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By constructing a budget of nitrate inputs and outputs in several gravel-pit lakes and directly measuring denitrification through the emission of N2O (using acetylene method), it was possible to evaluate the depolluting activity in the lakes in relation to groundwaters. Seasonal monitoring of the denitrification process allowed us to appraise the influence of various factors such as nitrate concentration, the bioavailability of carbon compounds and the temperature. The application of denitrification towards an improvement of the quality of the water pumped in the wellfields is discussed.  相似文献   

J. F. Talling 《Hydrobiologia》1986,138(1):139-160
Although some study of the subject began in 1899, wide-ranging information from African water-bodies has only become available since 1950. Important developments included the establishment of long-term centres of research, the adoption of improved methods for quantitative algal sampling, the more intensive study of environmental conditions, the beginnings of experimental testing, and the improvement of taxonomic knowledge.At higher latitudes (> 20 °) examples of pronounced algal seasonality are long-established; they are accompanied and influenced by marked changes in radiant energy income and so water temperature, and often by effects of seasonal water input. Illustrations are given from lakes in Morocco and South Africa.More generally in Africa, including the tropical belt, annual patterns of phytoplankton seasonality are usually either dominated by hydrological features (water input-output) or by hydrographic ones (water-column structure and circulation). Examples of both types are discussed, together with instances (e.g. L. Volta) of combined hydrological and hydrographic regulation. In both the seasonal abundance of diatoms is often distinct and complementary to that of blue-green algae, with differing relationships to vertical mixing and water retention.Horizontal variability in the seasonal cycle is especially pronounced in the larger or morphometrically subdivided lakes. Some inshore-offshore differentiation is also known to affect phytoplankton quantity (e.g. L. George) and species composition (e.g. L. Victoria). Longitudinal differentiation is common in elongate basins especially when with a massive or seasonal inflow at one end (e.g. L. Turkana, L. Nubia, L. Volta); occasional terminal upwelling can also be influential (e.g. southern L. Tanganyika). Such examples grade into the longitudinally differentiated seasonality of flowing river-reservoir systems, as studied on the Blue and White Niles.The annual amplitude of population density, expressed in orders of magnitude (=log10 units), is one measure of seasonal variability. It can exceed 3 orders both in systems subject to hydrological wash-out (e.g. Nile reservoirs) and in the more variable species components of lakes of long retention (e.g. L. Victoria). Low amplitudes can be characteristic of some components (e.g. green algae in L. Victoria) or of total algal biomass (e.g. L. George, L. Sibaya).Seasonal changes may be subordinated to inter-annual ones, especially in shallow and hydrologically unstable lakes (e.g. L. Nakuru).  相似文献   

Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(1):69-79
The responses of phytoplankton populations to seasonal changes in radiation flux in two Antarctic lakes with extensive winter ice-cover are described. A phytoplankton capable of photosynthesis was found throughout the year in both systems. During winter, low incident radiation combined with thick layers of snow and ice prevented in situ photosynthesis becoming detectable. The beginning of spring was marked by a reduction in snow cover which resulted in a considerable increase in surface penetrating radiation. Planktonic algae rapidly adapted to utilise these increased levels efficiently, though they still showed characteristics of strong shade adaptation.Loss of ice cover at the start of the short open water period further increased the radiation levels and a summer population developed which was much less shade adapted. Saturation and photoinhibition effects were widespread during this period as the algae proved unable to utilise high radiation levels efficiently. They were however effective at the radiation fluxes prevalent in the lower part of the rapidly circulating water columns.  相似文献   

The decoupling of trophic interactions is potentially one of the most severe consequences of climate warming. In lakes and oceans the timing of phytoplankton blooms affects competition within the plankton community as well as food–web interactions with zooplankton and fish. Using Upper Lake Constance as an example, we present a model‐based analysis that predicts that in a future warmer climate, the onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom will occur earlier in the year than it does at present. This is a result of the earlier occurrence of the transition from strong to weak vertical mixing in spring, and of the associated earlier onset of stratification. According to our simulations a shift in the timing of phytoplankton growth resulting from a consistently warmer climate will exceed that resulting from a single unusually warm year. The numerical simulations are complemented by a statistical analysis of long‐term data from Upper Lake Constance which demonstrates that oligotrophication has a negligible effect on the timing of phytoplankton growth in spring and that an early onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom is associated with high air temperatures and low wind speeds.  相似文献   

We studied phytoplankton population dynamics during the month preceding formation of ice cover in three small subalpine lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U.S.A. The outflow from Emerald Lake, which is surrounded by talus, flows into Dream Lake, which is surrounded by sub-alpine forest. Nymph Lake is a lower seepage lake with abundant macrophytes in summer. The major ion concentrations in the three lakes were similar during the study, although Emerald and Dream Lakes had higher concentrations of nitrate and silica than Nymph Lake. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the phytoplankton in Emerald and Dream Lakes were distinct from the phytoplankton in Nymph Lake. The species composition changed in each lake during the late fall. The patterns of change in Emerald and Dream Lakes were similar on the PCA diagram despite the greater abundance of diatoms in Dream Lake and the decreasing flow from Emerald Lake into Dream Lake during the fall. In Nymph Lake, a progressive shift in species distribution occurred with a decrease in the most abundant chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp., and increases in several species, including two chrysophytes and the diatom Eunotia sp. The marked change in species composition in all three lakes suggests that phytoplankton populations are influenced by changes in water temperatures and incident solar radiation that occur during the late fall. We also compared these data with phytoplankton data for two fall periods from two other hydrologically connected Rocky Mountain lakes. PCA analysis showed that the difference between years was greater than the change during the fall and that the fall species composition in these two lakes was distinct from that in Emerald and Dream Lakes or in Nymph Lake. Studying phytoplankton dynamics in alpine and sub-alpine lakes may offer clues as to how these ecosystems may respond to projected climate changes in the Rocky Mountain region, such as warmer temperatures and later formation of ice-cover.  相似文献   

1. Two small humic lakes in northern Sweden with concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between 15 and 20 mg L–1 were fertilized with inorganic phosphorus (P) and inorganic nitrogen (N), respectively. A third lake was unfertilized and served as a control. In addition to this lake fertilization experiment, data from different regional surveys were used to assess the role of different limiting factors.
2. The P fertilization had no effects on bacterioplankton or phytoplankton, while phytoplankton were significantly stimulated by N fertilization. Inorganic nutrient limitation of bacterioplankton was a function of DOC concentration in water of the investigated region and nutrient-limited bacteria were found only in lakes with DOC concentrations less than around 15 mg L–1
3. The fertilization experiments demonstrated that the DOC-rich experimental lakes contained a bioavailable pool of P that was not utilized to its full potential under natural conditions. The overall mobilization of energy (bacterioplankton plus phytoplankton) in the experimental lakes was restricted by lack of inorganic N.  相似文献   

Both in situ primary production and biomass (chlorophyll ) of fractionated phytoplankton (<64,µ, <25 µm and < 10 µm) were studied in 10 Canadian Shield lakes to elucidate the spatial and temporal variability of the contribution of size fractions to the biomass and primary production of the phytoplankton community. Mean summer biomass and production of each size fraction varied significantly between lakes. Within lakes, temporal variation was low for biomass but great for production. However, temporal variation can be considered of minor importance during the sampling period, as compared to the spatial variation between lakes. Algae from the < 10 µm size fraction were the most important in biomass (41–65 %) and production (23–69%). The temporal trends for both phytoplankton variables thus generally followed closely that of the < 10 µm size fraction. Among the physical, chemical and morphometric variables of the studied lakes, water transparency (Secchi disk), total phosphorus, lake volume, lake area, and mean depth gave the best correlations with phytoplankton variables.Contribution number 354 from the Groupe de recherches en Ecologie des Eaux douces, Limnological Research Group, Université de Montréal.  相似文献   


From the analysis of the results of several researches carried out into Sicilian reservoirs to investigate their phytoplankton assemblages, it was highlighted that there is not any clear relationship between the trophic spectrum and the structure and composition of phytoplankton. Only a general increase of total biomass is detectable as the trophic state rises up. Anyway, such increase may cause several secondary modifications in the physical and chemical environment that may act as multidimensional segregating factors for phytoplankton organisms. In these secondary modifications, coupled with the peculiar morphology and hydrology of the water bodies, have to be sought the mechanisms governing the structure of phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

A biotest method with diluted phytoplankton populations was used to determine external concentrations of available phosphorus in water samples with high concentrations of inorganic seston from River Rømua. RP (total molybdate reactive P measured on unfiltered samples) was approximately the P fraction available for Synedra cf. acus, Asterionella formosa and Oscillatoria agardhii. In filtered samples RPF was the available concentration of P.The ratio RP:RPF may give valuable information on the ratio between total available P (including available P in seston) and available P in filtered water. Different filter types may give different RP: RPF ratios. The ratio RP:RPF was often high during spring and autumn in River Rømua and the lakes studied. During the period June–September RP:RPF 1 in most of the lakes and periodically in River Rømua.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton periodicity has been fairly regular during the years 1979 to 1982 in Lake Constance. Algal mass growth starts with the vernal onset of stratification; Cryptophyceae and small centric diatoms are the dominant algae of the spring bloom. In June grazing by zooplankton leads to a clear-water phase dominated by Cryptophyceae. Algal summer growth starts under nutrient-saturated conditions with a dominance of Cryptomonas spp. and Pandorina morum. Depletion of soluble reactive phosphorus is followed by a dominance of pennate and filamentous centric diatoms, which are replaced by Ceratium hirundinella when dissolved silicate becomes depleted. Under calm conditions there is a diverse late-summer plankton dominated by Cyanophyceae and Dinobryon spp.; more turbulent conditions and silicon resupply enable a second summer diatom growth phase in August. The autumnal development leads from a Mougeotia — desmid assemblage to a diatom plankton in late autumn and winter.Inter-lake comparison of algal seasonality includes in ascending order of P-richness Königsee, Attersee, Walensee, Lake Lucerne, Lago Maggiore, Ammersee, Lake Zürich, Lake Geneva, Lake Constance. The oligotrophic lakes have one or two annual maxima of biomass; after the vernal maximum there is a slowly developing summer depression and sometimes a second maximum in autumn. The more eutrophic lakes have an additional maximum in summer. The number of floristically determined successional stages increases with increasing eutrophy, from three in Königsee and Attersee to eight in Lake Geneva and Lake Constance.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes may switch from a state dominated by submerged macrophytes to a phytoplankton‐dominated state when a critical nutrient concentration is exceeded. We explore how climate change may affect this critical nutrient concentration by linking a graphical model to data from 83 lakes along a large climate gradient in South America. 2. The data indicate that in warmer climates, submerged macrophytes may tolerate more underwater shade than in cooler lakes. By contrast, the relationship between phytoplankton biomass [approximated by chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) or biovolume] and nutrient concentrations did not change consistently along the climate gradient. In warmer climates, the correlation between phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentrations was overall weak, especially at low total phosphorus (TP) concentrations where the chl‐a/ TP ratio could be either low or high. 3. Although the enhanced shade tolerance of submerged plants in warmer lakes might promote the stability of their dominance, the potentially high phytoplankton biomass at low nutrient concentrations suggests an overall low predictability of climate effects. 4. We found that near‐bottom oxygen concentrations are lower in warm lakes than in cooler lakes, implying that anoxic P release from eutrophic sediment in warm lakes likely causes higher TP concentrations in the water column. Subsequently, this may lead to a higher phytoplankton biomass in warmer lakes than in cooler lakes with similar external nutrient loadings. 5. Our results indicate that climate effects on the competitive balance between submerged macrophytes and phytoplankton are not straightforward.  相似文献   

Twenty lakes recovering from a century of atmospheric acid deposition over Northeastern Ontario were resurveyed for phytoplankton following a 20‐year period and were compared with a 23‐year study of an experimentally acidified lake, L302S (Experimental Lakes Area, ON, Canada). Phytoplankton species significantly tracked abiotic changes during both acidification and chemical recovery in all lakes based on concordance testing. However, ordination analyses showed that many phytoplankton communities had not returned to their preacidification state. Significant explanatory variables of taxonomic responses were pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and inorganic nutrients (N, P), based on canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Increases in DOC and pH influenced a significant taxonomic shift from acid‐tolerant dinoflagellates to a diverse assemblage of cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, and diatoms. Declining nitrogen levels defined a secondary environmental gradient, which was characterized by a decrease in filamentous green algal abundance. L302S remained remote in ordination space from the more chronically and heavily polluted lakes in Northeastern Ontario, indicating that experimental acidification provided a conservative estimate of the true damage to atmospherically polluted lakes. However, L302S did increasingly resemble lakes in Northeastern Ontario, suggesting that experimental acidification simulated the impacts of moderate levels of atmospheric pollution. Our findings demonstrate the importance of ecological history in understanding the responses by boreal lake ecosystems to environmental change.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton communities of eleven shallow lakes from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, were studied seasonally from 1987 to 1989. Several physical and chemical properties were measured in each lake (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, transparency, nutrients), in order to interpret the structural and dynamic traits of the phytoplankton community.Important differences between the lakes studied were put in evidence by means of multivariate techniques (Cluster Analysis and PCA). The shallow lakes densely populated by macrophytes hosted lowest phytoplanktonic densities, with average values ranging from 690 to 16500 algae ml–1. High species diversities were observed in these lakes (4.0–4.8). Lakes less colonized by macrophytes had higher phytoplankton densities. In some of them important blooms of Cyanophyceae were recorded, with between 60 000 and 179 000 algae ml–1, and concomitant low diversities.The results of this investigation support the hypothesis that the phytoplankton community is strongly influenced by the macrophytes, by direct competition and/or by competition from periphytic algae associated with higher plants.  相似文献   

The seasonal succession of phytoplankton diversity, and the variations in the diel vertical distribution of phyto‐ and zooplankton were investigated in a small shallow pond (1.7 m water depth) in 2003. It was inferred that the water tended to stratify weakly in the daytime from February to June. In February and April, the green alga Golenkinia radiata Chodat dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. The cell density of G. radiata greatly decreased in April, when rotifers increased near the bottom. The vertical mixing was attenuated in June, large populations of the euglenoids (Lepocinclis salina Fritsch, Phacus acuminatus Stokes, Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein et Deflandre) developed, and the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae var. klebahnii Elenk. appeared at low density. Euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were mostly distributed in the bottom layer. In late September, when the water was mixed throughout the day, euglenoids and A. flos‐aquae were distributed evenly throughout the water column. The zooplankton (cyclopoid copepods and rotifers) densities in September were the lowest throughout the year. The vertical mixing increased in November, and the phytoplankton community was composed of A. flos‐aquae, P. acuminatus, T. hispida and the green alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs. In November, at the final stage of water bloom of A. flos‐aquae, its population density decreased with depth. The two euglenoids exhibited similar cell distributions at 0.8 m and 1.6 m during 1–3 November. A. falcatus was distributed evenly throughout the water column; however, when the vertical mixing lessened, the cells at the surface started to sink. Copepod nauplii and rotifers appeared at high densities in November. Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton community structure in the pond seemed to be related to the vertical mixing of the water. In addition, zooplankton, especially rotifers, might play an important role in initiating a spring clear‐water phase and in the bloom collapse of A. flos‐aquae.  相似文献   

Dynamics of phytoplankton in Finnish lakes   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
V. Ilmavirta 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):11-20
The studies on lake phytoplankton in Finland are reviewed and the major aspects of the phytoplankton dynamics are discussed. Special attention has been paid to the factors limiting productivity and species succession in different communities. After the early mainly taxonomical and floristic publications on phytoplankton at the end of last century, phytoplankton studies in lakes have proceeded along two different lines: 1) the species composition of communities and taxonomy, and 2) their production ecology or dynamics. Recently, both approaches have been combined, resulting in some profound ecological studies. In many lakes, phosphorus has been shown to be a limiting factor for phytoplankton productivity. However, it has also been shown that the irradiance and water temperature may effectively regulate the seasonal trend of phytoplankton productivity. This is the case especially in polyhumic forest lakes, where allochthonous material seems to play a major role also in primary production ecology.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytoplankton is considered in relation to factors which may cause deviations from a random distribution. Such deviations may arise over a wide range of scales and attention is focused on small-scale contagion and its possible significance. Evidence is presented that contagion may occur at scales smaller than have previously been considered. Samples covering a range of volumes from 0.1 ml to 10 ml were taken from a small lake and total numbers of several phytoplankton species were counted in each sample to avoid problems arising from sub-sampling. The counts were used to calculate different indices of dispersion. All indices indicated contagion to occur at the scale being considered. Within the range examined the patch size appeared variable between species. The possible derivation and relevance of such micro-patchiness is discussed.  相似文献   

In 49 unpolluted lakes of north-eastern Poland the biomass of algae in summer is significantly related to the concentration of total phosphorus and to the rate of phosphorus regeneration by zooplankton. Using a model with equations describing these relationships, the biomass of blue-green algae and other phytoplankton groups was predicted for 14 polluted lakes. A good approximation of actual values was obtained only for the biomass of blue-green algae calculated from the estimated rate of P regeneration by zooplankton in these lakes. It is hypothesized that more-or-less edible algae of other classes did not show dependence on the rate of input of regenerated P because their biomass was heavily reduced by grazing of zooplankton.  相似文献   

The impact of hydrology (floods, seepage) on the chemistry of water and sediment in floodplain lakes was studied by a multivariate analysis (PCA) of physico-chemical parameters in 100 lakes within the floodplains in the lower reaches of the rivers Rhine and Meuse. In addition, seasonal fluctuations in water chemistry and chlorophyll-a development in the main channel of the Lower Rhine and five floodplain lakes along a flooding gradient were monitored. The species composition of the summer phytoplankton in these lakes was studied as well.At present very high levels of chloride, sodium, sulphate, phosphate and nitrate are found in the main channels of the rivers Rhine and Meuse, resulting from industrial, agricultural and domestic sewage. Together with the actual concentrations of major ions and nutrients in the main channel, the annual flood duration determines the physico-chemistry of the floodplain lakes. The river water influences the water chemistry of these lakes not only via inundations, but also via seepage. A comparison of recent and historical chemical data shows an increase over the years in the levels of chloride both in the main channel of the Lower Rhine and in seepage lakes along this river. Levels of alkalinity in floodplain lakes showed an inverse relationship with annual flood duration, because sulphur retention and alkalinization occurred in seepage waters and rarely-flooded lakes. The input of large quantities of nutrients (N, P) from the main channel has resulted, especially in frequently flooded lakes, in an increase in algal biomass and a shift in phytoplankton composition from a diatom dominated community towards a community dominated by chlorophytes and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Spring phytoplankton of 54 small lakes in southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Lauri Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1986,137(2):125-134
The abundance and species composition of phytoplankton communities were studied rapidly following the spring ice-melt in 54 small Finnish lakes that form a unique mosaic of water bodies. Phytoplankton biomass and cell density varied among the study lakes with a factor 100 between the lowest and highest values. Highest biomass and densities of phytoplankton characterized small ( < 0.05 km2) lakes with moderate or high water colour (> 80 mg Pt l–1). In contrast, biomass was low in clear-water lakes and lakes where water throughflow was strong. Typically one species dominated most phytoplankton communities, and usually comprised up to about 45% of the total phytoplankton biomass. Two-thirds of the 103 taxa observed were Chrysophyceans and Chlorophyceans. The most common taxa wereChlamydomonas spp. (Chlorophyceae) andCryptomonas ovata (Cryptophyceae).  相似文献   

The effects of the recent warming trend in many northern temperate lakes on the species composition of spring phytoplankton remain poorly understood, especially because a recent change in nutrients has complicated efforts, and previous studies have defined spring according to the calendar. We analysed data from 1979 to 2004 from Lake Müggelsee (Berlin, Germany), using physical and biological parameters to define the spring period. We show that a change in timing of spring plankton events in warm years led to the paradox of lower mean water temperatures during the growth period, favouring cold-adapted diatoms over cyanobacteria, and within the diatoms, some cold-adapted centric forms over pennate forms. Under high P : Si ratios, the increased time between phytoplankton and cladoceran peaks opened a loophole for filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) in warm years to establish dominance after the diatoms, which are silicate limited. Therefore, the warming trend promotes filamentous cyanobacteria, a well-known nuisance in eutrophic lakes, and surprisingly, cold-adapted diatoms.  相似文献   

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