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The Rif1 protein is a negative regulator of DNA replication initiation in eukaryotes. Here we show that budding yeast Rif1 inhibits DNA replication initiation at the rDNA locus. Absence of Rif1, or disruption of its interaction with PP1/Glc7 phosphatase, leads to more intensive rDNA replication. The effect of Rif1-Glc7 on rDNA replication is similar to that of the Sir2 deacetylase, and the two would appear to act in the same pathway, since the rif1Δ sir2Δ double mutant shows no further increase in rDNA replication. Loss of Rif1-Glc7 activity is also accompanied by an increase in rDNA repeat instability that again is not additive with the effect of sir2Δ. We find, in addition, that the viability of rif1Δ cells is severely compromised in combination with disruption of the MRX or Ctf4-Mms22 complexes, both of which are implicated in stabilization of stalled replication forks. Significantly, we show that removal of the rDNA replication fork barrier (RFB) protein Fob1, alleviation of replisome pausing by deletion of the Tof1/Csm3 complex, or a large deletion of the rDNA repeat array all rescue this synthetic growth defect of rif1Δ cells lacking in addition either MRX or Ctf4-Mms22 activity. These data suggest that the repression of origin activation by Rif1-Glc7 is important to avoid the deleterious accumulation of stalled replication forks at the rDNA RFB, which become lethal when fork stability is compromised. Finally, we show that Rif1-Glc7, unlike Sir2, has an important effect on origin firing outside of the rDNA locus that serves to prevent activation of the DNA replication checkpoint. Our results thus provide insights into a mechanism of replication control within a large repetitive chromosomal domain and its importance for the maintenance of genome stability. These findings may have important implications for metazoans, where large blocks of repetitive sequences are much more common.  相似文献   

Drosophila chromosomes are organized into distinct domains differing in their predominant chromatin composition, replication timing and evolutionary conservation. We show on a genome-wide level that genes whose order has remained unaltered across 9 Drosophila species display late replication timing and frequently map to the regions of repressive chromatin. This observation is consistent with the existence of extensive domains of repressive chromatin that replicate extremely late and have conserved gene order in the Drosophila genome. We suggest that such repressive chromatin domains correspond to a handful of regions that complete replication at the very end of S phase. We further demonstrate that the order of genes in these regions is rarely altered in evolution. Substantial proportion of such regions significantly coincide with large synteny blocks. This indicates that there are evolutionary mechanisms maintaining the integrity of these late-replicating chromatin domains. The synteny blocks corresponding to the extremely late-replicating regions in the D. melanogaster genome consistently display two-fold lower gene density across different Drosophila species.  相似文献   

DNA replication initiates at specific positions termed replication origins. Genome-wide studies of human replication origins have shown that origins are organized into replication initiation zones. However, only few replication initiation zones have been described so far. Moreover, few origins were mapped in other mammalian species besides human and mouse. Here we analyzed pattern of short nascent strands in the X inactivation center (XIC) of vole Microtus levis in fibroblasts, trophoblast stem cells, and extraembryonic endoderm stem cells and confirmed origins locations by ChIP approach. We found that replication could be initiated in a significant part of XIC. We also analyzed state of XIC chromatin in these cell types. We compared origin localization in the mouse and vole XIC. Interestingly, origins associated with gene promoters are conserved in these species. The data obtained allow us to suggest that the X inactivation center of M. levis is one extended replication initiation zone.  相似文献   

Telomere length is negatively regulated by proteins of the telomeric DNA-protein complex. Rap1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds the telomeric TG(1-3) repeat DNA, and the Rap1p C terminus interacts with Rif1p and Rif2p. We investigated how these three proteins negatively regulate telomere length. We show that direct tethering of each Rif protein to a telomere shortens that telomere proportionally to the number of tethered molecules, similar to previously reported counting of Rap1p. Surprisingly, Rif proteins could also regulate telomere length even when the Rap1p C terminus was absent, and tethered Rap1p counting was completely dependent on the Rif proteins. Thus, Rap1p counting is in fact Rif protein counting. In genetic settings that cause telomeres to be abnormally long, tethering even a single Rif2p molecule was sufficient for maximal effectiveness in preventing the telomere overelongation. We show that a heterologous protein oligomerization domain, the mammalian PDZ domain, when fused to Rap1p can confer telomere length control. We propose that a nucleation and spreading mechanism is involved in forming the higher-order telomere structure that regulates telomere length.  相似文献   

Activation of oncogenes or inhibition of WEE1 kinase deregulates cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity and leads to replication stress; however, the underlying mechanism is not understood. We now show that elevation of CDK activity by inhibition of WEE1 kinase rapidly increases initiation of replication. This leads to nucleotide shortage and reduces replication fork speed, which is followed by SLX4/MUS81-mediated DNA double-strand breakage. Fork speed is normalized and DNA double-strand break (DSB) formation is suppressed when CDT1, a key factor for replication initiation, is depleted. Furthermore, addition of nucleosides counteracts the effects of unscheduled CDK activity on fork speed and DNA DSB formation. Finally, we show that WEE1 regulates the ionizing radiation (IR)-induced S-phase checkpoint, consistent with its role in control of replication initiation. In conclusion, these results suggest that deregulated CDK activity, such as that occurring following inhibition of WEE1 kinase or activation of oncogenes, induces replication stress and loss of genomic integrity through increased firing of replication origins and subsequent nucleotide shortage.  相似文献   

Mrc1 associates with replication forks, where it transmits replication stress signals and is required for normal replisome pausing in response to nucleotide depletion. Mrc1 also plays a poorly understood role in DNA replication, which appears distinct from its role in checkpoint signaling. Here, we demonstrate that Mrc1 functions constitutively to promote normal replication fork progression. In mrc1Delta cells, replication forks proceed slowly throughout chromatin, rather than being specifically defective in pausing and progression through loci that impede fork progression. Analysis of genetic interactions with Rrm3, a DNA helicase required to resolve paused forks, indicates that Mrc1 checkpoint signaling is dispensable for the resolution of stalled replication forks and suggests that replication forks lacking Mrc1 create DNA damage that must be repaired by Rrm3. These findings elucidate a central role for Mrc1 in normal replisome function, which is distinct from its role as a checkpoint mediator, but nevertheless critical to genome stability.  相似文献   

Mikhailov  V. S. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(2):250-259
The review describes the current state of studying the baculovirus DNA replication. The structural organization of replication initiation sites and replication intermediates are considered. Attention is focused on virus replication factors, including DNA polymerase, helicase, IE-1, LEF-1, LEF-2, and LEF-3.  相似文献   

Cheng E  Vaisica JA  Ou J  Baryshnikova A  Lu Y  Roth FP  Brown GW 《Genetics》2012,192(1):147-160
Genetic screens of the collection of ~4500 deletion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified the cohort of nonessential genes that promote maintenance of genome integrity. Here we probe the role of essential genes needed for genome stability. To this end, we screened 217 tetracycline-regulated promoter alleles of essential genes and identified 47 genes whose depletion results in spontaneous DNA damage. We further showed that 92 of these 217 essential genes have a role in suppressing chromosome rearrangements. We identified a core set of 15 genes involved in DNA replication that are critical in preventing both spontaneous DNA damage and genome rearrangements. Mapping, classification, and analysis of rearrangement breakpoints indicated that yeast fragile sites, Ty retrotransposons, tRNA genes, early origins of replication, and replication termination sites are common features at breakpoints when essential replication genes that suppress chromosome rearrangements are downregulated. We propose mechanisms by which depletion of essential replication proteins can lead to double-stranded DNA breaks near these features, which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination at repeated elements.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA replication is a highly regulated process in eukaryotic cells, and central to the process of initiation is the assembly and activation of the replication fork helicase. The replication fork helicase is comprised of CMG (Cdc45, Mcm2–7, and GINS) in eukaryotic cells, and the mechanism underlying assembly of the CMG during S phase was studied in this article. We identified a point mutation of Sld3 that is specifically defective for Mcm3 and Mcm5 interaction (sld3-m10), and also identified a point mutation of Sld3 that is specifically defective for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) interaction (sld3-m9). Expression of wild-type levels of sld3-m9 resulted in a severe DNA replication defect with no recruitment of GINS to Mcm2–7, whereas expression of wild-type levels of sld3-m10 resulted in a severe replication defect with no Cdc45 recruitment to Mcm2–7. We propose a model for Sld3-mediated control of replication initiation, wherein Sld3 manages the proper assembly of the CMG during S phase. We also find that the biochemical functions identified for Sld3 are conserved in human Treslin, suggesting that Treslin orchestrates assembly of the CMG in human cells.  相似文献   


Positional correlation analysis for the complete genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is performed with the aim to reveal possible chromatin-related sequence features. A strong periodicity with the period 10.4 bases is detected in the distance histograms for the dinucleotides AA and TT, with the characteristic decay distance of approximately 50 base pairs. The oscillations are observed as well in the distributions of other dinucleotides. However, the respective amplitudes are small, consistent with secondary effects, due to dominant periodicity of AA and TT. The observations are in accord with earlier data on the chromatin sequence periodicities and nucleosome DNA sequence patterns. The autocorrelations of AA and TT dinucleotides in yeast include also a counter-phase component. A tentative DNA sequence pattern for the yeast nucleosomes is suggested and verified by comparison of its autocorrelation plots with the respective natural autocorrelations. The nucleosome mapping guided by the pattern is in accord with experimental data on the linker length distribution in yeast.  相似文献   

Origins of the Human Genome Project   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Human Genome Project has become a reality. Building on a debate that dates back to 1985, several genome projects are now in full stride around the world, and more are likely to form in the next several years. Italy began its genome program in 1987, and the United Kingdom and U.S.S.R. in 1988. The European communities mounted several genome projects on yeast, bacteria, Drosophila, and Arabidospis thaliana (a rapidly growing plant with a small genome) in 1988, and in 1990 commenced a new 2-year program on the human genome. In the United States, we have completed the first year of operation of the National Center for Human Genome Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), now the largest single funding source for genome research in the world. There have been dedicated budgets focused on genome-scale research at NIH, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for several years, and results are beginning to accumulate. There were three annual meetings on genome mapping and sequencing at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, in the spring of 1988, 1989, and 1990; the talks have shifted from a discussion about how to approach problems to presenting results from experiments already performed. We have finally begun to work rather than merely talk. The purpose of genome projects is to assemble data on the structure of DNA in human chromosomes and those of other organisms. A second goal is to develop new technologies to perform mapping and sequencing. There have been impressive technical advances in the past 5 years since the debate about the human genome project began. We are on the verge of beginning pilot projects to test several approaches to sequencing long stretches of DNA, using both automation and manual methods. Ordered sets of yeast artificial chromosome and cosmid clones have been assembled to span more than 2 million base pairs of several human chromosomes, and a region of 10 million base pairs has been assembled for Caenorhabditis elegans by a collaboration between Washington University and the Medical Research Council laboratory in Cambridge, U.K. This project is now turning to sequencing C. elegans DNA as a logical extension of this work. These are but the first fruits of the genome project. There is much more to come.  相似文献   

Calpains regulate a wide spectrum of biological functions, including migration, adhesion, apoptosis, secretion, and autophagy, through the modulating cleavage of specific substrates. Ubiquitous microcalpain (μ-calpain) and millicalpain (m-calpain) are heterodimers composed of catalytic subunits encoded, respectively, by CAPN1 and CAPN2 and a regulatory subunit encoded by CAPNS1. Here we show that calpain is required for the stability of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 in several cell lines. USP1 modulates DNA replication polymerase choice and repair by deubiquitinating PCNA. The ubiquitinated form of the USP1 substrate PCNA is stabilized in CAPNS1-depleted U2OS cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), favoring polymerase-η loading on chromatin and increased mutagenesis. USP1 degradation directed by the cell cycle regulator APC/Ccdh1, which marks USP1 for destruction in the G1 phase, is upregulated in CAPNS1-depleted cells. USP1 stability can be rescued upon forced expression of calpain-activated Cdk5/p25, previously reported as a cdh1 repressor. These data suggest that calpain stabilizes USP1 by activating Cdk5, which in turn inhibits cdh1 and, consequently, USP1 degradation. Altogether these findings point to a connection between the calpain system and the ubiquitin pathway in the regulation of DNA damage response and place calpain at the interface between cell cycle modulation and DNA repair.  相似文献   

When the growth rate of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is limited with various nitrogen sources, the duration of the S phase is proportional to cell cycle length over a fourfold range of growth rates (C.J. Rivin and W. L. Fangman, 1980, J. Cell Biol. 85:96-107). Molecular parameters of the S phases of these cells were examined by DNA fiber autoradiography. Changes in replication fork rate account completely for the changes in S-phase duration. No changes in origin-to- origin distances were detected. In addition, it was found that while most adjacent replication origins are activated within a few minutes of each other, new activations occur throughout the S phase.  相似文献   

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