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Hoplonympha natator is an obligate symbiont of Paraneotermes simplicicornis (Kalotermitidae), from southwestern North America. Another Hoplonympha species inhabits Hodotermopsis sjostedti (Archotermopsidae), from montane Southeast Asia. The large phylogenetic and geographical distance between the hosts makes the distribution of Hoplonympha puzzling. Here, we report the phylogenetic position of H. natator from P. simplicicornis through maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis of 18S rRNA genes. The two Hoplonympha species form a clade with a deep node, making a recent symbiont transfer unlikely. The distribution of Hoplonympha may be due to an ancient transfer or strict vertical inheritance with differential loss from other hosts.  相似文献   

Summary Four new species of hystrignathid nematodes are described from the midgut caeca of Passalus unicornus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from St. Lucia, West Indies. Artigasia horridospina n.sp. is differentiated from A. dispar van Waerebeke, 1973 by virtue of fewer rows of spines in the oesophageal region and in possessing lateral alae, and from A. insignia Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in the extent of the oesophageal spiens and in having the lateral alae commence more anteriorly. The first annule is also much shallower than that of A. insignia. Longior semialata n.sp. is differentiated from L. longicollis Travassos & Kloss, 1958 on body length, b ratio, egg size and the starting point of the lateral alae. Mentecle magnifica n.sp. differs from M. parvus Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having the spines of the oesophageal region extending much further down the body and in having ridged eggs. It is also longer and relatively thinner. Paraxyo ensicrinatus n.sp. differs from P. monodelpho Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having a proportionately longer tail. The spines in the oesophageal region also extend considerably further posteriorly than in P. monodelpho.Two types of male associated with the above nematodes are described and illustrated, but not assigned to females. Pulchrocephala? pulchrocephala Travassos, 1925 is redescribed from the gut of the mole-cricket Scapteriscus vicinus.Scanning electron micrographs of four of the described species are given and briefly discussed. ac]19801024  相似文献   

Rotifers are bilateral symmetric animals belonging to Protostomia. The ultrastructure of the rotiferan trophi suggests that they belong to the Gnathifera, and ultrastructural similarities between the integuments and spermatozoa as well as molecular evidence strongly suggest that rotifers and the parasitic acanthocephalans are closely related and form the clade Syndermata. Here we discuss the phylogenetic position of rotifers with regard to the gnathiferan groups. Originally, Gnathifera only included the hermaphroditic Gnathostomulida and the Syndermata. The synapomorphy supporting Gnathifera is the presence of pharyngeal hard parts such as jaws and trophi with similar ultrastructure. The newly discovered Micrognathozoa possesses such jaws and is a strong candidate for inclusion in Gnathifera because their cellular integument also has an apical intracytoplasmic lamina as in Syndermata. But Gnathifera might include other taxa. Potential candidates include the commensalistic Myzostomida and Cycliophora. Traditionally, Myzostomida has been included in the annelids but recent studies regard them either as sister group to the Acanthocephala or Cycliophora. Whether Cycliophora belongs to Gnathifera is still uncertain. Some analyses based on molecular data or total evidence point towards a close relationship between Cycliophora and Syndermata. Other cladistic studies using molecular data, morphological characters or total evidence suggest a sister group relationship between Cycliophora and Entoprocta. More molecular and morphological data and an improved sampling of taxa are obviously needed to elucidate the phylogenetic position of the rotifers and identify which phyla belong to Gnathifera.  相似文献   

The centromere is an essential chromatin domain required for kinetochore recruitment and chromosome segregation in eukaryotes. To perform this role, centro-chromatin adopts a unique structure that provides access to kinetochore proteins and maintains stability under tension during mitosis. This is achieved by the presence of nucleosomes containing the H3 variant CENP-A, which also acts as the epigenetic mark defining the centromere. In this review, we discuss the role of CENP-A on the structure and dynamics of centromeric chromatin. We further discuss the impact of the CENP-A binding proteins CENP-C, CENP-N, and CENP-B on modulating centro-chromatin structure. Based on these findings we provide an overview of the higher order structure of the centromere.  相似文献   

We found a novel cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) from alkalophilic Bacillus sp. G-825-6. The enzyme was expressed in the culture broth by recombinant Bacillus subtilis KN2 and was purified and characterized. The enzyme named CGTase825-6 showed 95% amino acid sequence identity with a known enzyme β-/γ-CGTase from Bacillus firmus/lentus 290-3. However, the product specificity of CGTase825-6 differed from that of β-/γ-CGTase. CGTase825-6 produced γ-cyclodextrin (CD) as the main product, but degradation of γ-CD was observed with prolonged reaction. The product specificity of the enzyme was positioned between γ-CGTase produced by Bacillus clarkii 7364 and B. firmus/lentus 290-3 β-/γ-CGTase. It showed that the difference of product specificity was dependent on only 28 amino acid residues in 671 residues in CGTase825-6. We compared the amino acid sequence of CGTase825-6 and those of other CGTases and constructed a protein structure model of CGTase825-6. The comparison suggested that the diminished loop (Val138-Asp142) should provide subsite -8 for γ-CD production and that Asp142 might have an important role in product specificity. CGTase825-6 should be a useful tool to produce γ-CD and to study the differences of producing mechanisms between γ-CD and β-CD.  相似文献   

Pseudorhabdosynochus cupatus (Young, 1969) is characterised by small lamellosquamodiscs made up of central telescopic rings and peripheral rows of rodlets, and a sclerotised vagina in the shape of a thin-walled coiled tube with three accessory chambers. Two new species of Pseudorhabdosynochus are herein described from epinepheline fish off New Caledonia, South Pacific, and are considered part of the 'P. cupatus group'. P. cyathus n. sp. from Epinephelus howlandi has lamellosquamodiscs made up of four telescopic rings and four rows of separate rodlets; there are dorsal tegumental scales. This species was found only in young hosts; older hosts harbour P. venus Hinsinger & Justine, 2006. P. calathus n. sp. from Epinephelus rivulatus has lamellosquamodiscs made up of four telescopic rings and five rows of separate rodlets; the tegument is smooth. The three species, P. cupatus, P. calathus and P. cyathus, are strictly species specific; although morphologically very similar, they can be distinguished by features of the tegumental scales and measurements of the vagina and haptoral hard parts. P. melanesiensis (Laird, 1958) from E. merra is close to the 'P. cupatus group' according to the morphology of its sclerotised vagina but is distinguished by its squamodiscs which lack telescopic rings. Rare specimens found in E. merra are tentatively attributed to P. coioidesis Bu et al., 1999. A paratype of P. coioidesis is figured for comparison. E. merra, E. fasciatus, E. rivulatus and E. howlandi each have a Pseudorhabdosynochus species of the P. cupatus lineage: these are the dominant species in each host. In addition, E. merra, E. fasciatus and E. howlandi harbour a rare species of Pseudorhabdosynochus, respectively P. cf. coioidesis, P. caledonicus Justine, 2005 and P. venus; these rare species are morphologically unrelated to each other and to the 'P. cupatus group'.  相似文献   

We describe 2 new species of leucochloridiid-like brachylaimoid digeneans parasitizing a variety of birds in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica, each of which we assign to a new genus. According to Pojmanska's (Pojmanska, T. 2002a. Superfamily Brachylaimoidea Joyeux & Foley, 1930. In Keys to the Trematoda, D. I. Gibson, A. Jones, and R. A. Bray [eds.]. CAB International and The Natural History Museum, London, U.K., p. 31-36.) key for the Brachylaimoidea, we are unable to place either species in any family. One species most closely resembles members of Leucochloridium by having well-developed suckers, lacking an esophagus, and having cecal shoulders, gonads at the posterior end, and the genital pore at posterior end of body but differs by having symmetrical testes, a posttesticular ovary, and a terminal genital pore; thus, we propose the genus Bakkeius for it. The second new genus resembles members of Michajlovia by having ventral genital pores but differs by having extracecal uterine loops in the forebody, a cirrus sac containing the pars prostatica and seminal vesicle, and gland cells surrounding the genital pore; thus, we propose Pojmanskia for it. These new genera must currently be treated as incertae sedis according to Pojmanska (op. cit.); however, we feel that future phylogenetic analyses will require emendation of the family diagnosis for Leucochloridiidae to include those taxa with terminal and ventral genital pores and with preovarian testes.  相似文献   

Major parts of amino-acid-coding regions of elongation factor (EF)-1α and EF-2 in Trichomonas tenax were amplified by PCR from total genomic DNA and the products were cloned into a plasmid vector, pGEM-T. The three clones from each of the products of the EF-1α and EF-2 were isolated and sequenced. The insert DNAs of the clones containing EF-1α coding regions were each 1,185 bp long with the same nucleotide sequence and contained 53.1% of G + C nucleotides. Those of the clones containing EF-2 coding regions had two different sequences; one was 2,283 bp long and the other was 2,286 bp long, and their G + C contents were 52.5 and 52.9%, respectively. The copy numbers of the EF-1α and EF-2 gene per chromosome were estimated as four and two, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences obtained by the conceptual translation were 395 residues from EF-1α and 761 and 762 residues from the EF-2s. The sequences were aligned with the other eukaryotic and archaebacterial EF-1αs and EF-2s, respectively. The phylogenetic position of T. tenax was inferred by the maximum likelihood (ML) method using the EF-1α and EF-2 data sets. The EF-1α analysis suggested that three mitochondrion-lacking protozoa, Glugea plecoglossi, Giardia lamblia, and T. tenax, respectively, diverge in this order in the very early phase of eukaryotic evolution. The EF-2 analysis also supported the divergence of T. tenax to be immediately next to G. lamblia. Received: 15 February 1996 / Accepted: 28 June 1996  相似文献   

Pristionchus fissidentatus n. sp., isolated from soil in Nepal, and P. elegans n. sp., isolated from Phelotrupes auratus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Japan, are described. The two new species are recognized as basal within the genus and thus occupy an important position for macroevolutionary studies that center on the model P. pacificus. Pristionchus fissidentatus n. sp. is distinguished by its unique stegostomatal morphology: in the stenostomatous form, the right subventral ridge has three prominent cusps and the left subventral sector has, in addition to a plate with two cusps, a prominent denticle slightly left of ventral; in the eurystomatous form, the right subventral stegostomatal sector shows both a tooth and a ridge with several cusps. Diagnostic of P. elegans n. sp. is the structure of the stenostomatous cheilostom, which bulges medially and is underlain by a large vacuolated ring. No eurystomatous form has been observed in P. elegans n. sp. Reproductive modes of P. fissidentatus n. sp. and P. elegans n. sp. are hermaphroditic and gonochoristic, respectively. The additional isolation of P. fissidentatus n. sp. from soil and two species of scarab beetle on La Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean suggests a broad geographic range for this species.  相似文献   


2′-O-Methyl-5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (1) was synthesized via N3, 5′, 3′-O-protected intermediate 6. Nucleoside 1 was transformed to the next “wobble uridines”, 2 and 3, by hydrolysis and ammonolysis, respectively.  相似文献   

An α-galactosidase capable of converting B red blood cells into the universal blood type cells at the neutral pH was produced by a novel obligate marine bacterium strain KMM 701 (VKM B-2135 D). The organism is heterotrophic, aerobic, and halophilic and requires Na+ ions and temperature up to 34°C for its growth. The strain has a unique combination of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes. Its single intracellular α-galactosidase exceeded other glycoside hydrolases in the level of expression up to 20-fold. The α-galactosidase was purified to determine the N-terminal amino acid sequences and new activities. It was found to inhibit Corynebacterium diphtheria adhesion to host buccal epithelium cell surfaces with high effectiveness. The nucleotide sequence of the homodimeric α-galactosidase indicates that its subunit is composed of 710 amino acid residues with a calculated Mr of 80,055. This α-galactosidase shares structural property with 36 family glycoside hydrolases. The properties of the enzyme are likely to be highly beneficial for medicinal purposes.  相似文献   

The major challenge of this paper comprises an attempt to compare the wealth of folk-information based on "traditional knowledge" with the efficacy of a chemo-biological background based on scientific knowledge. Surprisingly, correlations between plant uses (as food and medicine) and evolutionary status according to morphology (as assigned by Sporne indices) and metabolism (as assigned by diversity of phytochemicals) obey strikingly uniform systematic and evolutionary trends. The resulting patterns suggest a dynamic chemical mechanism for the bioactivity in plants regulated by the antagonistic gallate/caffeate pair. This finding is an important step toward the construction of a coherent chemo-biological language by a dynamic holistic quantitative methodology, one of the most potent prospects for understanding the functioning of nature.  相似文献   

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