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Diversity has a key role in the dynamics and resilience of communities and both interspecific (species) and intraspecific (genotypic) diversity can have important effects on community structure and function. However, a critical and unresolved question for understanding the ecology of a community is to what extent these two levels of diversity are functionally substitutable? Here we show, for a mixed-species biofilm community composed of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. protegens and Klebsiella pneumoniae, that increased interspecific diversity reduces and functionally substitutes for intraspecific diversity in mediating tolerance to stress. Biofilm populations generated high percentages of genotypic variants, which were largely absent in biofilm communities. Biofilms with either high intra- or interspecific diversity were more tolerant to SDS stress than biofilms with no or low diversity. Unexpectedly, genotypic variants decreased the tolerance of biofilm communities when experimentally introduced into the communities. For example, substituting P. protegens wild type with its genotypic variant within biofilm communities decreased SDS tolerance by twofold, apparently due to perturbation of interspecific interactions. A decrease in variant frequency was also observed when biofilm populations were exposed to cell-free effluents from another species, suggesting that extracellular factors have a role in selection against the appearance of intraspecific variants. This work demonstrates the functional substitution of inter- and intraspecific diversity for an emergent property of biofilms. It also provides a potential explanation for a long-standing paradox in microbiology, in which morphotypic variants are common in laboratory grown biofilm populations, but are rare in diverse, environmental biofilm communities.  相似文献   

AimsSoil organisms can influence the plant diversity-productivity relationship at species level; however, little is known about their role in the relationship at an intraspecific level. This study aimed to investigate the interaction between the effects of plant intraspecific diversity and a root-knot nematode on primary production and community evenness.  相似文献   

Among various potential consequences of rarity is genetic erosion. Neutral genetic theory predicts that rare species will have lower genetic diversity than common species. To examine the association between genetic diversity and rarity, variation at eight DNA microsatellite markers was documented for 14 Acropora species that display different patterns of distribution and abundance in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Our results show that the relationship between rarity and genetic diversity is not a positive linear association because, contrary to expectations, some rare species are genetically diverse and some populations of common species are genetically depleted. Our data suggest that inbreeding is the most likely mechanism of genetic depletion in both rare and common corals, and that hybridization is the most likely explanation for higher than expected levels of genetic diversity in rare species. A significant hypothesis generated from our study with direct conservation implications is that as a group, Acropora corals have lower genetic diversity at neutral microsatellite loci than may be expected from their taxonomic diversity, and this may suggest a heightened susceptibility to environmental change. This hypothesis requires validation based on genetic diversity estimates derived from a large portion of the genome.  相似文献   

Variation in both inter‐ and intraspecific traits affects community dynamics, yet we know little regarding the relative importance of external environmental filters versus internal biotic interactions that shape the functional space of communities along broad‐scale environmental gradients, such as latitude, elevation, or depth. We examined changes in several key aspects of functional alpha diversity for marine fishes along depth and latitude gradients by quantifying intra‐ and interspecific richness, dispersion, and regularity in functional trait space. We derived eight functional traits related to food acquisition and locomotion and calculated seven complementary indices of functional diversity for 144 species of marine ray‐finned fishes along large‐scale depth (50–1200 m) and latitudinal gradients (29°–51° S) in New Zealand waters. Traits were derived from morphological measurements taken directly from footage obtained using Baited Remote Underwater Stereo‐Video systems and museum specimens. We partitioned functional variation into intra‐ and interspecific components for the first time using a PERMANOVA approach. We also implemented two tree‐based diversity metrics in a functional distance‐based context for the first time: namely, the variance in pairwise functional distance and the variance in nearest neighbor distance. Functional alpha diversity increased with increasing depth and decreased with increasing latitude. More specifically, the dispersion and mean nearest neighbor distances among species in trait space and intraspecific trait variability all increased with depth, whereas functional hypervolume (richness) was stable across depth. In contrast, functional hypervolume, dispersion, and regularity indices all decreased with increasing latitude; however, intraspecific trait variation increased with latitude, suggesting that intraspecific trait variability becomes increasingly important at higher latitudes. These results suggest that competition within and among species are key processes shaping functional multidimensional space for fishes in the deep sea. Increasing morphological dissimilarity with increasing depth may facilitate niche partitioning to promote coexistence, whereas abiotic filtering may be the dominant process structuring communities with increasing latitude.  相似文献   

长苞铁杉天然林群落种内及种间竞争关系研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
通过各种竞争指数的比较筛选,得到较能客观反映长苞铁杉种内、种间竞争关系的竞争指数,定量地分析了长苞铁杉种内和种间竞争强度。结果表明:长苞铁杉种内竞争随胸径的增大而逐渐减少;种间与种内竞争关系顺序为:长苞铁杉-长苞铁杉>猴头杜鹃-长苞铁杉>青冈栎-长苞铁杉>其它树种-长苞铁杉。竞争强度与对象木的胸高直径服从双曲线回归关系,利用模型预测了长苞铁杉种内、种间的竞争强度。  相似文献   

Recent extensive quantitative sampling of the deep-sea bottom has revealed communities much richer in species than previously thought. In situ experiments and more precise sampling using free-vehicle instruments and submersibles have provided a more accurate assessment of spatial and temporal variation on the sea floor. These studies have demonstrated the importance of small patches (millimeters to meters) of biogenic disturbance and food input separated on spatial scales of meters to kilometers. In this respect, the processes maintaining deep-sea diversity are similar to those in other species-rich environments such as rain forests.  相似文献   

Some haloarchaea avoid the harsh conditions present in evaporating brines by entombment in brine inclusions within forming halite crystals, where a subset of haloarchaea survives over geological time. However, shifts in the community structure of halite-entombed archaeal communities remain poorly understood. Therefore, we analysed archaeal communities from in situ hypersaline brines collected from Trapani saltern (Sicily) and their successional changes in brines versus laboratory-grown halite over 21 weeks, using high-throughput sequencing. Haloarchaea were dominant, comprising >95% of the archaeal community. Unexpectedly, the OTU richness of the communities after 21 weeks was indistinguishable from the parent brine and overall archaeal abundance in halite showed no clear temporal trends. Furthermore, the duration of entombment was less important than the parent brine from which the halite derived in determining the community composition and relative abundances of most genera in halite-entombed communities. These results show that halite-entombed archaeal communities are resilient to entombment durations of up to 21 weeks, and that entombment in halite may be an effective survival strategy for near complete communities of haloarchaea. Additionally, the dominance of ‘halite specialists’ observed in ancient halite must occur over periods of years, rather than months, hinting at long-term successional dynamics in this environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study, we examined two sets of contact neighbour data from lichen-dominated communities (one saxicolous, the other epiphytic) to determine whether the diversity of contact neighbours is significantly less than expected, indicating segregation of species. We also wanted to test whether the observed neighbour diversity changed with the species' own frequency. Using two measures of diversity, we found that in both saxicolous and epiphytic communities, there was a significant tendency for neighbour diversity to be lower than expected. The results are consistent with Pacala's spatial segregation hypothesis but may indicate that the plants’responses to environmental variables act at very small scales in these communities.  相似文献   

Threatened Caribbean coral communities can benefit from high‐resolution genetic data used to inform management and conservation action. We use Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) to investigate genetic patterns in the threatened coral, Acropora cervicornis, across the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) and the western Caribbean. Results show extensive population structure at regional scales and resolve previously unknown structure within the FRT. Different regions also exhibit up to threefold differences in genetic diversity (He), suggesting targeted management based on the goals and resources of each population is needed. Patterns of genetic diversity have a strong spatial component, and our results show Broward and the Lower Keys are among the most diverse populations in Florida. The genetic diversity of Caribbean staghorn coral is concentrated within populations and within individual reefs (AMOVA), highlighting the complex mosaic of population structure. This variance structure is similar over regional and local scales, which suggests that in situ nurseries are adequately capturing natural patterns of diversity, representing a resource that can replicate the average diversity of wild assemblages, serving to increase intraspecific diversity and potentially leading to improved biodiversity and ecosystem function. Results presented here can be translated into specific goals for the recovery of A. cervicornis, including active focus on low diversity areas, protection of high diversity and connectivity, and practical thresholds for responsible restoration.  相似文献   

Marine recreational tourism is one of a number of threats to the Belize Barrier Reef but, conversely, represents both a motivation and source of resources for its conservation. The growth of tourism in Belize has resulted in the fact that many coastal communities are in varying stages of a socio-economic shift from dependence on fishing to dependence on tourism. In a nation becoming increasingly dependent on the health of its coral reef ecosystems for economic prosperity, a shift from extractive uses to their preservation is both necessary and logical. Through examining local perception data in five coastal communities in Belize, each attracting different levels of coral reef related tourism, this analysis is intended to explore the relationship between tourism development and local coral reef conservation awareness and support. The results of the analysis show a positive correlation between tourism development and coral reef conservation awareness and support in the study communities. The results also show a positive correlation between tourism development and local perceptions of quality of life, a trend that is most likely the source of the observed relationship between tourism and conservation. The study concludes that, because the observed relationship may be dependent on continued benefits from tourism as opposed to a perceived crisis in coral reef health, Belize must pay close attention to tourism impacts in the future. Failure to do this could result in a destructive feedback loop that would contribute to the degradation of the reef and, ultimately, Belize’s diminished competitiveness in the ecotourism market.
A. DiedrichEmail:

Acropora white syndrome (AWS) is characterized by rapid tissue loss revealing the white underlying skeleton and affects corals worldwide; however, reports of causal agents are conflicting. Samples were collected from healthy and diseased corals and seawater around American Samoa and bacteria associated with AWS characterized using both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods, from coral mucus and tissue slurries, respectively. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from coral tissue were dominated by the Gammaproteobacteria, and Jaccard's distances calculated between the clone libraries showed that those from diseased corals were more similar to each other than to those from healthy corals. 16S rRNA genes from 78 culturable coral mucus isolates also revealed a distinct partitioning of bacterial genera into healthy and diseased corals. Isolates identified as Vibrionaceae were further characterized by multilocus sequence typing, revealing that whilst several Vibrio spp. were found to be associated with AWS lesions, a recently described species, Vibrio owensii, was prevalent amongst cultured Vibrio isolates. Unaffected tissues from corals with AWS had a different microbiota than normal Acropora as found by others. Determining whether a microbial shift occurs prior to disease outbreaks will be a useful avenue of pursuit and could be helpful in detecting prodromal signs of coral disease prior to manifestation of lesions.  相似文献   

To assess the level of genetic variation in a threatened black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) population, we examined 36 allozyme loci and restriction fragment profiles of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Mean heterozygosity at allozyme loci was only 0.021 and 5.6 percent of the loci were polymorphic. Analyses of mtDNA also revealed low genetic diversity compared with other primates. F-statistics revealed no significant genetic heterogeneity among troops within the Bermudian Landing preserve, but did indicate a deficiency of heterozygotes at one of the two loci. We explore several explanations for this result, which is unexpected in a socially structured primate. Low genetic diversity in this population may reflect its history of demographic bottlenecks. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:329–336, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aim The flora of northern Mesoamerica conventionally has been thought to be derived from taxa that emigrated from South America, but this view has recently been challenged as too simple. The dominance of limestone substrata in much of northern Mesoamerica, and its rarity in the rest of the continental Neotropics, may be one cause of the complexity of northern Mesoamerican floristics. Furthermore, northern Mesoamerica experiences longer and more intense seasonal drought than the rest of the continental Neotropics. As edaphic drought is accentuated with elevation on limestone soils, it may be expected that different topographic features have different phytogeographical affinities for seasonally drought‐prone areas of the Neotropics. The objective of this study was to test for effects of different topographic positions on the composition, phytogeography and diversity of tree species in a limestone area of Belize. Location Maya Mountains, Belize, Mesoamerica. Methods The diversity and local, regional, and hemispheric distributions of tree species on limestone valley floors, lower and upper slopes, and ridges were compared in southern Belize using 2 × 500 m transects as sample plots. Results Stem density increased, and percentage of large trees decreased, significantly with elevation above the valley floors. The proportions of species that had widespread distributions decreased significantly with increasing elevation above the valley floors. The proportions of species having northern Mesoamerican distributions increased significantly with elevation above the valley floors. All of the forests generally had the strongest phytogeographical affinities for the Petén (Guatemala) and Mexico, but greater affinities for the Yucatán were observed with increasing elevation above the valley floors. Species with distributions including the Greater Antilles made up an increasingly significant element, in terms of species and numbers of stems, with increasing elevation above the floors of valleys. Valley floors and ridges had the highest percentages of species unique to their topographic positions, 61% and 39% of their species, respectively, and were very similar in diversity. Slope forests had the highest diversity of trees ≥ 5 cm d.b.h. and were transitional in composition among the topographic positions. Main conclusions Despite relatively small changes in elevation, the composition, diversity and physical structure of the limestone forests changed significantly with topography. Such changes were presumably due to the greater edaphic drought experienced by these forests, and possibly due to lower levels of disturbance and differences in forest age, with increasing elevation above the floors of valleys.  相似文献   

解释生产力的变异需要考虑群落间植物高度的种内变异 已有研究表明,种内性状变异在群落构建过程中具有重要作用,但是迄今为止关于种内性状变异对生态系统功能的贡献仍然知之甚少。我们在青藏高原的高寒草甸进行了为期4年的功能群去 除实验,以研究植物高度的种间和种内变异对生产力的相对重要性。将75个控制群落内的株高总 变异分为种间变异(TVinter)和种内变异(ITVwithin),将群落间的群落加权平均高度分解为固定群落加权平 均值(CWMfixed)和群落间种内变异(ITVamong)。我们通过广义加性混合模型、模型筛选和结构方程模型评估了性状变异(即TVinter、ITVwithin、CWMfixed和ITVamong)如何间接介导功能群去除后生产力的变化。研究结果表明,功能群去除不仅会直接引起生产力变化,同时还会通过改变种间和种内株高变异间接影响生产力(即CWMfixed和ITVamong)。“选择效应”和“避荫综合征”都可能导致更高的CWMfixed和ITVamong,从而起到调节生产力的作用。该研究结果说明,只考虑种间变异可能会低估植物群落功能结构在驱动生态系统过程中的贡献。  相似文献   

We extend the neutral theory of macroecology by deriving biodiversity models (relative species abundance and species-area relationships) in a local community-metacommunity system in which the local community is embedded within the metacommunity. We first demonstrate that the local species diversity patterns converge to that of the metacommunity as the size (scale) of the embedded local community increases. This result shows that in continuous landscapes no sharp boundaries dividing the communities at the two scales exist; they are an artificial distinction made by the current spatially implicit neutral theory. Second, we remove the artificial restriction that speciation cannot occur in a local community, even if the effects of local speciation are small. Third, we introduce stochasticity into the immigration rate, previously treated as constant, and demonstrate that local species diversity is a function not only of the mean but also of the variance in immigration rate. High variance in immigration rates reduces species diversity in local communities. Finally, we show that a simple relationship exists between the fundamental diversity parameter of neutral theory and Simpson's index for local communities. Derivation of this relationship extends recent work on diversity indices and provides a means of evaluating the effect of immigration on estimates of the fundamental diversity parameter derived from relative species abundance data on local communities.  相似文献   

Summary Among the parameters describing weevil communities two groups of parameters, which are positively correlated among themselves, were found. The first group includes: relative abundance, number of species, and participation of habitat generalists, the second: stability, mean body size, and participation of habitat specialists. The parameters belonging to opposite groups were negatively correlated.Among the parameters describing host plants of the weevils, no correlation was found between species number and relative abundance, while a negative correlation was found between total mass of host plants and their relative abundance.Weevil species diversity and the group of its correlates were positively correlated with analogical parameters of their host plants while weevil stability showed positive correlation with the total mass of host plants and the proportion of these plants in the total mass of vegetation.The reasons for negative correlation between stability and diversity of weevils and relations of these two parameters to selection strategy of these beetles are discussed.  相似文献   

The bacterial and microalgal endosymbiont (Symbiodiniaceae spp.) communities associated with corals have important roles in their health and resilience, yet little is known about the factors driving their succession during early coral life stages. Using 16S rRNA gene and ITS2 metabarcoding, we compared these communities in four Acropora coral species and their hybrids obtained from two laboratory crosses (Acropora tenuis × Acropora loripes and Acropora sarmentosa × Acropora florida) across the parental, recruit (7 months old) and juvenile (2 years old) life stages. We tested whether microbiomes differed between (a) life stages, (b) hybrids and purebreds, and (c) treatment conditions (ambient/elevated temperature and pCO2). Microbial communities of early life stage corals were highly diverse, lacked host specificity and were primarily determined by treatment conditions. Over time, a winnowing process occurred, and distinct microbial communities developed between the two species pair crosses by 2 years of age, irrespective of hybrid or purebred status. These findings suggest that the microbial communities of corals have a period of flexibility prior to adulthood, which can be valuable to future research aimed at the manipulation of coral microbial communities.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is one of the key drivers of the ongoing decline of biodiversity. However, ecologists still argue about how fragmentation of habitat (independent of habitat loss) affects species richness. The recently proposed habitat amount hypothesis posits that species richness only depends on the total amount of habitat in a local landscape. In contrast, empirical studies report contrasting patterns: some find positive and others negative effects of fragmentation per se on species richness. To explain this apparent disparity, we devise a stochastic, spatially explicit model of competitive species communities in heterogeneous habitats. The model shows that habitat loss and fragmentation have complex effects on species diversity in competitive communities. When the total amount of habitat is large, fragmentation per se tends to increase species diversity, but if the total amount of habitat is small, the situation is reversed: fragmentation per se decreases species diversity.  相似文献   

The diversity of functional forms and strategies in plant communities is essential to the maintenance of the services that ecosystems provide humanity, and ultimately to the homeostasis of the biosphere. This diversity emerges from evolutionary forces operating at lower levels; these exploit the opportunities for specialization presented by exogenous and endogenous spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Two major theoretical approaches have been taken to understand how strategies arise and are maintained: optimization models, which consider the fitnesses of types in isolation, and game-theoretic methods, which take frequency dependence into account. The game-theoretic approach is more powerful, but also more challenging to apply. For some relatively simple problems in the study of biodiversity, we show how the game-theoretic formulation can be translated into an equivalent problem in optimization. More generally, however, new techniques will be needed to explore the dynamics of multiple coexisting types and strategies.  相似文献   

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