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In rats, the firing sequences observed in hippocampal ensembles during spatial learning are replayed during subsequent sleep, suggesting a role for posttraining sleep periods in the offline processing of spatial memories. Here, using regional cerebral blood flow measurements, we show that, in humans, hippocampal areas that are activated during route learning in a virtual town are likewise activated during subsequent slow wave sleep. Most importantly, we found that the amount of hippocampal activity expressed during slow wave sleep positively correlates with the improvement of performance in route retrieval on the next day. These findings suggest that learning-dependent modulation in hippocampal activity during human sleep reflects the offline processing of recent episodic and spatial memory traces, which eventually leads to the plastic changes underlying the subsequent improvement in performance.  相似文献   

It is known that sleep reshapes the neural representations that subtend the memories acquired while navigating in a virtual environment. However, navigation is not process-pure, as manifold learning components contribute to performance, notably the spatial and contextual memory constituents. In this context, it remains unclear whether post-training sleep globally promotes consolidation of all of the memory components embedded in virtual navigation, or rather favors the development of specific representations. Here, we investigated the effect of post-training sleep on the neural substrates of the consolidation of spatial and contextual memories acquired while navigating in a complex 3D, naturalistic virtual town. Using fMRI, we mapped regional cerebral activity during various tasks designed to tap either the spatial or the contextual memory component, or both, 72 h after encoding with or without sleep deprivation during the first post-training night. Behavioral performance was not dependent upon post-training sleep deprivation, neither in a natural setting that engages both spatial and contextual memory processes nor when looking more specifically at each of these memory representations. At the neuronal level however, analyses that focused on contextual memory revealed distinct correlations between performance and neuronal activity in frontal areas associated with recollection processes after post-training sleep, and in the parahippocampal gyrus associated with familiarity processes in sleep-deprived participants. Likewise, efficient spatial memory was associated with posterior cortical activity after sleep whereas it correlated with parahippocampal/medial temporal activity after sleep deprivation. Finally, variations in place-finding efficiency in a natural setting encompassing spatial and contextual elements were associated with caudate activity after post-training sleep, suggesting the automation of navigation. These data indicate that post-training sleep modulates the neural substrates of the consolidation of both the spatial and contextual memories acquired during virtual navigation.  相似文献   

The transition from wakefulness to sleep is marked by pronounced changes in brain activity. The brain rhythms that characterize the two main types of mammalian sleep, slow‐wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, are thought to be involved in the functions of sleep. In particular, recent theories suggest that the synchronous slow‐oscillation of neocortical neuronal membrane potentials, the defining feature of SWS, is involved in processing information acquired during wakefulness. According to the Standard Model of memory consolidation, during wakefulness the hippocampus receives input from neocortical regions involved in the initial encoding of an experience and binds this information into a coherent memory trace that is then transferred to the neocortex during SWS where it is stored and integrated within preexisting memory traces. Evidence suggests that this process selectively involves direct connections from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a multimodal, high‐order association region implicated in coordinating the storage and recall of remote memories in the neocortex. The slow‐oscillation is thought to orchestrate the transfer of information from the hippocampus by temporally coupling hippocampal sharp‐wave/ripples (SWRs) and thalamocortical spindles. SWRs are synchronous bursts of hippocampal activity, during which waking neuronal firing patterns are reactivated in the hippocampus and neocortex in a coordinated manner. Thalamocortical spindles are brief 7–14 Hz oscillations that may facilitate the encoding of information reactivated during SWRs. By temporally coupling the readout of information from the hippocampus with conditions conducive to encoding in the neocortex, the slow‐oscillation is thought to mediate the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the neocortex. Although several lines of evidence are consistent with this function for mammalian SWS, it is unclear whether SWS serves a similar function in birds, the only taxonomic group other than mammals to exhibit SWS and REM sleep. Based on our review of research on avian sleep, neuroanatomy, and memory, although involved in some forms of memory consolidation, avian sleep does not appear to be involved in transferring hippocampal memories to other brain regions. Despite exhibiting the slow‐oscillation, SWRs and spindles have not been found in birds. Moreover, although birds independently evolved a brain region—the caudolateral nidopallium (NCL)—involved in performing high‐order cognitive functions similar to those performed by the PFC, direct connections between the NCL and hippocampus have not been found in birds, and evidence for the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the NCL or other extra‐hippocampal regions is lacking. Although based on the absence of evidence for various traits, collectively, these findings suggest that unlike mammalian SWS, avian SWS may not be involved in transferring memories from the hippocampus. Furthermore, it suggests that the slow‐oscillation, the defining feature of mammalian and avian SWS, may serve a more general function independent of that related to coordinating the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the PFC in mammals. Given that SWS is homeostatically regulated (a process intimately related to the slow‐oscillation) in mammals and birds, functional hypotheses linked to this process may apply to both taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

The activities of the mind and brain never cease. Although many of our waking hours are spent processing sensory input and executing behavioral responses, moments of unoccupied rest free us to wander through thoughts of the past and future, create daydreams, and imagine fictitious scenarios. During sleep, when attention to sensory input is at a minimum, the mind continues to process information, using memory fragments to create the images, thoughts, and narratives that we commonly call 'dreaming'. Far from being a random or meaningless distraction, spontaneous cognition during states of sleep and resting wakefulness appears to serve important functions related to processing past memories and planning for the future. From single-cell recordings in rodents to behavioral studies in humans, recent studies in the neurosciences suggest a new conception of dreaming as part of a continuum of adaptive cognitive processing occurring across the full range of mind/brain states.  相似文献   



Despite its high prevalence, relatively little is known about the pathophysiology of somnambulism. Increasing evidence indicates that somnambulism is associated with functional abnormalities during wakefulness and that sleep deprivation constitutes an important drive that facilitates sleepwalking in predisposed patients. Here, we studied the neural mechanisms associated with somnambulism using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) with 99mTc-Ethylene Cysteinate Dimer (ECD), during wakefulness and after sleep deprivation.


Ten adult sleepwalkers and twelve controls with normal sleep were scanned using 99mTc-ECD SPECT in morning wakefulness after a full night of sleep. Eight of the sleepwalkers and nine of the controls were also scanned during wakefulness after a night of total sleep deprivation. Between-group comparisons of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were performed to characterize brain activity patterns during wakefulness in sleepwalkers.


During wakefulness following a night of total sleep deprivation, rCBF was decreased bilaterally in the inferior temporal gyrus in sleepwalkers compared to controls.


Functional neural abnormalities can be observed during wakefulness in somnambulism, particularly after sleep deprivation and in the inferior temporal cortex. Sleep deprivation thus not only facilitates the occurrence of sleepwalking episodes, but also uncovers patterns of neural dysfunction that characterize sleepwalkers during wakefulness.  相似文献   

Following encoding, memory remains temporarily vulnerable to disruption. Consolidation refers to offline time-dependent processes that continue after encoding and stabilize, transform or enhance the memory trace. Memory consolidation resulting from sleep has been reported for declarative and non-declarative memories in humans. We first investigated the temporal course of memory retrieval in chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans. We found that the amount of retrieved information was time dependent: apes' performance degraded after 1 and 2 h, stabilized after 4 h, started to increase after 8 and 12 h and fully recovered after 24 h. Second, we show that although memories during wakefulness were highly vulnerable to interference from events similar to those witnessed during the original encoding event, an intervening period of sleep not only stabilized apes' memories into more permanent ones but also protected them against interference.  相似文献   

Adenosine plays a role in promoting sleep, an effect that is thought to be mediated in the basal forebrain. Adenosine levels vary in this region with prolonged wakefulness in a unique way. The basis for this is unknown. We examined, in rats, the activity of the major metabolic enzymes for adenosine - adenosine deaminase, adenosine kinase, ecto- and cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase - in sleep/wake regulatory regions as well as cerebral cortex, and how the activity varies across the day and with sleep deprivation. There were robust spatial differences for the activity of adenosine deaminase, adenosine kinase, and cytosolic and ecto-5'-nucleotidase. However, the basal forebrain was not different from other sleep/wake regulatory regions apart from the tuberomammillary nucleus. All adenosine metabolic enzymes exhibited diurnal variations in their activity, albeit not in all brain regions. Activity of adenosine deaminase increased during the active period in the ventrolateral pre-optic area but decreased significantly in the basal forebrain. Enzymatic activity of adenosine kinase and cytosolic-5'-nucleotidase was higher during the active period in all brain regions tested. However, the activity of ecto-5'-nucleotidase was augmented during the active period only in the cerebral cortex. This diurnal variation may play a role in the regulation of adenosine in relationship to sleep and wakefulness across the day. In contrast, we found no changes specifically with sleep deprivation in the activity of any enzyme in any brain region. Thus, changes in adenosine with sleep deprivation are not a consequence of alterations in adenosine enzyme activity.  相似文献   

We propose and validate a multivariate classification algorithm for characterizing changes in human intracranial electroencephalographic data (iEEG) after learning motor sequences. The algorithm is based on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that captures spatio-temporal properties of the iEEG at the level of single trials. Continuous intracranial iEEG was acquired during two sessions (one before and one after a night of sleep) in two patients with depth electrodes implanted in several brain areas. They performed a visuomotor sequence (serial reaction time task, SRTT) using the fingers of their non-dominant hand. Our results show that the decoding algorithm correctly classified single iEEG trials from the trained sequence as belonging to either the initial training phase (day 1, before sleep) or a later consolidated phase (day 2, after sleep), whereas it failed to do so for trials belonging to a control condition (pseudo-random sequence). Accurate single-trial classification was achieved by taking advantage of the distributed pattern of neural activity. However, across all the contacts the hippocampus contributed most significantly to the classification accuracy for both patients, and one fronto-striatal contact for one patient. Together, these human intracranial findings demonstrate that a multivariate decoding approach can detect learning-related changes at the level of single-trial iEEG. Because it allows an unbiased identification of brain sites contributing to a behavioral effect (or experimental condition) at the level of single subject, this approach could be usefully applied to assess the neural correlates of other complex cognitive functions in patients implanted with multiple electrodes.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined sleep's influence on a range of hippocampus-dependent declarative memory tasks, from text learning to spatial navigation. In this study, we examined the impact of sleep, wake, and time-of-day influences on the processing of declarative information with strong semantic links (semantically related word pairs) and information requiring the formation of novel associations (unrelated word pairs). Participants encoded a set of related or unrelated word pairs at either 9 am or 9 pm, and were then tested after an interval of 30 min, 12 hr, or 24 hr. The time of day at which subjects were trained had no effect on training performance or initial memory of either word pair type. At 12 hr retest, memory overall was superior following a night of sleep compared to a day of wakefulness. However, this performance difference was a result of a pronounced deterioration in memory for unrelated word pairs across wake; there was no sleep-wake difference for related word pairs. At 24 hr retest, with all subjects having received both a full night of sleep and a full day of wakefulness, we found that memory was superior when sleep occurred shortly after learning rather than following a full day of wakefulness. Lastly, we present evidence that the rate of deterioration across wakefulness was significantly diminished when a night of sleep preceded the wake period compared to when no sleep preceded wake, suggesting that sleep served to stabilize the memories against the deleterious effects of subsequent wakefulness. Overall, our results demonstrate that 1) the impact of 12 hr of waking interference on memory retention is strongly determined by word-pair type, 2) sleep is most beneficial to memory 24 hr later if it occurs shortly after learning, and 3) sleep does in fact stabilize declarative memories, diminishing the negative impact of subsequent wakefulness.  相似文献   

Human morning and evening chronotypes differ in their preferred timing for sleep and wakefulness, as well as in optimal daytime periods to cope with cognitive challenges. Recent evidence suggests that these preferences are not a simple by-product of socio-professional timing constraints, but can be driven by inter-individual differences in the expression of circadian and homeostatic sleep-wake promoting signals. Chronotypes thus constitute a unique tool to access the interplay between those processes under normally entrained day-night conditions, and to investigate how they impinge onto higher cognitive control processes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we assessed the influence of chronotype and time-of-day on conflict processing-related cerebral activity throughout a normal waking day. Sixteen morning and 15 evening types were recorded at two individually adapted time points (1.5 versus 10.5 hours spent awake) while performing the Stroop paradigm. Results show that interference-related hemodynamic responses are maintained or even increased in evening types from the subjective morning to the subjective evening in a set of brain areas playing a pivotal role in successful inhibitory functioning, whereas they decreased in morning types under the same conditions. Furthermore, during the evening hours, activity in a posterior hypothalamic region putatively involved in sleep-wake regulation correlated in a chronotype-specific manner with slow wave activity at the beginning of the night, an index of accumulated homeostatic sleep pressure. These results shed light into the cerebral mechanisms underlying inter-individual differences of higher-order cognitive state maintenance under normally entrained day-night conditions.  相似文献   

It is known that sleep is connected with sensory isolation of the brain, inactivation of the consciousness and reorganization of the electrical activity in all cerebral cortical areas. On the other hand, sleep deprivation leads to pathology in visceral organs and finally to the death of animals, while there are no obvious changes in the brain itself. It is still unclear how the changes in the brain activity during sleep could be connected with the visceral health. We assumed that the same brain areas and the same neurons that, in wakefulness, process exteroceptive information, switch, during sleep, to the processing of the interoceptive information. Thus, the central nervous system is involved in regulating the life support functions of the body during sleep. The results of our experiments supported this hypothesis, explained many observations obtained in somnology, and offered mechanisms of several pathological states connected with sleep. However, at the present level of the visceral sleep theory, there is no understanding of the well-known link between the emotional reactions of the body and transition from wakefulness to sleep, and sleep quality. In this study, an attempt is undertaken to combine the visceral theory of sleep with the need-informational theory of emotions proposed by P. Simonov. The visceral theory of sleep assumes that in living organisms there is a constant monitoring of the correspondence of the visceral parameters to the genetically determined values. Mismatch signals evoke the feeling of tiredness and the need of sleep. This sleep need enters the competition with other actual needs of the body. In accordance with the theory of Simonov, emotions connected with a particular need play an important role in their ranking for satisfaction. We propose that emotional estimation of the sleep need based on visceral signals occurs in the same brain structures which undertake this estimation for other behavioral needs in wakefulness. During sleep, the same brain structures involved in estimating emotions continue to rank visceral needs and define their order for processing in the cortical areas and in the highest centers of visceral integration. In the context of the proposed hypothesis, we discuss the results of the studies on the link between sleep and emotions.  相似文献   

In control conditions preoptic cAMP concentration during wakefulness was significantly higher than during synchronized sleep. No differences in nucleotide concentration were observed in the cerebral cortex. Propranolol decreases brain cAMP concentration. This change was associated with the suppression of the difference observed between wakefulness and synchronized sleep in the preoptic region.  相似文献   

The sleeping brain retains some residual information processing capacity. Although direct evidence is scarce, a substantial literature suggests the phase of slow oscillations during deep sleep to be an important determinant for stimulus processing. Here, we introduce an algorithm for predicting slow oscillations in real-time. Using this approach to present stimuli directed at both oscillatory up and down states, we show neural stimulus processing depends importantly on the slow oscillation phase. During ensuing wakefulness, however, we did not observe differential brain or behavioral responses to these stimulus categories, suggesting no enduring memories were formed. We speculate that while simpler forms of learning may occur during sleep, neocortically based memories are not readily established during deep sleep.  相似文献   

The thermal fields and biopotentials of the brain were studied in 11 healthy subjects in the states of quiet wakefulness and sleep (stages I–IV). To this end, a new method of dynamic radiomapping was applied in parallel with the traditional method of EEG recording. The method of dynamic radiomapping is based on measuring the brain thermal radiation in the decimeter (40 cm) wave range. It allows the integral brain temperature to be recorded from deep inside and up to 2.5 cm from the surface with the help of 12 antennas applied to the skin. The temperature of the cerebral cortex of the human subject in the state of quiet wakefulness varied stochastically in the range of deviations of ±0.3°C in all areas. Changes in the brain functional state, i.e., the transition from wakefulness to sleep, were accompanied by either an increase in the variation range to ±0.5°C or the appearance of stationary foci of heating (by 0.9–1.3°C) or cooling (by –0.7°C) of individual locations and amplitudes.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation (SD) leads to impairments in cognitive function. Here, we tested the hypothesis that cognitive changes in the sleep-deprived brain can be explained by information processing within and between large-scale cortical networks. We acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of 20 healthy volunteers during attention and executive tasks following a regular night of sleep, a night of SD, and a recovery nap containing nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Overall, SD was associated with increased cortex-wide functional integration, driven by a rise of integration within cortical networks. The ratio of within versus between network integration in the cortex increased further in the recovery nap, suggesting that prolonged wakefulness drives the cortex towards a state resembling sleep. This balance of integration and segregation in the sleep-deprived state was tightly associated with deficits in cognitive performance. This was a distinct and better marker of cognitive impairment than conventional indicators of homeostatic sleep pressure, as well as the pronounced thalamocortical connectivity changes that occurs towards falling asleep. Importantly, restoration of the balance between segregation and integration of cortical activity was also related to performance recovery after the nap, demonstrating a bidirectional effect. These results demonstrate that intra- and interindividual differences in cortical network integration and segregation during task performance may play a critical role in vulnerability to cognitive impairment in the sleep-deprived state.

Can the cognitive changes that result from sleep deprivation be explained by information processing within and between large-scale networks in the brain? This study shows that the ratio of within- vs between-network integration is tightly associated with deficits in cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Six normal human subjects were studied to compare intramuscular and esophageal electrode recordings of posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscle activity. A new electromyographic technique was developed to implant hooked wire electrodes into the PCA via a nasopharyngoscope. The esophageal electrode was similar to that used by other investigators to record PCA activity (P. C. Kosch et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 64: 1968-1978, 1988). Simultaneous recordings from the intramuscular and esophageal electrodes were obtained during wakefulness and sleep. Changes in esophageal electrode activity were compared with changes in intramuscular electrode activity under four conditions: 1) voluntary maneuvers, 2) differences in state, 3) nasal airway occlusion during non-rapid-eye-movement sleep, and 4) spontaneous variations in respiratory efforts during non-rapid-eye-movement or rapid-eye-movement sleep. Although similar results were obtained from the esophageal and intramuscular electrodes, differences were present between the two recordings during both wakefulness and sleep. The esophageal electrode recorded activity from surrounding muscles during voluntary maneuvers, vocalization, and quiet breathing in wakefulness. Discrepancies between the two electrode recordings during sleep occurred under conditions of increased and decreased respiratory motor output. The data suggest that the esophageal electrode may not give an accurate assessment of PCA activity during many conditions in wakefulness and sleep.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), being produced by active neurones and also being a cerebral vasodilator, may couple brain activity and blood flow in sleep, particularly during active sleep (AS), which is characterized by widespread neural activation and markedly elevated cerebral blood flow (CBF) compared with quiet wakefulness (QW) and quiet sleep (QS). This study examined CBF and cerebral vascular resistance (CVR) in lambs (n = 6) during spontaneous sleep-wake cycles before and after infusion of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA), an inhibitor of NO synthase. L-NNA infusion produced increases in CVR and decreases in CBF during all sleep-wake stages, with the greatest changes occurring in AS (DeltaCVR, 88 +/- 19%; DeltaCBF -24 +/- 8%). The characteristic CVR and CBF differences among AS, QS, and QW disappeared within 1-3 h of L-NNA infusion, but had reappeared by 24 h despite persisting cerebral vasoconstriction. These experiments show that NO promotes cerebral vasodilatation during sleep as well as wakefulness, particularly during AS. Additionally, NO is the major, although not sole, determinant of the CBF differences that exist between sleep-wake states.  相似文献   

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