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Erythropoietin (Ep) was isolated from the urine of patients with aplastic anemia [Yanagawa et al., J. Biol. Chem., 259, 2707 (1984)] and burst-promoting activity (BPA) was extensively purified from the residue obtained after removal of Ep. These erythropoietic factors were studied for their effcects on erythroid burst-colony formation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in methylcellulose cultures. Reddish bursts were formed with the addition of Ep alone. Addition of BPA not only elevated the number of bursts but also greatly reduced the amount of Ep required for burst formation. The presence of BPA alone in cultures did not permit bursts to form but did permit the growth of small colonies that did not contain hemoglobin (Hb). Addition of Ep to these small colonies led to the formation of erythroid bursts. Administration of Ep to the cultures could be delayed for 6 days without decreasing the number of bursts if the cultures were initiated in the presence of BPA; in the absence of BPA, the erythroid precursors (BUF-E) were rapidly lost if Ep was not provided at the start of the cultures. BPA produced larger bursts than those formed in the presence of Ep alone. Microassays of Hb in the bursts indicated that BPA increased the amonut of Hb per burst. This increase could not be entirely explained by the augumentation in cell number per burst but was partly ascribable to the increased amount of Hb per cell.  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-d-arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthetase and anthranilate synthetase are key regulatory enzymes in the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway. The DAHP synthetase activity of Hansenula polymorpha was subject to additive feedback inhibition by phenylalanine and tyrosine but not by tryptophan. The synthesis of DAHP synthetase in this yeast was not repressed by exogenous aromatic amino acids, singly or in combinations. The activity of anthranilate synthetase was sensitive to feedback inhibition by tryptophan, but exogenous tryptophan did not repress the synthesis of this enzyme. Nevertheless, internal repression of anthranilate synthetase probably exists, since the content of this enzyme in H. polymorpha strain 3-136 was double that in the wild-type and less sensitive 5-fluorotryptophan-resistant strains. The biochemical mechanism for the overproduction of indoles by the 5-fluorotryptophan-resistant mutants was due primarily to a partial desensitization of the anthranilate synthetase of these strains to feedback inhibition by tryptophan. These results support the concept that inhibition of enzyme activities rather than enzyme repression is more important in the regulation of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in H. polymorpha.  相似文献   

Pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes of animals is influenced by a number of genes that modulate the activity of melanocytes, the intervention of enzymatic controls at different stages of the melanogenic process, and the physico-chemical properties of the final pigment. The results of combined phenotypic, ultrastructural, biochemical, and chemical analyses of hairs of a variety of defined genotypes on a common genetic background performed in this study are consistent with the view that pigmentation of dark to black hairs results from the incorporation of eumelanin pigments whereas that of yellow hairs results from the incorporation of eu- and pheomelanins. It is also clear that relatively minor differences in melanin content can have dramatic effects on visible hair color. A good correlation was found for expression of (and enzyme activities associated with) TRP1 and TRP2 with eumelanin synthesis and eumelanosome production.  相似文献   

The flagellar cytoplasmic ring (C ring), which consists of three proteins, FliG, FliM, and FliN, is located on the cytoplasmic side of the flagellum. The C ring is a multifunctional structure necessary for flagellar protein secretion, torque generation, and switching of the rotational direction of the motor. The deletion of any one of the fliG, fliM, and fliN genes results in a Fla phenotype. Here, we show that the overproduction of the flagellum-specific ATPase FliI overcomes the inability of basal bodies with partial C-ring structures to produce complete flagella. Flagella made upon FliI overproduction were paralyzed, indicating that an intact C ring is essential for motor function. In FliN- or FliM-deficient mutants, flagellum production was about 10% of the wild-type level, while it was only a few percent in FliG-deficient mutants, suggesting that the size of partial C rings affects the extent of flagellation. For flagella made in C-ring mutants, the hook length varied considerably, with many being markedly shorter or longer than that of the wild type. The broad distribution of hook lengths suggests that defective C rings cannot control the hook length as tightly as the wild type even though FliK and FlhB are both intact.The flagellum is the ultrastructure for motility in many bacterial species (1). Flagellar assembly requires about 50 genes, among which about 20 gene products are incorporated in the complete flagellum (12). Most structural proteins and others necessary for assembly are exported through a flagellum-specific type III secretion apparatus housed within the basal body. The apparatus consists of at least six integral membrane proteins: FlhA, FlhB, FliP, FliQ, FliR, and FliO (for salmonellae and other species) (1, 12). Other proteins are also involved. FliI is the only known ATPase among flagellar proteins (2). FliI interacts with FliJ, which is of unknown function, and with a dimer of FliH, an inhibitor of FliI. The apparatus can be visualized by quick-freeze electron microscopy and has been termed the C (cytoplasmic) rod by virtue of its appearance and membrane-proximal location inside the C ring (7). The C ring is composed of three component proteins: FliG, FliM, and FliN (3). Mutations or deletions of any of these proteins cause a nonflagellate (Fla) phenotype, strongly suggesting that the C ring is necessary for flagellar protein export (6, 22, 26). The trimer FliH2-FliI specifically binds FliN (4, 15), suggesting that FliI docks at the periphery of the C ring through interactions with FliN-bound FliH, standing ready to escort export substrates to the secretion gate that is probably composed by FlhA, FlhB, and others (15).The C ring has long been studied with respect to motor function rather than export function. It has been proposed that FliG plays a major role in torque generation in concert with MotAB complexes, leaving the other two proteins, FliM and FliN, in minor and supporting roles (10, 11). However, as mentioned above, all three components are required for flagellar protein export (6, 22, 26). Together with the C ring, FliI pushes export substrates into the gate using the energy of ATP hydrolysis. Just recently, it was shown that FliI ATPase activity is not absolutely necessary for protein export and that increasing proton motive force (PMF) or reversion mutations in FlhA and FlhB can compensate for its absence (17, 21).In order to elucidate the roles that FliG, FliM, and FliN play in export, we employed C-ring-defective mutants. Here, we show that the overproduction of FliI allows flagellar formation in C-ring-defective mutants. We closely examined flagella formed in those mutants by electron microscopy, noting percentages of flagellation in each population, analyzing partially formed structures, and measuring hook length.  相似文献   

The antibiotic resistance crisis continues to threaten human health. Better predictions of the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes could contribute to the design of more sustainable treatment strategies. However, comprehensive prediction of antibiotic resistance gene evolution via laboratory approaches remains challenging. By combining site-specific integration and high-throughput sequencing, we quantified relative growth under the respective selection of cefotaxime or ceftazidime selection in ∼23,000 Escherichia coli MG1655 strains that each carried a unique, single-copy variant of the extended-spectrum β-lactamase gene blaCTX-M-14 at the chromosomal att HK022 site. Significant synergistic pleiotropy was observed within four subgenic regions, suggesting key regions for the evolution of resistance to both antibiotics. Moreover, we propose PEARP and PEARR, two deep-learning models with strong clinical correlations, for the prospective and retrospective prediction of blaCTX-M-14 evolution, respectively. Single to quintuple mutations of blaCTX-M-14 predicted to confer resistance by PEARP were significantly enriched among the clinical isolates harboring blaCTX-M-14 variants, and the PEARR scores matched the minimal inhibitory concentrations obtained for the 31 intermediates in all hypothetical trajectories. Altogether, we conclude that the measurement of local fitness landscape enables prediction of the evolutionary trajectories of antibiotic resistance genes, which could be useful for a broad range of clinical applications, from resistance prediction to designing novel treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Principles of detecting organisms producing beta-lactamase inhibitors among soil actinomycetes were developed. For detecting such cultures it was recommended to use the Gauze agarized medium No. 1 supplemented with beta-lactam antibiotics. Benzylpenicillin proved to be the most efficient. Various liquid fermentation media for detecting the inhibitory activity of soil actinomycetes were compared. Two media were the most favourable i.e. the glucose-yeast medium No. 18/3 and the soybean-glucose medium with Na2SO4 and CoCl2 No. 20/3. The use of test cultures with relatively low resistance to benzylpenicillin was shown expedient in screening cultures producing beta-lactamase inhibitors. Test cultures with high resistance should be used in more detailed characterization of the selected cultures.  相似文献   

More than 90 mutants resistant to the adenine analogue 4-amino-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (4-APP), were isolated from a wild-type strain of yeast Pichia guilliermondii. Some of the App rmutants accumulated noticeable amounts of products absorbing at 260 nm in the culture medium, probably nucleotides and their derivatives. In comparison to the parent strain, the mutant App r-27 synthesized greater amounts of xanthine and uracil suggesting the presence of defects in the regulation of de novo biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines. The regulatory mutations rib80 and rib81 are known to cause riboflavin (RF) overproduction and derepression of synthesis of corresponding enzymes in P. guilliermondii. The mutant App r-27 was crossed to the rib81 strain. The yield of RF biosynthesis in some meiotic segregants was significantly higher than that in segregants from the diploid rib81/RIB81. Apparently,rib81 and app r mutations were combined in a single genome on the favorable genetic background. An increase in RF production was also found in strains with app r mutations induced directly in the genome of the RF oversynthesizing strain rib80 rib81. These results indicate that introduction of app r mutations into the genome of P. guilliermondii can intensify their RF overproduction.  相似文献   

Cell-wall preparations were made from more than 140 strains of aerobic actinomycetes representing most of the form-genera that have been proposed. All cell-wall preparations contained as major constituents glucosamine, muramic acid, alanine, and glutamic acid. In addition, cell-wall preparations from various types of streptomycetes and strains of Microëllobosporia contained glycine and ll-α,ε-diaminopimelic acid; those from strains of most Actinoplanaceae and micromonosporae contained glycine and meso-α-ε-diaminopimelic acid; those from strains of Thermoactinomyces, Microbispora, Dermatophilus, and nocardiae of the madurae-pelletieri group contained meso-α,ε-diaminopimelic acid; and those from strains of Thermomonospora, Micropolyspora, and most nocardiae contained meso-α,ε-diaminopimelic acid, arabinose, and galactose. All the strains used were also studied morphologically.  相似文献   

Three new methods applying a novel approach for rapid and simple detection of specific bacteria, based on plaque formation as the end point of the phage lytic cycle, are described. Different procedures were designed to ensure that the resulting plaques were derived only from infected target bacteria (“infectious centers”). (i) A pair of amber mutants that cannot form plaques at concentrations lower than their reversion rate underwent complementation in the tested bacteria; the number of plaques formed was proportional to the concentration of the bacteria that were coinfected by these phage mutants. (ii) UV-irradiated phages were recovered by photoreactivation and/or SOS repair mediated by target bacteria and plated on a recA uvrA bacterial lawn in the dark to avoid recovery of noninfecting phages. (iii) Pairs of temperature-sensitive mutants were allowed to coinfect their target bacteria at the permissive temperature, followed by incubation of the plates at the restrictive temperature to avoid phage infection of the host cells. This method allowed the omission of centrifuging and washing the infected cells. Only phages that recovered by recombination or complementation were able to form plaques. The detection limit was 1 to 10 living Salmonella or Escherichia coli O157 cells after 3 to 5 h. The antibiotic susceptibility of the target bacteria could also be determined in each of these procedures by preincubating the target bacteria with antibiotic prior to phage infection. Bacteria sensitive to the antibiotic lost the ability to form infectious centers.  相似文献   

Formation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate by Actinomycetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The pharmaceutical interest and limited availability of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) prompted the search for genetic means for increasing the production of these fatty acids from algal sources. Cell lines of Spirulina platensis and Porphyridium cruentum resistant to the growth inhibition of the herbicide Sandoz 9785 were selected by serial transfers of the culture in the presence of increasing concentrations of the herbicide. The resistant cell lines of S. platensis overproduced GLA and those of P. cruentum overproduced EPA and were stable for at least 50 generations in the absence of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Degradation of Lignin-Related Compounds by Actinomycetes   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence for activity against the lignin fraction of straw was produced for a range of actinomycete strains. Decolorization of the polymeric dye Poly R and oxidation of veratryl alcohol, indicators of ligninolytic activity in white rot fungi, and utilization of fractionated Kraft lignin and low-molecular-weight methoxylated aromatic compounds were the criteria used. The relationships between these activities and the solubilization of native lignin are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydroxyectoine overproduction by the natural producer Chromohalobacter salexigens is presented in this study. Genetically engineered strains were constructed that at low salinity coexpressed, in a vector derived from a native plasmid, the ectoine (ectABC) and hydroxyectoine (ectD) genes under the control of the ectA promoter, in a temperature-independent manner. Hydroxyectoine production was further improved by increasing the copies of ectD and using a C. salexigens genetic background unable to synthesize ectoines.  相似文献   

Chlorate-resistant mutants corresponding to each known genetic locus (chlA, chlB, chlC, chlD, chlE) were isolated from Escherichia coli K-12. All these mutants showed decreased amounts of membrane-bound nitrate reductase, cytochrome b, and formic dehydrogenase, but all had normal succinic dehydrogenase activity. Proteins from the cytoplasmic membranes of these mutants were compared to those of the wild type-on polyacrylamide gels. The addition of nitrate to wild-type anaerobic cultures caused increased formation of three membrane proteins. These same proteins, along with one other, were missing in varying patterns in mutants altered at the different genetic loci. One of the missing proteins was found to be the enzyme nitrate reductase, although this protein was present in some mutants lacking nitrate reductase activity. None of the others has been identified.  相似文献   

调查桃儿七根茎内生放线菌对鬼臼毒素的微生物转化,以期获得一些鬼臼毒素的结构类似物或衍生物。利用表面消毒法分离内生放线菌;采用薄层层析和高效液相色谱(HPLC)方法筛选转化鬼臼毒素的内生放线菌;利用硅胶柱层析和制备HPLC分离纯化生物转化产物;应用波谱技术解析转化产物的化学结构;通过形态学、生理生化特征和16S rRNA基因序列分析对内生放线菌进行初步鉴定。从桃儿七根茎中分离出20株内生放线菌,经筛选发现其中1株放线菌能转化鬼臼毒素,其产物为4’-去甲基表鬼臼毒素。初步鉴定该内生放线菌为Streptomyces sp.。内生放线菌Streptomyces sp.能对鬼臼毒素进行去甲基和异构化修饰,推测其可能具有O-去甲基化酶和异构化酶。  相似文献   

A variety of microorganisms, including gram-negative and gram-positive eubacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, and filamentous fungi, were tested for their sensitivity to cadmium (Cd). In general, the actinomycetes were more tolerant to Cd than were the eubacteria; gram-negative eubacteria were more tolerant to Cd than were gram-positive eubacteria. The period of exponential growth of the eubacteria and actinomycetes was extended in the presence of Cd. Wide extremes in sensitivity to Cd were noted among the fungi; there was no correlation between the class of fungus and tolerance to Cd. Fungal sporulation was more sensitive to Cd than was mycelial growth, as spore formation was inhibited at Cd concentrations that were noninhibitory to mycelial proliferation. The toxicity of Cd to the eubacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi appeared to be pH dependent, as toxicity was generally potentiated at pH 8 or 9.  相似文献   

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