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1. Overlapping river and road networks provide a framework for studying the complex interactions between natural and human systems, with river‐road intersections as focal areas of study. Roads can alter the morphology of stream channels, pose barriers to freshwater fauna, provide easy access to streams for humans and non‐native species and accelerate the expansion of urban development. 2. We determined what variables control the structure of diadromous fish and shrimp communities and assessed whether particular road crossings altered community structure in north‐eastern Puerto Rico. We identified 24 sites that represented a range of river and road sizes across two catchments that drain El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico. 3. The location of natural barriers and the size of stream pools were the most important variables for predicting six of fifteen fish and shrimp distributions. Predatory fishes were predicted to be limited to areas in the river network below large, steep waterfalls, whereas adult shrimp Atya lanipes (Atyidae) were predicted to be present above these waterfalls. The fish Awaous banana was predicted to be present in pools >11.6 m wide, whereas the shrimp Xiphocaris elongata was predicted to be present in pools <10.4 m wide. The distributions of nine species were predicted poorly, but three of these species were common and three were rare. 4. Although urban and agricultural land covers were among the top three predictors of five species distributions, they were probably good predictors because they were correlated with the natural gradient. Further study is necessary to disentangle natural and anthropogenic gradients. 5. Road crossings, 10 of which were culverts, were not dispersal barriers for fishes or shrimps. On average, species were present both upstream and downstream from road crossings at 68% of sites where they occurred. Absences upstream or downstream from road crossings occurred at 16% of sites each and likely resulted from a failure to detect species. 6. Several existing features of these catchments and taxa may aid in fish and shrimp conservation. The headwaters are protected by management practices of El Yunque National Forest, connectivity within the river network has been maintained, and the diadromous life history of these organisms makes them resilient to pulsed disturbances.  相似文献   

To analyse the effects of small‐scale dams on fish communities, species diversity, population density, biomass, migration over dams and trophic relationships were investigated in the above‐ and below‐dam sections of three Japanese streams. The dams were 1·5–3·9 m high, constructed within 400 m of the sea, and had no impoundment or fishway. Fish communities were mainly composed of diadromous fishes. Of the 17 species sampled, only a few species of gobies, Rhinogobius spp. and Gymnogobius spp. were able to climb and migrate upstream over the dams. Consequently the number of species, and total density and biomass of fishes below the dams was high, but low above the dams. One of the most dominant fish below dams, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis , predominantly fed on benthic algae, whereas other fishes preyed on benthic invertebrates. Trophic relationships above dams were very simple, the few species of gobies preying on chironomid larvae and other aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Distribution of the freshwater fishes of Japan: an historical overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Japanese freshwater fishes, including lampreys, comprise 15 orders, 35 families, and 96 genera, with 211 species and subspecies. Most belong to the families Cyprinidae (29% of species and subspecies), Gobiidae (21%), Salmonidae (10%), and Cobitidae (8%). Cyprinids and cobitids presumably originated from east Asia, gobiids from southeast Asia, and cottids and salmonids from the north Pacific. Japanese freshwater fishes include 88 endemic species and subspecies, of which three have been extirpated. Fishes introduced into natural rivers and lakes for inland commercial fisheries and sport fishing, and by accident, include many exotic species, of which 23 now inhabit natural freshwaters. These often have destroyed the local fish fauna by predation, and caused genetic pollution by hybridization with local strains. Destruction of freshwater environments by land development also poses a threat to Japanese freshwater fish communities. In addition Japanese freshwater systems have been markedly altered by development of rice paddy fields which have caused some species to decline but others to flourish, and changed the distribution patterns of fishes between upstream and downstream areas. To conserve endangered species and declining communities of Japanese freshwater fishes, we need to clarify the characteristics of their original habitats and the effects of developing paddy fields, from both the ecological and historical points of view.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to drive species ranges towards the poles and to have a strong influence on species distributions. In this study, we focused on diadromous species that are of economical and ecological importance in the whole of Europe. We investigated the potential distribution of all diadromous fish regularly encountered in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (28 species) under conditions predicted for twenty‐first century climate change. To do so, we investigated the 1900 distribution of each species in 196 basins spread across all of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Four levels were used to semiquantitatively describe the abundance of species, that is missing, rare, common and abundant. We then selected five variables describing the prevailing climate in the basins, the physical nature of the basins and reflecting historical events known to have affected freshwater fish distribution. Logistic regressions with a four‐level ordinal response variable were used to develop species‐specific models. These predictive models related the observed distribution of these species in 1900 to the most explanatory combination of variables. Finally, we selected the A2 SRES scenario and the HadCM3 (Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3) global climate model (GCM) to obtain climate variables (temperature and precipitation) at the end of this century. We used these 2100 variables in our models and obtained maps of climatically suitable and unsuitable basins, percentages of contraction or expansion for each species. Twenty‐two models were successfully built, that is there were five species for which no model could be established because their distribution range was too narrow and the Acipenser sturio model failed during calibration. All the models selected temperature or/and precipitation as explanatory variables. Responses to climate change were species‐specific but could be classified into three categories: little or no change in the distribution (five species), expansion of the distribution range (three species gaining suitable basins mainly northward) and contraction of the distribution (14 species losing suitable basins). Shifting ranges were in accordance with those found in other studies and underlined the high sensitivity of diadromous fish to modifications in their environment.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the influence of natural environmental factors and historic and current anthropogenic processes as determinants of vegetation distributions at a continental scale. Location Africa. Methods Boosted regression trees (BRTs) were used to model the distribution of African vegetation types, represented by remote‐sensing‐based land‐cover (LC) types, as a function of environmental factors. The contribution of each predictor variable to the best models and the accuracy of all models were assessed. Subsequently, to test for anthropogenic vegetation transformation, the relationship between the number of BRT false presences per grid cell and human impact was evaluated using hurdle models. Finally, the relative contributions of environmental, current and historic anthropogenic factors on vegetation distribution were assessed using regression‐based variation partitioning. Results Deserts and evergreen forests were best predicted by environmental variables, though most other LC classes were also relatively well predicted by the environment. Annual precipitation emerged as the most important determinant of all LC classes. At low rainfall levels, LC classes with increasing woody cover replaced each other as rainfall increased, while LC class rainfall optima overlapped at high rainfall levels. With some exceptions, anthropogenic factors had a relatively small influence on the distribution of most LC classes. However, anthropogenic factors did have an influence on the inaccuracies in BRT models, and these models provided an indication of which LC classes have been most reduced by transformation. Main conclusions Here we show, for the first time, how environmental and anthropogenic factors influence vegetation distribution across Africa. LC classes at rainfall extremes are best predicted by the environment. In addition, we corroborate, also for the first time, the much‐stated claim that rainfall is the most important variable for the distribution of African vegetation for all African vegetation types. Finally, we indicate how anthropogenic drivers affect LC distributions.  相似文献   

1. We examined the effects of habitat fragmentation caused by dams on freshwater fish species using a database of 7848 fish presence/absence surveys, conducted between 1953–2003 in Hokkaido, Japan. 2. A series of generalised linear models showed that for 11 of 41 taxa examined, the probability of occurrence had been influenced either negatively (eight taxa) or positively (three taxa) by the presence of a dam downstream from their habitat. 3. Maps of modelled predictions revealed that dams had had widespread negative impacts on certain taxa, while for other taxa the impact was limited to specific basins. Two of the three taxa whose probability of occurrence was increased in areas above dams have long been transplanted into reservoirs in Japan. 4. For four of the eight taxa whose probability of occurrence was reduced above dams and all three taxa whose probability of occurrence increased above dams, the temporal length of habitat isolation (i.e. the number of years between dam construction and sampling) was also a significant predictor of the probability of occurrence. This pattern indicates that these taxa experienced a gradual rather than an instantaneous population impact as a result of dam construction. 5. The eight taxa whose probability of occurrence was reduced as a consequence of dams all exhibit migratory life cycles. Although migratory taxa are probably more susceptible to the negative effect of dams, we could not detect significant relationships between migration life histories and the effect of fragmentation by dams. 6. These analyses enable stream and fisheries managers to quantify the impacts of habitat fragmentation because of dams for individual species. The spatially explicit nature of our analyses also enables identification of the areas of the impact at broad geographical scales. Using our results, managers can take effective conservation and restoration measures to predict, mitigate or remove the impact of dams. For example, our results can be used to prioritise dams for removal or to predict losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services in advance of dam construction.  相似文献   

Large-scale, spatially explicit models of adaptive radiation suggest that the spatial genetic structure within a species sampled early in the evolutionary history of an adaptive radiation might be higher than the genetic differentiation between different species formed during the same radiation over all locations. Here we test this hypothesis with a spatial population genetic analysis of Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes (Serranidae), one of the few potential cases of a recent adaptive radiation documented in the marine realm. Microsatellite analyses of Hypoplectrus puella (barred hamlet) and Hypoplectrus nigricans (black hamlet) from Belize, Panama and Barbados validate the population genetic predictions at the regional scale for H. nigricans despite the potential for high levels of gene flow between populations resulting from the 3-week planktonic larval phase of Hypoplectrus . The results are different for H. puella , which is characterized by significantly lower levels of spatial genetic structure than H. nigricans . An extensive field survey of Hypoplectrus population densities complemented by individual-based simulations shows that the higher abundance and more continuous distribution of H. puella could account for the reduced spatial genetic structure within this species. The genetic and demographic data are also consistent with the hypothesis that H. puella might represent the ancestral form of the Hypoplectrus radiation, and that H. nigricans might have evolved repeatedly from H. puella through ecological speciation. Altogether, spatial genetic analysis within and between Hypoplectrus species indicate that local processes can operate at a regional scale within recent marine adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

Aim  Many wader populations around the world are declining as a consequence of habitat degradation or loss. It is therefore important to identify species-specific habitat demands accurately and to define the important factors explaining species distribution, in order to develop tools that can be used in conservation planning. The aim of this study is to create reliable, functional and ecologically interpretable predictive distribution models for five breeding wader species.
Location  The archipelago of SW Finland in the Baltic Sea.
Methods  We used multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) to create single-species and multiresponse distribution models based on 525 study islands and 12 abiotic and biotic environmental variables. Model evaluation was carried out on independent data not used in model building (100 + 116 islands). The models were tested for discrimination with receiver-operating characteristic statistics and for calibration with Millers calibration statistics (MCS).
Results  The single-species models for the turnstone ( Arenaria interpres ), redshank ( Tringa totanus ) and oystercatcher ( Haematopus ostralegus ) showed good predictive abilities, regarding both discrimination and calibration, when evaluated on independent data. The multiresponse models for the less prevalent species, common sandpiper ( Actitis hypoleucos ) and the common ringed plover ( Charadrius hiaticula ) had better discriminative abilities than the single-species models. The most influential predictor overall was occurrence of small larids. Exposure, area of forest and low and flat areas were also important, as well as shore habitats.
Main conclusions  We found that the ability of MARS to fit non-linear and multiresponse models makes it a useful method to quantitatively relate species occurrence to environmental characteristics of a complex environment.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between different environmental variables and the spatial distribution patterns of the stoneloach (Barbatula barbatula) at the stream system, the stream site, and the mesohabitat (riffle/pool) scales in south-western France. Stoneloach occurred at 240 sites (out of 554 sampling sites), chiefly close to the source, in areas at low elevation and with weak slopes. Population density at a site was primarily influenced by physical conditions. Stream width was positively related to the probability of presence of stoneloach within the stream system, but negatively related to local density. These results indicate that stoneloaches can occur in a wide range of streams, but they are less abundant in wide rivers, probably because of lower habitat heterogeneity. Slope was negatively correlated to both fish presence at the regional scale and local density, suggesting that stoneloach’s swimming performance were weak under greater erosive forces. These results suggested that the distribution of populations and the density of stoneloach were governed by the suitability of physical habitat. Multi-scale studies of factors influencing a species’distribution allow to integrate patterns observed at different scales, and enhance our understanding of interactions between animals and their environment. The use of few pertinent variables in successful final models could reduce the effort and cost of data collection for water management applications.  相似文献   

This study aimed at comparing the results obtained by processing a series of data according to several diversity indices (Simpson, Berger-Parker, Margalef, Menhinick, McIntosh, Shannon) and one similarity index (Jaccard) with those obtained from two biotic indices (Trent River Biotic Index, Extended Biotic Index). In addition, Cody's index was adopted to measure the species turnover along the stream gradient. The source of the data was a study of the seasonal variations of macroinvertebrates from the Ravella stream (Como Province, Northern Italy). The conclusions are the following. There is clearly a certain connection between the organic debris in the habitat, the abundance of individuals and the decrease in the diversity value of the macroinvertebrate association. The species turnover along the stream gradient is rapid which is due, in addition to birth and death rates, to the fact that most of the insects emerge as terrestrial adults. The species abundance distribution is a very simple and powerful tool for describing and comparing the species diversity from different sampling stations. Any type of monitoring (e.g., biotic indices, diversity indices) is useful in comparing non-polluted and heavily polluted environments. Conversely, small differences between species associations are better highlighted if diversity indices with high discriminant ability (e.g., Simpson's index) or species abundance distribution are used rather than biotic indices.  相似文献   

Aim Globally, one of the major threats to the integrity of native faunas is the loss of biodiversity that can result from the introduction of exotics. Here we document recent changes in the distribution of five common fish species that are linked to introductions in Chile. Location Chile from 28° S to 54° S. Methods We assess the extent of changes in distribution of galaxiid species by comparing their historical and current distributions based on the results of the most extensive survey of freshwater fishes in Chile to date, a range that encompasses the full latitudinal and elevational range of the Galaxiidae in Chile. We test for relationships of the distributions and abundances of native fishes with the incidence of introduced species. Results The latitudinal range of Galaxias maculatus has declined by 26%, and most of this reduction has occurred in the northern part of its range. Aplochiton taeniatus and Brachygalaxias bullocki have experienced reductions (8–17% loss) in total drainage area occupied, and they have disappeared from, or are now extremely difficult to find, in latitudes 36° to 41° S, coincidently with areas of urban growth and intense economic activities. The distribution of Galaxias platei has, instead, increased considerably. In northern basins, G. maculatus has apparently been replaced by an introduced poeciliid Gambusia sp. High‐elevation systems remain dominated by native Galaxias platei, whereas systems at intermediate elevations, especially rivers, are now dominated by introduced salmonids. Within drainages, native galaxiids remain abundant where exotic salmonid abundance is low. Main conclusions We suggest that negative interactions between introduced and native fish are responsible for some of the range reductions among Galaxiidae in Chile. The severity of the impacts varies with latitude and altitude and is probably related to temperature. The effects of Gambusia are restricted to warmer systems. Native fish also appear to have found temperature refugia from salmonids; impacts are low in the warmer northern and coastal systems, as well as in high‐altitude relatively cold systems. Native fish also appear less vulnerable to salmonids in lakes than in rivers. This study identifies watersheds critical for the conservation of biodiversity within the Galaxiidae.  相似文献   

Despite their economic and environmental impacts, there have been relatively few attempts to model the distribution of invasive ant species. In this study, the potential distribution of six invasive ant species in New Zealand are modelled using three fundamentally different methods (BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, MAXENT). Species records were obtained from museum collections in New Zealand. There was a significant relationship between the length of time an exotic species had been present in New Zealand and its geographic range. This is the first time such a time lag has been described for exotic ant species, and shows there is a considerable time lag in their spread. For example, it has taken many species several decades (40–60 years) to obtain a distribution of 17–25% of New Zealand regions. For all six species, BIOCLIM performed poorly compared to the other two modelling methods. BIOCLIM had lower AUC scores and higher omission error, suggesting BIOCLIM models under-predicted the potential distribution of each species. Omission error was significantly higher between models fitted with all 19 climate variables compared to those models with fewer climate variables for BIOCLIM, but not DOMAIN or MAXENT. Widespread species had a greater commission error. A number of regions in New Zealand are predicted to be climatically suitable for the six species modelled, particularly coastal and lowland areas of both the North and South Islands.  相似文献   

S. Perea  I. Doadrio 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(14):3706-3722
The Mediterranean freshwater fish fauna has evolved under constraints imposed by the seasonal weather/hydrological patterns that define the Mediterranean climate. These conditions have influenced the genetic and demographic structure of aquatic communities since their origins in the Mid‐Pliocene. Freshwater species in Mediterranean‐type climates will likely constitute genetically well‐differentiated populations, to varying extents depending on basin size, as a consequence of fragmentation resulting from drought/flood cycles. We developed an integrative framework to study the spatial patterns in genetic diversity, demographic trends, habitat suitability modelling and landscape genetics, to evaluate the evolutionary response of Mediterranean‐type freshwater fish to seasonal fluctuations in weather. To test this evolutionary response, the model species used was Squalius valentinus, an endemic cyprinid of the Spanish Levantine area, where seasonal weather fluctuations are extreme, although our findings may be extrapolated to other Mediterranean‐type species. Our results underscore the significant role of the Mediterranean climate, along with Pleistocene glaciations, in diversification of S. valentinus. We found higher nuclear diversity in larger drainage basins, but higher mitochondrial diversity correlated to habitat suitability rather than basin size. We also found strong correlation between genetic structure and climatic factors associated with Mediterranean seasonality. Demographic and migration analyses suggested population expansion during glacial periods that also contributed to the current genetic structure of S. valentinus populations. The inferred models support the significant contribution of precipitation and temperature to S. valentinus habitat suitability and allow recognizing areas of habitat stability. We highlight the importance of stable habitat conditions, fostered by typical karstic springs found on the Mediterranean littoral coasts, for the preservation of freshwater species inhabiting seasonally fluctuating river systems.  相似文献   

物种分布区研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近 10年来 ,分布区已成为宏观生态学的一个重要概念 ,分布区不仅与物种绝灭、生态入侵、生态位幅度密切相关 ,而且还与地方种群密度以及物种多样性的纬度梯度有关。本文总结了近年来物种分布区研究的一些重要进展。研究表明 :1)物种的地理分布与地方种群密度呈正相关是具有普遍意义的生物地理现象 ,但这一关系受到物种的历史、物种的迁移特性和取样大小等因素的影响 ;2 )尽管物种分布区大小的纬度梯度———Rapoport规律有时并不成立 ,但依然具有重要的生物地理学意义 ,并被推广到山体海拔梯度和海洋深度梯度 ;3)分布区大小、地方种群密度、物种绝灭、生态位幅度、物种多样性的纬度梯度以及Rapoport规律是彼此相关和相互影响的 ,简单的正相关或者负相关不能描述彼此间真实的关系 ;4 )如何从理论上解释地理分布与地方种群的关系、Rapoport规律以及物种多样性的纬度梯度是目前生物地理学争论的焦点。  相似文献   

Aim Using predictive species distribution and ecological niche modelling our objectives are: (1) to identify important climatic drivers of distribution at regional scales of a locally complex and dynamic system – California sage scrub; (2) to map suitable sage scrub habitat in California; and (3) to distinguish between bioclimatic niches of floristic groups within sage scrub to assess the conservation significance of analysing such species groups. Location Coastal mediterranean‐type shrublands of southern and central California. Methods Using point localities from georeferenced herbarium records, we modelled the potential distribution and bioclimatic envelopes of 14 characteristic sage scrub species and three floristic groups (south‐coastal, coastal–interior disjunct and broadly distributed species) based upon current climate conditions. Maxent was used to map climatically suitable habitat, while principal components analysis followed by canonical discriminant analysis were used to distinguish between floristic groups and visualize species and group distributions in multivariate ecological space. Results Geographical distribution patterns of individual species were mirrored in the habitat suitability maps of floristic groups, notably the disjunct distribution of the coastal–interior species. Overlap in the distributions of floristic groups was evident in both geographical and multivariate niche space; however, discriminant analysis confirmed the separability of floristic groups based on bioclimatic variables. Higher performance of floristic group models compared with sage scrub as a whole suggests that groups have differing climate requirements for habitat suitability at regional scales and that breaking sage scrub into floristic groups improves the discrimination between climatically suitable and unsuitable habitat. Main conclusions The finding that presence‐only data and climatic variables can produce useful information on habitat suitability of California sage scrub species and floristic groups at a regional scale has important implications for ongoing efforts of habitat restoration for sage scrub. In addition, modelling at a group level provides important information about the differences in climatic niches within California sage scrub. Finally, the high performance of our floristic group models highlights the potential a community‐level modelling approach holds for investigating plant distribution patterns.  相似文献   

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