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Priority effects occur when a species or genotype with earlier arrival has an advantage such that its relative abundance in the community or population is increased compared with later-arriving species. Few studies have dealt with this concept in the context of within-species competition. Skeletonema marinoi is a marine diatom that shows a high degree of genetic differentiation between populations over small geographical distances. To test whether historical events such as priority effects may have been important in inducing these patterns of population differentiation, we performed microcosm experiments with successive inoculation of different S. marinoi strains. Our results show that even in the absence of a numerical advantage, significant priority effects were evident. We propose that priority effects may be an important mechanism in initiating population genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The proportion of the primary electron transport acceptor forphotosystem II(Q) in the oxidized state was estimated usingin vivo fluorescence from populations of the marine diatom Thalassiosirapseudonana. Under nutrient replete conditions, the transitionfrom light-dependent to light-independent development duringthe cell cycle was correlated with a 20% decrease in the amountof Q in the oxidized state. As a consequence, mean redox statuswas correlated with the fraction of the population in the pre-commitmentor light-dependent period of the cycle. Comparison with theresults of other investigators suggests that de-coupling ofphotosynthetic units from the electron transport system linkingphotosystems II and I during the committed or light-independentperiod of the cycle, may be the mechanism controlling the redoxstate of Q.  相似文献   

Diatoms have co‐evolved with the silicon cycle and are largely responsible for reducing surface concentrations of silicate in the ocean to their present levels. We quantify silicification in marine diatoms at a range of high silicate concentrations representative of environments found over their geological history. The species examined include Stephanopyxis turris, an ancient centric species found throughout the Cenozoic, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira weissflogii, two younger centric species, and two pennate ecotypes of Staurosirella pinnata isolated from different nutrient regimes. Frustule thickness and micromorphological structure are strongly affected by silicate concentration. All species become increasingly silicified with silicate concentrations at concentrations vastly in excess of surface ocean concentrations today. In contrast, the half‐saturation constant for silicate uptake for most modern diatoms is below 2 μm . Based on the results, we hypothesize that silicate uptake is multiphasic in diatoms and that multiple silicate transport systems may have evolved in response to decreases in surface silicate concentration over geological time. The oldest species examined is more heavily silicified than the more modern species, presumably reflecting the conditions under which it originated. Yet diversification in silicification can be rapid, as illustrated by greater silicification in onshore versus the offshore ecotype of the same modern species. This work suggests that silicification of fossil frustules may eventually provide a paleoproxy for surface silicate concentrations over the Cenozoic, although development of species‐specific calibrations will be necessary and the effects of a range of environmental conditions must be investigated.  相似文献   

Organic material which may be several layers thick has been found beneath the siliceous cell wall of the marine centric diatom Melosira nummuloides (Dillw.) C. Ag. This supports the findings of Liebisch (1928, 1929). The organic component, thought to be polysaccharide, is deposited outside the plasmalemma after the siliceous component has been laid down. It exists as two distinct entities, one associated with each valve.  相似文献   

To test models of intracellular carbon flow we measured the labelling kinetics (from 14CO2) of major classes of cell polymers (carbohydrate, protein, lipid) and of dissolved organic carbon produced by the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Hustedt, grown at rates of 0.2 to 2.0·day?1 under nitrogen or light limitation. Compartmental analysis indicated that tracer carbon quickly entered respiratory and excretory streams, accumulating in the cells at the rate of net production after only 25–50% of cell generation (doubling) time. Respiration rates were low (≤ 0.1 · day?1) and suggested that illuminated cells in steady-state growth made only minor use of oxidative respiration to support cell synthesis. The tracer was quick to enter all polymers; compartmental analysis indicated that polymer labelling rates were close to the rates of mass synthesis after several hours of incubation with 14C. Polymer labelling also showed a reallocation of photosynthate from protein to carbohydrate within a few hours of perturbation (shift-down) of nutrient supply in a N-limited chemostat. In steady-state growth, the protein: carbohydrate ratio increased directly with N-limited growth rate but attained its maximum under extreme light-limitation. Carbon flow into the metabolic processes of respiration, excretion and polymer synthesis appeared to be mediated by a small and rapidly cycled pool of substrates under all steady-state growth conditions.  相似文献   

Grazing influences the morphology and growth rate of shrubs, and consequently, their population dynamics. It has been shown that grazing directly affects the growth of shrubs. On the other hand, the reduction of grass biomass by herbivores reduces soil–water competition between grasses and shrubs, and indirectly, could enhance the growth of shrubs. However, the assessment of the long-term effects of grazing on the growth of shrubs in the arid Patagonia has been hampered by the lack of long and homogeneous records of plant population dynamics and primary production. In this study, we combined growth-ring and allometric analyses to assess the long-term effect of grazing on individuals of Anarthrophyllum rigidum, a leguminous shrub widely distributed across the Patagonian steppe. A. rigidum has evergreen leaves rich in proteins that constitute an important complement to the diet of sheep, particularly in winter when the abundance of grasses is reduced. Our observations indicate that individuals of A. rigidum nearby the water source used by livestock were smaller in size (35.5 cm vs. 67.39 cm), presented a larger number of basal branches (23 vs. 12), and showed slower rates of growth (8.2 mm year?1 vs. 14.3 mm year?1) than individuals located far from the water source. This first quantification of the long-term effects of grazing on A. rigidum in the dry Patagonian steppe suggests that beneficial effects of grazing through the reduction of grasses that compete with shrubs for soil–water should be more obvious for livestock non-preferred than preferred shrubs  相似文献   

Diatoms possess silica-based cell walls with species-specific structures and ornamentations. Silica deposition in diatoms offers a model to study the processes involved in biomineralization. A new wall is produced in a specialized vesicle (silica deposition vesicle, SDV) and secreted. Thus proteins involved in wall biogenesis may remain associated with the mature cell wall. Here it is demonstrated that EDTA treatment removes most of the proteins present in mature cell walls of the marine diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis. A main fraction consists of four related glycoproteins with a molecular mass of approximately 75 kDa. These glycoproteins were purified to homogeneity. They consist of repeats of Ca2+ binding domains separated by polypeptide stretches containing hydroxyproline. The proteins in the EDTA extract aggregate and precipitate in the presence of Ca2+. Immunological studies detected related proteins in the cell wall of the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa, indicating that these proteins represent a new family of proteins that are involved in the biogenesis of diatom cell walls.  相似文献   

It has been well known that auxin induces cell elongation through its effect on modifications of the cell wall. The present review will discuss cell wall modifications, physical and biochemical, as the background of the former, based on the experimental results from our laboratory and from others, with the historical background. Discussions will particularly put stress on the auxin effect on the cell wall in terms of the following studies, namely, (1) measurements of the mechanical property of the cell wall, and (2) biochemical studies on the polysaccharide molecules of the cell wall. This article is dedicated to Professor Anton N.J. Heyn for his 85th birthday.  相似文献   

The diadinoxanthin cycle (DD-cycle) in chromophyte algae involves the interconversion of two carotenoids, diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT). We investigated the kinetics of light-induced DD-cycling in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and its role in dissipating excess excitation energy in PS II. Within 15 min following an increase in irradiance, DT increased and was accompanied by a stoichiometric decrease in DD. This reaction was completely blocked by dithiothreitol (DTT). A second, time-dependent, increase in DT was detected 20 min after the light shift without a concomitant decrease in DD. DT accumulation from both processes was correlated with increases in non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. Stern-Volmer analyses suggests that changes in non-photochemical quenching resulted from changes in thermal dissipation in the PS II antenna and in the reaction center. The increase in non-photochemical quenching was correlated with a small decrease in the effective absorption cross section of PS II. Model calculations suggest however that the changes in cross section are not sufficiently large to significantly reduce multiple excitation of the reaction center within the turnover time of steady-state photosynthetic electron transport at light saturation. In DTT poisoned cells, the change in non-photochemical quenching appears to result from energy dissipation in the reaction center and was associated with decreased photochemical efficiency. D1 protein degradation was slightly higher in samples poisoned with DTT than in control samples. These results suggest that while DD-cycling may dynamically alter the photosynthesis-irradiance response curve, it offers limited protection against photodamage of PS II reaction centers at irradiance levels sufficient to saturate steady-state photosynthesis.Abbreviations CAP chloramphenicol - D1 PS II reaction center protein - DD diadinoxanthin - DD cycle-diadinoxanthin cycle - DT diatoxanthin - DTT dithiothreitol - FCP fucoxanthin chlorophyll a-c protein - Fm maximum fluorescence yield in the dark-adapted state - Fo minimum fluorescence yield in the dark-adapted state - Fm and Fo maximum and minimum fluorescence yields respectively in some light adapted state - Fv maximum variable fluorescence yield in the dark-adapted state - Ik Irradiance at the intercept of the initial slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve and the maximum photosynthetic rate - kD first order rate constant for nonradiative de-excitation of excitions in the PS II antenna - kd first order rate constant for non-radiative de-excitation of excitons in the PS II reaction center - kF first order rate constant for fluorescence - kT first order rate constant for exciton transfer to the reaction center - kt first order rate constant for exciton transfer from the reaction center to the antenna - Rubisco ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase - SVm Stern-Volmer quenching coefficient of the maximum fluorescence yield - SVo Stern-Volmer quenching coefficient of the miniximum fluorescence yield - PS II apparent absorption cross-section of PS II - arr average interval between exciton arrival to the PS II reaction center (ms) - rem average interval between electron turnover during photosynthesis in the PS II reaction center (ms) - d the probability that an exciton is non-radiatively dissipated in the reaction center - T the probability that an exciton in the antenna is transferred to the reaction center - t the probability that an exciton is transferred back from the reaction center to the antenna  相似文献   

Diatoms are a major phytoplankton group that play important roles in maintaining oxygen levels in the atmosphere and sustaining the primary nutritional production of the aquatic environment. Among diatoms, the genus Chaetoceros is one of the most abundant and widespread. Temperature, climate, salinity, nutrients, and predators were regarded as important factors controlling the abundance and population dynamics of diatoms. Here we show that a viral infection can occur in the genus Chaetoceros and should therefore be considered as a potential mortality source. Chaetoceros salsugineum nuclear inclusion virus (CsNIV) is a 38-nm icosahedral virus that replicates within the nucleus of C. salsugineum. The latent period was estimated to be between 12 and 24 h, with a burst size of 325 infectious units per host cell. CsNIV has a genome structure unlike that of other viruses that have been described. It consists of a single molecule of covalently closed circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA; 6,005 nucleotides), as well as a segment of linear ssDNA (997 nucleotides). The linear segment is complementary to a portion of the closed circle creating a partially double-stranded genome. Sequence analysis reveals a low but significant similarity to the replicase of circoviruses that have a covalently closed circular ssDNA genome. This new host-virus system will be useful for investigating the ecological relationships between bloom-forming diatoms and other viruses in the marine system. Our study supports the view that, given the diversity and abundance of plankton, the ocean is a treasury of undiscovered viruses.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the transformation of superoxide to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. Of the four known SOD isoforms, distinguished by their metal cofactor (iron, manganese [Mn], copper/zinc, nickel), MnSOD is the dominant form in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. We cloned the MnSOD gene, sodA, using the expression vector pBAD, overexpressed the product in Escherichia coli, and purified the mature protein (TpMnSOD). This recombinant enzyme was used to generate a polyclonal antibody in rabbit that recognizes MnSOD in T. pseudonana. Based on quantitative immunoblots, we calculate that in vivo concentrations of TpMnSOD are approximately 0.9 amol cell(-1) using the recombinant protein as a standard. Immunogold staining indicates that TpMnSOD is localized in the chloroplasts, which is in contrast to most other eukaryotic algae (including chlorophytes and embryophytes) where MnSOD is localized exclusively in mitochondria. Based on the photosynthetic Mn complex in photosystem II, cellular Mn budgets cannot account for 50% to 80% of measured Mn within diatom cells. Our results reveal that chloroplastic MnSOD accounts for 10% to 20% of cellular Mn, depending on incident light intensity and cellular growth rate. Indeed, our analysis indicates that TpMnSOD accounts for 1.4% (+/-0.2%) of the total protein in the cell. The TpMnSOD has a rapid turnover rate with an apparent half-life of 6 to 8 h when grown under continuous light. TpMnSOD concentrations increase relative to chlorophyll, with an increase in incident light intensity to minimize photosynthetic oxidative stress. The employment of a Mn-based SOD, linked to photosynthetic stress in T. pseudonana, may contribute to the continued success of diatoms in the low iron regions of the modern ocean.  相似文献   

海洋硅藻附着研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人类对海洋资源的进一步开发和利用,越来越多的人工设备用于水下操作,而海洋生物污损在很大程度上制约了这些设备的应用,给人类带来重大的经济损失。因此,海洋生物污损的形成机制与防治成为当前研究的一个热点。海洋硅藻是海洋生物污损过程中形成生物膜的主要物种,其在水下固相表面的附着可诱导大型污损生物的附着,从而影响生物污损群落的形成。本文综述了硅藻在固相表面的附着机理、固相表面性质对硅藻附着的影响及具有应用前景的广谱抗污损高分子材料的研究进展,并展望海洋硅藻附着研究前景。  相似文献   

Cocconeis diminuta, a marine benthic diatom, metabolizes acetate and lactate-14C. In the light, the major product was lipid, whereas in the dark, CO2 was the major product. Analysis of proteins synthesized in the presence of acetate or lactate showed that radioactivity was incorporated predominantly into the glutamate family of amino acids and those amino acids related directly to the substrate. Light and dark assimilation of substrate was inhibited slightly by 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and 2,4-dinitrophenol. 3-(3′,4′-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea caused a pattern of metabolism of acetate in the light characteristic of that which occurs in the dark. Monofluoroacetic acid inhibited assimilation considerably in the dark, but less in the light. The level of enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and NADH-oxidase were found to be about the same as those in other autotrophs. The metabolism of acetate and lactate is discussed in relation to the autotrophic mode of nutrition of Cocconeis diminuta.  相似文献   

Lyrella cassiteridum sp. nov. is described from the Isles of Scilly, SW Britain. It is an epipelic species and was found in samples taken from marine sandflats in the intertidal and uppermost subtidal zones. In LM, L. cassiteridum is most similar to L. abrupta , from which it can be distinguished by its larger size and coarser structure. The ultrastructure of the frustule is documented and discussed with respect to that of other Lyrella species and the related genus Petroneis. A brief review of the nomenclatural history of Lyrella is given.  相似文献   

To preserve the characteristics of the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia during long term storage, particularly size and shape, the algal cells were immobilized in alginate beads and stored at 4 C at reduced irradiance up to 4 months. Two clones of different size (Ho34, 63 μm and Ho40, 78 μm) were studied. With Ho34, a 10.4% decrease of the size was shown after 120 days, by using the conventional storage management, while it did not exceed 2.2% with immobilized cells. Consequently, H. ostrearia would have auxosporulated after 9 months compared to 52 months. At the same time, the rate of distortion (aberrant valve structure) free Ho34 cells reached 86% while no distorted immobilized cells were observed. Chorophyll content in cells showed that all the cells were alive up to 60 days and after this time cells immobilized in the core of the beads most probably suffered from the poor light diffusion. Culturability of the immobilized cells was tested immediately after their immobilization and after 60 and 120 days of storage. The delay (at least 5) before immobilized cells released from the beads decreased with the time of storage, because of the embrittlement of the beads during the storage. Once in fresh medium, the cells actively multiplied. We concluded that immobilization strongly slowed down the decrease in frustule size with time and allowed the storage of concentrated and calibrated inocula which could be inoculated directly in liquid culture medium without needing to dissolve the beads.  相似文献   

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