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The circadian clock controls a large array of behavioral and physiological systems of fundamental importance to most organisms. Consequently, abnormal functioning of the clock results in severe dysfunctions and pathologies. Although epidemiological studies show a clear correlation between disruption of circadian rhythms and incidence of breast cancer, a molecular interpretation of how clock-related mechanisms may link to tumor development remains elusive. Here we speculate on the molecular pathways that may couple the circadian machinery to breast cancer.  相似文献   

The mammalian circadian clock is a cell-autonomous system that drives oscillations in behavior and physiology in anticipation of daily environmental change. To assess the robustness of a human molecular clock, we systematically depleted known clock components and observed that circadian oscillations are maintained over a wide range of disruptions. We developed a novel strategy termed Gene Dosage Network Analysis (GDNA) in which small interfering RNA (siRNA)-induced dose-dependent changes in gene expression were used to build gene association networks consistent with known biochemical constraints. The use of multiple doses powered the analysis to uncover several novel network features of the circadian clock, including proportional responses and signal propagation through interacting genetic modules. We also observed several examples where a gene is up-regulated following knockdown of its paralog, suggesting the clock network utilizes active compensatory mechanisms rather than simple redundancy to confer robustness and maintain function. We propose that these network features act in concert as a genetic buffering system to maintain clock function in the face of genetic and environmental perturbation.  相似文献   

生理和行为的昼夜节律性调控对健康生活是必需的。越来越多的流行病学和遗传学证据显示昼夜节律的破坏与代谢紊乱性疾病相关联。在分子水平上,昼夜节律受到时钟蛋白组成的转录一翻译负反馈环的调控。时钟蛋白通过以下两种途径调节代谢:首先,时钟蛋白作为转录因子直接调节一些代谢关键步骤的限速酶和代谢相关核受体的表达,其次作为代谢相关核受体的辅调节因子来激活或抑制其转录活性。虽然时钟蛋白对代谢途径的调节导致代谢物水平呈昼夜节律振荡,但是产生的代谢物反过来又可以影响昼夜节律钟基因的表达,进而影响昼夜节律钟。深入研究昼夜节律钟与代谢的交互调节可能为治疗某些代谢紊乱性疾病提供新的治疗方案。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(16):1836-1844
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Biological clock components have been detected in many epithelial tissues of the digestive tract of mammals (oral mucosa, pancreas, and liver), suggesting the existence of peripheral circadian clocks that may be entrainable by food. Our aim was to investigate the expression of main peripheral clock genes in colonocytes of healthy humans and in human colon carcinoma cell lines. The presence of clock components was investigated in single intact colonic crypts isolated by chelation from the biopsies of 25 patients (free of any sign of colonic lesions) undergoing routine colonoscopy and in cell lines of human colon carcinoma (Caco2 and HT29 clone 19A). Per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA were detected by real‐time RT‐PCR. The three‐dimensional distributions of PER‐1, PER‐2, CLOCK, and BMAL1 proteins were recorded along colonic crypts by immunofluorescent confocal imaging. We demonstrate the presence of per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA in samples prepared from colonic crypts of 5 patients and in all cell lines. We also demonstrate the presence of two circadian clock proteins, PER‐1 and CLOCK, in human colonocytes on crypts isolated from 20 patients (15 patients for PER‐1 and 6 for CLOCK) and in colon carcinoma cells. Establishing the presence of clock proteins in human colonic crypts is the first step toward the study of the regulation of the intestinal circadian clock by nutrients and feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

生物钟现象是一种普遍存在于生物界细胞的内源节律性保持机制。生物钟机制的存在可以使生物体的代谢行为产生并维持以24 h为周期的昼夜节律,从而更好地适应于地球自转所产生的环境条件昼夜间节律性变化。蓝藻是目前生物钟分子机制研究中的模式生物,其依赖于k ai基因家族成员的核心生物钟调控模式已经被众多研究者详细阐明。蓝藻生物钟的核心振荡器是由蓝藻k aiA/B/C的编码产物来调控的,Kai蛋白的表达模式具有节律性。KaiC蛋白磷酸化状态的节律性循环及输入、输出途径相关组成蛋白的翻译后修饰状态节律性循环共同组成其反馈回路,负责维持生物钟节律性振荡的持续进行并与环境周期保持同步。传统的蓝藻生物钟分子机制模型认为,节律性表达基因翻译产物的转录/翻译负反馈抑制环是生物节律性维持和输出的关键。遗憾的是,在其它物种生物钟分子机制研究中未发现由kai基因家族成员同源基因组成的节律性标签,这表明以k aiA/B/C为核心振荡器的生物钟系统并不是一种跨物种保守的生物钟系统。近期,人们发现非转录/翻译依赖的振荡器(NTO)也具有成为生物节律性产生和维持的“源动力”的可能。过氧化物氧化还原酶(PRX)氧化还原状态节律性是第一种被报道的跨物种保守的NTO节律性标签,这也日渐成为蓝藻生物钟分子机制研究新的热点。  相似文献   

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