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PCR-based methods have been developed to rapidly screen for Legionella pneumophila in water as an alternative to time-consuming culture techniques. However, these methods fail to discriminate between live and dead bacteria. Here, we report a viability assay (viability PCR [v-PCR]) for L. pneumophila that combines ethidium monoazide bromide with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The ability of v-PCR to differentiate viable from nonviable L. pneumophila cells was confirmed with permeabilizing agents, toluene, or isopropanol. v-PCR suppressed more than 99.9% of the L. pneumophila PCR signal in nonviable cultures and was able to discriminate viable cells in mixed samples. A wide range of physiological states, from culturable to dead cells, was observed with 64 domestic hot-water samples after simultaneous quantification of L. pneumophila cells by v-PCR, conventional qPCR, and culture methods. v-PCR counts were equal to or higher than those obtained by culture and lower than or equal to conventional qPCR counts. v-PCR was used to successfully monitor in vitro the disinfection efficacy of heating to 70°C and glutaraldehyde and chlorine curative treatments. The v-PCR method appears to be a promising and rapid technique for enumerating L. pneumophila bacteria in water and, in comparison with conventional qPCR techniques used to monitor Legionella, has the advantage of selectively amplifying only viable cells.Legionella organisms are ubiquitous bacteria found in many types of water sources in the environment. Their growth is especially favored in human-made warm water systems, including cooling towers, hot tubs, showerheads, and spas (3, 14, 15, 38). Legionella bacteria replicate as intracellular parasites of amoebae and persist in the environment as free-living microbes or in biofilms. In aerosol form, they enter the lungs and can cause an acute form of pneumonia known as Legionnaires'' disease or a milder form of pulmonary infection called Pontiac fever. The species Legionella pneumophila is responsible for the vast majority of the most severe form of this atypical pneumonia (52, 70). Legionellosis outbreaks are associated with high mortality rates (15 to 20%) (15, 16, 38, 46), which can reach up to 50% for people with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised patients) (69). Legionella surveillance programs include regular monitoring of environmental water samples (9, 13, 66). It is generally acknowledged that Legionella represents a health risk to humans when cell densities are greater than 104 to 105 CFU per liter of water, and epidemiological data show that outbreaks of legionellosis occur at these concentrations (36, 47).The evaluation of the risk associated with Legionella has traditionally been performed using culture-based methods (1, 24). Culture is essential for identifying and typing Legionella strains during epidemics. However, Legionella culture requires long incubation times (up to 10 days) before results can be scored. This problem makes culture unsuitable for preventive actions and rapid response in emergency situations. Moreover, under certain conditions (i.e., low-nutrient environments, oxidative or osmotic stress, etc.), Legionella cells can lose the ability to be cultured, although they are still viable (7, 17, 20, 22, 39, 45, 67). These viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Legionella cells may still represent a public health hazard because they can regain their ability to grow in new, more favorable conditions (12, 19, 23, 61).Molecular approaches, such as quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), are faster and can mitigate the main drawbacks of culture-based methods. qPCR is an alternative tool that offers rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of Legionella bacteria in environmental water samples (4, 5, 12, 26, 65, 68). PCR results can be obtained in hours instead of days, and VBNC Legionella cells can also be detected (12, 26). However, the major disadvantage of qPCR lies in its inability to evaluate viability due to the persistence of DNA in cells after death (27, 34). The monitoring of Legionella contamination levels by conventional qPCR may thus result in an overestimation of the risk of infection because false-positive results can be scored. However, the real risk from Legionella is limited to the live fraction of the total Legionella population. Only live or viable Legionella cells are able to replicate in pulmonary macrophages and cause severe pneumonia (14, 15). The development of more rapid, culture-independent methods capable of discriminating between live and dead cells is of major interest for measuring Legionella infection risks and preventing legionellosis. The nucleic acid-binding dye ethidium monoazide bromide (EMA), used in combination with qPCR, is an attractive alternative for selectively detecting and enumerating viable bacteria. EMA is particularly useful because it selectively penetrates cells with damaged membranes and covalently binds to DNA after photoactivation (21, 53). DNA-bound EMA molecules prevent PCR amplification and thereby lead to a strong signal reduction during qPCR. DNA from viable cells with intact cell membranes prevents EMA molecules from entering the cell and therefore can be amplified and quantified (56). Nocker et al. (41, 42) suggested that the signal reduction was due to a selective loss of genomic DNA from dead cells (rendered insoluble after cross-linkage) during the DNA extraction procedure rather than to PCR inhibition. However, Soejima et al. (59, 60) recently reported that treatment with EMA followed by visible light irradiation directly cleaves the chromosomal DNA of dead bacteria.In this study we optimized the EMA-staining procedure in conjunction with qPCR with pure cultures of L. pneumophila. We analyzed the potential for the EMA-qPCR method to discriminate Legionella cells with compromised or intact cell membranes. We optimized this EMA-qPCR technique, viability PCR, hereafter named v-PCR, and used it to quantify viable Legionella cells in environmental water samples. We compared our results with those obtained by conventional qPCR and culture methods. In addition, we evaluated the ability of v-PCR to monitor the efficacy of different disinfection strategies.  相似文献   

Immunogold localization revealed that OmcS, a cytochrome that is required for Fe(III) oxide reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens, was localized along the pili. The apparent spacing between OmcS molecules suggests that OmcS facilitates electron transfer from pili to Fe(III) oxides rather than promoting electron conduction along the length of the pili.There are multiple competing/complementary models for extracellular electron transfer in Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms (8, 18, 20, 44). Which mechanisms prevail in different microorganisms or environmental conditions may greatly influence which microorganisms compete most successfully in sedimentary environments or on the surfaces of electrodes and can impact practical decisions on the best strategies to promote Fe(III) reduction for bioremediation applications (18, 19) or to enhance the power output of microbial fuel cells (18, 21).The three most commonly considered mechanisms for electron transfer to extracellular electron acceptors are (i) direct contact between redox-active proteins on the outer surfaces of the cells and the electron acceptor, (ii) electron transfer via soluble electron shuttling molecules, and (iii) the conduction of electrons along pili or other filamentous structures. Evidence for the first mechanism includes the necessity for direct cell-Fe(III) oxide contact in Geobacter species (34) and the finding that intensively studied Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms, such as Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, display redox-active proteins on their outer cell surfaces that could have access to extracellular electron acceptors (1, 2, 12, 15, 27, 28, 31-33). Deletion of the genes for these proteins often inhibits Fe(III) reduction (1, 4, 7, 15, 17, 28, 40) and electron transfer to electrodes (5, 7, 11, 33). In some instances, these proteins have been purified and shown to have the capacity to reduce Fe(III) and other potential electron acceptors in vitro (10, 13, 29, 38, 42, 43, 48, 49).Evidence for the second mechanism includes the ability of some microorganisms to reduce Fe(III) that they cannot directly contact, which can be associated with the accumulation of soluble substances that can promote electron shuttling (17, 22, 26, 35, 36, 47). In microbial fuel cell studies, an abundance of planktonic cells and/or the loss of current-producing capacity when the medium is replaced is consistent with the presence of an electron shuttle (3, 14, 26). Furthermore, a soluble electron shuttle is the most likely explanation for the electrochemical signatures of some microorganisms growing on an electrode surface (26, 46).Evidence for the third mechanism is more circumstantial (19). Filaments that have conductive properties have been identified in Shewanella (7) and Geobacter (41) species. To date, conductance has been measured only across the diameter of the filaments, not along the length. The evidence that the conductive filaments were involved in extracellular electron transfer in Shewanella was the finding that deletion of the genes for the c-type cytochromes OmcA and MtrC, which are necessary for extracellular electron transfer, resulted in nonconductive filaments, suggesting that the cytochromes were associated with the filaments (7). However, subsequent studies specifically designed to localize these cytochromes revealed that, although the cytochromes were extracellular, they were attached to the cells or in the exopolymeric matrix and not aligned along the pili (24, 25, 30, 40, 43). Subsequent reviews of electron transfer to Fe(III) in Shewanella oneidensis (44, 45) appear to have dropped the nanowire concept and focused on the first and second mechanisms.Geobacter sulfurreducens has a number of c-type cytochromes (15, 28) and multicopper proteins (12, 27) that have been demonstrated or proposed to be on the outer cell surface and are essential for extracellular electron transfer. Immunolocalization and proteolysis studies demonstrated that the cytochrome OmcB, which is essential for optimal Fe(III) reduction (15) and highly expressed during growth on electrodes (33), is embedded in the outer membrane (39), whereas the multicopper protein OmpB, which is also required for Fe(III) oxide reduction (27), is exposed on the outer cell surface (39).OmcS is one of the most abundant cytochromes that can readily be sheared from the outer surfaces of G. sulfurreducens cells (28). It is essential for the reduction of Fe(III) oxide (28) and for electron transfer to electrodes under some conditions (11). Therefore, the localization of this important protein was further investigated.  相似文献   

Analysis of Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes, using a novel multilocus sequence analysis scheme, revealed that OspA serotype 4 strains (a rodent-associated ecotype) of Borrelia garinii were sufficiently genetically distinct from bird-associated B. garinii strains to deserve species status. We suggest that OspA serotype 4 strains be raised to species status and named Borrelia bavariensis sp. nov. The rooted phylogenetic trees provide novel insights into the evolutionary history of LB spirochetes.Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) have been shown to be powerful and pragmatic molecular methods for typing large numbers of microbial strains for population genetics studies, delineation of species, and assignment of strains to defined bacterial species (4, 13, 27, 40, 44). To date, MLST/MLSA schemes have been applied only to a few vector-borne microbial populations (1, 6, 30, 37, 40, 41, 47).Lyme borreliosis (LB) spirochetes comprise a diverse group of zoonotic bacteria which are transmitted among vertebrate hosts by ixodid (hard) ticks. The most common agents of human LB are Borrelia burgdorferi (sensu stricto), Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia lusitaniae, and Borrelia spielmanii (7, 8, 12, 35). To date, 15 species have been named within the group of LB spirochetes (6, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41). While several of these LB species have been delineated using whole DNA-DNA hybridization (3, 20, 33), most ecological or epidemiological studies have been using single loci (5, 9-11, 29, 34, 36, 38, 42, 51, 53). Although some of these loci have been convenient for species assignment of strains or to address particular epidemiological questions, they may be unsuitable to resolve evolutionary relationships among LB species, because it is not possible to define any outgroup. For example, both the 5S-23S intergenic spacer (5S-23S IGS) and the gene encoding the outer surface protein A (ospA) are present only in LB spirochete genomes (36, 43). The advantage of using appropriate housekeeping genes of LB group spirochetes is that phylogenetic trees can be rooted with sequences of relapsing fever spirochetes. This renders the data amenable to detailed evolutionary studies of LB spirochetes.LB group spirochetes differ remarkably in their patterns and levels of host association, which are likely to affect their population structures (22, 24, 46, 48). Of the three main Eurasian Borrelia species, B. afzelii is adapted to rodents, whereas B. valaisiana and most strains of B. garinii are maintained by birds (12, 15, 16, 23, 26, 45). However, B. garinii OspA serotype 4 strains in Europe have been shown to be transmitted by rodents (17, 18) and, therefore, constitute a distinct ecotype within B. garinii. These strains have also been associated with high pathogenicity in humans, and their finer-scale geographical distribution seems highly focal (10, 34, 52, 53).In this study, we analyzed the intra- and interspecific phylogenetic relationships of B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. valaisiana, B. lusitaniae, B. bissettii, and B. spielmanii by means of a novel MLSA scheme based on chromosomal housekeeping genes (30, 48).  相似文献   

Molecular characterizations of environmental microbial populations based on recovery and analysis of DNA generally assume efficient or unbiased extraction of DNA from different sample matrices and microbial groups. Appropriate controls to verify this basic assumption are rarely included. Here three different DNA extractions, performed with two commercial kits (FastDNA and UltraClean) and a standard phenol-chloroform method, and two alternative filtration methods (Sterivex and 25-mm-diameter polycarbonate filters) were evaluated, using the addition of Nitrosopumilus maritimus cells to track the recovery of DNA from marine Archaea. After the comparison, a simplified phenol-chloroform extraction method was developed and shown to be significantly superior, in terms of both the recovery and the purity of DNA, to other protocols now generally applied to environmental studies. The simplified and optimized method was used to quantify ammonia-oxidizing Archaea at different depth intervals in a fjord (Hood Canal) by quantitative PCR. The numbers of Archaea increased with depth, often constituting as much as 20% of the total bacterial community.Efficient DNA extraction from environmental samples is fundamental to many culture-independent characterizations (10). Thus, there was an early and concerted effort to establish appropriate methods of DNA extraction from different types of environmental samples (14, 19, 25, 30, 34, 43, 47). DNA extraction efficiency is particularly important for quantitative PCR (qPCR), because poor DNA extraction efficiency results in the underestimation of gene copy numbers in the samples examined (6, 42).Most methodological developments addressed DNA extraction from soil and sediment samples, with fewer comparative studies of the efficiency of collection and extraction from water samples (4, 13, 40). In part, a methodological focus on soils reflected the simplicity of filtration to collect aquatic populations and the generally good recovery of DNA from the Gram-negative bacteria making up a significant fraction of aquatic communities. However, small Archaea are now known to constitute a substantial fraction of the prokaryotic populations in marine and terrestrial systems (2, 7, 9, 20, 26, 31, 33, 45). Since the archaeal cell wall and membrane structures are distinct from those of bacteria, there is no assurance that commonly used extraction methods are adequate. With increasing reliance on commercially available bead-beating-type DNA extraction kits, these methods are now often used for different water samples (1, 5-7, 14, 19, 36). Although most protocols incorporate mechanical disruption to ensure more-uniform extraction than is possible by using methods that rely entirely on enzymatic digestion and/or chemical disruption (4, 13, 40), the suitability of these protocols for the concerted analysis of archaeal and bacterial populations has not been fully evaluated.In the studies reported here, the recently isolated marine archaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus strain SCM1 (22) was therefore used as a reference standard for evaluation of the commonly employed DNA extraction methods by using qPCR. This archaeon was then used as a reference for the development of a simple, rapid, and efficient method of extracting DNA from both archaeal and bacterial cells. The modified protocol was subsequently employed to characterize the vertical distribution of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in a fjord (Hood Canal) in Puget Sound (Washington State), revealing a high fractional representation of Archaea relative to Bacteria not observed previously in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Factors potentially contributing to the lower incidence of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in the far-western than in the northeastern United States include tick host-seeking behavior resulting in fewer human tick encounters, lower densities of Borrelia burgdorferi-infected vector ticks in peridomestic environments, and genetic variation among B. burgdorferi spirochetes to which humans are exposed. We determined the population structure of B. burgdorferi in over 200 infected nymphs of the primary bridging vector to humans, Ixodes pacificus, collected in Mendocino County, CA. This was accomplished by sequence typing the spirochete lipoprotein ospC and the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (IGS). Thirteen ospC alleles belonging to 12 genotypes were found in California, and the two most abundant, ospC genotypes H3 and E3, have not been detected in ticks in the Northeast. The most prevalent ospC and IGS biallelic profile in the population, found in about 22% of ticks, was a new B. burgdorferi strain defined by ospC genotype H3. Eight of the most common ospC genotypes in the northeastern United States, including genotypes I and K that are associated with disseminated human infections, were absent in Mendocino County nymphs. ospC H3 was associated with hardwood-dominated habitats where western gray squirrels, the reservoir host, are commonly infected with LB spirochetes. The differences in B. burgdorferi population structure in California ticks compared to the Northeast emphasize the need for a greater understanding of the genetic diversity of spirochetes infecting California LB patients.In the United States, Lyme borreliosis (LB) is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness and is caused by infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (3, 9, 52). The signs and symptoms of LB can include a rash, erythema migrans, fever, fatigue, arthritis, carditis, and neurological manifestations (50, 51). The black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, and the western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus, are the primary vectors of B. burgdorferi to humans in the United States, with the former in the northeastern and north-central parts of the country and the latter in the Far West (9, 10). These ticks perpetuate enzootic transmission cycles together with a vertebrate reservoir host such as the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, in the Northeast and Midwest (24, 35), or the western gray squirrel, Sciurus griseus, in California (31, 46).B. burgdorferi is a spirochete species with a largely clonal population structure (14, 16) comprising several different strains or lineages (8). The polymorphic ospC gene of B. burgdorferi encodes a surface lipoprotein that increases expression within the tick during blood feeding (47) and is required for initial infection of mammalian hosts (25, 55). To date, approximately 20 North American ospC genotypes have been described (40, 45, 49, 56). At least four, and possibly up to nine, of these genotypes are associated with B. burgdorferi invasiveness in humans (1, 15, 17, 49, 57). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and, subsequently, sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (IGS) are used as molecular typing tools to investigate genotypic variation in B. burgdorferi (2, 36, 38, 44, 44, 57). The locus maintains a high level of variation between related species, and this variation reflects the heterogeneity found at the genomic level of the organism (37). The IGS and ospC loci appear to be linked (2, 8, 26, 45, 57), but the studies to date have not been representative of the full range of diversity of B. burgdorferi in North America.Previous studies in the northeastern and midwestern United States have utilized IGS and ospC genotyping to elucidate B. burgdorferi evolution, host strain specificity, vector-reservoir associations, and disease risk to humans. In California, only six ospC and five IGS genotypes have been described heretofore in samples from LB patients or I. pacificus ticks (40, 49, 56) compared to approximately 20 ospC and IGS genotypes identified in ticks, vertebrate hosts, or humans from the Northeast and Midwest (8, 40, 45, 49, 56). Here, we employ sequence analysis of both the ospC gene and IGS region to describe the population structure of B. burgdorferi in more than 200 infected I. pacificus nymphs from Mendocino County, CA, where the incidence of LB is among the highest in the state (11). Further, we compare the Mendocino County spirochete population to populations found in the Northeast.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms underlying potential altered susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in highly exposed seronegative (ES) individuals and the later clinical consequences of breakthrough infection can provide insight into strategies to control HIV-1 with an effective vaccine. From our Seattle ES cohort, we identified one individual (LSC63) who seroconverted after over 2 years of repeated unprotected sexual contact with his HIV-1-infected partner (P63) and other sexual partners of unknown HIV-1 serostatus. The HIV-1 variants infecting LSC63 were genetically unrelated to those sequenced from P63. This may not be surprising, since viral load measurements in P63 were repeatedly below 50 copies/ml, making him an unlikely transmitter. However, broad HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses were detected in LSC63 before seroconversion. Compared to those detected after seroconversion, these responses were of lower magnitude and half of them targeted different regions of the viral proteome. Strong HLA-B27-restricted CTLs, which have been associated with disease control, were detected in LSC63 after but not before seroconversion. Furthermore, for the majority of the protein-coding regions of the HIV-1 variants in LSC63 (except gp41, nef, and the 3′ half of pol), the genetic distances between the infecting viruses and the viruses to which he was exposed through P63 (termed the exposed virus) were comparable to the distances between random subtype B HIV-1 sequences and the exposed viruses. These results suggest that broad preinfection immune responses were not able to prevent the acquisition of HIV-1 infection in LSC63, even though the infecting viruses were not particularly distant from the viruses that may have elicited these responses.Understanding the mechanisms of altered susceptibility or control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in highly exposed seronegative (ES) persons may provide invaluable information aiding the design of HIV-1 vaccines and therapy (9, 14, 15, 33, 45, 57, 58). In a cohort of female commercial sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya, a small proportion of individuals remained seronegative for over 3 years despite the continued practice of unprotected sex (12, 28, 55, 56). Similarly, resistance to HIV-1 infection has been reported in homosexual men who frequently practiced unprotected sex with infected partners (1, 15, 17, 21, 61). Multiple factors have been associated with the resistance to HIV-1 infection in ES individuals (32), including host genetic factors (8, 16, 20, 37-39, 44, 46, 47, 49, 59, 63), such as certain HLA class I and II alleles (41), as well as cellular (1, 15, 26, 55, 56), humoral (25, 29), and innate immune responses (22, 35).Seroconversion in previously HIV-resistant Nairobi female commercial sex workers, despite preexisting HIV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses, has been reported (27). Similarly, 13 of 125 ES enrollees in our Seattle ES cohort (1, 15, 17) have become late seroconverters (H. Zhu, T. Andrus, Y. Liu, and T. Zhu, unpublished observations). Here, we analyze the virology, genetics, and immune responses of HIV-1 infection in one of the later seroconverting subjects, LSC63, who had developed broad CTL responses before seroconversion.  相似文献   

Phenoxyalkanoic acid (PAA) herbicides are widely used in agriculture. Biotic degradation of such herbicides occurs in soils and is initiated by α-ketoglutarate- and Fe2+-dependent dioxygenases encoded by tfdA-like genes (i.e., tfdA and tfdAα). Novel primers and quantitative kinetic PCR (qPCR) assays were developed to analyze the diversity and abundance of tfdA-like genes in soil. Five primer sets targeting tfdA-like genes were designed and evaluated. Primer sets 3 to 5 specifically amplified tfdA-like genes from soil, and a total of 437 sequences were retrieved. Coverages of gene libraries were 62 to 100%, up to 122 genotypes were detected, and up to 389 genotypes were predicted to occur in the gene libraries as indicated by the richness estimator Chao1. Phylogenetic analysis of in silico-translated tfdA-like genes indicated that soil tfdA-like genes were related to those of group 2 and 3 Bradyrhizobium spp., Sphingomonas spp., and uncultured soil bacteria. Soil-derived tfdA-like genes were assigned to 11 clusters, 4 of which were composed of novel sequences from this study, indicating that soil harbors novel and diverse tfdA-like genes. Correlation analysis of 16S rRNA and tfdA-like gene similarity indicated that any two bacteria with D > 20% of group 2 tfdA-like gene-derived protein sequences belong to different species. Thus, data indicate that the soil analyzed harbors at least 48 novel bacterial species containing group 2 tfdA-like genes. Novel qPCR assays were established to quantify such new tfdA-like genes. Copy numbers of tfdA-like genes were 1.0 × 106 to 65 × 106 per gram (dry weight) soil in four different soils, indicating that hitherto-unknown, diverse tfdA-like genes are abundant in soils.Phenoxyalkanoic acid (PAA) herbicides such as MCPA (4-chloro-2-methyl-phenoxyacetic acid) and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) are widely used to control broad-leaf weeds in agricultural as well as nonagricultural areas (19, 77). Degradation occurs primarily under oxic conditions in soil, and microorganisms play a key role in the degradation of such herbicides in soil (62, 64). Although relatively rapidly degraded in soil (32, 45), both MCPA and 2,4-D are potential groundwater contaminants (10, 56, 70), accentuating the importance of bacterial PAA herbicide-degrading bacteria in soils (e.g., references 3, 5, 6, 20, 41, 59, and 78).Degradation can occur cometabolically or be associated with energy conservation (15, 54). The first step in the degradation of 2,4-D and MCPA is initiated by the product of cadAB or tfdA-like genes (29, 30, 35, 67), which constitutes an α-ketoglutarate (α-KG)- and Fe2+-dependent dioxygenase. TfdA removes the acetate side chain of 2,4-D and MCPA to produce 2,4-dichlorophenol and 4-chloro-2-methylphenol, respectively, and glyoxylate while oxidizing α-ketoglutarate to CO2 and succinate (16, 17).Organisms capable of PAA herbicide degradation are phylogenetically diverse and belong to the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammproteobacteria and the Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group (e.g., references 2, 14, 29-34, 39, 60, 68, and 71). These bacteria harbor tfdA-like genes (i.e., tfdA or tfdAα) and are categorized into three groups on an evolutionary and physiological basis (34). The first group consists of beta- and gammaproteobacteria and can be further divided into three distinct classes based on their tfdA genes (30, 46). Class I tfdA genes are closely related to those of Cupriavidus necator JMP134 (formerly Ralstonia eutropha). Class II tfdA genes consist of those of Burkholderia sp. strain RASC and a few strains that are 76% identical to class I tfdA genes. Class III tfdA genes are 77% identical to class I and 80% identical to class II tfdA genes and linked to MCPA degradation in soil (3). The second group consists of alphaproteobacteria, which are closely related to Bradyrhizobium spp. with tfdAα genes having 60% identity to tfdA of group 1 (18, 29, 34). The third group also harbors the tfdAα genes and consists of Sphingomonas spp. within the alphaproteobacteria (30).Diverse PAA herbicide degraders of all three groups were identified in soil by cultivation-dependent studies (32, 34, 41, 78). Besides CadAB, TfdA and certain TfdAα proteins catalyze the conversion of PAA herbicides (29, 30, 35). All groups of tfdA-like genes are potentially linked to the degradation of PAA herbicides, although alternative primary functions of group 2 and 3 TfdAs have been proposed (30, 35). However, recent cultivation-independent studies focused on 16S rRNA genes or solely on group 1 tfdA sequences in soil (e.g., references 3-5, 13, and 41). Whether group 2 and 3 tfdA-like genes are also quantitatively linked to the degradation of PAA herbicides in soils is unknown. Thus, tools to target a broad range of tfdA-like genes are needed to resolve such an issue. Primers used to assess the diversity of tfdA-like sequences used in previous studies were based on the alignment of approximately 50% or less of available sequences to date (3, 20, 29, 32, 39, 47, 58, 73). Primers specifically targeting all major groups of tfdA-like genes to assess and quantify a broad diversity of potential PAA degraders in soil are unavailable. Thus, the objectives of this study were (i) to develop primers specific for all three groups of tfdA-like genes, (ii) to establish quantitative kinetic PCR (qPCR) assays based on such primers for different soil samples, and (iii) to assess the diversity and abundance of tfdA-like genes in soil.  相似文献   

In their vertebrate hosts, arboviruses such as Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (Togaviridae) generally counteract innate defenses and trigger cell death. In contrast, in mosquito cells, following an early phase of efficient virus production, a persistent infection with low levels of virus production is established. Whether arboviruses counteract RNA interference (RNAi), which provides an important antiviral defense system in mosquitoes, is an important question. Here we show that in Aedes albopictus-derived mosquito cells, SFV cannot prevent the establishment of an antiviral RNAi response or prevent the spread of protective antiviral double-stranded RNA/small interfering RNA (siRNA) from cell to cell, which can inhibit the replication of incoming virus. The expression of tombusvirus siRNA-binding protein p19 by SFV strongly enhanced virus spread between cultured cells rather than virus replication in initially infected cells. Our results indicate that the spread of the RNAi signal contributes to limiting virus dissemination.In animals, RNA interference (RNAi) was first described for Caenorhabditis elegans (27). The production or introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in cells leads to the degradation of mRNAs containing homologous sequences by sequence-specific cleavage of mRNAs. Central to RNAi is the production of 21- to 26-nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) from dsRNA and the assembly of an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), followed by the degradation of the target mRNA (23, 84). RNAi is a known antiviral strategy of plants (3, 53) and insects (21, 39, 51). Study of Drosophila melanogaster in particular has given important insights into RNAi responses against pathogenic viruses and viral RNAi inhibitors (31, 54, 83, 86, 91). RNAi is well characterized for Drosophila, and orthologs of antiviral RNAi genes have been found in Aedes and Culex spp. (13, 63).Arboviruses, or arthropod-borne viruses, are RNA viruses mainly of the families Bunyaviridae, Flaviviridae, and Togaviridae. The genus Alphavirus within the family Togaviridae contains several mosquito-borne pathogens: arboviruses such as Chikungunya virus (16) and equine encephalitis viruses (88). Replication of the prototype Sindbis virus and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) is well understood (44, 71, 74, 79). Their genome consists of a positive-stranded RNA with a 5′ cap and a 3′ poly(A) tail. The 5′ two-thirds encodes the nonstructural polyprotein P1234, which is cleaved into four replicase proteins, nsP1 to nsP4 (47, 58, 60). The structural polyprotein is encoded in the 3′ one-third of the genome and cleaved into capsid and glycoproteins after translation from a subgenomic mRNA (79). Cytoplasmic replication complexes are associated with cellular membranes (71). Viruses mature by budding at the plasma membrane (35).In nature, arboviruses are spread by arthropod vectors (predominantly mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and midges) to vertebrate hosts (87). Little is known about how arthropod cells react to arbovirus infection. In mosquito cell cultures, an acute phase with efficient virus production is generally followed by the establishment of a persistent infection with low levels of virus production (9). This is fundamentally different from the cytolytic events following arbovirus interactions with mammalian cells and pathogenic insect viruses with insect cells. Alphaviruses encode host response antagonists for mammalian cells (2, 7, 34, 38).RNAi has been described for mosquitoes (56) and, when induced before infection, antagonizes arboviruses and their replicons (1, 4, 14, 15, 29, 30, 32, 42, 64, 65). RNAi is also functional in various mosquito cell lines (1, 8, 43, 49, 52). In the absence of RNAi, alphavirus and flavivirus replication and/or dissemination is enhanced in both mosquitoes and Drosophila (14, 17, 31, 45, 72). RNAi inhibitors weakly enhance SFV replicon replication in tick and mosquito cells (5, 33), posing the questions of how, when, and where RNAi interferes with alphavirus infection in mosquito cells.Here we use an A. albopictus-derived mosquito cell line to study RNAi responses to SFV. Using reporter-based assays, we demonstrate that SFV cannot avoid or efficiently inhibit the establishment of an RNAi response. We also demonstrate that the RNAi signal can spread between mosquito cells. SFV cannot inhibit cell-to-cell spread of the RNAi signal, and spread of the virus-induced RNAi signal (dsRNA/siRNA) can inhibit the replication of incoming SFV in neighboring cells. Furthermore, we show that SFV expression of a siRNA-binding protein increases levels of virus replication mainly by enhancing virus spread between cells rather than replication in initially infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel mechanism, cell-to-cell spread of antiviral dsRNA/siRNA, by which RNAi limits SFV dissemination in mosquito cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the inhibition of Vibrio by Roseobacter in a combined liquid-surface system. Exposure of Vibrio anguillarum to surface-attached roseobacters (107 CFU/cm2) resulted in significant reduction or complete killing of the pathogen inoculated at 102 to 104 CFU/ml. The effect was likely associated with the production of tropodithietic acid (TDA), as a TDA-negative mutant did not affect survival or growth of V. anguillarum.Antagonistic interactions among marine bacteria are well documented, and secretion of antagonistic compounds is common among bacteria that colonize particles or surfaces (8, 13, 16, 21, 31). These marine bacteria may be interesting as sources for new antimicrobial drugs or as probiotic bacteria for aquaculture.Aquaculture is a rapidly growing sector, but outbreaks of bacterial diseases are a limiting factor and pose a threat, especially to young fish and invertebrates that cannot be vaccinated. Because regular or prophylactic administration of antibiotics must be avoided, probiotic bacteria are considered an alternative (9, 18, 34, 38, 39, 40). Several microorganisms have been able to reduce bacterial diseases in challenge trials with fish or fish larvae (14, 24, 25, 27, 33, 37, 39, 40). One example is Phaeobacter strain 27-4 (17), which inhibits Vibrio anguillarum and reduces mortality in turbot larvae (27). The antagonism of Phaeobacter 27-4 and the closely related Phaeobacter inhibens is due mainly to the sulfur-containing tropolone derivative tropodithietic acid (TDA) (2, 5), which is also produced by other Phaeobacter strains and Ruegeria mobilis (28). Phaeobacter and Ruegeria strains or their DNA has been commonly found in marine larva-rearing sites (6, 17, 28).Phaeobacter and Ruegeria (Alphaproteobacteria, Roseobacter clade) are efficient surface colonizers (7, 11, 31, 36). They are abundant in coastal and eutrophic zones and are often associated with algae (3, 7, 41). Surface-attached Phaeobacter bacteria may play an important role in determining the species composition of an emerging biofilm, as even low densities of attached Phaeobacter strain SK2.10 bacteria can prevent other marine organisms from colonizing solid surfaces (30, 32).In continuation of the previous research on roseobacters as aquaculture probiotics, the purpose of this study was to determine the antagonistic potential of Phaeobacter and Ruegeria against Vibrio anguillarum in liquid systems that mimic a larva-rearing environment. Since production of TDA in liquid marine broth appears to be highest when roseobacters form an air-liquid biofilm (5), we addressed whether they could be applied as biofilms on solid surfaces.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrite and ammonium on cultivated methanotrophic bacteria were investigated. Methylomicrobium album ATCC 33003 outcompeted Methylocystis sp. strain ATCC 49242 in cultures with high nitrite levels, whereas cultures with high ammonium levels allowed Methylocystis sp. to compete more easily. M. album pure cultures and cocultures consumed nitrite and produced nitrous oxide, suggesting a connection between denitrification and nitrite tolerance.The application of ammonium-based fertilizers has been shown to immediately reduce the uptake of methane in a number of diverse ecological systems (3, 5, 7, 8, 11-13, 16, 27, 28), due likely to competitive inhibition of methane monooxygenase enzymes by ammonia and production of nitrite (1). Longer-term inhibition of methane uptake by ammonium has been attributed to changes in methanotrophic community composition, often favoring activity and/or growth of type I Gammaproteobacteria methanotrophs (i.e., Gammaproteobacteria methane-oxidizing bacteria [gamma-MOB]) over type II Alphaproteobacteria methanotrophs (alpha-MOB) (19-23, 25, 26, 30). It has been argued previously that gamma-MOB likely thrive in the presence of high N loads because they rapidly assimilate N and synthesize ribosomes whereas alpha-MOB thrive best under conditions of N limitation and low oxygen levels (10, 21, 23).Findings from studies with rice paddies indicate that N fertilization stimulates methane oxidation through ammonium acting as a nutrient, not as an inhibitor (2). Therefore, the actual effect of ammonium on growth and activity of methanotrophs depends largely on how much ammonia-N is used for assimilation versus cometabolism. Many methanotrophs can also oxidize ammonia into nitrite via hydroxylamine (24, 29). Nitrite was shown previously to inhibit methane consumption by cultivated methanotrophs and by organisms in soils through an uncharacterized mechanism (9, 17, 24), although nitrite inhibits purified formate dehydrogenase from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b (15). Together, the data from these studies show that ammonium and nitrite have significant effects on methanotroph activity and community composition and reveal the complexity of ammonia as both a nutrient and a competitive inhibitor. The present study demonstrates the differential influences of high ammonium or nitrite loads on the competitive fitness of a gamma-MOB versus an alpha-MOB strain.  相似文献   

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