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The phenology of the predatory wasp, Ancistrocerus gazella (Panzer), colonising artificial nests was studied over 3 years in seven Study Areas in or adjacent to mixed pome and stonefruit orchards in Otago, New Zealand. Each Study Area had three to four nest sites comprising groups of wooden blocks drilled with 6 mm diameter nest tubes 75–150 mm in length. The timing of nest tube colonisation was recorded by observing the presence of nest closures (mud plugs) and their subsequent opening during adult emergence. The nest tubes from some entire nest sites were dissected to determine the stages of development of the wasps and their subsequent emergence, and samples of nest tubes were dissected weekly from a range of nest sites to determine changes in prey composition over the season. A. gazella was found to be primarily bivoltine, but part of each generation entered diapause and a small number of second generation wasps also emerged before winter in warm sites. The adult foraging of each generation was well synchronised with late larval instars of the two generations of three pest leafroller species. However, very low numbers of leafroller larvae were collected because A. gazella was highly polyphagous, predominantly exploiting a sequence of other lepidopterous species. It was concluded that management of A. gazella for leafroller control would be uneconomic but it provides a useful component of the natural enemy complex of pest leafroller species.  相似文献   

Tube‐nesting bees and wasps were collected with bamboo tube nest traps in a cherry blossom forest and an old secondary forest in Tama Forest Science Garden in the western suburbs of Tokyo. Curtain type traps, in which bamboo tubes were vertically arranged, attracted more bees and wasps to nests than bundle type traps, in which bamboo tubes were bundled haphazardly. The attractiveness of small tubes was similar between small tube traps, which were only composed of small tubes (about 4 mm in diameter), and size mixture traps, which set small tubes together with larger tubes, indicating that the presence of the larger species did not affect the nesting of small species. In the cherry forest, which was characterized by the sparse distribution of deciduous cherry trees with a thin canopy layer and rich growth of weeds, Megachilidae, Colletidae, Sphecidae and Eumenidae were common. In the shady secondary forest, where evergreen trees (Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc., Quercus glauca Thunb.) and shrubs (Aucuba japonica Thunb., Eurya japonica Thunb., Camellia japonica L.) were prevalent, Pompilidae was abundant. Among five species of Crabronidae recorded in this study, four were collected mostly in the cherry forest, whereas the most abundant, Trypoxylon malaisei Gussakovskij, was also common in the secondary forest. Likewise, Auplopus carbonarius (Scopoli) (Pompilidae) was common in the secondary forest and not rare in the cherry forest. These results suggest that the tube‐nesting bees and wasps can be a good bioindicator for monitoring environment.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of scoliid wasps in the coastal sand dunes at Hakoishi, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, were investigated using three different sampling methods in 2002 and 2003. Of eight scoliid species collected in the present study, five species, Scolia historionica, Campsomeriella annulata, Scolia decorata, Scolia oculata, and Megacampsomeris schulthessi, were dominant. The flying insects caught by Malaise traps and flower‐visiting insects caught by insect nets were mostly males, and this biased pattern was due to the active mate‐searching behavior of male wasps and their frequent visits to flowers to supplement energy consumed by such behavior. Given that the ground traps caught females exclusively, female wasps seemed to actively engage in host‐searching behavior on and below the ground. Of the wasps caught by Malaise traps and flower‐visit sampling, five dominant species showed spatially different habitat use: S. historionica and C. annulata mainly occupied the grassland zone on the plain (Gp), S. decorata occupied the grassland zone on the terrace (Gt) and the forest zone (Fp), S. oculata occupied the small scrub zone on the plain (Sp), and M. schulthessi occupied the small scrub zone on the terrace (St). Ground trap samples also indicated that S. historionica and C. annulata shared habitats. On the basis of the observed seasonal changes in wasp abundance and the degree of wing wear as an index of wasp age, S. historionica and C. annulata are thought to be bivoltine species, whereas S. decorata, S. oculata, and M. schulthessi are thought to be univoltine species. These scoliid wasp species may play an important role in pollinating coastal plants in the grassland zone.  相似文献   

We have developed seven microsatellite primers for the solitary wasp Ancistrocerus adiabatus. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 14. The markers were developed to study population structure, inbreeding and sex determination of A. adiabatus. For each locus, we genotyped 30 female wasps collected from Southwest Michigan. The observed heterozygosity ranges from 0.067 to 0.933. We have also determined that primers for these microsatellite loci amplify in three other species in the genus: Ancistrocerus antilope, Ancistrocerus catskill, and Ancistrocerus campesterus.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of type, location, and colour of traps baited with 1 mg of the sex pheromone (Z)‐13‐hexadecen‐11‐ynyl acetate in polyethylene vials on the capture of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), males. The experiments were carried out during two flight seasons in 2002 and 2003 at a low elevation Mediterranean pine forest on the hill of Goritsa (Magnesia, Thessaly, Central Greece). The hill is covered by approximately 120 ha of pines, among which Pinus brutia Ten. (Pinaceae) is predominant with Pinus halepensis Mill. (Pinaceae) as second most common species. Among the commercially available trap types used, the Delta and Pherocon II captured significantly more males than the Funnel trap. Furthermore, pine density had a significant effect on trap type and trap colour catches. Delta traps caught significantly more adults than the other two trap types in the low density pine stand, while in the medium and high‐density pine stands no significant differences were noted between Delta and Pherocon II traps. In addition, trap colour performance varied according to pine density; white‐ and yellow‐coloured traps caught significantly more males than the other two trap colours in the high‐density stand. The first adults were captured in traps during May, and traps continued to capture adults in low numbers (< two individuals per trap) until mid‐June. A period of 3–4 weeks of no trap captures followed until mid‐July, when captures restarted, at low numbers. The peak of T. pityocampa flight was observed during late August–September.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at elucidating the role of lavandulyl senecioate (LS), the sex pheromone of Planococcus ficus, in host selection of the parasitoid Anagyrus sp. near pseudococci. Field trials were carried out in Portugal, Italy and Israel. The effect of LS on the parasitism rate of the wasp was determined by exposing sentinel mealybugs combined with pheromone dispensers impregnated with LS, in comparison with other baits: lavandulyl isovalerate (LI); planococcyl acetate (PAc); and unbaited control traps. In addition, in order to study the host location behavior of A. sp. near pseudococci, pheromone dispensers were placed at three different distances: inside the trap, 30 or 60 cm away from the trap. The number of parasitoid females inside the traps, the number of parasitized mealybugs, and the number of days required for the first parasitoid emergence were recorded. The response of A. sp. near pseudococci females to different doses of LS (25–1350 μg) was also evaluated using sticky plate traps. The rate of mealybug parasitism by A. sp. near pseudococci was significantly increased by LS in the three parasitoid populations. PAc and LI had no significant effect on the wasp parasitism rate in most of the trials. However, the Italian population of the parasitoid responded to PAc, showing apparently a different behavioral pattern. The number of parasitoid females trapped did not significantly differ between tested doses of LS. The use of LS as an arrestant in host location by the A. sp. near pseudococci female is discussed.  相似文献   

Egg predation is a common feature influencing the reproductive success of open nesting birds. Evolutionary pressure therefore favours building cryptic, inconspicuous nests. However, these antipredatory pressures may be in conflict with thermoregulatory constraints, which select for dry nest material maintaining optimum temperature inside a nest cup during the absence of incubating parents. Here we examined possible trade-offs between nest crypsis and thermoregulation in Little Grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis), which lay their eggs in floating nests built from wet plant material. As this species regularly covers its eggs with nest material, we experimentally examined (1) the rates of egg predation on covered and uncovered artificial nests and (2) possible thermoregulatory costs from nest covering by comparing temperature and relative humidity changes inside the nest cup. Results revealed that covering clutches is beneficial in terms of deterring predators, because uncovered eggs were more vulnerable to predation. Moreover, covering clutches also had thermoregulatory benefits because the mean temperature and relative humidity inside nest cups covered by dry or wet materials were significantly higher for covered compared to uncovered treatments. Covering clutches in Little Grebes therefore does not pose thermoregulatory costs.  相似文献   

Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) compete with endangered parrots for nest boxes and can hamper conservation efforts. We tested an integrated pest management push‐pull protocol in the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo, Brazil, in an effort to prevent bee swarms from colonizing nest boxes (N = 30 in the forest plus five in aviaries) meant for use by Vinaceous‐breasted Amazons (Amazona vinacea). Fifteen parrot nest boxes were treated with a permethrin insecticide to “push” scout bees away and each parrot box was paired with a bee trap box containing a pheromone lure to “pull” bees. Over a 1‐yr period (March 2013 to March 2014), 29 insect colonies moved into 18 of the 35 trap boxes. Nine Africanized honey bee, three native Jatai bee (Tetragonisca sp.), and 17 wasp colonies occupied trap boxes. Only one experimental push‐pull pair untreated parrot box was invaded by bees and no parrot boxes in aviaries were colonized. Four of the parrot nest boxes were occupied by birds during our study. Although none were used by Vinaceous‐breasted Amazons, Southern House Wrens (Troglodytes musculus), Green‐winged Saltators (Saltator similis), and Plain Parakeets (Brotogeris tirica) nested in the boxes and all nests were successful. Although long‐term studies are needed before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of trap boxes, our results suggest that a push‐pull protocol may prove useful for reducing the use of nest boxes meant for parrots and other cavity‐nesting birds by Africanized honey bees and other insects.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years, the use of nets to protect pome fruit from hailstorms has increased. In this study, we investigated the effect of these nets on the behavior of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a major pest of apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae). Experiments were carried out in net‐covered and uncovered apple orchards treated with conventional insecticides. The number of codling moth males caught in pheromone‐ and virgin female‐baited traps was significantly reduced in net‐covered compared to uncovered plots. In addition, inhibition of mating by the net was demonstrated by significant reductions in mating of tethered virgin females. Fruit injury was consistently lower in net‐covered plots vs. uncovered plots. Because of the reductions in male trap catch, the reduced female mating frequency, and the lower level of damage, we conclude that flat anti‐hail nets have a disruptive effect on the reproductive behavior of the codling moth.  相似文献   

1 Monitoring studies of pine sawflies with pheromone traps were performed for the first time in Germany. Pheromone traps baited with species‐specific pheromone substances were installed in pine forests at different locations in Bavaria, Brandenburg and Lower Saxony during two years. 2 It was possible to track the flight phenology of Diprion pini, Gilpinia pallida and Neodiprion sertifer reliably and to get information about the number of generations of these species in 1997 and 1998. 3 A clear relationship between trap catch and population density could not be detected, but qualitative changes in trap catch caused by different density levels were observed. 4 For D. pini, trap catches were different among endemic populations of different forest types. Furthermore, catches of males reflected the results from the regular cocoon collections by foresters during the previous winter. 5 For N. sertifer, trap catches in endemic populations were well separated from trap catches on sites with higher sawfly densities. However, no significant correlation between trap catch and sawfly density or defoliation level could be found. These results suggest that the efficacy of the pheromone traps probably varied with biological features (sex ratio, density level, immigration) of the particular population.  相似文献   

Trapping approaches developed for the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), were adapted for trapping several European oak buprestid species. These approaches included the use of natural leaf surfaces as well as green and purple plastic in sticky trap designs. Plastic surfaces were incorporated into novel ‘branch‐trap’ designs that each presented two 5 × 9‐cm2 rectangular surfaces on a cardboard structure wrapped around the leaves of a branch. We used visual adult Agrilus decoys in an attempt to evoke male mating approaches toward the traps. Our first experiment compared the attractiveness of visual characteristics of the surfaces of branch‐traps. The second looked at the effect on trap captures of adding semiochemical lures, including manuka oil, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, and (Z)‐9‐tricosene. In total, 1 962 buprestid specimens including 14 species from the genus Agrilus were caught on 178 traps in a 22‐day time‐span. Overall, the green plastic‐covered branch‐traps significantly out‐performed the other trap designs. We further found that the presence of an EAB visual decoy placed on the trap surface often increased captures on these green traps, but this effect was stronger for certain Agrilus species than for others. The visual decoy was particularly important for the most serious pest detected, Agrilus biguttatus Fabricius, which was captured 13 times on traps with decoys, but only once without a decoy. There were some small but significant effects of odor treatment on the capture of buprestids of two common species, Agrilus angustulus Illiger and Agrilus sulcicollis Lacordaire. There were also 141 Elateridae specimens on these traps, which were not influenced by trap type or decoys. The results suggest that small branch‐traps of this nature can provide a useful new tool for monitoring of buprestids, which have the potential to be further optimized with respect to visual and olfactory cues.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of habitat composition and distance from edges on nesting success and brood parasitism of forest birds in the Kaskaskia River Bottoms, one of the largest remaining tracts of floodplain forest in the agricultural Midwestern United States. Our goal was to help the private landowners, who have maintained this region in forest cover, enhance the value of these forests for nesting birds. We measured nest predation rates and levels of brood parasitism of four species, the indigo bunting Passerina cyanea, Acadian flycatcher Empidonax virescens, northern cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis and prothonotary warbler Protonotaria citrea in relation to distances from natural and anthropogenic edges and proportion of natural and anthropogenic habitats within fixed radii around nests. We predicted that nesting success would increase with increasing distance from anthropogenic habitats and with increasing land cover in natural habitats. Our results showed no strong effect of any of these variables on avian nesting success, although parasitism levels increased slightly with increasing proportion of agricultural land around nests for two of the species. Nevertheless, nesting success for at least three of these species was much higher than in more fragmented forest tracts elsewhere in the agricultural Midwest where most forest tracts appear to be population sinks for most species. These results suggest that forest tracts in the Kaskaskia may be saturated with nest predators and brood parasites, but are not super‐saturated in a way that would cause these tracts to become ‘black hole’ population sinks. Our data further suggest that, as long as landowners maintain their private landholdings in forest cover, the details of how they manage their land may have little effect on songbird nesting success. These results also suggest that reforestation efforts in areas with many openings may still benefit forest birds.  相似文献   

Buschini, M.L.T. and Fajardo, S. 2009. Biology of the solitary wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards 1934 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in trap‐nests. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 426–432. Some Trypoxylon species build their nests in preexisting tubular cavities like hollow stems and beetle borings in branches. Study of the biology of these insects is relatively easy because the females of these wasps nest with enormous success in trap‐nests. The aim of this study was to investigate the abundance, seasonality and life‐history of Trypoxylon agamemnon. For capture of these insects, trap‐nests were installed in the Parque Municipal das Araucárias in araucaria forest, grassland and swamp, from December, 2001 to December, 2005. Two hundred and ninety seven nests were obtained. They were constructed more often during the summer (from December to April). The nests were built only in araucaria forest and consisted of a linear series of cells, divided by mud partitions, whose number varied from 1 to 7. Normally they have only one vestibular cell. The inner cells had been provisioned, usually with spiders of Anyphaenidae family. Sex‐ratio was strongly female biased. Its main natural enemies included Chrysididae, Ichneumonidae and Tachinidae.  相似文献   

Species richness and diversity of rodents and insectivores were investigated at relict forest patches of Mukogodo, Laikipia, Kenya using Sherman's live traps and pitfall traps. Two hundred and nineteen individuals were captured in 3021 trap‐nights. There were eleven species in two taxonomic groups, Rodentia and Insectivora. Two other rodent species were sighted but not captured. Thirteen bats belonging to four species (Epomophorous wahlbergi, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Scotophilus dingani and Nycteris thebaica) were opportunistically trapped using mist nets. Two of the four species accumulation curves for forest patches did not reach an asymptote. Species richness and diversity were highest at Kurikuri compared with other patches because of habitat variability. The results support the prediction that forest disturbance and degradation lead to an increase in generalist species as compared with specialists and highlight the importance of relict afromontane forests in the conservation of small mammals in Kenya.  相似文献   

Pollination of passion fruit and other crops by species of carpenter bees of the genus Xylocopa Latreille significantly increases both the quality and the quantity of fruits. To enhance pollination services, bee nests are either introduced into the crop area or females are encouraged to nest using trap nests. Thus, knowledge of trap-nest preference, brood development and nest parasitism is essential for effective and sustainable nest management practices. Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) augusti Lepeletier is a promising pollinator in some areas of Argentina because of its high abundance, ability to buzz-pollinate and easy acceptance of trap nests. However, limited information is available on the biology of this pollinator. Herein, we provide detailed information on its nesting cycle, brood development and parasitism from trap nests at an urban area in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Our study indicates that X. augusti is a solitary and likely univoltine species that shares some nesting and developmental features with other species in the subgenus Neoxylocopa, which might facilitate the adoption of existing management techniques developed for other species and regions. Biological information on Physocephala wulpi Camras (Diptera: Conopidae), a parasitoid of X. augusti, is also given for the first time.  相似文献   

Five trapping methods were compared for monitoring potential vectors of the West Nile virus in four areas in the Camargue Plain of France: carbon dioxide traps, bird‐baited traps, gravid traps, resting boxes, and human landing catches. A total of 73,721 specimens, representing 14 species, was trapped in 2006. Results showed significant differences in species and abundance between the type of traps. Many more specimens were collected using CO2 traps than any other method, with an average of 212 specimens per night per trap (p<0.05). Culex pipiens was the most abundant species collected (36.8% of total with CO2 traps), followed by Aedes caspius (22.7%), Anopheles hyrcanus (18.3%), Culex modestus (18.3%), and Aedes detritus (3.2%). Bird‐baited traps captured only eight specimens per night per trap on average, mainly Cx. pipiens (89.9%). The species collected and their abundance are influenced by the trap location, at ground or canopy level. Culex pipiens was twice as abundant in the canopy as on the ground, whereas it was the opposite for Ae. caspius, An. hyrcanus, and Ae. detritus. Culex modestus was equally abundant at both levels. Resting boxes and gravid traps were much less efficient, capturing around 0.3 specimens per night per trap. Results are discussed in relation to West Nile virus surveillance.  相似文献   

Sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) (Newstead, 1911) are blood‐feeding insects that transmit human pathogens including Leishmania (Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae) parasites, causative agents of the leishmaniases. To elucidate Leishmania transmission cycles, conclusive identification of vector species is essential. Molecular approaches including matrix‐assisted laser desorption ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF MS) protein profiling have recently emerged to complement morphological identification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the trap type used to collect sandflies, specifically Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light or sticky traps, the two most commonly used in sandfly surveys, on subsequent MALDI‐TOF MS protein profiling. Specimens of five species (Phlebotomus ariasi, Phlebotomus papatasi, Phlebotomus perniciosus, Phlebotomus sergenti, Sergentomyia minuta) collected in periurban and agricultural habitats in southeast Spain were subjected to protein profiling. Acquired protein spectra were queried against an in‐house reference database and their quality assessed to evaluate the trap type effect. The results indicate that trap choice can substantially affect the quality of protein spectra in collected sandflies. Whereas specimens retrieved from light traps produced intense and reproducible spectra that allowed reliable species determination, profiles of specimens from sticky traps were compromised and often did not enable correct identification. Sticky traps should therefore not be used in surveys that deploy MALDI‐TOF MS protein profiling for species identification.  相似文献   

We examined the rate of parasitism and sex ratio of the cuckoo wasp Chrysura hirsuta (Gerstaecker) (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) that emerged from nests of the mason bee Osmia orientalis Benoist (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Nara, Japan. Nests of O. orientalis were found in empty shells of two snail species, Satsuma japonica (Pfeiffer) and Euhadra amaliae (Kobelt). The percentage of parasitism by cuckoo wasps per all collected cocoons tended to be high (20–50%) even though interannual variation and the average number of cocoons per nest did not differ across snail shell species within each year. Our results from three years of observation, combined with previous reports, showed that the adult sex ratio of C. hirsuta was strongly female‐biased, which suggests that the species reproduces by thelytokous parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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