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川金丝猴流产和死胎的病理学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戚汉君  郝先谱 《兽类学报》1992,12(2):159-160
川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)在各动物园及有关饲养单位饲养过程中,怀孕母猴极易流产,造成繁殖困难,故动物园等单位饲养的金丝猴逐年减少。本文对其8胎次流产胎儿及胎盘和1 只正产胎盘作病理组织学观察比较,以提供对流产原因的分析探讨,现将结果简报如下。材料和方法  相似文献   

高云芳  王慧平  李保国 《生物学通报》2004,39(10):10-11,F004
川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我国特有物种。秦岭地区是川金丝猴的主要分布区之一.也是金丝猴分布的最北限依据近年来对笼养川金丝猴繁殖生理学和野生川金丝猴野外实地观察研究的成果,并结合已发表的资料,对秦岭地区川金丝猴的社群组成、行为、等级序位、繁殖与生育等方面做了综述。  相似文献   

川金丝猴粪样内3种类固醇激素保存时效分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)是中国特有的灵长类物种,生存于海拔1 400~3 300 m的山地森林地带。采用拾取新鲜粪便的非损伤性途径研究该物种野生种群生理状态,必须首先确定其新鲜粪便在特定保存方法下的保存时效。本项研究探讨在川金丝猴自然分布区夏季可获得的低温(4±1)℃、在95%乙醇中保存条件下,该物种新鲜粪便内3种类固醇激素(睾酮、雌二醇、孕酮)在8个设定天数:0(标准对照)、5、6、7、8、10、20、30 d的保存时效。结果表明,雌性川金丝猴粪样内睾酮和雌二醇在30 d内可稳定保存,孕酮含量在保存10 d时的平均值显著性低于标准参照值(P0.05);雄性川金丝猴粪样中睾酮含量在保存6 d时的平均值显著低于标准参照值(P0.05)。本研究说明,在野生川金丝猴新鲜粪便保存条件一致的情况下,该物种新鲜粪样内睾酮、孕酮、雌二醇3种激素保存时效并不一致,实际运用时需要结合研究目的区别对待。  相似文献   

神农架金丝猴的生态学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)仅产于我国,属国家Ⅰ级保护动物,自然分布于四川、陕西、甘肃的部分地区和湖北省神农架自然保护区。1983年以来,笔者对神农架金丝猴生存环境生态习性等作了长期观察研究,结果报道如下。  相似文献   

川金丝猴社会行为节目及其动作模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正确区分和定义川金丝猴各项社会行为节目及其动作模式是研究川金丝猴社会行为的重要基础。本文的目的是按照现代习性学的基本观点,探讨川金丝猴在演化过程中所形成的物种典型行为以及它们的固定动作模式。数据收集时间为1988~2005 年,采用焦点动物取样法和随意取样法,对川金丝猴笼养条件下的繁殖群、半笼养条件下的繁殖群和全雄群、以及其自然栖息地神农架林区的野生猴群进行观察,总计观察约3 000 h。初步确定了川金丝猴54 项物种典型行为节目及其动作模式,其中45 项是群内个体之间用以进行社会交往的社会行为节目,包括8 种在其他灵长类物种中目前还没有报道或比较少见的。  相似文献   

河南新安金丝猴颅骨化石   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记述了出自河南省新安县游沟村八陡山的一个基本完整的猴类颅骨化石.该颅骨骨缝已全部愈合,牙齿磨耗也重,接近老年个体.新安标本眶间部宽,面部凹陷,表现了明显的金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的特征.像新安这样完整的金丝猴颅骨,除四川万县盐井沟的一个未成年颅骨(R. roxellanae tingianus)外,在我国中原地区尚属首次发现.  相似文献   

金丝猴金黄色葡萄球菌感染的诊治一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellanae属我国特产珍稀动物,具有很高的观赏价值和研究价值.国内外十分重视和关注这一物种的研究,在驯养繁殖及疾病防治等方面作了许多研究和报道(戚汉君,郝先谱,1992;赵斌建等,1999;姜传坤,2001;高丰等,2006;唐璐等,2007),但未见关于金丝猴感染金黄色葡萄球菌Staphyloccocus aureus的报道.笔者就本园一金丝猴感染该菌的发病、诊断、治疗及预后等情况作一报道.  相似文献   

国务院环境保护委员会于1987年9月公布了我国重点保护野生动物名录,其中分布在四川的有86种。为使我省从事野生动物保护、发展、利用的单位和个人在工作中有所遵循和使全省人民积极做好保护工作,现将在我省分布的重点保护动物名录转载于后。(括号内为保护级别)1、蜂猴N y c t i c e b u s c o u c a n g(Ⅰ)2、短尾猴M a c a c a a r c t o i d e s(Ⅱ)3、猕猴M a c a c a m u-a tta(Ⅱ)4、滇金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellanae bieti(Ⅰ)5、黔金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxell-n a e b r e l i c hi(Ⅰ)6、川金丝猴R hi n o pi t h e c u s r ox…  相似文献   

三种笼养灵长类活动时间分配的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用焦点动物法和连续记录法对3种笼养灵长类活动时间分配进行比较研究。结果表明,川金丝猴Rhi-nopithecus roxellanae和熊猴Macaca assamensis用于休息的时间多于猕猴Macaca mulatta,移动时间则相反;川金丝猴和猕猴用于理毛的时间多于熊猴。不同性别年龄组之间的活动时间分配有差异,主要表现在川金丝猴母亲用于理毛的时间明显多于成年儿子,用于玩耍的时间则相反;猕猴成年雄性的移动时间和理毛时间多于成年雌性,玩耍时间则少于成年雌性;熊猴成年雌性的移动时间多于成年雄性,与成年个体相比,幼体花更多的时间用于玩耍,而相应的减少了其休息时间。  相似文献   

婴儿出生9个月就开始跟随母亲的视线接触外界社会活动,那么与人亲缘关系较近的灵长类,它们是否也拥有这种能力?凝视行为是否可以作为一种认知发育的行为指标?是否可以被测量并用于诊断?本研究选取秦岭川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellanae为观察对象,设置川金丝猴照片引导实验,运用焦点动物取样法对不同年龄组的凝视行为进行观察记录。结果发现秦岭川金丝猴存在凝视现象,不同年龄组的行为发生方式存在差异,表明凝视行为可能是灵长类在早期就出现的一种发育行为。此研究方法可以为不同成长环境儿童的行为测量和诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

Observations were made following 130 spontaneous aggressive incidents in two small breeding groups of captive golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellanae roxellanae). Participants were observed both during the first 10 min following these incidents and during matched control observations. An increased contact rate was observed between opponents following the aggressive incident. Post-conflict contacts were characterized by a number of behavior patterns: open mouth, rapid grooming, embrace, and crouching. Adult males played an important role as mediator in agonistic disputes among females: males intervened in 93.6% of female fights. It is speculated that this intervention behavior is related to the species' organization into one-male units.  相似文献   

川金丝猴雌性生殖器官的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3只川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的雌性生殖器官进行了观察。结果表明,卵巢通常呈椭圆形,两端稍尖,长1.0~1.8cm,宽0.4、0.6cm,厚0.2~0.4cm。有一个体呈一端大、一端小,中间缩细类似亚铃的形状。输卵管两侧均有系膜固定,输卵管上系膜仅0.1~0.2cm宽。子宫略呈长简形,子宫底正中沟不明显,子宫颈管较长,子宫轴与阴道轴在一直线上,子宫颈阴道部明显突出,前唇尤为明显,而阴道后穹比前穹深得多。阴道下半部前壁处皱襞密而高,形成三角形隆起,尖端向尿道外口:阴道前庭内前庭球明显,长约0.5cm,宽约0.2cm,位于尿道外口两侧的椭圆形窝内。  相似文献   

陈嘉绩  陆桐 《四川动物》2004,23(1):49-52
对3例川金丝猴的内分泌腺作了观察。位于垂体窝内的垂体呈扁圆球形,前后径平均为8.0mm,横径为9.0mm,垂直径为4.5mm;松果体呈扁圆锥形,松果体脚很短,松果体隐窝很小;左肾上腺呈等腰三角形,右肾上腺呈直角三角形;连接甲状腺左、右叶的峡为纤维峡,仅1mm宽;1例川金丝猴有3个甲状旁腺(左侧1个,右侧2个);胸腺右叶较长,伸至颈部形成颈叶。此外,对右肾上腺方位、形态特征的形成也作了讨论。作者认为疣猴类右肾上腺这一特征与它们胃的膨大有关。  相似文献   

叶春  张亚平 《遗传》2003,25(3):291-294
本研究通过PCR克隆测序,初步确定了川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的垂体生长激素基因的全部外显子核苷酸序列及推断出相应的氨基酸序列(包括26个氨基酸的信号肽序列以及191个氨基酸的成熟蛋白序列)。我们构建了灵长类7个物种垂体生长激素基因进化关系的基因树。垂体生长激素氨基酸序列的比较和垂体生长激素重要功能位点分析的结果显示:猴科的猕猴与疣猴科的川金丝猴垂体生长激素基因差异非常小。我们推测在猴超科动物中,垂体生长激素无明显功能上的差异。 Abstract:Putative pituitary growth hormone gene of Rhinopithecus roxellanae was cloned and sequenced.All exons sequences and deduced amino acid sequence (containing 26 residues signal peptide and 191 residues mature protein) were obtained.We constructed a phylogenetic tree,which well reflected the true evolutionary relationship of pituitary growth hormone genes from 7 primates species.From the results of amino acids sequence comparison and analysis of functionally important sites of growth hormone,pituitary growth hormone of macaque from Cercopithecidae and snub-nosed golden monkey from Colobidae show little difference.We indicated that pituitary growth hormone from Cercopithecoidea species have no apparently functional difference.  相似文献   

The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey,Rhinopithecus roxellanae, is an endangered Colobine endemic to China. The behavior and biology of this species are little known, and it has rarely been kept in captivity outside China. Results from 42 hr of observations of a male-female golden monkey pair provide preliminary information on the vocal behavior of this species in captivity. Vocalizations by the animals often occurred within antiphonal sequences, which were primarily initiated by the female. Sequences were brief (2–3 calls), showed little or no temporal overlap, and were emitted primarily when the animals were distal from one another, suggesting that sequences may function as contact calls in nature. Some vocalizations appeared to be cryptic, i.e. unaccompanied by mouth or body movement, and these were observed more often than noncryptic calls in both animals. Vocal communication appears to be complex in this species, and remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴的一次家庭雄性替代   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
家庭雄性替代已在亚洲叶猴的许多种类中有所报道。 2 0 0 3年 ,我们在一种亚洲叶猴———秦岭的川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的一个单雄家庭中观察到一次完整的家庭雄性替代过程。此次替代发生于 4月 2 8日 - 5月 2日的五天时间内。在家庭雄性发生替代后的第六个月 ,该家庭中的婴猴消失。本文是首次对野生川金丝猴家庭雄性替代进行详细的报道。通过本次观察证明野生川金丝猴的确存在家庭雄性替代的现象。且像亚洲叶猴的许多种类一样 ,野生川金丝猴的家庭雄性替代同样发生于产仔季节和交配季节之间。但我们仍无法确定在本次雄性替代中婴猴最终的消失是否是雄性杀婴的结果  相似文献   

<正>理毛行为(Grooming behavior)的定义是动物个体对自身或其同类个体体表(皮肤、毛发或羽毛等)进行的多种形式护理,包括对体表进行有规律的梳理,以及用舌头或嘴唇舔皮肤和毛发等(Veà et al., 1999)。在灵长类动物中,理毛行为大多表现为个体接触和探查自身或另一个体体表被毛,将毛发分开后从中拣出盐粒或皮肤寄生物放入口中咀嚼或直接用嘴咬食被毛下的盐粒或皮肤寄生物(李银华和李保国, 2002)。依据理毛接收对象的不同,可将  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of winter feeding tree choice in 4 groups of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) in Shennongjia Nature Reserve, China. We collected data during 2 winters from 1998 to 2000. The monkeys used mature forest, young forest and shrub forest, but not grassland. Groups used tree species in a significantly nonrandom pattern. There was a similar composition of preferred tree species between different habitats for each group and among the same habitat types for different groups. They preferred Abies fargesii, Pinus armandii and Salix walliciana for foraging. The 3 species occur in varying degrees of abundance in different habitats and were used differently by the 4 groups. The difference is probably due to interhabitat differences in availability of tree species, in addition to microclimate. The mean circumference of a tree had little effect on its preference score, but preferred species tend to be larger. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that the percentage of trees used and average number of feeding bites per tree is significantly greater for larger trees. For all trees in a given habitat, the percentage of trees used and average number of bites per tree have a significant positive correlation with average tree circumference. Our results indicate that Rhinopithecus roxellanae prefer to feed in large trees more than small trees in a given habitat, thereby preferring mature forest habitat. There is also a group-size effect; larger groups used higher-quality habitats than those of smaller groups. Both tree species and size are the major determinants of feeding choice, but tree species is more important than tree size. Our results have at least three implications for winter habitat conservation of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys. Conservation efforts should be focused on mature forest because it is better habitat at Rhinopithecus than young forest, as long as the same tree species are present. Secondly, Pinus armandii, Abies fargesii and Salix walliciana should be conserved as top priority in forest communities. Third, the largest trees in each habitat should be given greatest possible protection.  相似文献   

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