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The ecology and control of cereal cyst nematode in southern Australia is reviewed. The wide distribution of Heterodera avenae in Victoria and South Australia is due largely to movement of cysts by wind during dust storms. The fungus Rhizoctonia solani frequently is associated with the nematode in a disease complex in wheat, and disease symptoms are most severe on lighter or well structured soils. Crop rotations which include periods of fallow, or of nonhost crop reduce population levels of H. avenae and improve yields. Early-sown crops (April-May) are less severely damaged than late-sown crops (June-July). The resowing of damaged wheat crops or the application of nitrogenous fertilizers rarely improve grain yields. ''Katyil,'' the world''s first wheat cultivar bred specifically with resistance to H. avenae, has been released in Victoria. Chemical control of the nematode in cereals is now commercially feasible, and five nematicides are registered for use by growers.  相似文献   

The effect of Heterodera avenae infestation on early seminal and lateral root growth was examined in four oat genotypes differing in tolerance to H. avenae. Recently emerged seminal roots were inoculated with a range of H. avenae larval densities, then transferred a hydroponic system to remove the effect of later nematode penetration on root development. Intolerance to H. avenae was assessed in terms of impairment of seminal root extension resulting in fewer primary lateral roots emerging from the seminal root below the zone of juvenile penetration. Tolerant plants infested with H. avenae had longer lateral root systems than infested intolerant plants. The decline in lateral root growth below the penetration zone was partly offset by increased growth above. This did not contribute to tolerance, however, as there were no differences between cultivars for this feature. Nematodes induced earlier nodal root emergence in all cultivars. Nodal root development was most advanced on the most tolerant cultivar.  相似文献   

 大部分已克隆的植物抗病基因都包含有核苷酸结合位点区 (NBS)和富含亮氨酸的重复序列区 (LRR) .利用来自节节麦的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因Cre3位点NBS区保守序列设计特异引物 ,从含有来自易变山羊草的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因的小麦品系E 10的基因组中PCR扩增得到一条约 5 30bp的单一条带 .将扩增条带克隆和序列分析发现 ,该克隆 (Rccn4 )的编码区长 5 2 8bp ,含一个不完整的开放读码框 ,没有起始密码子、终止密码子和内含子结构 ,它编码一个 176个氨基酸残基的蛋白质 ,分子量为 2 0 4kD .Rccn4含有NBS LRR类抗病基因NBS区共有的保守模体I(V)LDD、T(T S)R、G(L S)PLA(A I L)、RCF(A L)Y ,并且与Cre3基因的NBS编码区核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为99 4 %和 98% .它是一个新的含NBS编码区核苷酸的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans the unc-87 gene encodes a protein that binds to actin at the I band and is important in nematodes for maintenance of the body-wall muscle. Caenorhabditis elegans mutant phenotypes of unc-87 exhibit severe paralysis in larvae and limp paralysis in the adult. We cloned and characterized a full-length cDNA representing a Heterodera glycines homolog of the unc-87 gene from C. elegans that encodes a protein that contains a region of seven repeats similar to CLIK-23 from C-elegans and has 81% amino acid identity with that of C. elegans unc-87 variant A. In the EST database clones labeled "unc-87'''' encode mainly the 3'' portion of unc-87, while clones labeled "calponin homolog OV9M'''' contain mainly DNA sequence representing the 5'' and middle transcribed regions of unc-87. A 1770 nucleotide cDNA encoding H. glycines unc-87 was cloned and encodes a predicted UNC-87 protein product of 375 amino acids. The expression of unc-87 was determined using RT-PCR and, in comparison to its expression in eggs, unc-87 was expressed 6-fold higher in J2 juveniles and 20-fold and 13-fold (P = 0.05) higher in nematodes 15 and 30 days after inoculation, respectively. In situ hybridization patterns confirmed the expression patterns observed with RT-PCR.  相似文献   

The corn cyst nematode Heterodera zeae was detected in soil from an organic maize field in northern Greece. In greenhouse studies, reproduction of H. zeae was detected on maize plants (Zeae mays) using soil high in organic matter; the field was under winter fallow at the time of sampling. Maize plants were grown in a greenhouse with soil from the affected field used as inoculum. Females appeared after six weeks incubation, and abundant cysts were present after 12 weeks. Morphological and molecular diagnosis confirmed the presence of H. zeae in the field. Cysts were identified on the basis of cyst shape and characteristics of the cyst terminal cone, including nature of fenestration, presence of bullae, cyst wall pattern, and fenestral diameter. Second-stage juveniles were identified by body and stylet length, the shape of stylet knobs, shape and length of the tail and hyaline tail terminus, and by the number of lateral lines. Molecular analysis included amplification of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1&2 rDNA) 28S large ribosomal subunit (LSU) D2-D3 expansion segment, and partial 18S small ribosomal subunit (SSU). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of ITS rDNA exhibited several unique enzyme patterns that may be diagnostically useful for H. zeae. These findings are in agreement with prior analysis of H. zeae populations from the U.S. and India. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from ITS rDNA are congruent with previous analyses that placed H. zeae in a clade with H. turcomanica, H. salixophila and species of the Humuli group. Phylogenetic trees based upon heat shock protein (Hsp90) coding sequence were in general agreement with a prior study using the same marker. This study represents the first record of H. zeae in Greece and the second report of this nematode in Europe.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes are the most important plant-parasitic nematodes worldwide. Many efforts have been made to find non-chemical, risk-free, and environmentally friendly methods for nematode control. In this study, the effects of compost and vermicompost of arugula (Eruca sativa) on Meloidogyne javanica were investigated in three glasshouse experiments. In addition, the expression of the defense-related genes nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related 1 (NPR1) and lipoxygenase 1 (LOX1) was detected in tomato plants treated with vermicompost of arugula at 0, 2, 7, and 14 days after nematode inoculation. The result showed that the vermicompost of arugula significantly reduced the reproduction factor of the nematode by 54.4% to 70.5% in the three experiments and increased the dry weight of shoots of infected tomato plants. Gene expression analysis showed that LOX1 expression increased on the second and seventh day after nematode inoculation, while NPR1 expression decreased. The vermicompost of arugula showed stronger nematode inhibitory potential than the vermicompost of animal manure. The vermicompost of arugula is superior to arugula compost in suppressing the activity of M. javaniva and reducing its impact. It manipulates the expression of resistance genes and could induce systemic resistance against root-knot nematodes.  相似文献   

Heterodera avenae and H. filipjevi are major parasites of wheat, reducing production worldwide. Both are sedentary endoparasitic nematodes, and their development and parasitism depend strongly on nutrients obtained from hosts. Secreted fatty acid- and retinol-binding (FAR) proteins are nematode-specific lipid carrier proteins used for nutrient acquisition as well as suppression of plant defenses. In this study, we obtained three novel FAR genes Ha-far-1 (KU877266), Ha-far-2 (KU877267), Hf-far-1 (KU877268). Ha-far-1 and Ha-far-2 were cloned from H. avenae, encoding proteins of 191 and 280 amino acids with molecular masses about 17 and 30 kDa, respectively and sequence identity of 28%. Protein Blast in NCBI revealed that Ha-FAR-1 sequence is 78% similar to the Gp-FAR-1 protein from Globodera pallida, while Ha-FAR-2 is 30% similar to Rs-FAR-1 from Radopholus similis. Only one FAR protein Hf-FAR-1was identified in H. filipjevi; it had 96% sequence identity to Ha-FAR-1. The three proteins are alpha-helix-rich and contain the conserved domain of Gp-FAR-1, but Ha-FAR-2 had a remarkable peptide at the C-terminus which was random-coil-rich. Both Ha-FAR-1 and Hf-FAR-1 had casein kinase II phosphorylation sites, while Ha-FAR-2 had predicted N-glycosylation sites. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the three proteins clustered together, though Ha-FAR-1 and Hf-FAR-1 adjoined each other in a plant-parasitic nematode branch, but Ha-FAR-2 was distinct from the other proteins in the group. Fluorescence-based ligand binding analysis showed the three FAR proteins bound to a fluorescent fatty acid derivative and retinol and with dissociation constants similar to FARs from other species, though Ha-FAR-2 binding ability was weaker than that of the two others. In situ hybridization detected mRNAs of Ha-far-1 and Ha-far-2 in the hypodermis. The qRT-PCR results showed that the Ha-far-1and Ha-far-2 were expressed in all developmental stages; Ha-far-1 expressed 70 times more than Ha-far-2 in all stages. The highest expression level of Ha-far-1 was observed in fourth-stage juvenile (J4), whereas the highest expression level of Ha-far-2 occurred in second-stage juvenile (J2). In conclusion, we have identified two novel far genes from H. avenae and one from H. filipjevi and have provided further indication that nematode far genes are present in a variety of nematode species, where the FAR proteins share similar basic structure, expression pattern and biochemical activities.  相似文献   

In Pichia stipitis, fermentative and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) activities increase with diminished oxygen rather than in response to fermentable sugars. To better characterize PDC expression and regulation, two genes for PDC (PsPDC1 and PsPDC2) were cloned and sequenced from P. stipitis CBS 6054. Aside from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, from which three PDC genes have been characterized, P. stipitis is the only organism from which multiple genes for PDC have been identified and characterized. PsPDC1 and PsPDC2 have diverged almost as far from one another as they have from the next most closely related known yeast gene. PsPDC1 contains an open reading frame of 1,791 nucleotides encoding 597 amino acids. PsPDC2 contains a reading frame of 1,710 nucleotides encoding 570 amino acids. An 81-nucleotide segment in the middle of the β domain of PsPDC1 codes for a unique segment of 27 amino acids, which may play a role in allosteric regulation. The 5′ regions of both P. stipitis genes include two putative TATA elements that make them similar to the PDC genes from S. cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and Hanseniaspora uvarum.  相似文献   

Lines of wheat with the 6Mv chromosome from Aegilops ventricosa display partial resistance to both pathotypes Hal2 and Ha41 of Heterodera avenae. With either pathotype, the effect of this alien chromosome on cyst production, size, and fecundity was expressed in resistance tests. Partial resistance of five 6Mv(6D) substitution lines varied according to the intrinsic cyst-forming capacity of the nematode pathotypes and the recipient germplasms. Such partial resistance can be utilized in wheat breeding lines for integrated management of the cereal cyst nematode.  相似文献   

Fifteen populations of cyst‐forming nematodes belonging to 11 known and one unidentified species collected in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea were studied using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐rDNA sequences. RFLP profiles generated by the restriction enzymes AluI, AvaI, Bsh1236I, HaeIII, Hin6I, MvaI, PstI and RsaI are presented for Heterodera carotae, H. ciceri, H. fici, H. filipjevi, H. goettingiana, H. hordecalis, H. humuli, H. mediterranea, H. ripae and H. schachtii. Molecular data support the first detection of H. filipjevi from wheat in Italy and H. ripae from nettle in Greece. A relative high level of sequence divergence between populations of H. hordecalis was observed. This suggests that two species might presently be grouped under this taxon. The phylogenetic relationship between the Mediterranean cyst‐forming nematode species is analysed based on the ITS‐rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, causes economically significant damage to soybeans (Glycine max) in many parts of the world. The cysts of this nematode can remain quiescent in soils for many years as a reservoir of infection for future crops. To investigate bacterial communities associated with SCN cysts, cysts were obtained from eight SCN-infested farms in southern Ontario, Canada, and analyzed by culture-dependent and -independent means. Confocal laser scanning microscopy observations of cyst contents revealed a microbial flora located on the cyst exterior, within a polymer plug region and within the cyst. Microscopic counts using 5-(4,6-dichlorotriazine-2-yl)aminofluorescein staining and in situ hybridization (EUB 338) indicated that the cysts contained (2.6 ± 0.5) × 105 bacteria (mean ± standard deviation) with various cellular morphologies. Filamentous fungi were also observed. Live-dead staining indicated that the majority of cyst bacteria were viable. The probe Nile red also bound to the interior polymer, indicating that it is lipid rich in nature. Bacterial community profiles determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis were simple in composition. Bands shared by all eight samples included the actinobacterium genera Actinomadura and Streptomyces. A collection of 290 bacteria were obtained by plating macerated surface-sterilized cysts onto nutrient broth yeast extract agar or on actinomycete medium. These were clustered into groups of siblings by repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR fingerprinting, and representative isolates were tentatively identified on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence. Thirty phylotypes were detected, with the collection dominated by Lysobacter and Variovorax spp. This study has revealed the cysts of this important plant pathogen to be rich in a variety of bacteria, some of which could presumably play a role in the ecology of SCN or have potential as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Plant lipoxygenases (LOXs) are functionally diverse class of dioxygenases involved in multiple physiological processes such as plant growth, biotic and abiotic stress responses, and secondary metabolite accumulation. In this paper, two LOX genes, TcLOX1 and TcLOX2, were cloned from Taxus chinensis cells. Multiple alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences with those of other plants demonstrated the putative LH2/PLAT domain, lipoxygenase iron-binding catalytic domain, lipoxygenase_1 and lipoxygenase_2 signature sequences. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that TcLOX1 and TcLOX2 putative proteins are most probably 9-LOXs, and shared the highest identity with the tea plant CsLOX1 and Picea sitchensis LOX genes, respectively. Semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that TcLOX1 was preferentially expressed in stem and root, while TcLOX2 was preferentially expressed in root. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that a strong upregulation of TcLOX1 was observed in response to methyl jasmonate and abscisic acid (ABA), while TcLOX2 was strongly upregulated by ABA. However, TcLOX1 and TcLOX2 were nearly not responding to salicylic acid. These data suggest both TcLOX1 and TcLOX2 play an important role in T. chinensis, and they are required in different physiological processes involved in different plant signals in vivo.  相似文献   

两个鼻咽癌负相关新基因的分离与特性   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
8个通过 c DNA代表差异分析法 ( c DNA representational difference analysis,c DNA RDA)分离的新 c DNA序列中 ,经 RT- PCR验证 ,发现其中一 c DNA序列 (登录号 :AF0 91 51 7)在 40 %的鼻咽癌活检组织中存在表达缺失和下调 .Northern杂交显示 ,AF0 91 51 7代表转录本为 1 .1 kb和 1 .4kb大小的两个基因 ,进而采用文库筛选 ,成功分离出 3′端完全不同的两个基因 ,命名为 NAG1 1和 NAG 1 2 (登录号分别为 AF 1 70 30 7和 AF 1 94971 ) .经过计算机预测 ,NAG 1 1编码 87个氨基酸组成的跨膜蛋白 ,NAG1 2编码 1 36个氨基酸组成的可溶性的核蛋白 ,两者无任何同源性 .NAG 1 1蛋白含有 3个 ATP结合区、两个蛋白激酶 C磷酸化位点和两个 N-肉豆寇酸化位点 ,NAG 1 2含有POU结构域和多个功能位点 .结果说明 NAG1 1和 NAG1 2的表达的缺失与下调可能参与了鼻咽癌的进程 ;NAG1 1基因产物可能与 ATP的跨膜转运有关 ;NAG1 2基因产物可能与转录翻译有关 .  相似文献   

桃中两个MADS box基因的克隆与表达分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为研究李属(Prunus sp.)果树生殖调控的相关基因,对国际公共数据库中的李属植物的EST(expressed sequence tags)序列进行了电子拼接,获得了8个MADS box基因的cDNA序列,并利用PCR技术从桃中克隆出其中的两个cDNA,分别命名为PpMDS4和PpMADS6,在GenBank中的登录号为AY705972和AY705973。PpMADS4基因长850bp,包含一个732bp的开放阅读框,编码243个氨基酸。PpMADS6基因长1190bp,包含1个768bp的开放阅读框,编码256个氨基酸。PpMADS4和PpMADS6在序列上分别与拟南芥中的AGAMOUS基因和矮牵牛中的PFG基因高度同源。RT-PCR分析表明,PpMADS4基因在桃的花瓣、心皮、果实及果仁中表达,应属于控制花器官发育的C类MADS box基因。PpMADS6基因在桃的叶、萼片、花瓣、心皮及果实中表达,应属于调控植物由营养生长向生殖生长过渡的A类MADSbox基因。  相似文献   

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