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报道了采自西藏墨脱县悬钩子属绢毛亚组Rubus subsect.Lineati (Focke) Yü et Lu两个中国新纪录种,即酒红悬钩子R.calophyllus Clarke.和炫丽悬钩子R splendidissimus Hara.  相似文献   

报道了采自西藏墨脱县悬钩子属绢毛亚组Rubus subsect. Lineati (Focke) Yü et Lu两个中国新纪录种, 即酒红悬钩子R.calophyllus Clarke.和炫丽悬钩子R.splendidissimus Hara.  相似文献   

悬钩子属部分类群的分类订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李维林  贺善安 《植物研究》2001,21(3):346-349
根据野外调查和查阅标本的结果, 对悬钩子属部分类群做了修订。将红毛悬钩子(R.pinfaensis Lévl.et Vant.)并入椭圆悬钩子(R.ellipticus Smith), 栽秧泡(R.ellipticus Smithvar.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke)提升为种(R.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke);棱枝细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.var.angulatus Delav.)并入细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.);毛叶插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.var.tomentosus Card.)并入插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.);狭叶绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.var.angustifolius Hook.)并入绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.)。对针刺悬钩子(R.pungens Camb.)及其各变种做了订正。  相似文献   

报道了悬钩子属植物的2个中国新记录种,分别为浅裂悬钩子(Rubus polyadenus Cardot)和滇印悬钩子(R.opulifolius Bertol)。浅裂悬钩子发现于云南省东南部的河口和个旧等地,其与黔桂悬钩子(R.feddei H.Lév.Vaniot)较为相近,区别在于该种枝条、叶柄和花序轴密被浅红色具腺长刺毛,叶柄较短,叶片长卵形或近琴形,顶端急尖或渐尖,萼片三角状披针形,顶端长尾尖。滇印悬钩子新发现于云南省西北部的高黎贡山,其与拟覆盆子(R.idaeopsis Focke)较为相近,区别后者在于其小叶3~5枚,花序极短,不足3cm长,花柄很短,整个花序密集缩短成近头状。  相似文献   

近年来对我国9个省的悬钩子属植物资源进行了调查采集,并在南京中山植物园建立了田间种质库进行观察研究。本文报导在云南省悬钩子资源调查中发现的1个新种和5个新变种,它们是:Rubus godongensis Gu et Li, R. biflorus Buch.-Ham.ex Smith var.spinocalycinus Gu et Li, R. glabricarpus Cheng var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. gongshanensis Yü et Lu var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. parvifolius L.var.purpureus Gu et Li, R. viburnifolius Focke var.apetalus Gu etLi.  相似文献   

熊先华  徐波  鞠文彬  高云东  邓亨宁  高信芬 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1411-1903/11/21
该文在野外调查、标本采集、标本查阅与鉴定及文献考证的基础上,对西藏墨脱县产的蔷薇科悬钩子属植物进行了系统整理。结果表明:目前发现该区共有悬钩子属植物28种4变种,其中Rubus lineatus Reinw. var. glabrior Hook. f.为中国分布新记录植物,小柱悬钩子(R. columellaris Tutcher)、红毛悬钩子(R. wallichianus Wight et Arn.)、独龙悬钩子(R. taronensis C. Y. Wu ex T. T. Yu et L. T. Lu)和疏松悬钩子(R. efferatus Craib)为西藏分布新记录植物。该文还对《中国植物志》和Flora of China中该属部分学名的不恰当使用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1 植物名称 刺萼粉枝莓(Rubus alexeterius Focke),别名刺萼悬钩子。  相似文献   

王焕冲  和兆荣  孙航 《广西植物》2012,32(3):315-317
报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片。  相似文献   

报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片.  相似文献   

报道江西省种子植物1个新记录属萼脊兰属Sedirea Garay et Sweet,及4个新记录种短茎萼脊兰Sedirea subparishii (Z. H. Tsi) Christenson、白花过路黄Lysimachia huitsunae Chien、黄脉莓Rubus xanthoneurus Focke ex Diels、桂东锦香草Phyllagathis guidongensis K. M. Liu & J. Tian,均发现于罗霄山脉东坡。文中简述各新记录种区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

The genus Rubus is one of the largest genera in the Rosaceae, consisting of more than 750 species in many parts of the world, of which 194 species have been recorded in China. In the present paper the Rubus is understood in its broad sense, including all the blackberries, dewberries and raspberries, comprising the woody and herbaceous kinds. So it is botanically a polymorphic, variable and very complicated group of plants. The detailed analysis and investigation of the evolutionary trends of the main organs in this genus have indicated the passage from shrubs to herbs in an evolutionary line, although there is no obvious discontinuity of morphological characters in various taxa. From a phylogenetic point of view, the Sect. Idaeobatus Focke is the most primitive group, characterized by its shrub habit armed with sharp prickles, aciculae or setae, stipules attached to the petioles, flowers hermaphrodite and often in terminal or axillary inflorescences, very rarely solitary, druplets separated from receptacles. Whereas the herbaceous Sect. Chamaemorus L. is the most advanced group, which is usually unarmed, rarely with aciculae or setae, stipules free, flowers dieocious, solitary, druplets adhering to the receptacles and with high chromosome numbers (2n = 56). Basing upon the evolutionary tendency of morphological features, chromosome numbers of certain species recorded in literature and the distribution patterns of species, a new systematic arrangement of Chinese Rubus has been suggested by the present authors. Focke in his well-known monograph divided the species of Rubus into 12 subgenera, while in the Flora of China 8 sections of Focke were adapted, but some important revisions have been made in some taxa and Sect. Dalibarda Focke has been reduced to Sect. Cylactis Focke. In addition, the arrangement of sections is presented in a reverse order to those of Focke’s system. The species of Rubus in China are classified into 8 sections with 24 subsections (tab. 3) as follows: 1. Sect. Idaeobatus, emend. Yü et Lu(11 subsect. 83 sp.); 2. Sect. Lampobatus Focke (1 sp.); 3. Sect. Rubus (1 sp.); 4. Sect. Malachobatus Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (13 subsect. 85 sp.); 5. Sect. Dalibardastrus (Focke)Yü et Lu (10 sp.); 6. Sect. Chaemaebatus Focke (5 sp.); 7. Sect. Cylactis Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (8 sp.); 8. Sect. Chamaemorus Focke (1 sp.). In respect to the geographical distribution the genus Rubus occurs throughout the world as shown in tab. 2, particularly abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, while the greatest concentration of species appears in North America and E. Asia. Of the more than 750 species in the world, 470 or more species (64%) distributed in North America. It is clearly showm that the center of distribution lies in North America at present time. There are about 200 species recorded in E. Asia, of which the species in China (194) amount to 97% of the total number. By analysis of the distribution of species in China the great majority of them inhabit the southern parts of the Yangtze River where exist the greatest number of species and endemics, especially in southwestern parts of China, namely Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou (tab. 3. 4.). It is interesting to note that the centre of distribution of Rubus in China ranges From northwestern Yunnan to south-western Sichuan (tab. 5), where the genus also reaches its highest morphological diversity. In this region the characteristics of floristic elements of Rubus can be summarized as follows: it is very rich in composition, contaning 6 sections and 94 species, about 66% of the total number of Chinese species; there are also various complex groups, including primitive, intermediate and advanced taxa of phylogenetic importance; the proportion of endemic plants is rather high, reaching 61 species, up to 44% of the total endemics in China. It is noteworthy to note that the most primitive Subsect. Thyrsidaei (Focke) Yü et Lu, consisting of 9 endemic species, distributed in southern slopes of the Mts. Qin Ling and Taihang Shan (Fig. 4). From the above facts we may concluded that the south-western part of China is now not only the center of distribution and differentiation of Rubus in China, but it may also be the center of origin ofthis genus.  相似文献   

何家庆 《植物研究》1996,16(1):51-56
本文第二次增补《安徽植物志》未记入的植物22种5变种。其中20种3变种为安徽地理新分布, 3属(白屈菜属、离子芥属和石莲属)为安徽地理新分布属。本文所引用的植物标本,全部收藏于安微大学资源植物标本室。  相似文献   

报道贵州分布新记录植物25种4变种,即七裂槭 (Acer heptalobum Diels.)、长柄槭(A. longipes Franch ex Rehd.)、富源杜鹃(Rhododendron fuyuanense Z. H. Yang.)、毛柱马缨花(R. delavayi Franch. var. pilostylum K. M. Feng.)、西藏白珠树(Gaultheria wardii Marq. &; Airy Shaw.)、滇豹子花(Nomocharis forrestii Balf.)、黄精(Polygonatum sibircum Delar.ex Redouté.)、 轮叶黄精[P. verticillatum (Linn.) All.]、细根黄精(P. gracile P. Y. Li.)、 距花万寿竹(Disporum calcaratum D. Don.)、 黄花油点草(Tricyrtis latifolia Maxin.)、铺散毛茛(Ranuculus diffuses DC.)、棱喙毛茛(R. trigonus Hand.—Mazz.)、昆明毛茛(R. kunmingensis W.T.Wang.)、展毛昆明毛茛(R. kunningensis W. T. Wang var. hispidus W. T. Wang.)、桔红悬钩子(Rubus aurantiacus Focke.)、西畴悬钩子(R. xichouensis Yü &; Lu.)、黑腺美饰悬钩子(R. subornatus Fooke var. melanadenus Focke.)、多脉悬钩子(R. phoenicolasius Maxim.)、掌叶悬钩子(R. pentagonus Wall. ex Focke.)、 裂叶西康绣线梅[Neillia thibetica Bur. &; Franch. var. lobata (Rehd.) Yü.]、 川康绣线梅(N. affinis Hemsl.)、毛山楂(Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid.)、维西小檗(Berberis weixiensis C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao.)、 南川小檗(B. fallaciosa Schneid.)、万源小檗(B. metopolyantha Ahrendt.)、尼泊尔十大功劳(Mahonia napaulensis DC.)、 长苞十大功劳(M. longibracteata Takeda.)、丁座草[Boschniakia himalaica (Hook. f. &; Thoms.) G. Beck.]。  相似文献   

We examined the phylogeny of the genusRubus in Korea using an internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and a trnL-trnF (trnL/F) intergenic region of the chloroplast DNA. In all, 21 ingroup species (1.2 kb for each species) were analyzed using parsimony, resulting in 672 aligned sequences from ITS, and 502 bases with trnL/F. Individual and combined analysis of ITS and trnL/F data proved that the genusRubus is a monophyletic group. This phylogeny also substantiated a previous sectional classification scheme rather than a subgerius classification scheme. However, our results did not support the earlier sectional classification by Focke (sect.Corchorifolii), but did support the sectional classification of Nakai: sect.Crataegifolii (R. crataegifolius, R. takesimensis andR. trifidus), and sect.Villosii (R. corchorifolius). Most of these species, which are found in Korea and belong to subg.Idaeobatus, appeared in two different groups in all data sets. This suggests that this subgenus is a polyphyletic group that has gone through at least two independent evolutionary processes. The taxa, when mapped onto the combined tree, showed that the occurrence of their morphological characters of simple and compound leaves was concurrent in KoreanRubus. ITS sequence data were consistent overall with the geographical distribution of each species. Furthermore, the trnL/F sequence data provided phylogenetic information within closely related species.  相似文献   

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