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We undertook breeding surveys between 2010 and 2011 to assess the status of breeding birds on 16 islands in the northern Saudi Arabia. Sixteen bird species were found breeding at three different seasons; i.e. winter (Osprey), spring (Caspian and Saunder’s Terns), and summer (Lesser Crested, White-cheeked, Bridled Terns). It is postulated that food availability is an important factor influencing the breeding of seabirds in the northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Several species laid eggs earlier in northern parts of the Red Sea than in southern parts. The predicted increases in temperatures (Ta) could have a negative effect on species survival in the future, especially on those whose nests that are in the open. Finally, disturbance, predation and egg collection were probably the main immediate threats affecting the breeding seabird species in the northern Red Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract. Classification of the vegetation of the Farasān Islands using TWINSPAN technique resulted in the recognition of seven community types associated with seven different habitat types: silty runnels, palm orchards, rocky plains, rocky plateau crevices, coastal sand dunes, sand plains, and mangroves. These communities were dominated or co-dominated by 13 perennial species; 87 associate species were recorded in the study area with chamaephytes dominating the life-form spectrum. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that organic carbon, soil moisture, silt, electrical conductivity and calcium carbonate were the major edaphic gradients controlling the distribution of the plant communities on the Farasān Islands. Higher species richness was recorded in the plant communities inhabiting the palm orchards, the crevices of the rocky plateau, silty runnels, rocky plains and rocky plateau, while those of the mangrove and sand formations (dunes and plains) showed a lower species richness. Soil texture and organic matter are the main factors promoting species diversity in the more diversified habitats, while high salinity and calcium carbonate are the main factors associated with lower species diversity in the less diversified habitats of the study area.  相似文献   

Bioeroded gastropod, bivalve and coral specimens (n = 570) were collected from the Jazan area, Saudi Red Sea coast, from which 22 ichnospecies of 8 ichnogenera were identified and illustrated. These traces were produced by clionid sponges (Entobia geometrica, E. ovula, E. cf. goniodes, E. cretacea, E. laquea, E. cf. paradoxa and E. isp.), duraphagous drillers (Oichnus ovalis, O. paraboloides, O. simplex and O. isp.), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites cf. dijugus, G. lapidicus, G. torpedo and G. isp.), polychaete annelids (Caulostrepsis taeniola, C. isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, M. isp. and ?Trypanites isp.), acorn barnacles (Rogerella isp.), and vermetid gastropods (Renichnus isp.). The seashells act as hard substrate for colonization by serpulid worm, bivalves, bryozoans, and barnacles. Ichnogenus Entobia was most abundant (56.1%), followed by Gastrochaenolites (25.4%), Caulostrepsis (5.3%), Trypanites (4.2%), Maeandropolydora (3.2%), Oichnus (2.8%), Renichnus (1.9%), and Rogerella (1.0%). Oichnus occurred on the thin-shelled and smooth molluscs, while most Gastrochaenolites borings were found in the larger and thicker seashells as a suitable substrate for the settlement of polychaetes, lithophages, naticids, mytilids, and vermetids. Presence of annelid traces among radial ribs and at the siphonal areas of bivalves is indicative of nutrient capturing from water flow during the lifetime of these bivalves, within a shallow, high energy marine environment, where disarticulation, fragmentation, and abrasion of the seashells were abundantly observed.  相似文献   

Ground and aerial surveys of breeding Sooty Falcons Falco concolor were conducted along the western coast of Saudi Arabia and its offshore islands from August to October 1991 and 1992. An estimated population of 260–381 pairs was found. The known world breeding population is still below 1000 pairs. Most rocky islands were occupied except the largest islands of the Farasan archipelago. Among the many low islets surrounded with mangrove, only one small group near Al Lith harboured breeding Sooty Falcons. The distribution pattern, density and breeding success of the falcons seemed to be strongly influenced by food availability (autumn migration of small and medium-size birds) and the deterring presence of terrestrial predators. Human disturbance and trapping are still of local importance.  相似文献   

A. A. Aleem 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(1-2):7-15
Transgression on marine habitats (seagrass beds, coral reefs and mangrove stands) along the Jeddah coast and adjacent lagoons, owing to increased human activity, resulted in regression, degeneration or substitution of plant and animal communities.The effect of organic and thermal pollution on benthic life is examined. A need for baseline studies on such habitats is stressed for the identification and conservation of endangered biota.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities of marine sponges are believed to be an important partner for host survival but remain poorly studied. Sponges show difference in richness and abundance of microbial population inhabiting them. Three marine sponges belonging to the species of Pione vastifica, Siphonochalina siphonella and Suberea mollis were collected from Red sea in Jeddah and were investigated using high throughput sequencing. Highly diverse communities containing 105 OTUs were identified in S. mollis host. Only 61 and 43 OTUs were found in P. vastifica and S. siphonella respectively. We identified 10 different bacterial phyla and 31 genera using 27,356 sequences. Most of the OTUs belong to phylum Proteobacteria (29%–99%) comprising of Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria where later two were only detected in HMA sponge, S. mollis. A number of 16S rRNA sequences (25%) were not identified to phylum level and may be novel taxa. Richness of bacterial community and Shannon, Simpson diversity revealed that sponge S. mollis harbors high diversity compared to other two LMA sponges. Dominance of Proteobacteria in sponges may indicate an ecological significance of this phylum in the Red sea sponges. These differences in bacterial composition may be due to difference in location site or host responses to environmental conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the microbial communities of these sponges have never been studied before and this is first attempt to unravel bacterial diversity using PCR-based 454-pyrosequencing method.  相似文献   

Summary Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene reef limestones from the Maiella carbonate platform show how reefs evolved during a time of faunal turn-over. Biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the reef limestones reveal the details of reef growth, composition, and age. Rudists disappeared as reef builders from the Maiella platform shortly before the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Small coral-algal reefs became established in the Danian to Late Thanetian. These scleractinian-red algal dominated boundstones and framestones represent two periods of reef sedimentation and the subsequent interruption of reef growth by emersion and erosion, controlled primarily by fluctuations of relative sea-level. The coral-algal reefs evolved as the taxonomic composition of reef organisms changed. The Paleocene reef sediments are preserved as large slide blocks and as boulders redeposited from the shallow-water platform onto the slope during the course of the Paleocene.  相似文献   

The modern reef complex north of Jeddah comprises an offshore knoll platform and a fringing reef, subdivised into several depositional zones: tops and upper flanks of offshore reefs; lower flanks of offshore reefs and nearby inter-reef areas; fringing forereef, reef flat and backreef zones, and beach. Sixty-seven sediment samples were collected from the different zones and have been analysed in order to define relationships between the distribution of sedimentary facies and the depositional environments, and to furnish a reliable facies model by using multivariate analysis. Six types and subtypes have been objectively differentiated on the basis of total biogenic component and foraminiferal associations. Grain size data allowed us to discriminate three textural types, whereas five chemotypes have been recognized according to trace element concentration. Regarding the offshore reef platform, poorly sorted, medium sands of molluscan-coralline algal-Amphistegina and Cd types are restricted to the lower flanks of buildups and to the adjacent inter-reef deposits, whereas the tops and upper flanks of theses buildups are characterized by moderately sorted, coarse sands of coralline algal-Tubipora-Amphistegina-encrusting foraminiferal-bryozoan types, with a Mn chemotype. Concerning the fringing reef system, backreef areas exhibit poorly sorted, fine sands of molluscan-Ammonia-Peneroplis and Fe-Cu types. Moderately sorted, coarse sands of coralgal-Calcarina-Spiroloculina and Fe-Zn types are found on the reef flat. The forereef zone is characterized by poorly sorted, fine sand of Triloculina-encrusting foraminiferal-bryozoan and Zn-Mn types. The lateral limits of the various biotypes roughly coincide with the distribution of the relevant living organic communities. Trace elements appear to be either bound to the reef-associated silicate fractions or incorporated into the carbonate skeletons. On the basis of prevailing water conditions, physiography, biological and sedimentological attributes, the fringing reef can be regarded as an asymmetrical structure, with bidimensional (lateral and vertical) facies zonation; in contrast, the offshore platform is a symmetrical structure, with one dimensional (depth-dependent) facies zonation. This system is believed to represent a modern example of a laterally undifferentiated, offshore reef tract in a relatively enclosed basin, at an embryonic passive continental margin.  相似文献   

Sea Urchin is not only the crucial keystone species for the coral reef restoration but also it has antimicrobial and anti-cancer activities. This study undertaken to focus on length weight relationship, size fecundity distribution and the estimation of fecundity from the long-spined Sea Urchin, Diadema savignyi at the coastal water of the middle Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. A total of 633 specimen of D. savignyi has been collected from the coastal water of Obhur Creak during the sampling time. In each species, total length (TL) measured as a TW = 11.908 × 0.9995 (R2 = 0.8975) through the linear regression graph and digital slide callipers and, individual body weight estimated by the digital balance. The natural and fishing mortality 2.02/yr and 0.19/yr respectively has documented from study area. The Asymptotic length value (L∞) (cm) were estimated 7.35 where the growth coefficient (K) was 0.67 from the monthly length-frequency numeric data by using FAO FISAT II software for generating and estimating the population parameters and age. However, the recruitment pattern was observed to be increased gradually with the maximum recruitment peak between the months of September and October 2021. Therefore, the estimation of fecundity varied from 49,226 ova (total length 3.1 cm) to 466,133 ova (total length 6.8). As a result, analysis of the relationship between the absolute fecundity (F) and total length (TL), and between the fecundity and drained body weight (DW), revealed a linear regression model with a positive and significant relationship at p < 0.05. This is the first approach to study the detailed population dynamic of the ecologically and economically important tropical long spine sea urchin (D. savignyi) endemic to the region. However, the result so far obtained from this research would greatly be useful towards the understanding of the detailed population structure and growth patterns that will undoubtedly help us to develop captive breeding, seed production, culture protocols, conservation strategies and isolation bioactive compounds of this high-valued species incommensurate with national and international perspectives.  相似文献   

Members of the Eurasian (or Common) Reed Warbler complex, Acrocephalus scirpaceus, are widespread across much of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. With its relatively complex taxonomy, the identity of several local (and sometimes remote) populations remains somewhat unresolved. In Saudi Arabia, populations of reed warblers were first identified in mangroves at Yanbu’ on the Red Sea coast in 1984, with several subsequent records up to 900 km further south toward the Yemen border. We took morphological data from 51 individuals and genetic material from three individuals captured near Jazan in southwest Saudi Arabia. Both genetic and morphometric data confirmed that these birds belong to the taxon A. scirpaceus avicenniae, sometimes referred to as the Mangrove or Red Sea Reed Warbler.  相似文献   

Permeable sediments and associated microbial communities play a fundamental role in nutrient recycling within coral reef ecosystems by ensuring high levels of primary production in oligotrophic environments. A previous study on organic matter degradation within biogenic carbonate and terrigenous silicate reef sands in the Red Sea suggested that observed sand-specific differences in microbial activity could be caused by variations in microbial biomass and diversity. Here, we tested this hypothesis by comparing bacterial abundance and community structure in both sand types, and by further exploring the structuring effects of time (season) and space (sediment depth, in/out-reef). Changes in bacterial community structure, as determined via automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), were primarily driven by sand mineralogy at specific seasons, sediment depths and reef locations. By coupling ARISA with 16S-ITS rRNA sequencing, we detected significant community shifts already at the bacterial class level, with Proteobacteria (Gamma-, Delta-, Alpha-) and Actinobacteria being prominent members of the highly diverse communities. Overall, our findings suggest that reef sand-associated bacterial communities vary substantially with sand type. Especially in synergy with environmental variation over time and space, mineralogical differences seem to play a central role in maintaining high levels of bacterial community heterogeneity. The local co-occurrence of carbonate and silicate sands may thus significantly increase the availability of microbial niches within a single coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

Schindleria parva, a new species of the family Schindleriidae, is described from two specimens collected from the central Red Sea of Saudi Arabia. The new species is characterized by lack of pigmentation on the body, possession of an inconspicuous gas bladder and the presence of small teeth on the premaxillae. The holotype is a female of 11 mm standard length (SL) (11.9 mm total length) and the paratype is a male of 9 mm SL. Dorsal fin rays 10 (9) anal fin rays 9 (7). The body depth at pectoral-fin origin 5% (4%) of SL, depth at anal-fin origin 8% (7%) SL, predorsal length 63% (65%) SL, preanal length 72% (72%) SL, the first anal-fin ray situated below the fourth dorsal-fin ray), a total of 23 + 16 myomeres. The female contained a series of 30 rectangular eggs in a single row, whereas the male is characterized by a short rod-like urogenital papilla. Species of the genus Schindleria are likely the smallest marine vertebrates on the planet and S. parva is likely the smallest Schindleria species in the Red Sea. The global diversity of Schindleria is likely underestimated due to the paedomorphic features of this genus. Its fast generation times make it a species-rich genus of high turnover rates, thus potentially highly important for the trophic food webs of coral reefs. Thus, this finding advances knowledge on the biodiversity of the Red Sea, highlights its conservation significance, and contributes towards the understanding of the complexity of the coral-reef fish community.  相似文献   

The increased use of natural product in the pharmaceutical industry has led to an increase in demand for screening for bioactive compounds in marine algae. An important economic algae, through chemical composition analysis and their antioxidant activities were investigated in this study. Chemical composition analysis of three algal samples from the Chlorophyta Ulva lactuca (U), Phaeophyta Sargassum crassifolia (S) and Rhodophyta Digenea simplex (D) was tested. Main components were sugars (57.40–185.13 mg/g dry weight), uronic acids (29.3–45.26 mg/g dry weight), sulfate (94.7–181.2 mg/g dry weight), amino acids (7.6–16.7 mg/g dry weight) and small amounts of betaines (2.38–8.47 mg/g dry weight). Hydrolyzed chemical composition analysis fractions of algal extract was shown a great proportion of sugars plus sulfate (as polysaccharide composed) ranges between 332 and 538.2 mg/g dry weight with trace amounts of uronic acids (⩽9%). All three algal extract showed antioxidant activities on lipoxygenase, DPPH and on Ames test. Two of aqueous extracts (U and D) inhibited lipoxygenase activity by less than 50%, where as the methanolic extract (S) caused 76% inhibition of the control. In all cases, the methanolic extract were more inhibitory than the aqueous extract. The (S) showed the highest antioxidant activity with DPPH (69%) in aqueous extract and in methanol extract with Ames test (85%). Both U and D showed antioxidant activity with DPPH in hexane by less of 25% where as in both aqueous and methanolic extracts by less than 50% of the control. Aqueous and methanolic extracts of U and D showed high inhibition by Ames test which caused 70% and 75% respectively. IR spectra of algal extracts (U; D and S) range from 1450 to 750 cm−1 were very similar absorption band at 1430, 1370, 1250, 1130, 1110, 1050 and 1020 cm−1. Absorption bands were due to uronic acids, glucosides and sulfate. The presence of sulfated polysaccharide material in the fractions UF2, DF2 and SF2 were found as cell wall storage of marine algae, confirmed by 13C NMR spectroscopy. It is concluded that the algal species probably have a different components and can be used in the activities of antioxidant enzymes as reduced the risks of enzymes. But the correlation between the chemical composition and antioxidant activities of algal extracts needs further investigation.Abbreviations: (U), Ulva lactuca; (S), Sargassum crassifolia; (D), Digenea simplex; DPPH, α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatographic  相似文献   

This work aims to outline the dynamics of trophic links between the three main microbial components (bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates) of the Farasan Archipelago in order to establish a baseline for future research in this area. The Farasan Archipelago lies along the southwestern coast of the Saudi Arabia, southern Red Sea between 16°20′–17°10′N and 41°30′–42°30′E and had been declared as marine and terrestrial reserve by the year 1996. Three different sites were chosen for this study, with each site visited bimonthly for 18 months from September 2016 to February 2018. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates were enumerated in order to explore the complex interactions between the main microbial categories in sea waters of the Farasan Archipelago. High abundances were recorded during the present study for bacteria (8.7 × 106 bacteria ml−1), nanoflagellates (3.7 × 104 TNAN ml−1) and ciliates (40.4 ciliates ml−1). The paper discusses the various potential pathways controlling the complex interactions between these microbial groups in this part of the southern Red Sea. It is concluded that a linear trophic chain consisting of bacteria; heterotrophic nanoflagellates; filter feeding ciliates is a major route by which the production of bacteria is transferred to the higher consuming levels, thereby confirming the high importance of t bottom-up control (food supply), alongside top-down control (predation) in regulating bacterial abundances in the Farasan Archipelago. During the present investigation, each nanoflagellate ingested between 11 and 87 bacteria in one hour, while each ciliate consumed between 20 and 185 nanoflagellates every hour. These calculated grazing rates of protistan eukaryotes confirmed the role of heterotrophic nanoflagellates as the main consumers of bacteria, and the role of ciliates as the major control for the heterotrophic nanoflagellate population dynamics, and thus the top predators within the microbial plankton assemblage in the Farasan Archipelago.  相似文献   

Accurate and up to date land use and land cover (LU/LC) changes information is the main source to understanding and assessing the environmental outcomes of such changes and is important for development plans. Thus, this study quantified the outlines of land cover variation of 10-years in the northwestern costal land of the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Two different supervised classification algorithms are visualized and evaluated to preparing a policy recommendation for the proper improvements towards better determining the tendency and the proportion of the vegetation cover changes. Firstly, to determine present vegetation structure of study area, 78 stands with a size of 50 × 50 m were analysed. Secondly, to obtain the vegetation dynamics in this area, two satellite images of temporal data sets were used; therefore, SPOT-5 images were obtained in 2004 and 2013. For each data set, four SPOT-5 scenes were placed into approximately 250-km intervals to cover the northwestern coastal land of the Red Sea. Both supervised and non-supervised cataloguing methods were attained towards organise the study area in 4-major land cover classes through using 5 various organizations algorithms. Approximately 900 points were evenly distributed within each SPOT-5 image and used for assessment accuracy. The floristic composition exhibits high diversity with 142 species and seven vegetation types were identified after multivariate analysis (VG I: Acacia tortilis-Acacia ehrenbergiana, VG II: Acacia tortilis-Stipagrostis plumosa, VG III: Zygophyllum coccineum-Zygophyllum simplex, VG IV: Acacia raddiana-Lycium shawii-Anabasis setifera, VG V: Tamarix aucheriana-Juncus rigidus, VG VI: Capparis decidua-Zygophyllum simplex and VG VII: Avicennia marina-Aristida adscensionis) and ranged between halophytic vegetation on the coast to xerophytic vegetation with scattered Acacia trees inland. The dynamic results showed rapid, imbalanced variations arises between 3-land cover classes (areas as urban, vegetation and desert). However, these findings shall serve as the baseline data for the design of rehabilitation programs that conserve biodiversity in arid regions and form treasured resources for an urban planner and decision makers to device bearable usage of land and environmental planning.  相似文献   

Along the northwestern margin of Safaga Island (Northern Bay of Safaga, Red Sea, Egypt) a small fringing reef (several hundred meters long, up to 2 m high) and small patch reefs are developed due to the local current regime which is favorable for coral growth. Corals and reef rock are encrusted by coralline algae, predominantly by branchedLithophyllum kotschyanum. Owing to destructional processes dominated by sea urchin activities, fragmentation of (1) corals, (2) reef rock, and (3) coralline algae takes place resulting in the formation of almost mono-specific, branchedLithophyllum kotschyanum rhodoliths. Rhodolith formation takes place in various reef environments: (1) in depressions on the reef flat where ellipsoidal rhodoliths develop, with interlocking and fusing branches leading to a coralline algal framework; (2) in discharge channels where smaller elongated rhodoliths occur; (3) in leeward positions between reef flat and seagrass meadows, where a dense belt of spheroidal to ellipsoidal rhodoliths is formed; scattered rhodoliths occur in adjacent seagrass beds. The formation and preservation of rhodoliths requires a complex interplay of destruction, growth, transportation, movement, and stabilization.  相似文献   

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