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L D Van Til  L E Sweet 《CMAJ》2000,162(2):199-202
BACKGROUND: Two of the major risk factors for hepatitis C are injection drug use and receipt of blood or blood products. Many patients are unaware that they have received transfusions. In 1998 Prince Edward Island conducted a province-wide look-back notification program to notify patients who had received transfusions in PEI between Jan. 1, 1984, and June 1, 1990. The authors present the results of the notification program. METHODS: A registry for recipients of blood and blood products was created from the province''s Red Cross blood bank records. The registry data were linked with Vital Statistics data to determine death status and with Health Registration data to determine residence status of recipients (in PEI or moved out of province). All identified recipients with a current PEI mailing address were sent a letter recommending hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing. Laboratory records were checked to determine HCV test results. RESULTS: The registry contained data for 6086 recipients of blood or blood products during the look-back period; 51.1% (3109/6086) had died by the time of notification. Of the remainder, 18.4% (549/2977) were not directly notified because they had moved out of province, had refused delivery of the notification letter or had died recently, or because identifying information was missing from the blood bank records. Of the recipients who were notified 80.4% (1953/2428) underwent testing, and 2.2% (43/1953) were found to be HCV positive. Most of these (58.1% [25/43]) had undergone testing before notification. The HCV positivity rate differed significantly between recipients tested before notification and those tested after notification (9.9% v. 1.1%, p < 0.001). HCV-positive recipients were more likely than other notified recipients to have had multiple transfusions (39.5% v. 9.5%, p < 0.001). INTERPRETATION: Before notification 4.1% of PEI recipients had undergone HCV testing. After notification 91.2% of PEI recipients were identified as tested, dead or moved out of province. The notification program resulted in the identification of the majority of PEI''s transfusion-related cases of hepatitis C.  相似文献   

Drive Dull Care Away: Folksongs from Prince Edward Island. Edward D. "Sandy" Ives. Charlottetown, P.E.I.: Institute of Island Studies, 1999. 269 pp.  相似文献   

Majka CG 《ZooKeys》2010,(51):73-83
The collection of maple sap for the production of maple syrup is a large commercial enterprise in Canada and the United States. In Canada, which produces 85% of the world's supply, it has an annual value of over $168 million CAD. Over 38 million trees are tapped annually, 6.5% of which use traditional buckets for sap collection. These buckets attract significant numbers of insects. Despite this, there has been very little investigation of the scale of this phenomenon and the composition of insects that are attracted to this nutrient source. The present paper reports the results of a preliminary study conducted on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Twenty-eight species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Trichoptera were found in maple sap buckets, 19 of which are known to be attracted to saps and nectars. The physiological role of sap feeding is discussed with reference to moths of the tribe Xylenini, which are active throughout the winter, and are well documented as species that feed on sap flows. Additionally, 18 of the 28 species found in this study are newly recorded in Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, four exotic tunicates (Styela clava, Ciona intestinalis, Botrylloides violaceus and Botryllus schlosseri) have been reported in the Brudenell estuary in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. Styela clava was the first exotic tunicate to arrive in 1997, rapidly establishing, spreading, invading, and eventually becoming a nuisance in several estuaries of PEI. In the Brudenell estuary, S. clava remained the only exotic nuisance tunicate until 2003. In the fall of 2004, the vase tunicate C. intestinalis, was reported in low abundance, followed by the two colonial species, B. schlosseri and B. violaceus, reported in the spring of 2005. The abundance of C. intestinalis rapidly increased post-introduction, eventually replacing S. clava as the foremost nuisance species on mussel farms in the estuary. To date, C. intestinalis continues to colonize this estuary at epidemic proportions, resulting in the continuing drop of S. clava abundance. The current abundance of C. intestinalis is estimated at 5 cm−2, which is similar to S. clava abundance at its height in 2003. The 2006 abundance of S. clava is estimated to have fallen to near 0 cm−2. The dominance of C. intestinalis as a fouling organism on mussel farms is considered a serious threat to this aquaculture industry, mainly due to its unmanageable weight. The process of the detection, establishment, invasiveness, and eventual rise to nuisance level of exotic tunicates in the Brudenell River is presented.  相似文献   

The biodiversity in the sub-Antarctic region is threatened by climatic change and biological invasions, which makes the understanding of distributions of biotas on sub-Antarctic islands essential. Although the distribution patterns of vascular plants and insects on sub-Antarctic islands are well documented, this is not always the case for microarthropods. This study provides the first quantitative assessment of the distribution and abundance of microarthropods on Prince Edward Island (PEI), one of two islands in the Prince Edward Island group. Microarthropod community structure differed significantly between PEI and nearby Marion Island, with only two invasive alien species found on PEI compared with Marion Island. Furthermore, species richness, abundance and community structure differed significantly between habitat types on both islands. This study emphasizes the importance of quarantine measures when visiting PEI to maintain its status as one of the more pristine islands in the sub-Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Abstract Since 1990 under the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture over 100 small wetlands have been restored in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Wetlands were restored by means of dredging accumulated sediment from erosion to emulate pre‐disturbance conditions (i.e., open water and extended hydroperiod). In 1998 and 1999 we compared waterfowl pair and brood use on 22 restored and 24 reference wetlands. More pairs and broods of Ring‐necked Ducks, Gadwall, Green‐winged Teal, and American Black Ducks used restored versus reference wetlands. In restored wetlands waterfowl pair density and species richness were positively correlated with wetland/cattail area, percent cattail cover, and close proximity to freshwater rivers. In addition, a waterfowl reproductive index was positively correlated with percent cattail cover. Green‐winged Teal pair occurrence in restored wetlands was positively correlated with greater amounts of open water and water depths. American Black Duck pairs occurred on most (86%) restored wetlands. Restored small wetlands likely served as stopover points for American Black Duck broods during overland or stream movements, whereas they likely served as a final brood‐rearing destination for Green‐winged Teal broods. We suggest that wetland restoration is a good management tool for increasing populations of Green‐winged Teal and American Black Ducks in Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   

The growth and spread of non-indigenous green crabs (Carcinus maenas) in Atlantic Canada is of concern to the sustainability of shellfish resources, particularly in areas recently invaded. Commercial green crab fishing has been initiated on Prince Edward Island to help control this species and provide a new resource for inshore fishermen. Developing a soft-shell crab product modelled after the Venetian ‘Moleche’ would provide an economic incentive beyond the existing hard-shell crab bait market. However, answers to questions such as the timing and characteristics of green crab moulting are required. A pilot study conducted in 2014–2015 collected seven groups of crabs and held them in individual compartments for 2–4 weeks to record moulting rates and physical characteristics. We found that a synchronized ‘moulting window’ occurs during July for male crabs. Field experiments in 2015 had an average moulting rate of 34%, with group-specific rates as high as 60%. The same cohort of crabs held in the laboratory had an average moulting rate of 48%, with group-specific rates as high as 75%. We observed a gradual increase in moulting rates from early to mid-July, after which all crabs caught had recently moulted, with evidence of new carapaces on all crabs. In 2015, the moulting window followed a 5°C increase in water temperature. Regarding morphology, the presence of a ‘halo’ on the episternites of the carapace was an indicator that a crab would soon moult. These promising results represent the first step in assessing the feasibility of a soft-shell, green crab industry.  相似文献   

The molecular diversity of rumen methanogens in feedlot cattle and the composition of the methanogen populations in these animals from two geographic locations were investigated using 16S rRNA gene libraries prepared from pooled PCR products from 10 animals in Ontario (127 clones) and 10 animals from Prince Edward Island (114 clones). A total of 241 clones were examined, with Methanobrevibacter ruminantium accounting for more than one-third (85 clones) of the clones identified. From these 241 clones, 23 different 16S rRNA phylotypes were identified. Feedlot cattle from Ontario, which were fed a corn-based diet, revealed 11 phylotypes (38 clones) not found in feedlot cattle from Prince Edward Island, whereas the Prince Edward Island cattle, which were fed potato by-products as a finishing diet, had 7 phylotypes (42 clones) not found in cattle from Ontario. Five sequences, representing the remaining 161 clones (67% of the clones), were common in both herds. Of the 23 different sequences, 10 sequences (136 clones) were 89.8 to 100% similar to those from cultivated methanogens belonging to the orders Methanobacteriales, Methanomicrobiales, and Methanosarcinales, and the remaining 13 sequences (105 clones) were 74.1 to 75.8% similar to those from Thermoplasma volcanium and Thermoplasma acidophilum. Overall, nine possible new species were identified from the two clone libraries, including two new species belonging to the order Methanobacteriales and a new genus/species within the order Methanosarcinales. From the present survey, it is difficult to conclude whether the geographical isolation between these two herds or differences between the two finishing diets directly influenced community structure in the rumen. Further studies are warranted to properly assess the differences between these two finishing diets.  相似文献   

The molecular diversity of rumen methanogens in feedlot cattle and the composition of the methanogen populations in these animals from two geographic locations were investigated using 16S rRNA gene libraries prepared from pooled PCR products from 10 animals in Ontario (127 clones) and 10 animals from Prince Edward Island (114 clones). A total of 241 clones were examined, with Methanobrevibacter ruminantium accounting for more than one-third (85 clones) of the clones identified. From these 241 clones, 23 different 16S rRNA phylotypes were identified. Feedlot cattle from Ontario, which were fed a corn-based diet, revealed 11 phylotypes (38 clones) not found in feedlot cattle from Prince Edward Island, whereas the Prince Edward Island cattle, which were fed potato by-products as a finishing diet, had 7 phylotypes (42 clones) not found in cattle from Ontario. Five sequences, representing the remaining 161 clones (67% of the clones), were common in both herds. Of the 23 different sequences, 10 sequences (136 clones) were 89.8 to 100% similar to those from cultivated methanogens belonging to the orders Methanobacteriales, Methanomicrobiales, and Methanosarcinales, and the remaining 13 sequences (105 clones) were 74.1 to 75.8% similar to those from Thermoplasma volcanium and Thermoplasma acidophilum. Overall, nine possible new species were identified from the two clone libraries, including two new species belonging to the order Methanobacteriales and a new genus/species within the order Methanosarcinales. From the present survey, it is difficult to conclude whether the geographical isolation between these two herds or differences between the two finishing diets directly influenced community structure in the rumen. Further studies are warranted to properly assess the differences between these two finishing diets.  相似文献   

Estimations of immunoreactive LH-RH and LH in pooled sera of girls, adult women and postmenopausal women have been carried out. The girls were divided into three groups: I--girls aged 2--4 years, II--girls aged 5--8 years and III--girls 9--12 years of age. The estimated concentrations of LH-RH in particular groups were as following: in group I--1.2 +/- 0.2 pg/ml, in group II--2.2 +/- 0.4 pg/ml, in group III 31.0 +/- 4.4 pg/ml, in adult women 6.3 +/- 1.8 pg/ml. and in postmenopausal women 16.6 +/- 2.4 pg/ml. The concentrations of LH in the same groups were 4.3 +/- 0.7; 4.5 +/- 0.8; 11.0 +/- 1.4, 23.3 +/- 2.4; and 120.0 +/- 14.7 mIU/ml, respectively. The authors suggest that the sexual maturation of girls is initiated by the enhanced hypothalamic activity, reflected in higher concentrations of immunoreactive LH-RH in peripheral serum.  相似文献   

The influence of size (as biomass), morphology and depth on reproductive patterns was examined in populations ofChondrus crispus in the sublittoral zone of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Fronds of ≥ 10 mg wet wt were considered, and a minimum biomass could not be related to reproduction. However, as frond biomass increased, the frequency of reproductive structures also increased. Reproductive maturity was related to the number of dichotomies. Fronds with less than two dichotomies were only occasionally reproductive, while those with two or more dichotomies could bear sori. Depth in the Prince Edward Island environment had no apparent influence on reproductive maturity, and there was no apparent relationship between depth and the vertical distribution of cystocarpic or tetrasporic fronds.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has resulted in the decline or extinction of approximately 200 frog species worldwide. It has been reported throughout much of North America, but its presence on Prince Edward Island (PEI), on the eastern coast of Canada, was unknown. To determine the presence and prevalence of Bd on PEI, skin swabs were collected from 115 frogs from 18 separate sites across the province during the summer of 2009. The swabs were tested through single round end-point PCR for the presence of Bd DNA. Thirty-one frogs were positive, including 25/93 (27%) green frogs Lithobates (Rana) clamitans, 5/20 (25%) northern leopard frogs L. (R.) pipiens, and 1/2 (50%) wood frogs L. sylvaticus (formerly R. sylvatica); 12 of the 18 (67%) sites had at least 1 positive frog. The overall prevalence of Bd infection was estimated at 26.9% (7.2-46.7%, 95% CI). Prevalence amongst green frogs and leopard frogs was similar, but green frogs had a stronger PCR signal when compared to leopard frogs, regardless of age (p < 0.001) and body length (p = 0.476). Amongst green frogs, juveniles were more frequently positive than adults (p = 0.001). Green frogs may be the most reliable species to sample when looking for Bd in eastern North America. The 1 wood frog positive for Bd was found dead from chytridiomycosis; none of the other frogs that were positive for Bd by PCR showed any obvious signs of illness. Further monitoring will be required to determine what effect Bd infection has on amphibian population health on PEI.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The number of damaged lobsters(Homarus americanus) seen aboard commercial moss raking boats varies with the abundance of lobsters on the grounds, but is low in comparison with the numbers known to be damaged.2. Lobster abundance is highest on rough, boulder strewn moss beds, and lowest where beds are smooth.3. Some lobsters are seen to escape from the path of the rake unharmed. The proportion avoiding the rake is lowest on rough grounds, and highest on smooth grounds.4. Examination of rake tracks in heavily raked areas shows that up to 5.2 % of lobsters in the path may be killed by each passage of the rakes.5. Up to 280 lobsters, average size 35 mm carapace length, average value 8 c each, may be killed by one moss raking boat in one day. More lose claws or are wounded.6. Total value of lobsters killed by all rakers in one area is $ 36,000 which is 18 % of landed value of moss or 7 % of lobster landings.7. Some control of moss raking is justified.
Effets de la récolte de «mousse d'Irlande»(Chondrus crispus) sur les homards, dans l'Ile du Prince-Edouard
Extrait Quatre méthodes principales furent utilisées pour évaluer le dommage causé aux stocks de homards par la récolte deChondrus crispus: l'observation depuis les bateaux équipés à cette fin; l'examen, par des plongeurs, des secteurs prospectés et de la densité des peuplements de homards; l'observation sousmarine des rateaux en mouvement et des réactions provoquées sur les homards(Homarus americanus); l'examen des traces creusées par les rateaux et des homards qui s'y trouvaient. Sur les fonds de mousse lisses les peuplements de homards étaient peu denses et les dommages causés par récolte de mousse étaient sans importance. Sur les fonds modérément raboteux l'abondance des homards est estimée à 600 par hectare; approximativement 2 % des homards récoltés sur les traces des rateaux étaient tués à chaque passage. Sur les fonds très raboteux, l'abondance des homards dépassait 1000 par hectare; 5,2 % des homards récoltés sur les traces des rateaux étaient tués. Une récolte intensive de mousse est estimée entraîner la perte de 280 homards par bateau et par jour; il s'y ajoute d'autres dommages, tels que la perte des pinces ou les blessures qui abaissent le taux de croissance et la valeur commerciale. La taille moyenne des homards tués était de 35 mm pour la longueur de la carapace (environ 100 mm de longueur totale); ces homards auraient été commercialement exploitables dans un délai de deux ans, et auraient alors la valeur d'environ 8 «cents» canadiens pièce. La perte totale causée à ces fonds raboteux fut évalué à 36.000 $, somme correspondant à 16–20 % de la valeur de la récolte de mousse, ou à 7 % de la valeur annuelle de la récolte de homards dans ce secteur. Ces chiffres sont suffisamment élevés pour justifier un examen critique des efforts consacrés à la récolte de mousse.

Killer whales at subantarctic Marion Island have been subjected to several scientific studies. In contrast, up until recently, there has been only one record of these animals documented for neighbouring Prince Edward Island. We here report on killer whale observations at Prince Edward Island during March 2012. During 3?days of opportunistic observations at a fur seal colony on the island, killer whales were sighted on six occasions. These probably represented three different pods numbering 11 individuals in total. During all sightings, individuals were seen hunting subantarctic fur seal pups, with four successful predatory events observed.  相似文献   

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