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Krause ET  Caspers BA 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36615
Reliably recognizing their own nest provides parents with a necessary skill to invest time and resources efficiently in raising their offspring and thereby maximising their own reproductive success. Studies investigating nest recognition in adult birds have focused mainly on visual cues of the nest or the nest site and acoustic cues of the nestlings. To determine whether adult songbirds also use olfaction for nest recognition, we investigated the use of olfactory nest cues for two estrildid finch species, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica) during the nestling and fledgling phase of their offspring. We found similar behavioural responses to nest odours in both songbird species. Females preferred the odour of their own nest over a control and avoided the foreign conspecific nest scent over a control during the nestling phase of their offspring, but when given the own odour and the foreign conspecific odour simultaneously we did not find a preference for the own nest odour. Males of both species did not show any preferences at all. The behavioural reaction to any nest odour decreased after fledging of the offspring. Our results show that only females show a behavioural response to olfactory nest cues, indicating that the use of olfactory cues for nest recognition seems to be sex-specific and dependent on the developmental stage of the offspring. Although estrildid finches are known to use visual and acoustic cues for nest recognition, the similar behavioural pattern of both species indicates that at least females gain additional information by olfactory nest cues during the nestling phase of their offspring. Thus olfactory cues might be important in general, even in situations in which visual and acoustic cues are known to be sufficient.  相似文献   

The role of individual behavioral variation in community dynamics was studied. Behavioral variation in this study does not refer to differences in average responses (e.g., average response between presence and absence of antipredator behavior). Rather it refers to the variation around the average response that is not explained by trivial experimental treatments. First, the effect of behavioral variation was examined based on Jensen’s inequality. In cases of commonly used modeling framework with type II functional response, neglecting behavioral variation (a component of encounter rate) causes overestimation of predation effects. The effect of this bias on community processes was examined by incorporating the behavioral variation in a commonly used consumer-resource model (Rosenzweig–MacArthur model). How such a consideration affects a model prediction (paradox of enrichment) was examined. The inclusion of behavioral variation can both quantitatively and qualitatively alter the model characteristics. Behavioral variation can substantially increase the stability of the community with respect to enrichment.  相似文献   

Objectives: Landau–Kleffner Syndrome (LKS) is an epileptic syndrome characterised by a deficit in language comprehension and production, paroxysmal epileptiform activity in the posterior temporal leads, and by the inconsistent presence of epileptic fits. Its interest lies in the fact that it stands as a model for the study of interference of epileptiform activity on cognitive function, although the pathophysiology of the decline in language skills that follows its onset has not yet been clarified.Methods: We have recorded spike-triggered auditory evoked responses in a group of 6 children with LKS, to investigate whether the occurrence of individual EEG paroxysms is able per se to induce a decline in the response of the auditory cortex.Results: Results have indicated that left hemisphere spikes are associated with a greater reduction in amplitude and an increase in latency of the N1, than spikes occurring in the right hemisphere. No stable change in the evoked response has been detected outside of the EEG paroxysm.Conclusions: We postulate EEG interictal activity is able to induce impairment in processing auditory information and that this may play a role in the pathogenesis of language deficit (deficiency?) in LKS.  相似文献   

Recognition by vocal characteristics between parents and their offspring is thought to be ubiquitous in colonially nesting avian species. The Brown-headed Parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus nests in hollows in trees. However, when the chicks fledge they leave the nest and for the following three weeks spend their time in a tree where they are fed by their parents. As the fledglings are mobile and cryptic, returning parents must locate their own chicks. In this study a series of playback experiments was carried out, which showed that the chicks recognise their parents by voice. A simultaneous mirror experiment indicated that recognition was not reciprocated, although there may be alternative explanations for this behaviour. When the young began to forage with their parents, vocal stimuli did not induce any response from adult or chick. We suggest that vocal recognition becomes secondary to visual recognition as development proceeds.  相似文献   

Dynamic protein turnover through regulated protein synthesis and degradation ensures cellular growth, proliferation, differentiation and adaptation. Eukaryotic cells utilize two mechanistically distinct but largely complementary systems — the 26S proteasome and the lysosome (or vacuole in yeast and plants) — to effectively target a wide range of proteins for degradation. The concerted action of the ubiquitination machinery and the 26S proteasome ensures the targeted and tightly regulated degradation of a subset of commonly short-lived cellular proteins. Autophagy is a distinct degradation pathway, which transports a highly heterogeneous set of cargos in dedicated vesicles, called autophagosomes, to the lysosome. There the cargo becomes degraded and its molecular building blocks are recycled. While general autophagy randomly engulfs portions of the cytosol, selective autophagy employs dedicated cargo adaptors to specifically enrich the forming autophagosomes for a certain type of cargo as a response to various intra- or extracellular signals. Selective autophagy targets a wide range of cargos including long-lived proteins and protein complexes, organelles, protein aggregates and even intracellular microbes. In this review we summarize available data on cargo recognition mechanisms operating in selective autophagy and the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), and emphasize their differences and common themes. Moreover, we derive general regulatory principles underlying cargo recognition in selective autophagy, and describe the system-wide crosstalk between these two cellular protein degradation systems. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Ubiquitin–Proteasome System. Guest Editors: Thomas Sommer and Dieter H. Wolf.  相似文献   

Learning to read takes time and it requires explicit instruction. Three decades of research has taught us a good deal about how children learn about the links between orthography and phonology during word reading development. However, we have learned less about the links that children build between orthographic form and meaning. This is surprising given that the goal of reading development must be for children to develop an orthographic system that allows meanings to be accessed quickly, reliably and efficiently from orthography. This review considers whether meaning-related information is used when children read words aloud, and asks what we know about how and when children make connections between form and meaning during the course of reading development.  相似文献   

To compete over limited parental resources, young animals communicate with their parents and siblings by producing honest vocal signals of need. Components of begging calls that are sensitive to food deprivation may honestly signal need, whereas other components may be associated with individual‐specific attributes that do not change with time such as identity, sex, absolute age and hierarchy. In a sib–sib communication system where barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally negotiate priority access to food resources, we show that calls have individual signatures that are used by nestlings to recognize which siblings are motivated to compete, even if most vocalization features vary with hunger level. Nestlings were more identifiable when food‐deprived than food‐satiated, suggesting that vocal identity is emphasized when the benefit of winning a vocal contest is higher. In broods where siblings interact iteratively, we speculate that individual‐specific signature permits siblings to verify that the most vocal individual in the absence of parents is the one that indeed perceived the food brought by parents. Individual recognition may also allow nestlings to associate identity with individual‐specific characteristics such as position in the within‐brood dominance hierarchy. Calls indeed revealed age hierarchy and to a lower extent sex and absolute age. Using a cross‐fostering experimental design, we show that most acoustic features were related to the nest of origin (but not the nest of rearing), suggesting a genetic or an early developmental effect on the ontogeny of vocal signatures. To conclude, our study suggests that sibling competition has promoted the evolution of vocal behaviours that signal not only hunger level but also intrinsic individual characteristics such as identity, family, sex and age.  相似文献   

Binocular disparities arise from positional differences of scene features projected in the two retinae, and constitute the primary sensory cue for stereo vision. Here we introduce a new computational model for disparity estimation, based on the Green’s function of an image matching equation. When filtering a Gabor-function-modulated signal, the considered Green’s function yields a similarly modulated but shifted version of the original signal. Since a Gabor function models the receptive field of a cortical simple cell, the Green’s kernel thus allows the simulation of relative shifts between the cell’s left and right binocular inputs. A measure of the local degree of matching of such shifted inputs can then be introduced which affords disparity estimation in a similar manner to the energy model of the complex cortical cells. We have therefore effectively reformulated, in physiologically plausible terms, an image matching approach to disparity estimation. Our experiments show that the Green’s function method allows the detection of disparities both from random-dot and real-world stereograms. Partially supported by CNPq-Brazil.  相似文献   

Klemens JA 《Biology letters》2008,4(1):67-8; discussion 69-70

Autophagy is a conserved self-cleaning and renewal system required for cellular homeostasis and stress tolerance. Autophagic processes are also implicated in the response to ‘non-self’ such as viral pathogens, yet the functions and mechanisms of autophagy during plant virus infection have only recently started to be revealed. Compelling evidence now indicates that autophagy is an integral part of antiviral immunity in plants. It can promote the hypersensitive cell death response upon incompatible viral infections or mediate the selective elimination of entire particles and individual proteins from compatible viruses in a pathway similar to xenophagy in animals. Several viruses, however, have evolved measures to antagonize xenophagic degradation or utilize autophagy to suppress disease-associated cell death and other defence pathways like RNA silencing. Here, we highlight the current advances and gaps in our understanding of the complex autophagy–virus interplay and its consequences for host immunity and viral pathogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of water molecules in 89 protein–RNA complexes taken from the Protein Data Bank. Those with tRNA and single-stranded RNA are less hydrated than with duplex or ribosomal proteins. Protein–RNA interfaces are hydrated less than protein–DNA interfaces, but more than protein–protein interfaces. Majority of the waters at protein–RNA interfaces makes multiple H-bonds; however, a fraction do not make any. Those making H-bonds have preferences for the polar groups of RNA than its partner protein. The spatial distribution of waters makes interfaces with ribosomal proteins and single-stranded RNA relatively ‘dry’ than interfaces with tRNA and duplex RNA. In contrast to protein–DNA interfaces, mainly due to the presence of the 2′OH, the ribose in protein–RNA interfaces is hydrated more than the phosphate or the bases. The minor groove in protein–RNA interfaces is hydrated more than the major groove, while in protein–DNA interfaces it is reverse. The strands make the highest number of water-mediated H-bonds per unit interface area followed by the helices and the non-regular structures. The preserved waters at protein–RNA interfaces make higher number of H-bonds than the other waters. Preserved waters contribute toward the affinity in protein–RNA recognition and should be carefully treated while engineering protein–RNA interfaces.  相似文献   

The first step in the olfactory perception is the activation by odorants of sensory neurones in the olfactory epithelium. In humans, this sensory epithelium is located at 2 narrow passages, the olfactory clefts, at the upper part of the nasal cavities. Little is known about the physiology of these clefts. We examined, in 34 patients, the impact of obstructed clefts upon detection and postlearning identification of 5 odorants. The location and extension of the obstructions were assessed using endoscopy, CT scans, and MRI. The inflammatory obstruction was usually bilateral, extending anteroposteriorly, and confined to the clefts, with no sign of obstruction or any inflammatory disease in the rest of the nasal cavities and sinuses. When tested with 5 odorants, these patients showed greatly impaired olfaction compared with a group of 73 normosmic subjects. The majority of these 34 patients had sensory deficits equivalent to that found in another group of 41 congenital anosmic patients, where inspection with MRI indicated the lack of olfactory bulbs. This study demonstrates that the olfactory clefts, in human, function as an entity that is different from other regions of the nasal cavity and is the target for local inflammatory events that are apparently not responding to corticoid and antibiotic treatments.  相似文献   

To increase base recognition capability and sensitivity, we propose the separation of a commonly used single-probe system for oligonucleotide analysis into a set of three probes: a fluorophore-labeled probe, a promoter probe, and a short probe. In this study, we found that the probes of only 4 nt in length can selectively bind the corresponding gap site on complexes consisting of the target, fluorophore-labeled probe, and promoter probe, exhibiting a more than 14-fold difference in ligation between the matched and mismatched sequences. Moreover, we demonstrated that the immobilized short probes accurately recognized the sequences of the gap sites.  相似文献   

The mechanism that facilitates the evolution of maternal care is ambiguous in egg‐laying terrestrial vertebrates: does the ability of mothers to recognize their own eggs lead them under some circumstances to begin providing care or can maternal care evolve from simply being in close proximity to the eggs (e.g. through territorial behaviour)? This question is difficult to answer because in most species, parental care is either absent altogether or present; in only a few species we have the opportunity to observe intraspecific variation in the expression of parental care. We studied a population of long‐tailed skinks (Eutropis longicaudata) in which females have recently evolved maternal care from a noncaring state. Females on Orchid Island, Taiwan, remain with their eggs during incubation and when doing so, actively deter egg predation by egg‐eating snakes (Oligodon formosanus); in all other populations, females lack post‐ovipositional maternal care. Nest‐guarding females on Orchid Island (i) showed antipredator behaviours only in the original nest site in which they laid eggs, even after we removed all of the eggs or substituted them with those of a conspecific; (ii) protect any eggs present inside the original nest site (even when the eggs belong to a conspecific); and (iii) develop this behaviour while gravid (i.e. prior to laying eggs). This supports the hypothesis that long‐tailed skinks cannot recognize their own eggs, suggesting that maternal care is a directed form of territoriality only expressed towards egg‐eating snakes and only during reproduction. Nest guarding is among the most primitive forms of parental care, and the recent evolution of this behaviour in a single population provides insight into one of the mechanisms by which parental care can originate in terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by inflammation, demyelination and axonal loss. While the majority of MS patients experience relapsing-remitting symptoms followed by a secondary progressive phase, about 10–15% patients exhibit a primary progressive disease involving continuous progression from its onset. Here we review the role of lectin–glycan recognition systems, including those concerning siglecs, C-type lectins and galectins in the pathogenesis of MS and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Particularly, we will focus on the role of galectins in the fate of T cells, dendritic cells and CNS cell populations. Understanding the regulatory circuits governed by lectin–glycan interactions and their association with disease-associated cytokine networks will contribute to develop novel therapeutic strategies in MS.  相似文献   

Human olfactory receptor, hOR17-210, is identified as a pseudogene in the human genome. Experimental data has shown however, that the gene product of frame-shifted, cloned hOR17-210 cDNA was able to bind an odorant-binding protein and is narrowly tuned for excitation by cyclic ketones. Supported by experimental results, we used the bioinformatics methods of sequence analysis (genome-wide and pair-wise), computational protein modeling and docking, to show that functionality in this receptor is retained due to sequence-structure features not previously observed in mammalian ORs. This receptor does not possess the first two transmembrane helical domains (of seven typically seen in GPCRs). It however, possesses an additional TM that has not been observed in other human olfactory receptors. By incorporating these novel structural features, we created two putative models for this receptor. We also docked odor ligands that were experimentally shown to bind hOR17-210. We show how and why structural modifications of OR17-210 do not hinder this receptor's functionality. Our studies reveal that novel gene rearrangements that result in sequence and structural diversity may have a bearing on OR and GPCR function and evolution.  相似文献   

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