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The role of local habitat geometry (habitat area and isolation) in predicting species distribution has become an increasingly more important issue, because habitat loss and fragmentation cause species range contraction and extinction. However, it has also become clear that other factors, in particular regional factors (environmental stochasticity and regional population dynamics), should be taken into account when predicting colonisation and extinction. In a live trapping study of a mainland-island metapopulation of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) we found extensive occupancy dynamics across 15 riparian islands, but yet an overall balance between colonisation and extinction over 4 years. The 54 live trapping surveys conducted over 13 seasons revealed imperfect detection and proxies of population density had to be included in robust design, multi-season occupancy models to achieve unbiased rate estimates. Island colonisation probability was parsimoniously predicted by the multi-annual density fluctuations of the regional mainland population and local island habitat quality, while extinction probability was predicted by island population density and the level of the recent flooding events (the latter being the main regionalized disturbance regime in the study system). Island size and isolation had no additional predictive power and thus such local geometric habitat characteristics may be overrated as predictors of vole habitat occupancy relative to measures of local habitat quality. Our results suggest also that dynamic features of the larger region and/or the metapopulation as a whole, owing to spatially correlated environmental stochasticity and/or biotic interactions, may rule the colonisation – extinction dynamics of boreal vole metapopulations. Due to high capacities for dispersal and habitat tracking voles originating from large source populations can rapidly colonise remote and small high quality habitat patches and re-establish populations that have gone extinct due to demographic (small population size) and environmental stochasticity (e.g. extreme climate events).  相似文献   

The areal extent and configuration of thickets of willow shrubs are currently changing in the Arctic both as an effect of global warming and changed browsing pressure of reindeer. These changes have been predicted to impact the distribution and abundance of wildlife species relying on willow thickets as habitat. We assessed the relation between variables quantifying willow thicket configuration and population dynamics of tundra voles (Microtus oeconomus) in three riparian regions in Finnmark, northern Norway, which were subject to intense browsing by semi-domesticated reindeer. The tundra vole, which exhibits 5-year population cycles in Finnmark, is the dominant small rodent species in riparian landscape elements in southern arctic tundra. In the course of a 4-year trapping study, tundra vole populations went through the cyclic phases of increase, peak and crash, however, with distinct differences between the three regions in the population dynamics. Within regions, the occupancy pattern during the increase phase was positively related to willow thicket configuration (in particular edge density and willow height) only in the region attaining the highest abundance and occupancy. However, local abundance was not clearly related to habitat features within any regions. The lack of consistency in the response of tundra vole populations to willow thicket configuration, as well as the positive relation between the degree of thicket shredding and tundra vole habitat occupancy in one of the regions, indicates that tundra voles will not be much affected by climate or browsing induced changes in the shrubbiness of the tundra in the future.  相似文献   

Predation impacts by introduced predators are predicted to be most intense in island ecosystems, and also variable depending on environmental conditions, but large-scale experimental field testing is rare. In this study we examine the factors that determine the distribution and abundance of vole metapopulations preyed upon by feral American mink Mustela vison in the outer Finnish archipelago of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, we follow the dynamics of field voles Microtus agrestis and bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus on 40 small islands under variable rainfall as part of a large-scale mink removal experiment. For both vole species occupancy rates were negatively influenced by island isolation, as were extinction events for field voles. High summer rainfall in 1998 corresponded to large vole populations where mink were absent, populations that then crashed in 1999 and 2000 when below average rains fell during the summer breeding season. Where mink were present however, vole abundance remained more constant between years with no boom-bust apparent. We conclude that weather and predation may drive vole abundance whereas habitat patchiness and metapopulation processes more strongly drive vole distributions. There may also be potential for interaction between these factors: because feral mink prevent rapid vole population growth after good summer rains, and vole dispersal is influenced by population size, feral mink may be changing vole dispersal patterns to disrupt the natural metapopulation dynamic. Hence this indirect impact of mink could lead to gradual erosion of vole populations in the outer archipelago by reducing recolonisation processes.  相似文献   

We analysed the morphology and phenology of Scabiosa columbaria in relation to grassland management by mowing and grazing. We selected 12 populations from mown and grazed calcareous grassland in six regions of central Europe. At each population site, we collected seed material to produce plants for a morphological and phenological analysis of the species in a simulation experiment, which comprised three treatments (control, simulated mowing and simulated grazing).The simulation experiment revealed a clear morphological and phenological differentiation of S. columbaria. Plants from the two treatment types differed in size, since individuals from mown sites had longer top peduncles than individuals from grazed sites. Individuals from mown populations flowered earlier than individuals from grazed populations. In the control treatment, individuals from both habitat types produced a similar number of fruiting capitulums. When subjected to simulated mowing, the reproductive success of the individuals was clearly reduced. Plants from mown habitats produced, however, a significantly larger number of fruiting capitulums than plants from grazed habitats. Simulated grazing reduced the reproductive success stronger than simulated mowing but differences between individuals from both habitat types were not significant.The results of our simulation experiment clearly indicate morphological and phenological adaptation of S. columbaria to mowing and grazing. The comparatively young selection pressure of mowing obviously selected early flowering individuals, while the original land use by grazing favoured late flowering plants.  相似文献   

Animals can modify their environment by consumptive and physical activities such as herbivory and soil disturbance. Engineering species may create structures that long outlive them and have lasting impacts on local communities of plants and animals. Water voles, Arvicola amphibious, are rodents that visibly impact riparian plant communities by grazing on surface and root vegetation and excavating long-lasting burrow systems. This species has a metapopulation structure and occurs across patches which are subject to frequent extinction and colonization events, causing spatially heterogeneous disturbances across the landscape. Using a chronosequence of water vole occupancy in the Highlands of Scotland, we show that heterogeneity in plant community composition and structure—both within and between colony patches—was related to cumulative measures of past physical impact: burrow density and time since a patch was last occupied by voles, rather than to current indices of vole occupancy. In our sample of 107 patches monitored over 5 years, no fewer than 31 unique patch occupancy histories were found, each with potentially subtle differences in the accumulated influence of water vole herbivory and engineering. As a result, a patchwork of different plant successional stages occurs across the riparian landscape which is both created and maintained by water vole extinction-colonization dynamics. We propose that the water vole-vegetation system can be described as a metacommunity where dispersal by a higher tropic agent at the landscape scale influences the spatial dynamics of plants at the patch level.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of droughts and intensity of seasonal precipitation in many regions. Semiaquatic mammals should be vulnerable to this increased variability in precipitation, especially in human-modified landscapes where dispersal to suitable habitat or temporary refugia may be limited. Using six years of presence-absence data (2007–2012) spanning years of record-breaking drought and flood conditions, we evaluated regional occupancy dynamics of American mink (Neovison vison) and muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in a highly altered agroecosystem in Illinois, USA. We used noninvasive sign surveys and a multiseason occupancy modeling approach to estimate annual occupancy rates for both species and related these rates to summer precipitation. We also tracked radiomarked individuals to assess mortality risk for both species when moving in terrestrial areas. Annual model-averaged estimates of occupancy for mink and muskrat were correlated positively to summer precipitation. Mink and muskrats were widespread during a year (2008) with above-average precipitation. However, estimates of site occupancy declined substantially for mink (0.56) and especially muskrats (0.09) during the severe drought of 2012. Mink are generalist predators that probably use terrestrial habitat during droughts. However, mink had substantially greater risk of mortality away from streams. In comparison, muskrats are more restricted to aquatic habitats and likely suffered high mortality during the drought. Our patterns are striking, but a more mechanistic understanding is needed of how semiaquatic species in human-modified ecosystems will respond ecologically in situ to extreme weather events predicted by climate-change models.  相似文献   

The orchid Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó is a highly polymorphic species listed as endangered in many regional red lists of Central Europe and Scandinavia. The dramatic decline of its populations during recent decades has been caused by the loss and degradation of their natural and semi-natural habitats (fens and wet meadows, respectively) as a result of secondary succession following intensification or abandonment of traditional land use.In this study, we analysed the effects of abandonment and re-introduction of mowing on the long-term (28 years) population dynamics of Dactylorhiza incarnata at Lake Barsbek in northern Germany. In this area, to preserve a remaining population of D. incarnata, an annual mowing regime was re-established in 1981 on site M-1 of the investigated plots after a period of abandonment. Annual mowing was introduced on a second site, M-2, in 1987. Two- to three-year mowing was introduced on a third site, M-3. Site A, abandoned since 1970, was used as a reference. On each of these sites, flowering individuals were counted once a year. Population structure and accompanying vegetation were recorded simultaneously. In 2006, light measurements were carried out in the mowed areas.The D. incarnata population at M-1 increased exponentially during the first 10 years after re-introduction of mowing. Pronounced decreases in the number of flowering individuals were recorded in 1997 and 2003. Population dynamics at M-2 generally resembled the temporal development at M-1. D. incarnata disappeared on site A during the investigation period, while vegetation height and litter layer increased by 60 and 100%, respectively. D. incarnata was able to withstand reduced light availability to a certain extent by increasing its vertical growth (shade avoidance). It is concluded that the maintenance of D. incarnata populations in Central Europe requires continuation or re-establishment of wet meadow management. On previously abandoned sites, an initially higher mowing frequency is recommended. Management intensity can be reduced after phytomass production of the vegetation has declined.  相似文献   

For seasonal migrants, non‐breeding regions can play different roles in the ecology of their annual cycles: as stopover habitat, overwintering habitat, or as a combination in which some individuals stop‐over and others over‐winter. Such functional variations can lead to variation in occupancy dynamics and migration phenology to these different regions. In this study, we used data from archived Doppler weather surveillance radar to compare site‐occupancy and movement dynamics of a migratory songbird (tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor) between two non‐breeding areas: southeastern Louisiana and central peninsular Florida, USA. Specifically, in each area, we 1) quantified long‐term (1996–2012) non‐breeding season occupancy dynamics, 2) quantified variation in timing of autumn migration, and 3) tested which climate variables along their respective flyways were best correlated with variation in dates of arrival. Additionally, we cross‐validated the dynamics from archived radar with data from eBird, a large‐scale citizen science database that provides an independent measure of avian occupancy. We found strong and significant correlations between radar‐estimated and eBird‐estimated occupancy dynamics in both Louisiana and Florida. Long‐term Louisiana occupancy dynamics conformed to our hypothesis that this region acts as a combined stopover and overwintering region whereas Florida occupancy dynamics were akin to a traditional winter region. Arrival to Louisiana during the study period was much earlier and took place over a much shorter arrival window than did arrival to Florida, which showed much more gradual arrival over the course of several months. At both sites, annual variation in mean arrival date was best explained by the amount of precipitation along the lower portions of their respective migration flyways.  相似文献   

The role of anthropogenically influenced habitats in conserving elements of the original wildlife has increased worldwide simultaneously with the disappearance of natural sites. Burial places are able to conserve original elements of the wildlife, and this fact has been known for at least a century. To this day, little is known about long‐time changes and the effect of long‐time management methods in cemeteries on the flora they harbor. The utility of historical maps in research focused on natural values, as well as in answering questions related to conservation was recently demonstrated, but the use of digitized historical maps in biodiversity research of the Carpathian Basin is very limited. In the present paper, we aimed to predict the conservation potential of long‐established and newly established cemeteries of Hungarian settlements with various population sizes based on the digitized maps of the 2nd Military Survey of the Austrian Empire (1819–1869), by categorizing cemeteries into 3 distinct (anthropogenic habitat, cemetery, or natural habitat) types. To build our models, we used records of the protected flora from Hungarian cemeteries, based on data of thematic botanical surveys of 991 cemeteries. Out of the surveyed cemeteries, 553 (56%) harbored protected plants, totaling 306.617 estimated individuals of 92 protected species, belonging to 28 plant families. These species represent 12% of the entire protected flora of Hungary. Hungarian cemeteries play a key role mainly in preserving steppe and dry grassland plant species. Long‐established and large cemeteries harbor more protected plant species than small and newly established ones. Human population size of the settlements correlated negatively with the number of protected species and individuals. Moreover, woodland cover and proportion of grassland also significantly positively affected the number of protected plant species in cemeteries.  相似文献   

The False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus) is a European butterfly species, endangered due to the severe loss and fragmentation of its habitat. In Hungary, two remaining populations of the butterfly occur in lowland Purple Moorgrass meadows. We studied a metapopulation occupying twelve habitat patches in Central Hungary. Our aim was to reveal what measures of habitat quality affect population size and density of this metapopulation, estimate dispersal parameters and describe phenology of subpopulations. Local population sizes and dispersal parameters were estimated from an extensive mark–release–recapture dataset, while habitat quality was characterized by groundwater level, cover of grass tussocks, bush cover, height of vegetation and grass litter at each habitat patch. The estimated size of the metapopulation was more than 3,000 individuals. We estimated a low dispersal capacity, especially for females, indicating a very low probability of (re)colonization. Butterfly abundance and density in local populations increased with higher grass litter, lower groundwater level and larger area covered by tussocks. We suppose that these environmental factors affect butterfly abundance by determining the microclimatic conditions for both larvae and adult butterflies. Our results suggest that the long-term preservation of the studied metapopulation needs the maintenance of high quality habitat patches by appropriate mowing regime and water regulation. Management also should facilitate dispersal to strengthen metapopulation structure with creating stepping-stones or gradually increase habitat quality in present matrix.  相似文献   

Conservation of large carnivores such as leopards requires large and interconnected habitats. Despite the wide geographic range of the leopard globally, only 17% of their habitat is within protected areas. Leopards are widely distributed in Nepal, but their population status and occupancy are poorly understood. We carried out the sign‐based leopard occupancy survey across the entire Chure range (~19,000 km2) to understand the habitat occupancy along with the covariates affecting their occupancy. Leopard signs were obtained from in 70 out of 223 grids surveyed, with a naïve leopard occupancy of 0.31. The model‐averaged leopard occupancy was estimated to be 0.5732 (SE 0.0082) with a replication‐level detection probability of 0.2554 (SE 0.1142). The top model shows the additive effect of wild boar, ruggedness, presence of livestock, and human population density positively affecting the leopard occupancy. The detection probability of leopard was higher outside the protected areas, less in the high NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) areas, and higher in the areas with livestock presence. The presence of wild boar was strong predictor of leopard occupancy followed by the presence of livestock, ruggedness, and human population density. Leopard occupancy was higher in west Chure (0.70 ± SE 0.047) having five protected areas compared with east Chure (0.46 ± SE 0.043) with no protected areas. Protected areas and prey species had positive influence on leopard occupancy in west Chure range. Similarly in the east Chure, the leopard occupancy increased with prey, NDVI, and terrain ruggedness. Enhanced law enforcement and mass awareness activities are necessary to reduce poaching/killing of wild ungulates and leopards in the Chure range to increase leopard occupancy. In addition, maintaining the sufficient natural prey base can contribute to minimize the livestock depredation and hence decrease the human–leopard conflict in the Chure range.  相似文献   

We present an individual-based, spatially-explicit model of the dynamics of a small mammal and its resource. The life histories of each individual animal are modeled separately. The individuals can have the status of residents or wanderers and belong to behaviorally differing groups of juveniles or adults and males or females. Their territory defending and monogamous behavior is taken into consideration. The resource, green vegetation, grows depending on seasonal climatic characteristics and is diminished due to the herbivore's grazing. Other specifics such as a varying personal energetic level due to feeding and starvation of the individuals, mating preferences, avoidance of competitors, dispersal of juveniles, as a result of site overgrazing, etc., are included in the model. We determined model parameters from real data for the species Microtus ochrogaster (prairie vole). The simulations are done for a case of an enclosed habitat without predators or other species competitors. The goal of the study is to find the relation between size of habitat and population persistence. The experiments with the model show the populations go extinct due to severe overgrazing, but that the length of population persistence depends on the area of the habitat as well as on the presence of fragmentation. Additionally, the total population size of the vole population obtained during the simulations exhibits yearly fluctuations as well as multi-yearly peaks of fluctuations. This dynamics is similar to the one observed in prairie vole field studies.  相似文献   


In northern Belarus, we have documented a decline in the local stoat Mustela erminea population following the naturalisation of the American mink Mustela vison. The most likely cause is the reduction in the density and distribution of the main prey of stoats, the riparian voles (the water vole Arvicola terrestris and the root vole Microtus oeconomus), due to excessive predation by mink. Since the stoat population has declined, the number of weasels Mustela nivalis in marshlands has increased and their mean body mass has increased, correlated with the higher number and mean weights of rodents available for weasels in marshland compared with forest habitats.  相似文献   

We found sharply differing population dynamics in Platycleis albopunctata at two one-hectare study sites differing in vegetation cover and inclination of slopes. At one site, the population remained relatively constant (about 600 individuals) over the period observed, while at the other site the population size varied during the observation period between more than 3000 and less than 100 individuals. This field observation was analysed by an experimental study of embryonic development and reproduction, both of which are expected to largely influence population dynamics. These experiments revealed a close correlation between the temperature and the duration of egg development on the one hand and fecundity on the other. We concluded that the temperature dependence of development and reproduction is responsible for the weather dependence of population dynamics. Based on our results, we developed a hypothesis to explain the striking differences in the dynamics of the two study sites which attributes them to differences in microclimate and primary production. Additionally, we applied a simulation model to investigate the weather dependence of the population dynamics. Finally, we discuss the consequences of different population dynamics for conservation: (a) the example stresses the difficulties that arise when using demographic data of any population for the prognosis of the extinction risk of a population under study; (b) the dependence of population dynamics on habitat parameters means they can be influenced by management.  相似文献   

Disconnected habitat fragments are poor at supporting population and community persistence; restoration ecologists, therefore, advocate for the establishment of habitat networks across landscapes. Few empirical studies, however, have considered how networks of restored habitat patches affect metacommunity dynamics. Here, using a 10‐year study on restored hedgerows and unrestored field margins within an intensive agricultural landscape, we integrate occupancy modelling with network theory to examine the interaction between local and landscape characteristics, habitat selection and dispersal in shaping pollinator metacommunity dynamics. We show that surrounding hedgerows and remnant habitat patches interact with the local floral diversity, bee diet breadth and bee body size to influence site occupancy, via colonisation and persistence dynamics. Florally diverse sites and generalist, small‐bodied species are most important for maintaining metacommunity connectivity. By providing the first in‐depth assessment of how a network of restored habitat influences long‐term population dynamics, we confirm the conservation benefit of hedgerows for pollinator populations and demonstrate the importance of restoring and maintaining habitat networks within an inhospitable matrix.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that optimality of life-long investment in reproduction is, among other factors, driven by the variability and predictability of the resources. Similarly, during the breeding season, single resource pulses characterized by short periods and high amplitudes enable strong numerical responses in their consumers. However, it is less well established how spatio-temporal dynamics in resource supplies influence the spatio-temporal variation of consumer reproduction. We used the common vole (Microtus arvalis)—white stork (Ciconia ciconia) resource—consumer model system to test the effect of increased temporal variation and periodicity of vole population dynamics on the strength of the local numerical response of storks. We estimated variability, cycle amplitude, and periodicity (by means of direct and delayed density dependence) in 13 Czech and Polish vole populations. Cross-correlation between annual stork productivity and vole abundance, characterizing the strength of the local numerical response of storks, increased when the vole population fluctuated more and population cycles were shorter. We further show that the onset of incubation of storks was delayed during the years of higher vole abundance. We demonstrate that high reproductive flexibility of a generalist consumer in tracking the temporal dynamics of its resource is driven by the properties of the local resource dynamics and we discuss possible mechanisms behind these patterns.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are aerial hemiparasitic plants which occupy patches of favorable habitat (host trees) surrounded by unfavorable habitat and may be possibly modeled as a metapopulation. A metapopulation is defined as a subdivided population that persists due to the balance between colonization and extinction in discrete habitat patches. Our aim was to evaluate the dynamics of the mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus and its host Vochysia thyrsoidea in three Brazilian savanna areas using a metapopulation approach. We also evaluated how the differences in terms of fire occurrence affected the dynamic of those populations (two areas burned during the study and one was fire protected). We monitored the populations at six-month intervals. P. robustus population structure and dynamics met the expected criteria for a metapopulation: i) the suitable habitats for the mistletoe occur in discrete patches; (ii) local populations went extinct during the study and (iii) colonization of previously non-occupied patches occurred. The ratio of occupied patches decreased in all areas with time. Local mistletoe populations went extinct due to two different causes: patch extinction in area with no fire and fire killing in the burned areas. In a burned area, the largest decrease of occupied patch ratios occurred due to a fire event that killed the parasites without, however, killing the host trees. The greatest mortality of V. thyrsoidea occurred in the area without fire. In this area, all the dead trees supported mistletoe individuals and no mortality was observed for parasite-free trees. Because P. robustus is a fire sensitive species and V. thyrsoidea is fire tolerant, P. robustus seems to increase host mortality, but its effect is lessened by periodic burning that reduces the parasite loads.  相似文献   

We studied the response of the barn owl annual productivity to the common vole population numbers and variability to test the effects of environmental stochasticity on their life histories. Current theory predicts that temporal environmental variability can affect long-term nonlinear responses (e.g., production of young) both positively and negatively, depending on the shape of the relationship between the response and environmental variables. At the level of the Czech Republic, we examined the shape of the relationship between the annual sum of fledglings (annual productivity) and vole numbers in both non-detrended and detrended data. At the districts’ level, we explored whether the degree of synchrony (measured by the correlation coefficient) and the strength of the productivity response increase (measured by the regression coefficient) in areas with higher vole population variability measured by the s-index. We found that the owls’ annual productivity increased linearly with vole numbers in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, based on district data, we also found that synchrony between dynamics in owls’ reproductive output and vole numbers increased with vole population variability. However, the strength of the response was not affected by the vole population variability. Additionally, we have shown that detrending remarkably increases the Taylor’s exponent b relating variance to mean in vole time series, thereby reversing the relationship between the coefficient of variation and the mean. This shift was not responsible for the increased synchrony with vole population variability. Instead, we suggest that higher synchrony could result from high food specialization of owls on the common vole in areas with highly fluctuating vole populations.  相似文献   

How predation and landscape fragmentation affect vole population dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Microtine species in Fennoscandia display a distinct north-south gradient from regular cycles to stable populations. The gradient has often been attributed to changes in the interactions between microtines and their predators. Although the spatial structure of the environment is known to influence predator-prey dynamics of a wide range of species, it has scarcely been considered in relation to the Fennoscandian gradient. Furthermore, the length of microtine breeding season also displays a north-south gradient. However, little consideration has been given to its role in shaping or generating population cycles. Because these factors covary along the gradient it is difficult to distinguish their effects experimentally in the field. The distinction is here attempted using realistic agent-based modelling.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By using a spatially explicit computer simulation model based on behavioural and ecological data from the field vole (Microtus agrestis), we generated a number of repeated time series of vole densities whose mean population size and amplitude were measured. Subsequently, these time series were subjected to statistical autoregressive modelling, to investigate the effects on vole population dynamics of making predators more specialised, of altering the breeding season, and increasing the level of habitat fragmentation. We found that fragmentation as well as the presence of specialist predators are necessary for the occurrence of population cycles. Habitat fragmentation and predator assembly jointly determined cycle length and amplitude. Length of vole breeding season had little impact on the oscillations.


There is good agreement between our results and the experimental work from Fennoscandia, but our results allow distinction of causation that is hard to unravel in field experiments. We hope our results will help understand the reasons for cycle gradients observed in other areas. Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of landscape fragmentation for population cycling and we recommend that the degree of fragmentation be more fully considered in future analyses of vole dynamics.  相似文献   

Haiyan Nie  Jike Liu 《Oikos》2005,109(2):387-395
This paper reports the effects of food supply, predation and the interaction between them on the population dynamics of root voles, Microtus oeconomus , by adopting factorial experiments in field enclosures. This two-factor experiment proved the general hypothesis that food supply and predation had independent and additive effects on population dynamics of root voles. The experimental results proved the following predictions: (1) predation reduced population density and recruitment significantly; (2) food supply increased population density; (3) predation and food supply influenced spacing behavior of root voles separately and additively: Exposure to predation reduced long movements of root voles between trapping sessions; additional food supply reduced aggression level and home range size of root voles. Less movement of individuals that exposed to predators possibly reduced their opportunity of obtaining food and lessened population survival rate, which led population density to decrease. Smaller home range and lower aggression level could make higher population density tolerable. The interactive effect of predation and food on home range size was highly significant (P=0.0082<0.01). The interactive effect of food and predation on dispersal rate was significant (P<0.01). From the experimental results, we conclude that the external factors (predation, food supply) were more effective than internal factors (spacing behavior) in determining population density of root voles – under the most favorable external conditions (−P, +F treatment), the mean density and mean recruitment of root vole population was the highest; under the most unfavorable external conditions (+P, −F treatment), the mean density and mean recruitment of root vole population was the lowest.  相似文献   

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