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Here we describe the properties of a novel class of oligonucleotide probes capable of sensitive hybridization-triggered fluorescence. These fluorogenic probes, known commercially as MGB Eclipse probes, are characterized by having a conjugated minor groove binder (MGB) ligand at the 5'-end and a fluorophore at the 3'-end. Additionally, they have an efficient quencher moiety at the 5'-end that is useful with a wide variety of fluorescent dyes. Fluorescence of the single-stranded MGB Eclipse probe is efficiently quenched by the interaction of the terminal dye and quencher groups when not hybridized. Upon hybridization to a complementary target, the MGB molecule folds into duplex and hyper-stabilizes it, allowing the use of shorter, more specific probe sequences. The 5'-MGB-quencher group also prevents nuclease digestion by Taq DNA polymerase during PCR. Because of the hybridization-triggered fluorescence and the excellent specificity imparted by the MGB, these 5'-MGB Eclipse probes have great versatility for real-time PCR applications. The high sensitivity and specificity are illustrated using single nucleotide polymorphism detection, viral load determination, and gene expression analysis.  相似文献   

In this protocol we present a reproducible method of preparing DNA probes of high specific activity using Sequenase. The probes produced by this method had a specific activity of 2.8×109 cpm/μg with 69% of the total radioactivity incorporated into the TCA-precipitable materials. Probes with 5 to 10-fold lower specific activity were obtained using commercially available kits or using currently empolyed methods.  相似文献   

G-quadruplex DNA plays a very important role in clinical diagnosis and fluorescence analysis has attracted extensive attention. A class of carbazole-based fluorescent probes for the detection of G-quadruplex DNA was established in this work. In this system, the installation of an oligo(ethylene glycol) chain on the scaffold will improve the water-solubility and biocompatibility. The presence of styrene-like different side groups could tune the selectivity toward G-quadruplex DNA binding. Results revealed that the substitution pattern and position gave a great influence on the ability for the discrimination of the G-quadruplex from other DNA structures. Especially, probe E1 bound to G-quadruplex DNA with superior selectivity, which exhibiting almost no fluorescence response in the presence of non-G-quadruplex DNA structures. Comprehensive analyses revealed that E1 could bind both ends of the G-quadruplex, resulting in a significant increase of fluorescence emission intensity. Cellular uptake assay suggested that E1 could pass through membrane and enter living cells with low cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

We report an efficient procedure to synthesize either single- or double-stranded probes labeled with biotin-11-dUTP, biotin-21-dUTP or digoxigenin-11-dUTP. To produce the single-stranded probe, only a single primer is utilized in a Taq polymerase amplification of 55 cycles. A cytomegalovirus probe is presented. This procedure allows easy production of nonradioactively labeled pure single-stranded probes of any desired length and specificity.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the fluorescence and hybridization of multiply-labeled DNA probes which have the hydrophilic fluorophore 1-(straightepsilon-carboxypentynyl)-1'-ethyl- 3,3,3', 3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine-5,5'-disulfonate (Cy3) attached via either a short or long linker at the C-5 position of deoxyuridine. We describe the effects of labeling density, fluorophore charge and linker length upon five properties of the probe: fluorescence intensity, the change in fluorescence upon duplex formation, the quantum yield of fluorescence (Phif), probe-target stability and specificity. For the hydrophilic dye Cy3, we have demonstrated that the fluorescence intensity andPhifare maximized when labeling every 6th base using the long linker. With a less hydrophilic dye, a labeling density this high could not be achieved without serious quenching of the fluorescence. The target specificity of multiply-labeled DNA probes was just as high as compared to the unmodified control probe, however, a less stable probe-target duplex is formed that exhibits a lower melting temperature. A mechanism that accounts for this destabilization is proposed which is consistent with our data. It involves dye-dye and dye-nucleotide interactions which appear to stabilize a single-stranded conformation of the probe.  相似文献   

The substitution of each constituent amino acid residue of gratisin (GR) with Ala residue indicated that each side chain structure of the constituent amino acid residues affect largely the antibiotic and hemolytic activities of GR. Among them, the substitution of Pro residues at positions 5 and 5′ with a cationic amino acid residues (Lys and Arg) results the high antibiotic activity and the low toxicity against human blood cells. Thus, we have found a novel position on the scaffold of GR at Pro5,5′ residues whose modification will significantly lower the unwanted hemolytic activity and enhance the desired antibiotic activity.  相似文献   

We describe two new methods of fluorescence sensing for use in high throughput screening (HTS). Modulation sensing transforms analyte-dependent intensity changes into a change in the low-frequency modulation signal. Polarization sensing transforms an intensity change into a change in polarization. Both methods are internally calibrated by using a reference film immediately adjacent to the sample, which can be readily located on the HTS plate or on a nearby optical component and provides an intensity or polarization reference. Modulation sensing and polarization sensing were both shown useful for measurements of fluorophore concentrations, pH, or calcium concentrations in the wells of HTS plates. Sensing with a reference film provides the opportunity to internally reference HTS measurements without the need for additions to the sample. This approach can provide standardization for assays performed at different times.  相似文献   

Development of probes that can discriminate G-quadruplex (GQ) structures and indentify efficient GQ binders on the basis of topology and nucleic acid type is highly desired to advance GQ-directed therapeutic strategies. In this context, we describe the development of minimally perturbing and environment-sensitive pyrimidine nucleoside analogues, based on a 5-(benzofuran-2-yl)uracil core, as topology-specific fluorescence turn-on probes for human telomeric DNA and RNA GQs. The pyrimidine residues of one of the loop regions (TTA) of telomeric DNA and RNA GQ oligonucleotide (ON) sequences were replaced with 5-benzofuran-modified 2′-deoxyuridine and uridine analogues. Depending on the position of modification the fluorescent nucleoside analogues distinguish antiparallel, mixed parallel-antiparallel and parallel stranded DNA and RNA GQ topologies from corresponding duplexes with significant enhancement in fluorescence intensity and quantum yield. Further, these GQ sensors enabled the development of a simple fluorescence binding assay to quantify topology- and nucleic acid-specific binding of small molecule ligands to GQ structures. Together, our results demonstrate that these nucleoside analogues are useful GQ probes, which are anticipated to provide new opportunities to study and discover efficient G-quadruplex binders of therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Reaction of a rhodamine 2'-ester with an excess of alkyldiamines provides amino-functionalized rhodamine spirolactams, which when subsequently conjugated with carboxyfluorescein, provides probes which are fluorescent at acidic, neutral, and basic pH ranges.  相似文献   

We have developed DNA microarrays containing stem-loop DNA probes with short single-stranded overhangs immobilized on a Packard HydroGel chip, a 3-dimensional porous gel substrate. Microarrays were fabricated by immobilizing self-complementary single-stranded oligonucleotides, which adopt a partially duplex structure upon denaturing and re-annealing. Hybridization of single-stranded DNA targets to such arrays is enhanced by contiguous stacking interactions with stem-loop probes and is highly sequence specific. Subsequent enzymatic ligation of the targets to the probes followed by stringent washing further enhances the mismatched base discrimination. We demonstrate here that these microarrays provide excellent specificity with signal-to-background ratios of from 10- to 300-fold. In a comparative study, we demonstrated that HydroGel arrays display 10-30 times higher hybridization signals than some solid surface DNA microarrays. Using Sanger sequencing reactions, we have also developed a method for preparing nested 3'-deletion sets from a target and evaluated the use of stem-loop DNA arrays for detecting p53 mutations in the deletion set. The stem-loop DNA array format is simple, robust and flexible in design, thus it is potentially useful in various DNA diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

An epi-illuminated microscope configuration for use in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in bulk solutions has been analyzed. For determining the effective sample dimensions the spatial distribution of the molecule detection efficiency has been computed and conditions for achieving quasi-cylindrical sample shape have been derived. Model experiments on translational diffusion of rhodamine 6G have been carried out using strong focusing of the laser beam, small pinhole size and an avalanche photodiode in single photon counting mode as the detector. A considerable decrease in background light intensity and measurement time has been observed. The background light is 40 times weaker than the fluorescence signal from one molecule of Rh6G, and the correlation function with signal-to-noise ratio of 150 can be collected in 1 second. The effect of the shape of the sample volume on the autocorrelation function has been discussed. Correspondence to: R. Rigler  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a simple but effective use of combinatorial probes to label plant chromosomes by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Three different DNA probes were labelled with only two different fluorophores, hybridised to somatic metaphase chromosomes of Secale cereale and Triticum aestivum, simultaneously visualised, and unequivocally distinguished in a single FISH experiment. Combinatorial labelling can augment karyotypical investigations, physical mapping of chromosomes and other analyses in plants based upon FISH.  相似文献   

Analyses on DNA microarrays depend considerably on spot quality and a low background signal of the glass support. By using betaine as an additive to a spotting solution made of saline sodium citrate, both the binding efficiency of spotted PCR products and the homogeneity of the DNA spots is improved significantly on aminated surfaces such as glass slides coated with the widely used poly-L-lysine or aminosilane. In addition, non-specific background signal is markedly diminished. Concomitantly, during the arraying procedure, the betaine reduces evaporation from the microtitre dish wells, which hold the PCR products. Subsequent blocking of the chip surface with succinic anhydride was improved considerably in the presence of the non-polar, non-aqueous solvent 1,2-dichloroethane and the acylating catalyst N:-methylimidazole. This procedure prevents the overall background signal that occurs with the frequently applied aqueous solvent 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone in borate buffer because of DNA that re-dissolves from spots during the blocking process, only to bind again across the entire glass surface.  相似文献   

The feasibility of utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific DNA probes as the basis of an assay to detect aneuploidy and aneuploidy-inducing agents in interphase human lymphocytes has been investigated. The assay involves counting the number of hybridization regions in interphase cells to determine the number of copies of a specific chromosome of interest, 22,000 interphase nuclei from untreated 72-h lymphocyte cultures were examined following hybridization with probes for chromosomes 1, 7, 9, 17, X or Y. The combined frequencies of nuclei containing 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hybridization regions for the various autosomal chromosomes were 0.004, 0.084, 0.909, 0.003 and 0.001, respectively. Based on these frequencies, scoring 1000-2000 cells should allow detection of aneuploid cells with a 0.012 frequency of hyperdiploidy or a 0.11 frequency of hypodiploidy for a specific chromosome of interest (alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.80). This difference in test sensitivity is related to the higher frequency of cells with one apparent spot. A comparison of the ratio of hybridization region to nuclear area in the two-dimensional images used for this analysis indicates that an overlap of the two regions probably accounts for the high frequency of apparent monosomy observed in normal cells. Treatment with the aneuploidy-inducing chemicals, colchicine, vincristine sulfate and diethylstilbestrol resulted in significant dose-related increases in the number of nuclei containing 3 or more hybridization regions. Treatment with the clastogen sodium arsenite produced only a minor increase in apparently hyperdiploid cells whereas treatment with ionizing radiation, another potent clastogen, resulted in a significant increase in nuclei containing multiple hybridization regions. These results suggest that ionizing radiation is an aneuploidy-inducing agent under these conditions although chromosomal breakage within the hybridization region may account for a portion of the increased frequency of nuclei with multiple hybridization regions. These results indicate that the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization with DNA probes is capable of detecting aneuploid cells occurring at relatively low frequencies within a population of cells. Assays based on these techniques should facilitate a more rapid identification of aneuploidy-inducing environmental and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The signal produced by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) often is inconsistent among cells and sensitivity is low. Small DNA targets on the chromatin are difficult to detect. We report here an improved nick translation procedure for Texas red and Alexa Fluor 488 direct labeling of FISH probes. Brighter probes can be obtained by adding excess DNA polymerase I. Using such probes, a 30 kb yeast transgene, and the rp1, rp3 and zein multigene clusters were clearly detected.  相似文献   

The signal produced by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) often is inconsistent among cells and sensitivity is low. Small DNA targets on the chromatin are difficult to detect. We report here an improved nick translation procedure for Texas red and Alexa Fluor 488 direct labeling of FISH probes. Brighter probes can be obtained by adding excess DNA polymerase I. Using such probes, a 30?kb yeast transgene, and the rp1, rp3 and zein multigene clusters were clearly detected.  相似文献   

V V Didenko 《BioTechniques》2001,31(5):1106-16, 1118, 1120-1
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is widely used in biomedical research as a reporter method. Oligonucleotides with a DNA backbone and one or several chromophore tags have found multiple applications as FRET probes. They are especially advantageous for the real-time monitoring of biochemical reactions and in vivo studies. This paper reviews the design and applications of various DNA-based probes that use FRET The approaches used in the design of new DNA FRET probes are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of novel iron-specific fluorescent probes is reported where the chelator function unusually forms part of the fluorescent moiety. The ability of this range of molecules to permeate human erythrocyte ghost membranes was investigated.  相似文献   

The signal produced by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) often is inconsistent among cells and sensitivity is low. Small DNA targets on the chromatin are difficult to detect. We report here an improved nick translation procedure for Texas red and Alexa Fluor 488 direct labeling of FISH probes. Brighter probes can be obtained by adding excess DNA polymerase I. Using such probes, a 30 kb yeast transgene, and the rp1, rp3 and zein multigene clusters were clearly detected.  相似文献   

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