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Tn10 is a bacterial transposon that transposes through a non-replicative mechanism. This mode of DNA transposition is widely used in bacteria and is also used by “DNA-based” transposons in eukaryotes. Tn10 has served as a paradigm for this mode of transposition and continues to provide novel insights into how steps in transposition reactions occur and how these steps are regulated. A common feature of transposition reactions is that they require the formation of a higher order protein-DNA complex called a transpososome. A major objective in the last few years has been to better understand the dynamics of transpososome assembly and progression through the course of transposition reactions. This problem is particularly interesting in the Tn10 system because two important host proteins, IHF and H-NS, have been implicated in regulating transpososome assembly and/or function. Interestingly, H-NS is an integral part of stress response pathways in bacteria, and its function is known to be sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Consequently, H-NS may provide a means of allowing Tn10 to responed to changing environmental conditions. The current review focuses on the roles of both IHF and H-NS on Tn10 transposition.  相似文献   

The kinetics of accumulation of resident transposon copies in a dividing population has been defined using a special experimental system. Analysis of the kinetics made it possible to estimate the probability of transposition for Tn5 as 2.5 X 10(-4) and for Tn10 as 2.3 X 10(-6) per cell per generation. Transposition of the composite elements does not depend on RecBC or RecF pathways of recombination. The fraction of the bacterial population with tandem duplications in the proA region of the genome is permanent for Escherichia coli. It is independent of the recombination pathways (RecBC of RecF) and the integrity of DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

J. C. Way  N. Kleckner 《Genetics》1985,111(4):705-713
The transposition frequencies of Tn10 elements from the bacterial chromosome to an F epitome decrease 40% for every kilobase increase in transposon length. The basis for this relationship is not known. We have now examined complemented transposition of defective Tn10 elements off small multicopy plasmids. We find that length dependence in this situation is either reduced or absent, depending on the specific class of transposition events involved. These observations can be interpreted as evidence against the model that chromosomal length dependence occurs because of decay of a transposition-associated replicative complex. This interpretation is consistent with unrelated experiments suggesting that Tn10 transposition is normally nonreplicative. Alternative explanations of length dependence phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Conjugal crosses with Pseudomonas aeruginosa donors carrying the CAM-OCT and RP4::Tn7 plasmids result in transfer of the Tn7 trimethoprim resistance (Tp(r)) determinant independently of RP4 markers. All Tp(r) exconjugants which lack RP4 markers have CAM-OCT genes and therefore must have received CAM-OCT::Tn7 plasmids formed by transposition of Tn7 from RP4::Tn7 to CAM-OCT. Most crosses yield exconjugants carrying mutant CAM-OCT plasmids which no longer determine either camphor or alkane utilization and thus appear to carry Tn7 inserts in the cam or alk loci, respectively. Transduction and reversion experiments indicated that at least 13 alkane-negative, camphor-positive, Tp(r) CAM-OCT::Tn7 plasmids carry an alk::Tn7 mutation. Determination of linkage between the alk mutation and the Tp(r) determinant of Tn7 on these plasmids is complicated by the presence of multiple copies of the Tn7 element in the genome. Generalized transduction will remove Tn7 from a CAM-OCT alk::Tn7 plasmid to yield alk(+) cells which carry no Tp(r) determinant on the CAM-OCT plasmid (as shown by transfer of the plasmid to a second strain). But the transduction to alk(+) does not remove all Tp(r) determinants from the genome of the recipient cell because the alkane-positive transductants remain trimethoprim resistant. Thus, it appears that copies of Tn7 can accumulate in the genome of P. aeruginosa (CAM-OCT alk::Tn7) strains without leaving their original site. This result is consistent with transposition models that involve replication of the transposable element without excision from the original site.  相似文献   

Transposition of Tn1000: in vivo properties.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Transposition mediated by the Tn1000 transposase was investigated by using transposon variants carrying synthetic or wild-type termini but no intact Tn1000 genes. Transposon Tn1001, whose only homologies to Tn1000 are in its 38-base-pair terminal inverted repeats, transposed at the same rate as Tn1005, an artificial construct carrying wild-type Tn1000 termini and approximately 1 kilobase of flanking Tn1000 DNA at each end, when transposase was supplied in trans. The majority of the transpositions into pOX38 gave rise to cointegrates, but approximately 10% of the products expressed phenotypes of direct transpositions. The expression and temperature dependence of the tnpA gene product were examined by studying transposition of Tn1001 to bacteriophage lambda. The temperature optimum for transposition was 37 degrees C, and the transposase was stable for up to 2 h at this temperature.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis, an obligately anaerobic gram-negative bacterium, has been hindered by the apparent lack of naturally occurring bacteriophages, transposable elements, and plasmids. Plasmid R751::*omega 4 has previously been used as a suicide vector to demonstrate transposition of Tn4351 in B. uniformis. The erythromycin resistance gene on Tn4351 functions in Bacteroides and Porphyromonas. Erythromycin-resistant transconjugants were obtained at a mean frequency of 1.6 x 10(-7) from matings between Escherichia coli HB101 containing R751::*omega 4 and P. gingivalis 33277. Southern blot hybridization analysis indicated that about half of the erythromycin-resistant P. gingivalis transconjugants contained simple insertions of Tn4351 and half contained both Tn4351 and R751 sequences. The presence of R751 sequences in some P. gingivalis transconjugants most likely occurred from Tn4351-mediated cointegration of R751, since we were unable to detect autonomous plasmid in these P. gingivalis transconjugants. The P. gingivalis-Tn4351 DNA junction fragments from different transconjugants varied in size. These results are consistent with transposition of Tn4351 and with insertion at several different locations in the P. gingivalis chromosome. Tn4351 may be useful as a mutagen to isolate well-defined mutants of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Transposition Tn917 was introduced into Bacillus pumilus 289 by protoplast transformation with plasmid pTV32. The temperature-sensitive replication property of pTV32 was maintained in B. pumilus. Tn917 was transposed efficiently in B. pumilus with 4.8 x 10(-4) transposition rate. The yield of auxotrophs was about 0.65% in all insertional mutants. It indicated a prospects for the use of Tn917 as a tool for insertional mutagenesis and genetic manipulation in B. pumilus.  相似文献   

Transposition of Tn917 in Bacillus megaterium.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Transposon Tn917, carried on plasmid pTV1, was introduced into Bacillus megaterium and transposed efficiently and apparently randomly. Insertional mutations included at least eight different auxotrophic loci, two carbon source loci, and sporulation loci. One trp::Tn917 mutation was further verified as an insertion by both reversion and transduction.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed a small, transposition-defective derivative of the transposon Tn10 that carries the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene of pACYC184. This new genetic element, Tn10d-Cam, transposes when Tn10 transposase is provided from a multi-copy plasmid. Transposon insertion mutagenesis of Salmonella typhimurium was performed by using a strain carrying a Tn10d-Cam insertion in an Escherichia coli F' episome as the donor in transductional crosses into recipients that carried a plasmid expressing Tn10 transposase. Tn10d-Cam insertion mutations were also generated by complementation in cis of Tn10d-Cam by a cotransducible Tn10 element that overproduces transposase. Here, transposase was provided only transiently, and the Tn10d-Cam insertion mutations were recovered in a transposase-free strain. Cis complementation was used for mutagenesis of a plasmid target. The site specificity of insertion and the effect of insertions on expression of a downstream gene were investigated, using Tn10d-Cam insertions in a plasmid carrying a segment of the histidine operon.  相似文献   

Transposition of Tn4560 of Streptomyces fradiae in Mycobacterium smegmatis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tn4560 (8.6 kb) was derived from Tn4556, a Tn3-like element from Streptomyces fradiae. It contains a viomycin resistance gene that has not been used previously for selection in mycobacteria. Tn4560, cloned in a Streptomyces plasmid, was introduced by electroporation into Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155. Tn4560 transposed into the host genome: there was no obvious target sequence preference, and insertions were in or near several conserved open reading frames. The insertions were located far apart on different AseI macrorestriction fragments. Unexpectedly, the transposon delivery plasmid, pUC1169, derived from the Streptomyces multicopy plasmid pIJ101, replicated partially in M. smegmatis, but was lost spontaneously during subculture. Replication of pUC1169 probably contributed to the relatively high efficiency of Tn4560 delivery: up to 28% of the potential M. smegmatis transformants acquired a stable transposon insertion. The data indicated that Tn4560 may be useful for random mutagenesis of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The streptococcal transposon Tn917 was demonstrated to transpose in Escherichia coli from the Bacillus subtilis-E. coli shuttle plasmid pHK1207 into an F' plasmid derivative. Subsequently, a second round of transposition from the F' plasmid into pACYC184 could be readily demonstrated. These results represent the initial demonstration of the transposition of a gram-positive transposon in a gram-negative bacterium at a relatively high frequency.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

Tn5096 was constructed by inserting an apramycin resistance gene, aac(3)IV, into IS493 from Streptomyces lividans. By using conventional and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, Tn5096 and related transposons were shown to insert into many different locations in the Streptomyces griseofuscus chromosome and in two linear plasmids. On insertion into the target site CANTg, 3 bp appeared to be duplicated. Independent transpositions were obtained by delivery of the transposon from a temperature-sensitive plasmid. The frequency of auxotrophy among cultures containing transpositions was about 0.2%.  相似文献   

Tn1000 (gamma delta) termini IRR and IRL, or direct repetitions of IRR-IRL carried by pBR322 derivatives mediate cointegration with pOX38 at similar rates. Structures of product plasmids indicate that the transposed segments correspond to DNA bounded by IR segments in the donor plasmid. Such structures could arise by symmetric transposition from a replication intermediate.  相似文献   

C. T. Kuan  S. K. Liu    I. Tessman 《Genetics》1991,128(1):45-57
Excision and transposition of the Tn5 element in Escherichia coli ordinarily appear to occur by recA-independent mechanisms. However, recA(Prtc) genes, which encode RecA proteins that are constitutively activated to the protease state, greatly enhanced excision and transposition; both events appeared to occur concomitantly and without destruction of the donor DNA. The recombinase function of the RecA protein was not required. Transposition was accompanied by partial, and occasionally full, restoration of the functional integrity of the gene vacated by the excised Tn5. The stimulation of transposition was inhibited by an uncleavable LexA protein and was strongly enhanced by an additional role of the RecA(Prtc) protein besides its mediation of LexA cleavage. To account for the enhanced transposition, we suggest that (i) there may be a LexA binding site within the promoter for the IS50 transposase, (ii) activated RecA may cleave the IS50 transposition inhibitor, and (iii) the transposase may be formed by RecA cleavage of a precursor molecule.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on the transposition behavior of the mercury(II) resistance transposons Tn502 and Tn512, which are members of the Tn5053 family. These transposons exhibit targeted and oriented insertion in the par region of plasmid RP1, since par-encoded components, namely, the ParA resolvase and its cognate res region, are essential for such transposition. Tn502 and, under some circumstances, Tn512 can transpose when par is absent, providing evidence for an alternative, par-independent pathway of transposition. We show that the alternative pathway proceeds by a two-step replicative process involving random target selection and orientation of insertion, leading to the formation of cointegrates as the predominant product of the first stage of transposition. Cointegrates remain unresolved because the transposon-encoded (TniR) recombination system is relatively inefficient, as is the host-encoded (RecA) system. In the presence of the res-ParA recombination system, TniR-mediated (and RecA-mediated) cointegrate resolution is highly efficient, enabling resolution both of cointegrates involving functional transposons (Tn502 and Tn512) and of defective elements (In0 and In2). These findings implicate the target-encoded accessory functions in the second stage of transposition as well as in the first. We also show that the par-independent pathway enables the formation of deletions in the target molecule.It is widely recognized that mobile genetic elements contribute to genome plasticity and have been a driving force in the emergence and spread of resistance determinants within and between bacterial species; their impact is ongoing (10, 51). Significant among these elements are various classes of plasmids, transposons, and integrons which may lack resistance determinants or carry one or multiple determinants. Resistance determinants that have become globally dispersed in environmental and clinically significant bacteria include mercury(II) resistance (2, 17), evident even in ancient bacteria (27), and antibiotic resistance, which has increased in dominance since the advent of the antibiotic era (23, 40).This paper concerns the mercury resistance (mer) transposons Tn502 and Tn512, whose sequence organization and transpositional behavior show that they are new members of a family of elements exemplified by the mer transposon Tn5053 (22). These elements are closely related to those in the Tn402 family, which contain an integron (intI) recombination system (14, 36). Members of the two families differ in the positions of the mer or intI determinants (modules) near one end of the transposition (tni) module. The latter module contains four genes (tniABQR), and the entire transposon is bounded by 25-bp inverted-repeat termini (IRi and IRt). TniA, TniB, and TniQ are required to form the transpositional cointegrate, which is then resolved by the action of TniR (a serine resolvase) on a resolution (res) sequence located between tniR and tniQ (22). The transposon in its new location is flanked by 5-bp direct repeats (DRs) (20, 22). TniA, which contains a D,D(35)E transposase catalytic motif, is thought to function cooperatively with TniB, a putative nucleotide-binding protein, as the active TniAB transposase (21, 36). Studies of TniA conducted in vitro show binding to the IRs and to additional 19-bp repeat sequences that make up the complex termini of the transposon (21). The precise role of TniQ is unknown.An unexpected and unique feature of Tn5053 and Tn402 is that they depend on externally coded accessory functions for efficient transposition, namely, a res site served by a cognate resolvase (25). As a consequence, these transposons exhibit a strong transpositional bias for some target res sites (20, 25, 26) and have aptly been described as “res site hunters” (25). One such efficient interaction involves the res-ParA multimer resolution system of plasmid RP1 (IncPα); other plasmid- or transposon-encoded systems are less efficient or are refractory. Although the role of the external resolvase remains obscure, its capacity to bind to its cognate res is an essential requirement whereas its catalytic activity is not (20). For each interaction system, the target sites typically cluster in a single part of res but not necessarily within the same subregion and, on occasion, can lie in the vicinity of res. Typically, the transposon is in a single orientation with IRi closest to the resolvase gene. In one study, Tn402 clustered at two target sites, one within res and one nearby, and the orientations were different at the two sites (20).The experimentally observed target preference described above also occurs in natural associations of Tn5053/Tn402-like elements and became evident on sequencing class 1 integrons, which were often found positioned close to different res-resolvase gene regions (6, 20, 25). Most Tn402 family elements are comprised of an intI module that is flanked on the left by IRi and on the right by a 3′ conserved sequence (3′-CS) (13). In others, a remnant tni gene cluster may be present instead of the 3′-CS, and IRt occurs at the right flank. The structure of the latter category of integrons strongly indicated that they are defective transposons that were presumably capable of relocation provided that tni functions were supplied in trans (6, 32). The movement of In33 (Tn2521) from a chromosomal to a plasmid location appears to have been such an in trans event (30, 42), and others involving In0 and In2 are demonstrated in this study. In contrast, the integrons that lack the IRt end appear to be nonmobile remnants of Tn402-like transposons; they belong to several lineages, including those in which the incurred deletions are attributable to acquired insertion sequences (6). More recently, intact Tn5053/Tn402-like transposons and class 1 integrons have increasingly been detected in the res-parA region of IncP plasmids (39), which are arguably the most promiscuous of known plasmids (50). These various experimental and natural interactions provide insight into the dispersal pathways possible for Tn5053/Tn402-like elements.The res-hunting attribute is a striking feature that is experimentally supported by studies of four family members (namely, Tn5053 [22, 25], Tn402 [20, 26], and in this study, Tn502 [48] and Tn512). Another facet of the transposition of Tn502 is explored here. It concerns the observation that loss of the preferred par target region in RP1 does not abolish transposition of Tn502 (48), contrary to the finding with Tn5053 (25, 26) and, in this study, Tn512. The continued, low-frequency transposition of Tn502 involved at least three dispersed locations (48); however, nothing is known about the nature of these sites or about the features and requirements of the transposition process. Here we address these issues and uncover the existence of an alternative, par-independent pathway that is employed by Tn502 and is available to Tn512 under some circumstances. The study also provides information on the roles of the TniR and host (RecA) recombination systems in the resolution of transpositional cointegrates and on the ability of the par-independent transposition pathway to generate plasmid deletions.  相似文献   

The number of exconjugants having the transposon Tn5 excised precisely during the crosses of the Escherichia coli proA::Tn5 donor with the recipients F- rec+ or F- recA441 (tif) was 20-30 times higher for the crosses involving the latter recipient. The high recombinogenic activity is characteristic of the tif recipient. Precise excision from a tandem duplication is more efficient than from nonduplicated region of the genome. It is four orders higher, if a transposon is localized in an arm of a duplication. The effect is recA-dependent. The presented data permit us to suggest the participation of RecA protein (its synaptic function) in the formation of the intermediate "stem-loop" structure. The latter is predicted by the three mechanisms of transposon excision: "slippage", "correctional" and "recombinational". The latter two mechanisms were formulated in the paper. The experimental proof of the postexcision transposition presented in the paper, is a good support to the version of "recombinational" excision.  相似文献   

Activation of Silent Genes by Transposons Tn5 and Tn10   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A. Wang  J. R. Roth 《Genetics》1988,120(4):875-885

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