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Synopsis The mechanisms of food procurement in the surgeonfishesCtenochaetus striatus andAcanthurus nigrofuscus from the Great Barrier Reef were determined by functional analyses of the jaws and associated structural elements (based on myological and osteological examinations and X-ray photographs) and by video analyses of actions of the mouth and body during feeding.Acanthurus nigrofuscus has relatively robust jaw bones. The movement of the elements during mouth opening is limited with a mean maximum gape angle of 112.8°. Each bite is relatively fast and is characterized by a quick nip at algal filaments, usually followed by a sidewads flick of the head. The jaws bear several broad multidenticulate teeth. It appears that these teeth engage turf algal strands which are either sheared during mouth closure or torn off as the head flicks sideways. InC. striatus, the jaw bones are considerably lighter than those ofA. nigrofuscus. There is much greater movement of the elements during mouth opening, resulting in a mean maximum gape angle of 177.6°. Each bite is slower than inA. nigrofuscus and is characterized by a wide gape as the mouth is applied to the substratum followed by a quick, upward flick of the lower jaw, with no sideways flick of the head. The jaws bear numerous elongate flexible teeth, with expanded incurved denticulate tips; those on the dentary often possessing a pointed blade-like process. It appears that these teeth brush particulate and epiphytic material from the surface of the turf algal strands and other substrata. These observations demonstrate howA. nigrofuscus andC. striatus are able to remove microalgae and detritus, respectively, from the same substratum. The results also demonstrate how relatively small differences in morphology can have a profound influence on the feeding abilities and trophic ecology of fishes.  相似文献   

Commercial coral reef fisheries in Pohnpei (Micronesia) extract approximately 1,521 kg of reef fish daily (∼500 MT year−1) from 152 km2 of surrounding reef. More than 153 species were represented during surveys, with 25 species very common or common within combined-gear catch. Acanthurids contributed the greatest to catch volume, with bluespine unicornfish, Naso unicornis, and orangespine unicornfish, Naso lituratus, among the most frequently observed herbivores. Nighttime spearfishing was the dominant fishing method and inner lagoon areas were primarily targeted. A seasonal sales ban (March–April), intended to reduce pressure on reproductively active serranids, significantly increased the capture volume of other families. Catch was significantly greater during periods of low lunar illumination, suggesting higher fishing success or greater effort, or both. The marketed catch was dominated by juveniles and small adults, based on fishes of known size at sexual maturity. Artificially depressed market prices appear to be catalyzing (potential or realized) overfishing by increasing the volume of fish needed to offset rising fuel prices. These results support the need for comprehensive fisheries management that produces sustainable fishing and marketing practices and promotes shared management and enforced responsibilities between communities and the state. To be effective, management should prohibit nighttime spearfishing. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
K. L. RhodesEmail: Email:

The history of plant introductions to tropical countries can often be determined by studying the history of their botanical gardens, arboreta, and agricultural experiment stations. Pohnpei has been a center for plant introductions in Micronesia for more than 100 years. Beginning in the 1830s foreign visitors and settlers brought in new crops and ornamental plants. Purposeful introductions to support agricultural development took place during the colonial regimes of Germany, Japan, and the United States. The illustrious history and significant role played by the Pohnpei Agriculture Station—once one of the foremost centers in the world for the study of tropical agriculture—and its current situation are discussed. For the first time ever, a comprehensive list is provided of 433 plant species, hybrids, cultivars, and varieties introduced to the island, including 403 taxa grown at the Station.
Kapidelongodohn Soangsoangen Tuhke Nan Dekehn Pohnpei Oh Pwukoah Kesempwal En Agriculture Station En Pohnpei
Resumen  Kawewehpen poadepen kapidelongodohn soangsoangen tuhkekan nan kahndekehkan kalapw wiawi sang petehkpen en wehi pwukan arail wasahn nak en tuhke, kasansal en tuhke, oh ropirop en tuhke. Pohnpei wia wasahn neknek en tuhke kesempwal sangete sohnpar 100 samwalahro. Tepda nan pahr 1830, mehn likihkan oh sohn seilok kan kapidelongodo soangsoangen tuhke en mwenge oh mehn kalingan. Tuhke mehn wia keirdahn wehi pil wiawi nan mwein Sehmen, Sapahn, oh Amerika. Nan daropwe wet mie kawewehpen poadepoad oh pwukoah kesempwal en Pohnpei Agriculture Station—me rahn teio kin wia ehu wasa keieu kesempwal nan sampah ong ni ropirop en tuhke oh ia mwomwen wasa rahn wet. Daropwe wet pil kilelehdi eden soangsoangen tuhke 433 kapidelongodohng Pohnpei iangahngki meh 403 me pweida oh kak diarek nan Agriculture Station en Pohnpei.

Bluespine unicornfish Naso unicornis and orangespine unicornfish Naso lituratus were sampled in Pohnpei and Guam, Micronesia, over 13 months to identify reproductive and age‐based demographic features necessary for informed management. Age and reproductive information were derived from analysis of sagittal otoliths and gonads. Both species had moderate life spans [maximum ages of 23 (N. unicornis) and 14 years (N. lituratus)] compared with published estimates of conspecifics from other locations (>30 years) and of other Naso species. Length at maturation for N. unicornis was similar between Pohnpei and Guam while females consistently matured at a larger size [c. 30 cm fork length (LF)] than males (c. 27 cm LF). This sex‐specific pattern was reversed in N. lituratus for which estimates of maturation length (females: 15 cm LF; males: 18 cm LF) were only obtained from Guam. Developmental patterns in female gonads of both species suggested that initiation of maturation occurs very early. Growth patterns of N. lituratus displayed rapid asymptotic growth compared with N. unicornis and other congeners as well as slight sex‐specific patterns of length‐at‐age. Results highlight the considerable spatial variation that may occur in the population biology of these species across various scales. Additionally, proper management remains complicated without improved knowledge of fishery trends and reproductive behaviour in unicornfishes, species that are prime fishery targets in Micronesia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

为准确、快速地获取入侵生物野外调查数据, 我们基于全球卫星导航系统、地理信息系统、移动互联网等现代信息技术提出了外来物种入侵大数据采集方法, 设计并研发了数据表单可自定义的野外调查工具软件——云采集。该系统以Android手机为数据采集终端, 采用C#和Java语言设计开发, 运用卫星导航定位技术实现野外调查发生位置的快速采集, 通过定义9种调查指标的数据类型及指标(列值)默认值、图像拍摄、语音录入、排序等4个辅助属性, 建立调查指标与手机客户端数据录入界面的关联, 实现用户界面可定制的数据录入模式。该系统在国家重点研发项目、福建省科技重大专项及福建省红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)疫情普查等项目的调查任务中予以应用。实践检验表明: 该系统实现了野外调查数据的离线采集、数据同步、数据查询与输出管理, 将移动智能终端采集取代传统的纸笔记录, 简化了野外调查的流程, 提高了入侵生物野外调查的数据质量, 为外来生物入侵野外调查大数据采集提供了信息化支持。  相似文献   

Synopsis The herbivorous surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus aggressively maintained feeding territories in the surf zone of the outer reef flat in American Samoa. Intertidal territories were re-established each morning, as well as after displacement by low tides or rough surf. Day-to-day site fidelity of recognizable individuals was high: 99.9% return rate per day for adults (15–20 cm), 99.6% for juveniles (8–13 cm), and 97.2% for recruits (2.5–5 cm). Fish fed on turf algae primarily in the afternoon (80% of available time), and spent 10% of their time on active territorial defense and 2–13% of their time on forays from their territory. On average, a fish defended its territory 1900 times daily and took 17 000 bites (= 7400 bites m–2 d–1), but rough surf reduced feeding by 60% and defense by 75%. High territorial defense requirements significantly reduced feeding rates. Although the distribution and behavior of this species in Samoa was in large part similar to that reported for it elsewhere (Australia, Indian Ocean), there were notable differences: in Samoa A. lineatus densities within colonies were greater (0.4 fish m–2), territory size was smaller (2.3 m2), and defense rate against intruders was greater (2.5 attacks min–1). These differences in Samoa may be related to their smaller body size, greater abundance or increased food supply caused by hurricane damage to reefs which has enhanced the algal turfs that A. lineatus feeds upon.  相似文献   

Computerized data collection devices can aid research in zoos if applied carefully to the research study. This article provides guidelines for use of two models of a representative data collection device, the Datamyte. The general features of each model are presented and compared in two hypothetical zoo studies. In addition, a human engineering analysis of the placement of keys and the physical enclosure was conducted at our laboratories. Procedures to overcome minor flaws in construction and design are discussed. The Datamyte 801 is less complicated, has limited data storage capacity, and is easier for use by novice observers than the Datamyte 1000. Therefore the Datamyte 801 is recommended for limited, short-term focal animal studies. The Datamyte 1000 is capable of complicated coding schemes at the expense of field analysis of the data, and simplicity in its basic operation.  相似文献   

申文明  孙中平  张雪  初东  李飞  吕灿宾 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7846-7852
针对快速、实时、有效采集并录入生态环境野外调查大样本量、多源数据的需求,充分应用移动GIS技术、移动智能终端、3G等现代信息技术优势,提出了基于ArcGIS for Mobile的移动数据采集方案,研究解决了包括系统运行机制、数据访问模式、移动数据库技术等面向全国生态环境野外调查的移动GIS关键技术,设计并研发野外调查移动数据采集系统。该系统采用C#和Java语言,以SQL Server 2008 为服务器端的数据库环境,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008集成开发环境上实现设计开发,并在全国生态环境10年变化遥感调查与评估项目土地覆盖类型地面核查、生态系统参数野外观测等工作中予以应用。实践检验表明:该系统实现了野外调查数据的数字采集、智能校验、实时上传与有效管理,简化了填报程序,规范了填报内容,提高了工作效率,能够为生态环境相关的调查数据采集提供信息化支持。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus in the southern Arabian Gulf was determined from the examination of 781 individuals collected between September 2008 and August 2009. There was no histological evidence of adult sex change, and sex ratios did not differ significantly from unity across all size and age classes. Testes had an ovarian structure and a remnant lumen which was not used for sperm transport; furthermore, residual oocytes were observed in the testes of some immature, resting and developing males. A dramatic change in the sex ratio of the smallest and youngest size and age classes suggested that juvenile female to male sex change occurred between 21·0 cm fork length (L(F)) and 24·0 cm L(F) at 1 year of age. The combination of histological evidence with the sexual composition of the size and age structures suggests a non-functional protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern, which is analogous to functional gonochorism. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during March, April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after full moons, there was a cessation in spawning activity after new moons and spawning was completed within three lunar cycles. The distribution of males over the entire size and age ranges and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of L. nebulosus. The maximum recorded age (11 years), small mean size and young age at sexual maturation (L(m50) = 26·7 cm L(F), 2·1 years, for females and 19·4 cm L(F), 0·5 years, for males) may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the painted sweetlips Diagramma pictum was determined from 487 individuals collected between January and December 2010 in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was no evidence of sex change and the combination of histological results with the sex composition of the size and age structures indicated a gonochoristic sexual pattern. There were peaks in gonado-somatic indices for females in March and October with spawning occurring during two seasons (April to May and November). The mean size and age at sexual maturity (L(m50) and A(m50) ) were 35·7 cm fork length (L(F) ) and 2·9 years for females and 26·7 cm L(F) and 0·5 years for males. The maximum recorded age (11 years) and small mean size and young age at sexual maturity for males may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was an exponential increase in the cumulative reproductive potential with size and a linear increase with age for both sexes. The mean L(F) (L(c50) ) at which D. pictum became vulnerable to capture was 33·3 cm, which corresponded to only 3 and 7% of the cumulative reproductive potential of males and females, respectively. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of D. pictum.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Epinephelus coioides was determined from the examination of 1455 individuals collected between July 2005 and June 2007 in the southern Arabian Gulf. Histological preparations of gonads indicated that males were either derived from a juvenile phase or the transition of postspawning females, confirming a diandric protogynous sexual pattern. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after the full and new moons and was completed within a single lunar cycle. The presence of mature males over the entire size and age range and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. While specimens undergoing sexual transition were only observed in size and age ranges of 335–685 mm total length ( L T) and 5–6 years, patterns in the proportion of males in size and age classes suggested that sex change occurred at a relatively constant rate after female maturation up to the maximum size (1002 mm L T) and age (11 years). Relationships between reproductive output and capacity with size and age indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of E. coioides . The maximum age, small size and young age at sexual maturation ( L min= 320 mm L T, 2 years, for females and 242 mm L T, 1 year, for males) conflict with the general pattern for large epinepheline groupers and may be a direct result of the intensive demersal fishery in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The PAM-2000 portable chlorophyll fluorometer represents one of the first commercially available instruments utilizing the Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) measurement principle, and has become a widely used platform for measuring chlorophyll fluorescence in a wide range of study systems. In this paper, we describe a new method for externally driving and gathering data from the PAM-2000, a method that allows the user to execute a pre-defined user run (or runs) and capture (1) rapid induction kinetics (at 2 ms frequency) during all saturating pulses, (2) measures of F, Fo, Fo′, Fm, and Fm′ associated with those same pulses, and (3) changes in fluorescence F at user-defined intervals between pulses, for the entire user run, with all data compressed into a single, manageable data logger file. Practically, the method makes possible, for example, a post-hoc evaluation of the appropriateness of saturation pulse lengths and intensities during a user run. More importantly it captures, during entire user runs, the varied information contained in slow changes in fluorescence between saturating pulses, as well as rapid induction kinetics, quenching coefficients and quantum yields all gathered simultaneously from all saturating flashes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Abstract Two sets of data were used to evaluate the procedure for rapid assessment of rivers described by Chessman (1995): (i) 72 samples from four habitats at 27 sites on the Nepean River and tributaries; and (ii) 41 riffle samples from the Blue Mountains. In the Nepean system all the sites had moderate anthropogenic disturbance but none had gross organic pollution. There were, however, conductivity differences related to mixed sandstone and shale lithology. The sites differed widely in natural physical attributes such as stream order (2–6) and altitude (40–600 m). The Blue Mountains data included sites with little or no anthropogenic disturbance and sites greatly affected by organic pollution. There was again a wide range of altitudes (15–1000 m) but stream orders were more restricted (1–4). The occurrence of macroinvertebrate families was analysed using cluster analysis (TWINSPAN) and ordination (semi-strong hybrid multidimensional scaling). Relationships between the patterns observed, the SIGNAL biotic index, and physical and chemical data were investigated. The Nepean data showed that the sample size of 100 animals used in the rapid procedure was sufficient to reveal natural distribution patterns in the communities, and that SIGNAL was essentially independent of these patterns. In the Blue Mountains, water pollution had a greater effect on macroinvertebrate communities than the physical habitat, and SIGNAL distinguished sites with differing levels of pollution.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and sexual pattern of Epinephelus rivulatus were examined within the waters of Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Population structure and gonad morphology show that E. rivulatus is a protogynous hermaphrodite. Mature females ranged in size from 144 to 350mm fork length (FL), with 50% sexually mature at 194mm FL. Males were larger than females and ranged in size from 221 to 381mm FL. There were also intrasexual differences in body size and the median size at which sex-change occurred within each site. Sex ratios were consistent between sites with approximately one male to 5.5 mature females. Most female E. rivulatus (>50%) were reproductively active from July to December when water temperatures were relatively cool and daylight hours were increasing. During this time reproduction occurred periodically, and a female was capable of spawning at least twice over two or three consecutive days.  相似文献   

南沙群岛珊瑚礁浮游动物多样性与群落结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
珊瑚礁是地球上已知的海洋生物多样性最高的生态系统,为了深入分析珊瑚礁的浮游动物多样性和群落结构,2004年5月5-15日在南沙群岛渚碧礁布设10个大面站(漏湖、礁坪各5个)和1个连续站(位于礁坪),使用网目孔径分别为169 μm和505 μm的两种浮游生物网进行垂直拖网采样.结果表明:共鉴定浮游动物种类96种和幼虫17个类群(或类型),其中桡足类最多,达65种,其次是幼虫;浮游动物数量丰富-根据169 μm网具样品的数据,平均丰度高达926.0±1,155.8 inds./m3,优势类群依次是桡足类、被囊类和幼虫,优势种为奥氏胸刺水蚤(Centropages orsinii)、珍妮纺锤水蚤(Acartia shuzheni)、长尾住囊虫(Oikopleura longicauda)、梭形住囊虫(O.fusifornis)和腹足类面盘幼虫(Gastropoda veliger);渚碧礁浮游动物空间分布差异相当显著,漏湖区形成与礁坪区不同的群落,前者种类多、丰度高、优势种突出、均匀度低,而后者则完全相反,浮游动物群落的空间变化是由珊瑚礁礁盘的空间异质性所造成.浮游动物昼夜变化明显,夜间出现的种数和平均丰度分别是日间的4.6和46.2倍.浮游动物群落以终生浮游生物的种类和数量占多数,它们来源于礁外海水,有的也属于礁栖类型.在珊瑚礁中,中小型浮游动物无论在种类还是丰度方面都占有非常重要的位置.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized fish specimens from the collection of Laurens Theodore Gronovius (1730–1777) are catalogued and described. Five specimens of as many taxa are in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History) and nine specimens of seven taxa preserved in alcohol are in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, With one exception all have been examined; they are identified, related to the literature and eight specimens are shown to be part of the type series of Linnaean fish taxa.  相似文献   

Gobiids are an abundant component of coral reef ichthyofauna, yet little is known of their life histories. I examined population structure, mortality and growth of the decorated goby, Istigobius decoratus, a common gobiid of shallow patch reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. Presumed daily increments in sagittal otoliths were used as a proxy for age. The upper age estimate was 266 days suggesting at most an annual life cycle. Instantaneous natural mortality rate estimates were 5.92 year–1 and 7.92 year–1 using two estimators, both corresponding to less than 1% annual survivorship. Specimens ranged from 12 to 84 mm total length. Analysis of size-at-age data indicated linear growth at a rate of 0.33 mm day–1. The linear relationship between size and age meant the population size structure mirrored the age structure with both skewed toward the smallest and youngest classes. High mortality over a 1-year longevity and linear growth suggest high population turnover and, therefore, that I. decoratus and ecologically similar species serve a potentially important role as prey species. This suite of traits is rarely reported for coral reef fishes, which is probably due to the limited attention paid to small-bodied species rather than the rarity of such a life history in these communities.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined early life history traits and patterns of settlement of the slender filefish, Monacanthus tuckeri, at Calabash Caye, Turneffe Atoll, Belize. A settlement peak was evident at the new moon, and no settlement occurred at the full moon. However, settlement rates at the quarter moons could not be estimated due to sampling gaps. Many reef fishes show new moon settlement peaks, so M. tuckeri shares some characteristics with the primarily perciform species on coral reefs. Pelagic larval duration was long (mean = 42 days) and variable, suggesting that dispersal patterns might be diverse. Size at settlement was large (mean = 32 mm total length) and also variable. Larval duration and size at settlement were outside of the average values exhibited by reef fishes, but are not beyond the extreme end of the range, and might be explained by association with pelagic debris prior to settlement. There were no differences in overall settlement rates on reef and seagrass habitats, and fish settling to either habitat did not differ in larval duration, size at settlement, or larval growth rate. This suggests that settlement to alternative habitats may be random, or driven by availability of suitable microhabitat, rather than habitat quality or individual traits.  相似文献   

Territorial and spawning behavior ofChaetodon trifascialis were investigated on a small patch of reef at Kuroshima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Three males and 8 females inhabited the reef, each individual defending a territory against conspecifics of the same sex. Each male territory included 2 or 3 female territories. In the daytime, each male frequently visited the females living in its territory. At dusk in the full or new moon periods, courtship began within the female territories, pair spawning subsequently occurring within or near those territories. When a male actively courted a female in the territory of a second male, the latter male immediately chased off the intruder. Thus, mating occurred only between a male and females living in former's territory. This is the first report of a haremic mating system among butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae).  相似文献   

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