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Oviposition behavior of Zatypota albicoxa (Walker) is described. This wasp parasitizes the house spider Achaearanea tepidariorum (Koch), which weaves irregular, three-dimensional webs. Based on field observations, two modes of oviposition behavior were recognized. In one, the wasp hung on the web, pulling the thread with its fore leg, until the spider lifted it up (ambush-style). In the other mode, the wasp climbed the web (climbing-style). Under laboratory conditions in an aquarium, the wasp hung on the web in mid height of the gumfoot thread as in the former style, then flew toward unaware spider and paralyzed it. After paralyzing, the wasp usually rubbed the spider's abdomen with its ovipositor and tip of metasoma repeatedly at short intervals for several minutes. In all cases they adopted the same posture in which they grasped the spider abdomen with fore and mid legs during oviposition. As female wasps emerged from larger hosts and male wasps emerged from smaller ones, the ovipositing wasp apparently assesses the size of the spider and chooses whether to lay a fertilized or an unfertilized egg. In addition, it was confirmed that Z. albicoxa expelled the eggs not from the tip of the ovipositor but from the tip of its abdomen, as in other species of the Polysphincta group (e.g. Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga , Reclinervellus tuberculatus and Schizopyga circulator ).  相似文献   

The seasonal life cycle of Zatypota albicoxa (Walker, 1874), a koinobiont ectoparasitoid of the house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, was examined at Hirosaki (40°36′N), Japan. In winter, larvae were found on the abdomen of host spiders. They grew rapidly, emerged as adults in mid‐May, and reproduced shortly after emergence. The seasonal occurrence of the developmental stages in the field indicated that this parasitoid is multivoltine in Aomori Prefecture.  相似文献   

Some polysphinctine parasitoid wasps can alter the web building behavior of their host spiders. In this paper, we describe and illustrate a new species Eruga unilabiana sp. nov. and report for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the interaction between this parasitic wasp and the linyphiid spider Dubiaranea sp. We investigated the wasp's host selection, development, and manipulation of host behavior. We found that most of the parasitized spiders were intermediate‐sized adult females that probably provide sufficient resources for parasitoid larvae and are less vulnerable for parasitoid females than larger host individuals at attack. The cocoon web of Dubiaranea sp. consists of a complex three‐dimensional tangle structure with several non‐stick radial lines that converge at the cocoon. In addition, E. unilabiana individuals construct their cocoons horizontally, which differ from cocoons of the majority of polysphinctine wasps. This study provides important information and discussion to further understand the evolution of parasitoid wasp–spider interactions.  相似文献   

We observed the first case of host‐behavioral manipulation of an orb‐weaver spider Argiope argentata induced by a parasitoid wasp of the genus Acrotaphus. The modified web is similar of those constructed by other orb weavers attacked by wasps of the close related genus Hymenoepimecis. The stick spirals and radii are absent and the web is composed of a three‐dimensional structure of non adhesive threads. The discovery of the ability to induce changes in host's web‐building behavior in Acrotaphus is indicative that this trait may be primitively present in the clade that includes the genus Hymenoepimecis.  相似文献   

The life history of polysphinctine parasitoids is poorly understood. As a result, their effect on their host has not been evaluated. Here, we present the phenology of Zatypota percontatoria, an ectoparasitoid wasp of theridiid spiders, using rich field, semi‐field and laboratory investigations of selected life‐history parameters. The wasps overwintered as larva attached to the spider abdomen and the imagos of the first generation emerged at the beginning of May. The sex ratio (F/M) of overwintered wasp larvae was 1.4. The wasp spent an average of 6.4 days in the egg stage, 27.67 days in the larval stage and 9.6 days in the pupal stage. Adult longevity was on average 14.34 days. Oviposition occurred on average 8.44 days following maturity. The wasp laid on average 0.35 eggs/day. The total fecundity was on average 7.4 eggs per wasp and decreased with age (data from unmated females). The developmental rate increased with experimental temperature up to 28 °C. The lower developmental threshold for pupae was estimated at 6.6 °C. The sum of effective temperatures for pupae was estimated at 157.8 degree days. Using daily temperature records from the Czech Republic over the last 41 years, we estimated an average of 3.5 generations of Z. percontatoria per year. Mortality was 48% in semi‐field conditions and 23% in the laboratory. The incidence of mortality was highest during egg and larval stages caused by the detachment of eggs or larvae during spider molting, the mortality of the spider‐host and egg deposition on the spider prosoma.  相似文献   

We found that the koinobiont ectoparasitoid wasp Zatypota picticollis is exclusively associated with three orb weaving spiders Cyclosa conica, Mangora acalypha and Zilla diodia from the family Araneidae. Under the influence of the parasitoid's final instar larva the spiders built a specific web architecture, which differed considerably from the capturing orb web. Manipulated webs of C. conica and M. acalypha lacked the spiral, stabilimentum and central hub, and the radials were reduced in number. The manipulated web of Z. diodia consisted of one strong horizontally oriented thread.  相似文献   

Ophion Fabricius is a diverse genus of nocturnal ichneumonid wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera) that is particularly species‐rich in temperate areas, yet has received little taxonomic attention in the Holarctic region, where most species occur. While there have been some attempts to divide Ophion into monophyletic species groups, the vast majority of species have been lumped into a single, paraphyletic group, the O. luteus species group, which is defined only by the lack of characters specific to the other groups. The challenging morphology of this large catch‐all group has limited attempts to subdivide it, and no phylogenetic hypothesis has been proposed for the genus as a whole. In this study, we use DNA sequence data [28S ribosomal RNA (28S), cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2)] to present the first molecular phylogeny of Ophion. We also describe the secondary structure of ITS2 for the first time in Ichneumonidae, and explore its implications for phylogeny estimation. We define 13 species groups, nine of which were previously considered part of the O. luteus species group s.l. The included species groups are the O. minutus, O. areolaris, O. scutellaris, O. flavidus, O. parvulus, O. slossonae, O. nigrovarius, O. pteridis, O. luteus s.s., and O. obscuratus species groups, along with three groups lacking described species (Species group 1, New Zealand group, Madagascar group). This study provides a framework for future studies of this diverse and morphologically challenging genus.  相似文献   

Host-searching behavior in insects generally varies among individuals. A number of physiological and environmental factors can be involved in such individual variation. Here, a series of behavioral observations were made to highlight the importance of physiological state (i.e., number of mature eggs a female carries, amount of nutrient reserves, etc.) and learning state (i.e., prior host experience) on host-approaching behavior of parasitoids. Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a solitary endoparasitoid wasp attacking lepidopteran pupae and prepupae, was used as a test insect. The results show that female wasps with experience ovipositing on hosts 2 days before the test found hosts more quickly than did naïve wasps. Prior experience of host odor itself did not affect host-finding behavior, however. A single oviposition was enough for wasps to shorten time to find a host; additional experience had no significant effect on the efficiency of searching. The number of mature eggs a female carried had no effect on the time required to find a host regardless of prior host experience. The size of wasps, instead, was a significant factor when wasps had no prior host experience, and larger wasps found hosts more rapidly than did smaller wasps. Searching activity was not affected by how many hosts a female wasp had fed on before testing.  相似文献   

Host location by the pupal parasitoid, Coccygomimus turionellae, was cued by both olfaction and contact chemoreception with host odor serving as a directional cue. The hosts' cocoons, silk, and pupae were all effective in evoking a response in the wasps. Preimaginal conditioning was not apparent but host species influenced the intensity of the wasp's response. Although efficiency was reduced, experienced wasps were able to locate hosts without air movement. The wasps responded to visual contrast and to three-dimensional effects, but not to specific shapes. In the absence of odor or tactile cues, visual attraction resulted in antennal palpation of the area, but very little ovipositor probing. Olfactory stimulation prior to visual or tactile tests significantly increased general activity and increased response to the cue itself. The most important cue to tactile or visual responses was contrast with the surroudings. Overall response was greater to tactile cues than to visual cues, and ovipositor probing occurred more often.
Resume La découverte de l'hôte par le parasite de chrysalides, Coccygomimus turionellae est due à la fois à l'olfaction et à une perception chimique de contact, l'odeur de l'hôte servant de facteur orientateur. Les cocons des hôtes, la soie et la chrysalide provoquent tous une réponse de l'Ichneumonide. Le conditionnement préimaginal n'est pas apparent, mais les espèces hôtes influent sur l'intensité de la réponse. Les adultes répondent aux contrastes entre les objets et le fond, aux dimensions des objets dans les trois plans mais non à leur forme. La stimulation olfactive avant les tests visuels ou tactiles augmente significativement l'activité générale et la réponse elle-même. Le facteur le plus important pour les réponses visuelles et olfactives est le contraste avec le fond. La réponse globale aux facteurs tactiles est supérieure à celle aux facteurs visuels, les sondages par la tarière étant plus fréquents.

The microstructural organization of the silk‐spinning apparatus of the comb‐footed spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, was observed by using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The silk glands of the spider were classified into six groups: ampullate, tubuliform, flagelliform, aggregate, aciniform and pyriform glands. Among these, three types of silk glands, the ampullate, pyriform and aciniform glands, occur only in female spiders. One (adult) or two (subadult) pairs of major ampullate glands send secretory ductules to the anterior spinnerets, and another pair of minor ampullate glands supply the median spinnerets. Three pairs of tubuliform glands in female spiders send secretory ductules to the median (one pair) and posterior (two pairs) spinnerets. Furthermore, one pair of flagelliform glands and two pairs of aggregate glands together supply the posterior spinnerets, and form a characteristic spinning structure known as a “triad” spigot. In male spiders, this combined apparatus of the flagelliform and the aggregate spigots for capture thread production is not apparent, instead only a non‐functional remnant of this triad spigot is present. In addition, the aciniform glands send ductules to the median (two pairs) and the posterior spinnerets (12–16 pairs), and the pyriform glands feed silk into the anterior spinnerets (90–100 pairs in females and 45–50 pairs in males).  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of superparasitism on the rate of development, adult size and mortality of Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) were investigated. Parasitoids were reared from third (L3) and fifth (L5) instars of one of its hosts, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) containing one, two or four parasitoid eggs.
  • 2 Superparasitism increased the development time of Venturia reared from both instars, but the developmental delay was more evident in wasps from L5 hosts.
  • 3 The size of parasitoids from L3 hosts was unaffected by egg number, but wasps from both superparasitized L5 treatments were significantly smaller than those from singly parasitized hosts.
  • 4 Parasitoid mortality was significantly higher in L5 than L3, but within instars did not differ significantly with egg number.
  • 5 The results confirm that superparasitism may affect the fitness of both the adult female wasp and her progeny, and should therefore be incorporated into models of superparasitism as an adaptive foraging strategy.

A spider's web is an extended phenotype and a direct product of behavior. Variation in web architecture may be the result of individual differences in genotype, environment, or experience. We analyzed variation in the web architecture of western black widow spiders, Latrodectus hesperus, by testing two hypotheses: (a) intrinsic individual differences and (b) plasticity according to experience of the site of prey capture. We used treatments manipulating the site of prey capture experienced by the spiders: sheet only, gum-footed lines only, and alternating patterns between sheet and gum-footed lines equally. We found considerable consistent individual variation (repeatability of r = .56) in one web component (gum-footed lines) and negligible plasticity in either component. We discuss our results in terms of the potential for the design of these web components to respond to selection, and of potential additional causes of variation in extended phenotypes.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour and associated morphological characters are believed to evolve under diversifying sexual selection. In Hymenoptera, sexually dimorphic antennal structures, the ‘tyloids’, show a large variability. Although crucial for functional interpretation, the link between tyloid morphology and courtship behaviour has gained only limited attention. Here, we investigate antennal morphology and antennal courtship in the parasitoid wasp Syrphoctonus tarsatorius (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Diplazontinae). We confirm the glandular nature of the tyloids by light and scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, we report a new form of antennation during courtship, antennal double-coiling, which links morphology and behaviour by bringing the tyloids in direct contact with the antennae of the female, thus probably facilitating the transfer of a contact pheromone. We show that a change in haemolymph pressure is the activator of the antennal movement and that it can be reproduced in the laboratory using amputated antennae. Investigations of antennal structure and movement in three additional hymenopteran species suggest that the number and location of tyloids coincide with the modality of antennal coiling. Our method for simulating antennal movement will enable retrieving information about courtship behaviour from museum specimens, thus leading to a better understanding of the evolution of courtship behaviour in Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

李欣  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):749-754
研究了半闭弯尾姬蜂寄主搜索过程中的学习行为。结果表明,成虫期之前的饲养寄主所取食的寄主植物对成蜂行为没有影响,而雌蜂早期的短暂经历可对其随后的行为反应产生显著影响,从而对已经历的植物气味表现出显著的嗜好,但这种通过学习所表现出的嗜好又可因新的经历而改变。雌成蜂不仅能对其所经历的虫伤寄主植物释放的信息化合物进行学习,而且对其所经历的寄主幼虫的信息化合物也能进行学习。  相似文献   

Host discrimination byHyposoter exiguae (Viereck) was investigated, usingTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) as a host in the presence and absence of host food. Forty-six percent of the parasite females tested exhibited ovipositional patterns significantly different from a random distribution. Of these, 82% showed patterns ranging from near perfect to slight discrimination.  相似文献   

Behavioural interactions between the solitary koinobiont parasitoid,Venturia canescens, and two of its hosts,Plodia interpunctella andCorcyra cephalonica, were investigated. The response of both hosts to simulated antennation using a two-haired brush was examined over instars 3 (L3) to 5 (L5). YoungP. interpunctella larvae predominantly adopted escape tactics (writhe, trash) whereas L5P. interpunctella usually froze after the stimulus was applied. L3C. cephalonica larvae were more aggressive (headrear, flick) thanP. interpunctella in response to the application of the stimulus, but olderC. cephalonica responded less aggressively than in earlier instars. AlthoughV. canescens readily jabbed its ovipositor at both hosts after antennation,P. interpunctella was considerably more susceptible to parasitoid attack thanC. cephalonica, irrespective of size in the final (L5) instar.C. cephalonica, the larger, more aggressive host, actively resisted parasitism whereasP. interpunctella responded much more passively after parasitoid contact. Parasitoids examined and jabbed their ovipositors at dead hosts, but this behaviour was not sustained, implying that host movement stimulates parasitoid attack. On patches containingV. canescens, L5C. cephalonica andP. interpunctella, mostP. interpunctella larvae responded by freezing after parasitoid contact.P. interpunctella that froze usually avoided parasitism, whereas larvae that attempted to escape by crawling were pursued with vigour byV. canescens and usually parasitized. Irrespective of behaviour after parasitoid contact,C. cephalonia displayed more aggressive behaviour and had much greater success in warding off parasitoid attack. Host acceptance byV. canescens is clearly affected by the size and species of the host it attacks. The influence of host defensive behaviour is discussed in relation to the evolution of parasitoid counter-defences and oviposition strategies.  相似文献   

The host acceptance behavior of the Japanese aquatic wasp,Agriotypus gracilis Waterston, an ectoparasitoid of the sand case building caddisfly,Goera japonica Banks was investigated in the laboratory. Female wasps were observed to enter the water by walking down a stone protruding from the water surface. Antennae were held backward and not utilized in searching for hosts under the water. Female wasps examined hosts from the outside of their cases by 2 consecutive steps, “turning” and “probing”. Turning behavior, in which female wasps move between the anterior and posterior ends of host cases, may be related to the measurement of case size. Host stages are considered to be discriminated by probing, in which females probe host cases with their sheathing ovipositors. Female wasps most frequently accepted and oviposited on pupal and prepupal hosts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Central nervous system (CNS) of arachnids is still mysterious and has a rich unexplored field compare to what is known in insects or crustaceans. The CNS of the spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, consists of a dorsal brain or supraesophageal ganglion and circumesophageal connectives joining it to the subesophageal mass. As the segmentation of the arachnid brain is still under discussion, we classify the brain as a protocerebral and tritocerebral ganglion depending on the evidences which generally accepted. The subesophageal nerve mass underneath the brain is the foremost part of the ventral nerve cord. All of this nerve mass is totally fused together, and forming subesophageal ganglia in this spider. In the brain, the nerve cells are packed in the frontal, dorsal and lateral areas, but are not absent from the posterior and ventral regions. In addition, the nerve cells of the subesophageal and abdominal ganglia are only restricted to the ventral and ventolateral regions. The CNS of the spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum is similar in feature to the Family Araneidae.  相似文献   

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