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Detection of Epstein-Barr Viral Genome in Nonproductive Cells   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
Hybridization experiments have shown that EB viral DNA comprises between 0.06 and 1.6% of the total DNA of Burkitt lymphoma cells and established leucocyte cell lines.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein gp150 is a highly glycosylated protein encoded by the BDLF3 open reading frame of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It does not have a homolog in the alpha- and betaherpesviruses, and its function is not known. To determine whether the protein is essential for replication of EBV in vitro, a recombinant virus which lacked its expression was made. The recombinant virus had no defects in assembly, egress, binding, or infectivity for B cells or epithelial cells. Infection of epithelial cells was, however, enhanced. The glycoprotein was sensitive to digestion with a glycoprotease that digests sialomucins, but no adhesion to cells that express selectins that bind to sialomucin ligands could be detected.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gH-gL complex includes a third glycoprotein, gp42. gp42 binds to HLA class II on the surfaces of B lymphocytes, and this interaction is essential for infection of the B cell. We report here that, in contrast, gp42 is dispensable for infection of epithelial cell line SVKCR2. A soluble form of gp42, gp42.Fc, can, however, inhibit infection of both cell types. Soluble gp42 can interact with EBV gH and gL and can rescue the ability of virus lacking gp42 to transform B cells, suggesting that a gH-gL-gp42.Fc complex can be formed by extrinsic addition of the soluble protein. Truncated forms of gp42.Fc that retain the ability to bind HLA class II but that cannot interact with gH and gL still inhibit B-cell infection by wild-type virus but cannot inhibit infection of SVKCR2 cells or rescue the ability of recombinant gp42-negative virus to transform B cells. An analysis of wild-type virions indicates the presence of more gH and gL than gp42. To explain these results, we describe a model in which wild-type EBV virions are proposed to contain two types of gH-gL complexes, one that includes gp42 and one that does not. We further propose that these two forms of the complex have mutually exclusive abilities to mediate the infection of B cells and epithelial cells. Conversion of one to the other concurrently alters the ability of virus to infect each cell type. The model also suggests that epithelial cells may express a molecule that serves the same cofactor function for this cell type as HLA class II does for B cells and that the gH-gL complex interacts directly with this putative epithelial cofactor.All herpesviruses examined to date encode a complex of two glycoproteins, gH and gL, that appear to be necessary, if not sufficient, for virus penetration. Glycoprotein gH is generally thought to be the major player in virus cell fusion (5, 6, 8, 14, 20, 25, 26), while the role of gL is to serve as a chaperone, essential for folding and transport of functional gH (3, 11, 13, 20, 21, 28, 29). The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gH-gL complex follows this pattern. Glycoprotein gp85, the gH homolog, is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum in the absence of gp25, the EBV gL (38), and virosomes made from EBV proteins depleted of the gH-gL complex bind to cells but fail to fuse (9). The EBV gH-gL complex, however, includes a third glycoprotein, gp42, which is the product of the BZLF2 open reading frame (ORF) (18). This third component has also proven to be essential for penetration of the major target cell of EBV, the B lymphocyte. Several lines of evidence indicate that gp42 is a ligand for HLA class II and, further, that HLA class II functions as a cell surface cofactor for EBV entry into this cell type. Glycoprotein gp42 interacts with the β1 domain of HLA class II protein HLA-DR (30), and a monoclonal antibody (MAb) to gp42 called F-2-1 interferes with this interaction (17). MAb F-2-1 has no effect on EBV attachment via glycoprotein gp350/220 to its primary receptor, complement receptor type 2 (CR2; CD21) but inhibits the fusion of the virus with the B-cell membrane (22). Similarly, a MAb to HLA-DR or a soluble form of gp42 blocks B-cell transformation. Finally, B-cell lines which lack expression of HLA class II are not susceptible to superinfection with EBV unless expression of class II is restored (17). Most recently, we derived a recombinant virus with gp42 expression deleted and confirmed that loss of the glycoprotein resulted in a virus that attached to the B-cell surface but that failed to penetrate unless it was treated with the fusogenic agent polyethylene glycol (36).Although most is known about the early interactions of EBV with B lymphocytes in vitro since these cells are readily available and easy to culture, infection is not restricted to this cell type in vivo. During our initial analysis of the biology of gp42 we had therefore examined its potential role in infection of a then newly derived model epithelial cell line, SVKCR2. SVKCR2 cells are transformed with simian virus 40 and stably transfected with B-cell receptor CR2 (19). They are poorly infectable with many strains of EBV, but in excess of 30% of the cells can be infected with the Akata strain of virus as judged by the expression of EBV latent protein EBNA 1 (18, 19). We found that MAb F-2-1 had no effect on the infection of SVKCR2 cells. At the same time, a second MAb, E1D1, which reacts with an epitope that can be formed by the coexpression of gH and gL in the absence of gp42, neutralized infection of SVKCR2 cells, but had no effect on the infection of lymphocytes. These data strongly suggested that the involvement of the gH-gL complex in the internalization of virus into the two cell types was different. We hypothesized that just as EBV has evolved a glycoprotein, gp350/220, which is uniquely adapted for attachment to B lymphocytes, so it has evolved a second glycoprotein, gp42, uniquely adapted for penetration into the same cell type (18). The implication was that gp42 might be dispensable for infection of epithelial cells.Since we made our initial observations with SVKCR2 cells, several novel reagents, including the Akata strain virus with the expression of gp42 deleted, have become available. The recent insights into the role of HLA class II in B-cell infection also provided new impetus to reexamine the involvement of the gH-gL complex in epithelial cell infection. We report here that gp42 is not required for infection of SVKCR2 cells despite the fact that the soluble form of the protein that inhibits B-cell infection can also neutralize infection of SVKCR2 cells. To explain these apparently anomalous results, we describe a model which proposes that wild-type EBV virions contain two types of gH-gL complexes, one that includes gp42 and one that does not. We further propose that the tripartite “B-cell complexes” are not functional for infection of epithelial cells, just as the bipartite “epithelial cell complexes” are unable to mediate infection of the B lymphocyte.  相似文献   

The epithelium plays a key role in the spread of Lassa virus. Transmission from rodents to humans occurs mainly via inhalation or ingestion of droplets, dust, or food contaminated with rodent urine. Here, we investigated Lassa virus infection in cultured epithelial cells and subsequent release of progeny viruses. We show that Lassa virus enters polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells mainly via the basolateral route, consistent with the basolateral localization of the cellular Lassa virus receptor α-dystroglycan. In contrast, progeny virus was efficiently released from the apical cell surface. Further, we determined the roles of the glycoprotein, matrix protein, and nucleoprotein in directed release of nascent virus. To do this, a virus-like-particle assay was developed in polarized MDCK cells based on the finding that, when expressed individually, both the glycoprotein GP and matrix protein Z form virus-like particles. We show that GP determines the apical release of Lassa virus from epithelial cells, presumably by recruiting the matrix protein Z to the site of virus assembly, which is in turn essential for nucleocapsid incorporation into virions.Lassa virus (LASV), a member of the family Arenaviridae, is a highly pathogenic agent causing hemorrhagic fever as a severe clinical manifestation. Arenaviruses are currently classified into more than 20 species, which are divided into the Old World and New World virus complexes (10). The Old World group includes the prototype lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the highly human-pathogenic viruses LASV and Lujo virus, as well as the nonpathogenic Ippy, Mobala, Mopeia, and Kodoko viruses (7, 21, 36). The New World virus complex contains among others, the hemorrhagic fever-associated Junín, Machupo, Guanarito, and Sabiá viruses and the recently discovered Chapare virus (14).With the exception of the New World virus Tacaribe virus, which was isolated from fruit bats, all arenaviruses have specific rodent species as their natural reservoirs. Rodents of the Mastomys natalensis species complex were identified as the natural host of LASV in certain countries in West Africa, including Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Guinea, and Liberia (26, 35, 49). An estimated 100,000 to 300,000 human LASV infections occur annually, of which approximately 30% result in illness, which can range from mild, flu-like symptoms to fulminant hemorrhagic fever with a mortality rate of about 16% of hospitalized cases (47, 48). Due to the severe or even fatal outcome of disease, unavailability of vaccine prophylaxis, and inadequate therapeutic treatment options, LASV is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent.The primary transmission route of LASV from its host to humans is by direct exposure to virus-containing urine, which may occur via the respiratory tract, through inhalation of infected particulates, or via ingestion of contaminated food (62). Moreover, hunting and preparation for consumption of rodents have also been identified as possible risk factors for rodent-to-human transmission of LASV (67). LASV is spread from human-to-human by contact with infectious body fluids or through nosocomial contaminations (22, 27). During the infection process, virus contacts the epithelial layers of the body and, after breaking through the epithelial tissue barrier, exploits dendritic cells for further dissemination (3, 15). It has been shown for LASV, as well as for other arenaviruses, that during the course of infection, infectious virus particles are released from epithelia into body fluids and urine (32, 45, 71).As epithelial layers play a pivotal role not only in initial virus infection but also in release of virus progeny during the early stages of infection, virus spread within the organism and virus release for further transmission, the polarity of entry and release from polarized epithelia has been studied extensively with various viruses. Virus entry in polarized cells is correlated with the apical or basolateral localization of the responsible virus receptor (24, 34, 68). Viruses that are transmitted through aerosols or surface contact with body fluids are generally thought to enter the epithelial barrier from the apical side, whereas virus infections due to injuries or transmission from animals'' bites and scratches enter epithelial cell layers from the basolateral side. Further, the spread of disease is also dependent on the directional release of the virus from epithelial cells. In general, basolateral virus budding is thought to cause systemic infections, whereas local infections are a result of viruses that are released predominantly from the apical side (69). Fitting with this model, budding of wild-type Sendai virus is restricted to the apical domain of polarized cells and causes a local respiratory infection, whereas systemic spread of a Sendai virus mutant could be attributed mainly to its bipolar virus release (66). The direction of entry and release can also be highly dependent on the type of tissue involved, as Sindbis and Semliki Forest viruses show differences in directed release in colon and thyroid gland cells (75). Similar differences in polarized virus release have also been shown for different members within a single virus family (59).In order to understand virus dissemination within the organism, it is of interest to determine on which side viruses enter and leave polarized epithelial cell layers. Here, we present data on directional LASV invasion into polarized MDCK cell culture and demonstrate a directional release of LASV from these cells. Furthermore, we have elucidated how Lassa virus proteins interact to direct budding and release of LASV progeny from epithelial cell layers.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus infection has been epidemiologically associated with the development of multiple autoimmune diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis. Currently, there is no known mechanism that can account for these associations. The germinal-center (GC) model of EBV infection and persistence proposes that EBV gains access to the memory B cell compartment via GC reactions by driving infected cells to differentiate using the virus-encoded LMP1 and LMP2a proteins, which act as functional homologues of CD40 and the B cell receptor, respectively. The ability of LMP2a, when expressed in mice, to allow escape of autoreactive B cells suggests that it could perform a similar role in infected GC B cells, permitting the survival of potentially pathogenic autoreactive B cells. To test this hypothesis, we cloned and expressed antibodies from EBV+ and EBV memory B cells present during acute infection and profiled their self- and polyreactivity. We find that EBV does persist within self- and polyreactive B cells but find no evidence that it favors the survival of pathogenic autoreactive B cells. On the contrary, EBV+ memory B cells express lower levels of self-reactive and especially polyreactive antibodies than their uninfected counterparts do. Our work suggests that EBV has only a modest effect on the GC process, which allows it to access and persist within a subtly unique niche of the memory compartment characterized by relatively low levels of self- and polyreactivity. We suggest that this might reflect an active process where EBV and its human host have coevolved so as to minimize the virus''s potential to contribute to autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Virus-infected cells secrete a broad range of interferons (IFN) which confer resistance to yet uninfected cells by triggering the synthesis of antiviral factors. The relative contributions of the various IFN subtypes to innate immunity against virus infections remain elusive. IFN-α, IFN-β, and other type I IFN molecules signal through a common, universally expressed cell surface receptor, whereas type III IFN (IFN-λ) uses a distinct cell-type-specific receptor complex for signaling. Using mice lacking functional receptors for type I IFN, type III IFN, or both, we found that IFN-λ plays an important role in the defense against several human pathogens that infect the respiratory tract, such as influenza A virus, influenza B virus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus. These viruses were more pathogenic and replicated to higher titers in the lungs of mice lacking both IFN receptors than in mice with single IFN receptor defects. In contrast, Lassa fever virus, which infects via the respiratory tract but primarily replicates in the liver, was not influenced by the IFN-λ receptor defect. Careful analysis revealed that expression of functional IFN-λ receptor complexes in the lung and intestinal tract is restricted to epithelial cells and a few other, undefined cell types. Interestingly, we found that SARS coronavirus was present in feces from infected mice lacking receptors for both type I and type III IFN but not in those from mice lacking single receptors, supporting the view that IFN-λ contributes to the control of viral infections in epithelial cells of both respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.The interferon (IFN) system represents a major element of the innate immune response against viral infections (10, 13, 14). Virus-induced IFN is a complex mixture of biologically active molecules, which includes type I and type III IFN. Type I IFN consists of 14 different IFN-α subtypes in the mouse as well as IFN-β, IFN-κ, IFN-ɛ, and limitin, which all signal through the same universally expressed cell surface receptor complex (IFNAR) (30). Type III IFN includes IFN-λ1, IFN-λ2, and IFN-λ3 (21, 28), of which only the latter two are encoded by genes that are expressed in the mouse (22). Type III IFN uses a distinct receptor complex (IL28R) for signaling (21, 28), which appears to be expressed on only a few cell types, including epithelial cells (29). Binding of type I IFN and type III IFN to their cognate receptor complexes triggers signaling cascades that result in the activation of a large number of genes, many of which encode antiviral proteins (10, 32). Type I IFN and type III IFN trigger highly similar gene expression profiles in responsive cells, suggesting that both IFN types might serve similar functions. However, it has to date been largely unclear to which extent IFN-λ might contribute to innate immunity.Using knockout mouse strains that lack receptors for type I IFN (IFNAR10/0), type III IFN (IL28Rα0/0), or both (IFNAR10/0IL28Rα0/0), we have recently shown that IFN-λ contributes to resistance against influenza A virus (FLUAV) (26). Here, we used the same mouse strains to investigate the relative contribution of IFN-λ in resistance against additional viral pathogens that infect the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract and to visualize IFN-λ-responsive cells. We found that the double-knockout mice showed enhanced susceptibility to various viruses that primarily replicate in lung epithelial cells. Our analysis further revealed that epithelial cells of both lung and gastrointestinal tracts can strongly respond to IFN-λ and that IFN-λ inhibited the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in both lung and gastrointestinal tracts.  相似文献   

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are localized within the nucleolus, a sub-nuclear compartment, in which they guide ribosomal or spliceosomal RNA modifications, respectively. Up until now, snoRNAs have only been identified in eukaryal and archaeal genomes, but are notably absent in bacteria. By screening B lymphocytes for expression of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) induced by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), we here report, for the first time, the identification of a snoRNA gene within a viral genome, designated as v-snoRNA1. This genetic element displays all hallmark sequence motifs of a canonical C/D box snoRNA, namely C/C′- as well as D/D′-boxes. The nucleolar localization of v-snoRNA1 was verified by in situ hybridisation of EBV-infected cells. We also confirmed binding of the three canonical snoRNA proteins, fibrillarin, Nop56 and Nop58, to v-snoRNA1. The C-box motif of v-snoRNA1 was shown to be crucial for the stability of the viral snoRNA; its selective deletion in the viral genome led to a complete down-regulation of v-snoRNA1 expression levels within EBV-infected B cells. We further provide evidence that v-snoRNA1 might serve as a miRNA-like precursor, which is processed into 24 nt sized RNA species, designated as v-snoRNA124pp. A potential target site of v-snoRNA124pp was identified within the 3′-UTR of BALF5 mRNA which encodes the viral DNA polymerase. V-snoRNA1 was found to be expressed in all investigated EBV-positive cell lines, including lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL). Interestingly, induction of the lytic cycle markedly up-regulated expression levels of v-snoRNA1 up to 30-fold. By a computational approach, we identified a v-snoRNA1 homolog in the rhesus lymphocryptovirus genome. This evolutionary conservation suggests an important role of v-snoRNA1 during γ-herpesvirus infection.  相似文献   

Domestic poultry serve as intermediates for transmission of influenza A virus from the wild aquatic bird reservoir to humans, resulting in influenza outbreaks in poultry and potential epidemics/pandemics among human beings. To combat emerging avian influenza virus, an inexpensive, heat-stable, and orally administered influenza vaccine would be useful to vaccinate large commercial poultry flocks and even migratory birds. Our hypothesized vaccine is a recombinant attenuated bacterial strain able to mediate production of attenuated influenza virus in vivo to induce protective immunity against influenza. Here we report the feasibility and technical limitations toward such an ideal vaccine based on our exploratory study. Five 8-unit plasmids carrying a chloramphenicol resistance gene or free of an antibiotic resistance marker were constructed. Influenza virus was successfully generated in avian cells transfected by each of the plasmids. The Salmonella carrier was engineered to allow stable maintenance and conditional release of the 8-unit plasmid into the avian cells for recovery of influenza virus. Influenza A virus up to 107 50% tissue culture infective doses (TCID50)/ml were recovered from 11 out of 26 co-cultures of chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEF) and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells upon infection by the recombinant Salmonella carrying the 8-unit plasmid. Our data prove that a bacterial carrier can mediate generation of influenza virus by delivering its DNA cargoes into permissive host cells. Although we have made progress in developing this Salmonella influenza virus vaccine delivery system, further improvements are necessary to achieve efficient virus production, especially in vivo.  相似文献   

选用Epstin-Barr病毒(EBV)基因组内部重复序列1(IR1)片断作为多聚酶链反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)扩增引物,用于检测了31例不同病例活检组织和4例新鲜鼻咽组织经体外培养6周以上的新生上皮细胞内EBV基因,其中检出EBVDNA:高分化鼻咽癌5/5,低分化鼻咽癌4/4,何杰金氏病5/5,非何杰金氏病0/2,头颈其他肿瘤1/6,鼻咽慢性炎症0/5,正常鼻咽组织0/4;新生上皮细胞DNA抽提物;低分化鼻咽癌2/2,炎症0/1,正常人胚鼻咽上皮0/1;携带EBV基因组细胞系(Raji,B_(95-8)各1)2/2,致淋巴细胞转化之B_(95-8)病毒为10~(-4),PCR检测10~(-4)~10~(-6)均阳性,10~(-7)未检出。结果表明EBV与鼻咽癌与何杰金氏病有关,常规石蜡包埋切片仅8μm×0.1mm~2,贮存时间至三年仍可用于PCR检测EBV DNA,证实PCR是一种快速、灵敏和特异测捡EBV基因组的方法,可作为肿瘤和疚病病毒病因回顾性调直研究的有力手段。  相似文献   

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