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1. The fluorescent fatty acid probe 11-(dansylamino)undecanoic acid (DAUDA) binds with high affinity to bovine and human serum albumin (BSA and HSA) at three sites. 2. The Kd of the primary binding site could not be determined; however, the two secondary sites appeared to be equivalent, with an apparent Kd of 8 x 10(-7) M for both BSA and HSA. 3. The spectral characteristics of DAUDA when bound to the primary site of the two albumins were different, with HSA producing a greater fluorescence enhancement and emission maximum at a shorter wavelength (480 nm) than for BSA (495 nm). 4. Displacement studies indicated that the DAUDA-binding sites were not equivalent to the primary long-chain fatty acid-binding sites on albumin, but corresponded to the bilirubin sites. Fatty acyl-CoAs also bind to the bilirubin sites, as do medium-chain fatty acids. 5. The solubility, stability and spectral properties of DAUDA make it an excellent probe for investigating the bilirubin-binding sites of albumin, particularly HSA.  相似文献   

Based on the membrane addressing concept, designing and synthesis of 11-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxyphenylcarbamoyl)undecanoic acid have been carried out. Antioxidant properties of the prepared compound were investigated in comparison with its non-amphiphilic analogues.  相似文献   

By crossing two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient for each of the two methionine adenosyltransferase isoenzymes (ATP: L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase EC respectively, we have constructed a strain strictly auxotrophic for S-adenosylmethionine and used it as a source of undermethylated mRNA suitable for in vitro transmethylation studies. RNA has been phenol-extracted from yeast cells shifted down to S-adenosylmethionine-free medium for 90 min and poly(A)-rich RNA has been prepared by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography. Upon incubation in vitro in the presence of methyl-labeled S-adenosylmethionine and mRNA (guanine-7-)-methyltransferase purified from wheat germ or yeast, undermethylated poly(A)-rich RNA became significantly labeled as compared to non-starved cells from the same strain, or from a wild-type control. Cap structures were resolved by paper chromatography afer T2 and P1 RNase digestion, and shown to be a mixture of m7G5'ppp5'G and m7G5'ppp5'A, irrespective of the enzyme source, in agreement with earlier in vivo studies in yeast mRNA capping and methylation.  相似文献   

We have transformed varieties of wheat with a Pisum sativum glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gene, and also with an Arabidopsis thaliana acyl-ACP thioesterase gene. Morphological (growth, organelle development) and metabolic changes (fatty acid labelling of chloroplast and non-chloroplast lipids) have been observed in transgenics with altered gene expression for either enzyme.  相似文献   

The NAD analogue 4-(3-bromoacetylpyridinio)butyldiphosphoadenosine inactivates alcohol dehydrogenases from horse liver and yeast by modification of amino acid side chains at the active sites of the proteins. In the presence of excess inactivator the reaction is pseudo first order. The stoichiometry is one male inactivator incorporated per mole enzyme subunit. The liver enzyme is inactivated by ketoalkylation of the essential cysteine residue at position 46. No intermediate reactions of other residues are detected, and added cysteine does not influence the modification. In contrast, the labelling results with the yeast enzyme depend on cysteine treatment. The only radioactive peptide isolated is labelled on the essential cysteine residue 43.  相似文献   

1,1,4,4-Butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) is evaluated as an analogue for the metal binding site in dipeptides of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla). Molecular modeling suggests that the four carboxylic acid groups in BTCA can assume a similar conformation to the four gamma-carboxylic acid groups in GlaGla and thus provides the impetus for the synthesis and metal binding determinations. BTCA is synthesized via the tert.-butyl ester and characterized via NMR, mass spectroscopy, and elemental composition. Equilibrium binding constants with protons, Ca(II) and Mg(II) are determined via pH and Ca(II) ion-selective electrode titrations and are found to be similar to those for GlaGla peptides with blocked termini.  相似文献   

Differences between human prostate carcinoma (PCA, five cases) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, five cases) in asparagine-linked (Asn) sugar-chain structure of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) were investigated using lectin affinity chromatography with concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). PAP activities were significantly decreased in PCA-derived PAP, while no significant differences between the two PAP preparations were observed in the enzymatic properties (Michaelis–Menten value, optimal pH, thermal stability, and inhibition study). In these PAP preparations, all activities were found only in the fractions which bound strongly to the Con A column and were undetectable in the Con A unbound fractions and in the fractions which bound weakly to the Con A column. The relative amounts of PAP which bound strongly to the Con A column but passed through the WGA column, were significantly greater in BPH-derived PAP than in PCA-derived PAP. In contrast, the relative amounts of PAP which bound strongly to the Con A column and bound to the WGA column, were significantly greater in PCA-derived PAP than in BPH-derived PAP. The findings suggest that Asn-linked sugar-chain structures are altered during oncogenesis in human prostate and also suggest that studies of qualitative differences of sugar-chain structures of PAP might lead to a useful diagnostic tool for PCA.  相似文献   

The role of 2'-ribosylated adenosine 64 in tRNA(iMet) from yeast in initiation/elongation discrimination was investigated. As measured by in vitro translation in rabbit reticulocyte lysate, the specific removal of the 2'-ribosylphosphate at adenosine 64 via periodate oxidation allows tRNA(iMet) to read internal AUG codons of the globine messenger RNA. Yeast Met-tRNA(iMet) lacking the modification of nucleoside 64 forms ternary complexes with GTP and elongation factor Tu from Escherichia coli. The lack of modification at position 64 does not prevent tRNA(iMet) from participating in the initiation process of in vitro protein synthesis. Wheat germ tRNA(iMet) has a 2'-ribosylated guanosine at position 64. Removal of this modification from the wheat germ tRNA(iMet) enables it to read internal AUG codons of globine and tobacco mosaic virus messenger RNA in reticulocyte and wheat germ translation systems, respectively.  相似文献   

Glycerophospholipids are important components of cellular membranes, required for constructing structural barriers, and for providing precursors of bioactive lipid mediators. Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases (LPAATs) are enzymes known to function in the de novo glycerophospholipid biosynthetic pathway (Kennedy pathway), using lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and acyl-CoA to form phosphatidic acid (PA). Until now, three LPAATs (LPAAT1, 2, and 3) have been reported from the 1-acyl-glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase (AGPAT) family. In this study, we identified a fourth LPAAT enzyme, LPAAT4, previously known as an uncharacterized enzyme AGPAT4 (LPAATδ), from the AGPAT family. Although LPAAT4 was known to contain AGPAT motifs essential for acyltransferase activities, detailed biochemical properties were unknown. Here, we found that mouse LPAAT4 (mLPAAT4) possesses LPAAT activity with high acyl-CoA specificity for polyunsaturated fatty acyl-CoA, especially docosahexaenoyl-CoA (22:6-CoA, DHA-CoA). mLPAAT4 was distributed in many tissues, with relatively high expression in the brain, rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6). mLPAAT4 siRNA in a neuronal cell line, Neuro 2A, caused a decrease in LPAAT activity with 22:6-CoA, suggesting that mLPAAT4 functions endogenously. siRNA in Neuro 2A cells caused a decrease in 18:0–22:6 PC, whereas mLPAAT4 overexpression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells caused an increase in this species. Although DHA is considered to have many important functions for the brain, the mechanism of its incorporation into glycerophospholipids is unknown. LPAAT4 might have a significant role for maintaining DHA in neural membranes. Identification of LPAAT4 will possibly contribute to understanding the regulation and the biological roles of DHA-containing glycerophospholipids in the brain.  相似文献   

Processing of the yeast pre-rRNA at sites A(2) and A(3) is linked.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Cleavage of the yeast pre-rRNA at site A(2) in internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) requires multiple snoRNP species, whereas cleavage at site A(3),located 72 nt 3' in ITS1, requires Rnase MRP. Analyses of mutations in the pre- rRNA have revealed an unexpected link between processing at A(2) and A(3). Small substitution mutations in the 3' flanking sequence at A(2) inhibit processing at site A(3), whereas a small deletion at A(3) has been shown to delay processing at site A(2). Moreover, the combination of mutations in cis at both A(2) and A(3) leads to the synthesis of pre-rRNA species with 5' ends within the mature 18S rRNA sequence, at sites between + 482 and + 496. The simultaneous interference with an snoRNP processing complex at site A(2) and an Rnase MPRP complex at site A(3) may activate a pre-rRNA breakdown pathway. The same aberantpre-rRNA species are observed in strains with mutations in the RNA component of Rnase MRP, consistent with interactions between the processing complexes. Furthermore, genetic depletion of the snoRNA, snR30, has been shown to affect the coupling between cleavage by Rnase MRP and subsequent exonuclease digestion.We conclude that an sno-RNP-dependent processing complex that is required for A(2) cleavage and that recognizes the 3' flanking sequence at A(2), interacts with the RNase MRP complex bound to the pre-rRNA around site A(3).  相似文献   

W D Busse  F H Carpenter 《Biochemistry》1976,15(8):1649-1657
The preparation and use of carbonylbis (L-methionine p-nitrophenyl ester) as a reversible cross-linking reagent for insulin are described. The reaction of 1 equiv of reagent with zinc insulin in dimethylformamide in the presence of triethylamine yields as one of the products NalphaA1, NepsilonB29-carbonylbis(methionyl)insulin, (CBM-insulin). The CBM-insulin was characterized by end group analysis and by the products formed on tryptic and chymotryptic cleavage. It possessed 91% of the immunological and 6.5% of the hormonal activity of insulin. Treatment of CBM-insulin with cyanogen bromide (CNBr) in 70% formic acid for 1 h resulted in nearly complete removal of the methionine bridge to yield insulin. A small amount of a side product was removed on DEAE-cellulose at pH 7.2 to give an overall recovery of insulin of 70-80%. Oxidative sulfitolyses of CBM-insulin gave the hexa(S-sulfonate) which was reduced with dithiothreitol to yield reduced CBM-insulin. The latter compound, containing 6 sulfhydryls, exhibited a pH-dependent circular dichroic spectrum. The form at pH 10 exhibited a spectrum typical of random coil which was converted to a form at pH 7.8 which was characterized by a negative extremum at 213 nm. The change in the spectrum at 213 nm with pH was characterized by an apparent pKa of 8.5. Studies on the reoxidation of reduced CBM-insulin were performed at pH values between 7.8 and 10 and at protein concentrations of 0.01-1 mg/ml. The best yields (ca. 85%) of the correctly paired disulfide bonds were obtained in reoxidations at pH 9.5-10 at protein concentration of 0.01-0.1 mg/ml. CBM-insulin, which had been isolated from reoxidation at high pH of the reduced CBM-insulin, was cleaved by CNBr to yield a fully active insulin in an overall yield of 60% from the reduced CBM-insulin.  相似文献   

CYP51s form the only family of P450 proteins conserved in evolution from prokaryotes to fungi, plants and mammals. In all eukaryotes, CYP51s catalyse 14alpha-demethylation of sterols. We have recently isolated two CYP51 cDNAs from sorghum [Bak, S., Kahn, R.A., Olsen, C. E. & Halkier, B.A. (1997) Plant J. 11, 191-201] and wheat [Cabello-Hurtado, F., Zimmerlin, A., Rahier, A., Taton, M., DeRose, R., Nedelkina, S., Batard, Y., Durst, F., Pallett, K.E. & Werck-Reichhart, D. (1997) Biophys. Biochem. Res. Commun. 230, 381-385]. Wheat and sorghum CYP51 proteins show a high identity (92%) compared with their identity with their fungal and mammalian orthologues (32-39%). Data obtained with plant microsomes have previously suggested that differences in primary sequences reflect differences in sterol pathways and CYP51 substrate specificities between animals, fungi and plants. To investigate more thoroughly the properties of the plant CYP51, the wheat enzyme was expressed in yeast strains overexpressing different P450 reductases as a fusion with either yeast or plant (sorghum) membrane targeting sequences. The endogenous sterol demethylase gene (ERG11) was then disrupted. A sorghum-wheat fusion protein expressed with the Arabidopsis thaliana reductase ATR1 showed the highest level of expression and activity. The expression induced a marked proliferation of microsomal membranes so as to obtain 70 nmol P450.(L culture)-1, with CYP51 representing 1.5% of microsomal protein. Without disruption of the ERG11 gene, the expression level was fivefold reduced. CYP51 from wheat complemented the ERG11 disruption, as the modified yeasts did not need supplementation with exogenous ergosterol and grew normally under aerobic conditions. The fusion plant enzyme catalysed 14alpha-demethylation of obtusifoliol very actively (Km,app = 197 microm, kcat = 1.2 min-1) and with very strict substrate specificity. No metabolism of lanosterol and eburicol, the substrates of the fungal and mammalian CYP51s, nor metabolism of herbicides and fatty acids was detected in the recombinant yeast microsomes. Surprisingly lanosterol (Ks = 2.2 microM) and eburicol (Ks = 2.5 microm) were found to bind the active site of the plant enzyme with affinities higher than that for obtusifoliol (Ks = 289 microM), giving typical type-I spectra. The amplitudes of these spectra, however, suggested that lanosterol and eburicol were less favourably positioned to be metabolized than obtusifoliol. The recombinant enzyme was also used to test the relative binding constants of two azole compounds, LAB170250F and gamma-ketotriazole, which were previously reported to be potent inhibitors of the plant enzyme. The Ks of plant CYP51 for LAB170250F (0.29 microM) and gamma-ketotriazole (0.40 microM) calculated from the type-II sp2 nitrogen-binding spectra were in better agreement with their reported effects as plant CYP51 inhibitors than values previously determined with plant microsomes. This optimized expression system thus provides an excellent tool for detailed enzymological and mechanistic studies, and for improving the selectivity of inhibitory molecules.  相似文献   

The 10th and 11th residues of parathyroid hormone PTH(1-12) analogues were substituted to study the structure and function of PTH analogues. The substitution of Ala(10) of [Ala(3,10,12)(Leu(7)/Phe(7))Arg(11)]rPTH(1-12)NH(2) with Glu(10) and/or the Arg(11) with Ile(11) markedly decreased cAMP generating activity. Data from circular dichroism (CD) and the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structural analysis of [Ala(3,10,12)(Leu(7)/Phe(7))Arg(11)]rPTH(1-12)NH(2) revealed tight alpha-helical structures, while the Glu(10) and/or Ile(11) substituted analogues showed unstable alpha-helical structures. We conclude that 10th and 11th residues are important for stabilizing its helical conformation and that destabilization of the alpha-helical structure, induced by substituting the above residues, remarkably affect its biological potency.  相似文献   

The exons of the lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) gene in DNA samples from two of the original Swedish Fish Eye Disease patients have been amplified by polymerase chain reactions and sequenced by the dideoxy method. The two patients apparently were unrelated. In both patients a mutation in codon 10 of the first exon was found, altering proline10 to leucine. We note that the mutations causing Fish Eye Disease as well as those causing classical LCAT deficiency are spread over most of the translated gene. Why these various mutations in the same gene give rise to two different disease phenotypes remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Kraemer, S. M., Vannais, D. B., Kronenberg, A., Ueno, A. and Waldren, C. A. Gamma-Ray Mutagenesis Studies in a New Human-Hamster Hybrid, A(L)CD59(+/-), which has Two Human Chromosomes 11 but is Hemizygous for the CD59 Gene. Radiat. Res. 156, 10-19 (2001).We have developed a human-CHO hybrid cell line, named A(L)CD59(+/-), which has two copies of human chromosome 11 but is hemizygous for the CD59 gene and the CD59 cell surface antigen that it encodes. Our previous studies used the A(L) and A(L)C hybrids that respectively contain one or two sets of CHO chromosomes plus a single copy of human chromosome 11. The CD59 gene at 11p13.5 and the CD59 antigen encoded by it are the principal markers used in our mutagenesis studies. The hybrid A(L)CD59(+/-) contains two copies of human chromosome 11, only one of which carries the CD59 gene. The incidence of CD59 (-) mutants (formerly called S1(-)) induced by (137)Cs gamma rays is about fivefold greater in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells than in A(L) cells. Evidence is presented that this increase in mutant yield is due to the increased induction of certain classes of large chromosomal mutations that are lethal to A(L) cells but are tolerated in the A(L)CD59(+/-) hybrid. In addition, significantly more of the CD59 (-) mutants induced by (137)Cs gamma rays in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells display chromosomal instability than in A(L) cells. On the other hand, the yield of gamma-ray-induced CD59 (-) mutants in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells is half that of the A(L)C hybrid, which also tolerates very large mutations but has only one copy of human chromosome 11. We interpret the difference in mutability as evidence that repair processes involving the homologous chromosomes 11 play a role in determining mutant yields. The A(L)CD59(+/-) hybrid provides a useful new tool for quantifying mutagenesis and shedding light on mechanisms of genetic instability and mutagenesis.  相似文献   

To define the inhibitory requirements of mammalian collagenase, several N-substituted amide and peptide derivatives of the mercaptomethyl analogue of leucine, 2-[(R,S)mercaptomethyl]-4-methylpentanoic acid (H psi[SCH2]-DL-leucine), were synthesized and tested as inhibitors of pig synovial collagenase with soluble type I collagen as substrate. H psi[SCH2]-DL-leucine (IC50 = 320 microM) was about 10 times more potent than the beta-mercaptomethyl compound, N-acetylcysteine. The amide of H psi[SCH2]-DL-leucine was six times more potent than the parent thiol acid. Aliphatic N-substituted amides were less potent than the unsubstituted amide, whereas the N-benzyl amide was slightly more potent. Dipeptides, particularly those with an aromatic group at P2', were up to 20-fold more potent, while tripeptides with an aromatic L-amino acid at P2' and Ala-NH2 at P3' were up to 2200 times more potent than H psi[SCH2]-DL-leucine. The resolved diastereomers of H psi[SCH2]-DL-Leu-Phe-Ala-NH2 inhibited by 50% at 0.3 and 0.04 microM, respectively. The most potent inhibitor synthesized, an isomer of H psi[SCH2]-DL-Leu-L-3-(2'-naphthyl)alanyl-Ala-NH2, exhibited an IC50 of 0.014 microM, a value about 300 times less than similar thiol-based analogues of the P'-cleavage sequence of type I collagen, H psi[SCH2]-DL-Leu-Ala-Gly-Gln-. These structure-function studies establish within the present series of compounds that the most effective inhibitors of mammalian collagenase are not closely related to the P2'-P3' elements of the cleavage site of the natural substrate but rather have an aromatic group at the P2' position and Ala-NH2 at the P3' position.  相似文献   

The human intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) belongs to a family of intracellular lipid binding proteins. This 15 kDa protein binds dietary long-chain fatty acids in the cytosol of enterocytes. A naturally-occurring nucleotide polymorphism at codon 54, which produces either an alanine-containing (A54) or a threonine-containing (T54) protein, has been identified. These two I-FABP forms display differential binding and transport of fatty acids across cells, and their alleles are associated with in vivo insulin resistance and/or altered lipid metabolism in several human populations. The three-dimensional solution structure of the more common A54 form was previously determined in our lab. A direct comparison between human A54 and T54 I-FABP has now been performed to help elucidate the structural origins of their physiological distinctions. The solution structure of T54 I-FABP is highly homologous to that of A54 I-FABP, with the same overall three-dimensional fold that includes an antiparallel beta-clam motif. Chemical shift differences between the two proteins suggest only minor local structural changes within the "portal region" and no significant alterations elsewhere. Hence, the slightly stronger binding of fatty acids to T54 I-FABP does not originate from residues in direct contact with the bound fatty acid. Instead, it appears that the larger Thr(54) side chain affects the passage of the ligand through the entry portal. Structural details of this portal region will be discussed in view of the influence residue 54 exerts on the functional properties of human I-FABP.  相似文献   

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