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Cucullanus mycteropercae n. sp. is described from the intestine of the black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci Poey, from the northern coast of Yucatán, México. The new species is readily distinguishable from other Cucullanus species because it possesses an ellipsoidal papilla-like structure situated medially on the anterior cloacal lip of males. Other differentiating characters include the variable position of postcloacal pair 8 in males, the subventral position of phasmids, a slightly ventrally hooked posterior end of gubernaculum, and the presence of a large, cylindroconical sclerotized tail end in both sexes. This is the fourth record of a marine cucullanid off the Yucatán Peninsula in México belonging to Cucullanus Müller, 1777.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy, in which multiple disciplines are combined to address questions related to biological species diversity, is a valuable tool for identifying pelagic marine fish larvae and recognizing the existence of new fish species. Here we combine data from DNA barcoding, comparative morphology, and analysis of color patterns to identify an unusual fish larva from the Florida Straits and demonstrate that it is the pelagic larval phase of a previously undescribed species of Liopropoma sea bass from deep reefs off Curaçao, southern Caribbean. The larva is unique among larvae of the teleost family Serranidae, Tribe Liopropomini, in having seven elongate dorsal-fin spines. Adults of the new species are similar to the golden bass, Liopropoma aberrans, with which they have been confused, but they are distinct genetically and morphologically. The new species differs from all other western Atlantic liopropomins in having IX, 11 dorsal-fin rays and in having a unique color pattern–most notably the predominance of yellow pigment on the dorsal portion of the trunk, a pale to white body ventrally, and yellow spots scattered across both the dorsal and ventral portions of the trunk. Exploration of deep reefs to 300 m using a manned submersible off Curaçao is resulting in the discovery of numerous new fish species, improving our genetic databases, and greatly enhancing our understanding of deep-reef fish diversity in the southern Caribbean. Oh the mother and child reunion is only a moment away. Paul Simon.  相似文献   

Pearsonellum lemusi n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the blood vascular system of the gag grouper, Mycteroperca microlepis (Perciformes: Serranidae), in the north central Gulf of Mexico, approximately 80 km south of Dauphin Island, Alabama (29°34'09″N, 88°22'16″W). The new species can be most easily differentiated from its only congeners Pearsonellum corventum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 (type species) and Pearsonellum pygmaeus Nolan and Cribb, 2004 , both of which infect Australian serranids, by the combination of having a large adult body (3,237 × 570 μm), a cecal intersection comprising an elongated medial channel, anterior ceca >10% of total body length, ovary narrower than testis, and pre-ovarian uterus not looping between testis and ovary. The embryonated eggs of the new species infect gill epithelium, are spheroid, and measure 25-30 μm in diameter. Sympatric Gulf of Mexico serranids were negative for aporocotylid infections: coney, Cephalopholis fulva (n = 1); Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (3); red grouper, Epinephelus morio (32); yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus (1); rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis (1); red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (2); Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus (3); graysby, Cephalopholis cruentata (1); black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci (1), and tattler, Serranus phoebe (2). The new species is the first aporocotylid described from a serranid outside of the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The diagnosis of Pearsonellum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 is herein emended to include anterior sucker having concentric rows of spines anterior to mouth, pharynx absent, esophagus length <1/2 total body length, vas deferens connecting with cirrus sac anteromedially, ovary occupying posterior 1/4-1/3 of body, primary vitelline duct dextral, and oviducal seminal receptacle extending posteriad in parallel with lateral body margin, not transverse nor constricted anteriorly or posteriorly by sharp bends or kinks.  相似文献   

Summary Thysanote alternans n. sp., a lernaeopodid copepod parasitic on Polynemus sextarius is described and illustrated. A key to 19 species of Thysanote is provided (two unnamed species included). Specific diagnosis within the genus is based on the number and shape of maxillary and posterior trunk processes. The limitations of their value as discriminant characteristics are discussed. Host affiliations of the members of the genus are examined. Distribution of Thysanote is shown to have two centres, one in the Indian Ocean and another, a smaller one, in the Caribbean. The connections between them are tenuous. ac]19810127  相似文献   

Despite much research on zoantharians, little work has been done on the abundance of these animals in depths greater than 5 m. In this study, we examined the abundance of zoantharian species and their associated fauna at four depths (5, 10, 20, and 30 m) at multiple sites on the leeward west side of Curaçao in the southern Caribbean in order to provide baseline data. We aimed to quantify zoantharian-host associations in Curaçao to examine if the associations present vary according to different sites and across depths. Results showed that zooxanthellate Palythoa and Zoanthus were most common in shallow waters (5 m), although perhaps less common than observed 35–45 years ago, while sponge-associated species of Macrocnemina were commonly observed at greater depths. There was increasing zoantharian abundance and diversity with greater depth, and two major clusters of zoantharian assemblages in multi-dimensional scaling analyses, one cluster of shallow 5-m datasets, and the other of the large majority of 10-, 20-, and 30-m datasets, demonstrating that assemblages differed significantly by depth (5 m vs. 10, 20, 30 m). In contrast, no significant differences in zoantharian abundance or assemblage were seen across different sites. The data from this study establish a baseline of zoantharian assemblage data that can be compared with other regions and to datasets from Curaçao in the future, which will be of importance in tracking ecological shifts in the face of on-going climate change.  相似文献   

A new species of the rare arietellid genus Scutogerulus is described from deep hyperbenthic waters off Okinawa, southwestern Japan. This is the second species of the genus. Phylogenetically significant characteristics known only on the basis of the type species are confirmed by the discovery of the new congener, in particular: (1) the genital system of the female exhibits the most plesiomorphic condition of any arietellid genus; (2) the well developed setae on the endopodal segments of the maxillae and maxillipeds are modified into ‘shield‐like setae’ similar to the ‘button setae’ in another arietelloidean family, the Augaptilidae; (3) the outer distal spine on the first exopodal segment of leg 1 is absent.  相似文献   

A new species Aelurillus khorasanicus sp.n. (♂♀) is described from north-east Iran. Aelurillus muganicus Dunin, 1984 Dunin, P. M. (1984): Fauna and ecology of spiders (Aranei) of Apsheron Peninsula [in Russian]. pp. 45–60. In: Utochkin, A. S. et al. (eds.), Fauna i ekologiya paukoobraznykh. Perm: PGU Press. [Google Scholar] is synonymised with A. concolor Kulczyński, 1901 Kulczyński, W. (1901): Arachnoidea. pp. 311369. In: Horvath, G. (ed.), Zoologische Ergebnisse der dritten asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy. Volume 2. Budapest. [Google Scholar]. A distribution map of the two species is provided.  相似文献   

A new distinctive species of the rare Oriental goniacerine genus Awas Löbl, Awas gigas sp. n., is described and illustrated, based on three males and fourteen females taken at the Daoyao Shan Natural Reserve in the southern Chinese province of Guangxi. All specimens were collected from colonies of the ant genus Pachycondyla F. Smith nesting in decomposing woods.  相似文献   

Among Neotropical microhylids, the genus Chiasmocleis is exceptionally diverse. Most species of Chiasmocleis were described in recent years based on external morphology, but recent studies using molecular data did not support the monophyly of the species groups clustered based on feet webbing. Furthermore, a phylogeographic study of C. lacrimae estimated high genetic divergence and low gene flow among populations across small geographic ranges. Increasing the molecular and geographic sampling, and incorporating morphological data, we identified new cryptic species. Herein, we used novel genetic and morphological data to describe a new species of Chiasmocleis.  相似文献   

Pterothrissus gissu is a rare albulid fish that is distributed in deep water off Japan. This fish is known to pass through a leptocephalus larval stage, but only metamorphosed (after reaching the fully grown stage) specimens have been available. In this study, the premetamorphosis (before fully grown stage) leptocephalus larva of P. gissu is first described from 45 specimens (117.2–194.5 mm SL) collected by a pelagic otter trawl in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region of the western North Pacific in May 1995. Premetamorphosis leptocephalus larvae are characterized by having poorly developed fin rays except for the caudal fin, a translucent body, branched melanophores beneath the eye, and punctuate melanophores on the dorsal edge of the gut from the throat to the anus. Previously fully grown leptocephali were estimated to reach about 130 mm SL based on the size distributions of metamorphosing specimens. However, the present specimens show that fully grown leptocephali of P. gissu exceed 180 mm SL. Received: March 21, 2001 / Revised: March 19, 2002 / Accepted: April 15, 2002  相似文献   

A new species,Alstroemeria paraensis, from Pará, Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by its robust floral stem, reduced leaves, congested inflorescence, and maculated inner and outer tepals.  相似文献   

Heterocotyle capapei n. sp. and Thaumatocotyle tunisiensis n. sp. are described from the gills and the nasal cavity, respectively, of Dasyatis tortonesicollected from the Tunisian coast. H. capapei is distinguished from other species in the genus by the morphology of the penis, which is conical and has a long narrow distal point. T. tunisiensis differs from all known species of Thaumatocotyle by the shape and size of the penis. The host Dasyatis tortonesi has long been confused with D. pastinaca. Our study shows that their monogeneans are oioxenic, suggesting that D. pastinaca and D. tortonesi are distinct species. These results suggest that the monogenean parasite fauna could be used as a diagnostic tool for species identification: these parasites may, therefore, represent good biological indicators. The host-specificity of the Heterocotylinae and Merizocotylinae is discussed.  相似文献   

The first record ofAnthodiscus from the rain forest of Pacific coastal Colombia is the new speciesA. chocoensis which is described here. The distribution of the genus is discussed in relation to its recent discovery in both the Chocó and the coastal forests of eastern Brazil.  相似文献   

A new species of Harmonicon F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 (Araneae, Dipluridae) is described, from a medium-sized lateritic cave in Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil. The male holotype and only specimen known of H. cerberus sp. n. was found near the entrance of Pequiá cave. This taxon is the fourth species described and the southernmost record for the genus. The new species displays some troglomorphic characteristics, such as reduction and merging of the posterior median and both pairs of lateral eyes and pale yellow to light brown coloration. Both characters are diagnostic when compared to the normal separated eyes and reddish to dark brown of other Harmonicon species. Other diagnostic characteristics are isolated, long, rigid setae distal to the lyra and the shape of the copulatory bulb. This is the second troglomorphic mygalomorph species from Brazil and the first from the Amazonian region.  相似文献   

Verbesina hintoniorum, an endemic gypsophile belonging to the sect.Saubinetia, is described from south-central Nuevo León. Only two collection sites are known, both from gypsum outcrops about Cerro Potosí.  相似文献   

A new species of Hisonotus is described from the rio São Francisco basin. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by having (1) a unique coloration pattern of caudal fin with one black spot extending from its origin to the ventral lobe and two dark spots at the end of the lobe’s rays; (2) odontodes forming longitudinally aligned rows on head and trunk; (3) a functional V-shaped spinelet; (4) a single rostral plate at the tip of the snout; (5) by lacking contrasting dark geometric spots on the anterodorsal region of the body; (6) a lower caudal-peduncle depth; and (7) lower counts of the lateral median plates and (8) higher premaxillary and dentary teeth. The new species is the second described species of the genus Hisonotus in the rio São Francisco basin. It was found inhabiting the marginal vegetation of the rio São Francisco and three of its tributary, rio das Velhas, rio Paraopeba and rio Formoso.  相似文献   

Ophiotaenia bungari n. sp. (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea) is described from the intestine of the banded krait Bungarus fasciatus (Schneider) (Ophidia: Elapidae) in Vietnam. The new species differs from all but three Ophiotaenia species parasitic in Asian reptiles in the possession of a glandular apical organ. It differs from O. andersoni Jensen, Schmidt & Kuntz, 1983 in the position of the vagina in relation to the cirrus-sac (anterior and posterior in O. bungari versus anterior only in the latter species), in the cirrus-sac/proglottis width ratio (29–38 versus 50%) and by having more testes (100–150 versus 42–116 in O. andersoni); from O. chattoraji Srivastava, 1980 in the number of uterine diverticula (50–65 versus 10–26) and in the cirrus-sac/proglottis width ratio (29–38 versus 22%); and from O. rhabdophidis (Burt, 1937) by having more uterine diverticula (50–65 versus 30–45), by the cirrus-sac/proglottis width ratio (29–38 versus 20–25%) and by the width of the scolex (360–420 versus 130–187 μm). The taxonomic importance of the relative size of the ovary (i.e. the ratio of the ovarian size in relation to that of the entire proglottis), a character previously not used in the systematics of proteocephalidean cestodes, is discussed. Comparison of measurements of all of the nominal species of Ophiotaenia La Rue, 1911 and Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858 (c.135 species) has shown that the ovary of species parasitic in snakes in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia is not only considerably smaller than that of congeneric species from European hosts, but also smaller than in all species of Proteocephalus parasitic in teleost fishes throughout the world.  相似文献   

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