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National parks have been the centre piece of international conservation strategies in developing countries. The expansion in the network of national parks has enabled the conservation of biodiversity and habitats but the acquisition of vast areas into the park system has often been achieved through the displacement of resident local communities. Displaced people are exposed to a variety of impoverishment risks and this stokes up animosity towards parks. The research reported here seeks to understand the key issues involved in the occupation of a section of Gonarezhou National Park by Headman Chitsa’s people. The paper examines how the interplay between the history of displacement and dispossession, demographic pressures, limited economic opportunities, the ‘fast track’ land reform programme and dynastic politics are fomenting the land conflict between Gonarezhou and Chitsa community. Secondary actors with diverse interests have also come into the fold. Official efforts to resolve the conflict using a top-down approach have yielded little success. This culminated in a shift towards the use of traditional mechanisms of resolving a chieftaincy dispute as a step towards addressing the broader parks-people land conflict. Lessons from the case study are, inter alia, that interventions aimed at resolving parks-people conflicts should be alive to local culture, livelihood needs and power dynamics and, to the extent possible, eschew forcible relocations. Finally, we draw attention to the need to address the wider contradiction between policies promoting wildlife conservation and those promoting agriculture. The article is written to share lessons with readers interested in parks-people conflicts.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation cover in northern Chobe National Park (Botswana) were assessed using aerial photographs from 1962, 1985 and 1998, with subsequent ground proofing. In addition, cumulative browsing by elephants and the occurrence of fire scars were recorded on random vegetation sites within shrubland (n = 20) and mixed woodland (n = 20). Coverage of woodland vegetation decreased from 60% to 30% between 1962 and 1998, while shrubland vegetation increased from 5% to 33% during the same period. During the study period, woodland has gradually retreated away from the river front. While riparian forest covered a continuous area along the riverfront in 1962, only fragments were left in 1998. We found a significant decrease in browse use with increasing distance to the Chobe river for Combretum apiculatum, Combretum elaeagnoides, Combretum mossambicense and other woody plants combined (all P < 0.0001). The occurrence of fire (P < 0.0001) and basal area (P < 0.0001) were positively related to distance to the river. Elephant browsing occurred on >70% of available stems within 2 km from the river, while less than 20% of the trees had fire scars in the same zone. Beyond 7 km from the river, elephant browsing was reduced to >50% of available stems, while more than 50% of the trees had fire scars. The density of any of the shrubs was not related to distance to the river neither within shrubland (all P > 0.05) nor within mixed woodlands (all P > 0.05).  相似文献   

苏红巧  王楠  苏杨 《生物多样性》2021,29(3):304-306
执法是实现依法行政的最终环节,是国家公园管理机构实现管理目标的重要工具,统一执法是我国国家公园管理体制改革中“统一”的重要方面.《建立国家公园体制总体方案》(以下简称《总体方案》)明确,国家公园体制建设需要坚持将“山水林田湖草作为一个生命共同体,统筹考虑保护与利用”.国家公园管理机构要实现对山水林田湖草这一生命共同体的...  相似文献   

武夷山国家公园是中国正式设立的第一批国家公园之一, 其所处的武夷山脉在动物地理区划上是东洋区南亚亚区华南小区、东洋区东亚亚区华东小区的分界线。为查明武夷山国家公园及其周边的鱼类区系和多样性现状, 本研究在梳理历史研究资料的基础上, 对调查区域内的崇阳溪、麻阳溪、九曲溪、北溪和铅山河5条河流进行了实地调查, 从物种多样性和功能多样性两个层面对武夷山国家公园及其周边地区鱼类多样性水平进行了分析。结合历史数据, 武夷山国家公园及其周边地区分布的土著鱼类为113种, 隶属于5目17科61属, 其中以鲤形目鱼类为主, 共82种, 占物种总数的72.6%, 其次为鲈形目, 共16种, 占总数的14.2%。受威胁鱼类3种, 包括2种国家II级野生水生保护动物, 即胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)和花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)。武夷山国家公园的第一优势种为拟腹吸鳅(Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus), 与其周边地区以点纹银鮈(Squalidus wolterstorffi)为第一优势种不同。多样性分析结果显示武夷山国家公园的鱼类物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均低于周边区域。通过比较调查区域内5条河流的鱼类多样性, 麻阳溪鱼类多样性显著高于其他河流, 铅山河的多样性显著低于其他河流。位于国家公园内的九曲溪鱼类多样性比周边地区的崇阳溪要低。鱼类功能多样性结果显示, 武夷山国家公园的功能丰富度指数显著低于周边地区, 功能离散度和功能均匀度均高于周边地区; 在河流方面, 北溪的功能丰富度显著高于其他河流, 崇阳溪的功能均匀度较高, 九曲溪的功能离散度显著高于其他河流。综合鱼类多样性分析结果, 武夷山国家公园鱼类多样性低主要是自然生境异质性低和人为活动共同作用形成, 而周边地区的河流受到捕捞、水利设施、水质污染等因素的影响。这些干扰改变了鱼类的群落结构, 使得鱼类多样性降低。因此应该加强对该区域的鱼类多样性保护工作, 未来还应进一步开展针对公园内鱼类多样性的调查工作。  相似文献   

For 30 years, regular aerial surveys in Zimbabwean protected areas were funded, designed and executed primarily to estimate elephant numbers. Other large herbivores were recorded, even though some species were not easily seen from the air in savannah woodlands. Population estimates for species other than elephant provided indices of abundance that could be used to determine temporal trends in population size. This study tests for significant trends in the abundance of large herbivores in Gonarezhou National Park, assuming that data from aerial sample surveys designed for elephant also provide accurate estimates of real trends in the populations of other herbivores. For each species, the exponential rate of population change was calculated using weighted regression, with the variance of this rate based on the sampling variances of the population estimates. Significant population trends were detected for eight species. Before the 1992 drought, elephant number was held approximately constant by frequent culls, but afterwards, it increased at a mean annual rate of 6.2% (confidence limits 4.0% and 8.6%). Elephants in cow herds increased at 7.3%, significantly faster than elephants in bull herds (?0.5%). Buffalo, eland, kudu, nyala, waterbuck, wildebeest and zebra all increased in number, after population declines during the drought.  相似文献   

陈东军  钟林生  马国飞  杨浩 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7796-7806
自然教育是生态文明建设的有力抓手及重要内容。自然保护地具有良好的自然资源禀赋,为自然教育实践提供活动场地及教育资源基础。在界定分析自然教育相关概念及内涵基础上,提出自然保护地自然教育资源分类方案,包括自然事物、场地设施、自然文化3项主类,9个亚类、48种基本类型;综合运用层次分析法和德尔菲法构建包括教育价值、资源质量、开发条件3层要素、10项指标的自然教育资源评价体系;以神农架国家公园为例进行自然教育资源分类及评价的实证分析。结果表明,构建的自然教育资源分类方案及评价体系具有科学性、普适性与可操作性,可在自然保护地自然教育资源的调查、分类与评价中推广,为自然保护地的自然教育开发利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

我国的自然保护地普遍存在着科学管控难、统一管理难和资金供给难等问题, 即便是国家公园体制试点区也不例外。本文以钱江源国家公园体制试点区为例, 设计了基于细化保护需求的保护地役权制度, 以探索一种能解决上述问题并能体现生态补偿的适应性管理方法, 包括: 细化主要保护对象的管理需求, 结合土地利用类型, 确定实施保护地役权的空间范围; 辨析保护需求和原住民生产、生活之间的关系, 形成正负行为的准则并以行为清单的形式体现; 从生态系统监测指标改善情况、正负行为遵守情况和社区能力建设三个维度制定地役权制度的评价方法; 据此形成地役权合同, 明确供役地人和需役地人的权责利, 形成考虑保护绩效的生态补偿方案。这种方法可以解决自然保护地因为权属不一致造成的生态系统和景观破碎化问题, 缓解社区发展和生态保护之间的矛盾, 在我国南方集体林地占比较高的自然保护地具有适用性。  相似文献   

Question: How is pattern detected and spatial scale defined in a manner that is meaningful to management? Location: Protected areas to the west of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Methods: A Two‐Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWIN‐SPAN) based on composition and structure was applied to woody survey data. The resulting TWINSPAN classes for individual monitoring sites were used in a supervised classification of Landsat ETM+ imagery across the study area. The training sample's co‐ordinates were fed into a GIS and the resulting TWINSPAN point‐feature shape file was processed using a 1 km theme‐buffer function. Results: The supervised classification using the theme‐buffer signatures yielded a satisfactory overall accuracy (κ= 0.75; r2= 0.80; p= 0.05) using a test sample compiled by reserve wardens throughout the study area. The derived vegetation map was smoothed using a majority filter and after on‐screen digitizing a small gabbro intrusion, it was accepted as the best representation of the woody vegetation of the study area at a scale of 1:250 000. Seven plant communities were identified in the current study and satisfactorily accommodated within various topographical units of four extrapolated Landscapes of the Kruger National Park. Conclusions: Vegetation patterns are described of the areas under conservation management to the west of the KNP at a spatial scale that allows for the meaningful examination and comparison of the structure, functioning, and ultimately effective management, of these savannas. This contribution thus links to the co‐ordinated effort extending into the Trans‐Frontier National Park in Mocambique. A key objective is to better understand the functioning of these savanna systems for effective management and we discuss some of the key ecological issues within the plant communities of each landscape. The latter illustrate the usefulness of the technique in practice.  相似文献   

周侃  张健  虞虎  钱者东 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5574-5585
科学评价国家公园及周边地区人为扰动强度及其影响,是提升各种人类活动空间监管准度的基本前提,对保障国家公园可持续发展和永续利用、牢筑国家生态安全屏障功能具有重要价值。以三江源国家公园为例,运用改进的人为扰动强度指数测算模型和人为扰动行为调查台账数据库,定量评估1980—2018年国家公园及周边地区人为扰动强度的时空变化过程,诊断影响一般扰动及失范扰动的驱动力与主要因素,探讨人为扰动监管存在的主要问题及优化建议。研究结果显示:1980—2018年三江源国家公园内人为扰动强度提升3.237%,长江源园区人为扰动强度显著低于澜沧江源和黄河源园区;2000—2010年人为扰动增长较为显著,而在2010—2018年趋于平稳,表明2010年以来生态保护措施和监管执法尺度更趋严格,并对三江源人为扰动过程产生明显遏制;以交通设施为主的基础设施建设、人口城镇化及原住民传统生产生活活动、游憩利用活动是人为扰动强度变化的主要驱动力;道路及沿线配套设施、原住民生活设施和水电设施建设是国家公园内失范人为扰动的主因。针对三江源国家公园及周边地区人为扰动驱动因素与监管问题,建议实施精细化用途分类分区管制、激活并规范市...  相似文献   

Since 1993, members of the national wildlife society have undertaken annual surveys of large mammals in the Zambezi alluvial woodlands of Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Data are collected along 36 systematically‐arranged transects. We provide the first thorough assessment of the data from any survey within this long‐term project. The transect data from 2011 were analysed with DISTANCE software to assess if the data were suitable for determining the densities of large mammals using distance sampling techniques. Successful application of distance sampling depended on observers using printed, large‐scale, georeferenced satellite images onto which they mapped the location of animal groups detected. The assumptions of the distance sampling were well met and thus the 2011 survey provided reliable estimates of the densities of nine species of common large mammals on the Zambezi alluvium during the late dry season. Estimated density in this dry‐season concentration area varied from 3.6 km?2 for kudu, to 204 km?2 for impala. The precision of the estimates ranged from a coefficient of variation of 7.9% for elephant, to 25.5% for buffalo. For elephant, warthog and baboon, the morning and afternoon densities differed significantly.  相似文献   

European wolf (Canis lupus) populations have suffered extensive decline and range contraction due to anthropogenic culling. In Bulgaria, although wolves are still recovering from a severe demographic bottleneck in the 1970s, hunting is allowed with few constraints. A recent increase in hunting pressure has raised concerns regarding long-term viability. We thus carried out a comprehensive conservation genetic analysis using microsatellite and mtDNA markers. Our results showed high heterozygosity levels (0.654, SE 0.031) and weak genetic bottleneck signals, suggesting good recovery since the 1970s decline. However, we found high levels of inbreeding (F IS  = 0.113, SE 0.019) and a N e/N ratio lower than expected for an undisturbed wolf population (0.11, 95 % CI 0.08–0.29). We also found evidence for hybridisation and introgression from feral dogs (C. familiaris) in 10 out of 92 wolves (9.8 %). Our results also suggest admixture between wolves and local populations of golden jackals (C. aureus), but less extensive as compared with the admixture with dogs. We detected local population structure that may be explained by fragmentation patterns during the 1970s decline and differences in local ecological characteristics, with more extensive sampling needed to assess further population substructure. We conclude that high levels of inbreeding and hybridisation with other canid species, which likely result from unregulated hunting, may compromise long-term viability of this population despite its current high genetic diversity. The existence of population subdivision warrants an assessment of whether separate management units are needed for different subpopulations. Our study highlights conservation threats for populations with growing numbers but subject to unregulated hunting.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The transfer of terrestrial organic matter by terrestrial wild and domestic animals when they urinate and defecate directly in Savanna Rivers has already been studied. However, the...  相似文献   

曾瑜皙  钟林生  虞虎  周彬 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5653-5664
已有研究主要从规模角度分析生态系统游憩服务,较少分析其结构。结合生态系统服务理论与旅游体验理论,基于旅游者的生态体验提出生态系统游憩服务功能维度的理论模型,并以三江源国家公园为案例区,采用问卷调查搜集数据,运用因子分析与结构方程模型分析数据、验证假设。研究表明,生态系统游憩服务包括美感体验、游憩机会与适宜环境3个功能维度,其形成受到地形、地表覆被、独特景观、景观格局、植被、保护地空间类型、天气与海拔等要素的影响。在不同区域,由于生态要素条件、旅游者对生态要素与各功能维度的感知和态度存在区别,生态系统游憩服务结构呈现出功能和结构差异性。研究解析了生态系统游憩服务的功能维度,深化了生态系统游憩服务研究,有助于完善生态系统游憩服务理论,优化生态要素管理方式。  相似文献   

Oxpeckers (Buphagus sp.) are two bird species closely associated to large mammals, including giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis). We tested whether oxpeckers distributed themselves at random across individuals or aggregated on individual giraffes, and whether birds select the host's body parts with the expected greatest amount of ticks. By counting oxpeckers on giraffe's body from photographs, we quantified the distribution of birds per hosts and over predefined zones on the giraffe body. Oxpeckers displayed a strong aggregation behaviour with few hosts carrying many birds while many carried a limited number or no bird, a pattern that was most exaggerated for males. Oxpeckers were disproportionately found on the mane and back, where the density of ticks is presumably the highest. This high aggregation level of birds is typical of parasitic species and could suggest that oxpecker distribution may mirror the distribution of ticks, their primary food resource, on giraffes. Abundance of ticks appears as a major driver of the oxpecker foraging behaviour, and the oxpecker–large herbivores system proves to be highly relevant for the study of host–parasite dynamics.  相似文献   

Wild reindeer have a range that extends across the circumpolar region. In the last few decades, however, populations of wild reindeer have been on the decline. The reasons for these declines are poorly understood, but are suggested to be linked to both local and global climatic factors, disease, and human interference. Hardangervidda plateau in Norway is home to the largest wild reindeer population in Europe, and is at the southern end of its European range. This population is therefore of particular importance, particularly in the light of climate change. We investigated how weather and hunting have affected the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda over the last two decades. Our findings suggest that the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda is most affected by winter temperature and hunting, where colder temperatures and lower harvest rates typically result in higher growth rates. We did not find significant evidence for linear density dependence. Our results show trends across Hardangervidda, and give an indication of how region-wide weather and hunting pressure can affect the wild reindeer population. As new data emerge, future investigations should look into the existence and nature of density dependence and the influence of other weather and human disturbance related factors.  相似文献   

Boundaries associated with reserves or conservation areas may alter spatial patterns of individuals, and may affect the sexes differently in species that exhibit sex-specific patterns of space use. Because of poaching threats, most African rhinos today persist within sanctuaries or reserves with fenced perimeters. We examined spatial patterns of adult white rhinos ( Ceratotherium simum ) in Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe. Matobo Park contains a high-density population of rhinos within a fenced reserve and a lower-density group outside of the fenced area. Adult females in the lower-density group used significantly larger home ranges than those in the high-density group. Overlap among female home ranges was extensive in both groups. Adult male white rhinos establish territories that are exclusive of other males performing scent-marking behaviours, and in Matobo Park, male territories were much larger than those observed in other populations of white rhinos. Additionally, few adult males in the high-density reserve held territories that occupied most available space; two-thirds of adult males were excluded from establishing territories, and followed a non-territorial tactic. In the absence of dispersal opportunities, managers may need to regulate the number of males within smaller reserves. Monitoring of spatial patterns should be undertaken to permit management decisions to be made with an understanding of male behaviour and territorial status.  相似文献   

“三生”空间的优化布局,有赖于对"三生"空间变化所产生的地域功能效应的认识,社会生态服务价值分析为这一效应评价提供了新的途径。以邛海国家湿地公园为例,采用参与式制图与半结构化访谈方法调查当地居民感知的社会生态服务价值变化类型,最终获取有效问卷与填图393份,提取空间数据点1830个。通过质性空间分析等方法研究湿地公园建设以来"三生"空间变化对社会生态服务价值的影响,探讨地域功能的尺度特征及其变化趋势与效应。研究表明:(1)湿地公园建设以来"三生"空间格局变化剧烈,主要表现为生产空间转换为生态空间与生活空间,前者占据主导地位,呈带状分布在邛海湿地周围,后者则呈斑块状分布在各村落周边;(2)利用Nvivo11软件进行质性分析,将归纳出的6种社会生态服务价值与区域性、地方性地域功能相联系,发现在城郊保护地"三生"空间变化中,区域性地域功能增益明显,而地方性地域功能表现出增益与贬损交织的复杂变化特征,不同尺度地域功能间存在协同与冲突的多重关系;(3)研究指出区域"三生"空间配置过程中,既要关注地域功能在地域间的水平综合均衡,也要兼顾不同尺度地域功能间的垂直综合均衡,才能实现区域效益的最优化。城郊保护地在受到外部结构化力量和社区内部适应能力的双重作用下发生地域功能转化,社区参与的质性空间评价则为认识地域功能转化过程、效应及调控策略提供了途径。  相似文献   

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