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The structure of the air-breathing organs ofMonopterus (=Amphipnous)cuchia has been studied by using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and the morphological basis for buccopharyngeal respiration, aerial as well as aquatic has been established. Respiratory islets are well distributed over the surface of the buccopharynx, hypopharynx and branchial arches extending deep into the gill clefts but occupy only the anterior two-thirds of the air sacs, the remaining posterior one-third part seems to be non-respiratory in function and may serve as a reservoir for residual air. Arterioles penetrate deep into the epithelial region of air sacs and buccopharynx in spiral-like fashion to form the characteristic vascular papillae of the respiratory islets. In juvenile fish new respiratory islets develop in the non-vascular part of the air sac in between large older islets as sprout-like structures. The respiratory area, capillary loading, thickness of air-blood tissue barrier, and the diffusing capacity of the respiratory membrane of a 200 g fish were found to be 20 cm2, 2.72 cm3/m2, 0.72 × 10?4 cm, and 0.00165 ml O2/min/mmHg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

Monopterus albus, a swamp eel inhabiting the freshwaters of South East Asia, relies on an extensive vascularisation of the buccal cavity, pharynx and anterior oesophagus for gas exchange, while the gills are much reduced. In the present study we describe the macro-circulation in the cephalic region and the vascularisation of the buccal cavity of M. albus using vascular fillings and micro-computed tomography (μCT). We also show that M. albus has the capacity to use the buccal cavity for aquatic gas exchange, being able to maintain normal arterial blood gas composition, blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output throughout 10 h of forced submergence. M. albus therefore can be characterised as a facultative air-breather. Because M. albus aestivates for many months in moist mud during the dry season we characterised in vivo cardiovascular function during exposure to anoxia as well as the effects of anoxia on in vitro contractility of strip preparations from atria and ventricle. Both studies revealed a low anoxia tolerance, rendering it unlikely that M. albus can survive prolonged exposure to anoxia.  相似文献   

The Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) is an air-breathing teleost with very reduced gills that uses the buccal cavity for air-breathing. Here we characterise the cardiovascular changes associated with the intermittent breathing pattern in M. albus and we study the autonomic control of the heart during water- and air-breathing. The shift from water- to air-breathing was associated with a rise in heart rate from 27.7 ± 1.6 to 41.4 ± 2.6 min(-1) and an increase in cardiac output from 23.1 ± 3.0 to 58.7 ± 6.5 mLmin(-1)kg(-1), while mean systemic blood pressure did not change (39.0 ± 3.5 and 46.4 ± 1.3 cmH(2)O). The autonomic control of the heart during water- and air-breathing was revealed by infusion of the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol and muscarinic antagonist atropine (3 mgkg(-1)) in eels instrumented with an arterial catheter. Inhibition of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations of the heart revealed a strong vagal tone on the heart of water-breathing eels and that the tachycardia during air-breathing is primarily mediated by withdrawal of cholinergic tone.  相似文献   

The swamp eel Monopterus albus lives in muddy ponds, swamps, canals, and rice fields in the tropics. It encounters high concentrations of environmental ammonia (HEA) during dry seasons or during agricultural fertilization in rice fields. This study aimed at determining the tolerance of M. albus to environmental ammonia and at elucidating the strategies that it adopts to defend against ammonia toxicity in HEA. In the laboratory, M. albus exhibited very high environmental ammonia tolerance; the 48-, 72-, and 96-h median lethal concentrations of total ammonia at pH 7.0 and 28 degrees C were 209.9, 198.7, and 193.2 mM, respectively. It was apparently incapable of actively excreting ammonia against a concentration gradient. In addition, it did not detoxify ammonia to urea, the excretion of which would lead to a loss of nitrogen and carbon, during ammonia loading. The high tolerance of M. albus to HEA was attributable partially to its exceptionally high tolerance to ammonia at the cellular and subcellular levels. During the 144 h of exposure to 75 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 7.0, the ammonia contents in the muscle, liver, brain, and gut of M. albus reached 11.49, 15.18, 6.48, and 7.51 mu mol g(-1), respectively. Such a capability allowed the accumulation of high concentrations of ammonia in the plasma (3.54 mu mol mL(-1)) of M. albus exposed to HEA, which would reduce the net influx of exogenous ammonia. Subsequent to the buildup of internal ammonia levels, M. albus detoxified ammonia produced endogenously to glutamine. The glutamine contents in the muscle and liver reached 10.84 and 17.06 mu mol g(-1), respectively, after 144 h of exposure to HEA, which happened to be the highest known for fish. Unlike urea, the storage of glutamine in the muscle during ammonia loading allowed its usage for anabolic purposes when the adverse environmental condition subsides. Glutamine synthetase activity increased significantly in the liver and gut (2.8- and 1.5-fold, respectively) of specimens exposed to HEA for 144 h. These results suggest that the liver was the main site of ammonia detoxification and the gut was more than a digestive/absorptive organ in M. albus. Monopterus albus did not undergo a reduction in amino acid catabolism during the first 24 h of ammonia exposure. However, assuming a total inhibition of excretion of endogenous ammonia, there was a deficit of -312 mu mol N between the reduction in nitrogenous excretion (3,360 mu mol N) and the retention of nitrogen (3,048 mu mol N) after 72 h of aerial exposure. The deficit became much greater after 144 h, reaching a value of -3,243 mu mol N. These results suggest that endogenous ammonia production in M. albus was suppressed in order to prevent the newly established internal steady state concentration of ammonia from rising to an intolerable level after an extended period of exposure to HEA.  相似文献   

Swamp eel has become one of the most economically important fish in China. However, the wild swamp eel is facing the serious challenge of declining population and germplasm degeneration because most of farming swamp eel fingerlings was collected by fishing wild individuals. In this study, the genetic variation of Monopterus albus in six dominant farming regions was investigated based on the mitochondrial DNA D-Loop of 1008 bp in length. 180 individuals from 6 populations were examined and 74 haplotypes were observed. The overall genetic diversity was abundant and which its SD population was highest but CQ population was lowest. There was obvious genetic differentiation among investigated populations. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these individuals were divided into four distinct genetic clades, clade A, B, C, and D. Clade A should be the most common ancestor clade. AH and CQ populations might originate from one single ancestor in maternal clade A. Clade C should be a native important clade in China. Though the genetic diversity did not suffered obvious decreasing, it is still imperative to take effective conservation measurements and establish an efficient selective breeding program.  相似文献   

The swamp eel is a teleost fish with a characteristic of natural sex reversal and an ideal model for vertebrate sexual development. However, underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. We report the identification of five DM (doublesex and mab-3) domain genes in the swamp eel that include Dmrt2, Dmrt2b, Dmrt3, Dmrt4 and Dmrt5, which encode putative proteins of 527, 373, 471, 420 and 448 amino acids, respectively. Phylogenetic tree showed that these genes are clustered into corresponding branches of the DM genes in vertebrates. Southern blot analysis indicated that the Dmrt1–Dmrt3–Dmrt2 genes are tightly linked in a conserved gene cluster. Notably, these Dmrt genes are up-regulated during gonad transformation. Furthermore, mRNA in situ hybridisation showed that Dmrt2, Dmrt3, Dmrt4 and Dmrt5 are expressed in developing germ cells. These results are evidence that the DM genes are involved in sexual differentiation in the swamp eel.  相似文献   

In fish with paternal care, protogynous sex change (female to male) is rare and has only been reported from species with haremic polygyny. The swamp eel, Monopterus albus, is a protogynous fish with paternal care, but little is known about its mating system. To understand protogyny in this species, we examined the mating system and male size advantage in mating in M. albus under semi-natural condition. Females swam over wide ranges and visited multiple male nests. Males defended a narrow territory around nests against other males that approached nests; at these nests, males courted and accepted visiting females. After spawning inside nests, caring males continued to perform courtship activities, and multiple breeding was observed. These observations suggest that the M. albus mating system is male-territory-visiting (MTV)-polygamy. Larger males had nests, and mated more frequently compared with small males. Because small initial males of this species are not found in nature, and because M. albus does not engage in sneaking tactics, larger nesting males do not suffer from reproductive parasitism. Thus, protogyny in this fish is likely consistent with the predictions of the size-advantage model. Biting attacks by territorial males of this predatory fish seriously wounded intruding males, occasionally resulting in the death of the intruder. We discuss the possibility that sexual differences in mortality rates in small fish may facilitate the evolution of protogyny in this species. Protogyny of the swamp eel is, to our knowledge, the first example of an MTV-polygamous mating system in a fish with paternal care.  相似文献   

The swamp eel Monopterus albus is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical freshwaters ranging from Southeast Asia to East Asia, and is unique in its ability to breathe air through the buccal mucosa. To examine the genetic structure of this widespread species, molecular phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence (514 bp) were conducted for 84 specimens from 13 localities in Southeast and East Asia. The analyses showed clearly that this species can be genetically delineated into three clades based on geographical populations [China–Japan (Honshu + Kyushu), Ryukyu Islands, and Southeast Asia clades], with each clade exhibiting its own reproductive behavior. Therefore, “M. albus” is believed to be composed of at least three species. The Southeast Asia clade with the highest genetic diversity may include more species. The Ryukyu clade was estimated to have diverged more than 5.7 million years ago, suggesting that the Ryukyuan “M. albus” is native. In contrast, in the China–Japan clade, all haplotypes from Japan were closely related to those from China, suggesting artificial introduction(s).  相似文献   

黄鳝性腺自然逆转过程中vasa基因的表达分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本研究采用RNA反义探针原位杂交技术,对vasa基因在黄鳝(Monopterusalbus)性腺发育过程中的表达情况进行了分析。结果表明:vasamRNA在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期卵母细胞的胞质中均匀分布,在Ⅳ、Ⅴ期卵母细胞中vasamRNA有向胞质外周皮层迁移集中的趋势,但不明显;退化的卵粒也呈现vasamRNA阳性反应;在Ⅲ、Ⅳ期卵巢的被膜中检测到带有vasa阳性信号的细胞,这些细胞可能是待向精原细胞分化、迁移到卵巢被膜上的原始生殖细胞(Primordialgermcell,PGC),在性逆转过程中这些PGC可能由卵巢被膜迁移到精小叶中并发育成精子;在成熟精巢中,vasa在精原细胞和初级精母细胞中表达。进一步采用碱性磷酸酶染色法分析黄鳝卵巢及精巢后发现:在卵巢中,除了卵母细胞外,卵巢被膜中也检测到了带有碱性磷酸酶阳性信号的细胞;在成熟精巢中,只在生殖腺囊内的雄性生殖细胞中检测到碱性磷酸酶,而精巢被膜中没有检测到带有碱性磷酸酶阳性信号的细胞。本研究结果初步表明:黄鳝的雄性生殖细胞可能起源于雌性阶段卵巢被膜中的原始生殖细胞[动物学报51(3):469-475,2005]。  相似文献   

Asian swamp eel is a highly commercial fish, primarily for China and other Asian countries. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the genetic diversity of wild and cultured samples of Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus using ISSR markers. A total of 129 individuals belonging to three wild samples, Xiantao (XT), Huanggang (HG), Xinyang (XY) and three cultured samples, Wuhan (WH), Jingzhou (JZ) and Nanjing (NJ) were randomly selected for genetic analysis. Twelve ISSR primers were used for screening the six populations and 110 loci were obtained. The polymorphic loci were estimated to be 54%, 56.3%, 58.2%, 60.6%, 69.5% and 71% in NJ,WH, JZ, XT, HG and XY samples, respectively. Average heterozygosity value varied from 0.1956 to 0.2449. The three wild samples showed higher genetic diversity than the cultured samples (P < 0.05), including polymorphic bands (PPB), observed number of alleles per locus (to), effective number of alleles per locus (Ne), Nei’s gene diversity index (H) and Shannon’s information index (I).  相似文献   

Monopterus albus has to deal with high environmental ammonia concentrations during dry seasons and agricultural fertilization in rice fields. In this study, NH4HCO3 (10 micromol per g fish) was injected into the peritoneal cavity of M. albus, raising the level of ammonia in the body, in order to elucidate the strategies involved in defense against the toxicity of exogenous ammonia. During the subsequent 24 h after NH4HCO3 injection, there was a significant increase in the ammonia excretion rate, which indicates that the main strategy adopted by M. albus was to remove the majority of the exogenous ammonia through enhanced ammonia excretion. Exogenous ammonia was not detoxified into urea for excretion or accumulation. Six hours post-injection of NH4HCO3, ammonia content in the tissues built up significantly, especially in the brain, which suggests that M. albus had high tolerance of ammonia toxicity at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. By hour 12 post-injection, there were significant increases in the activities of glutamine synthetase in the muscle, liver, and gut, accompanied by significant increases in glutamine contents in the muscle and the liver. There was also a significant increase in the glutamine content in the brain at hour 6 post-injection of NH4HCO3. These results confirm the capability of M. albus to detoxify ammonia through glutamine synthesis. Overall, injection of NH4HCO3 had only minor effects on the contents of FAAs, other than glutamine, in tissues of M. albus because the majority (70%) of the injected ammonia was excreted within the 24-h period.  相似文献   

The histological characteristics of the digestive tract and the ultrastructure of mucosal cells of the stomach and intestine of rice field eel, Monopterus albus, are described to provide a basis for future studies on its digestive physiology. The digestive tract of the rice field eel is a long and coiled tube composed of four layers: mucosa, lamina propria‐submucosa, muscularis and serosa. The pharynx and oesophagus mucosa is lined with a stratified epithelium. The stomach includes the cardiac and pyloric portions and the fundus. Many gastric pits are formed by invaginations of the mucosal layer and tubular gastric glands formed by the columnar cells in the fundus. The intestine is separated from the stomach by a loop valve and divided into a proximal portion and a distal portion. The proximal intestinal epithelium consists of columnar cells with microvilli towards the lumen and goblet cells. The enterocytes are joined at the apical surface by the junctional complex, including the evident desmosomas. Numerous lysosomes and some vesicles are evident in the upper cytoplasm of the cells, and a moderate amount of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes are scattered in the supranuclear cytoplasm. The epithelium becomes progressively thicker and the folds containing large numbers of goblet cells are fewer and shorter in the distal portion of the intestine. At the ultrastuctural level, the columnar cells of the tubular gastric glands have numerous clear vacuoles and channels. A moderate amount of pepsinogen granules are present in the stomach. The enterocytes of the intestinal mucosa display a moderate amount of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes, and long and regular microvilli.  相似文献   

The gonad of the protogynous, hermaphroditic teleost, Monopterus albus were examined histologically at monthly intervals throughout one year. In particular, the epithelium of the maturing follicles of the female and the atretic follicles in the female, intersex and male were studied. Atretic follicles were common in the gonads and were classified as corpora atretica types 1 to 5 according to histological criteria. In addition, other regressive structures were observed in the gonads of some males. The histology and the frequency of occurrence of the atretic structures in the three sexual phases is described and discussed.  相似文献   

黄鳝的繁殖生态学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹绍武  周工健  刘筠 《生态学报》2005,25(3):435-439
以洞庭湖稻区黄鳝为调查研究对象 ,通过野外调查和室内实验系统研究了黄鳝的繁殖生态。对黄鳝的性腺发育周年变化、繁殖行为、自然产卵过程、产卵条件及繁殖洞穴的构造进行了观察和记录 ,产卵室是黄鳝繁殖洞穴特有的构造 ,繁殖洞穴泥土p H平均值为 6 .73± 1.0 12。亲鳝有护卵习性 ,通过对 30尾守洞亲鳝的性腺观察和切片验证 ,守洞鳝多为雄鳝 (占 6 1.3% ) ,少数为兼性偏雄性 (占 38.7% ) ,守洞鳝 1:0 0~ 2 :0 0全在外面活动 ,守洞鳝体长 L (cm)与体重 W (g)回归方程为 :W=1.2 5×10 - 2 L1 .4 2 (r=0 .76 )。人工模拟条件下 ,泡沫组受精卵的平均孵化率 (85 .2 % )极显著地高于对照组 (2 5 .4 % ) (t=8.18,t0 .0 5=2 .4 5 ) ,仔鱼平均成活率 (6 4 .0 % )显著高于对照组 (14 .0 % ) (t=3.73) ,同时对繁殖季节黄鳝为孵卵而所吐的泡沫的作用进行了分析。另外 ,证实了黄鳝产卵的最适放养密度为 2~ 3尾 / m2。为黄鳝的全人工繁殖和半人工繁殖提供了合理化的建议  相似文献   

黄鳝气呼吸代谢的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了黄鳝气呼吸状态下 ,2 5~ 2 7℃时的能量代谢情况。结果 ,表明平均耗氧率为 6 3 6 4mg/kg·h ,平均耗氧量 2 .81mg/尾·h ,体重与耗氧量之间的直线回归方程为 y =1.32 +0 .0 3x ;个体越大 ,耗氧量越大 ,个体越小 ,耗氧率越高。同时发现 ,黄鳝的耗氧率随环境温度变化及昼夜节律交替而变化。  相似文献   

Centromeric satellite DNA (cen-satDNA) sequences of the Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) were characterized. Three GC-rich cen-satDNA sequences were detected as a 233 bp MALREP-A and a 293 bp MALREP-B localized to all chromosomes, and a 293 bp MALREP-C distributed on eight chromosome pairs. Sequence lengths of MALREP-B and MALREP-C were 60 bp larger than that of MALREP-A, showing partial homology with core sequences (233 bp). Size differences between MALREP-A and MALREP-B/C suggest the possible occurrence of two satDNA families. The presence of an additional 60 bp in MALREP-B/C resulted from an ancient dimer of 233 bp monomers and subsequent mutation and homogenization between the two monomers. All MALREPs showed partial homology with transposable elements (TEs), suggesting that the MALREPs originated from the TEs. The MALREPs might have been acquired in the Asian swamp eel, thereby promoting fixation in the species.  相似文献   

目的:干扰素调节因子是一类能够调控干扰素及其相关免疫基因表达的转录因子,研究黄鳝干扰素调节因子的结构及表达有助于阐明黄鳝抗病毒的机理。方法:利用PCR扩增技术获得了黄鳝干扰素调节因子10(IRF-10)和IRF-4的部分cDNA序列,再利用半定量PCR技术检测了黄鳝不同发育阶段、不同组织IRF-10和IRF-4的表达。结果:IRF-10和IRF-4在黄鳝三个不同的发育阶段表达量基本一致,但两者在黄鳝不同组织表达呈现明显的差异,IRF-10组成型表达于黄鳝各个组织中,而IRF-4仅在肠、中肾和脑中呈现很高的表达,其他组织表达很弱。结论:IRF-10组成型地表达于黄鳝各个组织,且表达量很高;而IRF-4中仅在主要免疫器官表达,且表达量较弱。  相似文献   

Methyl methacrylate vascular corrosion replicas were used to examine the macrocirculation in the head region and the microcirculation of respiratory vessels in the air-breathing swamp eel Monopterus cuchia. Fixed respiratory tissue was also examined by SEM to verify capillary orientation. The respiratory and systemic circulations are only partially separated, presumably resulting in supply of mixed oxygenated and venous blood to the tissues. A long ventral aorta gives rise directly to the coronary and hypobranchial arteries. Two large shunt vessels connect the ventral aorta to the dorsal aorta, whereas the remaining ventral aortic flow goes to the respiratory islets and gills. Only two pairs of vestigial gill arches remain, equivalent to the second and third arches, yet five pairs of aortic arches were identified. Most aortic arches supply the respiratory islets. Respiratory islet capillaries are tightly coiled spirals with only a fraction of their total length in contact with the respiratory epithelium. Valve-like endothelial cells delimit the capillary spirals and are unlike endothelial cells in other vertebrates. The gills are highly modified in that the lamellae are reduced to a single-channel capillary with a characteristic three-dimensional zig-zag pathway. There are no arterio-arterial lamellar shunts, although the afferent branchial artery supplying the gill arches also supplies respiratory islets distally. A modified interlamellar filamental vasculature is present in gill tissue but absent or greatly reduced in the respiratory islets. The macro- and micro-circulatory systems of M. cuchia have been considerably modified presumably to accommodate aerial respiration. Some of these modifications involve retention of primitive vessel types, whereas others, especially in the microcirculation, incorporate new architectural designs some of whose functions are not readily apparent.  相似文献   

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