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New collections from the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (YBR) and Okapi Wildlife Reserve (OWR) revealed the presence of two groups of specimens similar to, but different from Marcusenius moorii. To study both these groups, an integrated morphological and genetic (mtDNA, cytb) approach was used. This study revealed that one of the two groups is conspecific with Marcusenius lambouri, a junior synonym of M. moorii, which is herein revalidated, with M. moorii longulus as its junior synonym. Marcusenius lambouri differs from M. moorii by a higher number of lateral line scales (44–46 vs. 40–43), a shorter pectoral-fin length (14.6–19.9 vs. 20.3–25.2% standard length; LS) and a more elongated body due to a usually shallower middle body depth (19.8–26.5 vs. 26.3–35.9% LS). The other group revealed to be a new species for science, Marcusenius verheyenorum, which can be distinguished from its congeners with eight circumpeduncular scales by the following unique combination of characters: a rounded head with a terminal mouth; a short and deep caudal peduncle (middle caudal-peduncle depth, 44.9–54.6% caudal-peduncle length; LCP), a deep body (middle body depth, 27.7–34.2% LS), 38–43 scales on the lateral line, 40–41 vertebrae, 20–21 dorsal-fin rays and 26 anal-fin rays. Some specimens previously attributed to M. moorii were examined and reassigned to M. lambouri or M. verheyenorum. As a result, M. moorii and M. lambouri occur in sympatry in the middle Congo Basin, with the distribution area of M. moorii still further extending into the lower Congo Basin. Instead, the distribution of M. verheyenorum is limited to some right bank tributaries of the upstream part of the middle Congo Basin. Two museum records from the Lilanda River (YBR), collected in the 1950s and previously identified as M. moorii, were re-identified as belonging to the new species, M. verheyenorum. However, the species now seems locally extinct in that region, which reflects the significant anthropogenic effects even within this reserve.  相似文献   

Mormyrid fishes produce and sense weak electric organ discharges (EODs) for object detection and communication, and they have been increasingly recognized as useful model organisms for studying signal evolution and speciation. EOD waveform variation can provide important clues to sympatric species boundaries between otherwise similar or morphologically cryptic forms. Endemic to the watersheds of Gabon (Central Africa), Ivindomyrus marchei and Ivindomyrus opdenboschi are morphologically similar to one another. Using morphometric, electrophysiological and molecular characters [cytochrome b sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotypes], we investigated to what extent these nominal mormyrid species have diverged into biological species. Our sampling covered the known distribution of each species with a focus on the Ivindo River, where the two taxa co-occur. An overall pattern of congruence among datasets suggests that I. opdenboschi and I. marchei are mostly distinct. Electric signal analysis showed that EODs of I. opdenboschi tend to have a smaller initial head-positive peak than those of I. marchei, and they often possess a small third waveform peak that is typically absent in EODs of I. marchei. Analysis of sympatric I. opdenboschi and I. marchei populations revealed slight, but significant, genetic partitioning between populations based on AFLP data (F(ST) approximately 0.04). Taken separately, however, none of the characters we evaluated allowed us to discriminate two completely distinct or monophyletic groups. Lack of robust separation on the basis of any single character set may be a consequence of incomplete lineage sorting due to recent ancestry and/or introgressive hybridization. Incongruence between genetic datasets in one individual, which exhibited a mitochondrial haplotype characteristic of I. marchei but nevertheless fell within a genetic cluster of I. opdenboschi based on AFLP genotypes, suggests that a low level of recent hybridization may also be contributing to patterns of character variation in sympatry. Nevertheless, despite less than perfect separability based on any one dataset and inconclusive evidence for complete reproductive isolation between them in the Ivindo River, we find sufficient evidence to support the existence of two distinctive species, I. opdenboschi and I. marchei, even if not 'biological species' in the Mayrian sense.  相似文献   

We combined multiple molecular markers and geometric morphometrics to revise the current taxonomy and to build a phylogenetic hypothesis for the African weakly electric fish genus Campylomormyrus. Genetic data (2039 bp DNA sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear S7 genes) on 106 specimens support the existence of at least six species occurring in sympatry. We were able to further confirm these species by microsatellite analysis at 16 unlinked nuclear loci and landmark-based morphometrics. We assigned them to nominal taxa by comparisons to type specimens of all Campylomormyrus species recognized so far. Additionally, we showed that the shape of the elongated trunk-like snout is the major source of morphological differentiation among them. This finding suggests that the radiation of this speciose genus might have been driven by adaptation to different food sources.  相似文献   

In this study, a first comparative investigation of all four species of Petrocephalus ( P. bovei , P. bane , P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus ) present in the Upper Volta system and their electric organ discharges (EOD) was conducted. It was found that P. bovei was the most widespread (in terms of habitat use), but in several places P. bovei , P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus occurred syntopically. All species emitted a triphasic signal, and with very few exceptions, the Petrocephalus species of the Upper Volta system could clearly be identified on the basis of their EOD waveforms. The most obvious differences between species in EOD waveforms were in amplitude of the last phase, total duration and fast Fourier transformation (FFT) peak frequency. No sexual dimorphism was present in the EOD of any species although external dimorphism, i.e. an indentation at the base of the anal fin of mature males, was common. The EOD waveform diversity in the Upper Volta principally resembled that found in four sympatric Petrocephalus species from the Ogooué system (Gabon) and might play a role in species recognition and speciation processes.  相似文献   

A new red alga, Dasya enomotoi, is described from Japan. This species is characterized by having a large thallus consisting of an elongated axis and many, radially arranged, polysiphonous branches both of which are heavily corticated and densely covered with numerous, soft monosiphonous filaments. It is distinguished from several similar species by the combination of the following: (i) indistinct pericentral cells in transverse sections except near the apices, (ii) the presence of enlarged, inner cortical cells, (iii) radially arranged adventitious monosiphonous filaments, (iv) three‐celled carpogonial branches, (v) six (sometimes five) tetrasporangia in each fertile segment of the stichidia, and (vi) three tetrasporangial cover cells that are not elongated longitudinally and usually not divided transversely. This species may have been identified as D. villosa Harvey by previous investigators in Japan.  相似文献   

Species pairs of whitefish (Coregonus sp.) found in postglacial lakes are used to illustrate the benefits of combining molecular and ecological approaches in studies of adaptive radiation. A detailed mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic analysis revealed that this species complex is composed of five major phylogenetic groups identifying races that survived the Pleistocene glaciations in distinct refugia. It also provided evidence for parallel evolution of sympatric ecotypes, involving bofh allopatric and sympatric origins. This strongly indicated the role of natural selection in driving their divergence. A comparative analysis of niche partitioning supported the hypothesis that the persistence of differential ecological opportunity throughout their ontogeny may be the selective force promoting the extent of specialization reached by whitefish ecotypes. The possibility that these same ecological processes are also responsible for determining the extent of their reproductive isolation was supported by a negative correlation between the extent of gene flow, estimated from microsatellite loci, and that of morphological specialization between ecotypes in different lakes. Previous experimental studies, however, revealed that embryonic mortality rates were 2 to 5 times higher in hybrid compared to pure crosses of ecotypes from distinct glacial races. This indicates that both genetic and ecological mechanisms may jointly act to determine speciation rate in whitefish. It is hoped that this study will not only stimulate further the interest of evolutionary ecologists for molecular genetics, but also that of molecularists for ecology. Promoting the fusion of such apparentiy remote fields of research may represent the most important achievement of molecular ecology as a discipline.  相似文献   

Gasterosteus nipponicus sp. nov. is described from the holotype, 35 paratypes, and 60 additional specimens. The species differs from congeners in the following combination of characters: lateral plates complete, abruptly reducing in size above the anus, depth of lateral plate above the anus < 60 % that of the deepest plate; caudal keels thin, membranous. The new species is distributed in coastal Japan facing the Sea of Japan from Kyushu to Hokkaido Islands, along the Pacific coast of northern Japan from the Chiba Prefecture to Hokkaido, along the Sea of Okhotsk of Hokkaido, west to the southern and eastern coasts of Korean Peninsula, the Maritime Territory and north to Sakhalin Island, Russia.  相似文献   

The effect of deafferentation on glycogen metabolism was studied in the sensory cells of mormyrid Knollenorgan electroreceptors. Glycogen was visualized in the sensory cells after fixation in a solution containing potassium ferricyanide and osmium tetroxide. The density variations of glycogen were evaluated by a morphometric method. Sectioning of the afferent nerve results in a cessation of the spontaneous receptor cells activity after 48 h and the glycogen content of these cells increases three fold in the first 5 days after nerve transection. From day 5 on, the glycogen concentration diminishes progressively until day 13. After the sensory cells had become completely deformed, the quantification of glycogen particles was no longer possible and the degeneration of the sensory cells was complete within 20 days after nerve section. These results show that (1) the afferent nerve fibre is indispensable for the anatomo-functional maintenance of the sensory cells and (2) the nerve has only an indirect influence on glycogen variations within the sensory cells.  相似文献   

The integration of different characters (e.g. morphological, ecological, and molecular) is now recognized as important in species delimitation. In particular, genetic distances between homologous genes have been suggested as one of the main tools to identify species, especially in the case of cryptic species. Quinchamalium is morphologically variable and occupies a diverse set of biomes across its distribution in the Southern Andes. Recent work based on morphology has synonymized the entire genus as a single morphospecies, Quinchamalium chilense. This widely distributed taxon presents the opportunity to find potential cryptic species. The main objective of this study was to test the existence of cryptic species, based mainly on phylogenetic gene trees, genetic distances, and geographic patterns of haplotypes from molecular markers of the nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (trnL-F) genomes, considering climatic and morphological characteristics. The ITS phylogeny and corresponding haplotype network resulted in three lineages with strong genetic differentiation and distinct geographic patterns. These lineages were informally named Desert, Matorral, and Mountain, based on their geographic distribution in different biomes. The trnL-F chloroplast phylogeny did not distinguish Desert from Matorral, and the haplotype network showed overlap between these last two lineages. Overall, we hypothesize the existence of two cryptic species within Quinchamalium chilense (Mountain and Matorral–Desert) that correspond to genetic, climatic, and morphological differences.  相似文献   

We examined genetic differentiation among 23 samples of non-migratory river galaxias from 17 streams in the Taieri River system, South Island, New Zealand. Four major genetic types were found, two of which occur in narrow sympatry in one location. These were compared with topotypical material representing Galaxias anomalus from the Clutha system (Otago) and G. vulgaris from the Waimakariri system (Canterbury) in order to establish identity. Morphological examination of these four major genetic types revealed consistent concomitant differences. The results suggest that there are at least three species of river galaxias in the Taieri system: G. anomalus, G. vulgaris and at least one previously undescribed species. We propose that the genetic structuring and subsequent speciation of this group has been promoted by the absence of the marine juvenile phase that is found in five other members of the genus native to New Zealand. This structuring may be exacerbated by population fragmentation over the last century owing to the negative influence of introduced trout. The phylogenetic diversity within the river system mirrors the diverse flora and invertebrate fauna of the region, and has conservation implications that parallel those resulting from our improved knowledge of the New Zealand herpetofauna through the application of genetic analysis.  相似文献   

We use mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data to show that three weakly electric mormyrid fish specimens collected at three widely separated localities in Gabon, Africa over a 13-year period represent an unrecognized lineage within the subfamily Mormyrinae and determine its phylogenetic position with respect to other taxa. We describe these three specimens as a new genus containing two new species. Cryptomyrus, new genus, is readily distinguished from all other mormyrid genera by a combination of features of squamation, morphometrics, and dental attributes. Cryptomyrus ogoouensis, new species, is differentiated from its single congener, Cryptomyrus ona, new species, by the possession of an anal-fin origin located well in advance of the dorsal fin, a narrow caudal peduncle and caudal-fin lobes nearly as long as the peduncle. In Cryptomyrus ona, the anal-fin origin is located only slightly in advance of the dorsal fin, the caudal peduncle is deep and the caudal-fin lobes considerably shorter than the peduncle. Continued discovery of new taxa within the “Lower Guinea Clade” of Mormyridae highlights the incompleteness of our knowledge of fish diversity in West-Central Africa. We present a revised key to the mormyrid genera of Lower Guinea.  相似文献   

The new species Mollugo viscosa Thulin & Harley is described from Minas Gerais in eastern Brazil. It was previously part of the recently published M. brasiliensis Thulin & Harley, a species that was found to be non‐monophyletic in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Mollugo brasiliensis is here divided into a northern species (M. brasiliensis s.str.) in Bahia and a southern species (M. viscosa sp. nov.) in Minas Gerais. The new species differs from M. brasiliensis in its denser and more viscous indumentum, and in its distinctly smaller seeds with smaller tubercles and a smaller hilar peg, and from its sister species M. ulei by being a perennial herb with bisexual flowers.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of climate aridification and oscillations on the genetic diversity and evolutionary processes of organisms in the Quaternary in north‐western China, we selected Nitraria roborowskii and Nsphaerocarpa and examined the geographical apportionment of genetic variation in their vast range. In the study, 21 plastid haplotypes were identified in Nroborowskii based on two plastid DNA regions. We found significant genetic differentiation between populations in both N. roborowskii and N. sphaerocarpa. We also found similar phylogeographical patterns of allopatric divergence and regional range expansion in both species, but the degree of allopatric divergence in N. roborowskii was lower. Finally, areas to the south of the Alxa Desert, the Hexi Corridor and Ningxia Province were identified as possible refugia for N. roborowskii.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glycogen was studied in sensory cells of the mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii. Knollenorgans, specific cutaneous electroreceptor organs of the lateral line system, have a spontancous electrical activity and their resting discharge in the absence of stimulation is about 0.04 kHz. Various types of stimulation can produce an increase in frequency; the highest frequency (1.30 kHz) is obtained by moving the Knollenorgan above water level. Glycogen was visualized in ultrathin sections after fixation in a solution of potassium ferricyanide and osmium tetroxide. The density of glycogen particles was determined morphometrically in sensory cells before stimulation, after high-frequency activity, and after reimmersion in water. An increase in the electrical activity of the Knollenorgan resulted in a decrease of the glycogen content of sensory cells. The glycogen store was replenished to about 85% of control within 40 min after stimulation and subsequent reimmersion. The results demonstrate that glycogen in the sensory cells of the Knollenorgan represents an energy source which can be catabolized during high electrical activity and replenished during rest.  相似文献   

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