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Nuclear counts determined by crystal violet staining from samples of stationary or microcarrier cultures of hybridomas, CHO or Vero cells were consistently and significantly higher than cell concentrations determined by the trypan blue or Coulter counter methods. This difference was attributed to the presence of a significant proportion of binucleated cells, which are assumed to be 35% of the cell population in the stationary phase of Vero cultures. The proportion of such cells during exponential growth was variable. However, continuous sub-culture of these cells induced a degree of synchrony during growth which resulted in a cyclic variation of the difference between the cell and nuclei counting techniques. This data indicates that care should be taken in interpreting cell culture profiles based solely on crystal violet nuclei staining counts.  相似文献   

Comparing the vital DNA dyes Hoechst33342 and DAPI in their ability to visualise cell nuclei of the late rabbit blastocyst, both dyes were found to be equally suited despite differences in staining intensity in embryonic versus extraembryonic tissues and in nuclear versus cytoplasmic domains at the subcellular level: Both dyes stain all nuclei of a given cell layer (e.g. epiblast or hypoblast) evenly and provide satisfactory fluorescence contrast throughout the blastocyst, while not interfering with normal development up to 10 h in vitro. Using short period (60–300 min) irradiation experiments with either dye, single-photon (405 nm) and multi-photon (800 nm) laser excitation was compared in different areas of the same embryo and parameters of multi-photon microscopy were defined for gentle live imaging and tracing of single cells deep to the surface of the embryo. In addition, individual cells were ablated by reducing the “area of interest” to sub-nucleus-size, thus maximally increasing the density of laser energy brought into the tissue. Thickening of epiblast and hypoblast and increased numbers of dense cytoplasmic inclusions within the limits of irradiated areas were found in semithin histological sections in a dose-dependent manner. Ablated cells were found in a necrotic state while neighbouring cells remained apparently unscathed.  相似文献   

Detection of A + T-rich DNA in gels by differential fluorescence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fluorochrome Hoechst 33258 preferentially forms complexes with A + T-rich duplex DNA, whereas ethidium bromide binds nucleic acids independent of base composition. Both compounds can be conveniently used to visualize DNA fractionated by gel electrophoresis. Determination of fluorescence emission from Hoechst 33258-stained restriction fragments normalized to fluorescence derived from the same sample after ethidium bromide staining provides a measure of emission due to A + T content, and allows easy identification of A + T-rich restriction fragments. To demonstrate the utility of this procedure, an A + T map of bacteriophage lambda DNA was constructed and found to be comparable to similar maps derived by alternate techniques. Analysis of recombinant plasmid DNAs with established nucleotide sequences demonstrated that the A + T content of individual restriction fragments could be estimated to within an accuracy of 5%.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A new supravital staining technique is described for honey bee, Apis mellifera L., spermatozoa using the fluorochromes, propidium iodide and Hoechst 33342 (H342), a bis-benzimidazole derivative. Propidium iodide binds to the DNA of sperm which lack membrane integrity and H342 binds to the DNA of all sperm. This assay is a simple and rapid method for determining the percentage nonviabiiity of a male honey bee's sperm. The recommended staining procedure is to incubate sperm in a solution of 5 μ.g/ml H342 and 10 μ.g/ml propidium iodide in modified Kiev solution for 15–20 min. After incubation, wet mounts of the sperm-stain suspension are examined using fluorescence microscopy. Percentage nonviabiiity is determined by the ratio of propidium iodide stained sperm to H342 stained sperm.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33342 is the fluorophore used routinely to measure DNA in X- and Y-chromosome-bearing mammalian sperm so they can be separated by flow sorting. A difference of <3% in DNA mass can be detected. This synthetic dye consists of two adjacent benzimidazole rings with N-methyl-piperazine and phenolic groups at the ends. The molecule permeates the cell membrane of living cells and binds selectively to A-T base pairs exposed in the minor-groove of double stranded DNA. Capability to distinguish and separate X- and Y-chromosome-bearing sperm has led to artificial insemination of somewhere around a million female mammals. Offspring with obvious abnormalities are no more frequent than after insemination of unsorted sperm into cows, horses, humans, pigs, sheep, rabbits, dolphins and other mammals. There is no apparent genotoxic effect from exposure of sperm to Hoechst 33342, although information on cellular toxicity or development of embryos resulting from Hoechst 33342-stained sperm is less reassuring. Little is known about the fate of sperm-delivered Hoechst dye in the female reproductive tract or on progeny of resultant offspring.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for the isolation of nuclei from somatic embryos of carrot (Daucus carota L.), which is applicable to small amounts of material in synchronized culture. The method employs buffers containing a high concentration of glycerol to stabilize the structure of the nuclei. Purification was carried out by centrifugation using preformed Percoll gradients. Treatment with cell wall-degrading enzymes prior to homogenization improved the efficiency of isolation and permitted a reproducible yield of nuclei. The pure preparations were obtained with an efficiency of approximately 60%. The isolated nuclei retained their morphological characteristics as demonstrated by phase — contrast and electron microscopy. Nuclear proteins displayed the expected species of histones by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The isolated nuclei showed high RNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for isolating hemopoietic cell nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new method for isolating cell nuclei is described which involves freezing and thawing cells in 2% Tween 40, then gentle homogenization to release nuclei, followed by immediate microcentrifugation through 50% sucrose. Purified nuclei were obtained in 3 min and yields of 78-95% were obtained from a variety of human hemopoietic cells. Electron microscope analysis of nuclei obtained from HL60 cells showed that 89% of the nuclei were intact and have an appropriate morphology. A low level of contamination with other organelles was revealed by electron microscopy and by using specific assays for plasma membrane, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum (0.5-5.5%). The value of the technique is that nuclear proteins and small metabolites which might be lost by rapid leakage from isolated nuclei and the possibility of biochemical modification of cellular constituents are minimized by using a rapid isolation procedure.  相似文献   

Arbuscules are the most conspicuous structures of arbuscular mycorrhizas. Due to their large surface area, they are regarded as putative sites of nutrient exchange between host and symbiont. A new staining technique for arbuscules is presented in which arbuscules are selectively stained by acidotropic (i.e. based on the ion-trap mechanism) accumulation of neutral red (activity stain). Criteria to distinguish acidotropic staining from staining due to chemical affinity are presented together with approaches to minimize background staining and to check for complete penetration of the dye through the root tissues. The non-toxic staining technique allows detection of arbuscules in living roots within two to six hours. The histochemical properties of neutral red, microscopic techniques, potential pitfalls, the arbuscular life cycle, and aspects of future research are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Understanding the infection biology of fungi is the key step in devising suitable control strategies for plant diseases. Recently, the Arabidopsis-Colletotrichum higginsianum (causal agent of anthracnose) system has emerged as a seminal paradigm for deciphering the infection biology underlying fungus-plant interactions. We describe here three staining methods coupled with confocal microscopy: trypan blue, aniline blue and dual trypan blue-aniline blue fluorescence staining. Trypan blue and aniline blue staining were employed to scan the infection structures of the hemibiotrophic fungus C. higginsianum and host response in A. thaliana leaf tissues. The two techniques then were combined to observe the contrast between in planta fungal infection structures, i.e., infection vesicles, primary hyphae and secondary hyphae, and the host plant defense responses, i.e., papilla formation and hypersensitive response. These staining techniques also were applied to the lentil–C. truncatum pathosystem to demonstrate their applicability for multiple pathosystems.  相似文献   


A modified dichromatic iron-eriocyanine R (Fe-ECR) staining method is described. Staining obtained with this new technique generally was similar to that of hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). Cell nuclei were stained blue. Cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle, and red blood cells, were stained different shades of red. Collagen fibers were stained different shades of orange, usually faintly. Decalcified bony tissue was stained pinkish violet. Epithelial cells were strongly stained deep shades of red, magenta and violet. Cartilage matrix, and goblet and mast cells were unstained. Although Fe-ECR staining differed too much from standard H & E staining to be a substitute for diagnostic purposes, the dichromatic method described might usefully replace van Gieson or trichrome stains, especially if muscle is of interest. A pH 0.95 staining solution was used to differentiate initially over-stained sections followed by washing in distilled water. This dichromatic technique is easier to perform and more precisely controllable than other ECR dichromatic methods. The entire procedure can be completed in less than 5 min. The technique has the advantages of greater technical simplicity and speed, a larger range of polychromasia, and a longer shelf-life than H & E. ECR also is more reliably available than hematoxylin and usually is less expensive.  相似文献   

A rapid protocol for sexing chick embryos (Gallus g. domesticus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M. Clinton 《Animal genetics》1994,25(5):361-362
A method for establishing the sex of chick embryos before the appearance or morphological differences between males and females has been developed. DNA was isolated from 5–7-day-old embryos by proteinase K digestion and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with W-chromosome specific primers. Sexing can be achieved within 1 day using as little as 1 ng template DNA.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid technique for fluorescence staining of fungal nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A technique for staining fungal nuclei using fluorescence stain Hoechst Dye 33258 in McIlvaine standard buffer of pH 7.26–7.44 is reported. It is a broad-spectrum fungal nuclear staining tool found to be effective onAgaricus bisporus, Alternaria helianthi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lini, Penicillium binellum, Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Conidial nuclei ofAlternaria helianthi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lini, andPenicillium binellum also stained well.  相似文献   

Lux A  Morita S  Abe J  Ito K 《Annals of botany》2005,96(6):989-996
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Free-hand sectioning of living plant tissues allows fast microscopic observation of internal structures. The aim of this study was to improve the quality of preparations from roots with suberized cell walls. A whole-mount procedure that enables visualization of exo- and endodermal cells along the root axis was also established. METHODS: Free-hand sections were cleared with lactic acid saturated with chloral hydrate, and observed with or without post-staining in toluidine blue O or aniline blue. Both white light and UV light were used for observation. Lactic acid was also used as a solvent for berberine, and fluorol yellow for clearing and staining the samples used for suberin observation. This procedure was also applied to whole-mount roots with suberized celllayers. KEY RESULTS: Clearing of sections results in good image quality to observe the tissue structure and cell walls compared with non-cleared sections. The use of lactic acid as a solvent for fluorol yellow proved superior to previously used solvents such as polyethylene glycol-glycerol. Clearing and fluorescence staining of thin roots such as those of Arabidopsis thaliana were successful for suberin visualization in endodermal cells within whole-mount roots. For thicker roots, such as those of maize, sorghum or tea, this procedure could be used for visualizing the exodermis in a longitudinal view. Clearing and staining of peeled maize root segments enabled observation of endodermal cell walls. CONCLUSIONS: The clearing procedure using lactic acid improves the quality of images from free-hand sections and clearings. This method enhances the study of plant root anatomy, in particular the histological development and changes of cell walls, when used in combination with fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary A simple, rapid and reproducible test has been developed to measure the viability of cells after irradiation with ultraviolet light (UV). Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoid lines, derived from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), were irradiated with UV, and the post-UV viability of the lymphoid lines was determined by the trypan blue dye exclusion method. The relative post-UV survival of the patients' lymphoid lines was similar to the relative post-UV survival of the patients' fibroblast strains.  相似文献   


We developed a modified staining technique using acridine orange to stain the nuclei of Rhizoctonia solani. Acridine orange solution was prepared in acetic acid buffer, pH 7.2. Staining for 15 min was critical for observing the nuclei. All of the isolates were found to be multinucleated. The nuclei appeared bright green with light orange background. This method is simple, rapid and reproducible.  相似文献   

Ribosome crystallization within nuclei has been studied in chick embryos with procedures which increase its frequency by various orders of magnitude as compared to previous findings. The extrusion of ribosome microcrystals from nuclei is reported for the first time, and a model for the transfer of ribosomes from nucleus to cytoplasm is proposed.  相似文献   

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