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Nuclei from tissues of many vertebrates contain a soluble 37 kd protein which binds with a high degree of specificity to oligonucleotides which contain the G rich strand of the telomeric terminal repeats, TTAGGG. In some tissues this is an abundant nuclear protein.  相似文献   

We recently identified several ESTs that bind to the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in vitro. To determine whether they interacted in vivo we performed three-hybrid screens in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae histidine auxotroph. We demonstrate that two of the ESTs support growth on histidine and transduce beta-galactosidase activity when co-expressed with FMRP under selective growth conditions. In contrast, the iron response element (IRE) RNA does not. Likewise, the ESTs do not support growth or transduce beta-galactosidase activity when co-expressed with the iron response element binding protein (IRP). Each EST is relatively small and has 40% identity with a sequence in FMR1 mRNA harboring FMRP binding determinants. Interestingly, while neither the ESTs contain a G-quartet structural motif they do contain U-rich sequences that are found in mRNA with demonstrated in vitro binding and in vivo association with FMRP. This indicates that U-rich elements comprise another motif recognized by FMRP.  相似文献   

Analyzing mRNA-protein complexes using a yeast three-hybrid system   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
RNA-protein interactions are essential for the proper execution and regulation of every step in the life of a eukaryotic mRNA. Here we describe a three-hybrid system in which RNA-protein interactions can be analyzed using simple phenotypic or enzymatic assays in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The system can be used to detect or confirm an RNA-protein interaction, to analyze RNA-protein interactions genetically, and to discover new protein or RNA partners when only one is known. Multicomponent complexes containing more than one protein can be detected, identified, and analyzed. We describe the method and how to use it, and discuss applications that bear particularly on eukaryotic mRNAs.  相似文献   

S Basu  H E Varmus 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5617-5625
The integration protein (IN) of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV), purified after being produced in yeast cells, has been analyzed for its ability to bind its putative viral substrates, the att sites. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that the Moloney MuLV IN protein binds synthetic oligonucleotides containing att sequences, with specificity towards its cognate (MuLV) sequences. The terminal 13 base pairs, which are identical at both ends of viral DNA, are sufficient for binding if present at the ends of oligonucleotide duplexes in the same orientation as in linear viral DNA. However, only weak binding was observed when the same sequences were positioned within a substrate in a manner simulating att junctions in circular viral DNA with two long terminal repeats. Binding to att sites in oligonucleotides simulating linear viral DNA was dependent on the presence of the highly conserved CA residues preceding the site for 3' processing (an IN-dependent reaction that removes two nucleotides from the 3' ends of linear viral DNA); mutation of CA to TG abolished binding, and a CA to TA change reduced affinity by at least 20-fold. Removal of either the terminal two base pairs from both ends of the oligonucleotide duplex or the terminal two nucleotides from the 3' ends of each strand did not affect binding. The removal of three 3' terminal nucleotides, however, abolished binding, suggesting an essential role for the A residue immediately upstream of the 3' processing site in the binding reaction. These results help define the sequence requirements for att site recognition by IN, explain the conservation of the subterminal CA dinucleotide, and provide a simple assay for sequence-specific IN activity.  相似文献   

Using a gel mobility shift assay we show that a 40 kd protein (p40), present in extracts of yeast mitochondria, binds specifically to the 5'-untranslated leader of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II mRNA. Binding of p40 to coxII RNA protects an 8-10 nucleotide segment from diethylpyocarbonate modification, indicating that the protein interacts with only a restricted region of the 5'-leader. This segment is located at position -12 with respect to the initiation AUG. Deletion of 10 nucleotides encompassing this site completely abolishes protein binding. Nevertheless, Bal31 deletion analysis within the coxII leader shows that a major part of the leader is essential for p40 binding, suggesting that binding of the protein is also dependent on secondary structural features. p40 binds to other mitochondrial leader mRNAs including those for coxI, coxIII and cyt b. p40 is present in a cytoplasmic (rho0) petite mutant lacking mitochondrial protein synthesis. It is therefore presumably nuclear encoded. The possible biological function of the protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Alveolar type II cells produce and secrete a complex mixture of lipids and proteins called pulmonary surfactant of which phospholipids are the major components. Surfactant proteins (SP) A, B, and C interact with phospholipids and are believed to play important roles in alveolar spaces. However, whether surfactant protein D (SP-D) interacts with phospholipids is unknown. In the present study, we examined whether SP-D binds to phospholipids and investigated phospholipid specificities of SP-D binding and the structural requirements of phospholipids for that binding using 125I-SP-D as a probe. 125I-SP-D bound exclusively to phosphatidylinositol (PI) in various phospholipids or a fraction containing phospholipids extracted from surfactant, which were developed on thin layer chromatography. 125I-SP-D also bound to PI coated on microtiter wells in a manner dependent upon the SP-D concentration. Unlabeled SP-D competed well with 125I-SP-D for PI binding and the antibody against SP-D abolished 125I-SP-D binding to PI. PI liposome also attenuated 125I-SP-D binding to the solid phase PI. Ca2+ is absolutely required for the binding of SP-D to PI. SP-D failed to bind to lyso-PI, fatty acids derived from PI digested with phospholipase A2, or diacylglycerol obtained after phospholipase C treatment of PI. SP-D bound to neither phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate nor phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. We conclude that SP-D specifically binds to PI. This is the first report that demonstrates that SP-D interacts with surfactant phospholipids.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric HU protein associated with the Escherichia coli nucleoid shares some properties with histones and HMG proteins. HU binds DNA junctions and DNA containing a nick much more avidly than double-stranded (ds-) DNA. Cells lacking HU are extremely sensitive to gamma irradiation and we wondered how HU could play a role in maintaining the integrity of the bacterial chromosome. We show that HU binds with high affinity to DNA repair and recombination intermediates, including DNA invasions, DNA overhangs and DNA forks. The DNA structural motif that HU specifically recognizes in all these structures consists of a ds-DNA module joined to a second module containing either ds- or single-stranded (ss-) DNA. The two modules rotate freely relative to one another. Binding specificity results from the simultaneous interaction of HU with these two modules: HU arms bind the ds-DNA module whereas the HU body contacts the 'variable' module containing either ds- or ss-DNA. Both structural motifs are recognized by HU at least 1000-fold more avidly than duplex DNA.  相似文献   

We have used the yeast three-hybrid system in a positive selection for mutants of the human histone hairpin-binding protein (HBP) capable of interacting with non-canonical hairpins and in a negative selection for loss-of-binding mutants. Interestingly, all mutations from the positive selection are located in the N- and C-terminal regions flanking a minimal RNA-binding domain (RBD) previously defined between amino acids 126 and 198. Further, in vitro binding studies demonstrate that the RBD, which shows no obvious similarity to other RNA-binding motifs, has a relaxed sequence specificity compared to full-length HBP, allowing it to bind to mutant hairpin RNAs not normally found in histone genes. These findings indicate that the sequences flanking the RBD are important for restricting binding to the highly conserved histone hairpin structure. Among the loss-of-binding mutations, about half are nonsense mutations distributed throughout the N-terminal part and the RBD whereas the other half are missense mutations restricted to the RBD. Whereas the nonsense mutations permit a more precise definition of the C-terminal border of the RBD, the missense mutations identify critical residues for RNA binding within the RBD.  相似文献   

The transformation-sensitive heat shock protein of Mr = 47,000 (hsp47) has been shown to bind to collagen and gelatin. We examined the binding specificity of hsp47. The binding of hsp47 to gelatin-Sepharose 4B was competitively inhibited by fetuin as effectively as by gelatin or collagen, whereas a variety of other proteins tested had no effect. Fetuin-coupled Sepharose 4B was found to bind hsp47 even at high ionic strength, but the complex was dissociated at pH less than or equal to 5.5.)  相似文献   

Hantaviruses are tripartite negative-sense RNA viruses and members of the Bunyaviridae family. The nucleocapsid (N) protein is encoded by the smallest of the three genome segments (S). N protein is the principal structural component of the viral capsid and is central to the hantavirus replication cycle. We examined intermolecular N-protein interaction and RNA binding by using bacterially expressed Sin Nombre virus N protein. N assembles into di- and trimeric forms. The mono- and dimeric forms exist transiently and assemble into a trimeric form. In contrast, the trimer is highly stable and does not efficiently disassemble into the mono- and dimeric forms. The purified N-protein trimer is able to discriminate between viral and nonviral RNA molecules and, interestingly, recognizes and binds with high affinity the panhandle structure composed of the 3' and 5' ends of the genomic RNA. In contrast, the mono- and dimeric forms of N bind RNA to form a complex that is semispecific and salt sensitive. We suggest that trimerization of N protein is a molecular switch to generate a protein complex that can discriminate between viral and nonviral RNA molecules during the early steps of the encapsidation process.  相似文献   

Perlecan is a multifaceted heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is expressed not only as an intrinsic constituent of basement membranes but also as a cell-surface and pericellular proteoglycan. Perlecan functions as a ligand reservoir for various growth factors that become stabilized against misfolding or proteolysis and acts as a co-receptor for basic fibroblast growth factor by augmenting high affinity binding and receptor activation. These biological properties are mediated by the heparan sulfate moiety. Rather little is known about the protein core's mediation of functions. We have recently discovered that fibroblast growth factor-7 (FGF7) binds to perlecan protein core and that exogenous perlecan efficiently reconstitutes FGF7 mitogenic activity in perlecan-deficient cells. In this report we examined the specific binding of FGF7 to various domains and subdomains of perlecan protein core. Using several experimental approaches including overlay protein assays, radioligand binding experiments, and the yeast two-hybrid system, we demonstrate that FGF7 binds specifically to the N-terminal half of domain III and to a lesser extent to domain V, with affinity constants in the range of 60 nM. Thus, perlecan protein core should be considered a novel biological ligand for FGF7, an interaction that could influence cancer growth and tissue remodeling.  相似文献   

The Lit protease in Escherichia coli K-12 strains induces cell death in response to bacteriophage T4 infection by cleaving translation elongation factor (EF) Tu and shutting down translation. Suicide of the cell is timed to the appearance late in the maturation of the phage of a short peptide sequence in the major head protein, the Gol peptide, which activates proteolysis. In the present work we demonstrate that the Gol peptide binds specifically to domains II and III of EF-Tu, creating the unique substrate for the Lit protease, which then cleaves domain I, the guanine nucleotide binding domain. The conformation of EF-Tu is important for binding and Lit cleavage, because both are sensitive to the identity of the bound nucleotide, with GDP being preferred over GTP. We propose that association of the T4 coat protein with EF-Tu plays a role in phage head assembly but that this association marks infected cells for suicide when Lit is present. Based on these data and recent observations on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 maturation, we speculate that associations between host translation factors and coat proteins may be integral to viral assembly in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The human platelet glycoprotein thrombospondin (TSP) binds specifically and with high affinity to sulfatides (galactosylceramide-I3-sulfate). Binding of 125I-TSP to lipids from sheep and human erythrocytes and human platelets resolved on thin layer chromatograms indicates that sulfatides are the only lipids in the membrane which bind TSP. Binding to less than 2 ng of sulfatide could be detected. TSP failed to bind to other purified lipids including cholesterol 3-sulfate, phospholipids, neutral glycolipids, and gangliosides. Binding of 125I-TSP was inhibited by unlabeled TSP, by low pH, and by reduction of intersubunit disulfide bonds with dithiothreitol. A monoclonal antibody against TSP (A2.5), which inhibits hemagglutination and agglutination of fixed activated platelets by TSP, strongly inhibited TSP binding to sulfatides. A second monoclonal antibody (C6.7), which inhibits hemagglutination and aggregation of thrombin-activated live platelets, weakly inhibited sulfatide binding. Binding was inhibited by high ionic strength and by some monosaccharide sulfates including methyl-alpha-D-GlcNAc-3-sulfate. Neutral sugars did not inhibit. Fucoidan, a sulfated fucan, strongly inhibited binding with 50% inhibition at 0.3 micrograms/ml fucoidan. Other sulfated polysaccharides including heparin and dextran sulfates were good inhibitors, whereas hyaluronic acid and keratan sulfate were very weak.  相似文献   

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