y S Tsao  L Huang 《Biochemistry》1986,25(13):3971-3976
Fusion between Sendai virus and liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and different mole fractions of ganglioside GD1a has been investigated. At different times after mixing the virus and liposomes, the mixture was diluted with a sucrose solution and centrifuged in an airfuge to separate the free and virus-associated liposomes. Since the HN protein of the virus was sensitive to the reducing reagent, inclusion of dithiothreitol in the sucrose solution dissociated the bound but not the fused liposomes. Thus, the kinetics of liposome-virus binding and fusion could be independently measured. The validity of the assay was confirmed by electron microscopic observation of the virus-liposome mixtures. With trypsin-treated Sendai virus, in which the F glycoprotein of the virus had been selectively removed, only virus-liposome binding but not fusion was observed. The kinetic experiments were done under the condition of virus in large excess. Following a very fast initial binding phase, which was completed at the "zero time" of the measurement, the virus-liposome binding followed pseudo-first-order kinetics. The subsequent fusion step was zero order. Judging from the discontinuity in the Arrhenius plots, both binding and fusion events were sensitive to the gel-liquid-crystalline phase transition of the target membrane. The binding rate constants had activation energies between 16 and 23 kcal/mol at temperatures above the transition. They were not sensitive to temperature change at temperatures below the transition. On the other hand, the fusion rate constants were not sensitive to temperature change above the transition, except for 6.3% GD1a liposomes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanism of influenza hemagglutinin (HA) mediated membrane fusion has been intensively studied for over 20 years after the bromelain-released ectodomain of HA at neutral pH was first crystallized. Nearly 10 years ago, the low-pH-induced “spring coiled” conformational change of HA was predicted from peptide chemistry and confirmed by crystallography. Other work has yielded a wealth of knowledge on the observed changes in HA fusion/hemifusion phenotypes as a function of site-specific mutations of HA, or added amphipathic molecules or particular IgGs. It is becoming clear that the conformational changes predicted by the crystallography are necessary to cause fusion and that interfering with these changes can block fusion or reduce it to hemifusion. What is not known is how the conformational changes cause fusion. In particular, while it is generally agreed that fusion requires an aggregate of HAs, how the aggregate may act to transduce the energy of the HA conformational changes to creating the initial fusion defect is not known. We have used a comprehensive mass action kinetic model of HA-mediated fusion to carry out a “meta-analysis” of several key data sets, using HA-expressing cells and using virions. The consensus result of these detailed kinetic studies was that the fusion site of influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is an aggregate with at least eight HAs. The high-energy conformational change of only two of these HAs within the aggregate permits the formation of the first fusion pore. This “8 and 2” result was required to best fit all the data. We review these studies and how this kinetic result can guide and constrain HA fusion models. The kinetic analysis suggests that the sequence of fusion intermediates starts with protein control and ends with lipid control, which makes sense. While curvature intermediates, e.g. the lipid stalk, are almost certainly within the fusion sequence, the “8 and 2” result does not suggest that they are the first step after HA aggregation. The stabilized hydrophobic defect model we have proposed as a precursor to the lipid stalk can form and is consistent with the “8 and 2” result.  相似文献   

The mechanism of influenza hemagglutinin (HA) mediated membrane fusion has been intensively studied for over 20 years after the bromelain-released ectodomain of HA at neutral pH was first crystallized. Nearly 10 years ago, the low-pH-induced "spring coiled" conformational change of HA was predicted from peptide chemistry and confirmed by crystallography. Other work has yielded a wealth of knowledge on the observed changes in HA fusion/hemifusion phenotypes as a function of site-specific mutations of HA, or added amphipathic molecules or particular IgGs. It is becoming clear that the conformational changes predicted by the crystallography are necessary to cause fusion and that interfering with these changes can block fusion or reduce it to hemifusion. What is not known is how the conformational changes cause fusion. In particular, while it is generally agreed that fusion requires an aggregate of HAs, how the aggregate may act to transduce the energy of the HA conformational changes to creating the initial fusion defect is not known. We have used a comprehensive mass action kinetic model of HA-mediated fusion to carry out a "meta-analysis" of several key data sets, using HA-expressing cells and using virions. The consensus result of these detailed kinetic studies was that the fusion site of influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is an aggregate with at least eight HAs. The high-energy conformational change of only two of these HAs within the aggregate permits the formation of the first fusion pore. This "8 and 2" result was required to best fit all the data. We review these studies and how this kinetic result can guide and constrain HA fusion models. The kinetic analysis suggests that the sequence of fusion intermediates starts with protein control and ends with lipid control, which makes sense. While curvature intermediates, e.g. the lipid stalk, are almost certainly within the fusion sequence, the "8 and 2" result does not suggest that they are the first step after HA aggregation. The stabilized hydrophobic defect model we have proposed as a precursor to the lipid stalk can form and is consistent with the "8 and 2" result.  相似文献   

To define the stages in influenza haemagglutinin (HA)-mediated fusion the kinetics of fusion between cell pairs consisting of single influenza HA-expressing cells and single erythrocytes (RBC) which had been labelled with both a fluorescent lipid (DiI) in the membrane and a fluorescent solute (calcein) in the aqueous space have been monitored. It is shown that release of solute from the target cell occurs, following the formation of the hemi-fusion diaphragm. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which fusion peptide insertion into the target membrane induces lipid stalks, which results in the formation of a hemifusion diaphragm and a fusion pore. Bilayer expansion due to overproduction of these stalks can give rise to collateral damage of target membranes.  相似文献   

We have studied the fusion between voltage-clamped planar lipid bilayers and influenza virus infected MDCK cells, adhered to one side of the bilayer, using measurements of electrical admittance and fluorescence. The changes in currents in-phase and 90 degrees out-of- phase with respect to the applied sinusoidal voltage were used to monitor the addition of the cell membrane capacitance to that of the lipid bilayer through a fusion pore connecting the two membranes. When ethidium bromide was included in the solution of the cell-free side of the bilayer, increases in cell fluorescence accompanied tee admittance changes, independently confirming that these changes were due to formation of a fusion pore. Fusion required acidic pH on the cell- containing side and depended on temperature. For fusion to occur, the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) had to be cleaved into HA1 and HA2 subunits. The incorporation of gangliosides into the planar bilayers greatly augmented fusion. Fusion pores developed in four distinct stages after acidification: (a) a pre-pore, electrically quiescent stage; (b) a flickering stage, with 1-2 nS pores opening and closing repetitively; (c) an irreversibly opened stage, in which pore conductances varied between 2 and 100 nS and exhibited diverse kinetics; (d) a fully opened stage, initiated by an instantaneous, time- resolution limited, increase in conductance leveling at approximately 500 nS. The expansion of pores by stages has also been shown to occur during exocytosis in mast cells and fusion of HA-expressing cells and erythrocytes. We conclude that essential features of fusion pores are produced with proteins in just one of the two fusing membranes.  相似文献   



The inability of seasonal influenza vaccines to effectively protect against infection with antigenically drifted viruses or newly emerging pandemic viruses underlines the need for development of cross-reactive influenza vaccines that induce immunity against a variety of virus subtypes. Therefore, potential cross-protective vaccines, e.g., whole inactivated virus (WIV) vaccine, that can target conserved internal antigens such as the nucleoprotein (NP) and/or matrix protein (M1) need to be explored.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the current study we show that a WIV vaccine, through induction of cross-protective cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), protects mice from heterosubtypic infection. This protection was abrogated after depletion of CD8+ cells in vaccinated mice, indicating that CTLs were the primary mediators of protection. Previously, we have shown that different procedures used for virus inactivation influence optimal activation of CTLs by WIV, most likely by affecting the membrane fusion properties of the virus. Specifically, inactivation with formalin (FA) severely compromises fusion activity of the virus, while inactivation with β-propiolactone (BPL) preserves fusion activity. Here, we demonstrate that vaccination of mice with BPL-inactivated H5N1 WIV vaccine induces solid protection from lethal heterosubtypic H1N1 challenge. By contrast, vaccination with FA-inactivated WIV, while preventing death after lethal challenge, failed to protect against development of disease and severe body weight loss. Vaccination with BPL-inactivated WIV, compared to FA-inactivated WIV, induced higher levels of specific CD8+ T cells in blood, spleen and lungs, and a higher production of granzyme B in the lungs upon H1N1 virus challenge.


The results underline the potential use of WIV as a cross-protective influenza vaccine candidate. However, careful choice of the virus inactivation procedure is important to retain membrane fusion activity and full immunogenicity of the vaccine.  相似文献   

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