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Glycosylation of proteins is important for protein stability, secretion, and localization. In this study, we have investigated the glycan synthesis pathways of 12 filamentous fungi including those of medical/agricultural/industrial importance for which genomes have been recently sequenced. We have adopted a systems biology approach to combine the results from comparative genomics techniques with high confidence information on the enzymes and fungal glycan structures, reported in the literature. From this, we have developed a composite representation of the glycan synthesis pathways in filamentous fungi (both N- and O-linked). The N-glycosylation pathway in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum was found to be highly conserved evolutionarily across all the filamentous fungi considered in the study. In the final stages of N-glycan synthesis in the Golgi, filamentous fungi follow the high mannose pathway as in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but the level of glycan mannosylation is reduced. Highly specialized N-glycan structures with galactofuranose residues, phosphodiesters, and other insufficiently trimmed structures have also been identified in the filamentous fungi. O-Linked glycosylation in filamentous fungi was seen to be highly conserved with many mannosyltransferases that are similar to those in S. cerevisiae. However, highly variable and diverse O-linked glycans also exist. We have developed a web resource for presenting the compiled data with user-friendly query options, which can be accessed at www.fungalglycans.org. This resource can assist attempts to remodel glycosylation of recombinant proteins expressed in filamentous fungal hosts.  相似文献   

Although the application of filamentous fungi, such asAspergillus niger for the production of extracellular proteins is well established for several decades, hardly any information is available about the molecular mechanisms of the process of protein secretion in these organisms.Two lines of research initiated towards a systematic analysis of the mechanism of protein targeting and secretion are presented in this paper.1 — To study routing and targeting of proteins in filamentous fungi the availability of a versatile reporter/carrier protein will be of considerable importance. Experiments towards the identification of such a protein are presented.2 — In analogy to the situation inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the availability of defined (conditional) mutations in the secretion pathway will provide very important information about the organisation of the pathway. Therefore, based on results obtained inS. cerevisiae, the cloning of several fungal secretion genes was started. The results of the cloning and characterisation of one of these genes is presented.  相似文献   

Sclerotium rolfsii andSclerotium bataticola could utilize protein and produce extracellular proteinase. In protein-deficient media no extracellular proteinase was detected. In protein-containing media addition of glucose stimulated enzyme synthesis; in absence of glucose addition of ammonium to the protein-media decreased enzyme activity. The rate of protein hydrolysis was higher in media contained glucose but not ammonium. The rate of glucose depletion from the culture filtrates was faster in treatments received protein with glucose or with glucose and ammonium, and addition of sulphur showed slight decrease in glucose utilization.  相似文献   

The genome of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans harbors the gene ppzA that codes for the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase Z (PPZ), and the closely related opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus encompasses a highly similar PPZ gene (phzA). When PpzA and PhzA were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Schizosaccharomyces pombe they partially complemented the deleted phosphatases in the ppz1 or the pzh1 mutants, and they also mimicked the effect of Ppz1 overexpression in slt2 MAP kinase deficient S. cerevisiae cells. Although ppzA acted as the functional equivalent of the known PPZ enzymes its disruption in A. nidulans did not result in the expected phenotypes since it failed to affect salt tolerance or cell wall integrity. However, the inactivation of ppzA resulted in increased sensitivity to oxidizing agents like tert-butylhydroperoxide, menadione, and diamide. To demonstrate the general validity of our observations we showed that the deletion of the orthologous PPZ genes in other model organisms, such as S. cerevisiae (PPZ1) or Candida albicans (CaPPZ1) also caused oxidative stress sensitivity. Thus, our work reveals a novel function of the PPZ enzyme in A. nidulans that is conserved in very distantly related fungi.  相似文献   

Protein crystals are usually obtained by an empirical approach based on extensive screening to identify suitable crystallization conditions. In contrast, we have used a systematic predictive procedure to produce data-quality crystals of bovine chymotrypsinogen A and used them to obtain a refined X-ray structure to 3 A resolution. Measurements of the osmotic second virial coefficient of chymotrypsinogen solutions were used to identify suitable solvent conditions, following which crystals were grown for approximately 30 hours by ultracentrifugal crystallization, without the use of any precipitants. Existing structures of chymotrypsinogen were obtained in solutions including 10-30 % ethanol, whereas simple buffered NaCl solutions were used here. The protein crystallized in the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2, with one molecule per asymmetric unit. The quality of the refined map was very high throughout, with the main-chain atoms of all but four residues clearly defined and with nearly all side-chains also defined. Although only minor differences are seen compared to the structures previously reported, they indicate the possibility of structural changes due to the crystallization conditions used in those studies. Our results show that more systematic crystallization of proteins is possible, and that the procedure can expand the range of conditions under which crystals can be grown successfully and can make new crystal forms available.  相似文献   

Protein design.     
Several noteworthy papers have been published in the past year in which the creation of interesting novel proteins, either by de novo design or the redesign of existing proteins, has been reported. Highlights include the successful design of proteins for binding specific ligands.  相似文献   

Thermomyces lanuginosus was subjected to three cycles of mutagenesis (UV/NTG) and a selection procedure to develop amylase-hyperproducing, catabolite-repression-resistant and partially constitutive strains. One of the selected derepressed mutant strain III51, produced ∼7- and 3-fold higher specific activity of α-amylase (190 U/mg protein) and glucoamylase (105 U/mg protein), respectively, compared to a wild-type parental strain. Further, the effect of production parameters on mutant strain III51 was studied using a Box–Behnken design. The regression models computed showed significantly high R 2 values of 96 and 97% for α-amylase and glucoamylase activities, respectively, indicating that they are appropriate for predicting relationships between corn flour, soybean meal and pH with α-amylase and glucoamylase production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 70–74 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000270 Received 05 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 16 April 2002  相似文献   

Protein O-glycosylation in fungi: diverse structures and multiple functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein glycosylation is essential for eukaryotic cells from yeasts to humans. When compared to N-glycosylation, O-glycosylation is variable in sugar components and the mode of linkages connecting the sugars. In fungi, secretory proteins are commonly mannosylated by protein O-mannosyltransferase (PMT) in the endoplasmic reticulum, and subsequently glycosylated by several glycosyltransferases in the Golgi apparatus to form glycoproteins with diverse O-glycan structures. Protein O-glycosylation has roles in modulating the function of secretory proteins by enhancing the stability and solubility of the proteins, by affording protection from protease degradation, and by acting as a sorting determinant in yeasts. In filamentous fungi, protein O-glycosylation contributes to proper maintenance of fungal morphology, hyphal development, and differentiation. This review describes recent studies of the structure and function of protein O-glycosylation in industrially and medically important fungi.  相似文献   

Biologists working in the area of computational protein design have never doubted the seriousness of the algorithmic challenges that face them in attempting in silico sequence selection. It turns out that in the language of the computer science community, this discrete optimization problem is NP-hard. The purpose of this paper is to explain the context of this observation, to provide a simple illustrative proof and to discuss the implications for future progress on algorithms for computational protein design.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in site-directed mutagenesis and total gene synthesis combined with new expression systems in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have provided the molecular biologist with tools for modification of existing proteins to improve catalytic activity, stability and selectivity, for construction of chimeric molecules and for synthesis of completely novel molecules that may be endowed with some useful activity. Such protein engineering can be seen as a cycle in which the structures of engineered molecules are studied by X-ray analysis and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance. The results are used in the improvement of the design by using knowledge-based procedures that exploit facts, rules and observations about proteins of known three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Protein enrichment of sweet potato residue with amylolytic moulds by solid-state fermentation was higher than that obtained with amylolytic yeasts. The optimum initial moisture content for protein enrichment was 66% to 75%. Incrementally added nitrogen sources to the culture at zero time and at 24 h considerably improved the final protein content. During the cultivation, the moisture, ash and ATP contents increased, while the pH value decreased. A 1:1 co-culture of amylolytic mycelial fungi yielded a product with 32.4% crude protein after 4 days incubation at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

Denitrification by fungi   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Many fungi in the centre of the group of Fusarium and its teleomorphs were shown to be capable of reducing nitrite anaerobically to form nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and/or dinitrogen (N2). Several strains could reduce nitrate as well. Nitrous oxide was the major product of the reduction of nitrate or nitrite. Several fungi could also form N2. When [15]nitrite was used as substrate for the N2-forming denitrification, 15N2O, 15NO, and 14N15N were obtained as the products. These results demonstrated that, unexpectedly, many fungi have denitrifying abilities. It was also shown that the fungal system contains a unique reaction, formation of a hybrid dinitrogen.  相似文献   

Design and construction of biochemical pathways has increased the complexity of biosynthetically-produced compounds when compared to single enzyme biocatalysis. However, the coordination of multiple enzymes can introduce a complicated set of obstacles to overcome in order to achieve a high titer and yield of the desired compound. Metabolic engineering has made great strides in developing tools to optimize the flux through a target pathway, but the inherent characteristics of a particular enzyme within the pathway can still limit the productivity. Thus, judicious protein design is critical for metabolic and pathway engineering. This review will describe various strategies and examples of applying protein design to pathway engineering to optimize the flux through the pathway. The proteins can be engineered for altered substrate specificity/selectivity, increased catalytic activity, reduced mass transfer limitations through specific protein localization, and reduced substrate/product inhibition. Protein engineering can also be expanded to design biosensors to enable high through-put screening and to customize cell signaling networks. These strategies have successfully engineered pathways for significantly increased productivity of the desired product or in the production of novel compounds.  相似文献   

Summary The regio-and stereoselective characteristics of biotransformations involving oxidative ring expansion of bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-en-6-one have been characterised in various dematiaceous fungi of the generaCurvularia andDrechslera.  相似文献   

Structure-based computational methods are popular tools for designing proteins and interactions between proteins because they provide the necessary insight and details required for rational engineering. Here, we first argue that large-scale databases of fragments contain a discrete but complete set of building blocks that can be used to design structures. We show that these structural alphabets can be saturated to provide conformational ensembles that sample the native structure space around energetic minima. Second, we show that catalogs of interaction patterns hold the key to overcome the lack of scaffolds when computationally designing protein interactions. Finally, we illustrate the power of database-driven computational protein design methods by recent successful applications and discuss what challenges remain to push this field forward.  相似文献   

Optimizing amino acid conformation and identity is a central problem in computational protein design. Protein design algorithms must allow realistic protein flexibility to occur during this optimization, or they may fail to find the best sequence with the lowest energy. Most design algorithms implement side-chain flexibility by allowing the side chains to move between a small set of discrete, low-energy states, which we call rigid rotamers. In this work we show that allowing continuous side-chain flexibility (which we call continuous rotamers) greatly improves protein flexibility modeling. We present a large-scale study that compares the sequences and best energy conformations in 69 protein-core redesigns using a rigid-rotamer model versus a continuous-rotamer model. We show that in nearly all of our redesigns the sequence found by the continuous-rotamer model is different and has a lower energy than the one found by the rigid-rotamer model. Moreover, the sequences found by the continuous-rotamer model are more similar to the native sequences. We then show that the seemingly easy solution of sampling more rigid rotamers within the continuous region is not a practical alternative to a continuous-rotamer model: at computationally feasible resolutions, using more rigid rotamers was never better than a continuous-rotamer model and almost always resulted in higher energies. Finally, we present a new protein design algorithm based on the dead-end elimination (DEE) algorithm, which we call iMinDEE, that makes the use of continuous rotamers feasible in larger systems. iMinDEE guarantees finding the optimal answer while pruning the search space with close to the same efficiency of DEE. Availability: Software is available under the Lesser GNU Public License v3. Contact the authors for source code.  相似文献   

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