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This study reports genome size (C‐value) estimates for seven species of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Japan using flow cytometry. The results demonstrated genome sizes of 1.0–1.4 Gb in four closely related phytophagous ladybird beetles belonging to the Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata species complex. These values were approximately two times larger than that of a congeneric phytophagous ladybird beetle H. vigintioctopunctata (0.66 Gb), and of two very distantly related common carnivorous ladybird beetles, Harmonia axyridis (0.46 Gb) and Coccinella septempunctata (0.42 Gb). These lines of evidence suggest that rapid and large genome size increase occurred just after the branching of the common ancestor of the H. vigintioctomaculata species complex from other ladybird species.  相似文献   

Geographical variation of elytra color pattern in two sibling ladybird species, Harmonia yedoensis and H. axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), was examined. The two species are distributed sympatrically in central Japan; however, only H. yedoensis and H. axyridis occur in the Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan) and Hokkaido island (northern Japan), respectively. The frequency of elytra color patterns was significantly different between the two species in all sympatric locations and our results were inconsistent with the classical theory on Müllerian mimicry. The most dominant pattern of H. axyridis was the least dominant of H. yedoensis in all sympatric populations. Furthermore, the frequency of the non‐melanic form (red ground color with or without black spots) increased towards the south in H. yedoensis. This tendency was in contrast to the known geographical cline in H. axyridis in which the melanic form (black ground color with red spots) was gradually displaced with the non‐melanic form northwards in the Japanese archipelago. We discuss possible selective factors including predator avoidance, thermal adaptation and reproductive character displacement, all of which might contribute to the maintenance of the color polymorphism in the two Harmonia species.  相似文献   

Cichlids are one of the most diverse and colourful groups of freshwater fishes in the world. Despite much investigation, the factors that promote speciation in these fishes are still uncertain. However, previous studies suggest that sexual selection on male colour is one of the main drivers of speciation among these fishes. Metriaclima estherae is a polymorphic cichlid species from Lake Malawi, and thus provides an ideal model for the investigation of the importance of colour as a species recognition cue. M. callainos is a closely related and morphologically similar species, with male colour pattern very similar to that of M. estherae. We tested female choice by giving females of the two species a choice between conspecific and heterospecific males in the presence and absence of visual (colour) and chemical cues. The results show that females of M. callainos were able to reliably recognize conspecific males, even when colour was eliminated as a cue. However, females of M. estherae did not prefer conspecific males, although they were able to discriminate between red and blue conspecific colour morphs by using chemical cues. These results suggest that species recognition cues may differ even among closely related species of cichlid fish, and that female preferences for male coloration may be weak in certain species.  相似文献   

Identifying the contribution of pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to gene flow is a key goal of speciation research. The widespread dung fly species Sepsis cynipsea and Sepsis neocynipsea offer great potential for studying the speciation process over a range of opportunities for gene exchange within and across sister species (cross‐continental allopatry, continental parapatry and sympatry). We examined the role of postcopulatory isolating barriers by comparing female fecundity and egg‐to‐adult viability of F1 and F2 hybrids, as well as backcrosses of F1 hybrids with the parental species, via replicated crosses of sym‐, para‐ and allopatric populations. Egg‐to‐adult viability was strongly but not totally suppressed in hybrids, and offspring production approached nil in the F2 generation (hybrid breakdown), indicating yet unspecified intrinsic incompatibilities. Viable F1 hybrid offspring showed almost absolute male (the heterogametic sex) sterility while females remained largely fertile, in accordance with Haldane's rule. Hybridization between the two species in European areas of sympatry (Swiss Alps) indicated only minor reinforcement based on fecundity traits. Crossing geographically isolated European and North American S. neocynipsea showed similar albeit weaker isolating barriers that are most easily explained by random genetic drift. We conclude that in this system with a biogeographic continuum of reproductive barriers, speciation is mediated primarily by genetic drift following dispersal of flies over a wide (allopatric) geographic range, with some role of natural or sexual selection in incidental or direct reinforcement of incompatibility mechanisms in areas of European sympatry. S(ubs)pecies status of continental S. neocynipsea appears warranted.  相似文献   

The two closely related noctuid moths Spodoptera latifascia and S. descoinsi have been found in sympatry in some parts of French Guiana. They differ by i) ecological preferences, ii) some anatomical features of the genital tract, iii) the relative amounts of the two main components of the female pheromonal blend, and iv) the temporal pattern of sexual behaviour. Viable and fertile interspecific hybrids can be obtained in the laboratory, thus permitting a genetic study of some of these traits. The anatomical differences cause perturbations in mating efficiency. Experimental results show that these differences are hereditarily transmitted, but their exact mode of inheritance remains unknown. The timing of initiation of female calling activity is very likely to be under polygenic control. Conclusive evidence showed that a pair of major autosomal alleles determined the pheromone composition. Moreover, some of the data suggest that the descoinsi allele would become lethal in certain mosaic latifascia/descoinsi genomic environments. The ecological factor is likely to be the major component of reproductive isolation between the two species in natural conditions. However in contact zones, the differences in pheromone composition and in timing of sexual activity are probably involved in preventing interspecific hybridization. Two speciation scenarios are proposed, both sympatric. In one of them, the primary event would be a fragmentation of the tropical forest followed by disruptive selection associated with habitat diversification. In the other, the speciation process might have been initiated by the occurrence of mutations acting on the pheromone mediated mate recognition system.  相似文献   

We analysed the putative hybrid zone between the ground beetles Carabus lewisianus Breuning and C. albrechti Morawitz from the Kanto and Tanzawa Mountains in central Honshu, Japan, using morphological, genetic, and behavioural data. Canonical discriminant analysis of three external and five genital morphological characters revealed an apparent morphological gap, suggesting restricted sympatry in the contact zone. RFLP and molecular phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial gene ND5 revealed that haplotypes originating from C. lewisianus introgressed extensively into C. albrechti . Fitting tanh curves to morphological (external and genital) and genetic characters showed differential cline widths and centres, suggesting stronger selection for genital morphology with narrower cline widths, and extensive introgression of the nuclear genes responsible for external characters relative to those controlling genital morphology into the range of C. albrechti . Linkage disequilibria between the morphological characters did not differ from zero, suggesting sufficient recombination occurred in the zone but the effect of small sample sizes was not negligible. Mate choice trials demonstrated that males showed a weak but not significant preference for conspecific mates. We interpret these patterns as evidence for (1) partial reproductive isolation presumably by postmating processes; (2) selection against intermediate genital morphologies, and (3) independent responses of the characters to different evolutionary forces that may cause movement of genital clines and introgression of the mitochondrial gene and external morphology. The movement of the boundaries may have resulted in the particular species distribution patterns in the study area.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 79–94.  相似文献   

We employed four markers (two chloroplastic, one mitochondrial and one nuclear) to investigate whether Turbinaria ornata and Turbinaria conoides, two morphologically similar brown algae, are distinct species. The molecular data revealed reciprocal monophyly, thus confirming the two algae as discrete species. Nevertheless, taxonomical ambiguities remain. T. conoides is more morphologically variable than T. ornata. We identified an atypical T. conoides morphotype whose blade possesses intramarginal teeth, a morphological characteristic of the T. ornata group that is normally absent within T. conoides. The molecular data indicate, nonetheless, that this morphotype belongs genetically to the T. conoides group. Thus, the results cast doubt upon the validity of using intramarginal teeth for species diagnosis.  相似文献   

The Andricus mukaigawae complex of oak gall wasps is composed of cyclically parthenogenetic species: A. mukaigawae and Andricus kashiwaphilus, and a parthenogenetic species, Andricus pseudoflos. The component species differ in life history, host plant, karyotype, and asexual gall shape, although little difference is found in the external morphology of asexual adults. To understand the speciation history of this species complex, DNA sequences of one mitochondrial region and nine nuclear gene regions were investigated. The genetic relationship among the species suggested that a loss of sex occurred after host shift. Unexpectedly, two or three distinct groups in the parthenogenetic species, A. pseudoflos, were revealed by both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. Gene flow in nuclear genes from the species not infected by Wolbachia (A. kashiwaphilus) to the species infected by it (A. mukaigawae) was suggested by a method based on coalescent simulations. On the other hand, gene flow in mitochondrial genes was suggested to be in the opposite direction. These findings indicate possible involvement of Wolbachia infection in the speciation process of the A. mukaigawae complex.  相似文献   

Morphological and host–plant relationship studies were conducted to differentiate two sympatric populations of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, one from rice (Oryza sativa) and the other from Leersia hexandra, a weed grass. In morphometric studies based on esterase activities, an UPGMA dendrogram using 17 quantitative morphological characters, including stridulatory organs (courtship signal-producing organs) between two sympatric populations of N. lugens, one from rice and the other from L. hexandra, a weed grass revealed that both populations were separated from each other. An out-group, N. bakeri, was found to be completely different from the two sympatric populations of N. lugens. Rice plants were best suited for the establishment of the rice-infesting population, and L. hexandra was a favourable host for the Leersia-infesting population. The individuals derived from one host did not thrive on the other host, as shown by a significant reduction in survival and nymphal development, ovipositional preferences, ovipositional response, and egg hatchability. Therefore, morphological and host–plant relationship studies indicate that rice-associated population with high esterase activities and L. heaxandra-associated population with low esterase activities are two closely related sibling species.  相似文献   

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