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We have previously shown that NK (CD56+CD3-) and NKT-like (CD56+CD3+) cells are reduced in both numbers and cytotoxicity in peripheral blood. The aim of the present study was to investigate their numbers and function within induced sputum.


Induced sputum cell numbers and intracellular granzyme B and perforin were analysed by flow cytometry. Immunomagnetically selected CD56+ cells (NK and NKT-like cells) were used in an LDH release assay to determine cytotoxicity.


The proportion of NK cells and NKT-like cells in smokers with COPD (COPD subjects) was significantly higher (12.7% and 3%, respectively) than in healthy smokers (smokers) (5.7%, p < 0.01; 1%, p < 0.001) and non-smoking healthy subjects (HNS) (4.2%, p < 0.001; 0.8%, p < 0.01). The proportions of NK cells and NKT-like cells expressing both perforin and granzyme B were also significantly higher in COPD subjects compared to smokers and HNS. CD56+ cells from COPD subjects were significantly more cytotoxic (1414 biological lytic activity) than those from smokers (142.5; p < 0.01) and HNS (3.8; p < 0.001) and were inversely correlated to FEV1. (r = -0.75; p = 0.0098).


We have shown an increased proportion of NK and NKT-like cells in the induced sputum of COPD subjects and have demonstrated that these cells are significantly more cytotoxic in COPD subjects than smokers and HNS.  相似文献   

The question of whether cells bearing complement receptors (CR) mediate cytotoxicity in vitro against allogeneic Chang liver cell targets was investigated by assessing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal humans for cell surface characteristics and cytotoxic capacity before and after depletion of CR+ cells capable of forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes coated with 19S antibody and mouse complement (EAC) and depletion of Fc receptor-bearing cells capable of forming rosettes with human O+ erythrocytes coated with Ripley antibody (EA-Ripley). PBMC depleted of CR+ cells by density centrifugation contained markedly reduced proportions of phagocytes and sIg + cells and increased proportions of both sIg ?, FcR+ cells as well as cells forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes (E). PBMC depleted of CR+ cells mediated cytotoxicity to an extent equal to or greater than that mediated by unfractionated PBMC in assays of spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (SCMC), antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and mitogen-induced cellular cytotoxicity (MICC). Cells harvested from the EAC-rosette enriched pellet mediated cytotoxicity 5- to 10-fold less than unfractionated PBMC; however, the cytotoxic activity of the pellet could not be attributed to CR + effector cells since similar cytotoxic activity was present in cell pellets obtained by density centrifugation of PBMC which had been incubated with E coated with 19S antibody or E alone. PBMC depleted of EA-Ripley rosette-forming cells contained decreased proportions of sIg?, FcR+ cells and increased proportions of CR+ cells; PBMC so depleted contained virtually no SCMC and ADCC effector cell activity. These findings indicate that at least the majority of effector cells which mediate SCMC, ADCC, and MICC do not bear CR.  相似文献   

Metastatic or tumor-draining lymph nodes from six of nine melanoma patients undergoing lymph node dissection for metastatic melanoma generated cytotoxic T cells against autologous melanoma when these lymph node cells were treated by in vitro sensitization and recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2). During the initial lymphocyte culture (2–6 weeks), cross-reactivity with autologous tumor cells, K562 and Daudi cells was usually noted. Cold-target inhibition assay with K562 and Daudi showed K562/Daudi-associated antigens on melanoma cells. During the later phase of lymphocyte culture with repeated in vitro sensitization (over 6–10 weeks), cytotoxicity was noted against autologous and allogeneic melanoma cells but not against K562, Daudi cells or autologous fibroblasts. Repeated in vitro sensitization resulted in the selection of specific cytotoxic lymphocytes against melanoma. Cold-target inhibition assay with autologous and allogeneic melanoma cells revealed shared and individual antigens. Using blocking monoclonal antibodies, MHC-restricted killing was noted in the autologous system. Further, both the autologous and allogeneic systems could be mediated through adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and LFA-3 on melanoma cells and LFA-1 on T cells. This study suggests that a constellation of cytotoxic effector cells and melanoma-associated antigens may be pivotal in tumor killing. Thus, future adoptive immunotherapy should modulate and enhance this complex interaction.This work was supported by an Elsa, U. Pardee Foundation grant, the Arizona Chronic Disease Research Commission grant and partly by grant CA23074 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892  相似文献   

Nonparenchymal liver cells (NPC) from normal untreated female Wistar/Furth rats were tested for natural cytotoxicity in a 4-hour 51Cr release assay against the murine lymphoma YAC-1, the murine mastocytoma P815, and the syngeneic rat mammary carcinoma TMT-081 tumor cell lines. NPC exerted strong cytotoxicity against all three target cells. In contrast, fresh spleen cells displayed cytotoxicity only against YAC-1, although after culture for 24 h at 37 degrees C cytotoxicity was displayed against all three target cells. Fresh spleen cells contained 2-15% large granular lymphocytes (LGL) as assessed by Giemsa staining whereas NPC contained 10-23% LGL and 10-25% Kupffer cells. Centrifugal elutriation produced fractions that were increased in one or the other of the cell types. More cytotoxic activity was observed in the fraction containing more LGL. The cytolytic activity of fresh spleen cells could be eliminated by either in vivo or in vitro treatment with anti-asialo-GM1 antiserum. On the other hand, the cytolytic activity of NPC was resistant to in vivo treatment, but was partially sensitive to in vitro treatment. Furthermore, the activity of cultured spleen cells was also partially sensitive to in vitro treatment. NPC and cultured spleen cells also were more resistant to suppression by prostaglandin E2 and nordihydroguaiaretic acid than fresh spleen cells. We conclude that LGL is mainly responsible for natural cytotoxicity of NPC and that some effector cells in NPC may be highly activated.  相似文献   

Virus and facultative intracellular bacteria both replicate within a host cell. The recognition and killing of virus-infected cells by natural killer (NK) cells is thought to be an important host immune function. However, little is known about immune recognition of bacteria-infected cells. In this report, we show for the first time that human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and large granular lymphocytes (LGL) purified from PBL have significant levels of cytotoxic activity against Shigella flexneri-infected HeLa cells. This cytotoxic activity was dependent on bacterial invasion of the HeLa cells, because HeLa cells pretreated with a noninvasive isogenic variant of S. flexneri or soluble bacterial products were not killed. Pretreatment of PBL with interleukin 2 (IL 2) or interferon-alpha greatly enhanced the cytotoxic activity of PBL against Shigella-infected HeLa cells. Cytotoxic activity present in PBL or in PBL pretreated with IL 2 was shown to be associated with both Leu-11+ and Leu-11- cell populations. These results suggest that NK cell killing of bacteria-infected cells may play an important role in host defense against facultative intracellular bacterial infections.  相似文献   

T cell upregulation of B7 molecules CD80 and CD86 limits T cell expansion in immunodeficient hosts; however, the relative roles of CD80 separate from CD86 on CD4 versus CD8 T cells in a normal immune system are not clear. To address this question, we used the parent-into-F1 (P→F1) murine model of graft-versus-host disease and transferred optimal and suboptimal doses of CD80 and/or CD86 knockout (KO) T cells into normal F1 hosts. Enhanced elimination of host B cells by KO T cells was observed only at suboptimal donor cell doses and was greatest for CD80 KO→F1 mice. Wild-type donor cells exhibited peak CD80 upregulation at day 10; CD80 KO donor cells exhibited greater peak (day 10) donor T cell proliferation and CD8 T cell effector CTL numbers versus wild-type→F1 mice. Fas or programmed cell death-1 upregulation was normal as was homeostatic contraction of CD80 KO donor cells from days 12-14. Mixing studies demonstrated that maximal host cell elimination was seen when both CD4 and CD8 T cells were CD80 deficient. These results indicate an important role for CD80 upregulation on Ag-activated CD4 and CD8 T cells in limiting expansion of CD8 CTL effectors as part of a normal immune response. Our results support further studies of therapeutic targeting of CD80 in conditions characterized by suboptimal CD8 effector responses.  相似文献   

Summary Cytotoxicity was induced in lymphocytes (CL) from 10 out of 15 patients by autologous mixed lymphocyte tumor cell culture and further cultivation with recombinant interleukin-2. In cells from 3 of the 10 patients, cytotoxicity was suppressed by more than 50% when autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from the patients with large tumors were added to the autologous killing system. The cells responsible for suppressing the cytotoxicity in the effector phase were adherent or nonadherent to plastic depending on the patient examined. The T cell fraction from 1 patient significantly suppressed the cytotoxic activity, and this suppression was seen only in the autologous system. On the other hand, plastic adherent cells but not T cells from PBMC of 2 subjects suppressed the cytotoxic activity of CL. The reason why the main cell population suppressing the CL activity differed among the patients is unclear. However, the findings that the suppression was mostly abrogated following resection of the tumor mass suggested that suppressor cells, either of macrophage lineage or T cells, are induced in patients with a large tumor mass. This speculation is supported by the finding that the PBMC from a patient with tumor recurrence regained the suppressive activity.  相似文献   

We have explored further the basis for resistance of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to cell-mediated cytotoxicity. We find that most cloned CTLs recognized as specific target cells by other cloned CTLs used as effector cells fail to activate three early events that may be critical in triggering lysis in the effector CTLs: Ca2+ influx, microtubule organizing center (MTOC) reorientation, and serine esterase release. To the extent that any or all of these events are involved in activation or expression of the lytic pathway in effector CTLs, our results suggest that in addition to being inherently resistant to cytotoxic granule extracts, many CTLs are also unable to induce lytic function in other (effector) CTLs. We have found one CTL clone that can respond to recognizable cloned CTL target cells with at least MTOC reorientation and serine esterase release, although the target CTLs are still not lysed. In this case, the resistance of the target CTL to lysis may be due solely to its resistance to cytoplasmic granule contents.  相似文献   



Airway remodeling in COPD includes reorganization of the extracellular matrix. Proteoglycans play a crucial role in this process as regulators of the integrity of the extracellular matrix. Altered proteoglycan immunostaining has been demonstrated in COPD lungs and this has been suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis. The major cell type responsible for production and maintenance of ECM constituents, such as proteoglycans, are fibroblasts. Interestingly, it has been proposed that central airways and alveolar lung parenchyma contain distinct fibroblast populations. This study explores the hypothesis that altered depositions of proteoglycans in COPD lungs, and in particular versican and perlecan, is a result of dysregulated fibroblast proteoglycan production.


Proliferation, proteoglycan production and the response to TGF-β1 were examined in vitro in centrally and distally derived fibroblasts isolated from COPD patients (GOLD stage IV) and from control subjects.


Phenotypically different fibroblast populations were identified in central airways and in the lung parenchyma. Versican production was higher in distal fibroblasts from COPD patients than from control subjects (p < 0.01). In addition, perlecan production was lower in centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients than from control subjects (p < 0.01). TGF-β1 triggered similar increases in proteoglycan production in distally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients and control subjects. In contrast, centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients were less responsive to TGF-β1 than those from control subjects.


The results show that fibroblasts from COPD patients have alterations in proteoglycan production that may contribute to disease development. Distally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients have enhanced production of versican that may have a negative influence on the elastic recoil. In addition, a lower perlecan production in centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients may indicate alterations in bronchial basement membrane integrity in severe COPD.  相似文献   

Targeted cytotoxic cells in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have isolated subsets of cells from human PBL and have investigated their abilities to mediate lysis targeted by bispecific antibodies. Targeted cytotoxic cells were divided into two distinct types based on buoyant density. The low buoyant density fraction contained all of the targetable cytotoxic activity in unstimulated PBL, including both T and K cells targeted with anti-CD3 and anti-Fc gamma RIII (CD16) containing bispecific antibodies, respectively. Both types of targetable cytotoxic cells required IL-2 for maintenance of cytotoxic activity, expressed the CD56 (NKH1) marker, and mediated MHC-unrestricted lysis. The targetable T cells in low density PBL were exclusively CD8+ and represented only about 2% of the total PBL. The high buoyant density lymphocytes, depleted of NK cells, had no targetable activity, but were able to generate over several days, targetable T cell activity in the presence of a TCR cross-linking signal plus IL-2. Unlike the low-density cells, the activated high buoyant density effector T cells did not express CD56, consisted of both CD4+ and CD8+ cells, and did not mediate MHC-unrestricted lysis. These cells proliferated more rapidly and generated more total lytic activity than the low-density fraction. Our studies show that targetable cytotoxic activity in human PBL is mediated by several subsets of cells with different activation requirements. Presumably all of these activities could be directed against unwanted cells in clinical or preclinical studies involving targeted cytotoxic cells.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane transport protein P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is expressed by subsets of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in mice. The proportion of T cells that express P-gp goes up with age, and the P-gp-expressing subset of the CD4 memory population is hyporesponsive in many in vitro assays. The significance of P-gp expression for T cell function has not been well established, although several reports have suggested that it may promote cytokine export and/or cytotoxic T cell function. To elucidate which T cell functions may require P-gp, we have compared a variety of responses using T cells from wt and P-gp knockout mice. Protein expression and rhodamine-123 efflux studies revealed that peripheral T cells exclusively utilize the mdr1a-encoded isoform rather than the homologous mdr1b or mdr2 isoforms. Comparisons of T cells from mdr1a+/+ and mdr1a-/- mice showed no differences in proliferation or in secretion of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, or IFN-gamma in response to polyclonal stimulation. Moreover, mdr1a-/- T cells produced strong allospecific cytotoxic responses comparable to those of wt T cells. Our results show that P-gp is not a necessary component of peripheral T cell functional responses. Further investigation will be needed to determine the significance of P-gp expression in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have characterized human cytotoxic effector lymphocytes generated following in vitro immunization of normal fetal (22- to 25-week) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (FPBMC) by an allogeneic Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B-cell line termed LAZ388. Primary stimulations led to strong FPBMC proliferation. However, subsequent addition of LAZ388 cells to the cultures on Day 8 did not trigger conventional secondary responses. In fact, further proliferation of activated FPBMC required the addition of exogeneous interleukin 2. Cytotoxic activity generated in the mixed-lymphocyte reactions was assayed against LAZ388 immunizing cells as well as against the highly susceptible natural killer (NK) target cell line K562. Eight days after stimulation by LAZ388, there was no specific lysis and a moderate NK-like activity. However, following second and subsequent stimulations a strong killing was measured against both LAZ388 and K562 cells. Blocking experiments performed with relevant monoclonal antibodies suggested that cytotoxicity against immunizing cells was conventionally directed at MHC gene products. Effector cells were further studied using cloning procedures; it was found that all cloned cell lines able to kill LAZ388 cells were also strongly active against K562. Both types of cytotoxic function appeared to be mediated via surface receptors physically or at least functionally associated with T3 proteins.  相似文献   

Five sets of cytotoxic effector cells were generated, using haploidentical, first degree relatives in five different families, against the HLA-A3; B7 serological determinants combined with different DR antigens. When tested against a panel of cells bearing combinations of the HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens it was shown that the HLA-B7 antigen was as strong a CML target determinant alone as it was in the presence of HLA-A3. The strength of the HLA-A3 antigen as target determinant varied. With effector cells primed to the HLA-A3; B7; DR2 haplotype, the A3 antigen alone behaved as a weak target determinant. When the same target cells were tested with the effector cells generated against HLA-A3; B7 without DR2, the A3 antigen behaved as a strong target determinant. A number of target cells lacking the serologically detectable HLA determinants present on the sensitizing HLA haplotype were identified as being killed by specific effector cells. These data suggest either a number of new CML target determinants controlled by different loci or the presence of a single, new locus with multiple alleles controlling CML targets.  相似文献   

T cell responses are regulated by the affinity/avidity of the T cell receptor for the MHC/peptide complex, available costimulation and duration of antigenic stimulation. Altered peptide ligands (APLs) are usually recognized with a reduced affinity/avidity by the T cell receptor and are often able to only partially activate T cells in vitro or may even function as antagonists. Here we assessed the ability of APLs derived from peptide p33 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) to mediate lysis of target cells in vivo, confer anti-viral protection and cause auto-immune disease. In general, in vitro cross-reactivity between APLs was rather limited, and even strongly cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes were only able to mediate moderate anti-viral protection. Partial protection was observed for infection with LCMV or low doses of recombinant vaccinia virus, while no reduced viral titers could be seen upon infection with high dose of vaccinia virus. In a transgenic mouse model expressing LCMV glycoprotein in the islets of the pancreas, APLs induced a transient insulitis but failed to induce autoimmune diabetes. Thus, effector functions induced by even highly homologous APLs are rather limited in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: PBMC can be expanded ex vivo into aggressive cytotoxic effector cells (CEC) comprising T, NK and NKT cells. We identified the phenotype, cytotoxicity and mechanisms of killing of these CEC. METHODS: CY- and G-CSF-mobilized PBMC from myeloma patients were placed in Aim-V serum-free medium, IL-2 (50 IU/mL) and OKT-3 (50 ng/mL). Cytotoxicity was evaluated by selectively blocking the TCR, MHC class I or NKG2D receptor. RESULTS: The CEC expanded three-fold by day 7 and aggressively lysed myeloma cells (41.9%) compared with day 0 (4%; P=0.012). CD8+ CD56+ NKT cells performed the majority of lysis. The CD8+ cells greatly increased NKG2D expression during culture (P=0.005). Cytotoxicity correlated with target NKG2D ligand expression (P=0.0002). Blocking the TCR or MHC class I did not affect cytotoxicity (P>0.22). CD8+ cell-mediated lysis dropped 48% when the NKG2D receptor was blocked. Day 7 CEC aggressively lysed myeloma cells in an MHC- and non-MHC-restricted fashion, through the NKG2D receptor. DISCUSSION: Because MHC expression is often down-regulated on tumor cells and the NKG2D ligands are generally specific to malignant cells, the adoptive transfer of CEC that kill through different pathways may circumvent tumor-resistant mechanisms and improve outcomes.  相似文献   

With anti-Ly antisera and complement it has been possible to demonstrate that cytotoxic effector cells generated in vitro against allogeneic cells carry the alloantigen Ly-5 and Ly-6. The studies show that antisera directed against the Ly-6 antigens, together with complement, eliminate essentially all of the killer cells, of the appropriate strain, while killing only 50 to 60% of Thy-1+ cells. Anti-Ly-5 antsera and complement lysed 55 to 65% of Thy-1+ cells and killed a significant portion, but not all, of the cytotoxic cells. The later finding was investigated in more detail since it suggested a degree of heterogeneity within the killer cell subpopulation. However, the data did not support that conclusion, at least for allogeneic killer cells.  相似文献   

The cell-mediated immune response of mice against various enveloped RNA and DNA viruses expressed by immune lymphocytes from the spleen and the peripheral blood (PBL) were compared. PBL from mice of various strains infected with vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) were tested on histocompatible or incompatible target cells infected with the homologous virus. PBL from immune mice showed clear H-2 restriction, but additionally, they expressed high natural killing (NK) activity on YAC-1 cells. The high NK-cytolytic activity of PBL on YAC-1 differed significantly from that expressed by splenic lymphocytes. In both lymphocyte populations lysis was detected as early as 1 day after infection; NK activity decreased in the spleen after day 4 post infection, whereas that of PBL persisted at high levels for up to 10 days after infection. Treatment of mice with anti-asialo GM1 in vivo abrogated NK activity in PBL effector cells tested in vitro. These results may explain some of the difficulties to observe MHC-restricted cytotoxic T cells in PBL from humans or primates during primary infections with virus.  相似文献   

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