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Long-term changes in coral cover for the Caribbean and the Pacific/Southeast Asia regions (PSEA) have proven extremely useful in assessing the main drivers, magnitude and timescales of change. The one major coral reef region where such assessments have not been made is the Indian Ocean (IO). Here, we compiled coral cover survey data from across the IO into a database of ~2,000 surveys from 366 coral reef sites collected between 1977 and 2005. The compilation shows that the 1998 mass coral bleaching event was the single most important and widespread factor influencing the change in coral cover across the region. The trend in coral cover followed a step-type function driven by the 1998 period, which differs from findings in the Caribbean and the PSEA regions where declines have been more continuous and mostly began in the 1980s. Significant regional variation was observed, with most heterogeneity occurring during and after 1998. There was a significant relationship between cover and longitude for all periods, but the relationship became stronger in the period immediately after 1998. Before 1998, highest coral cover was observed in the central IO region, while this changed to the eastern region after 1998. Coral cover and latitude displayed a significant U-shaped relationship immediately after 1998, due to a large decrease in cover in the northern-central regions. Post-1998 coral cover was directly correlated to the impact of the disturbance; areas with the lowest mortality having the highest cover with India–Sri Lanka being an outlier due to its exceptionally high recovery. In 1998, reefs within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were more heavily impacted than unmanaged reefs, losing significantly greater total cover. MPA recovery was greater such that no differences were observed by 2001–2005. This study indicates that the regional patterns in coral cover distribution in the IO are driven mainly by episodic and acute environmental stress.  相似文献   

Theories of species coexistence have played a central role in ecology and evolutionary studies of the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in highly diverse communities. The concept of niche and associated theories predict that competition for available ecological space leads to a ceiling in species richness that influences further diversification patterns. By contrast, the neutral theory supports that speciation is stochastic and diversity independent. We examined the phylogenetic community structure and diversification rates in three families and 14 sites within coral reef fish communities from the Indian and Pacific oceans. Using the phylogenetic relationships among 157 species estimated with 2300 bp of mitochondrial DNA, we tested predictions in terms of species coexistence from the neutral and niche theories. At the regional scale, our findings suggest that phylogenetic community structure shifts during community assembly to a pattern of dispersion as a consequence of allopatric speciation in recent times but overall, variations in diversification rates did not relate with sea level changes. At the local scale, the phylogenetic community structure is consistent with a neutral model of community assembly since no departure from a random sorting of species was observed. The present results support a neutral model of community assembly as a consequence of the stochastic and unpredictable nature of coral reefs favoring generalist and sedentary species competing for living space rather than trophic resources. As a consequence, the observed decrease in diversification rates may be seen as the result of a limited supply of living space as expected in a finite island model.  相似文献   

Population divergence in marine species frequently occurs where there is no conspicuous geographic feature to mark a population boundary. In the absence of a discernible barrier to gene flow, strong conclusions about the processes that drive population divergence in the ocean are often elusive. Because our knowledge of patterns far outpaces our understanding of processes, there is a need to expand hypotheses regarding population divergence in marine species. Here, I posit that certain population-level processes (range expansion, spatial diffusion constraints and metapopulation dynamics) are primary causes of spatial structuring in marine populations rather than auxiliary factors that aid divergence across an incomplete physical barrier to gene flow. In particular, I use examples from Indo-Pacific coral reef organisms to illustrate this point. In connection, spatial patterns of adaptive divergence are unlikely to be correlated with patterns of selectively neutral divergence in many cases, as the processes affecting adaptive and neutral genetic markers are different.  相似文献   

Year-round fluctuation in environmental conditions have a considerable influence on the level of biomarkers, that are usually applied for monitoring marine invertebrates. To date, no data on annual cycles of fatty acid (FA) biomarkers in tropical soft corals are available. The FA composition of the alcyonarian Sinularia flexibilis containing symbiotic microalgae was studied during a year. Two major FAs, 20:4n-6 and 16:0, determined the level of polyunsaturated and saturated FAs (PUFAs and SFAs). The insignificant variations in PUFA content indicated a relatively stable level of phospholipids that formed the structural base of coral cell biomembranes. No clear relationship between the PUFA markers of photosynthetic symbionts and the solar radiation was found. The three-fold increase in the SFA level in the summer correlated with the water temperature and indicated a rise in the level of neutral lipids that made up the energy reserve of corals. The seasonal changes in FA biosynthesis, membrane fluidity, and coral nutrition are discussed.  相似文献   

Although benthic motile invertebrate communities encompass the vast majority of coral reef diversity, their response to habitat modification has been poorly studied. A variety of benthic species, particularly decapods, provide benefits to their coral host enabling them to cope with environmental stressors, and as a result benefit the overall diversity of coral-associated species. However, little is known about how invertebrate assemblages associated with corals will be affected by global perturbations, (either directly or indirectly via their coral host) or their consequences for ecosystem resilience. Analysis of a ten year dataset reveals that the greatest perturbation at Moorea over this time was an outbreak of the corallivorous sea star Acanthaster planci from 2006 to 2009 impacting habitat health, availability and size structure of Pocillopora spp. populations and highlights a positive relationship between coral head size and survival. We then present the results of a mensurative study in 2009 conducted at the end of the perturbation (A. planci outbreak) describing how coral-decapod communities change with percent coral mortality for a selected coral species, Pocillopora eydouxi. The loss of coral tissue as a consequence of A. planci consumption led to an increase in rarefied total species diversity, but caused drastic modifications in community composition driven by a shift from coral obligate to non-obligate decapod species. Our study highlights that larger corals left with live tissue in 2009, formed a restricted habitat where coral obligate decapods, including mutualists, could subsist. We conclude that the size structure of Pocillopora populations at the time of an A. planci outbreak may greatly condition the magnitude of coral mortality as well as the persistence of local populations of obligate decapods.  相似文献   

For 30 years it has been assumed that a single species of cyanobacteria, Phormidium corallyticum, is the volumetrically dominant component of all cases of black band disease (BBD) in coral. Cyanobacterium-specific 16S rRNA gene primers and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses were used to determine the phylogenetic diversity of these BBD cyanobacteria on coral reefs in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific Seas. These analyses indicate that the cyanobacteria that inhabit BBD bacterial mats collected from the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific Seas belong to at least three different taxa, despite the fact that the corals in each case exhibit similar signs and patterns of BBD mat development.  相似文献   


Early research into coral reproductive biology suggested that spawning synchrony was driven by variations in the amplitude of environmental variables that are correlated with latitude, with synchrony predicted to break down at lower latitudes. More recent research has revealed that synchronous spawning, both within and among species, is a feature of all speciose coral assemblages, including equatorial reefs. Nonetheless, considerable variation in reproductive synchrony exists among locations and the hypothesis that the extent of spawning synchrony is correlated with latitude has not been formally tested on a large scale. Here, we use data from 90 sites throughout the Indo-Pacific and a quantitative index of reproductive synchrony applied at a monthly scale to demonstrate that, despite considerable spatial and temporal variation, there is no correlation between latitude and reproductive synchrony. Considering the critical role that successful reproduction plays in the persistence and recovery of coral reefs, research is urgently needed to understand the drivers underpinning variation in reproductive synchrony.


Thermal stress and coral cover as drivers of coral disease outbreaks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Very little is known about how environmental changes such as increasing temperature affect disease dynamics in the ocean, especially at large spatial scales. We asked whether the frequency of warm temperature anomalies is positively related to the frequency of coral disease across 1,500 km of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. We used a new high-resolution satellite dataset of ocean temperature and 6 y of coral disease and coral cover data from annual surveys of 48 reefs to answer this question. We found a highly significant relationship between the frequencies of warm temperature anomalies and of white syndrome, an emergent disease, or potentially, a group of diseases, of Pacific reef-building corals. The effect of temperature was highly dependent on coral cover because white syndrome outbreaks followed warm years, but only on high (>50%) cover reefs, suggesting an important role of host density as a threshold for outbreaks. Our results indicate that the frequency of temperature anomalies, which is predicted to increase in most tropical oceans, can increase the susceptibility of corals to disease, leading to outbreaks where corals are abundant.  相似文献   

The last tropical connection between Atlantic and Indian-Pacific habitats closed c. 2 million years ago (Ma), with the onset of cold-water upwelling off southwestern Africa. Yet comparative morphology indicates more recent connections in several taxa, including reef-associated gobies (genus Gnatholepis). Coalescence and phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA cytochrome b sequences demonstrate that Gnatholepis invaded the Atlantic during an interglacial period approximately 145,000 years ago (d = 0.0054), colonizing from the Indian Ocean to the western Atlantic, and subsequently to the central ( approximately 100,000 years ago) and eastern Atlantic ( approximately 30,000 years ago). Census data show a contemporary range expansion in the northeastern Atlantic linked to global warming.  相似文献   

Browsing fishes have been identified as an important component of coral reef resilience, because in contrast to other herbivorous fishes they are able to feed on established macroalgae. Climate change and local anthropogenic impacts have contributed to phase shifts in many coral reefs from coral to macroalgae dominance, and recent research suggests the potential ability of browsers to reverse such phase shifts. However, there is high variation among studies and some contradicting findings exist. Here, we review the relevant literature to assemble a list of species currently known to contribute to browsing in the Indo-Pacific. Furthermore, we identify spatial and temporal patterns, outline factors influencing browsing, and discuss the probability of phase shift reversal. We formulate research recommendations addressing the identified gaps in knowledge about the interactions of browsing fishes and their environment. To date, 37 species of fishes have been observed consuming macroalgae in the Indo-Pacific. The most important groups are the family Siganidae, the subfamily Scarinae (Labridae), and the subfamily Nasinae (Acanthuridae). Browsing species vary between studies depending on location, season and macroalgae species examined. Several influencing factors, such as structural complexity, palatability of macroalgae and ecosystem connectivity have been suggested to cause these discrepancies. The most promising avenues for future research are the effect of structural complexity, the importance of mobile link species and influences of food availability on the selectivity of browsing species. Increasing our knowledge in these fields will provide a better basis for successful management strategies directed at increasing the resilience of coral reefs.  相似文献   

In the northeast Caribbean, doldrum-like conditions combined with elevated water temperatures in the summer/fall 2005 created the most severe coral bleaching event ever documented within this region. Video monitoring of 100 randomly chosen, permanent transects at five study sites in the US Virgin Islands revealed over 90% of the scleractinian coral cover showed signs of thermal stress by paling or becoming completely white. Lower water temperatures in October allowed some re-coloring of corals; however, a subsequent unprecedented regional outbreak of coral disease affected all sites. Five known diseases or syndromes were recorded; however, most lesions showed signs similar to white plague. Nineteen scleractinian species were affected by disease, with >90% of the disease-induced lesions occurring on the genus Montastraea. The disease outbreak peaked several months after the onset of bleaching at all sites but did not occur at the same time. The mean number of disease-induced lesions increased 51-fold and the mean area of disease-associated mortality increased 13-fold when compared with pre-bleaching disease levels. In the 12 months following the onset of bleaching, coral cover declined at all sites (average loss: 51.5%, range: 42.4–61.8%) reducing the five-site average from 21.4% before bleaching to 10.3% with most mortality caused by white plague disease, not bleaching. Continued losses through October 2007 reduced the average coral cover of the five sites to 8.3% (average 2-year loss: 61.1%, range: 53.0–79.3%). Mean cover by M. annularis (complex) decreased 51%, Colpophyllia natans 78% and Agaricia agaricites 87%. Isolated disease outbreaks have been documented before in the Virgin Islands, but never as widespread or devastating as the one that occurred after the 2005 Caribbean coral-bleaching event. This study provides insight into the effects of continued seawater warming and subsequent coral bleaching events in the Caribbean and highlights the need to understand links between coral bleaching and disease.  相似文献   


Results from the Nature Conservancy Council's Inventory of Ancient Woodland show regional variations in the extent, origin and composition of Scottish woods and the degree to which they are recognized as important sites for nature conservation. Around 14.5% of Scotland is forested but not more than 2% of the land area is ancient woodland. Nearly half of the ancient area has been replanted, mainly with introduced conifers. Thus the area retaining ancient semi-natural woodland covers just 1 % of Scotland. Woodland within Sites of Special Scientific Interest or nature reserves covers 38,154 ha. The majority of this is ancient semi-natural woodland, but 68% of the total ancient semi-natural woodland area is not so protected. The value for nature conservation of many ancient sites has declined because of the extent of replanting and overgrazing. Recent beneficial changes in land use policies and practices need to be continued to prevent further decline in the nature conservation value of these important woods.  相似文献   

The potential litter size of gilts that is based on the ovulation rate is much higher than the actual litter size, which depends on the fertilization rate and subsequent prenatal mortality. Prenatal mortality is divided into embryonic mortality (before Day 30) and fetal mortality (after Day 30). Prenatal loss includes both fertilization failure and prenatal mortality. Crossbred gilts (n = 149) were bred at the first observed estrus after being exposed to the boar at 200 days of age. Time of the first insemination after estrus detection was determined by measurement of vaginal conductivity using a Walsmeta meter. A second insemination was administered either 8 or 16 hours later. Artificial insemination with fresh semen (0 to 3 days old) was used throughout the experiment. Gilts were slaughtered on Day 3 (n = 26), Day 10 (n = 42), Day 30 of gestation (n = 45) or they were allowed to farrow (n = 36). Gilts slaughtered on Day 3 were used to estimate the fertilization rate. Gilts slaughtered on Day 10 and Day 30 were used to calculate embryonic mortality, while fetal mortality was calculated from the gilts that farrowed. The mean (+/-SEM) number of corpora lutea (CL) was 13.15+/-0.46, 13.36+/-0.37 and 12.97+/-0.39 for gilts slaughtered at Days 3, 10 and 30, respectively (P>0.05), and the mean (+/-SEM) number of normal embryos recovered was 11.12+/-0.69, 9.46+/-0.55 and 9.33+/-0.58, respectively. Litter size at parturition was 9.10+/-0.54. There was a significant difference between the number of normal embryos on Day 3 and Day 30 (P=0.05) and also between the number of normal embryos at Day 3 and the number of piglets at term. Ninety percent of the ova were recovered at Day 3. The fertilization rate was calculated either 1) assuming that unrecovered ova had a similar fertilization rate as the recovered ova (FRER=94.5+/-2.0%) or 2) assuming that unrecovered ova were unfertilized (FROR=84.5+/-2.5%). It was concluded that FRER was a more accurate estimation of the fertilization rate. Based on this fertilization rate, embryonic mortality between Day 3 and Day 10 was 20.8+/-8.3%, with an additional 12.5+/-7.1% loss between Day 10 and Day 30, when all gilts were included (P = 0.308). Thus the total prenatal loss, including fertilization failure, up to Day 10 was 26.3% and to Day 30 it was 38.8%. Fetal mortality was 2.2%, giving a total prenatal mortality (excluding fertilization failure) of 35.5% and a prenatal loss of 41%. Most of the prenatal loss was due to embryonic mortality. In those gilts that remained pregnant most of the embryonic loss occurred before Day 10 (19.0+/-6.3%; P=0.003). There was no further loss between Day 10 and 30 of pregnancy. There was a significant difference between the loss from Day 3 to Day 10 compared with the loss from Day 10 to Day 30 (P=0.05); therefore, most of the embryonic loss in pregnant gilts occurred before Day 10. Since fetal mortality was 3.2+/-6.3%, most of the prenatal loss was due to embryonic mortality.  相似文献   

Patterns of reproductive ontogeny in four species of coral reef wrasses (F: Labridae) Hemigymnus melapterus, Hemigymnus fasciatus, Cheilinus fasciatus and Oxycheilinus digramma were investigated. Populations of each species were sampled from two island groups of the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and from coral reefs in the central Philippines. These three sampling locations span 30° of latitude. The GBR and Philippine reefs experience biologically significant differences in water temperature, geography and human activity. The studied wrasses are effectively unfished in Australia but heavily fished in the Philippines. Gonad weights, histology and demographic data were obtained across the entire size and age range of H. melapterus, C. fasciatus and O. digramma from all locations. Analysis identified three processes of male recruitment: functional gonochorism and both forms of protogynous hermaphroditism, monandry and diandry. The expression of these distinct sexual ontogenies was locality dependent. Populations of H. melapterus, H. fasciatus, C. fasciatus and O. digramma on the GBR showed consistently uniform patterns of sexual ontogeny, with all species being exclusively monandric. H. melapterus, C. fasciatus and O. digramma in the Philippines displayed complex sexual ontogenies, with all species showing histological evidence of both diandry and functional gonochorism. Reproductive investment in gonadal tissue, and population sex structure, also differed between GBR and Philippine coral reefs. Philippine populations had substantially lower gonado-somatic indices than populations on the GBR. Nonetheless, Philippine populations matured more rapidly and displayed a protracted timing of sex change over a large size and age range. Thus, mature females appeared earlier and persisted later into ontogeny in the Philippines than on GBR reefs. Protracted timing of sex change on Philippine reefs is likely linked to the presence of primary males in the population, which is known to reduce the strength of selection for mature females to undergo sex change and become male. Hypotheses based on social structure of fish populations, environmental factors and evolutionary history were developed to account for the different patterns of sexual ontogeny in the focal wrasses.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of a new coral disease affecting Indo-Pacific reefs are presented. Porites ulcerative white spot disease (PUWS) is characterized by discrete, bleached, round foci, 3 to 5 mm in diameter, that may either regress or progress to full tissue-thickness ulcerations that coalesce, occasionally resulting in colony mortality. Monitoring of 25 diseased and 5 healthy reference colonies for 17 mo revealed that advanced stages of the disease were characterized by lesion coalescence, partial colony death (i.e. portions of the colony still alive; n = 17) and total colony death (n = 2). Field transmission experiments revealed that 95% of healthy colonies developed lesions within 5 wk after continual exposure to diseased branches, while 60% of the reference colonies remained healthy. The host range of PUWS includes branching and massive Porites spp., and prevalence per species was positively correlated with species density. On 10 reefs surveyed in the Central Philippines, 22 +/- 7% (mean +/- SE) of poritid colonies were infected, and the disease was present on 80% of the surveyed reefs. Poritids are dominant Indo-Pacific reef builders; a disease targeting this genus could cause major shifts in community structure over time. This report contributes to the limited knowledge of PUWS impacts in this region.  相似文献   

A standard approach to improving the accuracy of reef fish population estimates derived from underwater visual censuses (UVCs) is the application of species-specific correction factors, which assumes that a species’ detectability is constant under all conditions. To test this assumption, we quantified detection rates for invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles), which are now a primary threat to coral reef conservation throughout the Caribbean. Estimates of lionfish population density and distribution, which are essential for managing the invasion, are currently obtained through standard UVCs. Using two conventional UVC methods, the belt transect and stationary visual census (SVC), we assessed how lionfish detection rates vary with lionfish body size and habitat complexity (measured as rugosity) on invaded continuous and patch reefs off Cape Eleuthera, the Bahamas. Belt transect and SVC surveys performed equally poorly, with both methods failing to detect the presence of lionfish in >50 % of surveys where thorough, lionfish-focussed searches yielded one or more individuals. Conventional methods underestimated lionfish biomass by ~200 %. Crucially, detection rate varied significantly with both lionfish size and reef rugosity, indicating that the application of a single correction factor across habitats and stages of invasion is unlikely to accurately characterize local populations. Applying variable correction factors that account for site-specific lionfish size and rugosity to conventional survey data increased estimates of lionfish biomass, but these remained significantly lower than actual biomass. To increase the accuracy and reliability of estimates of lionfish density and distribution, monitoring programs should use detailed area searches rather than standard visual survey methods. Our study highlights the importance of accounting for sources of spatial and temporal variation in detection to increase the accuracy of survey data from coral reef systems.  相似文献   

Severe climatic disturbance events often have major impacts on coral reef communities, generating cycles of decline and recovery, and in some extreme cases, community‐level phase shifts from coral‐ to algal‐dominated states. Benthic habitat changes directly affect reef fish communities, with low coral cover usually associated with low fish diversity and abundance. No‐take marine reserves (NTRs) are widely advocated for conserving biodiversity and enhancing the sustainability of exploited fish populations. Numerous studies have documented positive ecological and socio‐economic benefits of NTRs; however, the ability of NTRs to ameliorate the effects of acute disturbances on coral reefs has seldom been investigated. Here, we test these factors by tracking the dynamics of benthic and fish communities, including the important fishery species, coral trout (Plectropomus spp.), over 8 years in both NTRs and fished areas in the Keppel Island group, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Two major disturbances impacted the reefs during the monitoring period, a coral bleaching event in 2006 and a freshwater flood plume in 2011. Both disturbances generated significant declines in coral cover and habitat complexity, with subsequent declines in fish abundance and diversity, and pronounced shifts in fish assemblage structure. Coral trout density also declined in response to the loss of live coral, however, the approximately 2:1 density ratio between NTRs and fished zones was maintained over time. The only post‐disturbance refuges for coral trout spawning stocks were within the NTRs that escaped the worst effects of the disturbances. Although NTRs had little discernible effect on the temporal dynamics of benthic or fish communities, it was evident that the post‐disturbance refuges for coral trout spawning stocks within some NTRs may be critically important to regional‐scale population persistence and recovery.  相似文献   

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