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In this paper the genus Pheidologeton Mayr, 1862 is synonymized under Carebara Westwood, 1840 and the Carebara polita group is established and revised. This species group currently includes six species from the Afrotropical region (C. madibai, C. nicotianae, C. perpusilla, C. polita, C. silvestrii, and C. villiersi) and two species from the Neotropical region (C. brevipilosa and C. urichi). The polita group clearly links Carebara and Pheidologeton, and, due to a lack of autapomorphic characters for the latter, a separation of the two genera is no longer justified. As a result Carebara is presented as a monophyletic and better defined genus that can be separated from other genera with more confidence. We present an overview of the distribution and biology of Carebara as well as images from the various genera currently in synonymy under Carebara, and discuss the characters they share. The polymorphism present in Afrotropical and Malagasy Carebara is discussed and one new species from Africa, C. madibai sp. n., is described. The subspecies Carebara perpusilla arnoldiana syn. n., Carebara perpusilla concedens syn. n., and Carebara perpusilla spinosa syn. n. are new synonyms of Carebara perpusilla. Oligomyrmex politus nicotianae is re-elevated to species level and transferred into Carebara, C. nicotianae comb. n., stat. rev.; C. punctata is a new synonym of C. silvestrii comb. n. and C. pygmaea albipes comb. n., syn n., C. pygmaea bugnioni comb. n., syn. n., and C. simularensis syn. n. are new synonyms of C. pygmaea comb. n.. The following names are transferred from Pheidologeton to Carebara as new combinations (with the species epithets adjusted to female endings where necessary): aberrans, affinis, affinis javana, affinis minor, affinis spinosior, affinis sumatrensis, ceylonensis, dentiviris, diversa, diversa draco, diversa ficta, diversa laotina, diversa macgregori, diversa philippina, diversa standfussi, diversa taprobanae, diversa tenuirugosa, diversa williamsi, hammoniae, hostilis, kunensis, latinoda, maccus, mayri, melanocephala, melasolena, nana, nanningensis, obscura, petulens, pullata, pungens, pygmaea, rubra, rugiceps, rugosa, schossnicensis, silena, silvestrii, solitaria, transversalis, trechideros, varia, vespilla, volsellata, yanoi, and zengchengensis. Three new combinations are creating secondary junior homonyms and are here replaced with new names: C. mayri (Santschi, 1928) = C. gustavmayri nom. n., C. rugosa (Karavaiev, 1935) = C. rugoflabella nom. n., and C. silvestrii (Wheeler, 1929b) = C. luzonensis nom. n. Two new combinations are creating secondary junior homonyms among species already in Carebara: C. taprobanae (Forel, 1911a) = C. sinhala nom. n., and C. nana Santschi, 1919 = C. pumilia nom. n.  相似文献   

Matthew Prebus 《ZooKeys》2015,(483):23-57
Four new Afrotropical species of the ant genus Temnothorax are described and illustrated, all from Kenya. Based upon high resemblance to taxa known from the North African and Iberian territories of the Mediterranean region, these new tropical elements are placed into known Palaearctic species complexes. Specifically, Temnothorax brevidentis sp. n., Temnothorax mpala sp. n. and Temnothorax rufus sp. n. are placed in the laurae species group, and Temnothorax solidinodus sp. n. is placed in the angustulus species group. Two already known Temnothorax species from the region, Temnothorax cenatus (Bolton, 1982) and Temnothorax megalops (Hamann & Klemm, 1967), are also placed into the laurae species group based on the high number of shared morphological characters. Diagnoses for the African representatives of laurae and angustulus species groups of the Afrotropical biogeographical region are provided. A key to workers of the six Temnothorax species known to occur in the Afrotropical biogeographical region is provided, as well as diagnoses of morphologically similar myrmicine genera.  相似文献   

H Bharti  R Kumar 《ZooKeys》2012,(207):11-35
Two new species of Tetramorium Mayr, namely Tetramorium shivalikensesp. n. and Tetramorium triangulatumsp. n. are described. Tetramorium triangulatumsp. n. belongs to the inglebyi-species group and is described based on worker, queen and male caste, while Tetramorium shivalikensesp. n. belongs to the ciliatum-species group and is described based on worker caste only. Three species viz., Tetramorium caldarium (Roger), Tetramorium tonganum Mayr and Tetramorium urbanii Bolton represent first records from India. The male caste is described for the first time in the case of Tetramorium tonganum. Among these, Tetramorium caldarium is a tramp species which extends its limit to India as well. A revised key to the Indian ants of this genus is also provided herewith.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the taxonomy of the genus Prionopelta for the Malagasy region, treating seven species, six of which are newly described (Prionopelta laurae sp. n., Prionopelta seychelles sp. n., Prionopelta subtilis sp. n., Prionopelta talos sp. n., Prionopelta vampira sp. n., Prionopelta xerosilva sp. n.), and one redescribed (Prionopelta descarpentriesi Santschi). One species, Prionopelta seychelles, is restricted to Seychelles, while the six remaining species treated are endemic to Madagascar.  相似文献   

The ant genus Paratrechina is reexamined based on the discovery of two new species from Madagascar (P. ankaranasp. n. and P. antsingysp. n.). Paratrechina kohli, a species known from central Africa, is transferred to Paratrechina from Prenolepis based on a new morphological interpretation of the genus and an updated morphological diagnosis of the genus is provided. This means that other than the widespread P. longicornis, whose origins remain uncertain, all Paratrechina are restricted either to the Afrotropical or Malagasy regions. It would also appear that of the five Paratrechina species now known, three are from dry forest habitats. With this reexamination of the genus, the possible origins of P. longicornis are discussed. A key to the genera of the Prenolepis genus-group is provided, as is a key to the workers of Paratrechina. In addition, we also designate a lectotype for Paratrechina kohli.  相似文献   

The Indianspeciesof the ant genus Cerapachys Smith are keyed. Twelve species are recognized of which 6 are described as new. The species are: Cerapachys aitkenii Forel, Cerapachys alii sp. n., Cerapachys anokha sp. n., Cerapachys besucheti Brown, Cerapachys biroi Forel, Cerapachys indicus Brown, Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr), Cerapachys nayana sp. n., Cerapachys schoedli sp. n., Cerapachys seema sp. n., Cerapachys sulcinodis Emery and Cerapachys wighti sp. n. Geographic distribution and group affinities of the new species are discussed. A revised key to the Indian species is provided. The rare ergatoid queens of Cerapachys nayana, Cerapachys schoedli and Cerapachys seema are reported. Formed in response to selective pressures these ergatoid queens have a significant role in dispersal strategies and contribute much to our understanding of the biology of these ants.  相似文献   

Michael Staab 《ZooKeys》2014,(391):65-73
A new species of army ant from the Aenictus wroughtonii group is described and illustrated based on the worker caste. Aenictus gutianshanensis Staab, sp. n. is known form a single colony collected in the subtropical mixed evergreen broad-leaved forest of the Gutianshan National Nature Reserve, South-East China. The new species is probably most closely related to A. vieti Jaitrong & Yamane, 2010 known from North Vietnam and Taiwan. It is suggested that the abundant records of A. camposi Wheeler & Chapman, 1925 from East and South-East China should be reevaluated, as they are probably A. gutianshanensis or A. vieti and not A. camposi, which is distributed in Sundaland, the Philippines, and the southernmost part of continental South-East Asia.  相似文献   

Crematogaster fraxatrix Forel, 1911 and two new species, C. chhangi sp. n. and C. simboloni sp. n., are described from Cambodia and Indonesia, respectively. DNA sequences were generated for C. fraxarix and the two newly described species using 3 amplications of two regions of the mitochondrial gene COI with a total of 1129 bp. The mean interspecific divergences are 9.4% and 23.5% for C. fraxatrix vs. C. chhangi, C. simboloni, respectively. DNA sequences reveal that C. simboloni is found to be genetically distinct from the other two species, but C. chhangi is not distinct from C. fraxatrix.  相似文献   

The genus Mystrium is revised for the Malagasy region. Six species, Mystrium barrybresslerisp. n., Mystrium labyrinthsp. n., Mystrium equessp. n., Mystrium mirrorsp. n., Mystrium shadowsp. n., and Mystrium janovitzisp. n. are described as new. Two existing names, Mystrium fallax Forel and Mystrium stadelmanni Forel, are synonymized with Mystrium voeltzkowi Forel and Mystrium mysticum Roger, respectively. All recognized species, including species outside of the Malagasy region, are assigned to one of the three newly proposed species groups. The associations between existing names and males are reexamined, and males of eight of the ten Malagasy species are described or redescribed. The taxonomic history of Mystrium highlights the importance of using unique identifiers when designating type specimens and the use of deposited vouchers in phylogenetic and ecological studies. Keys to species for workers, queens, and males are provided. Furthermore, a neotype for Mystrium mysticum is designated, as well as lectotypes for Mystrium camillae Emery, Mystrium rogeri Forel, Mystrium fallax Forel, Mystrium oberthueri Forel, Mystrium stadelmanni Forel, and Mystrium voeltzkowi Forel. Stigmatomma gingivale (Brown) is reassigned to Amblyopone as comb. rev. and Amblyopone awa Xu & Chu, Amblyopone kangba Xu & Chu, Amblyopone meiliana Xu & Chu, and Amblyopone zomae Xu & Chu are transferred to the genus Stigmatomma as comb. n.  相似文献   

The ant genus Carebara of the Arabian Peninsula is revised. Carebara abuhurayri Sharaf & Aldawood, 2011 is synonymized under Carebara arabica Collingwood & van Harten, 2001. Carebara arabica is redescribed and a Neotype is fixed based on a specimen collected from southwestern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A new species, C. fayrouzae sp. n. is described from Saudi Arabia based on queens, major and minor workers. Keys to major and minor workers of the two Arabian Carebara species are given.  相似文献   

The Chinese fauna of the family Trigonalyidae Cresson, 1887, is revised, keyed and fully illustrated for the first time. Eight genera of this family (Bakeronymus Rohwer, 1922, Bareogonalos Schulz, 1907, Jezonogonalos Tsuneki, 1991, re-instated, Lycogaster Shuckard, 1841, Orthogonalys Schulz, 1905, Pseudogonalos Schulz, 1906, Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906 and Teranishia Tsuneki, 1991) are recorded from China. The genus Ischnogonalos Schulz, 1907, is synonymized with Taeniogonalos Schulz, 1906. In total 40 valid species are recognized. Twenty species are new for science: Jezonogonalos elliptifera sp. n., J. jiangliae sp. n., J. luteata sp. n., J. nigrata sp. n., Lycogaster angustula sp. n., L. flavonigrata sp. n., L. nigralva sp. n., Orthogonalys cheni sp. n., O. clypeata sp. n., O. robusta sp. n., Pseudogonalos angusta sp. n., Taeniogonalos bucarinata sp. n., T. cordata sp. n., T. geminata sp. n., T. sculpturata sp. n., T. triangulata sp. n., T. tricolorisoma sp. n., T. uncifera sp. n., Teranishia crenulata sp. n. and T. glabrata sp. n. Two species are reported new for China: Orthogonalys elongata Teranishi, 1929 and Nanogonalos flavocincta Teranishi, 1929 (renamed to Taeniogonalos subtruncata nom. n.). Seven new synonyms are proposed: Poecilogonalos yuasai Teranishi, 1938, and P. maga taiwana Tsuneki, 1991, of Taeniogonalos taihorina (Bischoff, 1914); Taiwanogonalos minima Tsuneki, 1991, and T. similis Tsuneki, 1991, of Taeniogonalos alticola (Tsuneki, 1991); P. intermedia Chen, 1949, and P. unifasciata Chen, 1949, of Taeniogonalos formosana (Bischoff, 1913). Six taxa are recognised as valid species: Bakeronymus seidakka Yamane & Terayama, 1983, Jezonogonalos laeviceps (Tsuneki, 1991), J. satoi (Tsuneki, 1991), Taeniogonalos alticola (Tsuneki, 1991), T. flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949) and T. gestroi (Schulz, 1908). Five new combinations are made: Jezonogonalos laeviceps (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., J. satoi (Tsuneki, 1991), comb. n., Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949), comb. n., T. gestroi (Schulz, 1908), comb. n. and T. lachrymosa (Westwood, 1874), comb. n. Lectotypes are designated for Lycogaster violaceipennis Chen, 1949, Poecilogonalos flavoscutellata Chen, 1949, P. rufofasciata Chen, 1949, and P. tricolor Chen, 1949.  相似文献   

The cynipoid subfamily Figitinae is poorly represented in the Afrotropical region with two genera (Figites Latreille and Xyalophora Kieffer) and six species currently known. Here we record an additional two genera (Neralsia Cameron and Lonchidia Thomson) for the region and describe three new species: Neralsia haddocki sp. n.; Xyalophora tedjoansi sp. n.; Xyalophora tintini sp. n. Benoit’s species described in 1956 are synonymized under Figites aciculatus (Benoit, 1956): Figites effossus syn. n.; Figites favonius syn. n.; Figites furvus syn. n.; Figites fraudator syn. n. Identification keys to the figitine genera and species occurring in the Afrotropical region are provided. Online interactive Lucid Phoenix and Lucid matrix keys are available at: http://www.waspweb.org/Cynipoidea/Keys/index.htm  相似文献   

Stephanidae Leach, 1815 (Hymenoptera: Stephanoidea) from China are revised. Five genera are reported from China: Foenatopus Smith, 1861; Megischus Brullé, 1846; Parastephanellus Enderlein, 1906; Schlettererius Ashmead, 1900; and Stephanus Jurine (in Panzer), 1801, and the genera are keyed. All the Chinese species are described and illustrated and new synonyms are established. Keys to species of the five genera occurring in China and adjacent regions are provided.SIX SPECIES ARE NEW TO SCIENCE: Foenatopus brevimaculatussp. n., Foenatopus maculiferussp. n., Foenatopus yangisp. n., Parastephanellus angulatussp. n., Parastephanellus brevicoxalissp. n. and Parastephanellus zhejiangensissp. n. One species, Parastephanellus matsumotoi van Achterberg, 2006, is newly recorded from China.The following 9 new synonyms are proposed: Foenatopus aratifrons Enderlein, 1913 and Foenatopus yunnanensis Chao, 1964, new synonymys for Foenatopus annulitarsus Enderlein, 1913; Foenatopus cerviculatus (Chao, 1964) and Foenatopus chaoi Belokobylskij, 1995 for Foenatopus chinensis (Elliott, 1919); Foenatopus formosanus Enderlein, 1913 for Foenatopus cinctus (Matsumura, 1912); Foenatopus simillimus (Elliott, 1920) and Foenatopus trilineatus (Elliott, 1920) for Foenatopus flavidentatus (Enderlein, 1913); Foenatopus trilobatus (Elliott, 1920) for Foenatopus ruficollis (Enderlein, 1913); Parastephanellus austrochinensis Belokobylskij, 1995 for Parastephanellus brevistigma Enderlein, 1913. A lectotype is designated for Diastephanus trilineatus Elliott, 1920.  相似文献   

Technomyrmex montaserisp. n. is described and illustrated from Oman based on the worker caste collected in Bani Sur. It belongs to the Technomyrmex gibbosus-group, with closest resemblance to Technomyrmex vexatus (Santschi, 1919) and Technomyrmex gibbosus W. M. Wheeler, 1906. A key to the Arabian Technomyrmex is given.  相似文献   

The Afrotropical Cynipoidea are represented by 306 described species and 54 genera in four families: Cynipidae, Figitidae, Liopteridae and Ibaliidae, the latter represented by a single introduced species. Seven of these genera are only represented by undescribed species in the region. Seven new genus-level synonymies, one genus resurrected from synonymy, 54 new combinations, one combination reinstated, and one new replacement name are presented. We provide identification keys to the families, subfamilies and genera of cynipoid wasps occurring in the Afrotropical region (Africa south of the Sahara, including Madagascar and southern Arabian Peninsula). Online interactive Lucid Phoenix and Lucid matrix keys are available at: http://www.waspweb.org/Cynipoidea/Keys/index.htm. An overview of the biology and checklists of species for each genus are provided. This paper constitutes the first contributory chapter to the book on Afrotropical Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

The genus Scleropteroides Colonnelli, 1979 (Ceutorhynchinae: Scleropterini) was revised on the basis of detailed morphological observations. The genus was redefined to include three species from East Asia: S. hypocrita (Hustache, 1916) is redescribed and recorded from northeastern China and northern Korea for the first time; S. horridulus (Voss, 1958) is redescribed with new records from southern Korea; S. insularis Voss, 1971 was moved from synonymy with S. hypocrita to that with S. horridulus (syn. n.), and S. longiprocessus Huang & Yoshitake, sp. n. is described as new, sympatric with S. hypocrita in Japan. All the species are associated with woody Rubus species (Rosaceae). A key to species, habitus photographs, illustrations of important characters, and distribution maps are provided for each species.  相似文献   

Tomá? Lackner 《ZooKeys》2013,(294):57-73
A new genus and species from Kenya, Afroprinus cavicola is herein described and illustrated and its systematic position is discussed. By the prosternal pre-apical foveae connected by marginal prosternal stria it resembles most of the Afrotropical species of the genus Chalcionellus Reichardt, 1932, or some species of the genus Pholioxenus Reichardt, 1932 from South Africa and Namibia. Afroprinus can be distinguished from Chalcionellus chiefly by the lack of pronotal depressions and a coarsely sculptured, non-metallic dorsum; from Afrotropical species of Pholioxenus it can be most easily distinguished by the asetose pronotal hypomeron. The new taxon was discovered in a cave, but lacks obvious troglophilic adaptations. Notes on other Saprininae taxa found in caves are given. An identification key to the genera of Afrotropical Saprininae is provided.  相似文献   

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