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Linkage analysis confirmed the association in the region of PHYC in pearl millet. The comparison of genes found in this region suggests that PHYC is the best candidate.


Major efforts are currently underway to dissect the phenotype–genotype relationship in plants and animals using existing populations. This method exploits historical recombinations accumulated in these populations. However, linkage disequilibrium sometimes extends over a relatively long distance, particularly in genomic regions containing polymorphisms that have been targets for selection. In this case, many genes in the region could be statistically associated with the trait shaped by the selected polymorphism. Statistical analyses could help in identifying the best candidate genes into such a region where an association is found. In a previous study, we proposed that a fragment of the PHYTOCHROME C gene (PHYC) is associated with flowering time and morphological variations in pearl millet. In the present study, we first performed linkage analyses using three pearl millet F2 families to confirm the presence of a QTL in the vicinity of PHYC. We then analyzed a wider genomic region of ~100 kb around PHYC to pinpoint the gene that best explains the association with the trait in this region. A panel of 90 pearl millet inbred lines was used to assess the association. We used a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to compare 75 markers distributed along this 100-kb region. We found the best candidate markers on the PHYC gene. Signatures of selection in this region were assessed in an independent data set and pointed to the same gene. These results foster confidence in the likely role of PHYC in phenotypic variation and encourage the development of functional studies.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the hemoglobins of a young German patient with β-thalassemia intermedia and of his immediate family and included in these studies an evaluation of possible nucleotide changes in the β-globin through sequencing of amplified DNA. One chromosome of the propositus and one of his father's carried the GTGGGG mutation at codon 126 leading to the synthesis of Hb Dhoburi or α2β2126(H4)Val→Gly; this variant is slightly unstable and is associated with mild thalassemic features. His second chromosome and one of his mother's had the common IVS-I-5 (G→C) mutation that leads to a rather severe β+-thalassemia and the GTGATG mutation at codon 18, resulting in the replacement of a valine residue by a methionine residue. This newly discovered β-chain variant, named Hb Baden, was present for only 2–3% in both the patient and his mother. This low amount results from a decreased splicing of RNA at the donor splice-site of the first intron that is nearly completely deactivated by the IVS-I-5 (G→C) thalassemic mutation. The chromosome with the codon 18 (GTGATG) and the IVS-I-5 (G→C) mutations has thus far been found only in this German family; analysis of 51 chromosomes from patients with the IVS-I-5 (G→C) mutation living in different countries failed to detect the codon 18 (GTGATG) change.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) cleave and degrade most components of the extracellular matrix, and unregulated MMP activity has been correlated to cancer and metastasis. Hence there is a burgeoning need to develop inhibitors that bind selectively to structurally similar MMPs. The inhibition profiles of peptidomimetics containing C(α) substituents at the α,β unsaturated carbon were evaluated against the recombinant forms of ADAM17, MMP1, and MMP9. The dicarboxylic acid D2 and hydroxamate C2 inhibited MMP9 but not MMP1. The unsaturated compound E2 displayed selective inhibition for MMP1, compared with the saturated precursor C2, with an IC(50) value of 3.91 μm. The molecular basis for this selectivity was further investigated by the molecular docking of E2 and D2 into the active sites of MMP1 and MMP9. These data demonstrate hydrogen-bonding interactions between the carbonyl group of the C(α) substituent of E2 and the side chain of Asn180 present in the active site of MMP1. Conversely, the docked MMP9-D2 structure shows hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding between the ligand's morpholine substituent and second carboxylic acid group with Leu187 and an amide, respectively. This study suggests that substituents other than P(1)' and P(2)' may confer selectivity among MMPs and may aid in the search for novel lead compounds.  相似文献   

The joint distributions of phenotypes from the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) and from a closely linked restriction site polymorphism at the apolipoprotein C1 locus (APOC1) were studied in population samples from Portugal and S?o Tomé e Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea), a former Portuguese colony that was originally populated by slaves imported from the African mainland. The frequencies of the APOE alleles (*2, *3, and *4) in Portugal and S?o Tomé fitted the ranges of variation generally observed in European and African populations, respectively. Haplotype analysis showed that in both populations the strength of linkage disequilibrium was highest for the APOE*2 allele and lowest for the APOE*4 allele, suggesting that the origin of the APOE alleles followed a 4-->3-->2 pathway and thus providing independent confirmation of the results from sequence homology studies with nonhuman primates. In accordance with global trends in the distribution of human genetic variation, the European sample from Portugal presented more intense linkage disequilibrium between APOE and APOC1 than the African sample from S?o Tomé where, despite the short 4-kb distance that separates the 2 loci, the level of association between the APOC1 alleles and APOE*4 was nonsignificant.  相似文献   

Summary We have identified a new stable abnormal hemoglobin called Hb Valletta, which is characterized by a ThrPro substitution at position 87 of the chain. This mutation was found to be linked to that of the chain variant Hb F-Malta-I with a HisArg mutation at position 117 of the G chain. Both variants were detected in the blood samples of 34 Maltese and two Italian new-born babies with isoelectrofocusing and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Similar analyses of cord blood from 388 additional Maltese newborns failed to identify either one of these two variants. Additional analyses of 353 Maltese adults (including 39 -thalassemia heterozygotes) resulted in the detection of two adult Hb Valletta heterozygotes. Dot-blot hybridization analyses of amplified DNA with a probe specific for the G-F-Malta-I variant showed that both also carried that mutation. These results show close linkage of the mutant forms of the G- and -globin genes, 27–28 kb apart, and a failure to identify chromosomes with either the Hb F-Malta-I mutation alone or with the Hb Valletta mutation alone, indicating a low recombination frequency.  相似文献   

A girl, who died at 14 years of age from a rapidly progressive mitochondrial myopathy, was found to be heteroplasmic for a mutation in the mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene at position 3251. A large proportion of muscle fibres contained accumulations of abnormal mitochondria but no cytochrome c oxidase deficient fibres were present. Polarographic and enzymatic measurements on isolated muscle mitochondria revealed a profound isolated complex I deficiency. A high percentage of mutant mtDNA was found in muscle (94%), fibroblasts (93%), brain (90%), liver (80%), and heart (79%). The family was not available for investigation. For genotype to phenotype correlation studies, we investigated the proportion of mutated mtDNA in single muscle fibres of normal appearance and muscle fibres with accumulations of mitochondria. The proportion of mutant mtDNA was 28% (range < 0.3%–86%) in normal-appearing fibres and 61% (range 15%–88%) in abnormal fibres. The difference in the proportion of mutant mtDNA was highly significant (P < 0.001) between the two groups of fibres.  相似文献   

The MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) is most commonly caused by the 3243A→G mutation in mitochondrial DNA, resulting in impaired mitochondrial protein synthesis and decreased activities of the respiratory chain complexes. These defects may cause a reduced capacity for ATP synthesis and an increased rate of production of reactive oxygen species. Myoblasts cultured from controls and patients carrying the 3243A→G mutation were used to measure ATP, ADP, catalase and superoxide dismutase, which was also measured from blood samples. ATP and ADP concentrations were decreased in myoblasts with the 3243A→G mutation, but the ATP/ADP ratio remained constant, suggesting a decrease in the adenylate pool. The superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were higher than in control cells, and superoxide dismutase activity was slightly, but not significantly higher in the blood of patients with the mutation than in controls. We conclude that impairment of mitochondrial ATP production in myoblasts carrying the 3243A→G mutation results in adenylate catabolism, causing a decrease in the total adenylate pool. The increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase activities could be an adaptive response to increased production of reactive oxygen species due to dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD) are two conditions associated with susceptibility to volatile anesthetics and depolarizing muscle relaxants. The gene RYR1, encoding the Ca2+ release channel of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, is responsible for about 50% of the cases of MH and some cases of CCD. However, genetic heterogeneity occurs in MH and a mutation in a second gene (CACLN1A3), encoding the alpha1-subunit of the dihydropyridine (DHP) channel, has recently been found in a large MH French family. The presence of this mutation in patients with CCD has not yet been reported. In this study, we analyzed the A3333G mutation in 5 unrelated patients affected by CCD and 31 MH-susceptible relatives (from 19 MH families) and did not find this mutation in any of them. Nevertheless, the report of data on newly described mutations in different populations is important to estimate the contributions of each gene mutation to the phenotype of MH and CCD.  相似文献   

Recently, we found three novel missense mutations, G484A (Asp162Asn), G667A (Gly223Arg), and G808A (Val270Met), present in a Lewis-negative allele (le484,667,808) from an African (Xhosa) population. To define the relative contribution of each of the three mutations in the le484,667,808 allele for inactivation of the FUT3-encoded enzyme, we made chimeric FUT3 containing each of the three mutations. A transient expression study indicated that COS7 cells transfected with the FUT3 construct containing the G484A mutation expressed the Lewis antigen and had about 20% enzyme activity as compared with COS7 cells transfected with the wild type FUT3 allele, whereas COS7 cells transfected with the FUT3 construct containing either the G667A mutation or the G808A mutation did not express the Lewis antigen and showed no detectable (1,3/1,4)fucosyltransferase activity. These results suggest that the G667A and/or the G808A missense mutations of FUT3 alleles are responsible for the inactivation of the FUT3-encoded enzyme.  相似文献   

Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified genomic DNA from a patient with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia and precocious osteoarthritis revealed a single-base change in exon 11 of the type II procollagen gene (COL2A1), which produces an Arg Cys mutation in one allele. The proband is a member of a large Chilean kindred presenting with chondrodysplasia of the hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, and spine associated with severe, early-onset osteoarthritis. All affected individuals exhibit mildly short stature; in addition, five out of seven affected family members display shortened metacarpals or metatarsals. DNA from affected and unaffected family members was PCR-amplified and analysis of restriction digests of the products determined that the mutation segregated with the disease with a lod score of 2.2 at zero recombination. The mutation, which resides in the triple-helical region of type II procollagen at amino acid position 75, is the second example of an ArgCys mutation in the COL2A1 gene in heritable cartilaginous disease and is the first example of a point mutation in the amino terminal region of the 1(II) chain, that results in a spondyloepiphyseal dysplastic phenotype.  相似文献   

Qualitative trait loci (QTL) for growth and meat quality traits in cattle (Bos taurus) have been previously mapped to three chromosome regions, 0 to 30, 55 to 70, and 70 to 80 cM on chromosome 5. We evaluated the allele frequencies and gene-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of bovine myogenic factor 5 (MyF-5) in the QTL regions and their associations with live weight and meat characteristics in indigenous Chinese cattle breeds. PCR-SSCP methodology showed a T>A mutation at 526 bp. Least square analysis revealed a significant association of this SNP with backfat thickness and meat tenderness (P < 0.05), while no significant association was found with live weight, loin eye height, loin eye area, rib area, or water holding capacity. Allele frequencies of MyF-5-A/B in the five breeds were 0.760/0.239, 0.752/0.247, 0.629/0.370, 0.715/0.284, and 0.750/0.250, for JiaXian red, Luxi, Nanyang, Qinchuan, and XiaNan crossbreed, respectively. The genotype distributions for these alleles in two of the Chinese cattle breeds (Luxi and Qinchuan) were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.05); while those for the other three breeds (JiaXian red, Nanyang, and XiaNan) were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05). The genotypic frequencies among all five cattle breeds showed moderate diversity (0.25 < polymorphism information content < 0.5). Based on our findings, we suggest that the MyF-5 gene influences back fat thickness and meat tenderness in Chinese Bos taurus. This SNP could be useful for marker-assisted selection for meat quality traits in these cattle.  相似文献   

Fucosidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting from the absence of -l-fucosidase activity. Two natural missense mutations (G197A) and (A860G) within the -l-fucosidase gene have been reported to be homozygous in four patients with fucosidosis. Expression of wild-type and mutated -l-fucosidase cDNAs in COS-1 cells revealed complete deficiency of -l-fucosidase for the G197A transition and a normal level of enzyme for A860G. We therefore conclude that the change of G197A is responsible for fucosidosis in the patients while A860G is a normal polymorphic variant of -l-fucosidase.  相似文献   

A novel GCTGTT transition in the antithrombin III (ATIII) gene, resulting in an Ala387Val substitution near the reactive site, was detected in a patient with recurrent venous thrombosis and ATIII activity/antigen levels consistent with type I ATIII deficiency.  相似文献   

A total of 2273 specimens submitted to the Austin Hospital Pathology Service for Neisseria gonorrhoeae screening between September 1, 2009 and May 11, 2011 were used in this study. Specimens were simultaneously screened and confirmed with a previously published real time PCR assay for the opa gene (extra primers were included to increase sensitivity) and the porA gene respectively. The opa gene screen and initial porA gene confirmation yielded an N. gonorrhoeae positivity rate of 0.88% (20/2273) and 0.49% (11/2191) for specimens and patients respectively. A 16S rDNA High Resolution Melt confirmatory PCR was developed subsequently; this reduced the N. gonorrhoeae positivity rate to 0.35% (8/2273) and 0.27% (6/2191) for specimens and patients respectively (not altered by 16S sequencing). The higher rate of secondary confirmation (16S HRM) in patients compared with samples was due to the detection of species other than N. gonorrhoeae detected by the initial screening and confirmation test. This underlines the importance of performing the secondary confirmatory test that has been developed in this study.  相似文献   

We describe the detection of a novel missense mutation (Thr176Ile) that is located at the neo N-terminus of activated protein C. The Thr176Ile substitution leads to a type 1 deficiency state. Evidence is presented suggesting that this residue plays a role in pivoting the N-terminus of protein C to fold into the oxyanion hole.  相似文献   

K. A. Blagodatskikh  M. A. Evdokimova  Yu. V. Agapkina  A. G. Nikitin  A. N. Brovkin  A. A. Pushkov  E. G. Blagodatskikh  O. Yu. Kudryashova  V. S. Osmolovskaya  L. O. Minushkina  M. S. Kochkina  N. D. Selezneva  E. N. Dankovtseva  O. S. Chumakova  T. N. Baklanova  P. A. Talyzin  N. E. Reznichenko  O. P. Donetskaya  S. N. Tereshchenko  E. S. Krasil’nikova  N. A. Dzhaiani  E. V. Akatova  M. G. Glezer  A. S. Galyavich  V. B. Zakirova  N. A. Koziolova  I. V. Timofeeva  A. V. Yagoda  O. I. Boeva  L. I. Katel’nitskaya  E. V. Khorolets  S. V. Shlyk  E. G. Volkova  M. P. Margaryan  I. O. Guz’  V. O. Konstantinov  N. V. Timofeeva  B. A. Sidorenko  D. A. Zateishchikov  V. V. Nosikov 《Molecular Biology》2010,44(5):741-747
Association between the rates of poor outcomes in the patient cohort with acute coronary syndrome and polymorphisms G(?174)C in the IL6 gene and G(?1082)A in the IL10 gene were determined. In total, 1145 patients hospitalized for coronary artery disease to cardiological hospitals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Stavropol, and Rostov-on-Don were examined. The mean observation period was 9.10 ± 5.03 months (maximal, 18 months). Analysis of the survival of the patients with acute coronary syndrome that carried allele A has demonstrated that the presence of IL10 gene polymorphism G(?1082)A is associated with more frequent poor outcomes as compared with GG genotype. The survival time to endpoint for the carriers of GA and AA genotypes was 11.68 ± 0.67 months versus 12.69 ± 0.65 months for the carriers of GG genotype in IL10 gene (χ2 = 4.13, p = 0.042). As for the IL6 gene polymorphism G(?174)C, survival rate analysis did not detect any significant association with the risk for poor outcome. However, joint analysis of these polymorphisms in both genes has demonstrated that characteristic of the patients with acute coronary syndrome that carry GG genotype of IL6 gene and GA and AA genotypes of IL10 is a higher rate of poor outcomes (time to endpoint, 11.01 ± 1.24 months) as compared with the carriers of IL6 gene CC and CG genotypes and IL10 gene GG genotype (time to endpoint, 13.28 ± 0.83 months (ξ2 = 10.23, p = 0.017). These data suggest that the genes IL6 and IL10, whose products are involved in the control of inflammatory response, play an important role by increasing the probability of poor outcomes in the patients with acute coronary syndrome.  相似文献   

The factor IX gene (F9) is an advantageous system for analyzing recent spontaneous germline mutation in humans. Herein, the male:female ratio of mutation ("r") in F9 have been estimated by Bayesian analysis from 59 germline origin families. The overall "r" in F9 was estimated at 3.75. The "r"s varied with the type of mutation. The "r"s ranged from 6.65 and 6.10 for transitions at CpG and A:T to G:C transitions at non-CpG dinucleotides, respectively, to 0.57 and 0.42 for microdeletions/microinsertions and large deletions (>1 kb), respectively. The "r" for the two subtypes of non-CpG transitions differed (6.10 for A:T to G:C vs 0.80 for G:C to A:T). Somatic mosaicism was detected in 11% of the 45 origin individuals for whom the causative mutation was visualized directly by genomic sequencing of leukocyte DNA (estimated sensitivity of approximately one part in 20). Four of the five defined somatic mosaics had G:C to A:T transitions at non-CpG dinucleotides, hinting that this mutation subtype may occur commonly early in embryogenesis. The age at conception was analyzed for 41 US Caucasian families in which the age of the origin parent and the year of conception for the first carrier/hemophiliac were available. No evidence for a paternal age effect was seen. However, an advanced maternal age effect was observed (P=0.03) and was particularly prominent for transversions (average of the 79th percentile when maternal age was normalized for the year of conception). This suggests that an increased maternal age results in a higher rate of transmitted mutation, whereas the increased number of mitotic replications associated with advanced paternal age has little, if any, effect on the rate of transmitted mutation.  相似文献   

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