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There is a spreading interest to establish networks of information exchange on aerobiological data in order to carry out comparative studies of the biological air content of different regions. For this kind of study, it is of primary importance that the methods used are being standardized. Since most national networks are now made of comparable Hirst-type samplers, the second most important factor to consider will be the efficiency of the adhesive used on the Melinex tape. In this study, we report conclusive results using a double-side self adhesive acrylic tape (Scotch 3M 9425). Our results show higher capture efficiency (+20%) for the 3M tape as compared to the glycerine/gelatine coating traditionally used in Montréal for the capture of airborne pollen on the Melinex tape of Hirst samplers.  相似文献   

The use of a double-sided self-adhesive tapefor pollen trapping could offer some advantagesover traditional adhesives, manually applied tothe Melinex tape of a Hirst-type spore trap,since variation in terms of adhesiveapplication is nil and additional effort inapplying the adhesive is avoided. Nevertheless,its efficiency with respect to the standardadhesives must be tested. In Cordoba (southwestSpain), the Spanish Aerobiology Network Centreperformed a series of comparative studies andrecommended the use of a silicone fluid as anadhesive. This paper compares the efficiency ofa double-sided self-adhesive tape (3M) withsilicone fluid as adhesive. Sampling wascarried out using a Hirst type 7-day spore traplocated 15 m above ground level. A Melinex tapecoated with silicone fluid covered one half ofthe weekly drum; the other half was coveredwith 3M tape that included the adhesive. It iswidely reported that the physicalcharacteristics of silicone fluid do not varywith temperature (Galán andDomínguez-Vilches, 1997), but this studyshowed that 3M efficiency did vary withtemperature. The results revealed that 3M tapewas less efficacious at low temperatures, whileat high temperatures it becomes stickier. Incontrast, silicone fluid does not vary withtemperature. The efficiency of 3M tape alsoseems to be negatively influenced by rain.  相似文献   

Research laboratories, part of international aerobiological networks are often using different collection media on their exposed tape (or slides). However, their relative pollen capture efficiency has rarely been tested. A single Hirst-trap was used, in Bologna, in February and March 1993, for this experiment. Melinex tapes were divided longitudinally in two equal parts, so that two different media could be tested simultaneously. The tested media were: gelatine/glycerine, hexane/vaseline, silicone/carbon tetrachloride, and paraffin. Each comparisons were repeated on 4 different days. At the time of the sampling, the dominant airborne particles were Cupressaceae andCladosporium. The differences between the different media were non-significant (meanF of different days of 1.720, mean probability of 0.241 (min. of 0.077, max. of 0.356)). The highest probabilities of a significative difference all involved glycerine/gelatine either in comparison with paraffin (0.76), with silicone (0.75), or with vaseline (0.75), while the lowest was for the couple silicone-vaseline (0.59). In general, even if these differences were non-significant, gelatine underestimated spore counts in comparison to silicone, but overestimated them if compared to vaseline or paraffin. However, vaseline looked more efficient then silicone for spore capture. For pollen counts, the same ratios were found, except for the couple silicone-gelatine, which has given similar results. The lowest differences were found withAlternaria andDreschlera, while the highest were found withCladosporium andEpicoccum. The relationship between spore diameter and differences between media was highly significant (τ=?0.786,P=0.027). This was not the case for pollen, withPopulus andAlnus giving the highest differences, andBetula andUlmus the lowest (τ=0.048,P=0.873).  相似文献   

Few aerobiological studies have focused on smut spores, teliospores of fungi within the order Ustilaginales, but the scientific luterature provides evidence of the potential aerobiological significance of these plant pathogens. The atmosphere in Tulsa, Oklahoma was monitored for the presence of smut teliospores using a Burkard Volumetric Spore Trap. Smut spores were identified in the atmospheric samples every day from May to October during 1991 and 1992 at concentrations that were normally below 1000 spores/m3. The peak concentration observed during this study was almost 6000 spores/m3. Daily concentrations fluctuate due to a variety of factors such as precipitation, relative humidity, percent sunshine, and the phenology of fungi in relation to their hosts. In northeastern Oklahoma, the most prevalent species of smuts in the atmosphere during the spring includeSphacelotheca occidentalis, Ustilago tritici, andU. kolleri. In the fall, spores ofU. brumivora, U. bullata, andU. maydis are more common.  相似文献   

Few aerobiological studies have focused on smut spores, teliospores of fungi within the order Ustilaginales, but the scientific literature provides evidence of the potential aerobiological significance of these plant pathogens. The atmosphere in Tulsa, Oklahoma was monitored for the presence of smut teliospores using a Burkard Volumetric Spore Trap. Smut spores were identified in the atmospheric samples every day from May to October during 1991 and 1992 at concentrations that were normally below 1000 spores/m3. The peak concentration observed during this study was almost 6000 spores/m3. Daily concentrations fluctuate due to a variety of factors such as precipitation, relative humidity, percent sunshine, and the phenology of fungi in relation to their hosts. In northeastern Oklahoma, the most prevalent species of smuts in the atmosphere during the spring includeSphacelotheca occidentalis, Ustilago tritici, andU. kolleri. In the fall, spores ofU. brumivora, U. bullata, andU. maydis are more common.  相似文献   

Two methods of aerobiological collection, the Burkard(Hirst-based) and the Cour, were compared using datafrom pollen collected at Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain)between 1994 and 1996. Results for three pollen taxaof allergenic relevance (Urticaceae, Poaceae andOlea) are presented. This study confirmed thedifficulty of finding a reliable conversion formulabetween these sampling methods, as has been found byseveral other authors.An alternative statistical analysis was carried outusing categorical data, the pollen concentration databeing first converted into an ordinal scale with fivelevels based on local records. Our analysis shows thatboth methods provide essentially the sameinformation.  相似文献   

We analysed pollen and spore data obtained from one continuous and two personal Burkard sporetraps during the spring months of three years (2007–2009). For the statistical analysis, the data was normalised with a log transformation, and then subjected to an ANOVA and a Pearson correlation analysis. The best time to use the personal samplers was determined from 15 years of continuous aerobiological monitoring pollen data to be between 11:00–16:00, when highest concentration was found and in a steady way. Height of sampling was compared at floor level and at 1.1 m with personal samplers; both of them were on a terrace at 6 m above the ground, but no statistically significant differences were found. The results revealed that there were apparently no differences between continuous and personal Burkard samplers for total pollen and spores. Nevertheless, distinguishing the main pollen types (i.e., Poaceae, Quercus, Olea, Cupressaceae, Plantago, and Platanus) revealed that there are some differences for Poaceae pollen only. In conclusion, personal samplers could be used to anticipate continuous monitoring data because their sampling is shorter and the results may be obtained quicker than with a continuous sampler, although they must never be considered as a replacement.  相似文献   

Ping Li  John R. Flenley 《Grana》2013,52(1):59-64
The importance of research leading to the automation of pollen identification is briefly outlined. A new technique, neural network analysis, is briefly introduced, and then applied to the determination of light microscope images of pollen grains. The results are compared with some previously published statistical classifiers. Although both types of classifiers may work, the neural network is apparently superior to the statistical methods in three ways: high success rates (100% in this case), small number of samples needed for training, and simplicity of features.  相似文献   

Andrea Fiorina 《Aerobiologia》1998,14(2-3):299-301
Aerobiological studies are important in many fields, specifically in medicine as they enable the identification of those airborne particles of biological origin coming into contact with man. These data are useful to evaluate the cause-effect ratio, to prevent allergy, to adjust the dose of drugs. A personal sampler for aerobiological particles (PARTRAP FA 52) was handed over to eleven atopic patients for a monitoring day. The sampling room was placed at about 15 cm from nose and mouth. The patients also underwent the Prick test and RAST test. The personal sampler for aerobiological particles enables a qualitative and quantitative sampling of the air close to the patient. More allergenic particles were found with the aerobiological personal sampling as compared to the sensitisation shown by Prick test and RAST in the same patient. This sampling method can be useful to demonstrate the cause-effect ratio directly near the patient and, moreover and can be indicative for further clinical and immunological investigations.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pollen survey and a periodical quantitative check of the flowering phases of trees were performed during 1993. Most of specific flowering seasons lasted from 4 to 8 weeks. October is the month with the highest number of species in bloom. Anemophylous species flower mainly in coincidence with the relatively low temperatures of late winter and early spring, while the enthomophylous ones correlate with the high temperatures of late spring and summer. The anemophylous ‘community’ follow a sigmoid pattern with respect to both the flowering development and the cumulative pollen concentration. Agreement between floral phenophases and pollen counts were evaluated for 14 genera (27 species). Pollen data of anemophylous species coincide fairly well with the phenological behaviour. Particular features must be taken into account to interpret this relationship.  相似文献   

The large, outdoor Islip Yard Waste Composting Facility on Long Island, New York was investigated as a source of airborne fungus spores. The Burkard-Hirst volumetric spore trap was used for the first extensive sampling of small mold spores for this application. Samplers were operated continuously from 21 August to 30 November 1992 in the facility and in a suburban community about 540 m from the facility. A control site approximately 10 000 m from the facility was also sampled to establish background levels of fungus spores. The facility site had higher average readings ofAspergillus fumigatus spores than did the community and both were higher than the control.A. fumigatus was the only fungus among 30 categories tracked that differed significantly between the facility and control sites. It was also isolated repeatedly from the compost. Higher average levels ofA. fumigatus were measured in the community when winds blew from the facility, and also during times when the compost was moved or mixed at the facility. No correlation was found between wind direction or work times andA. fumigatus conidia at the control site. The study shows that this compost facility can produce a measurable increase in the number of airborneA. fumigatus conidia both at the edge of the facility and at 540 m downwind. It also demonstrates that the Burkard spore trap can be used for monitoring small, airborne mold spores, but it is a difficult and labor intensive task.  相似文献   

Summary The Compositae rarely cause respiratory allergy, but in our area located North-West of Milan, symptoms of sensitization appear with ever increasing frequency and are wide-spread. The importance of the pollination of Ragweed has been documented thanks to aerobiological sampling carried over a period of three years, using a pollen trap (Lanzoni VPPS 2000) and collecting weekly data.The results show that the Ragweed pollen is present as from mid July and that the highest pollen concentration is found at the end of August (1988: 125 grains/m3 of air; 1989: 289 grains/m3 of air; 1990: 378 grains/m3 of air).It is possible to find a significant quantity of pollen until the first days of October. Because of the allergological importance of Ragweed, it is advisable that the stations of aerobiological sampling consider Ragweed pollen much more carefully and carry out the pollen count of Ragweed separately from that of the other Compositae. We would also advise that Ragweed be included in the standard Skin-Prick-Test panel for patients with late-summer allergy symptoms.  相似文献   

A new corer, the tom-tom, is a modification of the basic Kajak design. New modifications increase the efficiency of the corer in soft muds and increase the stability of the corer during ascent and descent. A stepped release trigger mechanism allows the corer to trip easily in even the softest muds, and a Phleger “bomb’ weight adds stability to the device. The corer can be deployed in a slow, controlled descent from small as well as large boats to reduce bow-wave. Four cores (4.50 cm inner diameter) are taken simultaneously in a fixed spatial pattern. Limited comparative sampling revealed that the tom-tom collected more meiofauna than a Van Veen grab and attained numbers statistically indistinguishable from diver-collected cores (only small sample sizes were available however). The corer will be most efficient in sediments without an extremely well-developed, suspendable layer, and most practical for smaller vessels in environments where diver collected cores are precluded by depth, strong currents or poor visibility. Although used in meiofauna collection, the corer should be appropriate for any sampling needs requiring a relatively undisturbed core.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study was designed to evaluate potential effects of sampling duration on observed concentrations of airborne culturable mould and bacteria on selected media. METHODS AND RESULTS: Airborne culturable mould and bacteria from lightly to moderately contaminated environments were collected on selected culture media using two co-located, concurrently operated, Andersen N-6 samplers for five sampling durations in the range of 1-10 min. Differences in mean concentrations, as well as linear relationships between sampling duration and both concentration and variability, were evaluated using nonparametric procedures. For the five sampling durations, there were no significant differences in mean concentrations of mould; for bacteria, there were significant differences, with a trend of decreasing concentrations as sampling duration increased. Data variability decreased with increasing sampling duration for both mould and bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Airborne culturable mould concentrations were similar for sampling durations in the range of 1-10 min. Airborne bacteria concentrations tended to trend downwards with sampling durations exceeding 3 min. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study has shown that sampling durations of 1-10 min are appropriate for collection of airborne culturable mould on malt extract agar (MEA) and dichloran glycerol agar (DG-18); based on the apparent trend of decreasing bacterial sample concentrations associated with increasing sampling duration, sampling durations of 相似文献   

This paper describes the study of the application of a Hirst-type impact volumetric sampler (IVS) in the sampling of volcanic ash continuously emitted by Mt. Etna. This methodology is commonly used for measuring the atmospheric concentration of airborne pollen grains and fungal spores. This study was undertaken between April 2003 and January 2005, when a series of ash emissions occurred; moreover, during this period, namely on 7 September 2004, there was an eruption from various fractures located in the higher eastern flank of the volcano. The airborne volcanic ashes involving the lower south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna were monitored by means of an IVS stationed in the town of Acireale. In some people volcanic ash can trigger predisposing factors linked with allergens, and an allergic response may occur. After exposure, immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are produced and released into the bloodstream and they can, therefore, be identified by haematological analysis. In this study we compared the number of ash events recorded by our IVS and the number of total immunoglobulin E (IgE) values found in the population living on or near this volcano sector. A correlation was established between air pollution from volcanic ash and IgE values over a period of 22 months.  相似文献   

The application of chromogenic media in clinical microbiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1990, a wide range of chromogenic culture media has been made commercially available providing useful tools for diagnostic clinical microbiology. By the inclusion of chromogenic enzyme substrates targeting microbial enzymes, such media are able to target pathogens with high specificity. Examples of target pathogens include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Salmonella spp. and Candida spp. The inclusion of multiple chromogenic substrates into culture media facilitates the differentiation of polymicrobial cultures, thus allowing for the development of improved media for diagnosis of urinary tract infections and media for the enhanced discrimination of yeasts. The purpose of this review is to provide some insight into how such media work and appraise their utility in routine clinical diagnostics, in comparison with conventional media.  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of two sizes of a standpipe corer were evaluated. The size composition of the gravel sampled by the corer was very similar to that (below the opening size of the core chamber) of the streambed. The small corer (25 cm3 sample size) produced a mean overestimate of total numbers of only 19% even in highly heterogeneous gravels. Most of the taxa commonly in the substrates sampled did not escape from the corer. A few rare taxa were consistently over- or under-estimated and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteomics holds the promise of evaluating global changes in protein expression and post-translational modification in response to environmental stimuli. However, difficulties in achieving cellular anatomic resolution and extracting specific types of proteins from cells have limited the efficacy of these techniques. Laser capture microdissection has provided a solution to the problem of anatomical resolution in tissues. New extraction methodologies have expanded the range of proteins identified in subsequent analyses. This review will examine the application of laser capture microdissection to proteomic tissue sampling, and subsequent extraction of these samples for differential expression analysis. Statistical and other quantitative issues important for the analysis of the highly complex datasets generated are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Proteomics holds the promise of evaluating global changes in protein expression and post-translational modification in response to environmental stimuli. However, difficulties in achieving cellular anatomic resolution and extracting specific types of proteins from cells have limited the efficacy of these techniques. Laser capture microdissection has provided a solution to the problem of anatomical resolution in tissues. New extraction methodologies have expanded the range of proteins identified in subsequent analyses. This review will examine the application of laser capture microdissection to proteomic tissue sampling, and subsequent extraction of these samples for differential expression analysis. Statistical and other quantitative issues important for the analysis of the highly complex datasets generated are also reviewed.  相似文献   

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