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The authors examine the biological basis for the behavioral evidence of pain perception in neonatal rats, and discuss the potential link to a greater understanding of chronic pain  相似文献   

1. We examined whether oxytocin (OT) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) were activated by estrus female odor and sexual contact in sexually naïve and experienced Long-Evans rats. 2. Male rats were not presented to anesthetized estrus females (control) or presented to the females without (exposure to the female odor without sexual contact) or with direct contact (exposure to the female odor with sexual contact). 3. Exposure to the female odor with sexual contact significantly increased OT neurons with Fos-ir in both males. Exposure to the female odor without contact increased OT neurons with Fos-immunoreactive cells (Fos-ir) in sexually experienced males but not in naïve males, suggesting that the female odor without sexual contact activated the oxytocinergic neuronal system in the PVN in the experienced males. 4. Therefore, exposure to the estrus female odor itself may exert different effects on sexually naïve and experienced males.  相似文献   

To study the factors affecting tolerance induction in differentsubpopulations of lymphocytes at different stages of their maturation,a system involving the neonatal induction of tolerance to bovineserum albumin (BSA) in inbred rats was established. It was foundthat thymocytes readily became tolerant of BSA either in thepresence or absence of the thymus itself, whereas peripheralthymus-derived (T) and bone marrow-derived (B) cells failedto become tolerant in the absence of the thymus. Adult normalrats could not be induced to become tolerant of BSA, thoughthey did become partially tolerant of ovalbumin. The possibilitythat the thymus or some subpopulation of T cells has a suppressorfunction which wanes in adult life is suggested. Any such cellapparently is not well represented in either thymocyte or non-adherentperipheral blood lymphocyte populations.  相似文献   

Currently, the clinical management of visceral pain remains unsatisfactory for many patients suffering from this disease. While preliminary animal studies have suggested the effectiveness of gabapentin in successfully treating visceral pain, the mechanism underlying its analgesic effect remains unclear. Evidence from other studies has demonstrated the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) in the pathogenesis of visceral inflammatory pain. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that gabapentin produces analgesia for visceral inflammatory pain through its inhibitory effect on the PKC-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Intracolonic injections of formalin were performed in rats to produce colitis pain. Our results showed that visceral pain behaviors in these rats decreased after intraperitoneal injection of gabapentin. These behaviors were also reduced by intrathecal injections of the PKC inhibitor, H-7, and the ERK1/2 inhibitor, PD98059. Neuronal firing of wide dynamic range neurons in L6–S1 of the rat spinal cord dorsal horn were significantly increased after intracolonic injection of formalin. This increased firing rate was inhibited by intraperitoneal injection of gabapentin and both the individual and combined intrathecal application of H-7 and PD98059. Western blot analysis also revealed that PKC membrane translocation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation increased significantly following formalin injection, confirming the recruitment of PKC and ERK1/2 during visceral inflammatory pain. These effects were also significantly reduced by intraperitoneal injection of gabapentin. Therefore, we concluded that the analgesic effect of gabapentin on visceral inflammatory pain is mediated through suppression of PKC and ERK1/2 signaling pathways. Furthermore, we found that the PKC inhibitor, H-7, significantly diminished ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels, implicating the involvement of PKC and ERK1/2 in the same signaling pathway. Thus, our results suggest a novel mechanism of gabapentin-mediated analgesia for visceral inflammatory pain through a PKC-ERK1/2 signaling pathway that may be a future therapeutic target for the treatment of visceral inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain is diagnosed primarily by sensory dysfunction, which includes both spontaneous, and stimulus-evoked pain. Clinical evaluation highlights the disabilities which characterise this condition for most patients. Chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve (CCI) evokes sensory dysfunction characteristic of neuropathic pain. Approximately, 30 % of CCI rats show disabilities similar to those identified in clinical evaluation of neuropathic pain patients, these include: altered social behaviours; sleep disturbances; and endocrine dysfunction. The periaqueductal grey (PAG) is a nodal point in the brain circuits which regulate these functions, and undergoes a distinct set of neural and glial adaptations following CCI, in rats with disabilities. CCI increases corticosterone, which through its actions at the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), can trigger cellular adaptation. GR expression in PAG was quantified using qRT-PCR, Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses and nerve-injured rats, with and without disabilities, were compared. Our data showed that the PAG of disabled rats has significantly increased expression of GR mRNA and protein. Further, this increased protein expression reflects contrasting patterns of change in GR expression in PAG subregions. The dorsolateral PAG had significant increases in the number of GR-immunoreactive (GR-IR) cells and the caudal lateral and ventrolateral PAG each had significant reductions in the number of GR-IR cells. These regional increases and decreases correlated with the degree of disability, as indicated by the degree of change in social behaviours. Our results suggest a role for altered PAG, GR–corticosterone interactions and their resultant cellular consequences in the expression of disabilities in a subpopulation of nerve-injured rats.  相似文献   

导水管周围灰质(periaqueductal gray,PAG)在疼痛的调控过程中处于一个不可或缺的位置.其不仅是痛觉信息上行传递的重要部位,还是疼痛抑制系统的重要组成部分.在PAG,包括γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)、5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)和谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)在内的神经递质以及内源性阿片肽(endogenous opioid peptides,EOP)和内源性大麻素(endocannabinoid,e CB)为代表的神经调质都参与了PAG对疼痛的信息传递以及调节.本文重点综述GABA、5-HT、Glu、EOP和eCB在PAG参与疼痛生理调控机制的研究进展,以期为中枢神经系统的镇痛研究提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

Nucleotides and nucleosides play an important role in neurodevelopment acting through specific receptors. Ectonucleotidases are the major enzymes involved in controlling the availability of purinergic receptors ligands. ATP is co-released with several neurotransmitters and is the most important source of extracellular adenosine by catabolism exerted by ectonucleotidases. The main ectonucleotidases are named NTPDases (1–8) and 5′-nucleotidase. Adenosine is a powerful modulator of neurotransmitter release. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptor activity as well as adenosine-mediated neuromodulation. Considering the susceptibility of the immature brain to caffeine and the need for correct purinergic signaling during fetal development, we have analyzed the effects of caffeine exposure during gestational and lactational periods on nucleotide degradation and ectonucleotidase expression from the hippocampi of 7-, 14- and 21-days-old rats. Nucleotides hydrolysis was assessed by colorimetric determination of inorganic phosphate released. Ectonucleotidases expression was performed by RT-PCR. ATP and ADP hydrolysis displayed parallel age-dependent decreases in both control and caffeine-treated groups. AMP hydrolysis increased with caffeine treatment in 7-days-old rats (75%); although there was no significant difference in AMP hydrolysis between control (non caffeine-treated) rats and 14- or 21-days caffeine-treated rats. ADP hydrolysis was not affected by caffeine treatment. Caffeine treatment in 7- and 14-days-old rats decreased ATP hydrolysis when compared to the control group (19% and 60% decrease, respectively), but 21-days-treated rats showed an increase in ATP hydrolysis (39%). Expression levels of NTPDase 1 and 5 decreased in hippocampi of caffeine-treated rats. The expression of 5′-nucleotidase was not affected after caffeine exposure. The changes observed in nucleotide hydrolysis and ectonucleotidases expression could promote subtle effects on normal neural development considering the neuromodulatory role of adenosine.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that prenatal cigarette smoke exposure (CSE) increases the risk for sudden infant death syndrome. The victims of infant death syndrome suffer from respiratory abnormalities, such as central apnea, diminished chemoreflex and alteration in respiratory pattern during sleep. However, no experimental evidence on CSE model exists to confirm whether prenatal CSE gives rise to reduction of neonatal central chemoreception in in vitro preparations in absence of peripheral sensory feedback. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that maternal CSE during pregnancy depresses central chemoreception of the neonatal rats. The pregnant rats were divided into two groups, control (n = 8) and CSE (n = 8). Experiments were performed on neonatal (0–3days) rat pups. Fictive respiratory activity was monitored by recording the rhythmic discharge from the hypoglossal rootlets of the medullary slices obtained from the neonatal rats. The burst frequency (BF) and integrated amplitude (IA) of the discharge were analyzed. Their responses to acidified artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) were tested to indicate the change of the central chemosensitivity. Under condition of perfusing with standard aCSF (pH 7.4), no significant difference was detected between the two groups in either BF or IA (P>0.05). Under condition of perfusing with acidified aCSF (pH 7.0), BF was increased and IA was decreased in both groups (P<0.01). However, their change rates in the CSE group were obviously smaller than that in the control group, 66.98 ± 10.11% vs. 143.75 ± 15.41% for BF and −22.38 ± 2.51% vs. −44.90 ± 3.92% for IA (P<0.01). In conclusion, these observations, in a prenatal CSE model, provide important evidence that maternal smoking during pregnancy exerts adverse effects on central chemoreception of neonates.  相似文献   

The morphology and topographical distribution of neurons and terminals containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity in the cat periaqueductal grey (PAG) were studied using a rabbit antiserum raised against the C-terminal region of rat α-CGRP. In normal cats, numerous fibers, but rarely immunoreactive neurons, were observed in the PAG. CGRP-containing fibers showed bouton-like swellings along their length and expanded in terminal clusters of boutons. In many cases, CGRP-positive fibers were also observed in close association with small blood vessels. Immunoreactive fibers were particularly numerous at caudal PAG levels, mostly in its ventrolateral portion. In colchicine-treated cats, the pattern of CGRP-containing fibers was basically unchanged, despite a reduction of both the number of fibers and the intensity of fiber staining; in addition, numerous CGRP-positive neurons were found, mostly in the ventrolateral portion of the caudal PAG. These neurons were fusiform, spheroidal, and triangular in shape. The selective distribution of CGRP-positive elements in the PAG suggests a functional specialization of these neurons in the activation of pain-modulating mechanisms.  相似文献   

In adult Wistar, KM, and Wag/Rij rats, the threshold of pain sensitivity (tail-flick test) and audiogenic sensitivity were estimated after neonatal administration of Semax (analog of ACTG4–10 fragment) or after placebo (administration of saline for the control of the effect of neonatal pain stimulation). These neonatal treatments did no affect the rates of sensomotor development at an early age (Fox tests), i.e., did not affect directly the physiological activity of rat pups at the age of up to 21 days. In all control rats injected with saline (pain stimulation), the latencies of audiogenic fits increased reliably, while their degree decreased. Administration of Semax raised these parameters to the level of those in intact animals, i.e., increased the sensitivity to sound. Neonatal administration (per os) of caffeine to KM rats increased reliably the latency of audiogenic fits. The thresholds of pain sensitivity in the rats of all strains were significantly lower saline injected animals than in the intact control, just as the level of dopamine in the hippocampus of KM rats. These data are interpreted as an evidence of changes in the development of some brain systems in response to neonatal treatments.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The effect of moderate neonatal stress induced by inflammatory pain in rat pups of both sexes on the hormonal response and cognitive processes...  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(23):4631-4642.e6
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In the present study, we aimed at better understanding the short (acute) and long term (chronic) degenerative processes characterizing the juvenile rat model of light-induced retinopathy. Electroretinograms, visual evoked potentials (VEP), retinal histology and western blots were obtained from juvenile albino Sprague-Dawley rats at preselected postnatal ages (from P30 to P400) following exposure to 10,000 lux from P14 to P28. Our results show that while immediately following the cessation of exposure, photoreceptor degeneration was concentrated within a well delineated area of the superior retina (i.e. the photoreceptor hole), with time, this hole continued to expand to form an almost photoreceptor-free region covering most of superior-inferior axis. By the end of the first year of life, only few photoreceptors remained in the far periphery of the superior hemiretina. Interestingly, despite a significant impairment of the outer retinal function, the retinal output (VEP) was maintained in the early phase of this retinopathy. Our findings thus suggest that postnatal exposure to a bright luminous environment triggers a degenerative process that continues to impair the retinal structure and function (mostly at the photoreceptor level) long after the cessation of the exposure regimen (more than 1 year documented herein). Given the slow degenerative process triggered following postnatal bright light exposure, we believe that our model represents an attractive alternative (to other more genetic models) to study the pathophysiology of photoreceptor-induced retinal degeneration as well as therapeutic strategies to counteract it.  相似文献   



In adult rats, initial exposure to antigens by a mucosal route triggers tolerance such that any subsequent re-exposure, even by a systemic route, results in suppression of immunity. The newborn’s gut is semi-permeable for a finite period to allow maternal antibodies to enter the newborn’s circulation. We propose that antigens introduced in extreme early life can readily traverse the gut wall and therefore circumvent induction of mucosal tolerance.

Methodology/Principle Findings

Rat pups were gavaged with low-doses of ovalbumin (OVA; oral exposure group) or saline (parenteral control group) every second day for several weeks followed by an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection at 1 month of age. When gavage was initiated the day after birth, newborn oral exposure pups responded with significantly higher anti-OVA IgA, IgM, IgG2a, and IgG1 titres in their serum and anti-OVA IgA, IgG2a and IgG1 titres in their lungs compared to negative control pups. Oral exposure alone failed to induce immunity. Pups exposed to the same treatment regimen starting at 14 days of age showed induction of mucosal tolerance after i.p. immunization. Newborn oral exposure groups subjected to secondary i.p. immunization responded with significantly increased humoral immunity in lung and sera suggesting that once antigen-specific mucosal tolerance if circumvented, it persists. Lymphocytes derived from mesenteric lymph node cells re-simulated with OVA ex vivo, from newborn oral exposure pups exposed to secondary immunization produced significantly higher IFN-γ expression and lymphocyte proliferation relative to control pups indicating prevention of tolerance in the cell-mediated immune system.


This work demonstrates that newborns may be uniquely qualified to prevent induction of mucosal tolerance to oral antigens. These results should be further explored to establish whether prevention of tolerance by early life oral vaccination can be exploited to prime for mucosal as well as systemic immunity and thus protect this susceptible population against infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - According to the two-hit hypothesis of psychoneuropathology formation, infectious diseases and other pathological conditions occurring during the critical periods of early...  相似文献   

Current investigations regarding social stress primarily focus on the health consequences of being in stressful social hierarchies. The repetitive nature of social conflicts seems to favor an induction of hyperalgesia or hypoalgesia, both in rodents and humans. Additionally, social conflicts may affect the immune system. In order to better establish the pain and immune responses to stress, the present study implemented a sensory contact model on 32 male BALB/c mice. Subsequent to establishing a dominance/submissive social relationship, each mouse was injected with formalin (20 μl, 2%) and their pain behavior was scored and serum concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-6, and corticosterone were also measured. Test results revealed that subordinate mice were hypoalgesic during chronic phase of formalin test compared to control and dominant mice (P<0.05). On the other hand, subordinate mice were hyperalgesic compared to dominant mice during the whole acute phase of formalin test (P<0.05). Corticosterone, IL-1 and IL-6 concentrations were much higher in serum of dominant and subordinate mice than in the control group (p<0.05). The results indicated that, although both dominant and subordinate animals displayed an increase in serum corticosterone and proinflammatory cytokines during social interactions, their response to pain perception differently was affected with the social status.  相似文献   

Sun JR  Ye YM 《生理学报》2001,53(1):61-65
本工作观察了在超重(2G)环境中出生、生态4个月后返回正常(1G)环境的Long-Evans大鼠运动行为的改变和恢复,以及相关脑区Fos表达水平的变化,并与旋转刺激(重力变化的对照组)和去前庭传入大鼠相比较,结果表明:重力的变化导致实验大鼠表态和运行行为模式改变,伸肌张力增加,运动平衡、游泳定向和空中翻正的能力降低,对1G环境再适应的时程因行为的不同而异,其中游泳定向能力的恢复时间最长,长于1个月,旋转只对运动行为有短暂的影响。Fos表达被认为是揭示参与应答感觉刺激而功能活跃脑区的有用工具。结果显示,正常和毁迷路的对照大鼠的Fos呈低水平表达,减重刺激使上、下丘脑和围导水管灰质、中缝背核及孤束核的水平显著上调,相反,下橄榄、蓝斑和前庭核团的Fos水平没有明显改变,表明脑干对不同重力刺激存在不同的调控神经途径。  相似文献   



Chronicity of pain is one of the most interesting questions in chronic pain study. Clinical and experimental data suggest that supraspinal areas responsible for negative emotions such as depression and anxiety contribute to the chronicity of pain. The amygdala is suspected to be a potential structure for the pain chronicity due to its critical role in processing negative emotions and pain information.


This study aimed to investigate whether amygdala or its subregions, the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the central medial amygdala (CeA), contributes to the pain chronicity in the spared nerve injury (SNI)-induced neuropathic pain model of rats.

Methodology/Principal Findings

(1) Before the establishment of the SNI-induced neuropathic pain model of rats, lesion of the amygdaloid complex with stereotaxic injection of ibotenic acid (IBO) alleviated mechanical allodynia significantly at days 7 and 14, even no mechanical allodynia at day 28 after SNI; Lesion of the BLA, but not the CeA had similar effects; (2) however, 7 days after SNI when the neuropathic pain model was established, lesion of the amygdala complex or the BLA or the CeA, mechanical allodynia was not affected.


These results suggest that BLA activities in the early stage after nerve injury might be crucial to the development of pain chronicity, and amygdala-related negative emotions and pain-related memories could promote pain chronicity.  相似文献   

The relative importance of neural, and some nonneural, mechanisms in the control of pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) activity during development and in the adult rat was studied. In neonatal rats, guanethidine-treatment, bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX), or exposure to constant light did not prevent the initial appearance of HIOMT activity, indicating that neural stimulation of the gland is not essential for the development of HIOMT activity. In adult rats, decentralization or removal of the SCG led to a slow fall in HIOMT activity, to about 30% of control activity, indicating that the enzyme is largely under neural control. Additionally, adrenalectomy or hypophysectomy had no effect on HIOMT activity, refuting the suggestion that adrenal and/or gonadal steroids are of major importance in the regulation of this enzyme. The fall in activity of the enzyme after SCGX or exposure to constant light probably does not represent a shift in the Km of the enzyme nor the selective disappearance of a distinct molecular species. Similar changes in HIOMT activity and cyclic GMP responsiveness occur in response to alterations in the length of the daily dark period, adding further evidence to our earlier speculation that there may be a functional relationship between these two.  相似文献   

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