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The origin recognition complex or ORC is a six-subunit protein important for DNA replication and other cell functions. Orc6, the smallest subunit of ORC, is essential for both replication and cytokinesis in Drosophila, and interacts with the septin protein Pnut, which is part of the Drosophila septin complex. In this study, we describe the analysis of the interaction of Orc6 with Pnut and whole Drosophila septin complex. Septin complex was purified from Drosophila embryos and also reconstituted from recombinant proteins. The interaction of Orc6 with the septin complex is dependent on the coiled-coil domain of Pnut. Furthermore, the binding of Orc6 to Pnut increases the intrinsic GTPase activity of the Drosophila septin complex, whereas in the absence of GTP it enhances septin complex filament formation. These results suggest an active role for Orc6 in septin complex function. Orc6 might be a part of a control mechanism directing the cytokinesis machinery during the final steps of mitosis.  相似文献   

Septin9 (Sept9) is a member of the filament-forming septin family of structural proteins and is associated with a variety of cancers and with hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy. We have generated mice with constitutive and conditional Sept9 knockout alleles. Homozygous deletion of Sept9 results in embryonic lethality around day 10 of gestation whereas mice homozygous for the conditional allele develop normally. Here we report the consequences of homozygous loss of Sept9 in immortalized murine embryonic fibroblasts. Proliferation rate was not changed but cells without Sept9 had an altered morphology compared to normal cells, particularly under low serum stress. Abnormal, fragmented, and multiple nuclei were more frequent in cells without Sept9. Cell migration, as measured by gap-filling and filter-invasion assays, was impaired, but individual cells did not move less than wild-type cells. Sept9 knockout cells showed a reduced resistance to hypo-osmotic stress. Stress fiber and vinculin staining at focal adhesion points was less prominent. Long septin filaments stained for Sept7 disappeared. Instead, staining was found in short, often curved filaments and rings. Furthermore, Sept7 was no longer localized to the mitotic spindle. Together, these data reveal the importance of Sept9 for septin filament formation and general cell stability.  相似文献   

During Drosophila development, the formin actin nucleator Cappuccino (Capu) helps build a cytoplasmic actin mesh throughout the oocyte. Loss of Capu leads to female sterility, presumably because polarity determinants fail to localize properly in the absence of the mesh. To gain deeper insight into how Capu builds this actin mesh, we systematically characterized seven capu alleles, which have missense mutations in Capu''s formin homology 2 (FH2) domain. We report that all seven alleles have deleterious effects on fly fertility and the actin mesh in vivo but have strikingly different effects on Capu''s biochemical activity in vitro. Using a combination of bulk and single- filament actin-assembly assays, we find that the alleles differentially affect Capu''s ability to nucleate and processively elongate actin filaments. We also identify a unique “loop” in the lasso region of Capu''s FH2 domain. Removing this loop enhances Capu''s nucleation, elongation, and F-actin–bundling activities in vitro. Together our results on the loop and the seven missense mutations provides mechanistic insight into formin function in general and Capu''s role in the Drosophila oocyte in particular.  相似文献   

The nucleoplasmin-like protein from Drosophila (dNLP) functions as a chaperone for core histones and may remodel chromatin in embryos. We now report the crystal structure of a dNLP-core pentamer at 1.5 A resolution. The monomer has an eight-stranded, beta barrel topology that is similar to nucleoplasmin (Np). However, a signature beta hairpin is tucked in along the lateral surface of the dNLP-core pentamer, while it extends outward in the Np-core decamer. Drosophila NLP and Np both assemble histone octamers. This process may require each chaperone to form a decamer, which would create symmetric binding sites for the histones. Conformational differences between dNLP and Np may reflect their different oligomeric states, while a conserved, nonpolar subunit interface may allow conformational plasticity during histone binding.  相似文献   

Septins constitute a family of conserved guanine nucleotide binding proteins found in a wide range of organisms from fungi to mammals. Members of the family share a canonical G-domain with N- and C-terminal extensions. G-domains assemble into hetero-oligomeric complexes which form non-polarised filaments or rings. Linear filaments are formed between the G-domains using either the guanine nucleotide binding site (G interface) or N- and C-terminal extensions (NC interface). Sept7 is a unique among the 13 human septins in that it occupies the ends of hexameric building blocks which assemble into non-polarised filaments. To gain insight into its particular properties we performed structural and biochemical studies on Sept7. We solved the crystal structure of a Sept7 dimer in the GDP-bound state. The structure and biochemistry of Sept7 provide new insights into the dynamics of the G interface and outline the differences in the properties of Sept7 compared to the members of group 2 septins.  相似文献   

The fimbriae-associated protein 1 (Fap1) is a major adhesin of Streptococcus parasanguinis, a primary colonizer of the oral cavity that plays an important role in the formation of dental plaque. Fap1 is an extracellular adhesive surface fibre belonging to the serine-rich repeat protein (SRRP) family, which plays a central role in the pathogenesis of streptococci and staphylococci. The N-terminal adhesive region of Fap1 (Fap1-NR) is composed of two domains (Fap1-NRα and Fap1-NRβ) and is projected away from the bacterial surface via the extensive serine-rich repeat region, for adhesion to the salivary pellicle. The adhesive properties of Fap1 are modulated through a pH switch in which a reduction in pH results in a rearrangement between the Fap1-NRα and Fap1-NRβ domains, which assists in the survival of S. parasanguinis in acidic environments. We have solved the structure of Fap1-NRα at pH 5.0 at 3.0 ? resolution and reveal how subtle rearrangements of the 3-helix bundle combined with a change in electrostatic potential mediates ‘opening’ and activation of the adhesive region. Further, we show that pH-dependent changes are critical for biofilm formation and present an atomic model for the inter-Fap1-NR interactions which have been assigned an important role in the biofilm formation.  相似文献   

PPR (Pentatricopeptide repeat) proteins are mainly involved in RNA metabolism. In Arabidopsis, the PPR family is composed of more than 450 members; however, only few of them were functionally characterized. In a previous report,1 we identified a novel mitochondrial PPR RNA editing factor, named SLO2, which is responsible for 7 editing events in Arabidopsis. Loss-of-function mutation in SLO2 results in plant growth retardation, and delayed development, and leads to the dysfunction of mitochondrial complex I, III and IV. slo2 is the first example of a single gene mutation affecting 3 complexes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. This Short Communication discusses the conservation of upstream regions of editing sites affected by SLO2 and illustrates the effect of mutation of SLO2 on activation of the alternative pathway. We also reflect upon the implications and perspectives of these findings.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that microRNAs(miRNAs) play an important role in cell differentiation, growth, and death, including the functional study of miRNAs in tumorigenesis. To date, miRNA expression profiles in many types of cancers have been identified and miRNA expression signatures associated with types and cytogenetics of leukemia have also been reported. Increasing evidence has shown that miRNAs could function as either tumor suppressors or oncogenes in cancers such as leukemia, while other miRNAs might be benefitcial for diagnosis and prognosis, predicted to be newly developed biomarkers. In this review, we summarize the recent progress about miRNAs in leukemia and present a miRNA-mediated network involved in differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis predicted to be the roles of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of leukemia. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30672254 and 30872784), National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2008AA02Z106).  相似文献   

The six-subunit origin recognition complex (ORC) is a DNA replication initiator protein in eukaryotes that defines the localization of the origins of replication. We report here that the smallest Drosophila ORC subunit, Orc6, is a DNA binding protein that is necessary for the DNA binding and DNA replication functions of ORC. Orc6 binds DNA fragments containing Drosophila origins of DNA replication and prefers poly(dA) sequences. We have defined the core replication domain of the Orc6 protein which does not include the C-terminal domain. Further analysis of the core replication domain identified amino acids that are important for DNA binding by Orc6. Alterations of these amino acids render reconstituted Drosophila ORC inactive in DNA binding and DNA replication. We show that mutant Orc6 proteins do not associate with chromosomes in vivo and have dominant negative effects in Drosophila tissue culture cells. Our studies provide a molecular analysis for the functional requirement of Orc6 in replicative functions of ORC in Drosophila and suggest that Orc6 may contribute to the sequence preferences of ORC in targeting to the origins.  相似文献   

The curvature of the membrane defines cell shape. Septins are GTP-binding proteins that assemble into heteromeric complexes and polymerize into filaments at areas of micron-scale membrane curvature. An amphipathic helix (AH) domain within the septin complex is necessary and sufficient for septins to preferentially assemble onto micron-scale curvature. Here we report that the nonessential fungal septin, Shs1, also has an AH domain capable of recognizing membrane curvature. In a septin mutant strain lacking a fully functional Cdc12 AH domain (cdc12-6), the C-terminal extension of Shs1, containing an AH domain, becomes essential. Additionally, we find that the Cdc12 AH domain is important for regulating septin filament bundling, suggesting septin AH domains have multiple, distinct functions and that bundling and membrane binding may be coordinately controlled.  相似文献   

Actin filaments are polar; their barbed (fast-growing) and pointed (slow-growing) ends differ in structure and dynamic properties. The slow-growing end is regulated by tropomodulins, a family of capping proteins that require tropomyosins for optimal function. There are four tropomodulin isoforms; their distributions vary depending on tissue type and change during development. The C-terminal half of tropomodulin contains one compact domain represented by alternating α-helices and β-structures. The tropomyosin-independent actin-capping site is located at the C-terminus. The N-terminal half has no regular structure; however, it contains a tropomyosin-dependent actin-capping site and two tropomyosin-binding sites. One tropomodulin molecule can bind two tropomyosin molecules. Effectiveness of tropomodulin binding to tropomyosin depends on the tropomyosin isoform. Regulation of tropomodulin binding at the pointed end as well as capping effectiveness in the presence of specific tropomyosins may affect formation of local cytoskeleton and dynamics of actin filaments in cells.  相似文献   

The heterohexameric origin recognition complex (ORC) acts as a scaffold for the G(1) phase assembly of pre-replicative complexes (pre-RC). Only the Orc1-5 subunits appear to be required for origin binding in budding yeast, yet Orc6 is an essential protein for cell proliferation. Imaging of Orc6-YFP in live cells revealed a punctate pattern consistent with the organization of replication origins into subnuclear foci. Orc6 was not detected at the site of division between mother and daughter cells, in contrast to observations for metazoans, and is not required for mitosis or cytokinesis. An essential role for Orc6 in DNA replication was identified by depleting it at specific cell cycle stages. Interestingly, Orc6 was required for entry into S phase after pre-RC formation, in contrast to previous models suggesting ORC is dispensable at this point in the cell cycle. When Orc6 was depleted in late G(1), Mcm2 and Mcm10 were displaced from chromatin, cells failed to progress through S phase, and DNA combing analysis following bromodeoxyuridine incorporation revealed that the efficiency of replication origin firing was severely compromised.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, the kinetochore scaffold complex centromere binding factor 3 (CBF3) is required to form kinetochores on centromere DNA and to allow proper chromosome segregation. We have previously shown that SKP1 and SGT1 balance the assembly and turnover of CBF3 complexes, a cycle that we suggest is independent of its role in chromosome segregation (Rodrigo-Brenni, M.C., S. Thomas, D.C. Bouck, and K.B. Kaplan. 2004. Mol. Biol. Cell. 15:3366-3378). We provide evidence that this cycle contributes to a second, kinetochore-independent function of CBF3. In this study, we show that inhibiting the assembly of CBF3 causes disorganized septins and defects in cell polarity that give rise to cytokinesis failures. Specifically, we show that septin ring separation and disassembly is delayed in anaphase, suggesting that CBF3 regulates septin dynamics. Only mutations that affect the CBF3 cycle, and not mutants in outer kinetochore subunits, cause defects in septins. These results demonstrate a novel role for CBF3 in regulating cytokinesis, a role that is reminiscent of passenger proteins. Consistent with this possibility, we find that CBF3 interacts with Bir1p, the homologue of the passenger protein Survivin. Mutants in Bir1p similarly affect septin organization, leading us to propose that CBF3 and Bir1p act as passenger proteins to coordinate chromosome segregation with cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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This work aims to study molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of DNA-containing microparticles and nanoparticles during PCR. Both pyrophosphate and Mg2+ ions proved to play an important role in the generation of DNA microparticles (MPs) with a unique and sophisticated structure in PCR with Taq polymerase. Thus, the addition of Tli thermostable pyrophosphatase to a PCR mixture inhibited this process and caused the destruction of synthesized DNA MPs. Thermal cycling of Na-pyrophosphate (Na-PPi)- and Mg2+-containing mixtures (without DNA polymerase and dNTPs) under the standard PCR regime yielded crystalline oval or lenticular microdisks and 3D MPs composed from magnesium pyrophosphate (Mg-PPi). As shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the produced Mg-PPi microparticles consisted of intersecting disks or their segments. They were morphologically similar but simpler than DNA-containing MPs generated in PCR. The incorporation of dNTPs, primers, or dsDNA into Mg-pyrophosphate particles resulted in the structural diversification of 3D microparticles. Thus, the unusual and complex structure of DNA MPs generated in PCR is governed by the unique feature of Mg-pyrophosphate to form supramolecular particles during thermal cycling. We hypothesize the Mg-pyrophosphate particles that are produced during thermal cycling serve as scaffolds for amplicon DNA condensation.  相似文献   

By performing density functional theory calculations, the Menshutkin reaction between the N-methyl imidazole with chloroethane is reexamined to rationalize the experimental discovery. The calculated results show that the reaction proceeds via a SN2 mechanism with a barrier of 119.1 kJ mol-1 which is much lower than that reported in previous literature according to a five-membered transition state mechanism. Moreover, it is found that the barrier is further reduced to 98.1 kJ mol-1 in toluene solution. The present result validates the experimental finding that the Menshutkin reaction for synthesizing N-alkyl imidazolium halide salts proceed smoothly at lower heating temperature.  相似文献   

New insight into the role of extracellular vesicles in kidney disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released to maintain cellular homeostasis as well as to mediate cell communication by spreading protective or injury signals to neighbour or remote cells. In kidney, increasing evidence support that EVs are signalling vesicles for different segments of tubules, intra‐glomerular, glomerular‐tubule and tubule‐interstitial communication. EVs released by kidney resident and infiltrating cells can be isolated from urine and were found to be promising biomarkers for kidney disease, reflecting deterioration of renal function and histological change. We have here summarized the recent progress about the functional role of EVs in kidney disease as well as challenges and future directions involved.  相似文献   

Roberts AG  Bowman MK  Kramer DM 《Biochemistry》2004,43(24):7707-7716
Previously [Roberts, A. G., and Kramer, D. M. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 13407-13412], we showed that 2 equiv of the quinone analogue 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropylbenzoquinone (DBMIB) could occupy the Q(o) site of the cytochrome (cyt) b(6)f complex simultaneously. In this work, a study of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra from the oriented cyt b(6)f complex shows that the Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP) is in distinct orientations, depending on the stoichiometry of the inhibitor at the Q(o) site. With a single DBMIB at the Q(o) site, the ISP is oriented with the 2Fe-2S cluster toward cyt f, which is similar to the orientation of the ISP in the X-ray crystal structure of the cyt b(6)f complex from thermophilic cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus in the presence of DBMIB, as well as that of the chicken mitochondrial cyt bc(1) complex in the presence of the class II inhibitor myxothiazol, which binds in the so-called "proximal niche", near the cyt b(L) heme. These data suggest that the high-affinity DBMIB site is at the proximal niche Q(o) pocket. With >or=2 equiv of DBMIB bound, the Rieske ISP is in a position that resembles the ISP(B) position of the chicken mitochondrial cyt bc(1) complex in the presence of stigmatellin and the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cyt b(6)f complex in the presence of tridecylstigmatellin (TDS), which suggests that the low-affinity DBMIB site is at the distal niche. The close interaction of DBMIB bound at the distal niche with the ISP induced the well-known effects on the 2Fe-2S EPR spectrum and redox potential. To further test the effects of DBMIB on the ISP, the extents of cyt f oxidation after flash excitation in the presence of photosystem II inhibitor DCMU were measured as a function of DBMIB concentration in thylakoids. Addition of DBMIB concentrations at which a single binding was expected did not markedly affect the extent of cyt f oxidation, whereas higher concentrations, at which double occupancy was expected, increased the extent of cyt f oxidation to levels similar to that of cyt f oxidation in the presence of a saturating concentration of stigmatellin. Simulations of the EPR g-tensor orientations of the 2Fe-2S cluster versus the physical orientations based on single-crystal studies of the cyt bc(1) complex suggest that the soluble ISP domain of the spinach cyt b(6)f complex can rotate by at least 53 degrees, which is consistent with long-range ISP domain movement. Implications of these results are discussed in the context of the X-ray crystal structures of the chicken mitochondrial cyt bc(1) complex and the M. laminosus and C. reinhardtii cyt b(6)f complexes.  相似文献   

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