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The ionophore lasalocid A selectively transports amines across lipid membranes. Free energy differences of amine-lasalocid complex formation reactions and the activation barriers of the complex transport were calculated by the finite difference thermodynamic integration method. Four catecholamines were treated: serotonin > dopamine > noradrenaline > adrenaline. The concept of transfer selectivity was introduced, combining binding and activation barrier selectivities. The transfer selectivities correlate well with the relative selectivities of the amines under study.  相似文献   

The incompatibility of acid gelatin/iota-carrageenan mixtures has been studied. Both these biopolymers undergo a conformational coil-helix transition under suitable conditions of temperature and salt. The aim of this work was to study the concentration at which mixtures are incompatible and the influence of pH, salt and temperature on the phase diagram. Incompatibility occurred over a wide range of concentrations for mixtures prepared in deionized water. Compatibility was increased by increasing the pH or the salt concentration. Temperature did not greatly influence the size of the incompatible region. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that attractive electrostatic interactions lead to associative phase separation (traditionally called complex coacervation).  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of sodium caseinate and xanthan at pH 7 and containing 0.1 M NaCl, and their mixtures were investigated using dynamic light scattering. Sodium caseinate solutions showed a bimodal distribution of relaxation rates; with the aggregate peak distribution predominating. Xanthan solutions showed a single distribution at low concentrations (≤0.06 wt.%) and a bimodal distribution at higher concentrations. The sodium caseinate–xanthan mixture modes were independent of the total biopolymer concentration, and behaved as a superposition of sodium caseinate solution alone and xanthan solution alone. This indicates that there is no interaction between xanthan and sodium caseinate in the range of concentrations considered in this study.  相似文献   

We report on the thermodynamic properties of binary compound mixtures of model groups II–VI semiconductors. We use the recently introduced Stillinger–Weber Hamiltonian to model binary mixtures of CdTe and CdSe. We use molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the volume and enthalpy of mixing as a function of mole fraction. The lattice parameter of the mixture closely follows Vegard's law: a linear relation. This implies that the excess volume is a cubic function of mole fraction. A connection is made with hard sphere models of mixed fcc and zincblende structures. The potential energy exhibits a positive deviation from ideal soluton behaviour; the excess enthalpy is nearly independent of temperatures studied (300 and 533 K) and is well described by a simple cubic function of the mole fraction. Using a regular solution approach (combining non-ideal behaviour for the enthalpy with ideal solution behaviour for the entropy of mixing), we arrive at the Gibbs free energy of the mixture. The Gibbs free energy results indicate that the CdTe and CdSe mixtures exhibit phase separation. The upper consolute temperature is found to be 335 K. Finally, we provide the surface energy as a function of composition. It roughly follows ideal solution theory, but with a negative deviation (negative excess surface energy). This indicates that alloying increases the stability, even for nano-particles.  相似文献   

F Guerlesquin  J C Sari  M Bruschi 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7438-7443
The complex formation between cytochrome c3 and ferredoxin I from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Norway was studied by microcalorimetric and pH-stat titration measurements. The stoichiometry of the complex was found to be one molecule of cytochrome c3 per monomer of ferredoxin I. The association constant determined at T = 283 K in tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HCl) buffer, 10(-2) M and pH 7.7, was KA = 1.3 X 10(6) M-1. Though the enthalpy (delta H = 19 +/- 1 kJ.mol-1) and the entropy (delta S = 183 J.K-1.mol-1) were positive and consistent with a hydrophobic process involved in the interaction, the analysis of ionic strength dependence exhibited an important electrostatic effect on the association. The use of both Tris-HCl and phosphate buffers during microcalorimetric experiments showed proton release at pH 6.6. The pH-stat study of proton release indicated that one of the charged groups involved in the interacting site underwent a pK shift from 7.35 to 6.05.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics protocols are widely used for the identification and/or quantitation of proteins in complex biological samples. Described here is a shotgun proteomics protocol that can be used to identify the protein targets of biologically relevant ligands in complex protein mixtures. The protocol combines a quantitative proteomics platform with a covalent modification strategy, termed Stability of Proteins from Rates of Oxidation (SPROX), which utilizes the denaturant dependence of hydrogen peroxide-mediated oxidation of methionine side chains in proteins to assess the thermodynamic properties of proteins and protein-ligand complexes. The quantitative proteomics platform involves the use of isobaric mass tags and a methionine-containing peptide enhancement strategy. The protocol is evaluated in a ligand binding experiment designed to identify the proteins in a yeast cell lysate that bind the well-known enzyme cofactor, β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). The protocol is also used to investigate the protein targets of resveratrol, a biologically active ligand with less well-understood protein targets. A known protein target of resveratrol, cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase, was identified in addition to six other potential new proteins targets including four that are associated with the protein translation machinery, which has previously been implicated as a target of resveratrol.  相似文献   

Turbidity, swelling, and rheological features of semidilute systems of pectin in methanol-water media of different composition have been investigated. By increasing the percentage of methanol in the mixture, the thermodynamic properties of the pectin/methanol/water system become poorer, as shown by increasing turbidity and decreasing swelling. Effects of oscillatory and steady shear flows on intermolecular associations and gelation of pectin in methanol/water mixtures are reported. The effects of methanol concentration on the growth and structure of shear-induced gels, stabilized through hydrogen bonds, are analyzed. Steady shear measurements on these systems reveal shear thickening at low shear rates and disruption of intermolecular associative junctions at high shear rates.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic analysis of two types of binding of ethidium bromide with DNA: intercalation and binding to the outer surface of a biopolymer has been performed by spectrophotometry. It has been shown that the dominant contribution to the energy of external binding of the ligand to DNA is made by hydrophobic interactions, which lead to less negative values of enthalpy and entropy and more severe negative changes in the heat capacity of complex formation as compared with the intercalation type of binding.  相似文献   

In this work we report a kinetic and thermodynamic study relative to the formation of gel systems based on PNA and PNA/DNA dendrimers, useful for drug delivery or diagnostic applications. We realized two kinds of systems: a PNA-based monomolecular system formed by an autoassembling PNA tridendron (A) and a PNA/DNA bimolecular system based on a PNA tridendron with a mixed sequence and a DNA crosslinker (B). Both systems have the ability to form a three-dimensional network by means of specific W-C base pairing.  相似文献   

The synergistic interaction between pectin and chitosan in aqueous acid solution and in the gel phase has been studied by oscillatory shear measurements. Mixtures of pectin and chitosan form thermoreversible gels over a broad composition range by lowering the temperature. The value of the gelation temperature depends on the composition of the mixture, with low values for mixtures with low pectin contents. For incipient gels, a power law can describe the frequency dependence of the complex viscosity, with power law exponents close to -1. The gel evolution of pectin-chitosan mixtures upon a temperature quench below the gel point has been studied. Evidence is provided for a relation between gelation and phase separation in the process of temperature-induced gelation of pectin-chitosan mixtures. A simple model is proposed to rationalize the gelation process in these systems.  相似文献   

The free radical generating activity of airborne particulate matter (PM10) has been proposed as a primary mechanism in biological activity of ambient air pollution. In an effort to determine the impact of the complex mixtures of extractable organic matter (EOM) from airborne particles on oxidative damage to DNA, the level of 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), the most prevalent and stable oxidative lesion, was measured in the human metabolically competent cell line Hep G2. Cultured cells were exposed to equivalent EOM concentrations (5–150 μg/ml) and oxidative DNA damage was analyzed using a modified single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE), which involves the incubation of whole cell DNA with repair specific DNA endonuclease, which cleaves oxidized DNA at the sites of 8-oxodG. EOMs were extracted from PM10 collected daily (24 h intervals) in three European cities: Prague (Czech Republic, two monitoring sites, Libuš and Smíchov), Košice (Slovak Republic) and Sofia (Bulgaria) during 3-month sampling periods in the winter and summer seasons. No substantial time- and dose-dependent increase of oxidative DNA lesions was detected in EOM-treated cells with the exception of the EOM collected at the monitoring site Košice, summer sampling. In this case, 2 h cell exposure to EOM resulted in a slight but significant increase of oxidative DNA damage at three from total of six concentrations. The mean 8-oxodG values at these concentrations ranged from 15.3 to 26.1 per 106 nucleotides with a value 3.5 per 106 nucleotides in untreated cells. B[a]P, the positive control, induced a variable but insignificant increase of oxidative DNA damage in Hep G2 cell (approximately 1.6-fold increase over control value).Based on these data we believe that EOM samples extracted from airborne particle PM10 play probably only a marginal role in oxidative stress generation and oxidative lesion formation to DNA. However, adsorbed organic compounds can undergo various interactions (additive or synergistic) with other PM components or physical factors (UV-A radiation) and in this way they might enhance/multiply the adverse health effects of air pollution.  相似文献   

Plasmids of the N- and M-incompatibility groups were identified in a clinical isolate of Shigella sonnei. The IncN plasmid pDT200 encoded resistance to trimethoprim, streptomycin, and sulfamethoxazole, and specified N-type pili which were synthesized constitutively. The IncM plasmid mediated resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline. It was fi+ and was repressed for pilus synthesis. Pili specified appeared to be of the FII-type. A recombinant plasmid was formed on transfer of these plasmids from Sh. sonnei to Escherichia coli. The cointegrate plasmid expressed two incompatibility phenotypes and encoded two types of pilus. The incompatibility behavior of the cointegrate plasmid formed in vivo resembled that of composite plasmids constructed by in vitro linkage experiments. The finding that plasmids from clinical isolates may express two incompatibility phenotypes and two types of pilus, and that the pilus type and incompatibility group may not necessarily correspond, has important implications for plasmid classification schemes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prospects of successful mass spectrometric protein identification based on mass data from proteolytic digests of complex protein mixtures. Sets of proteolytic peptide masses representing various numbers of digested proteins in a mixture were generated in silico. In each set, different proteins were selected from a protein sequence collection and for each protein the sequence coverage was randomly selected within a particular regime (15-30% or 30-60%). We demonstrate that the Probity algorithm, which is characterized by an optimal tolerance for random interference, employed in an iterative procedure can correctly identify >95% of proteins at a desired significance level in mixtures composed of hundreds of yeast proteins under realistic mass spectrometric experimental constraints. By using a model of the distribution of protein abundance, we demonstrate that the very high efficiency of identification of protein mixtures that can be achieved by appropriate choices of informatics procedures is hampered by limitations of the mass spectrometric dynamic range. The results stress the desire to choose carefully experimental protocols for comprehensive proteome analysis, focusing on truly critical issues such as the dynamic range, which potentially limits the possibilities of identifying low abundance proteins.  相似文献   

Water-soluble extract (WSE), chelated-soluble extract (CSE) and acid-soluble extract (ASE) were obtained from Canna edulis Ker by-product, and their thermal characteristics and physiological behavior were studied. Thermal properties of WSE and ASE demonstrated the exiting of cellulose, as main constituents in the extracts. Different from those of WSE and ASE, the thermal characteristics of CSE demonstrated that it was chiefly composed of cellulose and pectin. The three extracts inhibited both gastric pepsin and lipase enzymatic activities to some extent, and tryptic digestion of β-lactoglobulin as well as lipase hydrolysis of tributyrin in vitro. Therefore, the three extracts could be used as additives in the food industry, in view of safety of C. edulis by-product confirmed by animal experiment.  相似文献   

Peaches (Prunus persica cv. Hermoza) were stored at 0C in regular air (RA) or in controlled atmosphere (CA 10% CO2, 3% O2) for 4 weeks and then ripened for 4 days at 20 degrees C. Woolliness developed in the regular air stored fruit while the controlled atmosphere stored fruit ripened normally. In the woolly fruit symptoms of the disorder were greater in the inner mesocarp than in the outer. Polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin esterase (PE) activities differed in the outer and inner mesocarp of the affected fruit. PG activity was low and PE activity was high in the inner mesocarp of the woolly fruit during ripening relative to the outer mesocarp, while in the healthy fruit, activities were similar in both areas. Cell wall fractions of water-soluble, CDTA-soluble and carbonate-soluble pectins were prepared from freshly harvested peaches and incubated with PE and PG from ripe peaches at different ratios. Only the CDTA-soluble fraction formed a gel with peach enzymes, and the rate of gelation increased with increasing amounts of PE relative to PG. Both water-soluble and CDTA-soluble pectin fractions formed gels with commercial PE (extracted from orange peel). The PE extracted from peaches was stable when stored at 0 degrees C for 9 days, while PG activity was stable only for 1 day. We suggest that PE, acting on pectins in the cell wall in vivo may cause gel formation and that the CDTA-soluble polymers have the capacity to bind apoplastic water and create the dry appearance observed in woolly fruit.  相似文献   

A barrage is a line or zone of demarcation that may develop at the interface where genetically different fungi meet. Barrage formation represents a type of nonself recognition that has often been attributed to the heterokaryon incompatibility system, which limits the co-occurrence of genetically different nuclei in the same cytoplasm during the asexual phase of the life cycle. While the genetic basis of the heterokaryon incompatibility system is well characterized in Neurospora crassa, barrage formation has not been thoroughly investigated. In addition to the previously described Standard Mating Reaction barrage, we identified at least three types of barrage in N. crassa; dark line, clear zone, and raised aggregate of hyphae. Barrage formation in N. crassa was evident only when paired mycelia were genetically different and only when confrontations were carried out on low nutrient growth media. Barrages were observed to occur in some cases between strains that were identical at all major heterokaryon incompatibility (het) loci and the mating-type locus, mat, which acts as a heterokaryon incompatibility locus during the vegetative phase of N. crassa. We also found examples where barrages did not form between strains that had genetic differences at het-6, het-c, and/or mat. Taken together, these results suggest that the genetic control of barrage formation in N. crassa can operate independently from that of heterokaryon incompatibility and mating type. Surprisingly, barrages were not observed to form when wild-collected strains of N. crassa were paired. However, an increase in the frequency of pairings that produced barrages was observed among strains obtained by back-crossing wild strains to laboratory strains, or through successive rounds of inbreeding of wild-derived strains, suggesting the presence in wild strains of genes that suppress barrage.  相似文献   

The enzyme-reduced coenzyme-alpha-ketoglutarate ternary complex is a critical intermediate in the glutamate dehydrogenase-catalyzed reaction. Oxalylglycine, a structural analog of alpha-ketoglutarate which contains an amide carbonyl group in place of a reducible ketone group, is one of the few compounds known to complete with alpha-ketoglutarate itself. In order to examine the role of the ketone group of alpha-ketoglutarate in the ternary complex, we have carried out a calorimetric study of the corresponding oxalylglycine ternary complex, determining the complete delta H, delta G, delta S, and delta Cp profiles and the corresponding interaction parameters for that complex and have compared the various parameters with the corresponding ones previously reported for the alpha-ketoglutarate ternary complex. While the overall delta G values of the two ternary complexes differ only slightly, the enzyme-NADPH-oxalylglycine ternary complex appears to achieve much of its stability from a very tight enzyme-oxalylglycine binary complex with little or no contribution from favorable interactions in the ternary complex, while the alpha-ketoglutarate ternary complex appears to achieve the same stability by a large interaction starting from a very weak enzyme-alpha-ketoglutarate binary complex. Consideration of the enthalpic profiles, however, show that this delta G-derived picture is deceptive. The excess binding energy which stabilizes the oxalylglycine binary is in fact due to hydrogen bonding of the amide group of oxalylglycine to the enzyme; in forming the ternary complex, this hydrogen bonding is lost in favor of forming an oxalylglycine-NADPH interaction, which is very similar to the alpha-ketoglutarate-NADPH interaction which stabilizes the alpha-ketoglutarate ternary complex. We conclude that the alpha-ketoglutarate-NADPH interaction must depend on either hydrogen bonding to or steric hindrance by the ketone group and that the existence of this energetically large interaction cannot be ascribed to imine formation between the keto group and enzyme. These findings also indicate the locus on the reaction coordinate where the reduced coenzyme plays a critical role, a role other than its obvious function as a hydride donor.  相似文献   

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