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To determine if heat exposure alters the hormonal responses to moderate, repeated exercise, 11 healthy male subjects [age = 27.1 (3.0) years; maximal oxygen consumption, O2max = 47.6 (6.2) ml · kg · min−1; mean (SD)] were assigned to four different experimental conditions according to a randomized-block design. While in a thermoneutral (23°C) or heated (40°C, 30% relative humidity) climatic chamber, subjects performed either cycle ergometer exercise (two 30-min bouts at ≈50% O2max, separated by a 45-min recovery interval, CEx and HEx conditions), or remained seated for 3 h (CS and HS conditions). Blood samples were analyzed for various exercise stress hormones [epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), dopamine, cortisol and human growth hormone (hGH)]. Passive heating did not alter the concentrations of any of these hormones significantly. During both environmental conditions, exercise induced significant (P < 0.001) elevations in plasma E, NE and hGH levels. At 23°C during bout 1: E = 393 (199) pmol · l−1 (CEx) vs 174 (85) pmol · l−1 (CS), NE = 4593 (2640) pmol · l−1 (CEx) vs 1548 (505) pmol · l−1 (CS), and hGH = 274 (340) pmol · l−1 (CEx)vs 64 (112) pmol · l−1 (CS). At 40°C, bout 1: E = 596 (346) pmol · l−1 (HEx) vs 323 (181) pmol · l−1 (HS), NE = 7789 (5129) pmol · l−1 (HEx) vs 1527 (605) pmol · l−1 (HS), and hGH = 453 (494) pmol · l−1 (HEx) vs 172 (355) pmol · l−1 (HS). However, concentrations of plasma cortisol were increased only in response to exercise in the heat [HEx = 364 (168) nmol · l−1 vs HS = 295 (114) nmol · l−1). Compared to exercise at room temperature, plasma levels of E, NE and cortisol were all higher during exercise in the heat (P < 0.001 in all cases). The repetition of exercise did not significantly alter the pattern of change in cortisol or hGH levels in either environmental condition. However, repetition of exercise in the heat increased circulatory and psychological stress, with significantly (P < 0.001) higher plasma concentrations of E and NE. These results indicate a differential response of the various stress hormones to heat exposure and repeated moderate exercise. Accepted: 16 April 1997  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are regulators of stress response essential for survival. Liver disease can alter this homeostatic mechanism in patients with liver cirrhosis – a finding that might mirror the controversially discussed condition of critical illness related corticosteroid insufficiency.Underlying mechanisms might be shared molecular pathways in both bile acid as well as glucocorticoid metabolism at the level of synthesis, catabolism or the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. Molecular links include the farnesoid X receptor FXR or the G protein-coupled bile acid receptor TGR5 expressed in the liver and the adrenals.In this review we sum up knowledge on the regulation of adrenal gland function and steroidogenesis, focussing on bile acids and potential alterations under cholestatic conditions, depict molecular links between glucocorticoid and bile acid metabolism and discuss the difficulties of assessment of adrenal function in humans in general and more specifically in liver diseases.  相似文献   

Stress decreases sexual activity, but it is uncertain which aspects of stress are detrimental to reproduction. This study used an escapable/inescapable stress paradigm to attempt to dissociate physical from psychological components of stress, and assess each component's impact on reproductive behavior in the male Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Two experiments were completed using this protocol where two animals receive the same physical stressor (an electric footshock) but differ in the psychological aspect of control. One group (executive) could terminate the shock for themselves as well as a second group (yoked) by pressing a bar. Experiment 1 demonstrated a significant increase in plasma glucocorticoids at the end of a single 90-min stress session with no difference in glucocorticoid levels between the executive and yoked groups at any time point. Experiment 2 quantified male reproductive behavior prior to and immediately following 12 days of escapable or inescapable stress in executive, yoked, and no-stress control hamsters (n = 12/group). Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a number of significant changes in reproductive behavior before and after stress in the three treatment groups. The most striking difference was a decrease in hit rate observed only in the animals that could not control their stress (yoked group). Hit rate in the executive males that received the exact same physical stressor but could terminate the shock by pressing a bar was nearly identical to control animals that never received any foot shock. Therefore, we conclude that coping or control can ameliorate the negative effects of stress on male reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Visual censuses of coral reef fishes in Nha Trang Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA) were conducted during September–October 2005. Nha Trang Bay MPA is relatively rich in reef fishes compared to other areas in Vietnam and the Pacific Ocean outside the ‘Coral Triangle,’ consistent with its biogeographic location in the western South China Sea. A total of 266 species of 40 families of coral reef fishes formed five distinct assemblages. Spatial variations in distribution and structure of the assemblages were associated with eight significant biological and physical variables which were cover of living hard corals, encrusting corals, branching corals, Acropora, Millepora, Montipora, depth and distance from the coast of the mainland. The six factors in front are likely related to provision of shelter and nutrition, while the distance factor is likely to represent a gradient in disturbance and impacts from various mainland sources including sedimentation and pollution discharge from nearby rivers. Local species richness ranged from 35 to 70 species 500 m−2 (mean: 51 ± 2 SE) for reef flat stations and from 23 to 68 species 500 m−2 (mean: 48 ± 4 SE) for reef slope stations. Total species richness at each site averaged 76 species (±4 SE), ranging from 56 to 110 species, dominated by wrasses, damselfishes, butterflyfishes, parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, groupers and goatfishes. Density of total fishes at each station ranged from 348 to 1,444 individuals 500 m−2 (mean: 722 ± 302 SE) for the reef flat stations and from 252 to 929 individuals 500 m−2 (mean: 536 ± 215.7 SE) for the reef slope stations. Overall mean density at each site averaged 628.9 (±238.4 SE) individuals 500 m−2. The highly protected sites supported higher mean density of fishes per site (ranged: 904.5–1,213 individuals 500 m−2 for Hon Mun and 1,167.5 individuals 500 m−2 for Hon Cau) compared to other sites (<800 individuals 500 m−2). Of the families included in the census, densities were dominated throughout the MPA by damselfishes and wrasses. Many target species, particularly groupers, snappers and emperors, were rare or absent and the low abundance of big fishes was consistent with over-harvesting. Similarly a low density of butterfly fishes and angelfishes is likely related to the supply for marine aquaria in Vietnam and overseas. This study provides an important baseline against which the success of present and future MPA management initiatives may be assessed.  相似文献   

Towards understanding the ontogeny of energy balance regulation in vertebrates we analyzed the responses of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and corticosterone to food deprivation in the Western spadefoot toad (Spea hammondii) at three developmental stages: premetamorphic tadpole, prometamorphic tadpole, and juvenile. Corticosterone responses to 5 days of food deprivation varied among developmental stages. Both pre- and prometamorphic tadpoles increased whole-body corticosterone content with food deprivation, but the magnitude of the response of premetamorphic tadpoles was significantly greater. By contrast, juvenile toads decreased plasma corticosterone concentration. Similarly, brain CRF peptide content tended to increase in food-deprived tadpoles but did not change in food-deprived juveniles. Therefore, there is an ontogenetic difference in the way the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis responds to food deprivation in amphibians. In tadpoles, the HPI axis is activated in response to fasting as is seen in birds and mammals, and may be associated with mobilization of stored fuels and increased foraging. Juvenile toads do not respond to food deprivation by activating the HPI axis, but instead pursue a strategy of energy conservation that involves a reduction in plasma corticosterone concentration.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, glucocorticoids mediate a wide-range of responses to stressors. For this reason, they are implicated in adaptation to changes in predation pressure. Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from high-predation environments have repeatedly and independently colonized and adapted to low-predation environments, resulting in parallel changes in life history, morphology, and behavior. We validated methods for non-invasive waterborne hormone sample collection in this species, and used this technique to examine genetic and environmental effects of predation on basal glucocorticoid (cortisol) levels. To examine genetic differences, we compared waterborne cortisol levels in high- and low-predation fish from two distinct population pairs. We found that fish from high-predation localities had lower cortisol levels than their low-predation counterparts. To isolate environmental influences, we compared waterborne cortisol levels in genetically similar fish reared with and without exposure to predator chemical cues. We found that fish reared with predator chemical cues had lower waterborne cortisol levels than those reared without. Comparisons of waterborne and whole-body cortisol levels demonstrated that populations differed in overall cortisol levels in the body, whereas rearing conditions altered the release of cortisol from the body into the water. Thus, evolutionary history with predators and lifetime exposure to predator cues were both associated with lower cortisol release, but depended on distinct physiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

M. I. McCormick 《Oecologia》1999,118(4):412-422
Maternal hormones can play an important role in the development of fish larvae. Levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in females are elevated by social interactions and transferred directly to the yolk of eggs, where they may influence developmental rates. In some vertebrates, prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone determine early growth rates, social status and reproductive success. The present study examined whether post-fertilization exposure of eggs of the tropical damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae), to natural levels of cortisol or testosterone directly affects larval morphology at hatching. Maternal and egg levels of cortisol and testosterone varied widely among clutches of eggs from local populations around Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The morphology of larvae produced by these local fish populations also varied widely and differed significantly among sites (e.g., standard length: 2.6–3.4 mm; yolk sac area: 0.01–0.13 × 10−2 mm2). Laboratory experiments showed that elevated cortisol levels in the egg reduced larval length at hatching, while slight elevations in testosterone increased yolk sac size. The influence of testosterone, and to a smaller extent cortisol, on larval morphology differed among egg clutches. These differences were partly explained by differences in initial egg hormone levels. Morphological changes induced by experimental hormonal regimes encompassed the entire range of variability in body attributes found in field populations. It is unclear whether cortisol influences growth alone or development rate or both. Testosterone appears to influence yolk utilization rates, and has no significant effect on growth, in contrast to its role in later developmental stages. Maternally derived cortisol and testosterone are important in regulating growth, development, and nutritive reserves of the embryo and larvae of this fish species. Factors that influence the maternal levels of cortisol and testosterone may have a major impact on larval mortality schedules and, therefore, on which breeding individuals contribute to the next generation. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Studies on primates and other taxa have shown that the physiological response of an individual to stress reflects their social status. We combined behavioral observations with measures of stress to test the hypothesis that stress is an important physiological determinant of mating behavior and success in the male grey seal. Known-age males (N=19) were studied during the breeding seasons of 2004 and 2005 at Sable Island, Canada. The stressor was a capture and restraint period of 35 min and serial samples of cortisol and testosterone were taken as measures of stress. The mean baseline concentrations of cortisol and testosterone were 9.7+/-0.5 ug/dl and 6.2+/-0.6 ng/mL, respectively. The baseline cortisol concentration was negatively correlated with the duration of time a male spent at a site (r=-0.507, P=0.027), which was a strong correlate of mating success (r=0.659, P=0.002). All males experienced an increase in the concentration of cortisol during the restraint period (79.1+/-8.4%; CV=46.1%). The percentage rise in cortisol during restraint was correlated with the mean duration of time spent at a site (r=0.544, P=0.016) and thus success. The concentration of testosterone also increased during the restraint period (32.8+/-9.7%). This might be an adaptive response to maintaining the ability to reproduce while under stress. Our study indicates that stress is an important determinant of success in male grey seals. More successful males might exhibit an adaptive response to stress by maintaining low concentrations of cortisol during breeding.  相似文献   

In the past decade there has been a profusion of studies highlighting covariation between individual differences in stress physiology and behavioural profiles, here called personalities. Such individual differences in ways of coping with stress are relevant both in biomedicine, since different personalities may experience a different stress and disease vulnerability, and in behavioural ecology, since their adaptive value and evolutionary maintenance are the subject of debate. However, the precise way in whi...  相似文献   

为了解燕山地区访花昆虫的群落结构及与其生境类型、干扰程度、海拔之间的关系, 本文采用样线法和灯诱法于2019年、2020年每年的7-8月对该地区湿地、森林、灌丛、草地、农田5种生境, 不同海拔梯度(0-1,200 m)的访花昆虫进行了采集。共采集访花昆虫1,306头, 隶属7目44科153种, 其中鳞翅目昆虫物种数最多, 半翅目昆虫个体数最多。灌丛生境的访花昆虫多样性最高。在中低海拔200-400 m段, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Simpson优势度指数均最高。双变量回归结果表明, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数分别与最暖季降水量和年降水量显著正相关(P < 0.05)。冗余分析(redundancy analysis)结果表明, 环境因子显著影响访花昆虫多样性, 但不同测度之间存在一定差异。温度和湿度均与Pielou均匀度指数呈正相关, 与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Simpson优势度指数呈负相关; 弱干扰和中干扰程度对访花昆虫多样性影响最小, 科学管理农牧活动是保护访花昆虫多样性的关键。  相似文献   

The adrenal gland synthesizes steroid hormones from the adrenal cortex and catecholamines from the adrenal medulla. Both cortisol and adrenal androgens can have powerful effects on bone. The overproduction of cortisol in Cushing’s disease leads to a dramatic reduction in bone density and an increase risk of fracture. Overproduction of adrenal androgens in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) leads to marked changes in bone growth and development with early growth acceleration but ultimately a significant reduction in final adult height. The role of more physiological levels of glucocorticoids and androgens on bone metabolism is less clear. Cortisol levels measured in elderly individuals show a weak correlation with measures of bone density and change in bone density over time with a high cortisol level associated with lower bone density and more rapid bone loss. Cortisol levels and the dynamics of cortisol secretion change with age which could also explain some age related changes in bone physiology. It is also now clear that adrenal steroids can be metabolized within bone tissue itself. Local synthesis of cortisol within bone from its inactive precursor cortisone has been demonstrated and the amount of cortisol produced within osteoblasts appears to increase with age. With regard to adrenal androgens there is a dramatic reduction in levels with aging and several studies have examined the impact that restoration of these levels back to those seen in younger individuals has on bone health. Most of these studies show small positive effects in women, not men, but the skeletal sites where benefits are seen varies from study to study.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of social affiliation has been well established. It is unclear, however, what endogenous mechanisms may mediate affiliative behavior. The Australian zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) breeds colonially and adults maintain lifelong pair bonds that may be disrupted in the wild due to high mortality rates. Many of its natural, social behaviors are maintained in laboratory conditions, making this species well suited for studying the mechanisms of affiliation. This study examines the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to pair mate separation and reunion in zebra finches. We measured plasma corticosterone (CORT) and behavioral changes following separation from a pair bonded mate, and again upon reintroducing the mate or an opposite-sex cagemate. Plasma CORT concentrations were: (1). elevated during pair mate separation, even in the presence of other same-sex individuals, and (2). reduced to baseline upon reunion with the pair mate but not upon re-pairing with a new opposite-sex partner. These findings show that zebra finches exhibit hormonal responses to separation and reunion specifically with a bonded pair mate and not with other familiar conspecifics. In addition, alterations in behavior during separation and reunion are consistent with monogamous pair bond maintenance. This study presents evidence for adrenocortical involvement in avian pair bonding, and for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activation in response to an ecologically relevant social stressor.  相似文献   

The psychological stress of competition is a powerful stimulus affecting numerous hormones, which in turn change how pain is perceived. This study investigated whether a kumdo (kendo) team competition may be related to changes in hormones and pain. Seventeen healthy male kumdo practitioners participated in this experiment. Pain experiments were conducted by applying noxious stimuli with a thermal stimulator 10 min before a kumdo competition and 30 min post-competition. Serum testosterone, cortisol, beta-endorphin levels, pain thresholds, pain ratings at 48 °C and during blood sampling (sampling pain), anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate were measured pre- and post-competition. Anxiety, pain threshold, testosterone/cortisol ratio, and blood pressure were significantly higher pre-competition compared to post-competition, while cortisol and pain ratings were significantly lower pre-competition than post-competition. There were significant correlations between the number of previous competitions and testosterone levels both pre-competition and post-competition. In pre-competition measurements, sampling pain increased with an increase in systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and beta-endorphins, and a decrease in age. In post-competition measurements, sampling pain increased with an increase in diastolic blood pressure and a decrease in testosterone levels. These results indicate that severe psychological pre-competition stress was associated with reduced pain ratings, perhaps in order to improve athletic performance. This also suggests that competitors may be at risk of potential injury due to changes in pain perception, and careful consideration should be taken to avoid potential injury before and during competition.  相似文献   

Abstract: Corticosterone, a steroid secreted during stress, increases hippocampal neuronal vulnerability to excitotoxins, hypoxia-ischemia, and antimetabolites. Energy supplementation and N -methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists prevent this corticosterone-enhanced neurotoxicity. Because neuronal calcium regulation is energy dependent and a large calcium influx accompanies N -methyl-d-aspartate receptor activation, we investigated whether corticosterone exacerbates the elevation of hippocampal neuronal calcium induced by the glutamatergic excitotoxin kainic acid. Corticosterone caused a 23-fold increase in the magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid, a sevenfold increase in the peak magnitude of the calcium response, and a twofold increase in calcium recovery time. This corticosterone effect may be energetic in nature as corticosterone decreases hippocampal neuronal glucose transport. Glucose supplementation reduced the corticosterone effect on the magnitude and peak magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid. Glucose reduction, by the approximate magnitude by which corticosterone inhibits glucose transport, mimicked the corticosterone effect on the peak magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid. Thus, corticosterone increases calcium after kainic acid exposure in hippocampal neurons in an energy-dependent manner. Elevated calcium is strongly implicated in stimulating neurotoxic cascades during other energetic insults and may be the mechanism for the corticosterone-induced hippocampal neuronal vulnerability and toxicity.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been conducted on the role of glucocorticoids in regulating growth, mobilizing energy, responding to stressors and modulating learning and memory. However, little is known about the production of corticoids during early development in free-living animals, particularly during sensitive periods of acquisition of important behaviors. In a four-year study of Belding's ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi, a non-invasive assay of glucocorticoids was used to quantify age and population differences among juveniles from three California locations. Fecal-cortisol metabolites are elevated during a short period when juveniles first emerge aboveground from their natal burrows at about 4 weeks of age. This period of cortisol elevation coincides with when young are learning survival behaviors such as anti-predator responses and foraging strategies. Population differences in juvenile cortisol levels, which may reflect local variation in habitat quality and predator environments, were not evident until 2 weeks after emergence. Elevated cortisol at the age of emergence was also observed in juveniles born and reared in captivity without exposure to typical stressors that occur around the age of emergence. These results indicate that corticoids are regulated during early development, and the possible functions of age-related corticoid levels are discussed, including mobilization of glucose for natal emergence and later facilitation of growth and energy storage during the short summer before hibernation. In some species, elevated corticoids can also facilitate learning and memory, and current work is exploring whether the higher cortisol observed in all three S. beldingi populations just after emergence function to promote rapid acquisition of survival behaviors.  相似文献   

Although the energetics of the estrous cycle in primates is not well understood, evidence suggests that energy and nutrient acquisition influence ovulation and the timing of conception. Energy for estrus has to compete with energy allocated for cellular maintenance, thermoregulation, movement for food, and predation avoidance. While some chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) populations do not have a seasonal birth period, evidence suggests that there is seasonality in the number of estrous females. Similarly, the onset of postpartum cycles has been reported to be seasonal. We used 33 months of data from the Taï National Park, Côte dIvoire, to examine how the number of estrous females in a given month was influenced by the abundance and distribution of food, diet, rainfall and temperature. In a second analysis, we examined if there was a seasonal effect on first estrous swellings in adolescent females and postpartum adult females. Results demonstrated that the number of females in estrous in a given month was positively related to food abundance and percent foraging time spent eating insects, and negatively related to mean rainfall in the two preceding months and the mean high temperature. The timing of first estrous swellings of postpartum females and prepartum young females was positively related to the food abundance, and negatively related to mean high temperature. These results showed that environmental conditions can seasonally limit the energetically demanding estrus cycle. The presence of estrous females increases gregariousness in chimpanzee communities, and this study identified environmental factors that affect estrus directly and hence social grouping indirectly.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to changes in energy balance are tightly regulated by the endocrine system through glucocorticoids, IGF-I and thyroid hormones. Changes in these hormones were studied in eight captive female Steller sea lions that experienced changes in food intake, body mass, body composition, and blood metabolites during summer and winter. During a period of energy restriction, one group of sea lions was fed reduced amounts of Pacific herring and another was fed an isocaloric diet of walleye pollock, after which both groups returned to their pre-experimental diets of herring. Cortisol was negatively and IGF-I was positively associated with changes in body mass during periods of energy restriction (mass loss associated with increase in cortisol and decrease in IGF-I) and refeeding (body mass maintenance associated with stable hormone concentrations in summer and compensatory growth linked to decrease in cortisol and increase in IGF-I in winter). Cortisol and IGF-I were also correlated with changes in lipid and lean mass, respectively. Consequently, these two hormones likely make adequate biomarkers for nutritional stress in sea lions, and when combined provide indication of the energetic strategy (lipid vs lean mass catabolism) animals adopt to cope with changes in nutrient intake. Unlike type of diet fed to the sea lions, age of the animals also impacted hormonal responses, with younger animals showing more intense hormonal changes to nutritional stress. Thyroid hormones, however, were not linked to any physiological changes observed in this study.  相似文献   

Humans, like natural predators, can induce fear in wildlife, which has the potential to alter species-level survival and fitness. Though anthropogenic impacts on wildlife have been studied in detail, how wildlife respond behaviorally to human presence has been less studied. Here, we provide a literature review on how humans interact with wildlife populations through the ecology of fear framework. Fear responses can be proactive or reactive, and can go beyond behavioral changes to alterations in physiology (such as increases in stress) or alterations in individual chromosome structure. Wildlife are more likely to flee from humans if they possess a larger body size, are female, or have fear-associated genotypes. Intelligence and individual differences lead to variations in wildlife’s fear responses to humans that can make studying fear difficult. Wildlife fear responses to humans depend on environmental factors, including context-specific human presentation and whether the animal was in urban or rural habitats. Human-induced fear in wildlife may have cascading impacts on broader wildlife communities and habitat structure caused by changes in how individual species interact with other species and the environment.  相似文献   

转录因子网络与植物对环境胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转录因子所介导的基因表达调控网络在植物抵御各种环境胁迫的反应中具有重要功能.已鉴定的参与植物环境胁迫响应的转录因子及家族有APETALA2/EREBP、BZIP、WRKY和MYB等.这些转录因子组成调控网络,精细调控植物胁迫反应中各种相关基因的表达.转录因子及其调控网络的遗传修饰已成为从系统水平上探索胁迫生物学和提高植物胁迫耐性和抗性的有效工具.  相似文献   

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