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A routine procedure has been established for the sensitive and specific detection of avocado sunblotch viroid in partially purified nucleic acid extracts of avocado leaves by hybridisation analysis with 32P-complementary DNA prepared against the purified viroid. Avocado sunblotch viroid was shown to be present in 12 avocado trees that had indexed positive in a biological test for sunblotch disease but was absent from 10 trees that indexed negative. The complete correlation between sunblotch disease and the presence of viroid indicates that the complementary DNA hybridisation assay procedure can be used for the indexing of sunblotch disease. The overall procedure of leaf extraction and hybridisation analysis can be completed in 5 days and is to be compared with up to 2 yr required for indexing by biological methods. The level of avocado sunblotch viroid in partially purified nucleic acid extracts of a number of different sources of sunblotch infected avocado leaves was found to vary 10 000-fold from 0.2% to 2 × 10-5% by weight. The lower limit of detectability of the viroid by the hybridisation assay is considered to be about 10-5% by weight; this is at least 103 times more sensitive than the detection of the viroid by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the leaf nucleic acid extracts followed by staining.  相似文献   

Viroids, small single-stranded circular RNA molecules, are the smallest known infectious agents in Nature. The apparent inability of viroids to encode for proteins means that they must rely fully on host functions for their replication. The specific ultrastructural localization of viroids is fundamental to the determination of their replication strategies. In this paper the first in situ hybridization study to localize viroids within the cell at the electron microscope level is reported. Biotin-labelled RNA probes were used with subsequent detection by gold-labelled monoclonal anti-biotin antibodies to localize avocado sunblotch viroid and coconut cadang cadang viroid. Avocado sunblotch viroid was located in chloroplasts, mostly on the thylakoid membranes of cells from infected leaves of avocado (Persea americana). In contrast, coconut cadang cadang viroid was located in the nucleolus and nucleoplasm of cells of infected leaves of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), with a higher concentration in the nucleolus. The results provide insight on the potential host RNA polymerases involved in the replication of these two viroids.  相似文献   

Sequence requirements of the hammerhead RNA self-cleavage reaction.   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
A previously well-characterized hammerhead catalytic RNA consisting of a 24-nucleotide substrate and a 19-nucleotide ribozyme was used to perform an extensive mutagenesis study. The cleavage rates of 21 different substrate mutations and 24 different ribozyme mutations were determined. Only one of the three phylogenetically conserved base pairs but all nine of the conserved single-stranded residues in the central core are needed for self cleavage. In most cases the mutations did not alter the ability of the hammerhead to assemble into a bimolecular complex. In the few cases where mutant hammerheads did not assemble, it appeared to be the result of the mutation stabilizing an alternate substrate or ribozyme secondary structure. All combinations of mutant substrate and mutant ribozyme were less active than the corresponding single mutations, suggesting that the hammerhead contains few, if any, replaceable tertiary interactions as are found in tRNA. The refined consensus hammerhead resulting from this work was used to identify potential hammerheads present in a variety of Escherichia coli gene sequences.  相似文献   

RNA was extracted from plants infected with avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV) and was analyzed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The ASBV related fraction was eluted from the gel, labelled with [32P] using polynucleotide kinase and used as a probe for hybridization with a purified ASBV-RNA preparation dot spotted on nitrocellulose paper. Positive self-hybridization indicated a high degree of internal complementarity. Dot spots of whole cell RNA and of leaf sap from ASBV infected plants were shown to hybridize with the labelled probe. This hybridization procedure proved to be 16–64 times more sensitive in diagnosing ASBV when compared with polyacrylamide gel analysis.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 247 nucleotide residues of the single strand circular RNA of avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV) was determined using partial enzymic cleavage methods on overlapping viroid fragments obtained by partial ribonuclease digestion followed by 32p-labelling in vitro at their 5'-ends. ASBV is much smaller than potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV; 359 residues) and chrysanthemum stunt viroid (CSV; 356 residues). A secondary structure model for ASBV is proposed and contains 67% of its residues base paired. In contrast to the extensive (69%) sequence homology of CSV with PSTV, only 18% of the ASBV sequence is homologous to PSTV and CSV. There are eight potential polypeptide translation products with chain lengths from 4 to 63 amino acid residues coded for by the plus (infectious) strand and four potential translation products (2 to 60 residues) coded for by the minus strand. An improved method is described for the synthesis of gamma-32p-ATP of high specific activity.  相似文献   

The method of Palukaitis & Symons (1980) for extracting low molecular weight ribonucleic acids from plant tissue was improved by CF-11-cellulose chromatography and further simplified for use in routine biochemical indexing for avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV). Extracts were prepared routinely at 10 g dry weight equivalents (DWE) of tissue per ml; more concentrated than previously possible with many avocado cultivars. Conditions for assaying extracts of ASBV were standardised and the lower limits for detection determined as 80–230 ng ASBV/g DWE of tissue for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and 1 ng/g DWE of tissue for complementary DNA (cDNA) probe assays. The concentration of ASBV in a single infected tree varied from 5 to 5000 ng/g DWE between branches, but only to a minor degree between mature leaves and young blossoms within branches. Six independent sources of sunblotch disease were examined and all proved positive for ASBV by PAGE. The ASBV extracted from five of these sources hybridised with cDNA prepared from the sixth or standard source (Hass/SB-1), with hybridisation values ranging from 43% to 89%. In a survey of 76 trees intended for propagation in Australia, all of 17 trees previously accepted as healthy on the basis of graft transmission tests were negative for ASBV by PAGE and had cDNA hybridisation values ranging from 1.8% to 12.1%. Amongst 59 trees apparently free of sunblotch symptoms but not previously indexed, only one tree was positive for ASBV by both PAGE and cDNA probe assay. The other 58 trees were negative by PAGE but had hybridisation values ranging from 1.0% to 42.8%. Forty-nine trees had values consistent with known healthy trees (<12% hybridisation), while the results of the remaining nine trees will require confirmation by additional tests before a conclusion about ASBV is made. The cDNA probe assay successfully detected ASBV in avocado seedlings graft inoculated with Hass/SB-1, 1–2 months before symptoms were displayed but not until 6 months after inoculation. Methods for improving the cDNA probe assay still further are discussed.  相似文献   

A hammerhead domain of less than 50 nucleotides is responsible for a self-cleavage reaction in the replication of plant RNA pathogens. The hammerhead is composed of three helices joining at a central conserved core of 11 single stranded nucleotides. The core is believed to fold into a tertiary structure that provides functional groups for catalysis and to coordinate one or more divalent metal ions. In this study we use a phosphorothioate substitution interference assay to identify four phosphates in the conserved core which also play a role in the self-cleavage reaction.  相似文献   

S C Dahm  O C Uhlenbeck 《Biochimie》1990,72(11):819-823
Deoxynucleotides were introduced into a substrate fragment of the hammerhead RNA self-cleaving domain. A substrate lacking the 2' hydroxyl adjacent to the cleavage site showed no detectable cleavage under a variety of reaction conditions. Competition experiments indicate that this fragment binds to the ribozyme with an affinity similar to the all RNA fragment, suggesting that the attacking 2' hydroxyl does not substantially contribute to the binding of substrate to ribozyme. Similar competition experiments with the all DNA substrate indicate a much lower affinity for the ribozyme perhaps due to the lack of other 2' hydroxyls. A substrate containing all deoxy residues except for a ribonucleotide at the cleavage site was also shown to be active.  相似文献   

Natural hammerhead ribozymes are mostly found in some viroid and viroid-like RNAs and catalyze their cis cleavage during replication. Hammerheads have been manipulated to act in trans and assumed to have a similar catalytic behavior in this artificial context. However, we show here that two natural cis-acting hammerheads self-cleave much faster than trans-acting derivatives and other reported artificial hammerheads. Moreover, modifications of the peripheral loops 1 and 2 of one of these natural hammerheads induced a >100-fold reduction of the self-cleavage constant, whereas engineering a trans-acting artificial hammerhead into a cis derivative by introducing a loop 1 had no effect. These data show that regions external to the central conserved core of natural hammerheads play a role in catalysis, and suggest the existence of tertiary interactions between these peripheral regions. The interactions, determined by the sequence and size of loops 1 and 2 and most likely of helices I and II, must result from natural selection and should be studied in order to better understand the hammerhead requirements in vivo.  相似文献   



Viroids are the smallest pathogens known to date. They infect plants and cause considerable economic losses. The members of the Avsunviroidae family are known for their capability to form hammerhead ribozymes (HHR) that catalyze self-cleavage during their rolling circle replication.


In vitro inhibition assays, based on the self-cleavage kinetics of the hammerhead ribozyme from a Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (CChMVd-HHR) were performed in the presence of various putative inhibitors.


Aminated compounds appear to be inhibitors of the self-cleavage activity of the CChMVd HHR. Surprisingly the spermine, a known activator of the autocatalytic activity of another hammerhead ribozyme in the presence or absence of divalent cations, is a potent inhibitor of the CChMVd-HHR with Ki of 17 ± 5 μM. Ruthenium hexamine and TMPyP4 are also efficient inhibitors with Ki of 32 ± 5 μM and IC50 of 177 ± 5 nM, respectively.


This study shows that polyamines are inhibitors of the CChMVd-HHR self-cleavage activity, with an efficiency that increases with the number of their amino groups.

General significance

This fundamental investigation is of interest in understanding the catalytic activity of HHR as it is now known that HHR are present in the three domains of life including in the human genome. In addition these results emphasize again the remarkable plasticity and adaptability of ribozymes, a property which might have played a role in the early developments of life and must be also of significance nowadays for the multiple functions played by non-coding RNAs.  相似文献   

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